Weekend with Big Jim

By MeatMeNKs

Published on May 29, 2004


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertainment for other adults. If you are not eighteen year of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you do.

Weekend with Big Jim Part 2

I awoke in a strange bed that Saturday morning next to a slumbering hunk of a man, my lover from the previous nite... Big Jim. I slipped out of the bed and walked thru the doorway into the hall where I had shed my clothes the night before...only to find they were nowhere to be found! Granted, having ridden to his house in his pickup and having left my car at the bar, I would have to wait for Big Jim to wake up to take me back to my car anyway, but I was puzzled. "Perhaps he woke up in the nite and moved them", I told myself...yeah, that had to be it... as soon as he is up he will retrieve them and I'd get on home.

I wandered about the large house, and found what appeared to be the living room... a vast space with couches and chairs, tables and lamps of a western style and theme with a large fireplace along the main wall. I saw some magazines, so I sat down and began to read, waiting for Big Jim to wake.

Soon enough, here he came... rambling down the hall and into the main room. He spied me and grinned, "I see you found your way to the parlor!" "Yeah, I thought I'd check the lay of the land, so to speak." He just smiled and said "How 'bout some breakfast? I'm hungry as a bear!" He directed me into the kitchen and made a large breakfast for us. When we finished up I asked about my clothes and getting home to which he replied, "Who said you were gonna get to go home today? I seem to recall you said you didn't have anywhere to be until Monday morning, when you have to be back to work." I stammered "Uh.. yeah, well... I just figured since it was morning... you'd take me back to my car and I'd go home." He just looked at me with that mischievous gleam again and said "Well, you figured wrong, I reckon, I ain't done with you yet... and remember what I said last nite. This is my house, we do things my way."

I was speechless, contemplating what he said. He just laughed at me, and said "You aren't going anywhere until I decide you are... so you might as well relax and enjoy the weekend. I'll let you know when it's time for you to go home. Anyway, what were you gonna do at home that's so important?" I thought for a moment and replied, "I had planned to watch some sports, maybe a movie or two, read, maybe get some good food, things like that." He said, "You can do all that here. You know where the kitchen is, feel free to make anything you want and the TV room is right thru that door, watch some sports, pick out a movie and watch it... I've got quite a collection in there." I thought, "What the hell, I sure had fun last nite so maybe we'll have a repeat of that tonight. There are worse ways to spend a Saturday nite." I went to check out the TV room. I grabbed the remote and settled onto the couch in front of the very big screen television and started checking things out. Big Jim followed me in and said, "Good, I see you've found the remote. Make yourself at home. I'll be back in a bit, I have some things to do around the place, so I'll check back with you later." I said "Cool, I'll be here ... I guess I'm not going anywhere anyway!" We both laughed and he said, "That's the spirit" and walked down the hall.

I woke up on the couch some time later with a blanket over me... but I didn't remember a blanket being in the room or getting up to find one. Judging from the shows on TV it was midafternoon and I hadn't heard or seen Big Jim since earlier so I decided to check around the place. I wandered out into the house and crossed the main room and down the hall towards the door... and suddenly felt someone's presence behind me just as hands grabbed my arms and before I could resist, a pair of cuffs had been slapped around my wrists and I was pushed up against the wall, unable to move! "Jim! What are you doing!" I cried out, but got no response from him...and just as quickly a blindfold was wrapped around my eyes. I was pulled to the ground as I shook my head trying to throw off the blindfold and kicking with my legs trying to get up and away. "Bad plan, Sparky" I heard from a voice behind me, "You think you're gonna use those legs and kick me in the nuts? Think again!" said a voice was not that of Big Jim! "Who are you?!"

I called out as my legs were swept out from under me and I fell to the floor. "Shut up and quit kicking!" the voice barked, and just as quickly my legs were being bound as the owner of the voice laid on top of me to keep me from moving. He was definitely NOT Big Jim! He was not as bearish or meaty but seemed to be quite strong. I was now helpless on the floor... and did I mention I was still quite naked? Here I was, tied up and lying on the floor under a man that was not my host! My attacker rolled off me, pulled me to my knees and instructed me to do as I was told. "That seems to be what I hear the most around here" I smarted back to The Voice and was rewarded with a slap on the ass! "Ouch!" I cried, and was greeted with a laugh and was told again "Shut up... I have plans for you!" I heard a zipper and some rustling of clothes... and with no warning a cock slapped me across the face...a very large and hard cock at that!

