Weekend in Myrtle

By L.V.

Published on Jul 22, 2007


This is a work of fiction (though I'm not saying that some of it didn't actually happen, wink wink) Any names and places are basically fictional and should not be confused with any in reality. The usual disclaimers apply.

Okay, now that that's over with, have fun and enjoy.

A Weekend In Myrtle

Part Two


"Hope to see you again." he said as he tore away from my mouth.

"Same here." I couldn't take my eyes from him.

With that he turned to his car, got in and drove away, looking at me and smiling as he drove off. I felt a warm giddiness wash over me and then jumped in to my trusty metal steed and drove away, heading to my own destination. Of course, I wrote his number onto a piece of paper before taking hold of the steering. I looked at it as I drove and noticed with extreme delight and a tingle in both my groin and my ass, that this babe, Colin lived in almost the exact location that I was going.

Myrtle Beach, SC. Holy fucking shit!

I knew, with some certainty, that this was going to be the best vacation that I have ever taken.

The rest of the voyage to the coast wasn't anywhere near as exciting. I stopped a couple more times; rest stops, gas stations for the usual shit. I attracted a few eyes as I left the gas station. This really sexy dude with those bee-sting size lips and baby brown eyes. I think he was a Latino Irish mix. Sporting the silk black hair and that milky smooth olive skin, this dude looked like he walked right out of a runway floor. And that smile, DAMN, it could stop a fleet queens parading for a Pride march, make them drop their pants, or dresses, and allow service from whatever this guy had to offer. Any, believe me, this stud had a lot to offer. He was wearing a white wife-beater that defined every ounce of his perfectly round Pecs---even those dark brown nipples---and his flawless abs. He also wore some light blue jeans that hugged his muscular thighs. I couldn't help but check out his backside. My god, I have never seen ass cheeks that were so perfect (except for Alex. I remember telling him this once, expecting to get a punch in the face or gut( this was the first time we started to hang out) , instead he just laughed and started to tease me from time to time, even mooning me with those perfect buns on occasion. Anyway, I think I would have had a great time with this dude, especially his ass, but nothing came from it. Oh well.

I got a few phone calls on my cell from family, hoping that I didn't get lost and that I was well, and from Alex, he wished that he had went after all. I had to admit that I'm glad he didn't, otherwise, the encounter with Colin probably wouldn't have happened (unless I could`ve convinced him to join in---no, that would never have happened). Each of them asked me how my trip was so far. Of course, I didn't go into complete detail and left out that little tryst. I got to Myrtle in just a few hours and had plenty of time to check in. I casually walked over to the clerk's desk and presented my papers, listing the room and the receipt of purchase from when I shopped online for places to stay on Hotwire.com. I lugged my baggage to the desk and, after catching my breath, rose up to see ( man, this must be the year of hot men!) a drop-dead gorgeous Anglo Asian twink, sitting behind the desk and sporting another killer smile.

"Hello. Welcome to Best Western. How can I be of service?" His smile never swayed. You could blow me, I thought to myself, almost saying out loud. He must have read my thoughts because his smile changed slightly to one of mischief, then back to the continuous jovial one.

"Just checking you--I mean myself--in." I closed my eyes, trying to escape the embarrassing blush that was starting to form. It didn't work. I marched on. "I have a room saved for me. Name's under `Gary'."

He turned his lovely dark eyes back to his computer. After a few quick punches he returned his beautiful gaze back to me, still smiling. "Yes. You're in room number 2007." He looked back down at the computer screen; his eyes flashing for a moment with delight. "It's an oceanfront room." He narrowed his eyes, still looking at the screen. "It says here that there was suppose to be two others with you."

I look into his eyes, giving my own version of a smile. "Not anymore." I deepened my smile. "All alone now."

The clerk dropped one of his hands. I didn't see where it went, but had a good idea where. He cleared his throat. He then bent over the desk, motioning me to lend him my ear. I`d rather lend something else to him. (LOL). "Well, with a face like that, I have a feeling that you won't be lonely for long." He whispered.

"Well, have a good time. I hope you enjoy your stay and come back."

"I think, now, that I will." I gave him one more smile( this time, a more suggestive one) then turned to walk away from the desk. I took care to bend perfectly enough to show off my ass to him. He took the hint, dropping his hand back to the same spot again.

Okay, I think I'm finished teasing the help^Å^Å.HAAAIIILL no. Just can't be done. Anyway, I got on to the nearest elevator, lugging my bags and trying to not look like I needed help. (Geez, acting like I'm straight, for crying out loud). I made it to the elevator with just a minimum of back strain. Resting on the wall, I was greeted by mother and what seemed to be her kid. He was about maybe sixteen or seventeen years old, barely a pup, but anyway he was cute. Like the desk clerk he had that twink-style body that you'd see on one of those euro-porns from like Bel-Ami or Raw Films. His mom looked, well like a mom. But this kid was adorable. The two appeared to have came from the pools or the Jacuzzis because this kid didn't have a shirt on, but did have a pair of swim shorts that were still a bit wet.( his package, which was rather big for a boy his age, sort of pointed prominently from them^Åthat's how I noticed that they were wet. Them and the water on the floor) . I pretended not to notice, holding on to my bags, waiting patiently for the elevator to reach the second floor. I think he may have noticed my short stare because when I looked up from my packages, he was looking directly at me, smiling rather big.

