Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Mar 5, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Welcome back. Chapter 9's all ready for you to read, but before we wake our two compadres out of their blissful sleep, let me remind you all how they got there.


Chris had lost a coin flip at the end of the previous chapter, meaning Hector would be the first to put his dick in the other. Hector promised he wouldn't hurt Chris, and he lived up to that as best he could. Hector decided to take things slow, as once he was all the way inside of Chris, they made out for a few minutes until Hector began to fuck him. After several minutes of this, all the pleasure was making Chris drift out of consciousness and towards sleep, so Hector realized he had to speed things up if he wanted to finish going all the way. Once Hector finished what he started, he went back to the loving pace until Chris finally drifted off to sleep. After cleaning up a bit, Hector joined Chris in slumber.

And now it's high time they woke up...

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 9

When I came to, I was in a major daze. Hector had promised he'd make me feel real good, and he'd certainly lived up to that promise. I lay there for a minute as flashes from our sexual experience played in my mind. At the same time, I could only think that if this was how good he was to me, just wait until he was on the other end. The thought made me chuckle a bit. Finally, after a few minutes, my daze began to fade away, and I started to wake up.

"Agh!" Right as I started to get up, I felt a sharp pain in my ass. I settled back down on the bed to make the pain go away. Once it was gone, I tried to get back up again, only to have it return. All I could do was settle back down and rub where it hurt as best I could, because I couldn't just lie here. Eventually, I was able to ignore the pain and get up off the bed. I stretched a bit and turned around to look at the clock - 6:30 PM.

As if on cue, Hector appeared in the doorway. I noticed he wasn't wearing anything. "Hey, nice to see you woke up finally. How you feel, man?"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...I'm thinking about what we did before falling asleep - it felt like I was floating off to heaven."

"Ha ha...now see, I toldya I'd take good care of ya," he said, and gave me a pat on my shoulder.

Right then, I felt another shot of pain. "AGHhh..."


"It's alright...it's just my ass is a little sore, that's all."

That made Hector feel guilty. "Awwww...I didn't want to hurt you, man."

I tried to reassure him. "It's not your fault, Hector. Don't blame yourself."

"You sure? I mean, I feel bad that I did this to ya."

"Well, remember, it is the first time I've had anything like that up there, so...I'd think it would hurt a little afterwards. But I'll live. And like I was saying before you told me you were really gay - don't let this get to you, man."

That must've made Hector feel better, as he walked up to me and gave me a big hug. He said to me, "you know...I'm real lucky to have a friend like you. You know just how to make me feel better when somethin's gettin' me down, man. I...I love you, man." And then he rested his head on my shoulder for a moment.

I didn't say anything yet - I was wondering if he truly meant it when he said "I love you." I decided to push this aside for a second, and instead I asked him, "so, uh...you think you're ready for me to do you know?"

He chuckled. "Ha ha...alright, but lemme get our clothes outta the dryer first."

"Yeah, go ahead."

As Hector walked downstairs, I went back to thinking of the meaning behind his words - was he just grateful to have a friend like me, or was he in fact falling in love with me? The thought that that might be the case made me think, `whoa...' and forced me to consider how I felt about him. I did care for him, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to him, but...I felt like that was as far as it went. Still...I decided I should ask him about it sometime before I left for home tomorrow.

Just then, Hector came back upstairs with a laundry basket with our clothes in it. He set it down off to the side, next to my weekend bag. He then turned to me and asked, "now, you promise you won't hurt me, man? This'd be my first time too, and...I don't want it to hurt either."

I walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, man...I wouldn't hurt you." He gave me a look that told me he felt reassured, then walked over and laid down on his bed.

I picked up the Vaseline that he had used earlier, and walked over to the bed. As he had done earlier, I lubed his hole first.

"AAHH! You were right, man, that IS cold." I stretched Hector with fingers as he'd done before, and he relaxed. Then it was time to lube up my dick, which despite having softened when I slept, had re-hardened when he hugged me a few minutes ago. Then I climbed onto the bed and lifted his legs onto my shoulders. I knelt in front of him, as he'd done before, and moved my body forward until the tip of my dick was touching his hole.

"Aahhahaha...that tickles, man."

Then I started moving in. I remembered that he had moved in slowly, so I started by moving only my cockhead into him. Once I was that far in, I could hear him start to moan softly, which in turn urged me to move in a little more. Soon, I had one inch of me in, and then two, and three.


Guessing that this was probably the initial shot of pain I had felt, I stopped moving. "You OK, Hector?"

"Yeah, I'm alright...just wait a moment."

I decided to massage his legs up near his hips while I waited for him to give me the okay to move in more. I also motioned for him to hand me both of the extra pillows. I set them under his butt, and once I did that, he told me "OK, I'm ready now."

I pushed the rest of my seven inches into him without apparent trouble, and with increased moans from Hector. I gave him a minute to get used to me in there, kissing him all the while. Once I started moving my dick again, I decided that I wanted to cum sooner rather than later. My thrusts were slow at first, but gradually going faster little by little.

Apparently this was fine by him, as his response was "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, yeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."

I wasn't able to get into a very fast rhythm for several minutes, as it took time for Hector's no-longer-virgin hole to get used to me being in there. I could feel my orgasm approaching once I had the fast rhythm going. Then, suddenly, I shivered. That was followed a near shout from me, as I started to fill him up with my cum. I continued thrusting into him while I shot my cum into him and we both moaned uncontrollably. Once I was done, I eased his legs down and settled myself on top of him as gently as I could. Our moans continued, but had died down after about 10 or 15 seconds. I felt myself softening, but I stayed in him as much as I could.

Once Hector's moans had stopped, he said to me, "Aw, please don't tell me that's it."

"Nah...I just felt like fucking you first," I said with a cocky attitude.

"Oh, you dog..."

"Alright, no more talking. Time to get serious." We started kissing again - my tongue wrestling with his - while he massaged my back. Several minutes went by until my dick hardened up again, and I started slowly moving in and out again. I did find and hit his prostate, and our lip lock was broken as he tried to get a moan out. Then finally, I pulled my tongue back and stopped moving. I kept our lips locked while I started to slide one pillow out from under his butt. Noticing, he lifted up a bit so I could grab both. I set them on his bigger pillow, a la the night before, and then broke our kiss so I could rest my head down.

"Mmmmmmmm..." It didn't feel quite the same as when I was on the bottom, but this still wasn't a feeling I'd trade for anything.

"Mmmmmhmmmm, yeah - I'm lovin' this..." Hector said.

That reminded me that I wanted to ask him about earlier, so I decided to bring it up now. "Hector?"


"Earlier, when you said you loved me..."

"Ummmm...what about it?"

"Did you mean like you're really in love with me?"


Uh-oh, cliffhanger...how will Hector answer? The answer, of course, is in the next chapter, so you won't want to miss it.

I think I'll just point out right here that if you send me feedback on any chapter in this story, I will automatically add you to the mailing list I have for this story to keep you updated on when I submit new chapters. I prefer to keep readers informed (and reading!). If for some reason you don't want to be put on my mailing list, let me know.

Feedback line - mike_k20@hotmail.com . I don't think I'm going to need to use my Yahoo address after all - Hotmail's problem with AOL seems to have gone away.

Next: Chapter 10

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