Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Jan 21, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Alright, the moment you've all been waiting for - Chapter 3. But hold on there just a minute...I'm going to make you guys wait just a bit longer by reviewing our previous chapter.


So Chris woke up and before he knew it, he was at Hector's house for the weekend. Chris and Hector got their history project done, but there was trouble on the horizon. After putting his part of the project away, Chris came downstairs to find Hector wearing a frown. Chris asked him what was up, and after hesitating, Hector decided that he couldn't hide it any longer, and revealed to Chris that what the guys at school were saying was true - that he WAS gay.

So, what's next? Read on...

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 3

"Chris...the guys at school...they're right. I am gay."

It repeated in my mind. I was at a loss for words - I truly didn't know what to say. I'd been thinking of what could have been bothering him, but only once did I think what they'd been saying was true...and I quickly dismissed the idea. Then I got to thinking about myself and how I was starting to notice other guys as well. Then it seemed like everything just stopped, as the sudden reality of the moment coming running through like a speeding train. Everything else came running behind it through my mind at once, thus it left no room to think of something to say. But then I finally noticed tears forming in his eyes.


He got up and started moving towards the stairs. I ran after him, grabbing an arm to keep him from getting away. He shook my hand away and tried to run again, but I grabbed at him with my other hand, and while he struggled with that, I had a grasp on both his arms. He continued to struggle for a few seconds before finally he gave it up. He turned around, leaned toward me, and began to cry on my shoulder.

"Do you want to sit back down?" I asked him. He nodded, and I helped him back to the couch. Once we were both seated, he buried his face in my chest and just let all his tears out. I put my arms around him. It really hurt me to see him like this. Once he'd finished crying, he looked up at me.

"I'll understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore."

"Hector...everything will be OK, man." Perhaps not a complete truth, but not a total lie, either.

"OK? C-Chris, I can't tell anyone else about th-this! I...if word got round at s-school that I was gay like everyone's been s-saying...and never mind my dad, j-just think of how my mom would react to f-finding out that her son's gay. Dammit...it just m-makes me want to run away someplace and n-never come back." A few more tears came out, and I waited for them to fell before speaking.

"I know you wouldn't really do that, and you know that too. Whether or not you're gay, I'm still your friend. I won't just abandon you because of that. I'm not like those bastards."


"Look, don't you worry so much about it. I'm here for you, man. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be listening."

"I...I...uh......th-thanks, Chris." He gave me a big hug, as though I'd just saved his life.

I wanted until he ended his hug before I spoke. "You gonna be OK now?"

"...yeah...I'll be alright for now. I was just so scared, man...I've been lookin' at guys ever since last year. The first few times, it didn't mean all that much to me. But after awhile, I just couldn't push it aside. Hell, once this year I boned up in the locker room while quite a few of the guys were coming outta the shower. I covered it up quickly, but one guy noticed and was kind of pissed off about it."

I'd heard that story a few times about quite a few guys, so I hadn't thought much of it.

"I mean, when people first started talkin', I didn't know what you'd think of it. I just didn't want to drive you away when you found out...that it was for real."

"Yeah...I guess now I can see why."

"I guess I...just wanna thank you again for not leaving me behind for it." I could tell he was so relieved that it made all his fear and worry seem like nothing.

I started to get up. "But now...there's just one thing I wanna ask you." I ended up facing him.

"Ah...what's that?"

"I'm wondering..." I lifted up my shirt, revealing my well-defined pecs and hard, flat stomach. "...what you think of this, my man!" He laughed and licked his lips before patting my stomach.

"Oooh...looks like I found me a hot one already!"

It was my turn to laugh.

"Nah, I'm just kiddin', man...I know you're not that way. But I've gotta admit, you've got a hot body."

I was so flattered that I could only grin.

"I'm serious - football's let you build a great body there."

By now, I was grinning so much that it hurt. "Hey...maybe you should go wash your face off from all that crying."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll be right back." I took my shirt off while he walked away mumbling to himself "Man...too bad he isn't gay, I sure could have fun with him."

Hmmm...I pondered that as he walked away.


Did you really think things would go from bad to worse? All things will just keep getting better, as the next chapter will reveal. But, I've gotta stop this train right here for now, so stay tuned.

There will be somewhere above 10 chapters to this story. I have more than 10 written already, but the story's not complete yet. I'm going to guess that I'll finish with 13-15 chapters, but I'm not entirely sure yet. I'll let you know what to expect when I get there.

Thanks to Gabe, Stephen, Viktor, Andy, Alex, Jim, and BLUTRAK, who have read either or both of the first two chapters and written to me. Your feedback is much appreciated. Hope you guys will continue to enjoy the story as it unfolds.

Don't hesitate, drop me a line - mike_k20@hotmail.com .

Next: Chapter 4

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