Weekend to Last a Lifetime

By Brian Nelsen

Published on Mar 24, 2005


Long time reader, first time writer. I know you, just like I usually do, will skip over this part so I'll keep it short. The original story idea was supposed to be much shorter; but the more I wrote, the more inspired I got to continue writing. Most of the storyline was developed as I continued to write, the ending wasn't established until I wrote it for the first time.

I got my inspiration for this story mostly from the things I see every day and some elements from my own childhood (no this isn't my bio, not even close, relates mostly to character development). As you read the story, you'll notice references to real movies even though place and time are all fictional. Another element you'll find is the clothes some of the characters buy and subsequently wear are in fact real clothes available at the respective stores mentioned (no I'm not getting any money for this, just makes things more real).

Finally, in regards to physical description of the characters, this story revolves around mostly 13 year olds and one 14 year old. The girls don't have DD sized breasts, they have breasts appropriate to their age. The same goes for the boys, they're not endowed with penises the size and shape of coke cans and gallons of cum to boot. These are barely adolescent charaters and look and act very much like it.


*This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional. *If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW! *Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, young teens, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW!

If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy.

A Weekend To Last A Lifetime (1/3, TG, Sci-Fi, Teen)

At thirteen puberty had not been kind to Alex. Unlike most boys his age, time had packed a couple extra pounds on his already akward frame. His hair could at best be described as bizarre. No matter how he styled, it, it had a mind of its own. Despite his attempts to control it, it stayed a rats nest of kinky auburn hair; most days he was resigned to wearing a hat to cover up the mess on his head. It was certainly nothing permanent, but at least in Alex's mind he had more trouble with acne then the other boys his age. At thirteen, he was cursed with the voice of a dockworker. If puberty had done one thing well, Alex was certainly hairy for his age - too hairy he thought. Finally, as if it were the icing on the cake it looked as if Alex would never grow into the feet he'd been cursed with. A boy his size, while average for his age, shouldn't have size 13 shoes, but this was his burden - well one of many for Alex. He had a few friends, but he certainly wasn't one of the popular kids and while he wasn't the daily target of bullies he certainly had his share of run ins with them. Thirteen year olds have their share of difficulties with all the changes they face, Alex was traumatized by all of it. It was if he was the innocent bystander of the war his body waged on itself with no clear winner and no clear loser.

If there was one thing that saved Alex's sanity it was his best friend Chrissy. Chrissy was everything Alex was not, slender with long flowing hair and deep beautiful eyes, she had a flawless complexion that revealed her family's Irish heritage. Soft milky skin covered her slender athletic frame, toned by years of soccer. Her feet, like the rest of her were as slender and perfect as she was, not to big, not too small. Boys her age were left speechless by this athletic beauty and forever falling over themselves to get up close and personal with her. Girls wanted to be near her if only because of her power over boys. She and Alex had been friends nearly since the day they were born; next door neighbors, they grew up together. Most people saw the two as brother and sister they spent so much time together. Maybe that's why Chrissy and Alex were so inseperable, they'd known eachother since the beginning and had never let the akwardness of their teen years destroy the years they spent playing together before she became the beautiful swan and Alex, well he became the ugly duckling he faced daily in the mirror.

It all began on a Friday in May. Alex and Chrissy's parents, friends for as long as their children had been friends, were taking yet another weekend trip together. Both children were old enough not to need babysitters, but their parents preferred that they stayed together during their weekend outings. Best friends, Alex and Chrissy were only too happy to oblige. Friday nights were always special for the two of them. Alex could get Chrissy lost in his world of make believe brought to you by the good people at Sony via his Playstation 2. Chrissy, the traditionalist, always brought him back to reality beating him soundly every Friday in yet another game of Monopoly. The crowning achievement of their Friday nights together had to be their belching contests, between them they could finish a two liter of coke each. Chrissy, the beautiful swan, was the one who taught Alex to belch several years ago. Two years of trying and Alex still couldn't come close to the gutbusters Chrissy could achieve. This was something special between her and Alex, were her other freinds to find out it would most certainly tarnish their image of her.

After watching Finding Nemo for the thousandth time, the two kids found themselves staring out at the clear night sky. They were learning about space in school so it was natural for them to look up from time to time and see what they could see. Chrissy was the first to notice it, "Alex, look, look," she cried. Alex lost in a moment of self pity was a little slow to respond but picked his head up in time to see what Chrissy saw, a shooting star. "Make a wish" she said. It was corny, and at thirteen Alex certainly didn't beleive her, but Chrissy could convince Alex to do just about anything, all she had to do was ask. Things being what they were, Alex muttered softly "I want to be beautiful..." Chrissy had heard him say it many times and knew that much like the ugly duckling, Alex would be beautiful some day, like her she thought. Caught up in the moment, Alex suprised even himself when he finished his thought with "...like you". Chrissy lost in her own moment, softly muttered, "Me too". With that, the shooting star burned out and both children snapped back to reality. Alex was the first to break the silence, giggling, he said, "Like that will ever happen". "Right," said Chrissy and for both children that was that.

