Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Jan 28, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Welcome back to "Weekend to Remember." Chapter 4 of our story is about to begin, but...we've got one thing to take care of before we get there.


Chris's reaction to Hector's coming out to him was at first utter silence. Hector, thinking he might have just lost his best friend, tried to get away from Chris. But Chris chased after him and caught up to him, and finally Hector turned to Chris and cried his heart out. Chris was accepting of Hector being gay, and told him he'd be all ears if Hector needed someone to talk to. Hector was very relieved, and started to give a few more details about his being gay. After Chris jokingly showed him some skin, Hector went to wash his face from having cried, but it seems like he's also lusting for Chris's body (I'm sure many of you readers would be, too, if he were real... ;) ).

But what could Chris have been thinking about? Read on...

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 4

I sat back down on the couch and stretched. I closed my eyes for a moment, picturing back to a day when I'd seen Hector with his shirt off. He had one thing I didn't...defined abs. Having to bulk up for football had twice ruined my efforts to have any defined abs, so I'd just decided to settle for a lean look. Apparently that was more than good enough for Hector, which was gratifying. I then wondered what might happen if I decided to go for having a little fun with him. As I opened my eyes, I saw him walking back.

"Now dat's more like it."

"Ha ha...stop it, man, or I'll be grinning like an idiot again. So, how long have you been attracted to me?"

He paused for a couple seconds, probably not expecting me to ask that.

"Oh, for a few months now. Probably since that day I barged into your room an' you were only wearin' a towel."

"Heh. Big surprise," I said with sarcasm.

"Just do me one favor, man..." he said, sitting back down. He patted my stomach again and said "Don't you lose this bod."

I grinned once again, but this time it wasn't lasting, as I then yawned.

"You tired already?"

I stood up. "Yeah...it's felt like a real long day, and I for one am ready to catch some Zs."

He got up. "Alright. But my room's only got one bed, and mom don' want no one goin' in her room. Where are you gonna sleep?"

Hmm. Two of us, one bed? In the interest of fun, it didn't sound so bad...

"I don't mind sharing a bed."

That surprised him again. "Really, man? You don't mind sharing a bed with a gay guy?"

"Nah..." Then I got bold. "Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to have a little fun tonight."

He was surprised at that. "What?"

"Sure. I figure you might want a chance to do something with me."

"You sound like you're, you know, real hor-ny, man." I had a big laugh at that. I had to think he was right, but then I thought, this could be a test - to see if it'd be something I'd like to do more often or not. Apparently this thought clued Hector in that there might be something I'm not saying, because while I was thinking, I saw him lift up his own shirt like I'd done before.

"Just so I don't feel fat now, what you think?"

"You, fat? Not with those abs, man." I took the opportunity to feel his six-pac abs.

"Ha ha...alright man, come on...let's get ready for bed."

Like my house, the staircase in his house was right in the middle of the house. Unlike my house, his room was closer to the top of the stairs.

"So, uh...what you wearin'?" he asked me. I answered by taking off everything except my boxer-briefs.

"No nudity?"

"Nah...I ain't never slept naked before. Besides, sleepin' in these is actually real comfortable." Actually, I wanted him to be the one to take the initiative, and for him to do that, he'd have to remove them.

"True, true..." he said, and then he followed my lead. I noticed he was getting a hard-on - and so was I.

"Hey uh, I'll be right back," Hector then said. I wondered where he was going.

He went downstairs - probably to turn the other lights in the house off - while I decided to lay down on the bed and stretch out. I put my hands behind my head and shut my eyes. My dick was still fully hard when he came back.

"Hmmm..." I barely heard him say.

He then turned off the lights to the room. I could hear him moving towards the bed. His first move that counted came when I lifted up slightly to stretch one last time before I planned turn over slightly and fall asleep. Instead, he wasted no time in reaching for my waistband and yanking my underwear off. So, rather than turn over, and now knowing that he was going for something, I moved forward so that my feet were just off the end of the bed, and then I settled back down flat. He was probably counting on this, as his next move was to kneel down and slide his mouth over my 7-inch dick.

That caused me to let out a soft moan. "Mmmmmmmmm...Hec...tor...ohhhhhh..."

Jacking off was good for relieving myself, but damn - this had that beat by far. Soon, I was moaning uncontrollably. He went slowly - when he wasn't stroking me with his tongue, he raised it so that my dick lay on it. He tried his best not to move his tongue when it was in that position.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." I was losing it, and even by his making this last, I could soon feel an orgasm coming. I guess he sensed it, too, as soon his tongue strokes grew faster and faster. Even still, I tried to push him off, only for him to grab my wrists.

"AhhhhahhhhhAHHHHHHHH!" Before I knew it, I was shooting cum into his mouth. Once I started shooting, he shifted his mouth so that I was shooting right down his throat.

Even with my eyes shut tight, it was like someone had turned on really bright lights right in front of me. I shot a few loads, and then lay still for about half a minute, until "the lights" dimmed. Once I'd stopped shooting, he slid off of my dick. I couldn't yet open my eyes, and I was totally out of breath. While I was trying to catch my breath, he climbed on the end of the bed, placing his hands on my stomach and rubbing upward. Finally, when they were at my chest, he lifted them off of me and laid down next to me.

By then, I finally had a breath. "Mmmmmmmm...ohhhhh, maann..."


Hopefully those of you who were waiting for the sex to start are at least satisfied for now. Not to worry - Chris being sucked off at the end of this chapter is only starters compared to what's in store. But...yep, you guessed it, you'll just have to wait.

Feedback is always appreciated, so drop me a line - mike_k20@hotmail.com .

Next: Chapter 5

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