Weekend Job Interview

Published on Sep 8, 1998



Jim talked on the phone for about twenty minutes answering all the questions he could. The voice on the line was friendly and seemed interested. "You sound ok. But of course we'll have to meet first. The job is for the summer through the harvest. You'll get room, board and your money will be put in an account which you'll get at the end of the summer. And all the farm hands will pool tips for you three and that will be divided at the end of the job too. If we do real well in the harvest, I'll match whatever they give you." "What do I have to do?" Jim asked. "Simple, your job is to take care of the bunkhouse, keep it clean, help the hands with their personal needs, keep them happy in every way....don't worry nothing will happen to you three. We all take good care of our bunkhouse boys". Jim arrived at the farm one hundred miles away by bus. The smiling man standing by a pickup truck walked towards him. "Jim? Marvin. We talked on the phone. This here is Bobby, he's being interviewed too." The truck drove an hour away from the town....on dirt roads and through forests so thick, Jim couldn't see any sign of civilization. Then suddenly the woods ended and acres upon acres of fields appeared. "This is it. There's a lot..so you can see we work our hands pretty hard. That's why the bunkhouse boys need to take special care of our workers. Most come back each year and work Spring through the harvest then take off somewhere." Jim felt at home somehow. He had been a foster kid on a farm...one of the nicer parts of his childhood and he remembered it fondly. Now, out of school, and no longer a ward of the social worker system, he was on his own, trying to find a life..a place where he belonged...and maybe people he belonged with too. "You two will be meeting some of the hands. Not all of them are here yet. If you hit it off and like what you see and do, you can stay. If not, I'll pay you for the weekend and get you back to the bus on Monday." "Cool" Bobby said. He didn't say much. "It's beautiful" Jim said almost breathing the words. Marvin's hand rested on his thigh and squeezed. "I thought you'd like it." The farm was beautiful too. Several buildings surrounded a large house. All were painted white with blue trim. There were several trucks around and a little activity. "I see some of the boys have been arriving. Why don't you two go help them with their stuff? Take your bags in too..there are three lockers at the end of the barracks..they're for you." Bobby and Jim hesitantly walked up to three men who were carrying bags and lockers off a truck. "Great the boys are here" one of them said and the two were soon helping carrying in the farm hand's gear. "Guess these are our lockers" Bobby said. They found the three lockers against the wall. On each of them were written names, Mark, Tim, Carlos. "They're last years boys. Nice kids....worked hard and had great butts" one of the farm hands said. "Not as nice as yours, but good" he smacked Bobby's butt and laughed. "Where do we sleep?" Jim asked Bobby. Bobby looked at him as if he were nuts. "Don't worry, there are ten beds here" They looked at the barracks with partitions separating the ten beds. Some beds had rolled up mattresses and others were obviously occupied. "You two working or just looking?" Marvin asked. They got a tour of the barracks, the huge shower room, the upstairs storage and a separate room with one bed. "This is when someone is sick and needs to be alone. Don't use it for anything else....unless one of the hands wants to that is." The main house had a large dining room and kitchen. "You'll help out here too, serving and cleaning up mainly. The cooks are great..so watch out you don't put on weight..our hands like our boys lean...." Marvin paused by a doorway "The basement is something special. I don't take the boys down there at first, it can scare them off. But if you stick around, sooner or later you'll be down there." Dinner was great. Bobby and Jim ate with everyone else that evening. "OK boys, come back in a couple of hours for the interviewing.....it should be an all nighter judging from the two boys here" Two hours later, the men started gathering. Marvin had told Jim and Bobby to change into shorts and tee shirts. The two served beers. "nice legs kid" one man said to Jim. Bobby too seemed to be getting some attention..especialy to his bubble butt. "If these are any indication of what the third will be....I may take a cut in pay" one of the hands said provoking laughter. Bobby and Jim talked to the men, answering questions and even asked a few. "Come" one of the men stood and tapped Jim on the shoulder. They went upstairs. "Got to take a leak...be right back" the man didn't close the door as he pulled out his penis. Jim tried not to be obvious about looking but the size of the mans cock mesmorized him. "That's better" the man turned facing Jim as he put his cock away. "Like what you see?" "Oh uh sorry" Jim said. "That's ok, kid you'll see it again very soon" They went into a small room. "We use this for interviews.....you'll see enough of the barracks" The man stopped and began