Weekend to Last a Lifetime

By Brian Nelsen

Published on Mar 31, 2005


E-mail rants, raves, etc can be directed to bucknaked@email.com (its my would be porn star name). Don't bother flaming I won't waste time reading it.


*This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional.

*If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW!

*Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, young teens, sexuality, nudity, youth soccer, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW!

If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy.

A Weekend To Last A Lifetime (2/3, TG, Sci-Fi, Teen)

Chrissy, slid out of bed and approached the speechless girl. Alex regained her composure and excitedly told her all the details of the shower and the transformation following and how it must have been the shooting star and the wish. Chrissy took it all in and agreed with Alex that the two girls were strikingly similar. Chrissy, curious girl that she was, wanted very much to size up her new competition. If nothing else, she still held on to the belief that maybe just maybe Alex was playing a trick on her, There was only one way to know for sure, Alex had to lose the towel.

Alex's initial reaction was to pull the towel tighter around herself. Alex hadn't been naked in front of Chrissy since they were at least six if not younger. It took a moment for Alex to realize the change in their circumstances. Years ago, Alex had seen Chrissy naked when the two had played "Doctor". Back then, Alex had been a naked boy. Now here she was a girl like any other - just like Chrissy she thought. Chrissy seeing Alex needed some encouragement, slid her t-shirt over her head and slipped out of her panties and pyjama bottoms. Alex closed her eyes, undid her towel and let it fall to the floor.

Chrissy was the first to speak, "You are just like me," she blurted out. That was all Alex needed to hear. Alex looked Chrissy over and was amazed to see the same body on Chrissy she'd just seen on herself in the mirror. Just to be sure they stood together in front of the mirror in Chrissy's bedroom, two naked sisters staring back at them was all the confimation they needed. Alex even noticed her eyes had shifted from soft brown to brilliant green, just like Chrissy's.

Alex lost in her own new world, didn't move, didn't even make a sound. Chrissy rummaged through her dresser and tossed some things at Alex. Alex focused on the clothes that fell at her feet and recognized them as a bikini top and bottom.

Alex was slow to react, Chrissy said "What's the big deal? You always liked it on me."

That much was true, Alex realized. Not in a sexual way, they were much too close for that, but more in the way that it flattered her developing figure. The teen was stunned for a more basic reason, not even an hour ago she'd been a boy named Alex, no where near the naked beauty she'd quickly become accustomed to and now here she was sliding a girl's bikini bottom up her very much female legs and tugging it in to place to cover her, yes her she thought, vagina. Chrissy already in her own bikini, helped the new girl accomodate her breasts in the bikini top she'd been struggling with. Alex took a look at herself in the mirror and was delighted to see that it flattered her in much the same way it had flattered Chrissy all this time.

Chrissy seeing Alex lost in her own beauty, nudged her towards the door leading out to the sun deck she had access to from her room.

"Come on," Chrissy said, "we've got work to do."

The two teens took up positions on the sun deck, with her absent parents on one side and an old reclusive couple on the other, Alex was completely unconcerned about having to explain herself, for the moment at least, the rest of the weekend and beyond would have to be figured out.

Chrissy spoke up and said, "Until we can figure this out, we'll just say you're my cousin."

That satisfied Alex and she settled into her recliner. Uncaring about her appearance as a boy, Alex was careful to apply a moderate amount of lotion. Sure she wanted to tan, but with a brand new body to show off the last thing she wanted to do was burn.

After about an hour, Chrissy suggested they take off their tops so as not to get tan lines. Alex was apprehensive at first, but Chrissy was quick to point out that there was no one around to see the two topless girls. Alex easily slid out of her top and let her breasts hang free for the first time since after the shower. It was an odd feeling to say the least. Alex, the boy, barely wanted to be seen outside, let alone went topless. If nothing else, Alex, the boy, certainly didn't have breasts and he certainly wasn't sharing the sun deck with his childhood best friend letting the sun soak into their, yes, their breasts. At the same time, the feeling of breasts felt good and almost wonderful to Alex. For now, her mind still wrapped itself around this being a role to play, but Alex was starting to enjoy the feelings of actually being a girl.

Alex feeling like a daredevil for the first time in her life found herself talking Chrissy into dropping the bottoms they both wore. Alex for once had a body she loved, it didn't seem to matter to her that it wasn't even the same gender she'd been born with. Chrissy never one to back down from a challege, stood up and dropped her bikini bottoms. The new Alex, not to be bested by Chrissy, stood up, dropped her bottoms as well and tossed them over the side of the sundeck to the yard some tweleve feet below her. There was no going back now.

Chrissy spoke first, "Damn Alex, you're like a carbon copy of me...its amazing!" Haven spoken "his" name for the first time herself that morning, Chrissy caught herself and said, "We need to think up a new name for you, pronto!"

Alex, blurted out the first thing that came to mind "Alexa!"

Unusal for Chrissy, she immediately agreed and so it was Alex the ugly boy was no more, in his place was Alexa the beautiful girl.

