Weekend in Newport

By Glenn Freemen

Published on Oct 17, 2005



Copyright by Glenn Freemen. Do not reproduce in any other website or other print format without permission from the writer.

Weekend in Newport

Damn. Damn. Damn. I was sitting in the passenger's seat screaming at all the traffic, anxious to get to the airport. It was early evening before the long weekend and it seemed that everyone in the city was trying to get to the airport at the same time. My buddy and workmate Brett was in the driver's seat trying to calm me down.

"Its okay, Dan" he said. "We'll get there...well....we'll get there if I can maneuver around these 3000 cars around us. Where's the `fly' button that was supposed to have come with this car?"

I had to laugh a little, and it wasn't his fault. He and I were making a final ad-sales pitch that went on a little longer than expected. We did close the deal and ended up going out for one celebratory drink with our client thinking there was still plenty of time to get to the airport. But as we all got along so well, with jokes and stories flying back and forth, time flew by. When I happened to glance at my watch, I yelled out the time, grabbed Brett's hand and screamed "My flight leaves in an hour. Let's get the hell out of here"! I quickly shook hands with our clients, apologizing for having to leave so quickly and ran out of there.

Clenching my arm and stopping me, Brett said "Dan I really have to piss. All that coffee and beer..." I wouldn't let him finish.

"I don't care man. I've got to catch that flight"! I quipped. "You can piss out the window or something."

We were outside of San Diego. I was to be flying home to Bangor to be with my family for the weekend which meant a few collector flights so if I missed this one, I'd be out of luck, or would have to see if I could catch a flight the following evening. Brett was going to be driving to Newport to be with his family so he had nothing to be anxious about. After 40 minutes in the car, I was starting to realize we were probably not going to make it, and sitting back in the seat, I screamed out a loud, "shit".

Brett knew I was looking forward to going back home for the weekend to hang out with my siblings and extended family. I hadn't been back in 2 years. He placed his hand on my thigh, squeezed it and said softly, "Sorry buddy". I put my hand on his for a few seconds and thanked him a little dejected. "You know" he started to think, "You'd probably be welcome to come and stay with me and my family over the weekend. Let me give my folks a call and check it out".

While he was searching for his cell in his pocket he was saying with clenched teeth that we really had to piss and didn't know how much longer he could hold it. All this stopping and starting was really affecting his already full bladder. Looking out the window, the amount of traffic told us it wouldn't be soon. "Hey man, I have a large water bottle in the back seat -- you could use that if you really have to let it go".

"Fuck off. I'm not going to piss in a bottle" he said while at the same time putting his cell phone down. "Hmm, no one at home". There was a few seconds of silence and realizing he had to go bad he said anxiously, "Oh what the hell. Give it to me before I soak my shorts".

I reached in the back seat, grabbed my empty water bottle and gave it to him.

"Okay Dan, 3 choices of things to hold.....the steering wheel, the bottle or my dick...I can't do all 3 while I'm driving".

"Oh man, I feel like I'm back at summer camp" I said laughing. I'll hold the steering wheel while you take your dick out and stick it in the bottle. Then you can take back the wheel and I'll hold the bottle. The last thing you want is to piss all over your suit pants."

I scooted over and grabbed the wheel watching him and laughing as he unzipped, reached in and pulled out his penis to stick it into the opening of the water bottle. I glanced down to see him fumble a bit, but quickly insert it into the bottle. He grabbed the wheel back and I held the bottle in place while he started to let go. The bottle itself was clear, so I could see his plump cock squirting out the piss quickly filling up the bottle....a little too quickly. He looked down and laughed at my hand holding the bottle against his crotch.

"Brett, you're really filling this up -- it's going to start spilling out on your pants in a second. Can you stop the flow and I'll dump it out?" He tried to stop -- but you know, when it's mid-flow and you've got to get it out it's hard to stop. I took action, "Sorry buddy -- but I have to get intimate with you for second....."

Without thinking, I reached down and grabbed the base of his cock squeezing it tight. "Hey..." he laughed again.

While I carefully removed the bottle, Brett reached down and squeezed the head of his dick replacing mine holding the base of his penis. His hand on mine on his dick for those 2 seconds gave me a weird but exited feeling. I opened the car door and discreetly dumped out his piss, brought it back and grabbing his cock, my hand on Brett's, put it back in the bottle. It turned out there wasn't that much left to piss out. This time, he grabbed his own cock and stuffed it in his pants while I removed the bottle. "Hee hee hee", he sang. "You had my dick in your hands".

"Not to mention a little of your piss on my hands" I said dumping the last of his pee out of the car. "Shit" I grabbed his work-out towel from the back and wiped my hands and passed him the towel as his fingers were a little moist as well. He wiped his hand and tossed the towel in the back seat.

