Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Feb 12, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Chapter 5 of Weekend to Remember is just ahead, but...yeah, yeah, you know the drill by now - or else you should.


Hector walks back to the couch and he and Chris talk a little more. Before long, Chris yawns, and so Hector starts wondering about sleeping arrangements. With only one bed in Hector's room, Chris lets Hector know he wouldn't mind having a little "fun" with him, if you know what I mean. Then, up in Hector's room, the two strip to their underwear and Chris gets comfortable on the bed while Hector goes to turn the other house lights off. Chris doesn't fall asleep yet, though - Hector comes back, turns the room light off, pulls Chris's underwear off, and gives his best friend a blow job.

The blow job left Chris breathless, and he's just now catching his breath as we being Chapter 5...

But what could Chris have been thinking about? Read on...

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 5

I felt like I was on air. Hector had just given me the first blow job I'd ever had. I thought it was probably the first one he'd given, too...but for a first timer, he couldn't have done better. I turned my head to look at him.

"Wowwwwww...man, did that feel good. Mmmmmmmm..."

"Ha, I thought you'd like that."

"So am I the first guy you've blown?"

"You're the first guy who I told I was gay. Yeah, you're the first one."

"Heh...that was the first blow job anyone's given me."

"Ha, well...glad I could be of service then, I guess."

I was then curious as to what it might be like if I were to return the favor. Hector beat me to the punch on this, however, as he asked:

"Hey, uh...if it's not too much to ask, would you mind giving me one, too?"

"Sure, I suppose. I figure it's only fair if I make you feel as good as you did me."

"Yeah...but do you REALLY want this, now?" he asked with sort of a smart-ass smirk on his face.

I didn't answer. I slid down off the bed, and just as I reached for his waistband, he lifted up, so I could pull his underwear off. That's when Hector noticed he wasn't still fully hard.

That disappointed him. "Awww, man..."

"What's wrong?"

"I had a full hard-on before and now it's gone down some."

Sigh...I wasn't sure yet about foreplay, but with this moment in doubt... "I can fix that. Move back some." I climbed back onto the bed.

"OK..." He moved back, but he seemed a bit puzzled.

I moved forward till my head was right above his abs. I then leaned down and started licking them.

"Mmmmmmm, yeah..." was his response. I licked between the curves on his stomach for about a minute until he said "OK, I'm hard again." I figured it didn't take even that long to get him hard again, but he seemed to enjoy this foreplay.

I slid off the bed again, and Hector moved back forward to where we had been before. His six-and-a-half inch dick was perched right at the edge of the bed in front of me. I slid my mouth over it slowly, wanting to savor each second.


I let his dick rest on my tongue and moved it ever so slowly. I knew exactly how I wanted to do this.

Hector's soft moans grew a bit louder as I gradually started moving my tongue more and stroking his dick. Slower strokes gave way to faster ones as he moaned louder and louder.

"Mmmmmmmm...ohhhhhhhhhhh...AHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh..." His dick began to throb, which suggested to me that he might be ready to shoot.

"AhhhhhAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHhhhhahhhhhhh!" Even though I'd shifted my mouth as he had before, his initial blast was forceful and caught me off guard. Still, I managed to catch all that he'd had to offer in either my throat or my mouth. Eventually, his dick came back to rest on my tongue once again. I slid off his bone and got back on the bed. I pulled him backward a little bit before kneeling over him.

When he'd caught his breath, he reached out and wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my back slightly.

"Oh, man...was that how I made you feel?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I said with a nod.

There was silence for about a minute before Hector spoke again. "So, uh...is there something I should know about you?"

I tried playing dumb. "What do you mean?"

"You say you `want to have fun,' you don't mind blowing me, and you're licking me so I can get hard again. Something tells me you're not totally straight either, Chris."

Damn...he figured me out quickly! But, I hadn't exactly done a great job of hiding it, either. I still thought there were girls who were hot, though.

My silence provoked more from Hector. "Well?"

"Well...OK, maybe you're right. I don't think I'm totally gay, though - I still have at least some interest in girls."

"Oh, so you mean like you're bisexual."


"You like either guy or girl."

"Oh. Uh, sure, let's go with that." Whatever - it wasn't something I wanted to think a lot about right now.

"So, would you mind if I...?"

He pulled me closer until I was resting on top of him. He then proceeded to rub my back more. I was enjoying the massage, but I was also tired out and wanted a good night's sleep by that point. I started to shift, but that caused him to wrap tighter.

"Mmmmnn...that feels good, man, but yawn I think I'm ready to fall asleep."

"Awwwwww...that feels good with you on top of me."

"Are you sure?...sure I'm not too heavy for you?"

"Nah...this is perfect, man."

I couldn't argue with him - I was enjoying this feeling of me laying on top of him.

"Alright...but let's move back to your pillow."

He released his grip on me, and slid back until his head was resting on the right side of the pillow. I lifted up and knelt over him, when I realized that even though his pillow was big enough for two heads, my head wouldn't be able to reach it.

"Hey, uh, Hector...you think you can grab me another pillow for my head?"


He reached over, grabbed two pillows, and handed them to me. I set them far enough over so my head wouldn't be too close. Then, I slowly eased myself down on top of him once again. He resumed his grip around me, though he wasn't as firm now.

"Mmmmm, yeah. Now this is what I'm talkin' about," Hector said.

I shifted a bit until I was comfortable. He looked at me and noticed my eyes were half-shut, so he started rubbing my back again.

"Mmmmm...good night, Hector," I said.

"Night, Chris."

We then drifted off to sleep, looking forward to tomorrow.


Now there's a picture-perfect image if there ever was one to close this chapter. The next day begins in Chapter 6.

Sorry this chapter is so late. I had been feeling really good about this story, until lately. I've been hoping for more responses than I've had. I don't want submitting each chapter to feel like a chore, but that's the direction it's going in. :(

I would like to expand past this story, but if no one cares about it, then I won't bother. My decision rests in your hands - please, drop me a line at mike_k20@hotmail.com . Either way, you will see the rest of this story.

I'm also asking you to make me feel like it's worth my time to submit each chapter. I only get two things out of writing this story - my own satisfaction and your feedback, and right now I don't have much of either.

Next: Chapter 6

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