Weekend to Last a Lifetime

By Brian Nelsen

Published on Apr 1, 2005


E-mail rants, raves, etc can be directed to bucknaked@email.com (its my would be porn star name). Don't bother flaming I won't waste time reading it.


*This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional.

*If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW!

*Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, young teens, sexuality, nudity, youth soccer, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW!

If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy.

A Weekend To Last A Lifetime (2/3, TG, Sci-Fi, Teen)

Alexa, still influenced by Alex, woke up early the next day. She'd half been expecting to wake up as the Alex she'd once been. Unsettling as that was, she quickly remembered the events of the day before. The transformation, the trip to the mall, the evening with Will. It took her a second to become aware of her surroudings. She'd remembered falling asleep on the day bed the night before, sometime during the night someone had taken the time to pull the bed out to its full size and cover her with the sheets and blankets. It took her a second to become aware of the body she seemed to be sharing the bed with. Turning on her side, Alexa recognized the sleeping form of Will. He had stripped down to his grey boxer briefs and was sleeping soundly next to her. Alexa panicked for a minute, had she and Will done what she thought they did? She looked down at herself and realized she was still fully clothed as she had been the night before. Will hadn't done anything other then share the bed with her. Could she blame him? She knew how much he'd fallen for her.

Will was everything Alexa remembered Alex wanting to be. He was tall, athletic, popular and quite charismatic. She watched his chest rise and fall with each breath, she couldn't help herself, she reached out and brushed his hair out of his face. Will stirred and woke up slowly. She hadn't been planning on this. He reached out and stroked her face, she found herself electrified by his touch. He'd been Alex's idol and it seemed the tables were turning in Alexa's favor. Alexa let her guard down and Will turned to face her. She was just as beautiful now as he rememebered her last night, he could see the look in her eyes and he knew she was falling for him as much as he was falling for her.

Will kissed her again, this time Alexa opened her mouth slightly. She was suprised to feel Will's tounge in her mouth. She'd heard Chrissy mention something like this before and let herself go in the moment. It was wierd for her to be kissing a boy like this, but it felt good. She moaned slightly and Will became more insistent with his kissing. Alex wanted to be a part of Will's world, but he hadn't planned on kissing him, "making out" as Chrissy would have called it. Alexa's body betrayed Alex's desires. It felt good to kiss and be kissed by Will and Alexa wanted more. She found herself running her fingers through his close cropped hair and stroking his strong muscular back. Will laid closer to Alexa and began stroking her breasts. It felt too good for Alexa to want to put a stop to, Alexa recriprocated by stroking Will's tight muscular butt which had the effect of drawing him even closer to her.

Will slid Alexa's shirt off and got his first look at her breasts, like the rest of her they were amazing. Alexa was amazed to feel herself unclasping her own bra and freeing her breasts for Will. He returned the favor by licking and playing with her nipples. She hadn't had this in mind when she woke up this morning, but it felt too good to turn back now, Alex's protests were silenced by the pleasure Alexa's actions were bringing their shared body.

Will straddled her legs as he continued to play with her firm breasts. Alexa could suddenly feel Will's penis pressed against her leg, brushing Alexa's leg caused Will's penis to swell and expand to its full five inches. It wasn't much more before the front of Will's boxer breifs started to dampen with his teen pre-cum. Alexa could feel her vagina moisten and begin to dialate. She'd felt this once before, Alex may not have wanted Will's penis - but Alex's vagina did. As if on autopilot, Alexa guided Will's free hand to her vagina. Will didn't need to be told what to do as he slid his hand inside her panties and began massaging her clitoris. Alexa began thrusting her crotch against Will's invading fingers and felt her vagina begin to actually leak into her panties. Alexa was lost in the heat of her own passion as Will freed his hand and slipped off his boxer briefs.

Alexa couldn't help but look, Will's errect penis, having been freed from his boxer breifs, sprung to attention and stood up a full five inches. His testicles, hung beneath him having just started to move into their adult position. All of this was crowned by a small patch of hair Alexa got the distinct impression he'd kept trimmed. For the first time, Alexa wanted Will, more then that she wanted to feel him inside of her. Will hooked his fingers in her boxers and panties and allowed her to wiggle out of them in one move. Alexa felt a breeze on her well lubricated vagina and moaned softly. Here she was a girl not even a day and she was naked in the bed she had shared with the boy her former boyself idolized, further more he was peparing to make love to her.