The two children slept soundly that night, Alex was the first to rise in the morning. He knew that Chrissy would be active the moment her eyes opened so he took this time to shower. Alex was almost obsessive about his showering, a psychologist would have told you he was obsessive about washing away his blemishes. Alex started the shower and let it run to warm up. He stripped out of his t-shirt and boxers and again looked at himself in the mirror. There he was in all his short comings. The ratty hair, the extra pounds around his mid-section, his gigantic feet, and last but not least his small, undeveloped genitals - much too small for his age he thought. Alex broke his trance and quickly stepped into the shower.

The shower unexpectedly turned cold on Alex and he stepped out quickly. In the rush to get out, he'd gotten soap in his eyes, so he had them squeezed shut while he dried his hair. It was when he opened his eyes that he noticed the difference in his hair. Usually a rats nest, it was thick and wavy, but now hung in curls down to his shoulders. He was amazed at the change in his hair and made a mental note to get the name of the shampoo from Chrissy, this could change a lot for him he thought.

Next, Alex dried his face and got the last of the soap out of his eyes. Something had happened, his complexion had some how cleared up and left behind milky white skin and the fairest of features that the acne had somehow hidden. This was too good to be true, Alex glanced over his shoulder at the damp shower thinking somehow that the soap and shampoo he'd become accustomed to at Chrissy's house had changed. No, it was still the same as always. Alex didn't think too deeply about this, he was just happy to have clear skin and beautiful hair; maybe after all he still had a fair amount of soap in his eyes and it was just an optical illusion. The rest of his body was still the same, the feet, the excess pounds, the body hair.

Alex moved on to drying his arms, nothing unusal there, but as he continued to dry himself in front of the mirror, he noticed the ever present hair on his arms was slowly fading away. His arms had also taken on a more toned appearance and actually looked nice compared to the rest of his body. Maybe it was still part of the illusion, Alex thought for a minute that maybe he hadn't gotten all the soap out of his eyes, but he could swear his hands had taken on a smaller, almost more feminine appearance.

Alex moved on to drying his chest and stomach, after a fair amount of drying he withdrew the towel and noticed that the ever present flab that was so much a part of him seemed to have disappeared. This was all becoming bizarre he thought. The hair seemed to have disappeared as well. Maybe he was just sucking his gut in again, he thought. Exhaling deeply, he closed his eyes, opened them and looked again. No there was no change, still the new stomach he seemed to have been blessed with.

Not sure if this was still an illusion or not he continued on to his legs, drying both of them off one at a time. He paused this time between legs to compare. New leg, thin and shapely. Old leg, old Alex, plump and hairy as always. It was once he dried his feet off that he had an idea of what was happening to him. His once mammoth sized feet had indeed become small and dainty. There was no way this could be an optical illusion. Alex took another look at himself in the mirror, he was no longer entirely boy, yet he was very much male, his genitals betrayed that fact. By all other outward appearances he was very much a mix of both boy and girl, giving him the appearance of a much younger boy.

For a boy who loved the fantasy world he created in his endless video game playing mostly to escape the reality lived with, he was most certainly going to play this game out until the end. Not sure what to do next, he poked and prodded himself from head to toe, pushing here pulling there, everything seemed like it was where it belonged and very much a part of him. As far as Alex could determine this was either very real, or a very vivid dream. It was when he got to his small, dime sized nipples that he felt a warm sensation fill his body. It was quite an accidental discovery, by all outward appearances this was a part of his body that hadn't changed. He had brushed a hand against them during his exploration of his changed body when the tingling began. Alex, like most boys, didn't have sensative nipples. It was his curiousity that drove him to continue to pinch and tug at them, closing his eyes and taking in the warm sensations they caused throughout his body. It was bizarre sure, but it felt good Alex thought, and at the moment that was all he cared about. He had lived his life loathing his misshapen body and for once he was enjoying it, Alex wasn't going to let this moment pass him by. Alex swore as he continued to play with his nipples he could actually feel them beginning to swell. He was too lost in the moment to care. It was when Alex realized that it wasn't just his nipples he was holding that he very quickly opened his eyes. It took his eyes a second to focus on the reflection in the mirror, but when they did Alex was startled to see himself cupping breasts in his hands, his breasts; there was no denying they were very attached to his body. Where there had been the flat chest of a thirteen year old boy only a moment ago were two bloated nipples crowning two small, but perfect breasts. Awake or asleep, he certainly wasn't dreaming or seeing things, no optical illusion could give Alex the weighty feeling of his tender new breasts or the sensation caressing their soft, bloated nipples gave him.