Alexa settled back into her recliner and took in the new sights and sensations she was still adapting too. She was becoming accustomed to the weight of her new breasts and her body, young as it was it quickly readjusted her center of balance to accomodate them. They rested perfectly on her chest, they were full, perfect and they were hers. They were hers, she couldn't resist smiling at that thought; how different she'd already become from the boy she'd left behind this morning. Feeling the warm summer breeze stimulating her nipples was something new for Alexa to adapt to. It was a pleasant sensation Alex thought, to feel her full breasts as they slid towards the sides of her reclining body. Feeling, actually having feeling, in her nipples was new and wonderful to the boy turned girl. It wasn't so strong as to be sexual, just enough to let you know they were there. Alexa absentmindley brushed her fingers across her protruding nipples eliciting yet another sensation that was taking some getting used to. The now familar most feeling between her legs reminded her of the rest of the changes a boy goes through when he becomes a girl.

As a boy, Alexa never noticed the penis she'd grown up with, as she grew so did it and her body simply made the accomodations necessary to integrate it into her sense of being. It was an entirely new feeling for Alexa to actually feel the presence of her vagina, new as it was. Well, not so much that she felt her vagina as much as she felt the absence of her penis and testicles. She still possessed a mind that was used to accomodating the weight and space occupied by a boy's genitals. It was a curious sensation to actually sense the absence of weight and space it added to her groin. Last if not least, feeling a warm summer breeze on her vagina was vastly different then what Alex would have felt on his penis. It wasn't so much penis vs. vagina as much as it was the fact that her vagina was only hours old and the nerves themselves were still adapting to their new roles and as such sensative in ways they wouldn't have been otherwise. It wasn't sexual, just a pleasant feeling of stimulation. Her new body, not just that fact that it was new and everything was still settling into place, was far more responsive then what she was used to as her former self. Maybe it was no different when she was a boy, she was just more interested it seemed in taking in the sensations of her new beautiful body then she ever was in enjoying her former ugly duckling body she'd been living in.

At the moment for Alexa, however, it was becoming sexual as she played with her nipples. It was a strange new feeling for the new girl to take in. As a boy, her arousal would have been made obvious by her errect and protruding penis - nothing more, nothing less. This was entirely different for her. Her first clue was the feeling of a sudden wetness between her legs. She'd felt this before during the transformation, there simply wasn't any way for the necessary changes not to cause some arousal. This time it was different, Alexa felt a warmth coming from within her, it seemed as if every nerve in her new body was acknowledging its existence. She felt a sudden wetness forming in her groin, how strange, how different, she thought. Driven by her curiousity, she played with her nipples futher, she could actually feel something leaking from her vagina. She focused more on the feelings coming from her vagina and could actually feel her scrotum turned vagina shifting and stretching to accomodate the penis it was expecting. That brought an abrupt end to her exploration. Alex, not having been gay, had not been expecting or desiring to engage in intercourse of any kind with any boy or man for that matter. Physically, Alexa was here and Alex was gone; but he was very much the man behind the curtain and still in charge.

Lost in her daydreams, the hours slipped by. It was now early afternoon when Chrissy stood up and said she wanted the two girls to get out of the house and "do something". Alexa knew for Chrissy this meant one thing, the mall. The two teens gathered up their belongings and re-entered Chrissy's bedroom. Chrissy grabbed her towel and headed off to take her shower. Alexa, of course having already showered, was given free access to Chrissy's belongings and her clothes. What should have been a difficult task for the new girl was made easy by remebering what she liked on Chrissy and the fact that it would probably look much the same on her.

Rummaging through Chrissy's dresser, Alexa withdrew a matching bra and panty set. She'd never actually seen Chrissy in her bra and panties, and considering Alexa's introduction to Chrissy this morning still hadn't, but she liked the way they looked and knew Chrissy had good taste in clothes. Again like this morning, Alexa was taken by sliding the panties, a faint red almost tye-dye pattern, up her legs and adjusting them to cradle her vagina - a vagina that hadn't been then there until just a few hours ago. Next came the bra, experience with the bikini top paid off and Alexa slid the bra over her arms and hooked it around the front. Some minor adjustments and the bra cradled her delicate breasts as if she'd been getting up in the morning and putting on a bra and panties all her life. The boy turned girl paused in the mirror and was again taken with the slim and curvy figure that smiled back at her, remebering the first time she looked in the mirror this morning that it was an ugly duckling of a boy that would have looked rediculous dressed as she was and not the beautiful young girl that returned her gaze. Role playing as she was, Alexa was starting to feel comfortable in the new role she'd taken on.

Next Alexa withdrew a strappy top of Chrissy's that was a favorite of hers, she slipped it over her head and it fell naturally to hug the curves of her new body. Lastly Alexa pulled on a pair of board shorts she knew would accentuate her narrow waist. Alexa was proud of her new body, but she didn't want to over do it. Chrissy returned from the bathroom, complimented Alexa on her choices and got dressed herself. Chrissy the soccer star, already dressed in a simple bra and panties, pulled on a pair of pink soccer shorts and a simple t-shirt. Chrissy was relieved to see that Alexa had dressed simply, even in her small world Chrissy was well aware of crossdressers who thought nothing of wearing an evening gown to the mall. Thankfully, Alexa didn't appear to harbor any of those desires. Chrissy combed out Alexa's hair and let it fall naturally to her shoulders. Despite Alexa's resistance to wearing makeup, Chrissy was able to get her to agree to just the basics and a clear coat of nail polish. Chrissy took the time to remind her new sister that this is what girls did.