to strip. Jim stood watching....again stunned at the mans' body. His muscles, definined stomach and his hardening cock. "OK your turn" Jim's hands shook as he peeled his shirt off and then his shoes. His shorts came off next. "Nice. Marvin sure can pick em. Let's see what you can do with this" he held his cock up and Jim knelt knowing what he was supposed to do instinctively. He had been very young the first time he sucked a cock. The older kid in one of his foster homes had introduced him to doing it..and Jim liked it...the sex, the taste and the orgasm that were all a part of it. "Nice mouth......" Jim let the mans sperm splash all over him.......showering in it. "Good. You stay here...I'll send up the others" Each farm hand came up to use Jim's mouth..and eventually his butt. "Come on down" Marvin appeared as Jim was recovering from the last buttfuck. He grabbed his shorts. "You wont' need those" Marvin said putting his arm around Jim's shoulder. "The guys like you...." he added as he patted Jims back. Bobby was there in the living room sucking on one of the men's cocks. He was bare ass like Jim. Around the living room the men were in various stages of undress, some stroking, others drinking or smoking and some watching Bobby sucking. "Time for a show..you recovered?" one of the men asked of Jim. Jim nodded his head. "Dont' rush em..we got all night" Marvin said "Hell we got all year, but we want to see the two of them go at each other" and the group laughed. Bobby looked up at Jim and smiled. A pile of cushions were thrown on the floor and Bobby moved to the stack. Jim knelt and accepted a beer given him. He tilted his head back and let it fall down his throat. The men laughed and applauded. "And he's a good drinker too. That'll come in handy." one said and there were a few other comments that told Jim this group was into more then just oral and anal sex. Bobby and Jim kissed. Their hands explored each other. Bobby reminded Jim of one of the kids in a youth home he had lived in for the last couple of years. Like Bobby the kid had a nice boyish face and round butt. And like Bobby, the kid loved to kiss. "Shit look at the two of them" "Like two animals" "Can't wait to see who fucks who" Jim heard all the comments. Bobby's finger up his ass told him that Bobby wanted to fuck. Jim poked his finger in Bobby's ass in response. The knew that they'd both be fucking each other. And fuck they did. Jim was coated with sweat when his body exploded deep inside Bobby's guts. He had hardly recovered when Bobby was on top of him holding his ankles up and driving his dick deep. Jim yelped but took it, closing his eyes and thinking of the tall man who had first fucked him. It was an Uncle with whom he lived for only a year. The man was tall and hairy..and made Jim sleep with him all the time. Jim didn't know why..but found out. He thought he was supposed to suck the man....but instead learned it was his ass the man wanted. In time, Jim loved the feeling of the mansized cock opening him up...and when it wasn't inside him, he missed it. "Shit look at the kid go......" Jim opened his eyes. Bobby looked like he was in pain. His smooth boyish body of muscles tensed up so tight it changed his appearance. His chest were two knots, his gut was so tight it looked like only muscles, his face was changing expression with each hip thrust and his legs were like expanded muscles. Bobby pulled his cock out just as it spit its streams of cum all over Jim..and Jim realized his own cock was pouring out cum at the same time...without him touching it. "Shit..what a show. These two are going to be fun" They showered together..Bobby and Jim washing each other casually like they had been doing this for years. "What do you think....is this going to be a great job or what?" Bobby said. He was a kid on vacation working until he had to return to college. His father, a friend of Marvins, sent him here to learn to be a man. Bobby told Jim his history. Jim added his own skectcy facts of being orphaned, in foster homes, living with an uncle, getting into trouble with drugs and living in a youth home until he was 18..then being released. "Call this number...if you get the job, you'll get a new start in life. And I think this is the job for you" his social worker said. Mr. Williams, a nice man and openly gay had never put the moves on him. Jim liked him for that although he once asked, "Don't you like me?" Williams smiled and said, "Not everyone who likes you wants sex..some just like you for being you" Jim didn't understand that but liked Williams even more for saying it. As they returned to the living room with towels around their wastes, the men applauded. Most of them were still naked. "Take it easy guys, they're new" "New meat, you mean" Bobby was waved over and responded sitting between two men who took his towel off and begin to play with him. Jim got another beer and downed it....while his towel too was removed. The morning sun found the two boys sandwiched with cocks in their throats and asses again. "Breakfast in an hour" Marvin announced. "We've got ours" the two men fucking Jim said. "The kids need food too" Marvin said. "After