Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Mar 13, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Hector has a question he needs to answer, but first...


Chris and Hector finally woke up from their blissful passionate slumber, only for Chris to feel the side effect of "the first time" - sharp pain in his ass. Hector wasn't in the room right when he woke up, but he walked in only seconds later. When he found out that Chris was having pain, Hector felt guilty about it. Chris reassured him that he'd be fine, and Hector, in his relief, let the words "I love you" slip out. Chris was surprised to hear that, but chose not to think about it right away - it was his turn to be the "top" man. Chris went fast first before settling down to the slower, more loving pace. As they were resting for a moment, Chris decided to ask Hector about the "I love you."

And now, here's Chapter 10!

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 10

Hector didn't say a word. He probably didn't know what to say, but I didn't want to wait to know the truth.


"Chris, I...I do love you. You've been a real good friend to me, and I've wanted you so badly for so long. I don't care what happens, I just want you here with me, man."

Now it was my turn to hesitate, as I didn't know what to say to that. I really didn't want to disappoint him, but I truly didn't quite feel the same way. And even if I did, I knew full well what it would mean if I decided to enter into that kind of a relationship with him and word got out of it - we'd become outcasts, FAST. It had happened to two guys who were seniors at the time several months ago. I couldn't bear the thought of either of us going through that. At the same time, I really cared for him, and a part of me just wanted to go for it. I then thought that it was a mistake to bring this up in the middle of sex, and started thinking back to our sexual moments so far this weekend so my dick wouldn't go soft inside of Hector.

However, he sensed that something was amiss. "Chris...?"

"I...I don't know what to say, Hector."

"Say that you love me too, man." I could tell in his voice just how badly he wanted it.

"I...I......I really don't know. I am liking what we're doing, but...I don't really feel the same as you do."

"Oh..." He was very disappointed.

"I do care for you an awful lot though, and I would still want to be a friend you can turn to about this. To be honest...I worry about what could happen to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...you remember what happened to those two seniors several months ago, right? I don't want that to happen, man." He didn't speak, so I continued. "Look...regardless of what happens, I still want to at least be your best friend, man."

"I do love you, though, and I wish you felt the same way."

"I know...but don't worry about it now, let's at least enjoy what we have now, OK?" And with that, I covered his lips with mine, and we went back to our passionate kissing. This only lasted a few more minutes, as we soon had enough of just lying there. I lifted up off him, and started moving in and out again slowly, as I thought I should at least give him a little more pleasure before pulling out of him.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." was his response.

I then rubbed my hands up and down his chest and stomach.

"Mmmmm...tryin' to make me feel better again?"

"Yeah...I thought it wouldn't be fair if you had me feeling so good at the very end, and here I'd have gone and ruined it for you."

"Aww, thanks, man. Always trying to make me feel better...what would I do without you?"

After about half a minute, I finally slowed to a stop, and slid myself out of him. As I was rising up from my horizontal position, he leaned up and gave me another kiss. But this one felt stronger than most of our other previous kisses, and I'm sure he sensed it too. However, as he tried to get up, he suddenly cried out in pain.

"AGH!! Ugh, Chris...it hurts!"

"Hey...it'll be OK. Remember, when I woke up, I had a little pain, too. Here, lemme help you up."

"Thanks." With his left arm hanging down, I reached behind him with one of mine and extended the other so he could grab my hand. He was a little woozy, so I supported him until he felt he could stand on his own.

We both felt we should shower after our shared sexual experiences, especially since apparently he'd passed on that chance earlier. We took our time this time, as the hot water felt great, and so did each other's touch as we washed each other. We played with each other's dick while we were at it, but neither one of us came while in the shower. When we were done, we walked back toward Hector's room, clad only in towels of course.

"Chris, man, I'm real hungry. We haven't eaten anything since this morning."

"You wanna order a pizza?"

"Sure, and make it two. I feel like I could almost eat a whole one right now."


