Weekend with Big Jim

By MeatMeNKs

Published on May 29, 2004


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertainment for other adults. If you are not eighteen year of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you do.

Weekend with Big Jim Part 3

I have no idea how long I was tied up in the room, but I did try to shake myself loose from time to time but to no avail. All the shaking seemed to do was make more precum drip off of me as my hard cock shook back and forth, bouncing off my legs and abdomen. Finally I heard a door creak open, shortly afterwards I felt another SLAP! across my backside from a meaty hand. "I see you've been introduced to Russell, my right hand man around this place." I heard Big Jim chuckle. He removed the silk gag and blindfold and gave me a drink of water. "Man, am I glad to see you!" I exclaimed! He replied "You may not feel that way if you knew what I had in mind for you this evening. Now, we're gonna get you cleaned out, feed ya then we'll start on the evening's agenda!" I noticed he had that lil' gleam in his eyes... and I knew it was going to be a memorable and fun evening! Big Jim did not untie me as I expected. Instead he moved behind me and I heard a faucet, and shortly afterwards he snaked an enema tube into my ass. As he worked to clean me, I saw that I was indeed tied to an overhead beam and my ankles were secured to eye bolts screwed into the wooden floor. There were two lights aimed at the spot where I was standing, from the front and behind, bathing me in light. I later learned that the entire scene in the room had been watched, and taped by Big Jim. He watched it all on his big screen TV. "I had to make sure you would be able to handle what I had in mind for the eveing." he later explained.

"I'll be back in a while to take you to the kitchen, just try to relax." said Big Jim. He left me alone again. Soon enough, he came back and untied me and led me to the kitchen where a nice meal had been prepared. I sat down and ate as Big Jim told me I was going to be the "entertainment" for the evening. "Every once in a while I have a few select friends over and we like to get naked and play. When I ran across you last nite at the bar I figured I might have found us a good playtoy so I tried you out. I don't know who will enjoy it more tho, you or us!" "What would you like to drink? Beer? or would you prefer something of a better quality? I think I'll start with some Crown and Coke." I replied I'd have the same so he poured us a couple of stiff drinks.

"When does the party get started?" I asked, and Big Jim replied "Later, we don't get started early but we don't get done until early in the morning either. We like to call it Bare Bear Fest, and we love to party our asses off!" he roared with laughter which made me do the same. We spent some good, quality time with the Crown and Coke and before long I was almost as drunk as I had been the nite before! Big Jim looked at his watch and got that gleam in his eyes again and said "It's almost time for you to meet the boys and I think you're just about ready."

He lead me into his "parlor" room where I had been earlier in the day waiting for him. As I walked in behind him I saw four men sitting around chatting and drinking, playing poker at a big round table in the far corner of the room. They all looked like they were in their mid forties to early fifties. Three looked like they were cowboys or ranchers, and one looked like a professor or some academic type. "Men, meet Bob... he will be our toy for the evening." One of the men said "Bring him over closer so we can get a good look at him." I looked at Big Jim and he said "Well, what are you waiting for? Get OVER THERE!" and slapped my ass to get me moving! I walked to where the cowboy who'd spoken was sitting. "Come over here boy, let me look at you" I stood next to his chair as he looked me over, and ran his hands over my chest, ass and then up and down my legs, stopping at my asscrack. His fingers began to tease my hole and my cock began to rise with this and the table full of men all noticed. "He's got a hole made for fuckin' boys, I think you're gonna enjoy this game of 'poker' tonight!" said Big Jim. The men all groaned and the one who had checked me out said "That old joke? Get a new line Jim!" They all roared, and I was told to "sit in the corner until someone needs something." I found soon this mostly meant getting drinks, food, lighting cigars and whatever else the men at the table wanted. At no point did anyone introduce themselves, and I figured if they wanted me to know there names they'd tell me. The night wore on and the men were getting more randy as they drank. As I brought drinks and snacks their hands began to roam more freely, cupping my ass and balls, running their hands over me and pulling me onto their laps.

The man that looked like a professor stood and said "I need a break from the game men, deal me out for a few hands, I'll be busy for a bit" as he looked at me sitting in the corner. He motioned for me to stand and follow him. We went across the room to the couch in front of the fireplace where he sat down. "Kneel between my legs, boy and pull out my cock... start by stroking it." I did as he said and pulled his zipper down and reached inside his pants, grasped his semi-hard cock and began to pull and stroke it. "Ahhh... nice.... keep that up" His cock grew nicely and began to drip. He ran his finger across his cockhead and gathered up some of his precum, holding it up to my lips... "lick it" he said, and shoved his fingers into my mouth. "MMMM..." I moaned. "I'm glad you like it...I want you to suck it all out of me" and with that he pushed my head into his crotch. I eagerly sucked in his hard cock. He wasn't gonna be the biggest cock in the room that night (he was not as hung as Big Jim) but he wasn't small either! I sucked, licked and sucked some more and was treated with the taste of his precum pouring into my mouth. His moans and bucking hips told me he was nearing an orgasm and shortly after my mouth touching his cock, he flooded my mouth with his sticky seed. "UUHNNNGGHHHH!!!!" he cried out as he released his load in me, then slumped back on the couch and smiled at me. "You are as good as advertised, neither Jim or Russell lied! That mouth is hot!" He placed his cock back in his pants, zipped up and went back to the game. "I'm back in men, who's ready to lose money again?" They collectively booed him, then dealt the next hand. I returned to the corner and sat down... but not for long.