Oh my god, he has the most beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't take my eyes from his. I had to use peripheral vision to see the rest of his body. He had to have been a swimmer, because even though he was a small fellow, he had a nice mount of muscle on him and some really broad shoulders. His legs were really tight and reasonably muscled. I almost couldn't' see the light blonde hairs on them, but the treasure trail on his flat stomach was very noticeable dark brown. He had a smooth tan and beautiful sun-kissed blonde hair as well. If only he was a bit older. Oh, the things I could do to this guy.

"What's up?" he said, carrying that oh so sexy southern draw that I had a feeling that was going to be dominant around this beach (reminds me of Colin's cute voice. Hope I see him here).

"Not much." Liar. I had a lot more than nothing that was up. Good thing I decided not to wear anything loose fitting. Got to love the discreet power of denim. "I just got here." I wrestled with my bags^Å.and my growing stiffy.

His mother must have heard our short talk because she turned around, dropping her sixties-style glasses to just below her eyes. Father must've had the genes to give this kid those pretty peepers because this lady sure as hell didn't . I think they are a kind of brown, but one really couldn't tell. They were just weird. "We've only been here for a couple of days ourselves." she said. She gave me a smile (at least that was pretty. He must have gotten that from her.) "Where are you from?" Her question, for some reason, unnerved her son because he gave her a `don't pry, mom' look. She ignored him, of course. I didn't mind, besides, it gave me a reason to stay next this gorgeous dude. "Well, I'm originally from Ohio, but I go to school in one of the North Carolina colleges."

"We're from Charlotte." the stud-in-making spoke this time. "How do you like it here? In the south, I mean." He tried to cover his excitement (on his face, perverts), but his smile couldn't be covered.

"I like it here, much warmer than my home town." I noticed the elevator coming to my floor and proceeded to grab my bags.

"Well, this appears to be my floor." I gave a smile to both of them started to the doors. The young stud moved past his mom and over to me, reaching for my bags. "Can I give you a hand with these?" I just love his smile^Å.and that voice doesn't hurt either. His mom was looking at both of us, giving a proud smile.

"Can I help him?" he said looking back at her.

"That's up to him."

"I don't mind."

"Cool." the boy proceeded to pick up the one of my bags. I watched, trying not to look at his butt as he did, but his low-riding shorts made it difficult to do that.

We said goodbye to his mother and left the elevator, with me carrying the largest of bags and him carrying the smallest. I insisted he get in front of me, to `make certain that he didn't have trouble'. In all actuality, I just wanted to see the muscles of his ass flex as he walked. And man, were we they not a sight to behold. He'd stumble a bit, trying to readjust himself by switching hands with the bag. Each time he did, his cute little butt would tighten and his handsome legs would almost bulge with swimmer-based muscle. He looked back at me and I quickly turned my eyes to the corridor ahead of us. I then would look at him, trying to play that I wasn't watching his gluteus-based entertainment.

"Doing alright up there?" I asked, pretending to be concerned.

"Yeah, I'm cool." he said, again with that cute little southern draw.

We made it to my room and I fumbled with my pockets to get the key. I found them, and in the corner of my right eye I noticed him watching my folly^Å..and those things in between. I dropped my bag and slid the card into the reader slot. It went green and we went inside. With him in the lead, of course.

"So, when do you go back to school?" I asked, trying to get my mind off of lascivious thoughts.

"Actually I'm awaiting my first day in college." he sat my other bag on the bed nearest to the window, giving out an adorable grin. "I just turned eighteen three weeks ago. This was suppose to be my first vacation on my own to rest before starting, but my parents thought that they should join in, since they won't be able to see me for at least three months before the holidays." he started to blush flicking his eyes from the floor then to me, cupping his hands together at his front. I tried not to notice.

"Sounds lovely." I grinned, trying to sound grim at his plight, and hide my joy; I think it worked. I knew now that if I seduced him enough in making him almost literally drop his clothes in front of me, flip his lovely ass in the air and beg me to fuck him, that I won't end up in jail afterwards, charged with under aged rape (or does that only effect straights?) "I had a birthday recently too. This was suppose to be a trip with my friends and I, in regards to celebrating, but it turned out to be just me going." I sort of turned my eyes when I said that. I still wished that I had my buddies with me, even if they had to leave when Colin and I made contact. "The celebration's canceled, of course."

"Well," he started to slide his left foot back and forward, grabbing himself. I couldn`t take my eyes of the spectacle. He stopped in mid-grab. "There are always other ways to celebrate."

"What do you mean?"

