Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Feb 19, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Here it is, the lucky numbered Chapter 7. Appropriately, in this chapter, one of these two will...oh, wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. I almost forgot...


Chris awoke briefly to find it was 8 AM and he was still on top of Hector, who was still asleep. So he closed his eyes again and apparently fell back asleep, as he'd later be woken up by Hector. Chris was still tired, but he let Hector up so he could go shower. Chris didn't fully wake up until Hector came back, and then he went to go shower. After his shower, Chris noticed Hector walking downstairs in only his boxer-briefs, so Chris decided to sort of "follow his lead" and ended up going downstairs in only briefs. They ate breakfast, and then settled on the couch for a little over an hour of making out. The chapter ended at 11:40 with Chris wondering what they'd do next.

As I was saying before, one of these two will "get lucky" in this chapter. To find out what I mean by that, you'll have to read on, of course...

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 7

Hector was pulling on a pair of black shorts to go with his red muscle shirt. I myself had black shirt with blue shorts. We decided to wait on possible further intimacy for now, and he really wanted to play some b-ball. He really had an itch to play some one-on-one today, as the last time we played was the previous weekend, For some reason, he'd had an off day, as I beat him pretty badly. I guess you could say he wanted payback today.

"I'll get ya today, man," he said to me.

"Oh, we'll see about that." We then ran out of the house.

Hector looked down at the driveway. "Mmm...the 3-point line's gone again. Be right back."

He ran back through the house and into the garage to fetch a bucket of sidewalk chalk he had in there. While he was gone, I took a few practice shots. When he came back, he re-drew the 3-point line we would agree on in blue.

"Alright, let's go now man."

I answered by taking a shot from the 3-point line and sinking it.


"Hey, you've asked for it."

"Oh, well then..."

We ended up playing two games of one-on-one with a point limit of 21. I barely won the first.

"Lucky shot, man," he said after I sank the game-winner.

"And to think you're the b-ball player here," I replied.

"Yeah, well, you're goin' down in the next game." And he lived up to that - he wasted no time in going on a scoring rush I couldn't keep up with.

"Is that enough?" I asked after the second game.

He was about to answer, when he saw a few other guys walking up the street. One of them called out, "Hey! How about a little 3-on-3?"

Hector looked at me, and I nodded. To them, he answered, "Sure!" To me, he said, "Hey, uh...go in the house and get that six-pack of water." Considering I was planning on going for water anyway, I was more than happy to oblige.

We then played two games of 3-on-3. The first had me leading one team and Hector the other. Despite one of his teammates not being too much of an athlete, his team won the first one. For the second game, we switched teammates around, and Hector and I ended up on the same team. We appeared to be enroute to a dominating victory when suddenly Hector appeared to stagger, and collapsed onto the grass beside the driveway.

I immediately rushed to his side. "Hector!"

He was gasping for breath, but his eyes were open. I called for one of the bottles of water and handed it to him. He took one drink, dumping the rest on himself.

"You gonna be alright, man?" I asked him.

"I'll be OK...just finish the game without me." He was so exhausted, he could barely get the words out.

"Alright," I said begrudgingly.

Being now down a player allowed the other team to attempt a rally. Still, we had been up by so much beforehand that they couldn't stop us from reaching 21 first.

By that point, I wanted to make sure Hector was truly OK, so we decided to stop playing after that. Apparently the other guys had to leave anyway, so it didn't really matter. I put an arm around him and helped him inside.

Once inside, I said to him, "I think we should both shower after that."

"Sounds good to me," he said very clearly.

"Wow, you sound a lot better now. You had me worried there, man."

"Eh, I just really wanted to stop playing, so I wouldn't be too tired for us to do stuff later."

I gave him a hard shove, as that irked me a little bit. "Don't you do that again, dammit!" He shrugged it off and we headed for the bathroom.

We piled all our clothes together beside the door and stepped into the shower. We took our time washing each other, particularly when washing our backs - that was when we got so close that our bodies were touching once again. As nice as that felt, I didn't want to waste time in here.

We decided to just go without any clothes for the time being, and piled all our worn clothes into the washer - Hector's mom had had the foresight to show him how to use the washer and dryer, should he ever need to.

Hector motioned for me to follow him. "C'mere...I want to show you a few things."

I followed him to his computer. He logged onto the Internet and showed me a few websites with some decent porn. Then, not satisfied, he did a search of more websites and found the one you're reading this on. We read a few stories, making note of scenes where two guys would have sex - what they would do, positions, the whole nine yards. Once we were done reading, he logged off and shut off the computer. He then turned to look at me, and a curious grin formed on his face.

"What d'you think...you want to?"

I was willing to try anything once. "Sure," I said with a shrug.

We went upstairs to his room.

"You wanna go first, or do you want me to?"

I shrugged again. "Don't matter to me, man."

Hector looked around, and picked up a quarter that he found. "Tell you what...we'll flip for it. You call it, man."

"OK...heads I win, tails you lose," I said with a laugh.

"Ha ha ha, very funny."

"Alright, alright...uh, heads." Hector then flipped the coin.

He walked over to where it landed and then looked at me with a sly grin. "Mmm...tails. You lose."


Ha ha. You have to wait until the next chapter for this action to start. Some of you hate me now, don't you? In any case...until the next chapter - ciao!

I know I promised to submit this on Saturday the 18th, but...what can I say? I forgot. Lately I've been focusing on another story that I'm writing that will likely turn up in the college section once it's finished. I've been thinking so much about that that this slipped my mind. Sorry!

Lately, there's a growing concern about this story focusing on action and not more about love. To those of you who have discussed that with me (and others who feel the same way), all I can say is that Chapter 9, to be submitted March 4th, will start to alleviate your concerns. Those of you who prefer the action may feel inclined to abandon this ship at that point, but I assure you, that would be a foolish thing to do.

Feedback line - mike_k20@hotmail.com .

Attention all AOL Readers:

For some unknown reason, Hotmail will not allow me to respond to AOL e-mails. So, I'm opening up an alternate feedback line through my Yahoo address.

AOL Users are to e-mail me at musicmike2020@yahoo.com . Hopefully, Yahoo won't give me the same problem. If you forget and e-mail me at my Hotmail address instead, then don't expect a response back from me, even though I have no control over that.

Next: Chapter 8

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