Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on May 5, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

Friday, at last! It occurred to me that one week ago was when I first saw Gordy in the restroom. My, how things change so quickly. Last Friday I was a 'straight' man. Today, I am a gay man in love with a man I only met a week ago. I have never been an impulsive person, always analyzed things thoroughly before I made a decision. This is the craziest, most impulsive thing I have ever done in my life and I don't care. This is the new me and I like myself.

I eased out of bed so as not to disturb David. After brushing my teeth and was dressed for work, I went to the kitchen. My stomach was protesting the lack of food, I had not eaten since noon yesterday and that was just a sandwich. Something smelled good?bacon, not so good for you, but again, I don't care!

Mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for me. "Mother, you didn't have to do this, I could have grabbed a muffin or something." "Gregory, I knew you would be hungry, you did not eat last night, so quit talking and have a seat." she said. "I assume all went well with the kiddos. I didn't hear yelling or any furniture being thrown." I said things had gone surprisingly well.

"How about David?" I told her it was touchy for a while, but it turned out fine. "He slept in my bed, just like he did when he was a little boy and needed his daddy." "He said he wants to meet Gordy, but I don't know if it is too soon or not." "Perhaps I should wait a while, let them get used to the idea, before I spring Gordy on them." What do you think?"

"I think you should ask Gordy how he feels, and you decide together when is the right time." "He is not used to being around kids, so if you look at it from his prospective, you are springing the kids on him." "You both need to decide, the kids will be fine." I thanked Mother for the advise and told her she was absolutely right.

"Mother, I am going to stay tonight with Gordy, we need some time together." "The last couple of days have been stressful for both of us, we need time to decompress." She laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. She stood there smirking at me. "What?" Her eyes were sparkling, "What you really mean is you both need, hmmm, how should i say this, hmmm, time to fuck your brains out!. 'MOTHER!" "I am going to wash your mouth out with soap!" She was laughing uncontrollably.

I was pacing around the kitchen, shaking my head, muttering to myself, "I can't believe my mother just said I needed to get my brains fucked out." "Who are you? And what have you done with my mother?" This only made her laugh harder. "Gregory, you need to lighten up." she said. "You know that is what you are going to be doing, admit it." I said, "Maybe I will be, but I sure don't want to discuss it with my mother, God!"

I had completely lost my appetite. I grabbed my coat and briefcase then headed to the garage. "Hold on, Gregory." Mother called out. "What?" I sharply said. "Gregory, I am sorry if I embarrassed you, I was just having fun with you, I love you Son." "I love you, too, Mother, I will see you this evening." She handed me a toast and bacon sandwich and my coffee, patted me on the butt, "Have a good day."

In the car as I drove down my street, I had to stop the car, I was laughing so hard, tears were running down my face. Good God! I have never heard my mother say such outrageous things. I was definitely going to have to warn Gordy. There was a knocking on my window. I rolled down my window, it was my next door neighbor, Casper. "Are you ok, Greg?" With out going into to too much detail, I told him my mother was out of control with her comments and innuendoes.

"Don't I know it." he said. "You know it is no secret I am a gay man, I don't hide it." "I do not want to be in a serious relationship, so I have lots of 'guests' over." He said he was out working in the yard, when Mother came over to talk. "After a few pleasantries, she told me she understood why I had so many gentlemen callers." "I asked her what she meant by that statement."

:"She said she had seen me naked a couple times out on my patio and she was impressed, that obviously, the old saying about black men was true." "I asked how, since the hedge and fence are 6' high." "She said she could see me from her bedroom window." "Oh my God, I am so sorry, Cass." "Hey, don't sweat it, I am cool with it."

"The last time I was out on the patio naked, I looked up to see if she was peeking, couldn't tell if she was or not, but I grabbed my cock and shook it at the window!" We both were laughing. "Greg, don't worry about it, I don't." I said I had to go and apologized again. I was starting to sweat buckets and even though the temperature was just barely warm, I turned on the A/C full blast. What am I going to do with that woman?

The work day seemed to drag on. Gordy did call me from the hospital, his mother was being sent to a rehab facility on Monday. "Is she ok with it?" I asked. He said she was, but insisted she was going to rehab and go back to Richland Woods. "Greg, I don't think they will let her come back there." "She is going to be pissed." I told him I would help find another place that provides direct care, but is nicer than a nursing home.

