Weekend in Myrtle

By L.V.

Published on Dec 3, 2007


The usual disclaimers apply.

Have fun...and enjoy.

......He came closer to me and I could see the awesome green shine in his beautiful eyes( another guy with green eyes. Maybe God doesn`t hate gays after all. This was turning into heaven for me). He had a slimmer body than Colin and I could tell from his low rise jeans that he didn't have on underwear. I noticed the trailing of hair leading down to the fun spot. It was attached to the trimmed bushel that was in the middle of his chest. I quickly took my eyes away from it and the box that looked really good. But not quickly enough. I met his gaze and the broad smile that etched his flawless features. He noticed where my eyes were, but didn't seem to care. Good.

"Name's Clay." he said, with a well toned and delightfully tanned arm extended to me. I shook as I took it, but quickly retained my composure. "Hi. Paxton." His broad smile got wider. I think I'm going to like meeting this person and this beach. SO much fun has come my way and day one wasn`t even over yet.

A Weekend In Myrtle, part five

"That's a nice belt." he said, smiling never leaving. "You should try it on."

"Thanks, again." I said. "What kind of belts do you own?" I just realized how fucking stupid that question was. But this Colin, dead ringer, now named Clay, didn't seem to mind.

"Well, I don't normally wear belts, considering how slim my waist is." He pointed to it and I couldn't help but look further down from it and look at his box. He has got to be massive in there. "But when I do, I usually go for the type made in leather. It just hugs the waist better, don't you think?" He chuckled for a second. "I think I just did a rhyme." I don't normally find the utterly stupid guy attractive. I mean, the idea of trying to talk to someone that simply just doesn't get it is a real turn off. But this guy, whose sexy and smooth stomach that keeps aching to be kissed and drizzled with jizz, makes such an effort worth it. I held back the need to whence at his obvious incompetence and gave a smile, though weakly. "Yeah, I suppose that you did." A weak laugh is all I could muster. He smiled and gave a really cute giggle. I think this guy could be fun.

We went through the register and the girl that was giving me the eye' wasn't there. She was replaced another girl that seemed to be giving Clay the I want to ride your bone' look. I have to admit that it was a right thing. The guy was attractive. But it was me that wanted to appreciate his beauty, not her, or any woman. We made our purchase and the cashier gave Clay one last look-over then we left.

We left the shop---and the girls----and strolled the sidewalk. Clay was bouncing around looking at everything--and everyone-- around us. He flirted with this red-headed girl that was looking at the Ripley's display. She brushed him off, but he didn't seem to mind. I, however did. We kept moving and then Clay took a glance from this sexy, topless Latino. He seemed to be devoid of hair on his twinkish chest. As we got closer, I could confirm that he didn't. A shaver, I thought. It made me wonder if everywhere else was barren of hair. He must have caught my glance because he turned from Clay, who was doing rather well flirting with him, and looked at me. Clay took on his civic duty of introducing us. "Oh, where the fuck is my manners? This is^Å^Å.I'm so sorry man, what's your name again?" He actually smacked his lovely head in embarrassment. If he wasn't so damn cute and if it wasn't possible that I may have the opportunity of getting some of what would quite possibly be one of the tightest asses around, I'd really be annoyed with him. But as someone said, I couldn't stay mad at him. He's that cute. "It's Paxton, dude." I said, with a slight bit of annoyance. It disappeared when he looked at me with those innocuous green eyes.

"Oh yeah, that's right." He looked back at the Latino, who we found out was named Jose. "I'm Clay. What's a gorgeous guy like you doing out here without escort?" With that, Clay gave him a big grin. It seemed to disarm him quite a bit; he even giggled softly. "A pleasure to meet you two." said Jose. He gripped the top of his jeans, causing them to drop a bit in the front. I nearly drooled when I noticed that he really didn't have any hair anywhere on his crotch. I wanted to see more. Of course, I took control of my libido and gave a nod of agreement to Jose and Clay and I went on our merry way. I still could not shed off the wonder of what that hot Latino stud had in those jeans. I looked back and got a view of his sexy ass. The jeans he wore showed them off just the same as the ones that I had on; tight and inviting. He had what I called a contour shape to his ass ; not flat, but not exactly bubble-shaped. It almost mirrored Clay's, though his appeared more tight and closer to his body. I turned around and noticed that Clay had walked ahead of me. His distance from gave a better view of his ass and I noticed that I was right in comparing his to Jose's. His was closer to the body, but just as tight-looking. I was half right. Laughing to myself, I picked up the pace and caught up with Clay. He must not have noticed that I wasn't next to him because he kept his lovely eyes forward and made no play to wonder. Like it mattered.