Dressed, the two teens headed downstairs so Chrissy could gather her purse and the money their parents had left for them, which after last nights belch fest gave them about $80 for the rest of the weekend. Chrissy took one half the money and handed the other half to Alexa along with an old purse Chrissy had managed to find, not that Alex wanted or even really needed a purse, but it completed the illusion. Passing by the kitchen the girls grabbed some fruit and granola bars to share on the bus ride to the mall. Chrissy tossed Alexa a pair of her old sneakers to wear, while she wore the soccer shoes that completed her outfit. Heading out the door, the two girls walked the block to the bus stop in no time at all. They were joined shortly by a few other people, including two boys Alexa and Chrissy recognized from school. The taller of the two, Will was older then the two girls but was in the same grade becuase his birthday was so late in the year. Tall for his age, he played on the basketball team at school. Will was one of the popular kids at school and had never paid much attention to Alex, yet never tormented him as several of his friends had either. Alex wanted very much to be friends with Will, but was clearly shunned by the other boys Will hung out with. The other boy, Jon, Chrissy knew from her soccer practices, not that they were on the same team, but the boys and girls teams often practiced side by side. Chrissy introduced Alexa, as they had agreed upon, to the two boys as her cousin.

Alexa, never having been attracted to boys as one herself, was suprised to find herself becoming quite, well, attracted to Will. Maybe it wasn't that she was attracted she reasoned; as a boy, Alex had been quite envious of Will. Will was everything Alex was not, he was tall, good looking, quite athletic and very popular. Maybe, just maybe, it was the part of Alex that still remained that was happy to be closer then he'd ever been to his idol. The teens made small talk, the boys, as boys that age do, invariably tried to impress the girls. Alexa found herself genuinely laughing at Will's antics, this certainly wasn't the Will she saw everday with his entourage. Will as boys his age do, regarded Alexa's giggling as approval and continued with his antics until the bus came. The social code at that age being what it is, the boys and girls seperated and took seats about as far apart from eachother as they could.

The bus arrived at the mall and Chrissy quite literally dragged Alexa off the bus, that was Chrissy for you - there wasn't a mall she didn't love. Alexa quickly glanced over her shoulder to see Will and Jon head towards the Sports Authority, she wasn't suprised. Chrissy steered her towards the opposite end of the mall, chattering away the whole time. The conversation stopped when Alexa clearly heard her mention Claire's and getting her ears pierced in the same sentence. Alexa stopped dead in her tracks. Alexa enjoyed the role she was playing, she certainly enjoyed the attention her new body was getting her, but Alex's brain could only take things too far. Chrissy dragged the poor teen with her insisting it was nothing permanent and that if she was going to look like a girl, she better start acting like one too.

Getting her ears pierced wasn't nearly the trauma Alexa thought it would be. Just a quick pinch, no worse then a shot and Alexa was graced with two small fake diamond studs. The teen looked herself over in the mirror and decided her eyes sparkled just about as much as her new earrings, she was pretty. Chrissy was impatient to get to PacSun to check out the latest clearance sale. As a boy Alexa loved to spend time in PacSun and daydream about the clothes the beautiful people wore. Alexa, the girl, was one of those people, she was only too happy to oblige Chrissy this time. The path they followed took them right past the Sports Authority where Will and Jon just happened to be exiting. Will spotted the two girls and smiled at Alexa. She loved the attention she was getting from Will, poor Alex couldn't have gotten the time of day from the same boy. Alexa expected him to come over, but he and Jon turned the other way walked away.

It was a short walk to PacSun, it was a tradition for the teens that Chrissy would head to the left to check out the girls clothes and Alex would hang to the right to stay on the guys side of the store. Alex and Chrissy had always treated clothing stores this way, not that Alex cared to shop, he couldn't or wouldn't wear most of the clothes he'd seen in stores with Chrissy. If he didn't go out with her, he probably wouldn't go out at all. This was a pattern that had been repeated hundreds, if not thousands, of times by the two teens and was often done without even thinking about it. Alexa headed towards the right side of the store as Alex always had, Chrissy cleared her throat. Alexa giggled to herself and walked toward Chrissy. The two teens checked out some of the same clothes, but Alexa found herself drifting away from Chrissy. This was all new to Alexa, yesterday she'd been a ackward boy that nothing seemed to fit right; now here she was a stunning thirteen year old girl checking out clothes that looked as if they'd been made just for her. Alexa broke her trance in time to look up and see Will again. He was across the store from her and he was smiling again. Will had never smiled at Alex, let alone made eye contact, so the boy never knew how cute his smile was; but here was Alexa the beneficiary of one of the nicest smiles she'd ever seen.