"You know what, I think while on my LOA, I am going to look for something here in STL and move back here." "I can hire someone to come in to be with her during the day." I said that sounds like a plan, but I worried he would exhaust himself taking care of her. "Gordy, providing care for your mother will be hard work." "What about your sister?" "Oh, hell no, that space cadet, she could never handle dealing with Mom, shit, when Mom was healthy she could only stand to be around her for a couple of days, then she was off again to God knows where,"

"Greg, don't get me wrong, I love my sister, but no, she can't help." "I have no idea how to get in touch with her to let her know what has happened, and she won't know until she calls me or Mom." "We can talk about all this tonight." he said. "You are still coming, aren't you?" "Babe, wild horses couldn't keep me away." I said. The door to my office was open, but I whispered into the phone, "I need you, bad, real bad." "Me, too."

Just after noon, I was called into Nathan's office. He asked me to close the door, what he was about to say to me was confidential and not ready to be announced to the department. "Greg, I am leaving the company, have been looking for a while and found an opportunity I cannot turn down." I was totally caught off guard and my face showed it. "You are going to replace me." "No, Nathan, you can't be serious, oh my God, Bob and Carl have been with the company longer than me, they will shit."

"That is the next thing I have to tell you, Bob and Carl are being let go, with nice severance packages." he said. I was speechless. "We are combining the 3 groups into one, with one manager, and 2, maybe 3 other people let go, also with nice severance packages." My worst nightmare was about to happen, I just knew it. "I wanted your input on who you think would be the best person to assume the managerial position, I am thinking Patrick." Holy fucking shit!

"Are you ok with that or do you have another suggestion?" I said I would need to think about it before I could give him an answer. "Do you object to Patrick taking on that responsibility?" "Nathan, this is a lot to digest and I told you, I need to think about it." "Of course, if you and Bill Schilling have made your decision, then I have nothing to say."

He said it was going to be my show and if I objected, then I needed to say so. I asked if they had decided which others would be let go. "Well, we were thinking Richie, Kathleen and Matt." "No, not Matt, not acceptable." "Why? His last performance review was marginal." I said, "Look, I am familiar with his work, which is excellent, his work ethic, which is second to none and he gets along with everyone, no, I will not agree to that." "Bob Baxter is an asshole, you know it, I know it, the whole damned company knows it." "He rides his people hard, gets great results, and takes all the credit, but ?." I was flaming mad when Nathan held up his hand to quiet me.

"Ok, I will give you that, Matt stays." "Any other suggestions?" "No, a request, I want the weekend to consider all that you have proposed, then I want to meet with you and Schilling on Monday to discuss these changes." "If this is truly going to be my show, then I want the decision to be mine as to who goes, who stays and in what capacity." "If that is unacceptable, then I will give you my notice right now."

"You need to calm down, Greg, this is why I told you today, it gives you time to think about how you want to approach Schilling, you know he does not take attitude very well." "Attitude! None of you have ever seen attitude from me, but I fear you are about to." "Is that all, I have work to do." I went storming out of his office and into mine, slamming the door. I sat there for a few minutes, boiling mad. I picked up the phone, called Nathan. "Do you have the personnel files on everyone in the department?" I asked. He said he did and he would bring them to me.

He came into my office to bring the files to me. He gently laid them on my desk, putting on an act that he was afraid of me. He turned, "And Schilling thought you wouldn't be tough enough for this job." "You're a fucking pit bull." He laughed and left. I buzzed Fran and told her I did not want to be disturbed unless someone was bleeding or dying. I fucking hate this!

After I had time to think about things and calm myself, I picked up the phone and called Ben Abbott. When he answered, I said "Ben, get me the fuck out of this place!" "Hold on, Greg, what's up that has you this upset?" I told him I was not at liberty to say anything yet, but what I suspected would happen was in the works. "Did you get canned?" he asked. "No, I just don't like where things are heading and I want out of here." He said he had many opportunities, but all required a move. "Crap!" "Well, keep looking, hard!"

"Man, I have never heard you this angry before, Greg." "Want to meet me for a drink in about an hour?" I said I would love to, but I had plans. "Thanks for asking, Ben, too bad we are not playing racquetball today, with the mood I am in, I would kick your ass!" "In your dreams, bud!" he answered. We laughed and said good bye.

I started reading files on people who did not work for me, the ones I was not familiar with. My team would remain intact, prejudice, yes, I suppose so, but I did have the best. After reading the files on everyone, I sketched out a potential staffing chart, with Patrick as the manager. Much as I wanted to distance myself from him, he was the most qualified and the obvious choice.

