Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Feb 14, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Hey everyone, Mike K. here bringing you Chapter 6 of my story Weekend to Remember. There's just one thing I have to take care of before we get there, though - yep, here it comes...


Chris was coming out of his daze after the blow job he'd been given. He and Hector talk a little bit, and Hector asks Chris if he wouldn't mind returning the favor. Chris doesn't seem to mind, but there's one problem, however - Hector's dick wasn't quite fully hard. A little foreplay from Chris fixed that right up. Chris lived up to the precedent Hector had set before and left his friend breathless after his blow job as well. But perhaps the foreplay was a little too much, as Hector used it to accuse Chris of not being totally straight. Chris couldn't completely shake an interest in girls, so both settled on the idea that Chris was bisexual. That was followed by Chris settling himself on top of Hector, while Hector began to rub his back and enjoyed their close touch. Chris liked it too, but he was ready to fall asleep. A minute later saw Hector resting his head on his pillow with Chris resting on top of him and drifting off to sleep.

And so ends the first day (and night). It's Saturday morning now, and that means it's time for these two to wake up...

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 6

As I opened my eyes the next morning, I noticed Hector was still asleep, and I was still on top of him, only I had shifted to the left a little more. He still had one arm wrapped around me, and his other arm lay off to his other side. I didn't want to wake him up abruptly, so I turned my head and looked at the clock near the bed. 8:30...damn. I decided to close my eyes again and lay my head back down while I waited for him to wake up.

I guess I'd fallen back at least half-asleep, for some time later I was awoken by a hard rub on my shoulder.


"Morning, man, time to let me up now."

"Mmmmmmmmnnn..." I didn't want to move just yet, even though I couldn't just keep him under me.

"No? Well, then..." Hector started rubbing my whole back as hard as he had my shoulder. If that was his idea of waking me up, then it was working, for I lifted up slightly, stretched my arms, and yawned.

"Hey, uh...you wanna let me up now?"

"Heh, yeah alright." I lifted up just enough so he could slip out, and then I slumped back down so I could rest some more.

Hector climbed down off the bed and said to me, "I'm takin' a shower, man."

"Alright." I did want to possibly shower with him sometime this weekend, but right now I still didn't want to get up.

About half an hour later, he came back. "Man, you're STILL layin' there?"

By now, I felt ready to get up. "Mmmmm...mind if I use your shower, now?"

"Naw, go right ahead."

"Thanks." I noticed him start to get dressed - or so I thought - as I walked down the hallway. I was able to wash most of my body before the water turned cold and I had to get out.

As I was walking back to his room to get dressed myself, I noticed Hector walking downstairs - and that he was only wearing a pair of boxer-briefs. That gave me an idea - I opened my weekend bag, pulled out a pair of briefs that I'd packed, and put them on. Then I went downstairs after him.

Hector laughed when he saw me. "Oh, a brief guy, are ya?"

"Hey, I saw you walkin' downstairs all casual in only your undies. Besides...these feel real snug on me," I said, rubbing my crotch. My dick was already getting hard again.

"Ha...fine by me," he said. He then licked his lips.

"Heh...I see somebody's hungry." Then came a moment of bad timing, as my stomach then rumbled. "OK, I guess I am, too."

"I was just makin' pancakes. You want some?"

"Sure." Between the two of us, we ended up polishing off four pancakes. After washing dishes, Hector motioned for me to follow to the couch.

"Why?" I asked.

"You'll see..."

I had a guess as to what he had in mind, but didn't say anything. Once we were both standing in front of the couch, we just stood there, looking at each other. After a few seconds, I picked up on the fact that Hector was looking right into my eyes. Once I started looking right back, he moved a little closer. Then he leaned in kissed me right on the lips. The sensation coursed through my body, and I continued to stand there because I wanted it to linger. But Hector pulled me into him and started giving me more kisses. Then I felt his tongue against my lips. It caught me off guard for a second, but I didn't want to resist, so I opened my mouth to let him in. Once his tongue started to explore my mouth, I felt myself going limp, and Hector set me down on the couch. I fought his tongue with my own here and there, but otherwise I just remained still. Hector making out with me felt really hot, and making out was something I'd only had the chance to do a few times before. All the while, I was leaking pre-cum into my briefs, and when I felt his hard-on touching mine though fabric, I closed my mouth - but not my teeth. He got the message, and pulled his tongue back.

"What?" Hector asked.

"Ah...unless you want to blow a load in there, you need to move that way a little bit."

"Yeah, OK," he obliged.

Once he was in a position where we weren't touching each other there, we resumed our lip lock. I soon got into it more actively, as I caressed his back and fought with his tongue to let mine into his mouth. Soon, though, I felt like I could blow even without our dicks next to each other, so I pulled my tongue back and closed my mouth again.

"What now?"

"I-I'm close."

Hector got up and stood in front of the couch where I was slumped. I shifted to face him, but then in one quick motion he knelt down, yanked down the waistband of my briefs, and engulfed my dick with his mouth. I reached out with my hand to stop him, but was too slow. Once he had my dick in his mouth I slowed my hand and rested it on the back of his head. Then I leaned my head back to moan. It only took a few seconds before I blew. It felt a little more forceful than last night, and once I shot my last load, I felt spent. I pulled my briefs back up and slumped against the near arm of the couch to rest for a little bit. Hector sat down next to me and pulled me closer to him.

"Oh...I think we should both take a breather, man. We've got a whole day ahead of us."

"Yeah, I hear you."

We sat there for so long that we must have dozed off for a little bit, as when I sat up again, I noticed Hector had his eyes shut. He woke up, though, once he felt my movement. I looked at the VCR off to the side - 11:40.

"So, uh...what you wanna do now?" I asked Hector.


Eh, not necessarily the best place to end this chapter, but if I kept going, it'd end being up too long. This was the point where I really starting to have fun writing this, and if it isn't showing yet, it will soon.

I'd sent in both Chapters 5 and 6 on Sunday, but only received confirmation on 5, so I waited a couple of days just in case. That's why both weren't up on the same day.

As I stated after Chapter 5, I'd like to hear more from my readers (including those on my mailing list). I know there's no excuse for being late with these chapters, and I apologize for submitting them late. Thank you to those who I have heard from since Sunday - you know who you are. :-)

Feedback line - mike_k20@hotmail.com .

I will send in Chapter 7 on time this Saturday, I promise!

Next: Chapter 7

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