Weekend Warriors About His Hair

By moc.loa@99weivaeS

Published on May 2, 2009


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Weekend Warriors: Josh Gets a Haircut

Ever since that first sleepover at Craig's house, Craig and Josh remained close friends - competing together on the wrestling team and spending time together most weekends when Josh was not busy with his girlfriend, Sue. As a matter of fact, Craig's dad kept encouraging him to invite Josh over as much as possible.

Josh would come over at least every other Saturday, and the boys would put down Craig's wrestling mats and spend the afternoon practicing their wresting moves. All of the practice was improving their skill, as well as developing and defining their muscles. As their freshman year wore on, Craig began to catch Josh in his physical development, as well. His voice began growing deeper, and Craig's dark blonde hair began to develop that lustrous sheen that he had so admired with Josh's hair when Josh returned for school after the summer spent in the vineyard. Craig would still catch himself staring at Josh's silky mane, being gently blown by the wind, longing to lose his hands in its alluring beauty.

Craig's sister Becky would always make a nuisance of herself anytime Josh came over, dreaming of Josh breaking up with Sue so she could be his girlfriend, even though she was only seven years old. And Craig's dad would always find some excuse to tousle Josh's luxurious locks, or brush Josh's bangs out of his eyes. By this time, Josh had become accustomed to Craig's family's infatuation with his hair, and was comfortable with it. In fact, he was beginning to enjoy the attention his hair commanded.

Saturday dawned sunny and beautiful. Craig awoke to his mom calling him to the phone. "It's Josh," she said as she handed him the receiver.

"Hey there, stud!" Josh had begun calling Craig 'stud' ever since puberty hit and he began adding muscle to his trim frame.

"Hey Josh, what's up?" Craig replied.

"Sue has developed a cold, so I'm stuck with nothing to do today!" "How about some wrestling practice?"

Craig felt his blood grow warm at the thought of wrestling with Josh, their bodies against each other, their hands sliding all over one another, and Josh's dark, silky hair flying as they wrestled, brushing against Craig's face and body in the movement.

"Man, I'd love to but I promised Dad I would do yard work today!" Craig sounded crestfallen.

"Well, if you had some help, could you maybe finish by lunch and practice this afternoon?"

Josh's offer to help Craig in the yard was more than he could have hoped for!

"Where do you think I might find anyone willing to do that?" Craig playfully responded.

"For one of your Mom's lunches, I'd dig trenches all day!" Josh answered.

"Hold on, let me see," Craig said into the receiver. "Mom! Can Josh join us for lunch?" "He's lonely!" Craig said that last line loud enough that Josh could hear him over the phone.

"Hey! I'm not a charity case!" Josh protested.

"I think that would be fine," Mrs. J. replied, to Craig's utter delight.

"You're on!" Craig challenged Josh. "You're my work boy this morning, then I'll school you in wrestling this afternoon!" he continued.

"We'll see about that!" Josh responded. "I'll be over in about fifteen minutes."

Craig hung-up the phone and dashed upstairs to his room to get ready. He quickly threw on a T-shirt and some shorts, and spent most of the fifteen minutes standing in front of the mirror, running his fingers through his hair, trying to make it as shiny and supple as possible. As much as he admired Josh's hair, he wanted Josh to notice his.

Craig heard the doorbell, and Becky welcoming Josh. He had to get downstairs quick, before she totally embarrassed him! He grabbed a pair of sneakers, and hit the stars two at a time. He ran into the living room and greeted Josh with a huge bear hug. He held him tightly, enjoying the closeness of their bodies, and the slight scent of Josh's shampoo.

"Easy, stud!" Josh teased, "wrestling is not until after lunch!"

"I'm just so glad to see you! I've never had anyone volunteer to do all my work! I feel like Tom Sawyer!", Craig jested.

"Who said anything about ALL your work?" Josh retorted, "This is a partnership arrangement!"

"OK, if you say so," Craig said in a downcast way, carrying the playfulness even farther." "Are you ready to get at it?"

"I am yours to command!" Josh exclaimed with a bow. He held the bow several seconds, and both Becky and Craig were entranced by his long brown hair, dangling below his head. He rose with a flourish, swinging his hair back over his head.

Craig broke his trance. "Oh... OK, let's go then!" he finally stammered.

Josh followed Craig through the kitchen to the back yard, giving Craig's mom a hug on the way.

