Weekend in Myrtle

By L.V.

Published on Jul 10, 2007


This story is a work of fiction. Actually, it's an encounter that I have always hoped would happen in real time to me. So, consider this a dream or wish....LOL. But, keep it in mind that this is fiction and in the fictional world, condoms aren't necessary, but in the real world they are. Remember to strap up before sliding in.


A Weekend In Myrtle

To say that the trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina was just okay would be a major disservice. I had a time that would probably never return, but while it was with me, I would have never wished for less...mostly.

It all started with an idea from a couple of friends of mine. I have to admit that it didn't strike me as completely fun at first. Alex--who was the token example of the perfect jock with a set of abs that would make any girl--or guy--drop their mouths and anything else that may come to mind--was the ring leader (as he is for many of the "adventures" that I and my other friend, Lane went on, wisdom-based or not). We decided to take a short trip to Myrtle Beach to as Alex so eloquently placed it, "let the shit leave our minds". I had no problem with this since I could really use a vacation from school. So, along with Lane (another stud that isn`t a sports fan or player like Alex but is nonetheless just as attractive), who doesn't have problems with anything, we agreed with Alex to go.

Let me clarify things. Unlike my two friends, best friends as I have come to think of them, I am not a native of this sweet state called North Carolina (I always wondered who was the creative genius that thought up these two states' names). I hail from Ohio, a state that has no oceans and like our country, has to borrow those things that it wasn't privileged to have. I moved to this state for schooling and because of the sensual sounds of the southern male voice.

Oh, did I forget to say it, I'm gay and proud of it and my name is Paxton Gary. Pax to my closest buds.

It doesn't really come to mind, not even to my two straight friends (Alex and Lane, in case you weren't keeping up) I just am what I am and having a lot of fun doing it( no pun intended...hehe). Even though it was Alex's idea to go to Myrtle Beach, it was me, Pax, who had to carry it out, alone.

I've been to Myrtle before. A quaint little beach, littered, sometimes literally, with a wide variety of places to go and see. I planned my itinerary for the weekend that I signed for at work. The usual shit. Take a weekend from the grind of the Happy Pot...seriously, it's called the Happy Pot. Now, if they were really selling pot, then it wouldn't have been as bad, but...Anyway, I signed in for a place near the Pavilion. A quaint little hotel that had a nice view of the beach, according to the brochure. I don't plan to look just at the ocean. The weekend I took from work also coincided with Pride Week down there. Sun, san and tanned male ass is on the menu for this guy.

I'll make it clear, I'm not your usual gay male. Not that queens, fags and whatever the names are now don't have their uses. I like sports and wrestling (even though the reason for watching it is to look at muscles underneath spandex--same for comic movies). I do the camping thing and, unless you see me with a hot number doing the nasty, you won't know that the only holes I enter are on the opposite side of a pair of balls. That's the way I like it.

Okay, along with the story. I get my days off, get my gear together, tell the buddies that were to follow me there that they will be missing the fun, and head for the sand of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

It's a normal drive; no real events take over. I open the bottle of Aquafina Alive and take a swig. I notice that there is this Honda that seems to have taken upon itself to become the king of the road. I sped up a bit to dodge this sign of "royalty" and allow his/her "grace" to pass. As I got closer, I got a look at the driver of the vehicle.


Damn doesn't come close to describing this symbol masculine perfection. The guy was gorgeous! I didn't see the whole package (in more ways than one...hehehe) ,but he had the face that would any one to their knees and worship. He was wearing a close-fitting shirt with a tribal pattern on the sleeves. His shoulders seemed to go for miles and his arms, MAN, I could lick them from pit to finger and back again.

He had on shades so I couldn't see his eyes, but that didn't matter. The only sad thing is that before I could examine the square jaw of this soap opera hunk, he sped away. Oh well, hopefully there will be more boys down in Myrtle that aren't in cars, for my viewing pleasure. I continued on the way, passing a stopped car (not the hunk in the Honda), that apparently was going way too fast. Why, you ask, well the shot of a Trooper car sitting behind it sort of gave it away (not to mention, it showed the FINE ass of the Trooper that was passing the tickets...got to love men in uniform). I also passed a family in a minivan with kids screaming at the top of their lungs...Definitely not doing that. After the views of male beauty and familial horror, I got the ever-familiar pain of pissing requirements. Unfortunately, there wasn't a gas station in site--not even a rest area. I saw a sign that said that a rest area was twenty miles away, but my bladder was saying that it could wait anymore than 20 feet. So, I had to make a decision: pee in my pants, wait 20 minutes, or piss outside...I chose the last one.