breakfast, why don't we take em downstairs?" someone said. "We'll see...." Marvin said. Jim and Bobby went with Marvin downstairs. "The men all like you and want you to stay. You'll have farm work to do too, and that will build your bodies up I dare say. You already know what else you'll have to do." He smiled "And you seem to love doing that I might add". He turned on the lights. Around the basement were mattresses, a couple of tables, a tall cage, some straps hanging from the ceiling, a hammock in the corner and a large cabinet with all kinds of leather and metal things on the wall. "I normally wait to show this to the new kids. Don't want to scare you. But the men said I should...just so you know everything. That way, you can make a decision." Bobby held up a black leather mask. "I used one of these once" he said "it was scary but hot" "How about you, anything look familiar?" Marvin said to Jim. Jim saw something very familiar. A handle with several black leather strands hanging from it. He had been caught smoking dope and the house master too him into the living room and made everyone watch as he stripped naked and had his hands tied above his head to an overhead beam. The housemaster whipped him head to toe..making his spread his legs so the whip could hit him under and between. Jim remembering suffering but also the embarassment when everyone noticed his cock was not only rock hard but exploded sometime during the punishment. "Not yet, but sometime you three will clean this place up and get it ready. We have visitors now and then, boys and men..so this playroom will be part of your life in the coming months". Upstairs they met the third kid. Karl had just arrived and was being talked to by the few hands who remained. He saw Jim and Bobby, still naked, and responsed "Great, I hoped this would be fun" Karl was undressed by Jim and Bobby and the three spent the afternoon sucking and fucking the farm hands who came back to the house during the afternoon and evening. "Downstairs" Marvin said. The three naked boys waited and soon heard the steps of the men coming. The night would be full of their suffering, sex, exploration, punihsment and orgasms. Monday morning they were busy helping the cook serve breakfast. "The rest will be in by Wednesday or Thursday. You three will have to clean the barracks, the basement, and get to work on the barn" Marvin talked to the boys. Bobby wore some bib overalls without a shirt looking like a porno posterboy, Karl had a tank top and cutoffs on and Jim wore some cutoffs and no shirt. "That is, if the three of you are accepting the job." "Let's get to work" Jim spoke for all three.

It had been a hell of a summer. Fall had cooled off the temperature. Most of the hands had gotten their pay and packed off to wherever they went. Marvin counted out the money and added his promised match. "It's been a great season..and you three helped the guys work harder then I ever saw". It was true. The boys not only did their own chores, waited for their men to arrive to help them shower and get cleaned up, but occasionally went out into the fields to help out too. All three were more muscled and fit then when they arrived. Bobby wore his favoriate bib overalls..his shoulders had become round, his baby smooth skin had tanned and his butt, if possible, had become more rounder. Jim not only was more fit then ever, but something else had happened. "Have a good trip guys" Marvin said to Bobby and Karl as Jim helped his two buddies put their bags in the back of the pickup truck. Jim stood there waving as the two left. He was sad to see them go and knew he'd be spending some of the money he had earned to visit both during the coming fall. Jim meanwhile, would stay behind. He had accepted the job fulltime to help run the house and especially the basement. "We have weekend fun here. Men and boys from all around come over here during the winter. Some are married ... so you have to be discreet." Marvin said. Jim pulled off his clothing nad put on the new black leather pants Marvin had given him. He looked good in them. The wide black leather collar added something more sexy to his look too. His cock enlarged and was clearly seen through his trousers. Houseboy..and dungeon slave" was his job title. "You look hot" Marvin watched his new protegee. It was a cold, windy, snowy winter..with only one hotspot in the county. Marvin's farm was already well known..and it's fame got larger that Winter. Cars and trucks would park behind the barn and sheds..so they couldn't be seen from the main road. Men and boys would discreetly enjoy the basement....guided by the leather clad dungeonslave known as Jim. "Next summer, we need to find two boys to work with you in the barracks again" Marvin said in February. "Why not get Bobby and Karl back?" Jim asked. He had spent early January at Bobby's campus dorm....Karl had joined them so the three could recount their summer and enjoy each other again. "Why not?" Marvin asked "You're in charge" Jim had found a new life..a fulltime job and all because of that weekend job interview....he did good.

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