Alexa continued shopping and came across a faded green t-shirt that she instantly fell in love with. It had a Hawaiian flower emblazoned across the chest and the PacSun logo on the back. Alexa held it up to get a better look at, not nearly as baggy as the boys shirts she had been used to wearing, it looked like it would certainly accentuate her breasts without being too clingy. Chrissy found a long sleeve black shirt she thought would go great with the top Alexa had picked out. The shirt was made of strechy material and would certainly cling to Alexa underneath the green t-shirt, but it would show off her arms really well. Alexa slipped into a changing room to try the shirts on. Slipping her top off she again paused to marvel at the breasts that graced her new curvy body. If seeing was believeing, touching was knowing. Alexa gently cupped her new breasts and reminded herself that they were very real and very hers. She slid both tops on and it was exactly as she had expected, the tops fit perfectly. Looking at herself in the mirror, she loved the way the petals of the flower spread across her chest as if they were hugging her breasts. Happy with the two shirts, she slid both of them off and slipped back in to the top she had borrowed from Chrissy.

Alexa paid for the two tops, with tax it came to $10. Chrissy paid for a belt she had picked out, which cost her $5. Chrissy had also agreed to pay for Alexa's earrings since she had all but forced the girl to have them done. That had been another $5. Between them they each had $30 left.

"What's next?" asked Alexa, she was clearly starting to enjoy this.

Chrissy suggested Old Navy, it had always been a favorite of both Alex and Chrissy's. Alexa and Chrissy stepped into Old Navy and Alexa remembering her entrance into PacSun made sure to follow Chrissy to the girl's side of the store this time.

Alex had always like the jeans Chrissy bought at Old Navy and so Alexa seemed to gravitate towards this section of the store. There were just a few styles left in the store, Old Navy had been making room for the summer clothes and these were the few pairs left that hadn't sold. Alexa settled on a pair of low rise jeans that looked about her size. They were faded blue and came "pre-stressed", Alexa wouldn't have been suprised if they were "pre-owned" for that matter. A quick conference with Chrissy confirmed they were indeed her size so again Alexa slipped into a changing room to try on her lastest find. Alexa unbuttoned the shorts she'd been wearing and let them slide down to her ankles. Stepping out of them, she still found herself amazed at the radical changes her body had undergone. Where her calves had once been hairy and flabby, they were now shapely and muscular. Her thighs which had always been flabby as a boy were now firm and shaply. Continuing her gaze upward, she settled on the vast flatness of her groin. She ran a hand across her panties as if to confirm what her eyes already knew. She was flat there, just as if she'd been born that way, she closed her eyes and in her mind she could see the womb she'd been blessed with. The penis and testicles that had protruded from this point only hours ago were gone, replaced by what Alexa considered the greatest distinction of her new found girlhood.

Sliding the jeans up to her waist and buttoning them into place, the teen looked herself over from every angle she could. The jeans fit her perfectly, it was if they were made just for her. Satisfied, she changed back into her shorts and stepped out of the dressing room, bumping right into Will. She stumbled a bit, Will reached out and grabbed her. There was that feeling again, Alexa thought. Alexa's brain, the only remnant left of the boy Alex, couldn't understand why Will made her feel this way. Recovering she adjusted her clothes and murmured, "Thank you," to Will. Will released his hold on her and repiled, "You're welcome." Alex's low self esteem dominating Alexa made her want to drop the jeans and quickly exit the store, but a more powerful emotion reigned over the transformed boy. Alex had a body that defied all manner of fabrics and clothing styles, nothing fit well on him no matter what he did. Alexa on the other hand was graced with a body that literally poured into the clothes she tried on and she wanted those jeans. No amount of embarassment was going to stop her from getting those jeans. $8 later and they were hers.

Leaving Old Navy, Chrissy spoke first, "I don't mind you borrowing my clothes, given the circumstances, but I only have enough bras and panties for me to wear."

It made sense, and while the situation called for it this morning, Alexa didn't want to be borrowing Chrissy's underwear any longer then she had to. It was a strange thought for Alexa and Alex to share. It wasn't so much that Alex was resistant to wearing bras and panties, after all he was a girl - for now at least. Alexa was resistant to sharing underwear, just like Alex would have been under any circumstances, it was just something you didn't do.

Alexa had most of an outfit already. A boy only hours ago she was still trying to sort out all the changes she'd been through, but she knew one thing, she wanted her own clothes to wear. Alex had lived his life through Chrissy; it wasn't that he wanted to be her, so much as he wanted to be like her, beautiful. Alexa spoke up and said, "You know I need shoes to go with this outfit too." She smiled and headed towards The Gap. Alexa figured it was a little more then she could probably afford with what she had left, but she wanted to look anyways.

Entering The Gap, Alexa had formed an idea of what she was looking for. Before the events following her abrupt transformation this morning, Alexa as Alex hadn't seen the inside of Chrissy's underwear drawer in as long as she could remember. The teen reasoned if they made low rise, hip hugging jeans, they had to make low rise hip hugging panties to go with them. It didn't take her very long to find what she was looking for, like a girl on a mission with Chrissy following her for a change, Alexa made a bee line for the racks of bras and panties at the back of the store. There she found was she was looking for a pair of low-rise bikini-style panties and matching bra set, in a soft shade of blue. Blue had always been Alex's favorite color. Alexa loved the fit of the borrowed bra and panties and having remembered their sizes simply picked out the same size in her new bra and panties. The set was $15, more then Alexa wanted to spend, but Chrissy saved the day and gave Alexa $8 from her purse. If only for a fleeting moment, Alexa found herself thinking about Will. Was it possible she'd picked out her bra and panty set with him in mind? Her mind, still very much posessed by Alex, woudn't let her think any further then that.

