Weekend Gang-Bang

By Rup Mo

Published on Feb 8, 2003



Ever since I had my first gay experience at 16, I had been fantasising with every increasing urges for something that would satisfy my craving for sex. At 16 I had been hitchhiking home from a party in London, and was picked up by two men, who had taken me to a deserted warehouse on the outskirts of London and had forced me to go down on them. To this day I can still remember the taste of their cum in my mouth as I knelt in front of them and let them fuck my mouth in turn. Although I had had no choice in the matter, I know that I put up very little resistance.

Since then I had been happily married, and had been able to resist my instincts to try gay sex once more. But recently the urges had become too strong to resist, and I yearned to feel another man's cock in my mouth and to taste their cum. More than that, I wanted to be forced to perform, as I had been forced to give head so many years ago. Now at 35 I was still in great shape, slim and I think good looking. But how to go about it ! One night, by mistake, I came up against a web site which listed bizarre sexual games for adults. I looked further, and in the personals I came across the email I had been searching for.

"Try out your gay fantasies... For real..." An email address asked the reader to write his hidden erotic fantasies, and then if it was within their bounds the writer would make it come true, for a modest fee. In trepidation at first, and then with increasing confidence, I wrote my innermost fantasies and sent them off, hardly thinking I would get a reply. But a reply came a few days later. For $250, my fantasies would be fulfilled in full. But once I had started on it, there would be no going back, and if I wanted to end it there, I could.

For days I agonised as my good and bad self battled for supremacy. Evil won, and I sent off a cheque for $250 dollars, and awaited instructions. They came by return! I was to drive to a remote farm in North Wales one weekend in June. The big day finally came, and having made a work excuse to my family, I set off for the 3 hour drive to North Wales. It took me some time to find the farm which was totally isolated up a long winding road through forests and fields. The weather was clear and warm, and promised a hot weekend. As I got closer to the house, a sense of forboding flooded over me. At one point I stopped the car, and lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. What was I doing? My fantasies came back in a flood, and I felt my cock hardening at the thoughts once more. The feeling became more and more intense, and I knew then there was no turning back. Aside from the money, I wanted to experience something that was outside of reality.

Several cars were parked around the barns of the rambling farm, but as I drew up outside the front door, it opened, as though I was fully expected, and a large bearded man came up to the car. He looked at me unsmilingly, and my heart seemed to almost stop. Come in Jay, he said, and without further words led me into the dark and cold hall of the farmhouse.

I was wearing a tracksuit and gym shoes, and as instructed, nothing else. Moreover, as further instructed, I had that morning in the shower, shaved under my arms, all over my legs, my chest and my pubic region. I was smooth and hairless, but right at that moment I did not feel very erotic!

The man turned to me, and said quite gently. "Last chance to back out if you want Jay?". I shook my head lightly, and accepted the cocktail that was proffered. I knew it contained a drug that would take away all my inhibitions, and probably change my life for ever. I looked at it for several seconds. Then without looking at the man I drank it in one go and handed him back the empty glass. He smiled.

"Take off your clothes and leave them there." He indicated a cupboard below the stairs. I turned my back, as though for some kind of senseless privacy, and slipped off my shoes and then my pants and shirt. I stood shivering naked in the hall and waited. My cock was limp and my heart was pounding. A lightness seemed to come over me, and the voices seemed to become distant.

The man stepped close to me, and told me to close my eyes. As soon as I did, I swayed, and he held me by my arms, or perhaps it was another man, as other voices now seemed to be talking in strange tongues, Welsh I presumed. A strip of plaster was placed on both my eyes, and I was now completely blind. Someone fastened a strap around my wrists and another around my neck. My wrists were fasted together behind my back, and my penis that I had been protecting was now visible to everyone. I could feel it hardening.

"OK, just walk where you are led." And without ado, I was led outside, and back into the sunshine. My feet touched grass and then stone as we entered what must have been a barn.

