Weekend with the Babysitter

By James Mid

Published on Jul 20, 2001


Please note that this is intended for adult reading. If it illegal for you to view this material in your area, please don't. If you find gay material offensive, then don't read on. If you like it, enjoy.

Jay-My Weekend With The Babysitter

It was a busy weekend coming up and we knew it. My wife had to be away at a women's conference about 300 miles away from home. She had decided that she would go and spend the weekend at the conference center instead of travelling back and forth for the 5 day event. I was busy trying to keep up with my own schedule of events. I had meetings coming out of my ears and a mini-conference to attend in town as well.

We had just had our third child. They were 5, 1, and 1 month old. Even though I knew that I could handle them all most of the time, I couldn't do it this weekend with all the meetings I had. So we decided to hire our babysitter to come in for the 5 days and sleep over.

The house was a disaster. We had just moved into our new home and nothing was in order. We managed to get the kids beds up and our waterbed set up and a couple of boxes of stuff unpacked. Jay was going to stay on the pull out sofa.

My wife was finally out the door and I was rushing past Jay to do the same thing. He was a stunning 17 year old blonde with a hockey player's build. I had struggled with him being in the house as our sitter for a couple of years, now. He gave off all the signs of being gay and I thought that I was too.

I came home after a full day of meetings and the beginning of the mini-conference feeling pretty exhausted. Jay was watching the television when I walked in and looked down the half flight of stairs into the family room. He was sitting there in his boxers. My cock jumped to full staff right away. He lazily called up a hello and went back to his show.

I rushed upstairs to get out of my suit and tie and get into something more comfortable. I decided I needed a cold shower too. After I cooled off a bit I headed downstairs in a pair of shorts and tank top. Jay was almost asleep when I got there. His long strong legs were wide open, giving just a hint of what might lie beneath the shorts. He had a fine layer of blonde hair that covered his legs. He was actually quite hairy for a guy his age, I thought. I was having a hard time controlling myself, but I was managing.

We talked about the day with the kids and he assured me that everything was fine and they got off to bed with no problems. He was the best babysitter we'd ever had for the kids. I asked him why he hadn't gone to bed, yet, if he was so tired and he told me that the pull out couch didn't seem to want to pull out. So we went up to the living room and sure enough the frame was all bent out of shape from the move.

I felt sick to my stomach and excited as well at the next thought that came into my mind. Before I even had a chance to think twice I said, "Well, Jay, I guess you'll have to sleep with me, tonight!" He looked at me and said, "Cool, I've always wanted to try a waterbed out!" I thought to myself, "And I've always wanted to try YOU out!"

So off to bed we went. He pulled off his t-shirt and socks and climbed into bed. As I got undressed I realized that in the rush to settle in I hadn't unpacked any p.j.'s so I turned out the lights and took off my shorts and got into bed beside him. He was dead to the world in minutes. I sure wasn't. Having this rock hard blonde stud lying next to me nearly naked and hot and sweaty was killing me. I managed to get off to sleep after about an hour.

I usually sleep like a rock but I woke in the middle of the night because I was starting to have one of those wet dreams. I hadn't had one since I was a teenager and at 29 I hadn't expected to ever have one again. When I was almost awake, I realized that there was more to this dream than I thought. I was lying on my side facing Jay and he was fondling my cock. I was rock hard and oozing precum all over the sheets. This was too much to believe. He was so gentle and slow. Just moving carefully up and down my shaft and gently fondling my balls in his hand. I just laid there to see what was going to happen next. After a few minutes of this wonderful fondling I was drenched with precum. He moved closer to me and I could feel him put his cock against mine and start rubbing the two in his hand together. I nearly shot my load right there and then. I moaned unexpectedly. He pulled his hand and cock back and just laid still for a few seconds. I rolled onto my back and just lay still again faking a change in my breathing to sound asleep.

He reached over and started to touch me again. This time he started with my nipples and worked his way down my stomach. My cock was just pounding on my belly by now. I couldn't stand it any longer. I gently reached over with my hand and grabbed onto his cock. He jumped back and almost fell over the edge of the bed-quite a job in a waterbed! I told him to relax and said that I was enjoying this. He just sat on the edge of the bed with the street light shining in on his beautiful body looking scared. "I don't know what you're talking about Jim!" I just looked at him and pulled down the sheet. He looked at my gleaming cock and I looked at his in the light. "Why don't you go down on it, Jay. That is what you want isn't it?" He looked at me and said, "Is it really okay?" I reached out and took him by the arm and pulled him toward me. I placed my other hand behind his neck and pulled him towards my cock.

He stopped just short of it and sniffed it. I could feel him breath out the scent that he had just taken in. Then his hot tongue reached out and touched the back of my hard dick. It jumped up and slapped him in the nose. He jumped back and looked at me and we both laughed a bit. He then reached down with his hand and took hold of my dick and just plunged in. It was so good to have him buried in my crotch. This was the first time this had EVER happened to me. My wife hated the thought of oral sex and we had never done it. Quite frankly I hated the thought of going down on her, too. But with a guy I had always wanted this and more.

He was right into it within seconds, just bobbing up and down on my shaft. I could feel my load getting close and I decided to wait. I pushed him off. He sat bolt upright and looked really shocked. "Did I do something wrong? Have you changed your mind?" "Not at all, Jay, I was just about to come and I want to enjoy this a little longer."

I then pushed him onto his back and looked at his dick as it flopped onto his belly. "Oh, my God!" I said. He was huge. He was so young and thin and had a cock that was at least 8 1/2 inches long and a good 5 inches around. He had a beautiful purple head that looked just like a helmet. "I know it's so big! I wish it was smaller!" I just laughed again. "What's so funny!"

"Jay, most guys would kill to have a dick like this. What's your problem with it?"

"That's just it! I am scared because the guys I see in the locker room don't have one this big. I thought I was weird or something...."

"Weird! I don't think so. Lucky is closer to the truth!"

At that I reached out and took his tool in my hand. I started to at his balls. I was always fascinated by balls. His were beautiful. They hung low onto the bed with a nice dusting of blonde hair. The scent was so horny! I worked my way slowly and carefully up his shaft, licking around his shaft. He was making so much noise by this time, I thought he might wake the kids. But they slept on. By the time I reached the top of his shaft his breathing was almost out of control. I pulled back and looked into his eyes in the light of the outside lighting. He was in heaven and I could see it. So was I with young god. I waited a few seconds for him to calm a little and then I switched around to the 69 position. I took his whole cock into my mouth and he latched onto mine. We both began sucking furiously until I knew I was going to cum. I pulled off him and said that I was cumming. He said "Blow it in my mouth!" At the same time as I started to ejaculate stream after stream, he started to blow his load, too. Jism! My first taste of another guy's. I had had mine. His was salty and sweet at the same time. He just blew stream after stream into my mouth. Before either of us knew it, we were dribbling cum on the sheets and humping each other's faces like there was no tomorrow.

Finally the fury settled and we let go of each other's cocks. I looked down at him unable to see his face this time and just started to laugh as a release. He started to laugh too. He scooted around and came close to my face and put his lips on mine. I could taste my cum mingling with his. I stuck my tongue into his mouth and he recipricated. We kissed for quite a while until we started to get hard again. This time we just jerked each other off and licked up the cum off each other's belly's, though.

The saga continues.......

Please e-mail me with feedback at mid_island_guy@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 2

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