Alex could feel the moisture dripping from her vagina. Will placed his hands on her tight muscular butt and guided his penis towards her waiting vagina. Alexa tensed awaiting his penetration. Will stopped short, teasing the entrance of her vagina with the head of his penis and spreading her lubrication over both of them. Alexa moaned with the pleasure he was bringing her. Will eased his penis forward and Alexa felt what Alex never could have, a boy's penis entering her vagina.

This being the first time for both of them, Will eased himself gently inside of her. Alexa's vagina easily accomodated his invading penis, it felt wonderful she thought. Alexa pulled her legs up and futher apart, she wanted more of Will inside of her. She and Will were skin on skin now, with each thrust Will was pushing against her clitoris sending wave after wave of pleasure through her. Alexa had never felt such pleasure as either Alex or Alexa. Speechless she could only moan with each of Will's deeper and deeper thrusts. It didn't take long before Alexa felt her vagina clamp down on Will's penis and what seemed like every neuron in her body fire in unision. Orgasm after orgasm came crashing down on Alexa leaving her breathless, it seemed almost as if the next one began before the last one finished.

She hadn't intended to do this with Will, but it didn't matter anymore, it was the most amazing thing she'd ever felt and she wanted to do it again and again. Alexa regained her senses in time to feel Will fire his teen semen deep inside of her, her orgasm having pushed him over the edge as well. It was a strange feeling to feel Will cumming inside of her, but she enjoyed every minute of it. Will was as breathless as she was. His penis spent, it deflated and slowly withdrew from her still trembling vagina.

Will shifted position so she could cuddle up next to him, Alexa felt wonderful. She never wanted to stop being Alex, but Alexa was beautiful, athletic and charismatic and someone people paid attention to; Alex was none of these things. She didn't know how long this transformation would last, she suspected it was permanent, either way she never wanted it to end. It was bizarre she thought, yesterday morning Alex couldn't have imagined he'd not only transform into a striking thirteen year old girl, but that he'd be having sex as her with his idol. Alexa had nothing else to compare it to, either with other boys or as a boy herself, but Will's lovemaking felt too good for her to want to let go of; Alex's protests fell on deaf ears.

Alexa noticed Will had drifted back to sleep, at the same time she suddently felt a dull ache in her left ankle. Absentmindedly she rubbed it, an old soccer injury she remembered. Alexa was startled for a moment, Alex had never played soccer, let alone injured himself. There wasn't enough time for the girl to ponder how this was possible. Like watching a movie on fast forward, Alexa was flooded with a lifetime of memories Alex didn't have. She remembered meeting Will in kindergarten, his parents moved into the house next door to Chrissys. Will's parents worked all day and Alexa's mom watched both kids in the afternoon. In first grade, she remembered kissing him out by the swingset one day during recess, as far as she knew just the two of them knew about that. Now the soccer injury made sense, she remembered breaking her ankle during a soccer game at recess when she was 7. Will was the one who carried her to the school nurse and was the first to sign her new cast. He was also the boy that carried her books for her while she was on crutches. She remembered returning the favor next year when Will broke his arm playing basketball. Like Will, she was the first to sign his cast and carried his books for him while he was in a cast. Alexa felt tears forming as she remembered how his father was transferred overseas when the two were nine years old, the house they'd been living in next door to Chrissy was sold to an elderly couple. She cried herself to sleep for a week after he left. She remembered how happy she'd felt three years later when his father was transferred back to the same city. His father had found a house a couple streets down and Will wanted to see if his best friend was still here. She rememebered thinking how good looking he was, he'd grown quite a bit since he left, always athletic he'd become quite muscular and shed all his baby fat while he was gone. This past year, Alexa, athletic herself, had helped Will work on his basketball game enough to make the eighth grade team. All of this was very strange to the girl, because until yesterday morning she'd been a boy named Alex, that much she remembered and knew to be true.

More and more memories of a life she never lived flooded the girl, careful not to disturb the sleeping boy she gathered her clothes and got dressed. Chrissy, having woken up to their lovemaking, met Alexa in the kitchen ready to get all the details.

"Chrissy, I don't know what's going on, I'm remembering a life I never lived, it was as if I'd been born a girl" Alexa blurted out.

Alexa was frantic, Chrissy steered her upstairs to her bedroom, the last thing she wanted was Will waking up and realizing he'd just made love to Alex not Alexa.

"Alexa I'm sure everything is fine, Will just rocked your world that's all." Chrissy reassured her, "Lets go with what we know, as of Friday you were Alex, a boy. I can prove it, remember the picture?"

