Weekend to Remember

By Mike K

Published on Jan 7, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Greetings. Unlike my two previous stories, this one will be divided into chapters. Question: What happens when one friend finds out a deep secret about another friend, a friend that he will be spending the weekend with? This is the story of two friends who find out more about one another than each could ever have imagined. Without further ado, let's begin...

Weekend to Remember By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Chapter 1

Me and Hector have been friends ever since junior high. Me? I'm Chris. We're both 16, both high school juniors. I'm 5'8, 175 pounds - a widebody. He's 5'9, 155 - slimmer than I am. We both have brown eyes. I have brown hair, he has black hair. I guess I'd say I'm kind of dark for a white guy - I keep my tan up every now and then, but I don't burn easily. He's Hispanic, so for him, tanning comes naturally.

We both play a sport - me, I play football. I don't really play one position, but I have a good chance to be quarterback next year. He plays basketball, and right now he's a leading scorer on the basketball team.

We're both sort of popular, I mean since we're both really good players in our sports it's like how could we not be? But lately I've been hearing a few things about Hector that I don't like to hear. I dunno, I guess lately he's done a few odd things and it's started to make people at our school wonder if he might be gay. As long as I've known him, I haven't noticed anything about him that tells me that he is. I've asked him about it, but he doesn't want to say anything.

But even if he is gay or not, it's not that that bothers me. I admit that I've been attracted to a few guys on the football team for a few months now myself. Hector himself has a great body, too. But he's one of my best friends, and lately he's had a tendency to act real depressed and withdrawn. I know it's from the guys talking. I tell him not to let it get to him, but it doesn't help much.

Last year was sort of odd because we barely saw each other in school - we didn't have any classes together at all, despite our best efforts. This year we had history together, and it's also this year that I started hearing things about him.

This weekend would be real crazy. Hector and I teamed up for a history project that was due the following Monday. It's one of those research projects where you need to look up so much shit, and you never like doing it. Today's Thursday - they're giving us tomorrow off for some reason or another, I dunno. I guess they call it mid-winter break, but down here in Arizona there's never really a winter. We're only about a third of the way done, so we need to get together at least one day to make sure this gets done. I've had As and Bs ever since junior high, and so has Hector...at least until this class.

His depression has taken his mind off class. He's struggling to stay above a C right now, so he's constantly reminding me to work with him to get this project done. This long weekend will be perfect to do that, but there might be more to the weekend than that...

It all started after school on Thursday. I walked in the door of my house, when my mom told me she wanted to talk to me right away.

"I don't know what you wanted to do this weekend, but whatever you wanted to do, you'll have to run it by your father."


"I just got a call from the office...apparently, they need someone else on the marketing team in Vegas, and I was the only one available. I have to leave around noon tomorrow, and I won't be back till late on Sunday."

"Heh, OK." Then she went upstairs - probably to start packing, I guess. Mom does advertising, and this thing she had to go to sounded real important. She's worked in advertising for a few years - right around when Hector and I got to be better friends. His mom also does advertising, and they work at the same company. His dad's away in the Army Reserve, and mine works construction for most of each day.

That's when it dawned on me - his mom had to go to Vegas this weekend, too. I had this idea to spend the weekend at his house, just the two of us. I figured it was something of a long shot, but we had that project to finish, and I figured he could use some cheering up from all the shit people were saying.

"Mom, is it alright if I spend the weekend at Hector's?"

"Just you two for the whole weekend? I don't know..."

"Aw, come on...we do have that history project that we need to finish."

"Well...let me call his mom and see what she says."

I figured she'd probably say yes. Both his mom and my mom have noticed that Hector's been feeling down lately. But, you never know...

"Hi Gloria, it's Diane. Listen, Chris was asking if he could spend the weekend over with Hector, and I wanted to ask you about it first. (pause) Mmmhmm. (pause) Yeah, I know, but...with him being so down lately, I think this might perk him up. Plus, they've got that thing for their class that they've gotta do...(pause) Yeah. (pause) Yeah, I'll make sure he knows. (pause) OK. (pause) OK, we'll see you tomorrow. OK, bye."

I knew it'd work out.

"She was unsure about it, too, but when I told her it might perk him up, she felt a lot better about it."


"But, she wanted to make one thing clear - NO parties over there while we're gone."

"Don't worry, we won't have any." Actually, partying this weekend was the last thing on my mind.

"Well, you'd better go start packing yourself. I'm taking you over there in the morning before I keep going to Vegas."

"OK, mom." I was already looking forward to this weekend, but now it just got better...


Not much to this first chapter, I know. This was just to start the ball rolling, if you will. Sex won't be for a few chapters.

I enjoy reading comments from readers - please, drop me a line at mike_k20@hotmail.com, and let me know what you think of the story.

Next: Chapter 2

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