"He's a hairy little beast isn't he"? I asked matter-of-factly. Brett looked at me with a huge grin, but a very questionable look. "Hey - sorry - I couldn't help notice all that black hair sticking out of your fly.

"Uh, yeah - but you've seen me naked before, so why.....".

I interrupted. "Man no big deal, just making conversation" I said trying to recover. There wasn't really tension, but it seemed we had opened a new door in our friendship but didn't know where to take it.

We continued driving for awhile not saying much, just trying to get through the traffic. Finally -- a stretch of road that wasn't packed -- we could take it a little easier.

"So, you didn't seem to have a problem grabbing my dick there buddy". The silence was broken -- and a little awkward again.

"What? Come on man, it's you! I've seen your dick a million times at the pool".

"Yeah, but you haven't touched it before" he said smiling.

"Wha...Fuck off" I laughed as I punched him on the shoulder. "Cheez -- try to help a friend out...". I punched him again, and we both laughed. "But I will say, you do have a nice looking cock there buddy".

"Why thank you sir" he responded with a British accent.

Our trip continued with stories and jokes until we got to Newport; both of us still in our business suits, ties loosened. I had taken off my shoes with one foot on the dash. Brett and I had worked together for 5 years now...accidental partners at the ad agency. We were hired at the same time and were immediately placed together as a team. We were almost identical in size -- him a little taller, but the same body type -- kept in average shape -- both liked to swim a lot. He was 29, I was 28. At our first overnight trip, we shared the same room, and we got a chance to get to know each other very well. We drank, we laughed, talked about sex, food and growing up with older brothers. We shared the washroom, had a chance to look at each other's naked bodies, but we always kept -- at least -- our underwear on when we went on overnighters. We felt completely comfortable with each other, but there was always this little extra something -- a little buzz of excitement when we were around each other. Whenever we were away we swam in the hotel pools, and at home, swam 3 times a week in the early morning. He was without a doubt my best buddy and workmate.

His parent's weekend home was on the beach, very open with a short run over the sand to the water. There were lots of cars around and even more people strolling around the area. "Shit, I forgot to phone and tell them you were coming" he whispered. His mom came from the house to greet us with a huge welcoming smile on her face.

" Brett, why didn't you tell us you were on your way" she said hugging him tightly.

"I tried to get through, but only once. Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'm here" he said hugging her again. "Mom, this is Dan. He and I work together...and was supposed to go home but our meeting went late and he missed his plane. I hope you don't mind if he stays here this weekend"?

"Oh dear. Honey, can I talk to you for a minute"? They walked away together, talked for a bit, and then his mom went in the house. When he came back he said there was a change of plans. It turns out, his mom's two sisters showed up and took all the beds and the sofa. She had taken the liberty of renting a hotel room just a couple blocks away which was just fine with me. I went inside to meet everyone, and waited while Brett got some clothes for both of us.

We took off to the motel, checked in, and opened the room only to find -- one bed. There was a short silence -- we looked at each other -- and then started to take off our business attire. "Hell, we're just like brothers anyway. I had to share a bed with my brother for years so it really doesn't bother me" he said.

"Yeah, I had to share a bed with my brother during the summers too. My hot, sweaty, big brother" I said matter-of-factly.

"No way. You too"? he grinned. Man, I remember being 12 and my older brother Sam crawling naked into bed every night. Hairy guy -- and at 12 -- well he looked like he had a huge dick.". But he was a cool guy. I liked watching him work out, and it always seemed kinda cool with him walking around nude in the bedroom all the time. He even let me watch him jerk off sometimes, and actually, he taught me how to do it. I remember being amazed at how big it got".

"Not at my house. Brad would always sleep in his t-shirt and shorts when he got into bed. I never saw him naked, or anyone else in my house. Maybe a little glimpse here and there, but nothing that I could stare at and wonder if I'd look like that when I grew up. I think it would have been cool to hang around with a guy who didn't mind showing off his naked body. This might sound weird, but I always wondered if my brother's dick looked like mine; you know, big, small, hairy -- how he looked hard"

"Yeah, that's too bad. It was pretty cool actually" he said....walking around, your hairy dicks just wavin' around in the air.