We made it to a bridge that led to a pier. Clay walked on to it first then me. He seemed so excited about the idea of seeing the ocean that he quickened his stride, almost running up to the pier. I forced myself to keep up and almost tripped over a kid that was running aimlessly around the pier. I dodged him then went up to Clay, who had already made to a railing along the edge of it. "Awesome, isn't it?" he said, giving an almost juvenile smile. I don't know why, maybe it's the glint in his eyes when he does it, but I loved to see that smile. "Yeah, it is." I pretended to look at the ocean when I actually meant him. He was leaning onto the railing, he slender, toned body arched forward allowing him to rest his smooth arms on to the railing. His angle dropped the waist of his jeans a bit more; a faint, but welcomed sight of his ass crack coming to view.

"I was wondering, " he said, keeping his eyes on the ocean, "what do you have planned tonight?" Just the words I wanted to here, I thought. "Nothing special, really." I took my eye from the sea and looked at him, stopping first at his ass. "Why, do you have any ideas?" Clay shifted his wiry frame. He straightened himself and moved closer to me. I noticed a slightly obsequious look in his lovely green eyes. "Well, I was wondering, if you're not busy, that we could go to a rave party on the north Ocean blvd. side. They say that there's going to be a shit load of drinking and maybe some weed." I thought I saw him flicker his eye alluringly. Maybe I'm just falling for this babe's charms.

"It sounds like a lot of fun. What do you say?" I felt like I was on the spot at that moment. I didn't want to disappoint the guy, saying that I was busy when I know that I wasn't. He was so cute that I couldn't lie to him. "Sounds cool. When is it?"

Clay's eyes brightened even more at my response. "I think that it's at ten^Åor maybe eleven."

"Well, that's only three hours from now." It was my turn to bat the eyes. "Want to get something to eat?" Clay looked down a bit. A faint sigh coming from those lovely lips. "I don't have any money. The rave's free, so I wouldn't be spending any cash there." He actually looked embarrassed. "I can't afford anything." He gave a weak chuckle. "Didn't bring enough cash on this trip." I looked directly at him. He really was embarrassed. I stepped closer to him and placed a hand on his strong, but slender shoulders. I loved the feel of his skin under my hand. Silky smooth. "Don't sweat it. It's my treat." With my winning smile, he relented and we went off to the nearest food dive to grab some grub.

We passed a few places that, according to Clay, had food that resembled over-cooked shit. I hoped that they didn't taste like it, I thought. I didn't mind the pickiness of his guy. Getting to see his tight butt shift in his jeans as he walked in front of me made the trek even more enjoyable. We made it to a small dive that had what smelled like burgers coming from it. " This place is the bomb with food." said Clay. He quickly found chairs for us to sit at near the corner of the restaurant. I was so wrapped in watching his tight little ass bunch up and down as he walked that I almost missed him directing me to our table. We sat down; not a moment went by that a server came with a note pad. She was reasonably attractive (for a girl) and had a decent body. I was only interested her belly tattoo, but Clay seemed to be into a bit more. I think he's bi. Like that matters, I thought. Anyway, she took our order( a couple of hamburgers, a root beer and a diet coke) and Clay finished taking in her body. He returned to me with a brighter smile than I've ever seen. I returned it with a smirk.

"You look like the proverbial canary." I kept smirking. Clay get beaming.