"Would you rather mow or trim?" Craig asked.

"I had better mow. I think I can tell where to do that without too much instruction," he grinned.

"Mowing it is!" Craig exclaimed as he headed to the tool shed to retrieve the lawn mower.

He checked the oil, and filled the gas tank. When he pushed the mower out of the shed, he was greeted by the final movement of Josh removing his T-shirt. As he pulled it over his head, it lifted his hair above his head, then allowed it to fall back into place. His hair was down to his shoulders now, and shimmered in the bright sunlight.

"I thought I'd work on my suntan some while I work," Josh explained. "Why don't you do likewise?"

"Sure, why should you be the only one to get burned!" Craig kidded as he slid his shirt off over his head. Because of Josh's example of neat, long hair, Craig's parents had consented to allow him to grow his longer, as well. This delighted Craig to no end, especially since his hair now had the extra shine and body imputed by puberty.

Josh took the mower, gave the starter cord a couple of pulls, and brought it to life. He headed toward the edge of the yard to begin his mowing. Craig went back in the tool shed, retrieved the trimmer, and started it up. He headed toward the fence row, to begin trimming behind Josh.

As Craig was trimming, he would take every opportunity to swing around, so he could catch a glimpse of Josh. The wind was blowing slightly, catching the long wisps of Josh's hair, and swirling them around his head. Craig also noticed that Josh's bangs, and the ends of his hair were beginning to get wet from his sweat, and stick to his face and neck. This brought a shiver to Craig.

Unbeknownst to Craig, Josh was stealing glances at Craig from time to time, noticing his longer hair, also becoming wet from sweat.

The boys finished with the back yard, just as Craig's mom came out on the porch carrying a pitcher of tea with two glasses. They turned-off their machines, and gladly took refuge in the shade of the porch for a time of rest and refreshment.

"Thanks, Mom! Perfect timing!" Craig shouted, his ears still ringing from the noise of the trimmer.

"Yes, thanks, Mrs. J!" Josh echoed.

"You're quite welcome, boys," she replied. "You are doing a great job! I think it helps Craig to have someone to keep him 'on task'," she teased.

As she went back into the house, Josh walked over and shook his head violently, showering Craig with sweat from his hair.

"Hey, man that's not fair!" Craig yelled, trying to sound angry. "My hair's not long enough to do that to you, yet!" Although he tried to sound angry, he was actually excited by Josh's action. He set his glass on the table and took out after Josh. Josh quickly dropped his glass and headed across the yard. It didn't take Craig long to catch him, whether by design or not, Craig was not sure. He wrestled Josh to the ground and pinned him on his back.

"Since my hair is not long enough to fling sweat yet, you'll have to put up with this!" he said as he dropped his head, and began slinging his sweaty hair all over Josh's face.

"Uncle!" Josh cried, although he enjoyed the activity more than he wanted to let on.

"Just remember, you're mine today!" Craig reminded him as he helped Josh from the ground, and they returned to finish their iced tea.

After they had rested awhile, they refilled the equipment with gasoline, and headed toward the front yard. They continued their work, each stealing glances at the other when they thought they weren't looking - Craig visualizing Josh's long, wet hair flying as he sprayed him with sweat, and Josh remembering the feel of Craig's soft, wet hair all in his face.

The boy's finished the yard work and took the tools back to the shed. As they were coming back to the house, Craig's mom came to the door to tell them lunch was ready.

"Go wash up, and let's eat!" she said.

Josh and Craig raced upstairs to the bathroom, and each claimed a sink to wash the grass and grime off their hands, arms, and faces. As they passed through the kitchen, Josh caught a whiff of spaghetti - one of his favorites!

Craig wanted to hurry through lunch, so they could get to wrestling, but Josh wanted to eat slowly and savor the delicious meal.

"C'mon man!" Craig pleaded. "Time's a wastin'!"

"Craig, Becky and I are going into town this afternoon. Don't forget you promised your dad to get your hair trimmed today," Mrs. J. told him.

"OK, Mom," Craig whined, "but my hair is still not as long as Josh's!"

"It's not the length... it just needs to be trimmed up a little," she continued.

"Ok, will do," he conceded.

"Aren't you done yet?" he goaded Josh.

"Ok! Ok!" Josh responded, "If you're so anxious to get whipped, then let's go!"