There was no denying it now, from the waist up at least, he was most certainly looked like a girl. Alex reached down to confirm what he could already see in the mirror. Mirrors don't lie, but what he saw in this mirror had so far eluded explaination. Grasping his flaccid penis and immature testicles, he confirmed they were still very much attached and as far as he could recall unaffected by the rest of his metamorphosis. Alex cupped the last of what defined him as a boy in his now small, delicate hands. For the most part he simply stared at them unsure of what to do or what would happen next. Alex had overlooked one basic element, like most boys his age, his penis was extremely sensative to touch to begin with. He wasn't sure what caused his hands to tremble, was it nerves or excitement? Either way, the effect was still the same. Alex stared mesmorized as his penis began swell from his delicate touch, followed by the unmistakeable retreat of his testicles. Overcome by a shooting sensation, he couldn't be sure if it was pleasure or pain, Alex doubled over as his testicles continued their retreat inside of him. Reaching their destination, his testicles realigned themselves as the ovaries of a girl of his age and announced their presence as Alex felt a wave of pure pleasure overcome him. Following its former tenants, Alex's now devoid scrotum retreated along the same pathway. Alex distinctly felt the stretching sensation as his scrotum inverted and expanded to form the walls of his vagina and uterus. Alex instinctively rubbed his belly as he felt his womb taking shape inside of him. The ground work laid, Alex's penis collapsed in upon itself, in much the same manner that a bulding implodes, depositing its excess skin in whatever free space still existed in Alex's groin. The last of his penis having melted away, the tissue that had once constituted Alex's penis began to take shape as the small, puffy folds of skin that would frame Alex's vagina, itself still trembling and sensative following its formation.

Alex's metamorphisis seemingly complete, he was driven to slip a few fingers between the soft lips of his vagina. It was a curious sensation to be freed of his penis, if nothing else, and his reordered genitals still tingling with each subtle adjustment begged to be explored. A small part of Alex wanted what most thirteen year old boys want, the chance to explore the vagina of a thirteen year old girl. For a moment, it seemed lost on Alex that most thirteen year old boys don't spend time exploring their own vaginas as he was about to do. None of that mattered to Alex as his fingers quickly found the nub of tissue they were looking for, the only remnant of what a minute ago had been his penis, and Alex was greeted by the familiar tingling sensation and a sudden moistness in a place he'd never experienced before. Aroused, he let out a soft moan. This was enough to cause Alex to stop his explorations. The voice he heard was not his own, it was far to soft and delicate. It was the voice of a thirteen year old girl, and it was his. It was complete, he thought, there was no part left of him that was anything like the boy he'd been.

Alex never wished, prayed, or bargained with anyone or anything to be a girl. Sure he was an unhappy boy; but he was unhappy with his looks, not with being a boy. Alex loved fantasy and role playing and managed to adapt very quickly to being a girl as just another role for him to play. Besides he was a pretty girl, he'd much rather be a pretty girl then the ugly boy he'd lived as most of his life. Alex opened his eyes and struck a pose in the mirror, he was thrilled by his new body. The long curly hair he was now blessed with, framed the fair almost irish face and deep warm eyes that was all new to Alex. His arms were slim and trim, like years of athletics would have developed in a girl his age. His breasts were perfectly shaped and sized for a girl his age, an athletic girl his age. Finally his long muscular legs framed a narrow waist and perfectly formed vagina, itself framed by soft puffy folds of skin and crowned with a few token tufts of hair. DNA, for a change, had been good to him. As a girl, Alex was what he could never be as a boy - perfect. By all appearances, Alex was just like any other thirteen year old girl; there was no mistaking him, no her, for anything but a girl.

The reasons for Alex's rebirth still eluded her, slowly things began to make sense - The shooting star, the wish, the confirmation by Chrissy. Alex had in every respect become beautiful like Chrissy, just as he'd wished for the night before. A second look confirmed it, Alex looked so much like Chrissy she could be easily mistaken for her sister. The cosmos being what they were found a way to grant both children their wish, even if it was in a Twilight Zone sort of way.

Fully aware of her situation, Alex found herself completely unsure of what to do now. She was a girl, there was no denying that, but how would she explain that to her parents, to the school, that the male Alex they were used to was gone, if only in the physical sense. She didn't need to explain things for today at least, both sets of parents were out of town for the weekend, and school, well that wasn't until Monday. Unsure of what else to do, Alex wrapped a towel around herself, careful to cover her new breasts and stepped out of the bathroom. I can't wait to tell Chrissy she thought, Alex stepped forward and felt her new breasts sway for the first time. It was an odd, but pleasant sensation for the former boy. Knocking softly on Chrissy's door, she let herself in and gently shook the sleeping teen awake said, "Chrissy, look, look," she said, uttering almost the same phrase from the night before, the irony wasn't lost on her. Chrissy woke up and groggily acknowledged Alex. Her eyes opening fully, she slowly absorbed the striking thirteen year old girl wrapped in a towel standing before her. Alex was stunned as Chrissy focused on her and said, "I always knew you'd be beautiful someday."

That's all for now, folks! :) E-mail rants, raves, etc can be directed to bucknaked@email.com (its my would be porn star name). Don't bother flaming I won't waste time reading it.

Next: Chapter 2

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