Putting things away, locking all the confidential data in my desk, I was ready to go home. I attempted to call Gordy, but he did not answer at his mother's house. He will call me, I thought to myself. Thank goodness for heavy traffic (did I just say that?) it kept my mind off business. I needed a drink and I needed my man. And, if Mother was still in her outrageous mood, I was going to enjoy it, I needed to laugh.

When I walked in the door, Anne was walking out. "Going somewhere, sweetheart?" She said she had a date with Hunter, her boyfriend. "Is he in the house?" I asked. She said he wasn't, but he would be here in a minute. "Come back inside, you know the rules, the boy has to come to the door, speak to the family, tell me where he is taking you?common courtesy, Anne." "Daaaad!" "Sorry, back inside." I pointed to the living room.

"Daddy, I am 19, surely I am old enough to make my own decisions." I said she was and I trusted she would make good ones. "But, this rule has not changed and it is not unreasonable." I walked into the house, while she pouted. I asked Mother where David was. "He is on the patio with Andy, they wanted to be alone, I think he's got it bad!" Andy, who is this Andy I thought?the object of his erection?

I walked to the patio door, looked out. David was in a tight embrace, kissing Andy, running his hands all up and down his back. Shocked, I tapped on the glass. They broke apart and both turned to face me. Andy was a girl, a pretty little thing, I could see why he had the hots for her. They got up, headed to the house, David was quickly trying to adjust himself, without much luck. I was chuckling to myself.

"Daddy, I want you to meet Andrea Husmann?Andie." I said I was pleased to meet her. David was clearly embarrassed they had been caught. I tried not to laugh or say anything to further his embarrassment, but I couldn't help myself. "Come on inside and get a cold drink, it is pretty hot and humid out there." David gave me a sharp, warning look.

"So, Andie, tell me about yourself." She told me a little about herself, very nice, confident young girl. She was new to the area, moving here from Louisiana, which explained the sweet southern drawl. I asked, "Do you and David have classes together?" "No, we don't go to the same school?" "Really, how did you two meet, do you live in the neighborhood?" She said she did, but she met David at soccer practice. "Oh, so you are a cheerleader, then." i said. "No sir, I play on the same team, the park and rec league."

I said I was sorry for assuming she was a cheerleader. "That's ok, Mr. Smith, everyone thinks something like that." "They don't have a girl's team here yet, so we play on the boy's team." David found his voice, finally, "She is our goalie and she is good, better than Tommy!" Andie was blushing now and she punched his shoulder. "Well, it's true." he said.

"Daddy, is it ok if we go to the movies tonight, if you will take us, Mr. Hussman will pick us up. I said it was fine with me. I got up to change my clothes. David, after excusing himself, followed me, sat on my bed as I changed clothes. "So, this is the person that gives you a hard on and has you jacking off thinking about her." He was beet red. "Stop it, Daddy!"

"Daddy, I don't have enough money to buy her ticket, she said she would pay for her own, but I want to do it." "Can you lend me some money?" I took out my wallet and gave him $20, "That enough?" He hopped up, gave me a hug, "You are the best, Daddy, I love you." He rushed out of the room, back to his Andie.

When I came out, Hunter was there. We exchanged greetings then he told me they were meeting friends for pizza, then going bowling. I told them to have fun. "Anne came over, kissed me, "Satisfied, now?" I smiled and said I was. Mother announced that dinner was almost ready, for everyone to wash up. I was about to say I wan't going to eat, but the look she gave me, I knew it was hopeless to argue with her.

I wanted to get over to Gordy's, but he still had not called. I tried his number again, no answer. I was getting antsy. Mother served the meal and we all enjoyed the food and conversation. Andie is a sweet girl and I could see why David was so taken with her. He could barely keep his eyes off her. When we were finished, Andie jumped up to help Mother clean up the kitchen, with David helping, too. That was unusual, to say the least.

I, again, tried Gordy's number, no answer. I called the hospital, he wasn't there either. Now, I was getting very worried. I went to my bedroom, put a change of clothes and toiletries in a backpack, told Mother I was leaving, I would call her later. She smiled, "Have a good time!" I was expecting another smartass comment, but she did not say anything more. "Come on kids, I will drop you off at the theater."

As I was driving down the street to Gordy's house, I saw him leaning against a car talking to some man. He leaned in and kissed this guy. "What the fuck!" My stomach was suddenly in my throat, I thought I was going to vomit. I did not stop, kept on driving past his house and headed back home. Tears were forming in my eyes, but I refused to cry. My normal stoic attitude took over.