I ordered two large pepperoni pizzas for delivery while Hector got dressed. He'd put on what he wore during the basketball game earlier, and I put on my such outfit after I was done ordering. Thirty-five minutes later, the pizzas arrived and we were chowing down. We were flipping through channels while we were eating, before we came across one of my favorite shows - Bravo's Celebrity Poker Showdown. I'd been getting into poker over the past year, and so I told Hector to leave it on. He'd never seen the show before, but I'd told him a little bit about how the game was played, and he was curious to watch it. The episode we were watching ended at 8, but we learned that it was to be followed by two more after that, so we decided to watch those as well. During a commercial break, Hector got an idea.

"Hey...you wanna help me bring the card table in here? I'd like to play a few rounds."

"I don't know...we don't have too much money between the two of us, and this would be your first time playing."

"Well, we don't have to play for real money this time."

"But we don't have any chips, though."

"Hmmm...actually, we might. I'd just have to think of where dad would've put `em."

"You mean your dad's a poker player, and yet you're not?"

"I'd hear mom mention something about poker nights every once in a while, but I never really caught on to what she meant by it."


Hector had to go rummaging in his parents' closet before he found them. "I've just gotta put everything back the way it was when we're done."

And while we watched more poker on TV, we played our own rounds. When the last Poker Showdown had finished, it was my turn to have an idea.

"Hey, uh, Hector...what would you say to one final round before we go to bed?"

"Sure, OK."

"But now, this wouldn't be like those games we played before. No...this would be strip poker."


Hmmm...wonder what Chris's idea of a strip poker game will lead to? Chapter 11 will have that answer - see you in seven!

I should take this time to point out something that may disappoint some readers. To those of you who enjoyed the sex these two have had, I hope you've had your fill, because you won't find any more in the rest of the story. There will be a brush with sex in Chapter 12, but that's it. I feel that this is about the time for things to get a little more serious, and it's necessary in order for things to develop properly in the early going of the next story.

Speaking of which, yes, that means that this won't be the only story involving Chris and Hector. Several of you already know this, but now I'm laying that piece of news out for all to know. That story will progress differently than this one has, because the new story will be putting Chris and Hector back into a day-to-day world, with no set time as to when the story will stop, though I think I will limit the number of chapters to around the same as for Weekend. I think I will take a bit of a break between the end of this story and the start of the next, only because I don't want to just move from the first story to the next so quickly. I also think I will submit chapters a little closer together than I did for this story, but there will still be a few days between chapters - enough time for feedback to come in and for me to respond. I have plenty of ideas laid out ahead of me, but if anyone has any suggestions on story ideas, feel free to...well, suggest. I haven't thought of a title yet, but I promise to have one by the time Chapter 13 - the planned final chapter of Weekend - is submitted.

I just feel like you readers should have some kind of idea of what to expect, and what not to. Don't worry though, future stories won't seem like they belong in the "no sex" section - it's just that they won't be strictly sex-based, either. In fact, that was never the intent of this story even, though I seemed a bit eager to go that route. But hey, they're teens, and teens act impulsively all the time! Being not that far removed from my own teenage years, I ought to know! Yep...you're dealing with a young writer here. Actually, the truth is, I originally wrote the first nine chapters within the span of a couple of days before taking a break from writing more. So, if it seems like later chapters are somewhat disconnected from the ones before them, that's why.

A couple other things...if anyone knows the e-mail address of Phoenix Mountaineer, the author of the story "Operation: College Quarterback" (college section), could you pass that along to me? I tried e-mailing him to let him know what I thought of the story, but apparently, the e-mail address he used for sending in that story is no longer valid.

Reminder: If you send me feedback on any chapter in this story, I will automatically add you to the mailing list I have for this story to keep you updated on when I submit new chapters. I prefer to keep readers informed (and reading!). If for some reason you don't want to be put on my mailing list, let me know.

Feedback line - mike_k20@hotmail.com . The situation with sending e-mails to AOL users is an on-again, off-again deal, so if you get an e-mail from me and it's from a different address, it's because I tried to respond through Hotmail and it didn't work.

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