Weekend in Myrtle

By L.V.

Published on Mar 3, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply. If you're not into sexual inuendos or plain sex between guys then you shouldn't be reading this. Otherwise, read on and enjoy.....

......We finished eating our food. First thought was to find the place where the party was going to be, but for me, the first place had to be the nearest restroom. The main vein had to be emptied. Clay was accommodating and elected to wait outside for me. Such a sweet guy. I found the restroom and delivered my deposit at the nearest urinal. In there I saw a couple of guys standing near the sink. They seemed a bit nervous when I came in the door and I noticed that one actually had his zipper open. They didn't look bad, but compared to Clay, they were below average. One actually had a beer belly that he didn't seem inclined to cover. The other was thinner than some of my friends back home...and he had, form what I saw in the mirror a very bony ass. But, sometimes with thin guys comes thick packages. It was a pity that his zipper wasn't open or it would be worth it to see what he has in store. I finished and went to the sink to wash my hands. The two guys moved out of the way, but continued to look at me as I sanitized my hands. The thin one was staring at my ass and the belly guy was grabbing an unremarkable bulge in his shorts. I nonchalantly nodded to them and continued to clean my hands. Suddenly I felt a hand go down the back of my pants. I looked into the mirror and noticed that it was the thin guy. I also noticed a mischievous grin on his slim face. He's not that bad looking, I thought and turned to greet him....and a unimpressive hard dick hanging through the shorts of the belly guy--------now don't anyone reading this think that all guys with a belly are small dicked. Only this guy was, and believe me, it was s-m-a-l-l. small-----who was giving me the same grin.

This, of course, left me with a slight dilemma. Do I knock it with guys that weren't that remarkable, ruining my chances with Clay or just run out casually and not bring attention to myself. What does a hot guy, like me do in a time like this?

A Weekend In Myrtle, part six

Actually, the choice wasn't that hard. "So, what's up, guys?" I said, pretending not to give a fuck. At that moment, the thin guy started to unzip his pant fly.

I found out from that moment, that I was really wrong about him only being slightly okay....and right about him having some major meat down there. He had just unzipped his fly when in a flash, a thick, veiny, uncut piece of sex meat popped out . I didn't have time to count the actual inches of his dick, but it definitely was close to being seven inches, soft. Did I mention that it was uncut.....YEA!. I was just starting to drool when I noticed the belly guy trying to unbutton my pants. That action knocked me back to reality.

"Oh, oh," I said, pushing his hands away. "I'm not here for that." That's what came out of my mouth, but I was thinking something else. The thin guy's enormous cock made it difficult to think about something else. "Sorry". I managed to get out, still looking at the thin guy's cock. I quickly walked out. I had just made it to the door when the thin guy stopped me with my arm. "Hey, I'm sorry." He looked really sincere about it. "I didn't mean to...well, you know." He apparently didn't satisfy the belly guy because he had zipped up his shorts and rushed pass us. The thin guy didn't seem to care. He was keeping his eyes on me.

"I just thought that you well, you know." He offered a strong hand that almost matched the size of his cock. "Name's Jared." I returned the gesture and took his hand. My god, if handshakes was any indication, he, now named Jared, had a lot of strength behind that slim frame. I would have to consider letting him put that big dong in my ass and see what he can do with it. But, right now, Clay has that honor. I hope.

"Paxton." I finally got to return.

"Well, here's hoping that we get to see each other again." With that, Jared left the restroom. And so did I.....after checking out his ass one more time. I have to say the he was starting to grow on me (or maybe it was more his dick than him).

I got back up with Clay and we left the restaurant, finally. He didn't seem to have missed me, considering he was chatting with three guys that were standing out there. I can't understand how this seems to procure so many hot guys. All three of them were beautiful in so many ways. There was one that seemed to be as tall as Lane.......

Oh yeah, I didn't say much about my buddies that much, did I. Lane was the tall guy. About six foot four. I always--considering he and Alex both knew that I was gay and were cool with it---teased him about the "flatness" of his ass. In fact he was really sexy. And he had the thickest dick that I have ever seen, even compared to Jared's. He had a swimmer's build and very little body hair. I asked him whether he shaved it or had it waxed. He told me that it was natural and that he didn't grow all of the hair that many of us guys did. The only area that got the most hair, besides his head, was around his cock. Even his balls didn't have that much hair. But the area that surprised me to being the most hairy, in regards to nether regions and such, was his asshole. I mean, I think that he had a fucking forest between those slender cheeks. How did I know about the mound of Sherwood that covered Lane's no-man's-land, you ask? Well, it's a simple story. We were showering one day at the college gym; I supposed that we had finished working out or some shit. I had not came out to Lane yet, though Alex knew even without me saying anything. I had just finished washing the soap out of my own ass when I looked up and noticed Lane doing the same thing. He seemed to be having trouble and I could understand why. There had to be a layer of hair that was two or three inches thick coming out from his butt. I remember just dropping my towel in surprise. I must have dropped something loud, or he had Spidy senses, because Lane looked just seconds after I had dropped my things. I had expected him to go totally nuclear from the notion of a guy looking at him nude but instead, he just smiled and continued to wash his delicately narrow bottom. I was taken back by his reaction and finally got my senses back and picked up my towel and soap from the floor. I looked up from getting my shit when I came face to face with another surprise from Lane. And a BIG surprise it was too.

Lane was standing there, hands on his slender hips. He looked down at me with a sly smile gracing what I have come to find to be a boyishly handsome face; no facial anything. I didn't get the chance to see his face at first because the `other' head became the dominate entity. There it was, less than three inches from my eyes. I do remember filling my lips moisten with thought of that thing invading my mouth. I then tore my eyes away to see that sly smile on Lane's face. He didn't do anything else; just smiled.

