Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Jan 16, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

After a slow start, I'll bet you're wanting things to start developing between these two. But first, let's recap what we know so far, shall we?


We know that Chris and Hector are both 16 and juniors. They're about the same height, and each plays a sport. They're both sort of popular, and both get decent grades. But...Hector's been feeling down because some people at school think he might be gay and are giving him a hard time about it. They have one class together, and have a group project to finish over the weekend. Looking to both get that done and possibly cheer Hector up, Chris decides to spend the weekend at Hector's house, even though neither of his parents will be home.

Plot development occurs with a few telltale words in this chapter...

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 2

I yawned loudly. I looked at the clock by my bed - it was 10 AM. Friday morning...I was leaving for Hector's house in just over an hour, and my mom wanted me up and ready to walk out the door by then.

"Come on, come on! You should've been up an hour ago!" My mom was frantically trying to wake me up.

"Nnnnnnnnn..." I hated being woken up early, even if it was 10.

"You said you wanted to eat before you left, right? Well, let's go!"

I hurried to get dressed, then I ran downstairs. I just grabbed some cereal and ate fast. The hour went by quickly, and before I knew it, I was getting out of the car at Hector's house. Hector's mom headed to the car just as I was heading for the house. My mom got out and turned toward me.

"We'll see you Sunday, Chris!"

"OK, mom. Love you, bye!

When I walked in, Hector was sitting on his couch in the living room.

"Hey." He got up once I walked in.

"Hey man, uh...why don't you put your stuff up in my room?"

"Sure, what you want to do first?"

"Let's get that damn thing done for class so we can do whatever the hell we want the next two days."

"Awright." It was probably the best thing to start with - that way we wouldn't have to worry about it later.

Despite our best efforts, it took longer than we would've originally thought. We didn't finish till it was after 9, and that was counting the two times we stopped to eat. Once I put my part of the work away and came downstairs from his room, he was sitting on the couch again, just sort of looking off into space. He looked like something was on his mind.

"Hey." I sat down next to him. He turned to face me.

"Is everything alright? I know the shit people are saying lately's been buggin' ya, but you look worse now. What's up?"

He sighed.

"I keep telling you man, don't let this shit bother ya. Those idiots don' know what they're talkin' about."


"What is it?"

He didn't say a word. Whatever was bothering him, it started to worry me.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me. Is there somethin' I should know...what is it?"

"Chris...you're my best friend, but I don't want this stupid thing to fuck up our friendship."

"How would this problem do that?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Sure I would. Go ahead and try me." I was starting to get a bad feeling about this.

He sighed again, then looked up like he was thinking. After about half a minute, he finally spoke. "OK. I don't want you to hate me for this, but..."


"Chris...the guys at school...they're right. I am gay."


Sorry, I meant to submit this on the 14th, but I got distracted with reading other stories and didn't think of it. I plan to send one chapter per week, and hopefully I won't get off-schedule for Chapter 3.

Short, I know, but at least now we're out of the starting block. Hector revealed that he is in fact gay, while Chris doesn't seem to be sure about himself just yet. Wondering what comes next? You'll just have to wait for Chapter 3. :P

Remember to send me feedback - whether you like the story or not - at mike_k20@hotmail.com .

Next: Chapter 3

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