Weekend in Myrtle

By L.V.

Published on Aug 26, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply. You know, if you're not old enough to read this or anything on this site or you're in a part of the country that's way behind Mayberry, then you shouldn't be here. If you're neck of the woods is more evolved and you're of the right age then, ejoy.

......"Can we go back to your hotel room?" Clay deluded his impatience, slightly. He looked so cute with a kind of boyish charm(no, I don't go for boys) "Dawson's got some boos and he were wanting to shoot back some, maybe get out of the heat." He walked closer to me, an inch from my ear. "Maybe blow a couple or three." he grinned from the corner of his beautiful mouth. I looked at him, and that adorable face and I could help but say yes. Clay went back to the trio, tight little buns clinching as he walked, and informed them of what I decided. Dawson looked back at me and simply smiled. Man he had a beautiful smile. Jared and Jacob seemed to be planning with Clay on how much boos they were going to get from their rooms; I even heard that they were planning on getting some beer from a friend of Dawson's( he must have been older than them. Sweet!) I was wondering just how much fun I was about have. I run into a babe who seemed to have a knack for running into other babes and now was planning on having a small party at my hotel room.

What a fucking good end of the day this is. And it's not over yet.

A Weekend in Myrtle, part Eight

We went back to the hotel, Clay followed by the "J" twins, Dawson and their friend that I hadn't met yet( not to mention examine) Vance. I noticed that Jose or the "other" Jared(ha! I knew two Jareds and they both were packing some major wood, especially the one from the restaurant) wasn't here. Clay said that Jose was going after some additional party tools while we were on our way to the hotel and that he would meet us there. I have to admit that getting all of these guys together in my hotel was pretty easy, in regards to getting pass the front desk. Of course, having the desk clerk still be that hot Asian guy didn't hurt either. He just let all of us go in without a question as to whether the others had passes to the rooms. I gave him a silent thank you and hoped he caught the subtle gesture that he join us later. With the smile that was beaming from his lovely face, I have a feeling that he understood.

We all packed into the elevator. Jared was eyeing Clay as he was eyeing Dawson. I was eyeing all of them and hoped to see a slight bulge pop out from one of their shorts. No luck in that, but I did feel a hand caressing my ass. We were packed in so tightly that I couldn't tell whose it was. Didn't matter, I'd find out eventually. Dawson was wrestling with some bags, trying to, in a cool way, keep each of them from spilling on the floor. Being the civic-minded(and horny as hell) kind of guy I was, I went over to Dawson and took one of the bags leaving room for him to handle the rest. He gave me the warmest, and sexiest, smile I have ever seen on a guy. I nearly melted then. This guy is so damn cute. Clay looked over to me, finally taking his eyes off of Dawson. That familiar, youthful smile lined his handsome face as he turned to the doors of the elevator. I think that we will be having some major fun with each other. Oops! I think the one with the bulge is going to be me. Oh well.

We had arrived on my floor. First to come out was me, of course, then Clay and the others. Dawson got additional help from the struggle with the bags from the "J" twins and then followed us out. We were walking down the hall when I ran into Devon. He was carrying his mother's bags. It appeared that they had been shopping because Devon, like Dawson (ha, two guys with a "D" to their name. This is almost eerie.) was trying to hold several at once. Must be a southern thing. Anyway, he did a decent job holding all of those Waccamaw and Belk bags, never losing that handsome form. He noticed me and that innocuous smile graced his perfect features.

"Hey, Devon." I yelled. "How's it hanging?" He looked at me with those beautiful eyes and his lighted up.

"Rather good. As you know very well." He gave a sly smile and went on his way; those tight not-so-boyish buns clinching with each step. I think he was doing that intentionally, knowing that I would be watching. He and his mother had take out, so I thought that they were probably not going to be leaving their room any time. A pity. I would have loved to see if I could pry between those cheeks again.

Clay gave me a quizzical look. "Who's the babe?" I loved the way he said 'babe'.

"Just a friend I met here earlier today."

"Really?" Sly looks must be a southern tradition, because I have never seen any guy have such a skill at looking sexy with a look like that as with these guys. Clay's was even sexier than Devon's and that's saying quite a bit. He kept smiling as he passed to my room. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he was walking the wrong way. That and the idea of seeing his tight ass slightly sashay back and forth was too much to ignore. Alas, my sense of honor took over my need to see sexy male butt bounce around before me.

"I hate to tell you handsome, but you're going the wrong way."

Clay turned around and without even the slightest amount of embarrassment, grinned and turned back towards my direction. "Okay." he said. I just shook my head and followed him back the right way. Dawson and the "J" twins just followed in step. Sometimes its good to be the leader.