Chrissy, amazed at what she'd seen come over Alexa in the past half hour, was only to happy to give the new sister she'd been blessed with the money. This morning Alex turned Alexa was happy just to have a nice body. Severely depressed as an ugly boy, the practical aspects surrounding her transformation from boy to girl hadn't mattered much to the former boy. She was just happy to be beautiful, if this was what it took, she was ok with it. Alex had wanted to be rid of his ugly former self for so long, he wasn't about to argue with the way out he'd been given. However, looking like a cute teenage girl and being a cute teenage girl were two different things. Chrissy knew this from the moment she woke up this morning that the girl who'd been Alex would need to be dragged out of the shell Alex had left behind. Left to make her own decisions this morning, Alexa most certainly would have covered herself with the barest of essentials and gone back to her world of fantasy. Alex, without looking back, had done to himself what it took to be a beautiful girl. Chrissy knew instictively it was up to her to make Alexa the beatiful girl into Alexa the beautiful and happy girl. Chrissy had laid the ground work, but here was her childhood friend Alex embracing his new role as Alexa all on his own now. Chrissy couldn't have been more satisfied.

Next stop was Payless Shoe Source, sure some of the shoes were cheap but if you dug deep enough you could find a bargain. It certainly helped that friends of Chrissy's who were older then the two girls worked there and could get the employee discount for them. Alex's brain was no help to Alexa when it came to shoes, he simply bought was was cheap and fit. Chrissy found a cute pair of buckle shoes with a slight heel. They weren't stilettos by any stretch of the imagination, but the heel still concerned Chrissy. Even now as a girl, Alexa had never worn heels, Alex had never walked a step in anything but whatever sneakers he owned at the moment. The shoes were perfect for the outfit Alexa had picked out. She handed the shoes to Alexa and helped her put them on.

Tenatively Alexa stood up, it was the first time, boy or girl, she'd been in heels of any kind. Alexa took her first steps, baby steps for lack of a better word, in her new heels. These were no shaky first steps as Chrissy had anticipated, instead Alexa walked confidently from one end of the aisle to another. No one could have guessed it was her first time in heels, Alex's brain staying one step ahead in this role play surmised that it was clearly a reflex action for a girl Alexa's age to walk in heels, as such it wasn't something Alex's brain had any control over. It was a learned behavior for a girl her age and as much a reflex, as say breathing. As such, the cosmos had provided the new girl with this knowledge. If it was true that walking in heels was second nature for Alexa, what else was? Could it be that her desire to be noticed and accepted could be intrepreted by those around her, more importantly boys her age, as flirting? Was she buying clothes becuase they made her look attractive, or was she trying to attract someone? Alex, still very present in the recesses of Alexa's mind was too afraid to think futher about the implications.

Alex reboxed the shoes she and Chrissy had picked out and carried them to the front of the store to pay for them, a pair of green and black striped socks caught her eye at the register. They went with the clothes she'd already picked out and they were nothing like the socks Alex had ever worn, that was all the encouragement Alexa needed. She grabbed them and handed them and the shoes to the clerk, a friend of Chrissy's, who greeted the two. The shoes, already on sale, were discounted even further after the employee discount. The socks, already on clearance, were gift of Chrissy's friend. Alexa's bill came to all of $5.

Alexa had $10 left of the money she had started with, Chrissy had managed to hold on to $20 of what she'd started with. The girls had taken a seat outside of Payless to pool their money and figure out what to do next. Alexa was the first to spot Will and Jon approaching. Had he really been on her mind all day, she wondered. Alexa caught Will's gaze and the two boys headed her way. Alexa couldn't have known it, but Will had spent most of the day trailing after her. Normally a boy's boy, he couldn't seem to get enough of the pretty girl he'd been introduced to at the bus stop that morning. It was no accident that he and Alexa had crossed paths the time's they had. He wanted to approach her and say something that would make her melt in his arms, so far the closest he'd come was that time he'd accidentally tripped her that time in Old Navy. Every time he came close, her brilliant smile would leave him speechless. Jon, his shadow in much the same way Alex had trailed Chrissy most of his life, was obliged to follow along.

It was now approaching five o'clock, having spent nearly four hours at the mall already, the boys were growing bored and looking for something to do. That part may have been true for Jon, but not for Will. Truthfully, Will was looking for a way to spend more then just a few minutes at a time with Alexa. Alexa loved the attention Will had shown her, she'd been getting looks from other boys and even some men all day and loved every minute of it, but somehow despite all the attention she felt different about the few moments she'd had with Will. Alex may have recreated himself as the girl Alexa, and could certainly dress the part, but he wasn't ready to surrender his thoughts and feelings as the boy he'd been before his radical recreation this morning. As far as Alexa believed, she was only manipulating Will as far as it took for the popular boy to share his world with the outcast boy Alexa had left behind in the bathroom this morning. Nothing more, nothing less.