They went upstairs and pulled down the wrestling mats in Craig's room. Having been working all morning, they were already sweaty when they began. Josh's sweaty scent tended to make Craig weak in the knees, and he had to concentrate to keep his attention on the wrestling moves. It seemed to Craig that Josh's hands were spending more time sliding across his body than before - probably just his imagination!

They worked for awhile, took a short break, and began again. Suddenly, Craig was horror-struck.

"Oh No! It's 4:30 already, and I have to go get a haircut!"

"What time does the barbershop close?" Josh asked.

"Five O'clock!" Craig shot back as he jumped to his feet and threw on his shirt and shoes. "Why don't you come along with me? We can talk as we run."

"OK," Josh agreed.

The boys shot out the front door and headed down the street. They ran almost all the way, but slowed down to walk the last block.

"Hey, Josh. Why don't you let Larry give you a little trim today?"

"Oh, I don't think so. Sue really likes my hair long." Josh replied.

"You don't have to get much cut off, just trim it up a little."

"What, you suddenly don't like my hair any more?" Josh kidded, knowing how much Craig admired his hair.

"It's not that!" Craig protested. "I just think you'll love the shampoo that Larry gives beforehand. Have you ever had a barber shampoo your hair before?"

"No. I haven't been to a barber since I let my hair grow, and before that, I always just got the 'little boy's cut'," Josh answered.

"It's awesome! He massages your scalp, and it's very relaxing!" Craig continued.

Actually, it was not very relaxing for Craig. He would always get aroused whenever Larry was shampooing him, but he couldn't tell Josh that!

"I didn't bring any money," Josh continued with the excuses.

"My treat!" Craig offered, "C'mon! Be a sport!"

Craig really just wanted to watch Larry give Josh a shampoo, imagining he were doing it himself.

"Ok, but just a little trim!" Josh finally relented.

"Great!" Craig was ecstatic.

The reached the barbershop at 4:45, and walked through the door.

"Hey Larry!" Craig greeted the lone barber, who was still cutting another kid's hair.

"Hey Craig! Who's your friend?" he asked.

"This is Josh, my wrestling buddy." Craig responded.

Craig thought Larry was cool. He was in his mid twenties, very handsome, and had silky light blonde hair about the length of his own.

"Are you both wanting haircuts today?" Larry asked, a little hesitant. "Yeah, I actually talked Josh into a trim!" Craig crowed.

"I'm sorry guys, but I don't think I will have time to give both of you shampoos and haircuts. I need to leave by 5:45, and won't be through with Jesse here for another 15 minutes."

Craig was crushed! He looked down at the floor, and Larry could tell he was greatly disappointed.

"I tell you what. If you both really want haircuts today, there may be a way we can get it done," he offered.

"What is it!?" Craig blurted, anxious to make it happen any way he could.

"I won't have time to give you shampoos, but if you would shampoo your own hair while I finish up with Jesse, I would have time for your haircuts."

Craig looked at Josh with pleading eyes. Josh smiled and nodded.

"Yes!!!" Craig thought to himself.

Larry walked with them over to the shampoo station.

"Actually guys, the way this is designed, it works better if you're leaning back in the chair. Would you be comfortable giving each other a shampoo?"

Craig could not believe his luck! But then, he was not sure if Josh would be game. Josh looked at Craig, remembering the time he had run his fingers through his hair that first night he slept over at Craig's, and how nice it felt. It might feel even nicer having him give him a shampoo.

Josh plopped down in the chair. "Ok, stud, let's get this thing going!" he teased.

Larry showed the boys how to fasten the smock around the neck, and how to lean the chair back. When Craig had Josh leaning back above the sink, Larry went back to Jesse.

Craig's pants were especially tight as he looked down at Josh's gorgeous hair cascading down into the sink. He turned the water on, and as it was warming up, he ran his hand through Josh's silky hair. He could feel the sweat and oils that had coated Josh's hair from their day's activities. It felt even silkier than he remembered. He would wet his hand, then run it through Josh's hair, testing the temperature of the water. When he felt it was right, he took the spray nozzle and wet Josh's hair. Luckily Josh had his eyes closed, so he couldn't see the dreamy look in Craig's eyes as he lived out his fantasy.

After Josh's hair was thoroughly wet, Craig grabbed a bottle of shampoo and squirted the white creamy liquid onto Josh's dark hair, which almost looked black now. He set the bottle down and began working the shampoo through Josh's long hair. He lifted his head, so he could get at the hair on his neck as well. When he had a thick lather, he began trying to imitate the massage that Larry would give him, pressing his fingers firmly against Josh's scalp, allowing his hair to flow between them as he moved all over his head.