We finally made it to my room. Jacob and Jared dropped Dawson's bags and waited with him as I looked for my room key. I keep forgetting just how tight these jeans really are. It took me a while to find the key, but I succeed.(Actually, it took just as long to fit my hand into my pocket) I activated the lock, opened the door and walked in. Clay followed suit and so did the other guys. I noticed, as the other guys were filing into my room, the black guy from earlier. He smiled at me as he passed my opened door. Man, I wished the dream I had earlier was real. I'd love to have that chocolate snake of his deep into my hole. Well, anything's possible and I still have about two days left..and I love chocolate.


After Jacob entered the room, I closed the door. It's a good thing that it locks automatically because, if things got really interesting, I didn't want an uninvited guest coming in while we were..busy. Of course, with the exception of probably Clay, I don't think much will happen in the form of sexual twists. Getting drunk and watching porn and regular movies was the only thing on the agenda. Beer and porn. Maybe I'm wrong, they usually lead to a few good, no so clean times. I feel a Joker laugh coming on again.

"You got a DVD player in here, right?" Jared asked. He was spreading out the food that was in one of the bags.

"Of course." I was trying to figure out he remote to the DVD player. It was one of those new Japanese devices that I have never seen before, not even at Wal-Mart. It had a slim design, silver in color, with buttons that you had to literally get up close to it to see which button was which. I liked it! I wonder if the hotel management would be pissed if I took with me. Hmmm. A idea. Anyway, I led Jared to the player and he opened the case, a movie that didn't have a title on the disc or case.

"Here it is." I looked down to the DVD he was holding. "What's that?"

"It's just a DVD." He had a mischievous smile on his lovely face. I looked at him as he walked over to the player, his tight beautiful buns clinching as he walked. He opened it and laid the disc in the tray. I noticed that he was exaggerating his bend to place the disc in the player. He must have noticed my eyes on his ass, I thought. "Don't worry," that smile was still there, but bigger. "You'll like it. I guarantee it." He slid by me, purposely touch my crotch as he went by. I have got to fuck this guy, I thought.

We sat in some chairs near the window and the other guys sat where ever their gorgeous bodies could find; the bed, the floor ,even a stool from my bar and mini kitchen. Jared went behind me, rubbing his crotch on my arm. Tease! He started to close the blinds.

"Why are you doing that?" like I didn't know.

"Don't want a glare, do you?" He finished closing the last window and sat back down. I got a knock on the door just before I touched the button to close the player tray. Jared actually looked a bit nervous at the sound. I shrugged the looked at when to the door. To my surprise, it was the desk clerk from down stairs. Behind him was Devon and another guy, around Devon's age. This guy was looking around as if he was doing something wrong. Vance apparently knew the guy. He got up from the floor and grabbed the guy's hand, shaking it wildly. This quickly brought the guy at ease.

"What's up, Doug?" I have never heard Vance talk before, but now that I have, I am certain that I have to date a southern guy. That accent, man! "Nothing much, dawg." he retorted. Doug was a fascinating sight. About the same build as the "J" twins, he had a bronze complexion that seemed natural, almost Native American in nature. He really kept care of his skin; there wasn't one blemish on his face and no fat on his exposed chest. No muscle, but no fat. I liked the tattoo on circling his belly button; it was in the shape of a sun. He obviously shaved too. I wondered how far though. "Heard you were up to some movie watching." he had a slight grin on his face. "Is it that one?" he said. Vance quickly hushed him, but nodded in confirmation. They looked in my direction. I assumed that Vance didn't want me to hear what the DVD's name was. He whispered it into Doug's ear. It must have been a really interesting movie because Doug's face almost blushed and a bigger grin crossed his handsome lips. The desk clerk must have heard it because he definitely blushed and, unlike Doug, he didn't hide it. He dipped his head down and then looked up, following Devon, Doug, and the mischievous Vance into my room.

The desk clerk came up to me. I didn't know that the guy was such a babe. His uniform didn't do him justice. Though his sexy little form shone nicely through the baggy fabric of his uniform, it didn't display the gorgeous curves of his pecs or massive bulge in his pants as did the clothes he was barely wearing now. The clerk was transformed into a beach babe, wearing an opened, sheer-shucked short sleeve white shirt with beige stripes lining the body. His beautiful waist was covered, slightly by a pair of jeans that hung just below his slender waist. He had an exposed treasure trail that led to a hint of a trimmed spread of pubes. His feet, man, such delicate feet, were coved only by a pair of brown flip-flops. Hot damn, the guy can dress!