When I got home, Mother said, "Why are you back here?" "Gordy has been calling." "Not now, Mother, please leave me the fuck alone." The phone rang, Mother answered, "It's Gordy." I shook my head, then went to my bedroom. Mother knocked on the door, "What is wrong with you?" she demanded. I said, "Leave me alone, I don't want to talk about it." I locked my door, I did not want to be bothered, I did not want to talk, I just wanted to be alone. I took off my shirt, shorts and socks, but left my boxers on.

Soon I heard voices, recognized that Mother and Gordy were talking. Pounding on my door, Gordy said, "Greg, open up, I need to talk to you." I replied that I had nothing to say to him, to just go. "I am not leaving here until you talk to me." he said. "Fuck off!" He said he would break the door down if I didn't let him in. "Gregory, quit acting like a spoiled brat." I heard Mother say.

I reluctantly opened the door, Gordy pushed past me. The look on his face was pure anger. "Sit your puny ass down and listen to what I have to say, I know what you saw, do you think I did not recognize your car?" I was silent. "Greg, that was my high school friend, Jerry Hunter." "The football player, the object of your HS fantasies, how nice!" I said sarcastically.

"Yes, one in the same." he answered. "Great, did you get to fulfill all that built up?shit, I can't even think of the word?but you know what I mean." "Was he a good fuck?" I screamed. "STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" Gordy yelled. "You are acting like a jealous prick when there is nothing to be jealous about." "Jerry is the mutual friend that Karen and I share, he is CEO of the PR firm where she works." "Karen told him about Mom and he came by the hospital to see me and to check on Mom."

I sat there staring at him, but kept silent. He continued, "We had lunch together in the hospital cafeteria, talking about old times, etc." "I mentioned to him about wanting to relocate back here to take care of Mom, but didn't know what I would do for work." "He asked about my college degree and my employment history." "After listening to my history, he said he thought he could help me."

"Seems he is very involved in the Arch Diocese of St. Louis and thinks he may be able to swing a position in counseling at a Catholic rehab and homeless facility. It would not be a high paying job, but working for the Arch Diocese, I would be eligible for free tuition to SLU to work on my masters if I want to." I said that sounded good, but explain why he was at his house and why the kiss.

He said Jerry came by to bring an application. "I invited him in for a beer, we talked again about football days." "He said Karen had also told him about us and he asked if it was true, that I was gay?" "When I told him it was true, he wanted to know how long I had known." This story was leading up to a conclusion I did not want to hear, but Gordy continued.

"Jerry asked me why I had not told him in HS." I said, "Oh, sure, the most popular stud in HS, who could have any girl he wanted, I am going to tell you I want your body?" "He told me it was all an act, what he really wanted was me, but I was such a macho man, big, strong, he knew I would kick his ass all over the campus." "So he is gay?" "Deeply closeted, wife, 2 kids."

i asked if he fulfilled his fantasy, to which he replied he did, "And, I will do it again, as many times as it takes to get this job." He said if I wanted to know did he fuck him, "No, I did not and he did not fuck me, he just sucked my cock." "Do you want to know how good that felt, to see the high school stud quarterback, on his knees, worshiping my cock?" "It was fantastic, I admit it, but it was just sex, no feeling, just sex, and a bit of revenge."

"Revenge, how so?" I asked. "Revenge for all the frustration he put me through in HS, even though he did not know he was doing it." "Revenge, knowing he wants me, but he can't have me, really." "Revenge, because he wants me to fuck him, but I refused." I asked him why he didn't. He said because, first of all he had no condoms, but secondly and most importantly, he did not want to fuck anyone but me."

With that he shoved me back on the bed, yanked my boxers down, flipped my legs in the air and began to rim me. All the while, he was unbuckling his pants, dropping them to the floor. I was trying to stop him, I wanted to punish him for what he did, but he was just too strong. He spit on my hole, the stuck his dick in my ass. It was useless to fight him, this is what I wanted and what I needed. I wanted to scream from the pleasure I was experiencing, so I grabbed a pillow and shoved it in my face to muffle the sound. He was rough, pounding me hard, his balls slapping against my ass. I began shooting a strong load that hit my chest, my pillow and the headboard.

He kept ploughing my ass so fiercely, it felt as if it would come up my colon, into my stomach and out my mouth. In the last week, I had been fucked by two men, but never like this. I was hard again and within minutes I was shooting again. Finally, he cried out, "Arrrgh!" and released in my ass. He then collapsed on my body, totally spent, licked the cum off my chest, kissed me and asked, "We good now?" I wanted so badly to be mad, but I couldn't be. I was so happy, this is what I needed.