I felt the precum from his cockhead splatter across my left cheek and then my right as he dick whipped my face. I instinctively opened my mouth and tried to take a lick. "MMMMM.... good boy!" The Voice said as he slid his cock into my waiting mouth. I had no time to prepare as his long cock slipped past my lips and rammed into my throat!"AARRAAGGGGHHH!!!" I tried to call out but there was too much cock in the way! I felt it go farther and farther down my throat! I couldn't help myself and swallowed several times and was starting to gag and tried to back away when he pulled out and grabbed me by the ears and started pistoning his cock into my face. My attacker had a cock not quite as thick as Big Jim's, but he was much longer. It was all I could do to keep from gagging each time he slid down my throat and then back out. I could feel my own cock start to swell and drip as he pumped my mouth."Ok, get up" he said as he pulled his cock out of me and pulled me to my feet. Suddenly, I was grabbed and thrown over his shoulder! "Let's go to the Fun House!" he said and away we went!

When he put me down, he instructed me to "STAND RIGHT THERE! And don't move!" Needless to say, I did as I was told; I was beginning to learn that was the best thing to do in this house. He grasped my legs and untied them. "Spread your legs, bitch!" I did as I was told... and felt more rope being wound around my ankles. When both legs had been secured to something on the floor, he uncuffed me and let me shake my arms. After a brief respite, he grabbed my wrists again, snaked some rope around them and obviously threw the rope over a beam or something, because suddenly my arms were pulled upward and I was tied into position. "Now, let me look at you....MMM! Jim wasn't lying, you are gonna be fun to use!" I was about to ask "You a friend of Jim's?" and as my mouth opened a silk bandana was slipped around my head, across my mouth and was tied behind my head! The Voice began to slap my ass again, commenting that he "liked that wiggle" as it shook from the slaps. "I bet that ass is gonna wiggle like that when I'm slamming my cock in it" he growled. He ran his hands up and down my body, over and over and rubbing his cock up and down my asscrack, teasing me. On occasion he would lightly slap my cock, causing my precum to splatter on my legs and stomach.

Then I suddenly felt a mouth on my cock! I lurched forward, trying to fill that mouth only to have him pull away..."MMMMHHHHAAARRRR" was the only sound that I could make as I tried to beg for that mouth again, but he only laughed and continued to tease me, repeating this over and over. How long this went on I really can't say, time had come to a halt for me! I felt him loosen the ropes around my ankles. He lowered my arms and told me to step back, and I did so. I heard what sounded like a wooden bench being moved in front of me, and was pushed forward so my body was lying on top of the bench, my feet on the floor. I later learned that it was a padded sawhorse, one of their favorite Fun House toys! My ankles were tied to the legs of the bench and my arms pulled to the end of it and fastened. I was bent over that bench, blindfolded, gagged and roped down with my ass wide open and indefensible! I felt him reach between my stomach and the bench, freeing my hard cock from its entrapment under me. His cool hands pulled gently on my cock and balls... then WHACK! suddenly he slapped my asschecks again! "Yeah, you're right where I want you, bitch... and now I'm gonna take what I want!"

I could only moan, as if it would do any good to say no... as if I wanted to say no! He stood behind me, slapping his long, hard cock against my ass, rubbing up and down my crack. I could hear his breathing get harder, his voice lower when he said "Ok, bitch... your ass is mine!" He place his cockhead at my entrance and SHOVED! "MMHHHNNGGGHHH!" I cried into the silk in my mouth! Pure pleasure engulfed me as his cock slid into me in one long stroke! My legs started to shake and I tried my best to push back against him as he withdrew from me, and just as his cock let my hole he slammed back into me, burying himself to the hilt! "OOOHHHNMMMHHHH!" I cried out again as he fucked me, building up his speed and tempo and making the bench start to bounce across the floor. His breathing become more ragged and sharp, and I could feel his sweat dropping onto me. "OOOH yeah! That's IT! FUCK yes! OOOH! MAN that's a hot ass!" After pounding me for some time I heard him start a long, low growl that seemed to emanate from deep within him...He grabbed me by the shoulders, and if possible sank himself even deeper into my asshole! I felt his cock swell, and he began to scream "UUNNGGGHHAAAHHH!" I'm CUMMING!!!!!" as he shook and slammed me, dumping his load inside my well-plowed asshole. He collapsed onto my back momentarily, then without a word he untied my arms and and legs, moved the bench and retied my ankles to the floor and tied my arms back over the ceiling beam.

I didn't hear a door close, but the silence told me I was alone in the room.

email inquires or comments to meatmenks@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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