There was a shoulder that beckoned for me. It had a forest of trees above it that would make a perfect place to take care of the unwanted water in my loins. As some cybernetic creatures of my most favorite show were fond of saying, resistance was futile...and it definitely was. I turned my car to the shoulder, which had just enough room for my car to sit without hanging on the road. I turned on the caution flashers or whatever those things are called and, gracefully(yeah right), trotted to a deep batch of bushes. I hid behind a few trees near them (didn't want the rest of the world to see what this stud was packing...and that's no idle boast), whipped out my aching manhood and proceeded to release the hated water from its bloated banks...I pissed.

I was soon lost in the utopia of joy, feeling the urine leave my cock's head. Though sort of strange at the time, but completely understandable, I also feel the familiar wash of orgasmic pleasure. From peeing. What the fuck was that? Well, while my mind tried to find the logical reasons behind it, my loins didn't have a second thought. I continued to pee, in near quiet, until a sound that almost made me flash the stream of urine from the ground to my face. What was that sound, you ask? I looked to my left and saw...gasp...the Honda stud doing the same thing. I couldn't help but watch him, emptying his own massive meat of its excess baggage. He kept his eyes on his cock as he sprayed the tree in front of him. I could see that his pants where half down....and, gasp two....he wasn't wearing a stitch of underwear. His pants revealed the naked sides of his muscular buttocks.

I almost wanted to jump right over there and get a closer look at the newest member to the pissing-in-the-outside-air club, but that wouldn't be a cool thing to do (besides, I would get piss on my leg and that wouldn't be the best way to introduce oneself). I turned back to finishing my own task when this Adonis came over to my direction, long cock still hanging out. He had a smile on his face. Now I don't mean the usual grin. I mean this was one that could disarm the most talented player on the world to drop and say hello (his big dick didn't hurt either...I hope).

"Hi." he said, through those lovely teeth of his. "It seems that I'm not the only one that couldn't wait for a restroom." Damn, I love his smile. He had the a marvelous voice too.

"So, it appears." I managed to stumble out. I was starting to notice the familiar swelling begin on my cock. I thought about let it go and fall limp, but I knew that that would happen. I made the choice. I'd hold it and wait for it to deflate on its own.

It didn't.

"My name's Colin." he looked at my eyes, the smile widening. "What's yours?" I almost couldn't move my mouth. My eyes, on the other hand, had no problem going to the direction that they wanted to go...this guy's, now named Colin, crotch. I think he caught me gazing at it because he repeated his question, moving closer to me. I finally regained the power to move my hands and commanded my eyes to stop staring. "Paxton." I said, looking into his eyes.

My god, this guy had some striking eyes.

They were a kind of green( and I love green) that seemed to have a kind of blue sparkle. These glorious peepers were incased by a face that, at the previous view of this stud on the road, could only be seen in one of the Bel Ami pornos. His hair was flawless, a sharp, walnut brown, with a hint of blond at the roots. His smile gave away the hint of dimples that continued to disarm as I looked at him. His teeth were perfect. They were a sparkling white without a hint of yellow (definitely not a smoker).

"What's up, Paxton?" he said, still beaming. He looked down at my swelling, then back at my face and into my eyes. "Or should I already know that?"

I could feel my face reddening as he looked at me. I was tempted to cover my embarrassment, but decided not to. I looked down at my crotch, and I believe my discomfiture deepened. "Oh, yeah. That." I looked back at him. He didn't change his demeanor, instead he moved closer to me and with a feathery softness, took hold of my cock.

All I could do was stand there, gasping, actually moaning faintly from the sheer touch of his skin onto mine. If he had took my hand instead of my cock, I would probably still react the same. "Hope you didn't mind, but I couldn't ignore this." He squeezed my cock, bringing a louder sigh from my throat. "W-why would I mind?" Instinctively, I reached for his meat, noticing that it was now pointing directly at me, almost teasing me. I took hold of it and squeezed delicately. He was the one to sigh this time. We continued to fondle our manhood for what seemed like minutes, then he, again, made the first move. Before I could react, he had planted his lips, smooth ones by the way, onto mine. All I could do at that moment was relent and move my free had to land onto his back, caressing it. He leaned further to me, pressing his lips onto mine, attempting to invade through my lips with his tongue. I didn't resist, instead I returned the gesture and slid my tongue through his lips.

Our tongues met.