After the next couple of hands, two of the older looking cowboy types looked at each other, stood up, looked at me and motioned for me to follow them. Of course, I did just that and was led to the bedroom with the four post bed. I was told to kneel next to the bed. The two men stripped off their clothes and I saw they were wearing leather harnesses underneath. They didn't take much time, the bald one told me to "get over here and suck my cock!" I eagerly agreed! Both of the men were well hung too, packing a couple of 8 inchers that were nice and thick... they looked exactly the same, actually.... then I realized these men were TWINS! One was bald and the other wasn't, and if you didn't look closely you didn't see the resemblence right away. I dove right into my task of sucking the first one and was lost in pure pleasure with a mouth full of hard cock. I didn't notice the second twin was busy... setting the bed up for the rest of the nite.

After a few moments on my knees I was pulled up and moved towards the bed. I looked up and saw the other twin standing on the bed, hard cock jutting out of his crotch and holding two ropes, each one attached to the top of a post of the bed! I looked down as the first twin began running the ropes at the base of the bed posts around my ankles. He pulled my legs towards the posts until they were about as far apart as they could be with me still standing, and tied them tight. The twin on the bed barked out "Give me your arms, NOW!" I raised my arms and he slipped the ropes around my wrists and tied each arm to a post. I was now stretched between the posts, helpless to stop what was going to happen! As he had been tying my arms to the posts, the second twins cock had been bouncing off my face, and when he finished with the ropes he plunged his cock into my mouth... grasping the back of my head both to steady himself and to push his cock farther into my throat. I was deliriously lost in the act of being face-fucked when I felt the hot probe of twin one's cock at the entrance of my ass. I moaned and arched my back as he rubbed some lube around my puckered hole.

I moaned with delight as his hard rod began to bully it's way in, pushing past my entrance as I felt myself fill and stretch as he plowed up and into my tight passage. I was in heaven! I was at the mercy of two hot men... and I LOVED it! I lost myself in the heat of the moment as they used my holes for their own pleasure, pumping me full of cock. As he filled my face, twin two pulled and twisted my nipples making me moan and grind into twin one even harder. I could feel him picking up the pace as he worked in and out of my backside. I felt twin two grasp the back of my head and begin to slam into my throat again and again as his brother used my hips to pull me onto his hard cock. Suddenly I felt another set of hands pulling on my nipples, and yet another set pulling on my cock and balls! It seems the noise coming from the bedroom had drawn the attention of the rest of the guys... the party was beginning to heat up!

Now everyone was in the bedroom and naked. Big Jim stepped onto the bed and reaquainted the back of my throat with his cock as twin two stepped down from the bed. The other cowboy sat down on the bed behind Big Jim so I couldn't see what he was doing. The professor and the twins took regular turns plowing into my ass while I got a mouth full of Big Jim. To say I was in heaven would be an understatement! Professor and the twins took delight in bringing themselves and me to the brink of orgasm only to stop so they could watch me twitch in frustration. Such meanies! Finally, the other cowboy spoke to Big Jim... "Why don't you take a turn at that ass again Jim? Let's see what he thinks about the view behind you when you step away...." I noticed the professor and the twins had moved in front of me... I was soon to find out why! As he moved off the bed and I looked at the other cowboy... my eyes fell on the largest cock I have ever seen!

The guys must have seen this before, and laughed as the look of shock and dismay registered on my face. "OH ... ah, I can't....there's no WAY! I could NEVER take that cock! It's too BIG!" I stammered! I began to struggle at the ropes that bound me to the bed. That only made the other cowboy chuckle. He started stroking the small tree that was sprouting from his groin. I couldn't really say for sure but it had to be at least 10 or 11 inches long and at least twice as thick as Big Jim's cock. And speaking of him, Big Jim spread my cheeks and started to slide his hard thick cock into my already well greased ass. I had to work to relax and accept him even tho I had been fucked for the last hour by three good sized cocks! I expected one of the other men to step up and plant his cock in my mouth but they just watched as I stared, transfixed by the other cowboy as he stroked that cock to life. Finally, Big Jim gave me something to take my mind off the size of that cock by pounding my ass really good. I began to shake and moan as he picked up the pace, and we both started to pant and sweat as we really got into fucking each other. I occasionally opened my eyes and stared at The Cock, as now it was pumped up and dripping more dick lube than I've ever seen a cock spew. I moaned as a small spurt of his precum jumped off his cock and splashed onto his stomach. The professor quickly moved over and licked it up, and then licked his cockhead clean too. The cowboy just leered at me... then, he got up off the bed. I jerked involuntarily as I knew what was coming! He said "Ok, men... let's get him ready." Again, I pulled and shook at the ropes, but the twins had done their jobs... the ropes held firm!

