Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on May 2, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.


Many of you have questioned as to why cellphones, texting, etc. is not used in the story. It is important to realize this story setting is mid 1980's when cellphone usage was not as prominent as it is today. Answering services and pagers were. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding.


Once again, waking up and feeling this warm body next to me made me overwhelmingly happy. I wanted this feeling everyday. I don't know why I waited so long, I guess I was waiting to find Gordy. Fate! Who would have ever thought meeting a man in a gas station restroom would lead to this? I kissed his shoulder and pulled him in closer to me. He moaned a pleasant good morning, turned to look at me, then pulled me into his chest.

"I won't kiss you until I brush my teeth." he said. "I have horrible morning mouth!" I said I did, too. We got up, stood at the toilet together and pissed a lengthy, strong piss. After brushing our teeth, we had our long, passionate, good morning kiss. I reached in to turn on the shower and adjust the temperature. Once it was ready, we both got in. I washed his hair, scrubbed his body, stroked his cock a few times, then he returned the favor. We got out, dried each other off.

"Let's stop for coffee and whatever you want for breakfast, then I will drop you off at the hospital." "You can call me at work with an update." I said. Gordy said he did not have my office number. I pulled out a business card, wrote my direct line on the back and gave it to him. We left, heading into the city. As usual the traffic was awful. I was going to be late, but I didn't care.

"Say, Gordy, since this miserable traffic is going to make me late, how about I drop you off at the hospital and you get breakfast there?wonderful hospital food!" He said that was ok with him. I dropped him off at the front entrance, told him to call me in about an hour, and said I loved him. "I love you, too, and thanks for everything." he said.

At work at last. "Stressful drive in, on top of everything else." I said to my secretary, Fran. She said Patrick had asked for me to call him when I got in. I went to the break room, grabbed a cup of coffee, then went by Patrick's cubicle. "You wanted to see me?" I asked. "Can we go to your office?" Once behind closed doors, Patrick asked if he could have tomorrow off, he had an interview in Houston. I said it was ok. He was looking rather uncomfortable. "Patrick, it is ok, you need to do what you can for your happiness and job satisfaction."

"Thank you, Greg, I appreciate your understanding." "I am not sure I am qualified for this job, sounds way over my head." I asked why he said that. He explained he knew nothing about the oil industry and from what he was told, he would be managing a group that dealt with federal regulators, auditing for accuracy then submitting financial documentation required, etc. "I will know more after I have my interview, quite frankly, I am scared."

"Look, you have nothing to be scared of, you are brilliant, a MBA and CPA, for Christ's sake, you are overqualified for this paltry job, I am surprised you stayed here so long." He smiled, "I guess I just like working here and I am good at what I do." I told him he was correct, "You are very good at your job, I probably should be working for you." "Thank you, Greg, you always say the nicest things to me, to all of us, you are a great manager, everyone loves working for you."

My direct line rang, it was Gordy. I said I had to take this call, and asked him to close the door when he went out. "Hello, handsome, how is your mother?" "Actually, she is doing quite well, she has some left side weakness, but can move everything and she is speaking, haltingly, but understandable." "The doctors think she can rehabilitate quite nicely." "The bad news, she will need to go to a rehab facility and it is doubtful she can go back to Richland Woods, she may need more direct care."

"Well, that is encouraging." I said. "What can I do to help?" He said nothing at this point. "I am just glad I have you to unload on." "I said I was here, no matter what." "Hey do you think you could break away this afternoon to go with me to the airport to pick up Mother?" "You sure?" he asked. I told him yes, that Mother would be surprised and it would take the heat off of me. "Mother can be quite a pill sometimes." "She will not be drilling me with questions like she would if I was alone." "And, she will be soft on you when she hears about your mother." He asked what time, I told him when I would be there to pick him up.

"Why don't I just drive to my mother's house, that way i will have my car at home and not paying ridiculous parking fees at the hospital?" I said that was fine, but I wanted him to go home with me after we picked up Mother. "The kids are coming home tonight, I know what I am gong to say to them and I want you there." "Greg, I don't think this is this a good idea, I think you should ease into telling them and not with me present." "I want your children to like me, I don't want to be forced on them." I agreed he was probably right.

He asked what I had decided to say to them. I said I would start out reminding them how much I loved them. "Next I will recall how my life has been all about them, that I did not date and basically had no life outside my family." "They will understand that and if I know Anne, she will ask why I did that." "My answer will be truthful, that I have no idea, just never found or even looked for anyone." Then I will say after a lot of time reflecting on my life, I had come to realize I did not look for women because, well I like men."

I said I was sure this would bring up a ton of questions. "I am a truthful man, I have never lied to my children and I won't start now." "Next I will tell them, I have found someone, a man, who makes me very happy, someone I love, who loves me and someone I want them to love." "I will ask them not to judge me or you." I said I was going to try to avoid the timeline, because I thought that might be an issue with them.

Gordy said, "I think that is a good plan, simple enough, hopefully it will go well." I said that I was sure Mother would be there in support of me if they have a bad reaction. "I am not expecting it, however, I have very good kids." I said I had to go, some business to take care of. "See you around 3p."