As we lay there, it suddenly came to me, "Oh God, Mother is in the house, she is probably in the hallway listening to all this." He said he didn't care, he loved me and it didn't matter what she thought. He got up, pulled me to my feet, took me to the shower where we cleaned up. We dressed and I said, "Well, I guess we have to face the wrath of Marian Smith, come on let's go."

Mother was no where to be found. That was strange, surely she didn't take the car, since she doesn't drive anymore. I was about to panic when the front door opened and in walked Mother. "Where have you been?" I asked. She said she had gone for a walk, stopped to talk to Cass and his friend. "Mother, surely you didn't go over there and bother him." She said he was pulling into his drive as she was walking by. "We just chatted a few minutes, he invited me in for a drink, but I refused."

"Are you two ok now?" she asked. I said we were. "Well, I certainly hope so, my God, you two were loud, I thought someone was being killed." "Mother, stop it!" Gordy was bent over laughing. "Sorry, Marian, I wasn't killing him, just showing him who was boss!" They were both laughing. I did not think it was that funny and told them so. "Oh, shut up, Gregory!" Mother said. I looked at the two of them and knew I was in trouble, they were comrades, I didn't stand a chance.

"Look at the time, if you are not ready to meet the kids, you had better leave, they will be home soon." Mother said to Gordy. He looked at me for an answer. "It's ok by me, Gordy, but it is up to you." He said he thought he could handle it. "You got a beer?" "I need some liquid courage." Mother said she wanted one, too. I went to the refrigerator and took out 3. We all sat down, enjoying our beer and talking.

David was the first to come home. I introduced him to my friend, Gordy. They shook hands and went into a discussion about sports. This was going better than I expected. David excused himself, went towards the stairs. I told him to hold up. "Are you ok?" I whispered. "Sure, why?" I said I thought he would stay and chat longer. He leaned into me, "Dad, I need to wash up and change my undershorts, if you know what I mean, I will be right back." I had to stifle a laugh.

When he returned, Anne and Hunter were just getting home. "You are home earlier than I expected." I said. Hunter explained that he had to be up at 6a for work. I introduced both of them to Gordy. After a few minutes, Hunter said he had to go. "Nice meeting you Mr. Gallagher." Anne walked him to the door, then came back to join the conversation. I kept waiting for the bomb to drop, but was pleasantly surprised how easily Gordy handled everything.

I asked if anyone wanted another beer, no one did, but me. I was bundle of nerves. Anne followed me into the kitchen. "Well, what do you think?" She said he seemed nice enough, but she was surprised, not at all what she expected. I asked what she mean by that. "Daddy, he is huge, my goodness, look at his shoulders, arms and his hands," "He has a nice smile, though." I told her he was a nice man and I cared a lot for him.

She said if that was how I felt, then go for it. "But be careful, don't make him mad." "Redheads have fiery tempers and as big as he is, he could crush you like a bug." She was dead serious, but I couldn't help but laugh. "Anne, he is a gentle soul, kind, loving, he would never draw back a hand in anger towards me." "Is he staying the night?" she asked. I said we were probably going to his house, he needs to be home incase his mother takes a turn for the worse.

After another few minutes, Gordy said he probably should go. I said hold on a minute, went to my bedroom to get my backpack. "I will ride with you, so I can leave Anne my car to take Mother grocery shopping tomorrow." "You know, kiddo, when you go into your sophomore year and can have a car on campus, I am going to buy a car for you." She was smiling broadly, came over, gave me a hug and kiss, then did the same to Gordy. He was surprised and blushing. "Be good to my daddy, Gordy." Then she went up the stairs to her room.

David gave me a hug, then shook Gordy's hand. "See you two tomorrow." Then he bounded up the stairs. Next was Mother, hugs and kisses and surprisingly no raunchy comments. "Be good to each other, I love you, both, now go so I can lock up." We looked at each other, smiled and left.

When we got to Gordy's, I was out of my clothes in a heartbeat. I wanted a repeat of what happened earlier, rough, raw, uncontrolled fucking. We could make love later, right now I wanted to be fucked. Gordy was amazed at how passionate I was and asked why. I told him I would tell him later, but right now, "Fuck me, fuck me like there is no tomorrow."

Had a free weekend, worked furiously on this story. I hope you enjoy and like the direction it has taken. I have tons of ideas, but have to sort through them. This will be a busy week, so I may not have much time to write. As always, I appreciate comments and suggestions. Smile.


Next: Chapter 10: Return to St Louis 6

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