Big Jim had grabbed some clothespins and now clipped them onto my erect nipples and flicked them several times, shooting jolts of pleasure thru my body. The professor moved onto the bed, holding a small brown bottle and held it to my nose. "Here, sniff this if you know what's good for you... inhale deeply, then I'll move it to your other nostril." I did as he said and took a good hit of the poppers. I felt a swoon of delight as they took effect. "You might have a chance to get that in you using these, but it didn't help me." the professor chuckled.

I felt totally exposed now, open and anxious... as I knew the biggest cock I'd ever seen was waiting to split my ass wide open! The cowboy was moving into place behind me... I could tell by watching the faces of the other guys. I'm sure they had seen this before, but they seemed as transfixed by the sight of him as I had been moments before. At that point, Big Jim wiped himself clean and climbed onto the bed, standing next to the professor. "Let's make him airtight, man!" he shouted. With that, he slid his cock into my mouth and down my throat. I could feel the weight of the cowboy's cock bounce off my asscheeks as he positioned himself. A shiver went thru me, and I tried to pull away but the ropes again did their job. The cowboy slapped my ass a few times and ordered me to "stop being a pussy! take it like a man!" I whimpered like a nervous but horny virgin on prom nite as he placed his cock at the entrance to my fuck hole and started to push forward.... "ooooooohhhhhnnnGGGGHHHHH" I moaned, then screamed onto Big Jim's cock as my ass felt like it was on fire! The professor again held up his bottle of magic potion and I inhaled deeply, letting it flow into my nostrils as I began to relax....and could feel his cock start to inch into me! I had never felt more full or stretched than at that very moment! I let Big Jim's cock pop out of my mouth for a moment as I begged the professor for "more, please! more! I need another hit!" He just smiled and held the bottle under my nostrils again. As I took in the poppers, I could feel the cowboy start to press forward again, and my jaw dropped open and I stared into Big Jim's abs without seeing... my entire world was concentrated on my ass ... nothing else mattered! Somehow, he started to slide deeper into my insides...with each inch he took he moaned louder and so did I... then he pulled back just a bit, then forward again. I arched my back and let out a low, primal groan as he pushed forward.... slowly, filling me.... more and more until I was stretched to the edge! My body began to shake, I was moaning helplessly as Big Jim took his place in my gaping mouth again. I knew what a pig on a spit felt like... it was as if those enormous cocks were meeting in the middle of my guts!

Both men began to move faster now, as I continued to shake and moan and suck and arch my back to try to take as much of that cock as I could! Sweat poured off us as the rest of the men began to stroke their cocks, taking in the site of that cock buried in my ass, now fucking me faster and harder as Big Jim fucked my mouth just as hard. I was beyond knowing what was happening conciously, just reacting on instinct and raw sexuality as I got the pounding of my life. I could hear the moans of the other men, but it was as if I weren't in the same room such was the state of my euphoria! The professor and twin one let loose first, almost at the same moment... their cum flying onto the bed with their groans.

This set off twin two, and he moaned loudly and some of his seed hit me in the chest. I barely noticed however, as both of the men using my holes began to gasp and shake, and Big Jim shouted "OH here I GO!!!" I could feel his cock expand, then let loose in my sucking mouth! Again, I swallowed as fast as I could, and still missed getting all his sperm down my throat. At about that moment, the cowboy grabbed my cock and started jerking me, using my hard cock as a handle to finally bury himself balls deep in me! That did it for me! "OOOOHMYGAWDDD! UNNNGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed and spasmed, my legs gave way and I dropped completely onto his cock! My ass gripped him as I sprayed my cum all over Big Jim, and that was all the cowboy could take as that hunk of meat lodged in my ass began to spasm. He cried out and began to unloaded deep inside me! He shook and shouted and pumped me for what seemed like 10 minutes as he tore thru his orgasm!

His orgasm subsiding, he slowly withdrew his cock from me. The twins untied me and the men lay me down onto the bed. "WOW! That was incredible!" said the professor, looking at me with his eyes wide with disbelief. "I've never seen anything like that before." I laughed and said "I've never FELT anything like that before!" We all caught our breath, and drifted back into the main room and had another drink to toast the nite. I looked at Big Jim and said "I won't be able to leave tonight, even if you had planned to take me home... I won't be able to get out the door with a smile this wide!" He laughed and said "I think you're going to spend the nite again, don't worry about that! Tommorow will be your day of rest, you've earned it" and there was that gleam in his eyes again! I just smiled back and went into the bedroom, lay down on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

email inquires or comments to meatmenks@yahoo.com

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