"Kneel". The words were firm, and I was pushed quite hard onto my knees. I waited, wondering what would happen next. There was laughter and the sound of clothing being removed. My throat was dry, but the drugs had removed all possible option of backing out. I was totally subservient to their wishes. Someone was in front of me. I smelt a rancid smell of urine or something, and then I felt a hand on the back of my head, and the smooth skin of a penis touched my lips. I opened my lips and the man, pulled my head towards his groin, and in one move I swallowed his cock and my nose was buried in his thick wiry pubic hair. His cock was against the back of my throat, and his balls rested on my chin. Then with two hands on my head he started to fuck my mouth. At first gently then with increasing pressure and speed. His cock smashed against my throat, as he mounted me like a dog mounts a bitch. He started to mutter and moan and his cock became a frantic battering ram of muscle and tissue and then it started to swell until my lips were completely extended, and with a roar, he slammed my head into his groin, and drove his penis as far and as hard down my throat as he could before exploding down my throat. The cum literally spurted out of him and into my belly as he held my head against him giving the occasional thrust until he was sure that he had completely emptied his sack into my mouth.

Finally he withdrew and I was able to draw breath. But not for long. Another man took his place and the whole process was repeated, and repeated and repeated. For how many hours I remained kneeling and sucking, I have no idea. In my letter I had said that I wanted to be forced to give head to a group of men, but I had thought this might mean three or perhaps four. By the time I had lost count, I must have sucked at least 9 men, and then cum was streaming down my chin, as I seemed unable to continue to swallow.

Sore and tired, I was at last led back to the house, and placed on a couch of some sort, as my eyes were still plastered closed. I lay on my front, almost unconscious, partly from the drug, partly from the mouth fucking. I think I was moaning quietly, but the next thing I felt was the cheeks of my bottom being parted, and some gooey cream being applied. I struggled at this, as this was not in my fantasy, but I was too far gone, and the effort to stay upright when your hands are secured behind your back, was too hard. The first cock to fuck me hurt, but for most the time I think I was unconscious. All I know was that when I next came to, I was lying in a large bed with two men. My eyes were still stuck shut, but now I was untied. As I moved, one of the men started to grope me, he stank of beer, and he pulled my limp cock, and then inserted a thick finger in my arse. I struggled a bit, but he laughed, and kissed me deeply on the mouth, his tongue going deep into my throat. I tried to push him off, but the other man held me down, as the first man, pulled my legs apart and over my head, and kneeling between my thighs, inserted his thick cock, and started to bang into me with all his strength. My legs hurt like crazy as they were forced over his shoulders, but then they slipped down his side, and he was fucking me like I was a woman. My hands grasped his back, as his mouth once more covered mine, and he continued to pump hard into my arse. My hands were on his buttocks, trying to calm the pounding, but he was so much bigger than me, that I finally just lay supine and let him finish. He finally thrust deep, and with his mouth locked onto mine and his tongue deep in my throat, I felt him cum inside me. With that he rolled off me, gave my cock another tug and left the way for his friend.

This one wanted my mouth again, and once more I felt the turgid flesh of another man invade my mouth as he knelt over my chest and fucked my mouth. He was big and his penis forced a passage into my throat. I was screaming and needing to gag, but it was impossible with 8 inches of hard penis and the full weight of a man pressing down on your head. At last I felt the now familiar twitching and the swelling of flesh followed by the salty taste of pre cum seeping from him, and the final thrusts as he released his semen into the back of my mouth and throat. He withdrew before he was finished and with his hand slowly wanked over my face, his semen spitting creamy traces over my cheeks and into my hair.

And so it went on. For a whole weekend I was fucked in the mouth and the arse, in bed, in the barn, on the lawn, in the kitchen. How many times I could not say, but it was relentless and unstoppable. It was only 48 hours later, that my eyes were finally opened, and then the only person left was the bearded man who had welcomed me two days before. He let me take a shower, and then painfully I dressed and made to leave. He said nothing, and I asked nothing. I just got in my car and retraced my steps. It was still a glorious day.

Was it worth it? I think it was. It has cured my urges and I have no desire to repeat the experience.

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