Seeing the opportunity before her, Alexa suggested the teens see a movie together. Mean Girls was playing at the mall movie theatre. The teens walked together over to the movie theatre, Will trailing only a foot or two behind Alexa the whole way. She loved every minute of it. Approaching the movie theatre, Will got his first look inside Alexa's shopping bags. Seeing everything but the bra and panties she'd bought for herself, Will complimented her on her choices and told her he thought her new earrings were "cute". Alexa blushed and thanked the handsome teenager. The part of her that was still a boy, loved to hear his idol use the word "cute" in describing her. Alexa blushed even more. Chrissy overheard the latest exchange between the two teens came to a realization. Of course, she thought, it all made sense, Alexa's new clothes, her attitude. Chrissy hadn't noticed it until now, but she suddenly realized the strange behavior confident Alexa had been displaying around Will. At the time Chrissy had written it off as geeky Alex slipping out of his role as Alexa. It was much simpler then that she realized. Alexa had a crush on Will. His antics around Alexa began to make sense to Chrissy as well. Will appeared to be developing as much of a crush on Alexa as she'd developed on him.

Arriving at the movie theater, the teens realized they still had an hour before the next movie would be starting, at 6 PM. Chrissy, already hatching a plan to get Will and Alexa alone together, spoke up quickly and suggested they buy the tickets now and meet back in fourty-five minutes. Chrissy knew how popular the movie had been so far and new this part of her plan would force Will and Alexa to have no excuse for not sitting next to eachother. Chrissy didn't have much time to waste. Breaking the trance Will was having on Alexa, she all but dragged the girl in the direction of Payless Shoes. Will loved the clothes Alexa had picked out, Chrissy was determined to give him the chance to see them on Alexa. It wasn't ideal, but it was the best solution Chrissy could think of in the time she had to work with. It was either the mall bathroom or the backroom at the Payless Shoe Source she knew her friends would let her borrow.

Re-entering Payless, Alexa protested, "Chrissy, we've already been here!"

"We're not here for the shoes!" Chrissy hissed.

Leading the confused teen to the backroom, Chrissy explained to Alexa the first part of the plan she had in mind. Hoping to side step the protestations the traces of Alex would certainly mount, Chrissy explained to Alexa that it would be cold enough tonight that she would be better off wearing her new jeans home and if she was going to go that far, she might as well go all the way and change into her new outfit. Alexa bought Chrissys ruse, gathered her belongings and stepped into the back room. Chrissy was quick to stress that they didn't have much time and Alexa needed to make the change as quickly as possible. Locking the door behind her, Alexa slipped off her shoes and unbuttoned her shorts, letting them drop to the floor at her feet. Moving quickly she slid the top over her head and stepped out of her shorts crumpled on the floor. A cool breeze caught Alexa off guard and served to remind her that this was not the body she'd been born with. Having no time to waste, she continued on and slid the borrowed panties down her legs leaving them in a crumpled pile on the floor.

Slipping out of Chrissy's bra, Alexa was completely naked for the first time since this morning. She allowed herself to pause for a moment and admire the naked teen girl that stared back at her in the mirror. Alexa only glanced at herself for a moment, but it was obvious in that moment that her tan lines were starting to develop, subtle but obvious still were the minor revisions her changed body had been perfecting through out the day. She was a little more toned, her features a little softer. Her breasts a little more shapley then their initial introduction to the world this morning. Lastly, the tissues of her transformed vagina seemed to have receeded a little, giving the appearance of settling into what Alexa surmised was their natural position. Alex the boy, had trusted the changes he brought upon himself were permanent, for Alex it was the only way he could accomodate the situation. Now looking herself over in the mirror, it occured to Alexa for the first time Alex's adjustments this morning were quite possibly permanent.

Already impatient, Chrissy knocked on the door telling Alexa to hurry up. Alexa quickly withdrew the panties she bought and slid them up her narrow hips, as she knew they would they fit her perfectly hugging her hips in a way that could only be described as "sexy". Satisfied Alex pulled off the store tags and fished out the matching bra. Having struggled with Chrissy's bras, Alexa had made sure to purchase a front hook bra she knew she could slip on easily. A few minor adjustments and the bra cradled her shapely breasts pefectly. Alexa slid the jean up her legs and tugged gently at them to adjust their fit on her body. Next came the long sleeve shirt Chrissy had picked out, topped by the short sleeve shirt that was Alexa's first purchase this morning. Alex dug out the socks she'd picked up and pulled them up her small ankles. They were different, for sure, but they looked great with her outfit. Lastly Alexa slipped the shoes on her feet, gathered the rest of her belongings and stepped out of the small backroom. Chrissy complimented her on her outfit and produced a small charm she'd bought next door at Claire's while she was waiting for Alexa. It was a small shiny friendship charm bracelet. Something Alex would have rejected, Alexa easily accepted - her ears already pierced, a bracelet wouldn't be any worse.

Next, Alexa followed Chrissy to the lockers provided by the mall and stuffed their belongings inside. Chrissy checked her watch, with only 20 minutes left she had to act quickly on the rest of her plan. Knowing Alexa would follow her, she headed off in the direction of Sephora. She knew if she said anything, the boy turned girl would protest as she had this morning before leaving the house. Chrissy was determined to play matchmaker and knew Alexa would thank her later. As they approached Sephora, the remainder of Alexa that was still very much Alex refused to budge. He was not about to be paraded around as some clown. Chrissy didn't have time to play nice.