We kissed, devouring each other's mouths and groping whatever our hands could touch. I moved away from his embrace, keeping my hand on his cock. I looked deep into his eyes, smiling as I stood there. In seconds, I started to pull my shirt off, in kind, he did the same. I slid my cock from his grasp and released his, all the while unbuttoning my shorts, allowing them to drop to the floor. By the time my clothes were off, his were gone also. We stood there, naked, drinking in each other's physiques.

I couldn't take my eyes off of his beautiful body. Starting with his neck, I began to move down, placing my hand on his massive dick. I could hear him moan in delight as my hand slid down the ample shaft of his cock. He placed his hands on to my shoulders, massaging them, almost egging me to take his cock into my mouth. I must have read the signal, because that is exactly what I did. I slid his meat through my lips, pressing them on to it as I allowed it to enter; I could taste the pre-cum on my tongue. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes with mine. He looked down at me, a smile crossed his glorious features.

"Do it." he said. I complied and proceeded to cover his cock with my spit and suck it.

I felt the familiar tingle in my own member and stroked it as I continued to pleasure this beautiful specimen of man that I barely knew, but really wanted. I felt his hand take hold of the back of my head and delicately press it forward, allowing more of his meat to go deeper into my mouth. I took my free hand (the one that wasn't feverishly beating my own meat) and grabbed one of his beautifully shaped glutes. This just pressed his buttons further because he started to shift his hips, sliding his shaft in and out of my mouth, basically fucking my head.

Did I mind? Hell no. I loved it and took it as much as he gave it. Colin continued his onslaught of my mouth, feeding my every need for dick to the "T". This continued for about three minutes; me blowing this modern Adonis' thick cock, in the middle of the day, and beating my own ample meat in unison. Then, with no warning, the ever familiar taste that usually takes place during things like this made itself known with delicious gusto. First it was just one long shot. I could taste his cum---oh my god! I'm tasting this guy's cum! Sweet!--all the ay down my throat. It seemed as though he was never going to stop, but then he did. But that wasn't, thankfully, all. After the first massive stream of cum, I could feel another beginning to unload, and unload it did.




Four. Count it, four shots of tasty cum invaded my mouth. I could feel him shift his shapely hips with each shot, as well as his hand pressing my head forward, taking his unloading cock further down my throat. I was having such a good time that I almost forgot about my own appendage, impatiently awaiting it's own moment in time. As this babe continued to add a few more shots of his ever delicious jizz in my mouth, some starting to drizzle my lips, I gave my own cock one more stroke for the road then proceeded to shoot my cream all along the side of this beauty's leg, shaking as my orgasm took over me.

We had both finished shooting our loads and this major form of male perfection had proceeded to land a big wet one on my lips, licking the leftovers of his sex batter off my pouters, when it dawned on me that I had spent almost thirty minutes of my time needed to reach Myrtle and hotel. I quickly rose up, giving this stud one last peck on the lips, threw my clothes back on and trotted to my car. I had made it to the door when the babe, (I know his name is Colin, but babe/stud/Adonis just fitted him better) was standing right behind me, wearing that patented grin on his face; he seemed to have been able to dress with a bit more control then yours-truly. I looked into his eyes and returned the grin.

"I meant to ask you," damn I love his grin, which is now a smile. "Could I have your number?"

I could feel my mouth drop as the realization of this question took place. All I could do was get into my car and grad a pen, still grinning with the knowledge that I have just blow a hot guy in the middle of nowhere, ate his cum, came on his leg and am now about to give my number to him. I grabbed an old receipt out of an Ingle's shopping bag and started to write my number on it. I handed it to him and he took, it, holding my hand for a second before letting go of it and sliding the paper down the front of his jeans. My mouth dropped again. He looked up at me, smiling of course, took my pen and hand and wrote his number and where he lived on my hand. After he finished, he took my chin into his strong fingers as gave me one long, wet kiss.

"Hope to see you again." he said as he tore away from my mouth.

"Same here." I couldn't take my eyes from him.

With that he turned to his car, got in and drove away, looking at me and smiling as he drove off. I felt a warm giddiness wash over me and then jumped in to my trusty metal steed and drove away, heading to my own destination. Of course, I wrote his number onto a piece of paper before taking hold of the steering. I looked at it as I drove and noticed with extreme delight and a tingle in both my groin and my ass, that this babe, Colin lived in almost the exact location that I was going.

Myrtle Beach, SC. Holy fucking shit!

I knew, with some certainty, that this was going to be the best vacation that I have ever taken.

This is just the beginning of what I have in mind for the story. Let me know what you think of the story so far....and thank you for reading. Any suggestions can be sent to schinzon005@yahoo.com. Again, thank you for reading....and have fun.


Next: Chapter 2

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