He walked over to me holding a strong, but small hand out. "Hey, name's Luke."

"What's up, man?" that's all that I could manage. The sight of him took any other thoughts, besides fucking the shit out of him, out of my head. "I mean, hey. I'm Paxton."

He chuckled a sweet chuckle. I love his laugh. "I know. I am the desk clerk, after all."

"Yea, that's right. I'm glad that you could join us. I don't know what we are about to watch, but it should be good."

"From what I've heard, it will be."

The last part got me curious. I'm the host of this party and I don't have the foggiest what we're about to watch. Well, I'll find out in a bit, I thought. Jose had returned and with Jared 1 in tow--considering that there are two guys here by the name Jared, I think that numerical naming will be necessary (can't go around confusing anyone, especially myself. Hahaha!) At least until it doesn't matter----Both of them were shirtless and were wearing dusted jeans. Jose was carrying the extra beer and Jared 1 was carrying a black bag. They went into the kitchenette and sat the packages down on the table. Jared 1's jeans were barely covering his awesome ass. There was a trail leading to his ass crack that was very visible. He must have sensed that some one was watching and lowered them further, almost showing off his entire ass. When he turned around, the trimmed pubes above what should be a nice package were all but apparent. Damn. I gotta see that again, I thought.

We went to sitting down and around the TV again. Vance got up and turned on the DVD player. Doug opened a pack of beer and passed them around the room until every guy had one. And the show began.

What the fuck? That was the first thought that came to my head when the show started. It was like some sort of western, but with subtitles. The protagonist seemed not to speak a lick of English, but he was really hot. I mean, Hayden Christensen hot. In fact, it looked a bit like him, but with muscles. He was going on about some sort of discovery that he wished he hadn't find. There was a scene with another guy who had car trouble, also not speaking any English. This guy wandered into a stable and all of a sudden found a neatly printed but "old" book found under a stack of hay. In simple English, I wasn't enjoying this film. I mean I like a European guy like any other gay man would, but all of these subtitles, slow action and no sex, was really getting to me. But, to be a gentleman, and because I really wanted to fuck the hell out of Jared, both Jareds, but particularly this one, Jared 2, I'd stomach as much as I can, until the end.

Anyway, I started to listen some to the film. Then all of a sudden, as though a wish was granted, this dude, who was tossing some hay in the exact same barn, decided to take off his shirt. I was so glad he did. Besides bringing some much needed interest to a rather dull film, the dude was hot. He had a chest that was solid and well tanned. There wasn't a visible hair on it and his abs were flatter than any I've seen lately. And smooth, man were they smooth. He started to knead his nipples, slowly caressing the soft flesh of his pecs. Now this is what I wanted to see, I thought. The guy continued to play with his right nipple as he started to unbutton his tight jeans. A noticeable bulge was sporting from it, a very big bulge at that. Seeing his bulge started one in mine. I looked around the room to see if any of the other guys were responding to the virtual strip by this European god as I was.

They were.

Jared 2 was gripping a sizable thickness in his jeans, while next to him, Doug had his right hand down the front of his jeans, apparently playing with something very big. The desk clerk, Luke, had the front of his jeans opened. You could almost make out his thickened cock peeking from the fly. He was intently looking at the screen with the guy, who was totally naked by now and gripping an uncut slab of Euro cock in his hands. He had a leg propped on a chair (where did that come from), fondling a nearly hairless sphincter. From the faint moans, this guy was really getting turned on, and from the rock hard cock now totally exposed from his jeans, so was Luke.

He wasn't the only showing off his assets. Doug had wrestled out what he was playing with in his own jeans and was feverishly kneading the head. His jeans were around his ankles and I could tell that he was emulating the actions of the stud on the screen, fondling a very tight looking asshole. His beautiful eyes were closed and I could tell that whatever he was seeing in his mind's eye must have been more exciting than reality's. His cock head was beginning to glisten with precum; any moment he would spray a well deserved load. Someone else was starting to reach a similar point. Someone I've been wanting to see naked since we came into this room.


He was totally nude and had his legs up in the air, revealing a very smooth and pink anus(listen to me, being all scientific) that must have been shaved just before he left wherever it e came from. His cock was rock hard, uncut and leaking a lot of pre-C. Knowing that he would be turned on by either the movie--the scene had changed to one in which two guys, both nicely endowed, were being watched by another guy, he was decently endowed, going at a little foreplay. The voyeur had whipped out his cock and was beating with abandon while the one guy was getting a nice salad tossing--was no big surprise. Dawson must have really liked the tossing scene. However, I don't think that it was from the DVD that he got his enjoyment. Jared 2 was fishing for some sweet gold as he literally buried his face into Dawson's upturned ass. This must have been the Attack of the Jareds, because Jared 1 was bagging his mouth with some really full balls. I remember those low-hanging orbs from the restaurant bathroom, but seeing them right now, in a much hotter looking guys mouth, just enhanced it so much more. Jared 1's massive dick was reaching new lengths, bouncing away as Dawson, and his uncut wonder, lapped at his balls.

