Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Feb 26, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Well, I don't need to tell you what this chapter will be about, now do I? But there is one thing I need to take care of first.


Chris and Hector decided to hold off on the intimacy for a while, and instead got dressed to play a few games of basketball. Each won a game, when a few other guys in the neighborhood joined them and made it 3-on-3. Chris and Hector were on opposite sides for the first of those two games, and Hector's team won the first. The second game saw them on the same team and Hector apparently collapse from exhaustion during the second. He sat out the rest of the game, while Chris and his teammate were able to win despite an opposing rally. Back inside the house, Hector revealed that he'd feigned exhaustion so that he wouldn't truly be too tired for the rest of the day. Chris and Hector then showered together and put their clothes in the wash before showing each other a few Internet porn sites. The last one wasn't so much a porn site, but in a way, it had "what to do" descriptions of sex (yeah, that's right, it was THIS site!) - and I don't mean like that which occurred back in Chapters 4 and 5. The decision of who would get to fuck the other first came down to a coin flip, which Chris lost.

And that's where we pick up...

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 8

I lay down on Hector's bed, while he went for his top dresser drawer - he was fishing for a tube of lube. Even though the porn and stories we'd looked at gave us a good idea of what to do, I didn't truly know what to expect. I wasn't really nervous - the worst that could happen was pain in my ass, and pain was something I was already used to from my three years of football. Still...both Hector and I were virgins - unless you count the blow jobs we'd given each other yesterday - and I had no idea about him, but this was a big deal for me.

Hector looked up from his drawer, dismayed. "Dammit...I must've forgotten to get more."

"Hmmm...what about stuff like Vaseline? There should be some of that in the house, shouldn't there?"

"Hey, you're right. I'll be right back." A few minutes later, he returned with it in hand.

"You ready?"



"Maybe a lil' bit."

"Well, just relax, man. Imma take good care of ya," he said slyly.

"Oh, I'll bet..." I had to roll my eyes at that.

Hector lubed my hole first. The lotion was so cold that I jumped at first touch. "YAH! That's cold, man!" I settled down while he moved a couple fingers around inside, probably to stretch me a little bit. Then he lubed up his dick. I took a few deep breaths while he climbed onto the bed.

He knelt over me and asked, "well, this is it...you sure you're ready for this?"

"I'm ready when you are."

"I'll try not to hurt ya, man, so lemme know if you want me to stop."

"I will." Right...as if that was going to happen.

Thinking ahead, he asked me to grab the two extra pillows on the bed. I handed them to him, and he set them off to the side where he could reach them. He then said to me, "that's just in case I can't hold your legs up long enough." He thought for a second, then grabbed one of them and slid it under my butt. Why he chose to do that, only he knew.

Then it was time to get started, as Hector lifted up my legs and rested them on his shoulders. He knelt in front of me and leaned forward slightly.

"Ahh..." I said when I felt the tip of his dick at my hole. "Mmmmm..."

He moved inward ever so slowly. I felt pain immediately, but it wasn't until he had two inches of his dick in me that I cried out.


"Chris! You alright, man?"

"Nnnnnnnnnnnnn, yeah...just...don't move for a minute."

"You sure?" I noticed a look of worry on his face.

"Y-yeah." I didn't want us to stop, but I was hoping the pain wouldn't increase. After about a minute, the pain had subsided. "OK, I'm ready again."

Once he started pushing in again, it started to feel a little better. Soon, Hector had all six-and-a-half inches of himself in me. Then, he eased my legs down off his shoulders. That puzzled me a bit. "What are you...?"

"Shhhhhhhh...I'm gonna make you feel real good," he whispered to me. He then leaned forward and down until our chests were touching and started kissing me.

"Mmmmm..." All I could think of is that he wanted to take it slowly this first time - which I thought might explain the need for the pillow under my butt. The next few minutes went by with his cock inside me but either not moving or only moving slightly while his tongue fought with mine inside my mouth. While he did that, I rubbed his back gently. Then he started wiggling his dick around in my hole. There was a little pain, but it also tickled me and sent shivers throughout my whole body, which caused me to squirm a little bit.

Hector broke our kiss, lifted his head up, and asked in a low soft voice, "You like that?"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." was my response.

"I thought I should do a little more to loosen you up, man. It's tight in there."

"Well, what'd you expect? I wouldn't have thought of ever having this kind of sex before, so you're the biggest thing to ever go in there," I said in a low voice.

"Hah, I suppose you're right."

"You want to start moving now?"


Hector slowly pulled himself back to where he just had his cockhead in, then slid back in the same way. His slow thrusts sped up a little, and then I felt him hit something inside. When he hit it, all of a sudden I just felt a great amount of pleasure and threw my head back.

I closed my eyes as a loud moan escaped my lips. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh..."

"Ah, I see I found your prostate."

Somehow, despite my ecstasy, I still had the presence of mind to put thoughts together - and I thought of how I wanted him to keep going. "Hector...keep going only as fast as you are, I want you to make this last."

"Mmmmm...will do."

And each time he thrust forward slowly, he made sure to hit or at least rub my prostate. He immediately followed up by resuming our tongue duel inside my mouth. After about a minute of this, he started gently licking my neck. Then he surprised me when he sucked down on it. He altered his rhythm when he did that - when he pulled his dick back, he put his mouth on my neck, which drew another louder moan from me. Then when he took his mouth off, he thrust back in. Then it was once again back to tongue-ing. He then started running a hand through my hair. After several minutes, I felt ready to pass out from all the passion and pleasure.

Apparently, Hector had other plans, as he lifted his hand off, broke our kiss, and said "whoa, wait a minute...you can't fall asleep just yet." The sudden change in what he was doing did bring me around enough, if not completely.

"Mmmmmmmmmnnn?" I wondered what else he might want to do. He answered by speeding up. It didn't take much longer before he let out a loud moan and I felt him filling me up with his cum. My eyes closed and I saw "the bright lights" again, only this time they were a little more brighter than before. He continued to thrust into me as his dick shot several loads. Finally, we were both spent, as he collapsed on top of me while his dick still throbbed inside.

I could feel his chest move as he breathed heavily. I was very tired. After a few minutes, he went back to doing what he'd done before - running one hand through my hair, tongue-kissing me, and thrusting into me at the slow pace that I'd liked. I went back to rubbing his back while I gradually went from feeling shots of pleasure to not feeling anything. The last thing I remember was our kiss being disrupted.

-------POV Switch: Chris to Hector-------

Once I felt Chris's tongue go limp, I knew Chris had drifted off to sleep. I didn't quite want to fall asleep just yet, but I felt so tired that I figured I should rest at least for a little while. I slowly pulled out of him, moved him to the right a little, then got up to go grab some paper towels so I could clean myself and Chris off as much I could. I was lucky that I didn't bump into anything, as my eyes were barely open.

Once I was done, I laid back down next to Chris and draped my arm over his chest.

"Sweet dreams, Chris," I whispered to him. Then, I fell asleep.


Ah, romance. (sort of) Chris will get his turn, but for now let's let him and Hector sleep until we come back with Chapter 9. Also, there will be a twist that starts to be revealed in Chapter 9.

NOTE: I felt it was necessary to switch the POV for that last tiny bit. You know, to complete the experience. Before anyone asks, Chris will always have the active POV unless I indicate otherwise.

Feedback line - mike_k20@hotmail.com .

AOL Feedback line - musicmike2020@yahoo.com . Although...one AOL reader e-mailed me at the Hotmail address after having read just the first four chapters, and surprisingly, my responses got through this time. Hmmm...

Next: Chapter 9

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