Chrissy handed a picture she'd taken of the two from the Friday before. Despite what happened to Alex yesterday, the picture was sure to snap her out of her current state. Chrissy heard Alexa gasp and the picture fall on the floor, Alexa was shaking. Chrissy picked up the picture and got the shock of her life. It wasn't her and Alex in the picture, it was the two of them as she knew them now. Eventhough they'd taken several pictures together yesterday, Chrissy was sure this was the picture from Friday, flipping it over the date confirmed that it was indeed taken Friday. Maybe the date was wrong, she thought.

"It must be a mistake, Alexa, I'll bet the date's wrong. Lets go get your clothes from Friday cleaned up at least. It'll give us a chance to figure out what's happening to you."

The two teens headed down the hall, Chrissy made sure Jon was sleeping soundly in the other bedroom as they passed by. Now both girls were shaken, where Alex had left his boxers and t-shirt crumpled in the bathroom laid a girls t-shirt and matching pyjama bottoms, balled up in the bottoms were a pair of panties Alexa recognized as her own, even though Alex didn't own a pair of panties before yesterday afternoon. Maybe this was just part of the illusion both girls hoped. Continuing down the hall, Alexa was the first to recognize the jeans and long sleeve shirt she'd worn to school on Friday. Only problem was, Alex hadn't worn them Alexa had, she was sure of that. The pink long sleeve shirt coordinated with the white t-shirt confirmed that. The bra sitting on top of the pile was only like icing on the cake. Alexa was shaking now. It was bad enough that the clothes she'd worn over as a Alex had been replaced by girls clothes, how was she ever going to make it home as Alex? The problem was she could clearly remember having worn them to school on Friday and as Alexa no less.

Alex quickly ran downstairs, she needed to get home, to Alex's home. Things may have been as they were here, but they still had to be the same at home she thought. She raced past the pictures Chrissy's parents had assembled over the years of the two of them. Each one was the same, where there had been Alex, there was now Alexa. What was worse was that she was starting to remember the pictures having been taken with her as Alexa, not Alex. With each passing picture, she ran faster.

Throwing open the door to her house, she ran to the photo albums she knew her parents kept of her. Where there had been pictures of Alex growing up, Alexa now graced the same pages. It was bizarre, looking at pictures of a young girl growing up when that girl hadn't even existed before yesterday. But there they were, Alex had been a ring bearer in his cousins wedding, Alexa remembered taking part in the same wedding as a flower girl and had the pictures to prove it. Flipping the page, Alexa was greeted with a picture of herself playing on the beach in Oregon and the memories that came with it, Alexa's memories this time - not Alex's. A picture of last year's trip to California followed, Alexa could still remember going there as Alex, but it was clearly Alexa staring back at the camera. It was bizarre to share memories of a life you lived with one you hadn't, Alexa could just as clearly remember that was the first time she was allowed to wear a bikini - Alex had worn board shorts. She'd begged and pleaded for weeks, or at least remembered that she had, and her mom finally relented. Flipping the pages, she recognized herself at age five on vacation in Florida, Alex remembered the vacation, Alexa remembered the pig tales she wore. There was a series of pictures Alex's mom had taken when he was four, he'd even rememebered the suit he'd worn - it was his first time wearing a suit. What Alexa saw was herself at age four, she recognized the dress and how excited she was when her mom had brought it home. Alex remembered the swim team that he'd had spent a single year on, despite the fact that it was a young Alexa posing in the next picture, not the Alex who'd been there just two days ago. Now it got worse, Alexa flipped through pictures that Alex would have had no memory of, but there they were. Alexa, her father and Will fishing together shortly before he moved away. The summer camp picture she'd taken just two years ago of her, Chrissy and a friend of Chrissy's.

Alexa couldn't understand what was happening, taking the stairs two at a time she ran up to her room. At least her room would stay the same she thought. It was not to be true. Alex's posters of knights and dragons were replaced by Aaron Carter and Josh Hartnett. Alex's bed set had been replaced by the bed set Alexa remembered buying with her mom, the pastel colors and pretty flowers matched the pastels she'd helped her father re-do the room in. The make-up mirror was a new addition, Alexa recognized the make-up spread out before it as all her favorite colors and brands. This was hardly the blue and brown room Alex, the boy, left behind on Friday. Gone were his model airplanes, replaced by Alexa's soccer trophies. Alexa remembered the room Alex left behind, but she also recognized the room as the way she'd left it on Friday.