Approaching Alexa, she challenged her, "Are you a boy or a girl?"

Alex wanted to speak up and stand his ground, but he knew this was a role he had to play. Alexa stammered, "A girl of course"

It seem more realistic to say "now", "not of course" but given the very public nature of the mall it was easiest to answer the way she had.

"This is what girls do," Chrissy hissed.

Defeated, Alexa followed Chrissy into Sephora.

Chrissy had known this was a slow time of the day for the makeup artists at Sephora and if a client was willing to buy a token cosmetic they'd be happy to practice their skills. Alexa had one request, keep it simple. The makeup artist used neutral colors to highlight Alexa's fair cheekbones and minimize the shadows. Applying a light coat of mascara, the makeup artist drew out the fullness of Alexa eyelashes. She applied a light eyeliner to each eyelid, just enough to draw attention to Alexa eyelashes. The makeup artist suggested a pinkish brown lipstick to frame Alexa's lips and accent her fair skin tone. Alexa had to admit, it looked good on her. Alexa was beautiful even without the makeover, with it, she was nothing short of stunning. Realizing they were running short on time, the makeup artist slipped the lipstick Alexa loved so much in her hand and sent her on her way, Chrissy having already taken care of paying for everything.

Returning to the movie theatre, the girls quickly hooked up with the boys again. Will was the first to speak, at a loss for words around Alexa all day, he blurted out, "Alexa you look amazing." The four teens, caught off guard, fell silent for a moment. Chrissy broke the silence suggesting they get their seats soon or they woudn't be able to find four seats together. The four teens headed towards the theatre and fell in next to eachother, to the casual observer it looked as if two teenage couples were double dating, Alexa and Will paired together and Jon and Chrissy bringing up the rear. The four found seats together and settled in in time for the movie to start, the lights dimmed, Wil screwed up his courage and took Alexa's hand in his. She wasn't ready for this she thought, she wanted to protest, but for once no words came out of her mouth. Like much of the day had been for her, she was getting the things her former boyself had longed for his whole life, she wasn't about to question how such things came about. A half hour passed, and with no protest from Alexa, Will took this as his chance to lift up the arm rest that seperated them. Like thousands of boys before him did with girls they took to the movies Will pretended to stretch and used this as a chance to put his arm around Alexa. Chrissy look over at the two teens and smiled, everything was working out just the way she hoped for. Alexa was lost in the attention she was getting from Will and without even thinking about it snuggled up closer to him. The two teens stayed this way until the ending credits rolled at which point they quickly returned to their original positions, hoping none of the other moviegoers were any wiser.

The four teens headed out of the theatre, collected the girls belongings from the lockers and walked towards the bus stop serving the mall. Making it just in time to catch the next bus back to their neighborhood, the teens this time sat near eachother. Social rules still dictated that there be some distance between them, but to no ones suprise Alexa and Will took up seats closest to eachother. Much more comfortable with eachother since this morning, Will and Alexa talked throughout the entire trip back to their neighborhood. Alexa loved every minute of it, as a boy she'd admired Will for years. Now here he was interested in the things she had to say and the things that mattered most to her. Alex had waited for this moment for years, Alexa was not about to let it pass her by.

The bus pulled to a stop in front of their neighborhood and the four teens quickly exited. The girls headed back towards Chrissy's home while Will and Jon headed back to Will's house. Will couldn't get Alexa out of his mind, thinking quickly he passed his house key to Jon and the two boys jogged the short distance to where the girls were. Jon, having been Will's side kick for years, knew that Will would explain what he had in mind sooner or later. Will called after the girls, getting Alexa's attention first. The girls stopped where they were and waited for the boys to catch up to them.

"I've lost my house key and my parents won't be home until tomorrow," said Will, "Jon didn't take his key with him this morning and his parents are gone as well." Will paused for effect and continued, "If we can't stay the night at your place, we'll have to sleep on my porch."

Thing were going better then Chrissy had planned on. Her parents had known the two boys for sometime now and knew they could be trusted. Chrissy wasn't supposed to have overnight guests, other then Alex, but she knew that under the circumstances her parents would let her off with just a stern lecture, if they ever found out.

"Sure you can come along," replied Chrissy.

That was all the encouragement Will needed as he took up a position beside Alexa. Embolded he clasped her hand in his and walked with her towards Chrissy's house. Alex, the boy, never got to see this side of Will, but Alexa loved every minute of it. As was common in May, the night air turned cool; Alexa shivered. Will thought nothing of sliding his jacket off and slipping it over her. It warmed her, but more importantly it filled her with Will's scent. Alex, still in control of Alexa's brain, would never have responded to such a thing. He was helpless though, Will's scent brought out a very basic biological response in what was very biologically a girl. Alexa inhaled deeply and loved the rush Will's scent gave her.