"Well," he hesitated again. I was beginning to like this kid even more. "You had a birthday recently and so did I." He took a step towards me. "And neither of us got celebrate the way we wanted to, so^Å" By this statement, he was almost nose to nose to me. "Maybe we could celebrate it together." I could smell his breath, almost touch his lips. He must have been eating ice cream or something. It had a butterscotch fragrance. I love butterscotch. "What do you say?" He was massaging his crotch as he talked. It drew my eyes to it like a magnet. I could feel my mouth starting to water and my cock continuing to stir in my jeans. I knew, and he probably knew too, that a noticeable bulge was beginning to form.

"What do you have in mind?" With that, the kid dropped his now semi-wet swim shorts, revealing his full, marvelously built, naked figure. I could feel my cock stirring with the initial glance. "The name's Devon, by the way." His lips, and gigantic cock, were less than an inch from mine, respectfully. I almost couldn't take my eyes from the sight of his cock. For a guy barely the age of eighteen, he was definitely a full fledged grown-up. His cock had to be nine inches long, two inches thick and standing straight( funny term, isn't it) up at me. If I didn't know he was a full-blooded American stud, I'd think he was some Euro-porn stud like Cameron Jackson or an American porn star like Michael Brandon(now that`s some major wood). He was that well hung. He appeared to have shaven his pubes, leaving only a faint shadow of blond hair( someone has been tanning nude) that lined the massive skinsword between his legs. His balls were shaved and very low-hanging. I brought my eyes back up to his, just in time for his lips to contact me, landing a very passionate kiss. I reciprocated, trying to invade his full lips with my tongue.

He quickly took his lips away, covering his manhood, barely, with his hands. "Sorry." he didn't look at me, Instead, he was staring at the floor. "I shouldn't have done that." I took his lovely face into my hand by the chin and looked into his beautiful eyes. "Don't be." I then took hold of his hands and casually moved them from his manhood. I replaced them with one of mine. I started to stroke it, feeling some of the pre-cum starting to bubble from the head slit. I worked it on to the rest of his cock head. He moaned, throwing his head back. He rested a hand on my chest. I then leaned down and kissed his neck.

"Would your mother be wondering what happened to you?" I was looking, again into his eyes. I just love this shade of blue. It's now my new favorite color. "Or call you?"

"No." He gave a sly grin. "And she isn`t my mother." He started to tug at my shirt, dipping a hand into the top of my jeans. "Why don't we both get comfortable." With a slight of hand, Devon had lifted my shirt up to the top of my head. I ducked my head, allowing the shirt to dip from it and adjusted my shoulders to allow it to fall to the floor.

I stood there, topless and horny, and getting hornier by the second. I could feel my own leak of pre-cum seeping from my cock and a wet spot form in front of my jeans. Devon stood in front of me, grinning in a mischievous way. He looked into my eyes and leaned forward, planting another kiss on my lips, and a hand at the front of my jeans. He smiled, sort of giggling, as he kissed me. "I take it that you are getting into it as well." He said and started to open my jeans, unbuttoning the front slowly, continuing to kiss and giggle as he opened them.

I breathed a sigh of relief as my own swollen member fell out of the tired jeans. I pressed harder with my lips, ending his giggles and causing moans to come forth. Devon reciprocated and matched my presses with some of his own. I could feel his hands wrapping around my cock, squeezing slightly. Another hand came around my nearly exposed posterior and grappled an ass cheek. Both of his hands were gripping those parts of my body tightly, kneading the appointed areas of flesh with a smooth vigor----That was the button-----I grabbed his ample buttocks and hoisted him from the floor, peeking at the corner of my left eye to find the bed. I found it and dropped this beautiful twink on it, his big cock bouncing as he hit the mattress. I saw a flash of pre-jizz fly in the air; this kid needed to cum. I didn't blame him, so did I. I noticed that the door was still open and hurriedly went to close just before an older man and his kid came by the door. I don't think they saw me because they didn't stop. Thank God. After securing the door's lock, I went back to attending to Devon, who was stroking his cock slowly.

"Where were we?" I said, dropping my jeans further to the floor. I stood there, bare ass, staring at the sight beholding me. Devon didn't say a word. He leapt up from the bed and landed a strong kiss on my lips. At the same time, he grabbed my cock once again. "You were about to fuck me." he said. And he was right. I grinned slyly at him and gently pushed him back on to the bed. "That's right."

I couldn't believe the luck I had, and in just one day, a few hours even. A chance encounter with a beautiful stud in the middle of nowhere (Colin, of course) and now, I'm about to fuck the brains out of a studly twink that I've just met no more than twenty minutes ago. I love this place, Myrtle Beach, and couldn't wait to see, and do, more.

Thank you for all of the commnets and compliments. They are a great inspirations and are immensely appreciated. Any other comments or suggestions can be given to schinzon005@yahoo.com

Again, thank you and stay tuned. It's about to get hotter.....Wink ,wink.


Next: Chapter 3

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