Alexa couldn't understand all that was happening, it was if Alex never even existed. Alexa pulled open the doors to the closet, half expecting to see Alex's clothes still hanging there the way he'd left them, she wasn't too suprised to see a closet full of girls clothes, her clothes she remembered. As if she needed the confirmation, Alexa pulled open the drawers to the dresser. Alex's undershirts and underwear had been replaced by Alexa's bras and panties. The drawers were still full of t-shirts and shorts, but they were cut for a girl and in colors no boy would wear.

As far as Alexa could tell, there was nothing left of Alex. Why had this happened today, why not yesterday? As far as Alexa could remember, and she wasn't even sure of that, she'd still had vivid memories of Alex as late as last night. Why were they fading away now and why had all traces of Alex been replaced by a life Alexa so far hadn't lived. It all began, she thought, after she and Will had sex. She remembered thinking she never wanted it to end. That had to be it, she thought, and she was right. Alex would have resurfaced in time to go to school Monday, all Alexa would have to have done is take a cold shower like the one that allowed Alexa to surface in the first place and it would have been Alex stepping out of the bathroom and not Alexa. Alex would be no different for the experience, save for the ability to change gender with a cold shower. Alexa's final wish this morning had made her transformation permananent. There was no going back, the life Alexa would have lived overwrote the life Alex had lived. There was no practical way to remove Alex completely from Alexa's memory or from that of the person closest to Alex, Chrissy. For mother nature to even try would have driven both girls mad.

Alexa felt something leaking from her vagina. She knew she wasn't aroused, there was only one thing it could be. Her rewritten history catching up to present day, Alexa didn't even have a moment to question this new feeling before she found herself headed to the bathroom to get a maxi-pad. Even though this was Alex's first period, Alexa had been through this several times already. It must have been Alex's final thought, "I am...", his/her history completely rewritten, Alex never did finish the thought. Alexa headed back towards Chrissy's house. It was time for Will to be getting up. She'd loved him her whole life, dating for the past year, they'd finally made love this morning. It had been everything she'd been expecting and more. Will was everything she needed him to be when she needed him to be it and their love making was amazing. She didn't think she'd ever love another guy the way she loved Will. She slid in bed next to him, he was still naked from their love making earlier, she curled up next to him and felt loved as she never had in her life before. Will stirring next to her slowly woke up. Chrissy witnessed Alexa's return, it was as if she was a different girl that ran from the house that morning she thought, it wasn't long before the noises of Alexa's and Will's lovemaking filled the house for the second time that day.

Will and Alexa stayed a couple throughout high school. Will, having loved Alexa his whole life, proposed to her on the night of their Senior Prom. Alexa had never loved another guy, let alone the way she loved Will. She of course said yes, the two stayed engaged throughout college and were married the day after they graduated. Will had no memory of a geeky boy he'd once gone to school with named Alex. Alexa had faint memories of a boy named Alex, but memories of her own childhood were too vivid for her to think she'd every been anything but a girl her whole life. As for Jon and Chrissy, Chrissy's plan that weekend had actually been to keep Will and Alexa involved so she could spend time alone with Jon. She hadn't thought about much outside of soccer, but she couldn't get Jon out of her mind. Her plan worked, she and Jon were married shortly after Will and Alexa.


That's the story of my birth, or rather "re-birth", as much of it as I remember at least. I don't remember very much of Alex, Chrissy's memory is better and she swears the story is true. She tells me that I knew my memory of that weekend would fade over time and I asked her to write everything down that had happened over that weekend after I came back to her house on Sunday. She showed me what she'd written recently, and it looks like her handwriting at that age, so I guess it must be true. I do remember a boy named Alex I went to school with, but he kept to himself and I don't remember very much about him, if anything. Every so often, Chrissy calls me Alex, I must remind her of him or something. Will's been an amazing part of my life. I've loved him for the past 25 years, he's been my husband for the past 9 years now, and I'm still in love with him as much as I've always been, if not more. After graduation and an amazing honeymoon in Hawaii, Will and I moved into the house I grew up in. My parents were getting older and it was more house then they wanted to care for. Having vacationed together much of their lives, Chrissy's parents followed mine into a condo development a hour from their old neighborhood. Chrissy and Jon took over the house payments and have been our neighbors ever since.

Tonight's our anniversary, Chrissy and Jon are joining us to celebrate. Chrissy and I have great news for our husbands, we're both pregnant. Chrissy thinks I'm having a boy, she's already got his name picked out - Alex.

Life has been great.

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