Lost in her daydreams, Alexa realized the four teens had made it back to Chrissy's house. All four teens agreed they were hungry and proceeded to pull apart the cupboards. Will considered himself quite the cook and quickly located the ingredients he could use to put together a stir fry receipe he'd learned from his mother. Sure it wasn't the "guy food" that he and Jon would be eating at a time like this, but he knew the girls would agree to it. While the stir-fry would only take a couple of minutes, the rice needed a half hour to cook. Alexa saw this as a chance to change out of her only set of "her" clothes and save them for tomorrow. Chrissy joined her suggesting to the boys they were both getting tired and were going to change their clothes for bed. Chrissy wasn't tired, but she figured this would be a good cover story for Alexa.

Chrissy, already half undressed, tossed Alexa a pair of girl's boxers she hadn't worn in a while. Alexa pulled off her socks and jeans and slid the snug boxers up her legs and pulled them into place. They were loose enough to be decent on a girl her age, but snug enough that the boys were sure to get a good look at the perky butt Alexa was graced with. Alexa decided to keep the green t-shirt and her bra on. She wasn't planning on sleeping in her bra, but she putting enough of a show on already with her boxers. Chrissy corralled Alexa before she could stray too far. A boy just this morning, Alexa would certainly have forgotten to wash her make-up off if Chrissy hadn't been so quick to guide her to the bathroom.

For Alexa, it was like returning to the scene of the crime. She had stepped in this very same bathroom this morning as an ugly boy and stepped out as a beautiful young girl. Chrissy took her time removing her make-up which allowed Alexa to be the first back downstairs. This was part of her plan and she was counting on the former boy to overlook the fact that under normal circumstances the two girls would have timed their return to coincide. So far Alexa was following the plan. Jon was the first to hear Alexa's delicate footsteps on the landing. As if on cue, Jon excused himself saying he needed to go to the bathroom. He'd been here once before for a soccer party and knew where he was going. Alexa thought it was strange that he'd passed the bathroom off the kitchen and walked to the one further away just off the den. Was he trying to leave the two teens alone?

Alexa looked at Will and said, "I guess its just you and I for now."

Will had spent all day wanting just a few minutes with this girl that had been dropped in his life and now he was getting his wish. Will had planned for this moment all day and now he was speechless. Alexa knew she had control over him, seeing how far she could take things, she brushed past him and surveyed the progress of dinner. It wasn't so much that she cared about dinner, she trusted Will was a good cook, she knew this was an opportunity to lean up against the stove and tease Will a little with her body. Alexa loved the attention she was getting from Will, she wasn't trying to seduce him, this was Alex seeking revenge against the life he'd lived. Alex didn't hate Will, if anything he idolized him, before this morning he even wanted to be him. Alex just enjoyed the opportunity to push his buttons a little.

"Alexa," Will said, "you are by far the most amazing girl I've ever met. You're beautiful, you're thoughtful, smart, funny and caring." Will paused. "I think, I think I, "

Will paused not believeing what he was about to say. Alexa turned to face Will, this torture was going better then she thought. She remembered the bus ride home, she'd told Will all the things she'd ever wanted to tell him as Alex. If she thought she was losing him, she'd do any number of the things she watched girls do with guys to keep their attention. She never imagined she'd have him eating out of her hand this much. It never occured to her that it could come off as flirting.

Alexa returned her attention to Will, "love me?" she said.

Will couldn't say anything, he leaned forward and kissed her gently. Reflexively, Alexa returned the kiss. It was nothing spectacular, just a small kiss, lasting no more then a second. Alexa was no different, her kiss was a reflex. Will on the other hand would never be the same. Alexa was the first girl he'd ever kissed that he wasn't related to and she kissed him back. Will was in love, he'd swore it would never happen to him and now that it had, he couldn't be happier.

Chrissy and Jon re-entered the kitchen at that point from their respective corners of the house. Alexa and Will quickly distanced themselves, Chrissy knew what she already knew and it had been all Will could talk about all day so it was no suprise to Jon either. As thirteen year olds do, no one said anything. The silence was broken by the beeping of the rice steamer. Dinner was ready. The boys split the stir fry four ways, and everyone took their seats. Will and Alexa avoided sitting next to eachother, putting Chrissy and Jon between them. Will and Jon finished their portions, Alexa was careful to watch Chrissy and leave plenty left on her plate. The teens worked together to clean up after dinner and restore the kitchen to its pre-dinner state.

When Jon had excused himself to go to the bathroom earlier, he'd passed by Chrissy's copy of Scary Movie 3 sitting out and suggested they watch a movie. Chrissy, wanting to keep Will and Alexa togther quickly seconded the suggestion. The four teens moved into the den. Chrissy was quick to arraige it so Will and Alexa would be seated next to eachother on the daybed. Chrissy started up the movie and dimmed the lights, it was all part of her plan. The room darkened, Will felt comfortable putting his arm around Alexa again. There was nothing Alex could do to stop Alexa from snuggling up next to Will. It wasn't long before she started to feel sleepy. It had been a long day for Alexa, aside from the physical toll of emerging from the shell of Alex she'd done quite a bit of walking at the mall. Now here she was having been fed and set on a comfy day bed in a darkened room. Her eye lids drooping, she soon fell asleep with her head resting on Will's shoulder.

Next: Chapter 3

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