Weekend with James and Brian

By duh....it's unclekid

Published on May 4, 2000


Here's the second installment of the story. It's not all that great, but it leads up to other things later on....if you catch my drift. Hope you enjoy.

Comments...questions...other things you wanna know??? Email me at Unclekid@yahoo.com.

Chapter 2

After Brian's call, I decided that I'd better get dressed. I put on my black silk boxers, my wide leg jeans, my navy blue sweater and my tennis shoes. Just as I was about to go fix my hair, I heard Brian honking his horn. I walked to my window and signaled that he should come up for a few minutes so I could finish getting ready. I just finished fixing my hair as he entered my room.

"You ready yet? You move slower than a woman," he smirked.

"Yeah, just gimme a minute," I replied as I was getting unscrewing the cap to my toothpaste.

"Dude, can you move any slower? I'd like to get there before all the hot babes are taken," he said, pushing my back gently, causing me to squeeze the toothpaste too hard.

"Shit dude," I said, looking at the mess on my sweater.


"Damn right 'opps'. Now I gotta change," I said, walking back into my room. Brian flopped down on my bed as I opened my closet door. I took another sweater off the hanger and looked at Brian. "How's this one?"

"Fine, fine. Just hurry up so we can go," he said, getting off the bed.

I stripped the soiled navy blue sweater off and threw it in my hamper. Just as I was pulling the clean one on, I glanced over at Brain and thought he was staring at me. I thought I saw him lick his lips, but my vision was blocked as the cotton fabric came over my eyes and onto my body.

"All right, let's go," I said as I straightened out my sweater.

"Finally," he replied as he headed for the door.

As Brian drove, I couldn't help but think about what I saw earlier. Did he really lick his lips as I was changing or was it my imagination? We've been friends for ages and he's seen my body before. And I've seen his. The only thing we haven't seen from each other is to see each other naked. The one thing I've always wanted....well, other than to actually make love to him. But Brain's straight so I know I have no chance with him. And since he's straight, it was probably just a coincidence that he was licking his lips as I took my shirt off. That's it, that's the only logical explanation, I said to myself.

As I became aware that I was in Brain's car, I noticed by the surroundings that we've finally arrived at the party. We got out and headed inside. A bunch of people from our school were that as well as a good handful that I didn't recognize. Brian and I made our way around and ended up in the kitchen with a group of people from our school.

"Here have a beer," one of them said, handing me two beers, one for me and one for Brian.

"Uh, I don't drink guys," I told him, handing mine back to him.

"Ah come on Jay. Live a little," Brian urged as he opened his bottle. Everyone started to agree with Brian, and not wanting to seem like a ass, took the beer back and started to drink it. Since I haven't drank before, the initial taste took me by surprise. I wanted to spit it out instantly, but decided to swallow to prevent from looking like I couldn't handle it.

We mingled with other people throughout the night and five beers later, Brian and I were ready stumbling around. Getting late and everyone leaving, Brian and I decided that I'd we'd leave too. Not thinking straight, we hopped into his car and hit the road. We sped through the streets and made it to my house in what seemed like five minutes.

"Thanks man. See you later," I told him as I stumbled out of his car.

"Hey, mind if I come in and use your bathroom. I gotta piss like a racehorse," he said getting out of his car.

I told him it was all right and we staggered to my door. I fumbled with my keys and finally got the door opened. Brian must have had to go real bad because he pushed me out of his way and bolted up the stairs. Dazed, I locked the door and headed up the stairs toward my room. I heard Brian peeing and decided to pay him a visit. Still feeling the effects of the alcohol, I walked into my bathroom as I heard Brian moaning with relief. I jumped up on my sink counter and sat there looking at Brian holding his dick, peeing not more than five feet from me. The side view of Brian standing there holding himself was something new to me. I've never watched him relieve himself before and thought it was an interesting sight.

"Feel good now," I asked him as his put his cock back in his pants and zipped his fly.

"You bet," he stated, giving me a smile and grabbing his package through his pants.

"Man, now I gotta go," I said as I made my way to the toilet.