Now I did say that I was gay from the get go and if you haven't noticed from the previous recaps of my time in Myrtle then you haven't been reading a damn thing. But just because I admitted it to myself didn't mean that I had to everyone else. I can play the `straight' card when needed. So Lane didn't know from the beginning, but later he told me that he had some thoughts that I was either bisexual or curious from my previous behaviors before confessing to him my true status in the echelons of society; either were cool with him. Anyway, I got back to my feet and looked into his bright eyes, wondering if he was just being honorable and wasn't going to pound me while I was on the floor. He didn't. Instead, he raised his right hand to me, gesturing me to shake it...that the hand I mean. After that moment, we became friends; hanging out and revealing even more about each one another: Lane's one time bi-experience...and believe me, it was only one time...and not with me (cry, cry) and my confession to him that I was gay. We became virtually inseparable; going to the movies, frat parties and even titty bars, which of course didn't do anything for me, but seeing a bunch of later teens, twenty- and even thirty-somethings getting excited over the boobfest was a reasonable substitution for the lack of a good show. Not to mention, my trips to the bathroom weren't shabby either; actually met a bi-guy in there. And some of the guys did have some nice asses, aside from Lane's tight little tush. In these excursions, we even snagged another friend into our little, sexy circle, Alex the jock.

Now there's a sexy guy. I mean I wouldn't do anything to this guy; Alex is one of my best friends, but I would, if given the chance. Alex has the qualities of an endearing politician, and the body of a porn star. I didn't find out about this particular fact the same way as I did with Lane, but I still couldn't forget the sight. We were camping together one weekend in Asheville. I and Lane had been friends for at least a month did a lot of things together. Mostly video game playing and a few trips to clubs and such, nothing longer than a day or two. So going camping was just the logical step. Alex was this dude that, at the time we didn't know. I was still in the closet, except for Lane and I was heading to a community latrine for clean up. You know: shave, wipe the sleep away from my eyes, maybe even spot a cute ass in the showers....you know, shit like that. Well, I got there and started to lather up my face at one of the sinks to clean the stubble that was peeping out of my chin. I had just applied the lather to my right side when a yellow blur popped out and then went back in. After catching it three more times from the corner of my left eye, I noticed that the yellow blur was actually ivory white and ended up being just that: an end. A guy's end......and a nice one I had to say. I finished lathering my chin, while still catching glimpses of some alluring buns popping from the shower stall. I shaved and grabbed my crotch, wandering who the owner was. The wonder didn't have to last for long. The owner, a tall, well built and lightly haired stud of a guy came walking out of the stall. I take it he didn't have any modesty because his towel was draped over his shoulder. He finally looked up from the body he was drying off and noticed me staring at him...and the long hanging cock swinging between his legs.

"Got a camera?" he said, with slight element of dryness.

"Uhh, no." I was barely able to speak without saying `cock' before each word. "Why would I need one?"

"Well, considering the way you were staring at my cock and ass, I thought that a photo of both would be better than trying to burn it into your memory by staring."

That made me blush. I had no comeback. Just the feeling of a rising penis. Dammit! Why did it have to be so damn responsive? Alex (I didn't know his name at the time...just that he had a big dick and I was trying not to drool from the mouth) finished drying his perfect body and walked over to me, cock still swinging from left to right. "Well?" he stared into my eyes and then, out of the blue, he did something that I didn't expect any guy (at the time) would do.

He grabbed my crotch, and got a handful of hard cock.

"What? No comeback? Dammit, boy. This thing's big." He kept holding my cock through the jeans that I still had on. Good! I thought, I still had something to cover the 'reaction'. This guy(Alex) didn't seem to care that my cock was hard....or that he had his hand on it. I didn't get the vibe that he was gay, but considering where his hand was and the response it was giving from the contact, I had a feeling that the gay-dar needed some fine-tuning. He had a big smile on his face, but his cock didn't change shape, though it was still pretty big. Straight....ish. He looked down at my crotch and his hand and then back. He whipped his head back and bellowed a massive laugh that Mark Hamill would have envied. Cute guy, I thought, big dick, and a crazy ass laugh. Why couldn't he be gay? When he finished laughing to the heavens about something, he let go of my crotch and put the same hand on my right shoulder.

"Gay, right?" How did he know? Or was he grasping at straws? "It doesn't matter to me. If you're not, don't worry. And if you are, its still nothing. Besides," he gave that smiling that was winning me over. "a guy doesn't have to be gay to grab another guy's cock, right?" He took my hand and placed it on his cock. I thought I would explode from the sensation of his warm member throbbing ever so slightly in my palm. He still had that smile. "Labels are just labels, right?"

"How did you know?" I was finally able to say, my hand still around his dick.

"I didn't." he said with that beautiful smile. "But, like I said, it's cool." He turned around, showing off a VERY tight set of buns. I could almost grab them and never let go. "Well, I'll get dressed." He turned his head, but that beautiful ass was still in my sight. "Don't want you to bust a nut over me." He laughed then and returned to the shower stall; those nicely shaped buns shifting tightly as he walked. And he was right, I almost did bust a nut over him....and that fine body. Lucky me to meet this kind of guy.

Well, that's it. The initial beginnings of when Lane and now Alex and I became the best of friends. Now, on with the rest of the other story.

I would like to take this time to thank all of those who have been reading my stories, especially this one, from the beginning. I apologize the major delay in bringing this chapter. It's been hectic.

Thank you, again and stay tuned. And if you have any questions, comments or ideas, you can contact me at xindi005@yahoo.com, or schinzon005@yahoo.com


Next: Chapter 7

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