While Dawson was being served a double helping of Jared, the desk clerk, Luke, was being given a serving of a different kind. Cock. Doug had dropped his entire attire and was sliding his totally hardened dick into Luke's butt. Luke, for all it was worth, gripped at the floor. He must have never been topped before; the expression on his face. Doug completed his slide into Luke and was going at his hole with wild abandon. Thrust after thrust, Luke was taking his dicking like a champ, balling his fists while on all fours. He was pushing his ass to meet Doug's cock, going with rhythm of his fucking. Doug stared to speed up his own rhythm, increasing the thrusts and the impact they had on Luke's ass. I thought I could actually here some grunts coming from Doug as he fucked my favorite desk clerk. The DVD has shifted from a nice cream shot from the voyeur to one of a threesome, as one lucky bottom was getting dicked by a top that was also getting from behind, but by a different guy than the voyeur. I had been involved in only one sandwich fuck in which I was in the middle, pounding away at a cute guy's quickly loosening, in a good way, asshole and getting my own pounded. I have to say the middle guy had the most fun. Double sensation. Hell yeah!!

Doug's and Luke's performance seemed to have started a few similar ones around the room, including one with me. In my neck of the woods, I was getting some sloppy, yet hot blows from Jacob. He had his own cock out, frantically spanking it and slapping it against his taut thighs. I was watching the flick on the screen, really getting to enjoy the sex happening on it. The three-way was done in the bar, but there was another that replaced it. This time, there was a birthday that finished and three of the participators started to get frisky with one another, resulting in the usual porno conclusion: clothes come off, cocks come out, someone gets fucked. The main fucker on it seemed strangely familiar to Jared , if only in the length of his cock. This turned me more, seeing that I could see the real one was getting on his hands and knees, taking it from Dawson all the way to his tight cheeks. Jared 2 was under Jared 1, practically lying on the floor, taking Jared1's major skin sword into his mouth. His own cock was stiff as a board, but had a glisten of having either already came or a lot of pre-cum covering it. Simply put, Jared 2 was in the closest thing to heaven that anyone could be, without actually being there. He squirmed his hot little tush on the floor, enticing any who were watching to dip into the tight hole inside.

I think I will be that guy.

Jacob had went from sucking my cock to joining in rimming out Vance with Jose. Jose was totally nude, but Vance still had a shirt on, but both were rock hard. From the bouncing of his head, I could tell that he was really enjoying the attention that Jose was giving his ass. Jacob, trying not to interrupt their fun, decided to still Vance's dancing head with one of his own. His cock's. Vance hungrily took it in his mouth. The immediate suction from his mouth must have really intense because Jacob threw his head back and gripped Vance's tightly, pressing him into his crotch. I don't think he came but I could definitely tell that he was really fucking close. Speaking of fucking, it was time for me to do that to Jared 2's teasing butt hole.

In a moment of sheer glory, I took Jared 2's tight buns and slowly dragged him from the dripping dick of Jared 1. He gave a limited look of surprise , looking directly at me as if I took him from the new toy he was playing with. I didn't care; I wanted his ass and I wanted now. I flipped his legs back and spat on his clinching hole, lubing it up with it and my finger. Jared 2's cock flinched as I stretched his asshole to make way for my cock.

"I was wondering when you were going to fuck me." he just looked at me, sporting that sly smile I saw earlier before the video, a video we have all but forgotten about, started.

"All good things take time to come." I almost laughed at my own statement. How Q of me. At that moment, I finished my finger's exploration of his hole and quickly replaced it with my cock. Jared 2 gasped only once then started to quietly chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I asked, starting to assert my place in his ass.

"I almost didn't think it was going to...fit." He breathed out. The feeling of my cock slowly sliding in and out of his once tight asshole made it difficult to speak. "Now..that you're in, take...it and..own it."

"My thoughts exactly." And that's exactly what I did.

Thanks to all who have read this story. It's not over yet. And it does get hotter. If you have comments, kind ones please, then send them to xindi005@yahoo.com. I'll be happy to hear them.

Again, thanks LVB

Next: Chapter 9

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