We were now undressed except for our boxers and I said I needed to take a shower after that hectic drive. But first, I had to phone my folks and tell them what had happened. I sat down on the bed and proceeded to put the call through. Brett had slipped out of his shorts to take a shower, but instead, he walked over in front of me, and opened the bureau drawer to grab a magazine to read. I started talking with my dad, and found myself looking at Brett's body. I mean he could have stood anywhere, but he chose to stand in front of me. I looked up at him and he was smiling down at me, half- reading, and looking at me. He took a step closer, and stood there thrusting his pelvis out a little with one arm balanced on his chest. His crotch was closer to me, and I stared. He had a nice plump soft cock resting on a good sized bag. His pubic bush was like a thick mat, and he had dark black hair all over his legs, but above his pubes, he was totally smooth.

I continued talking and in between relative's conversations, I put my hand over the receiver. "What are you doing" I said softly with a smirk.

"It sounded like you would have liked to watch your brother hang out naked....and you didn't have a chance ....so, go ahead...watch it....touch it a little if you want ..... enjoy my little hairy beast".

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I hadn't really fantasized about his, but when the suggestion came up, it seemed almost natural. But, I wasn't sure if he was joking or not, so I pushed him away - not too hard - but enough so he stepped back.

He walked up closer to me and his plump, soft, hairy dick touched my face. He started swaying back and forth ever so lightly so his penis brushed across my nose and lips. I was trying to swat him away like one would a fly, but he kept coming back, his hairy cock jiggling around in front of me. I looked up at him, "Are you sure you want to do this"? I asked.

"You're my best buddy, it'll be my gift to you this weekend -- only if you want it" he said.

"Just a minute", I lied to my brother on the phone..I'm going to have to put you on hold for a couple minutes while I use the can."

I told Brett to lie down on the bed. He propped himself up with a pillow, put one leg up, and I leaned against him with my head in his crotch. As I resumed talking with my brother, I started to play with Brett's cock, caressing his balls and running my fingers through his sexy bush. I knew I had to take the plunge, and laying my head on his abdomen, sucked in his hairy monster. For the next half hour while I listened to whomever was on the other end of the phone, I sucked Brett's cock letting out a few uh-huh's' and oh-really' -- the whole time with his cock in my mouth. If I had to speak a full sentence, I'd take his cock out of my mouth and talk, but Brett kept stroking it and rubbing it on my face or lips to see if he could break my concentration totally amused at the situation. It was all very casual. If I was listening to my family members, I'd play with his penis, stroking it, caressing it, and becoming familiar with my best bud's crotch. Man, it was fun.

After 30 minutes, I couldn't stand it and had to say goodbye. My dick was leaking precum like crazy, and I knew Brett was going to explode soon. As I hung up the phone, he took my face in his hands and looked at me smiling. "Are you ready to explode together"?

"Do you even have to ask"? I laid back on the bed, slipping off my shorts, and Brett slid up on top of me so that his hairy legs were against mine, and our hairy dicks were touching for the first time. I hugged him tight and he slowly slid up my body with his cock first on my stomach, then chest and finally on my face. He rubbed in on my face for awhile while I licked, slurped and took in his fantastic aroma.

I grabbed his hairy ass and brought him back down on top of my hairy cock and we started to grind our cocks together. He started to thrust while I licked and sucked on his neck. His thrusts became harder and faster and suddenly he collapsed on my face, his cock exploding and plastering me with his semen. I was in heaven. He brought his penis up to my mouth and kept it in there for awhile, slowly removing it, only to take it and rub it over my face, hair, down my body and to my toes. Even though he was soft, he brought himself back up so his cock was on mine and he started to make them dance together. He rubbed, he grinded, and he caressed my hairy dick with his until I exploded -- this time on his cock. We lay there for a few minutes, and started to laugh -- that unbelievable kind of laugh -- "that was incredible" laugh.

When we stood up, we gave each other a big hug, our sticky cocks against each other. When I looked down, I saw he still had some semen on his dick, so I knelt down, and gently cleaned him off with my tongue. When I stood up, he knelt down and did the same to me. "Dan, this weekend I'm totally thankful I have you as my best buddy. Whenever we're in this room together, my pants will be off and you can look, stare, play, lick or suck whenever you want, you don't even have to ask."

For the rest of the weekend, we would walk to his folk's home; eat, drink; play frisbee on the beach and then walk back to the hotel. As soon as we got in the room, he'd take off his clothes, but mostly he just kept on his tshirt or sweater, leaving him naked from the waist down.

I was totally welcome to touch, watch, lick, suck or stroke him whenever I wanted and it was really great. Sometimes, it wasn't sex, but I'd run my hands through his bush, down his legs and over his ass. I'd suck him, just to have him in my mouth, which I seemed to do while watching tv. But always before we went to sleep I'd get a good load out of him. Man he tasted good.

Our friendship and working relationship probably wouldn't change that much. We were just much closer now.

Glenn Freemen freemeng2003@yahoo.ca

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