"Mmmmm.. That does feel nice!" Josh moaned.

"Not half as nice as it feels to me!" Craig thought to himself.

Craig would alternate between massaging Josh's scalp, and running his fingers briskly through his hair, working up the lather more and more. Finally, he decided all good things must come to an end, so he turned the water on again, and rinsed the shampoo from Josh's hair, running his fingers through his hair repeatedly, 'just to make sure all the shampoo was out'. He then grabbed a bottle of conditioner, and squirted a liberal amount onto the top of Josh's head. The conditioned felt so slick in Josh's hair - it was better than the shampoo!

"Go ahead and leave the conditioner in," Larry instructed. "We can rinse it out after the haircuts."

Craig continued stroking Josh's slick, silky hair, enjoying the sensation as long as he felt he could. Finally, he rinsed his hands, and raised the chair. He removed the smock from Josh, and they traded places.

Josh fastened the smock around him, and leaned him back. He could feel Josh's hands as they followed the pattern he had set - running though his oily, sweaty hair as the water became warm, then lightly wetting his hair before finally wetting it thoroughly with the sprayer. Josh then squirted the shampoo on Craig's dark blonde hair and began working up a thick lather. He had to admit, as he began massaging Craig's scalp through the thick lather, that this did indeed feel pretty good!

Craig was also thoroughly enjoying this shampoo from his best friend! As he felt Josh's fingers sliding through his hair against his scalp, he was re-living his own experience of his hands lost in Josh's silky, soapy hair.

"Mmmmm," he had to moan.

"I guess you're a pretty good teacher," Josh kidded.

"You're a fast learner," Craig countered with a chuckle.

Josh finished shampooing Craig's hair, and rinsed the shampoo out, again following Craig's example of running his fingers through it more than absolutely necessary. He then applied the cream rinse, and was surprised that it felt even better, making Craig's hair even slicker than the shampoo.

"If only Craig didn't have a shirt on," he wished to himself.

Larry broke into the boy's world, asking if they were ready. Josh raised Craig up, and removed the smock. They walked over to the barber chair, and Josh sat down first.

"I just want it trimmed up a little, don't take any length off," he instructed Larry.

"You got it!" Larry replied, "If you're not satisfied, there's no charge!" he kidded.

Larry took a comb, and began combing through Josh's conditioned-covered hair, Holding locks between his fingers as he deftly trimmed just the slightest amount off the ends, smoothing out an already awesome looking head of hair. Craig pulled up a stool and sat to the side, close enough so he could watch Larry at work, and see Josh's beautiful hair up close.

When Josh was finished, he and Craig traded places while Larry performed the same magic on Craig's dark blonde hair, made even darker by the conditioner.

"Do you think I might could get a bottle of this conditioner?" Josh asked. "I love the way it feels."

"You think it feels nice now, just wait until your hair dries," Larry responded. "It makes it feel even silkier than normal. And yes, I have some for sale."

"Well, if Josh is getting some, I have to also," Craig piped up. "Can't have him walking around school with silkier hair than me!"

Both boys cracked up at that remark, joined by Larry.

Larry finished with Craig's haircut and sent them back to the shampoo station to rinse the conditioner from their hair while he swept up.

Craig leaned Josh back in the chair and ran his hands through Josh's freshly trimmed hair while waiting on the water. He then rinsed the conditioner out, enjoying the silky feel of Josh's wet hair. He then grabbed a towel and towel-dried Josh's hair. Josh then performed the same task on Craig, sliding his hands through the slick, silky hair, then rinsing the conditioner and drying it with a towel.

They went back to the barber chair and stool, where Larry took turns alternately drying their hair with a blow-dryer, until they both had a neatly-trimmed shiny head of hair, with bangs swept down almost to their eyes.

Josh ran his hand through his newly cut hair, and agreed that it did, indeed feel more silky than ever. Craig couldn't resist, so he, too ran his hand through Josh's hair comparing it to the memory he had of several months ago. Yes... it was much silkier....

Craig paid Larry for the haircuts and two bottles of conditioner, and the boys walked out the door toward Craig's house.

"I tell you what, stud," Josh commented as they walked, "You can shampoo my hair anytime!"

Craig just smiled...

Next: Chapter 3

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