Brian washed his hands and jumped up to sit on the counter just as I had done moments before. I unzipped my fly, not caring that Brian was a few feet away. I whipped out my dick and started to relieve myself.

"Feel good," he asked me, watching me urinate.

"OH YEAH," I moaned.

I glanced over toward him and saw him watching me. "Like what you see, big boy?"

"Oh yeah big boy," he smirked.

I shook off the remaining drops of pee and pushed my dick back into its silk confines. I zipped up my fly and walked to the sink to wash my hands. Brian and I walked into my room and collapsed on my bed.

"Ah, that was fun," I said looking at my clock. "It's getting late man. You should get going."

"Man, I'm really starting to feel the beer. I don't think I can drive like this. Mind if I stay the night?"

"Sure. My parents are gone for the weekend, so it's cool," I said with a smile.

Brian smiled back and then gave me a slap on the back. I retaliated by doing the same to him and before I knew what was going on, we were wrestling around on my bed. A wrong turn later and we both fell and crashed on my floor. Brian started laughing gently which made me do the same.

"You...all right...Bri," I asked trying to hold back the uncontrollable laughter.

"Yeah. I just landed on my ass," he replied.

"Want me to kiss it and make it all better," I said, half serious, half laughing.

"Sure baby. I know you've always wanted to," he stated as he lifted his butt toward my face.

:Still feeling the effects of the alcohol, and driven by my true desire, I placed my hands gently on his hips and brought my face toward his jean covered ass. I puckered up my lips and gave the tight object in front of me a kiss. As I removed my face from his ass, I took a deep breath and realized what I had just done.

"Did you enjoy yourself," Brain asked with a hint of seriousness.

"You bet big man. But I'd like to try the other side of you," I commented still under the influence of the beer.

"Oh, you want some of this huh," he said grabbing his crotch.

"Oh yeah, bring that beautiful thing over here," I said laughing, trying to make it seem like a joke.

Brian started to laugh as well, making me think he was joking as well. We both got up and laid on my bed. There was a long silence that followed. I hoped with everything I had that he believed that I was joking. I leaned my head to the left and saw Brian staring at the ceiling. All I could do was lay there and stare. He was everything that I wanted. He was sexy, had a damn hot body, was smart, athletic, funny, and from what I learned earlier, had a nice sized cock. But I began to realize that there was one problem that prevented me from being with him. He was straight.

"Jay," I heard Brian say, bringing me back to reality.

"Yeah," I said.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure bro."

"Did you mean what you said earlier? About wanting to kiss the other side of me," he asked as he looked me directly in my eyes.

Losing myself in his beep blue eyes, I couldn't formulate a believable lie, so I just uttered out the first thing that came to my mind. "Yeah."

"Can I ask you something else?"

"Shoot.," I said. I figured I told him this much, so anything else he wanted to know I was willing to let him know.

"Can I kiss you," he asked as he leaned his head toward mine.

Before I could respond, his lips were touching mine and we were kissing like two people do right after they get married. The kiss lasted for a minute or so, ending only after he drew back his mouth from mine.

"Wow. That was great," he said.

I was in too much shock to fully comprehend what we just did. I just sat there for a few minutes thinking of the events that just occurred. We just kissed...me and Brian...the one man that I wanted with all my heart...we just kissed.....we just kissed...WE JUST KISSED! It suddenly struck me. But was it a spur of the moment thing or was he serious. Only one way to find out, I thought.

"Bri, can I ask you something," I asked, with the determination to find the answers to my questions.


But instead of asking anything, I leaned my head forward and kissed him on the lips. The passion was intense. His lips were soft and smooth. But this kiss was missing something. So I took the initiative. I started to part his lips with mine and slipped him my tongue. He accepted it immediately with his own tongue. They danced in his mouth as our lips began to acquaint each other.

I finally withdrew my head from his and said, "Well, that answers one question."

"Don't worry," he said. "We have the whole night to discover the rest of the answers together."

I sat there and smiled. He smiled back. We gazed into each other's eyes as our heads neared for the third time. We locked into another passionate kiss and started to roll around on the bed.

Next: Chapter 3

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