"Long story." He sat back with his strong arms resting on the back of the chair. I could see the toned beauty of his torso in full view. His nipples were standing out so much that I could just grab the and suck on them. He had that smile that won me over again. "So, what do you think of the place? They have a wide variety of southern dishes for the young country guy." he waved his hands in the air. "You sure that there isn't anything else you want to eat?" Still smiling. Damn, he's cute. I couldn't take my eyes off of how the muscles in his tightly toned arms danced as he moved them. "Surprise me." I said. His smile became devilish. "Be careful of what you wish for." He turned to the server that came to us before. She seemed to be extremely inclined to return to our table. Did Clay make a deal with her? Hopefully not. I want what he has all to myself, I thought. "Yes. What else can I get you, handsome?" She said with a big smile. I have to give it to this breeder's toy. She has great vision to notice a gorgeous guy when she sees them. "Bring us some onion rings with our food, if you don't mind." Clay gave her that winning smile. I could have sworn that she was about to buckle under her knees from the sight of it. "Of course, babe. Anything for two gorgeous guys." She winked when she said that and I thought that I was going to hurl from it. As I said before, girls have their uses, but not for me. But I did like the tattoo on her. She left to get our orders and modify it. I was glad; I had Clay to myself again. But I didn't know what to think of him. I said that if he was bisexual that it didn't matter, but it was killing me trying to identify him. So, without any further thought^Å.."Clay, are you into girls^Å.and guys?" I said it as quietly as I could, not to alert any of those who couldn't handle that a man's ass is used for more than just letting out shit and noises.

Clay looked at me with those lovely green eyes enlarged with surprise. "Subtle, aren't we?" he chuckled softly. "Well, I thought that you knew." At that moment, the server brought us our drinks. "Thanks. Well, I don't classify myself as either gay or bi or any of that shit." He took a sip of his root beer. "I like forms that are beautiful, like yours. Whether if its on a man or a woman, doesn't mean shit to me." He took a second sip. "Does it bother you?" I was on spot this time. I sipped my diet coke and then came up for a response. "Fuck, no. I just thought I'd ask. Don't know why." I took a sip from the coke, nervously this time. "Forget I asked. It's just that I saw you flirt with Jose' on the street earlier, then you practically was leading the server to bed and I had to ask." I took a long gulp from the coke and swallowed clumsily. "I didn't want^Å..well, I don't know."

"No worries, dude." He then did something surprising. He put a hand on mine and entwined his fingers between mine. "I'm just a flirt, man. But, I do know when I've found something^Å..or someone interesting. In simpler terms, I'm with you tonight. No one else." There goes that winning grin again. "Okay?"

I felt like a fucking heel then. I returned his grin with a weak one of my own. "Okay."

We finished eating our food. First thought was to find the place where the party was going to be, but for me, the first place had to be the nearest restroom. The main vein had to be emptied. Clay was accommodating and elected to wait outside for me. Such a sweet guy. I found the restroom and delivered my deposit at the nearest urinal. In there I saw a couple of guys standing near the sink. They seemed a bit nervous when I came in the door and I noticed that one actually had his zipper open. They didn't look bad, but compared to Clay, they were below average. One actually had a beer belly that he didn't seem inclined to cover. The other was thinner than some of my friends back home^Åand he had, form what I saw in the mirror a very bony ass. But, sometimes with thin guys comes thick packages. It was a pity that his zipper wasn't open or it would be worth it to see what he has in store. I finished and went to the sink to wash my hands. The two guys moved out of the way, but continued to look at me as I sanitized my hands. The thin one was staring at my ass and the belly guy was grabbing an unremarkable bulge in his shorts. I nonchalantly nodded to them and continued to clean my hands. Suddenly I felt a hand go down the back of my pants. I looked into the mirror and noticed that it was the thin guy. I also noticed a mischievous grin on his slim face. He's not that bad looking, I thought and turned to greet him^Å.and a unimpressive hard dick hanging through the shorts of the belly guy--------now don't anyone reading this think that all guys with a belly are small dicked. Only this guy was, and believe me, it was s-m-a-l-l. small-----who was giving me the same grin.

This, of course, left me with a slight dilemma. Do I knock it with guys that weren't that remarkable, ruining my chances with Clay or just run out casually and not bring attention to myself. What does a hot guy, like me do in a time like this?

To be continued.......

Thank you to all that have read y stories. More on the way. If you have any questions or suggestions, send them to schinzon005@yahoo.com

Again, thank you...and stayed tuned.

Next: Chapter 6

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