I called Ben Abbott to tell him I could not make racquetball this evening, I had forgotten Mother was coming home. I promised to reschedule. The rest of the day went without incident. When I left at 2:30p, I dropped by Patrick's cubicle to wish him good luck. "Call me if you need anything." I said. "And be sure to let me know how the interview went." He said he would. "Say hello to your mother for me." I had forgotten he had met her at the employee banquet.

I drove to Gordy's home as he requested. He came bounding out of the house, jumped in my car, kissed me, "I feel like I am about to shit my pants1" "Babe, calm down, Mother is on our side, she will love you." Getting to the airport was a breeze at this time of day. After parking the car, we went to into the terminal baggage area to await Mother's arrival. It wasn't long before I saw her smiling face gliding down the escalator. I rushed over to greet her.

"Mother, I have missed you so much, wow, you look great, you must have spent every day on the beach." I was gushing over her until she told me to just stop it, "Get a hold of yourself." "Ok, Mother, Gordy is here with me, I guess I am just excited and nervous." Gordy was standing back where we were before. "Gordy, come over here and meet my mother." I yelled. He sauntered over to where we were standing. "Mother, I want you to meet Gordon, Gordy, Gallagher; Gordy, this is my mother, Marian Smith."

He stuck out his hand to shake, but Mother pulled him into a big hug. Looking at me she said, "He is gorgeous, so tall and big and what beautiful red hair." "My God, Gregory, you didn't tell me you landed a hunk!" Gordy was blushing profusely. Mother continued with her praise, etc. She looked at me and said, "Does he speak?" I said he would if she would shut up long enough for him to do so. She gave me a disgusted look and a smack on the shoulder.

Gordy said, "I am pleased to meet you, Mrs. Smith." "Marian, please, I love your deep voice, so sexy." Turning to me, she said, "Here is my claim check, go get my luggage, I want to talk to Gordon." I leaned over and whispered in her ear to go easy on him, please. She turned back to Gordy, took him by the arm and guided him to a bench where they sat down. I could see her talking nonstop, arms flailing all over. Then she was listening to him as he talked. I would love to know what she had said and what he was saying to her.

After a long, long wait, the baggage came around on the carousel. I nabbed Mother's bags and head back to where they were sitting. "Ok, you two, enough talk, let's go." Mother stood up kissed me and whispered to me, "I like him very much." Gordy grabbed her bags and we headed for the car. The drive home was all about Gordy, where he was from, what he did for a living, everything Mother could think of. When we arrived home, Gordy mentioned that I should take him to his mother's house, so I could visit with my mother and later with the kids.

"I need to go back to the hospital to visit my mother." he said. "Plus, I probably will go back to Fulton tonight, I didn't pack anything when I left yesterday." We got Mother settled, then I drove Gordy to his house. I went inside with him. "Your mother is a hoot!" he said. "Yep, she is, more unfiltered than I am." "I am wondering what she said to you at the terminal." Gordy told me to quit worrying, everything was cool and that she told him he had her stamp of approval.

After saying goodbye with a long kiss, I drove back home. Facing Mother was easy, but I was uneasy about telling the kids. I related to Mother what I planned to say. She thought it was a good plan. "One word of advice, be strong, no wavering, positive and no matter what they ask or say, be truthful and firm in your conviction." "Anne will ask the most questions, but it will be out of concern, not out of disapproval." "David, well, he is shy about expressing his views, you may have to take him aside, one on one, to get him to open up." "Don't be surprised if he cries when the two of you are alone."

"Mother, I want to ask you something, how did you know?.about me, when I didn't even know myself?' She said it was a mother's intuition, plus a little snooping on her part. "I would go into your room to put clothes away and Son, you weren't too discreet, all those muscle men magazines in your drawers, some with red circles drawn around a few of the men?now that is not normal behavior." "Then once I saw you standing in front of the mirror in your briefs that were rolled up to make them look like a bikini, you kept adjusting your penis and flexing your pitiful muscles. "

"MOTHER!!!!" My God, that was 30+ years ago, yet, here I was blushing from head to toe. She was laughing hysterically, "It was so cute, your tall, skinny frame, trying to look like one of those muscle men and you got an erection just thinking about it, looking at yourself." I was totally embarrassed, but started to laugh with her. "Mother, my obsession was in how those guys looked, their muscles, I wanted to look like them." "I don't ever remember having erotic fantasies about any of them."

I stood up, flexing my muscles, which showed, even through my dress shirt. "Not bad for an old fart, eh?" She nodded approval. "Now, what else made you think I was gay?" I asked. "Gregory, there were just subtle signs that I noticed." Question look on my face, raised eyebrow, "Go on." She recalled all my girlfriends in school were homely, virginal, religious girls. "You knew you were safe with them, when you could have had the hot girls." "I remember one girl, what was her name?.oh, Linda Kay Chasson, she wanted you in the worse way, but you never gave her the time of day."

"Aww, Mother, how could you know she wanted me, we were just friends, rode to school together." "I know and ever time she came over here to study or whatever, she would shove those big knockers in your face, but you would always look the other way." "Mother, she did not!" "Yes, she did, I saw it, I was hoping you would at least give them a squeeze." "You are out of control, Marian Smith, making up things." "I felt sorry for her because she did have enormous breasts; all the guys called her Golden Guernsey."

"And then, there was always yellow, crusty stains in your underwear." she said. "Oh, yes, my son is gay because he masturbates, really Mother, your case would not even make it to the Grand Jury!" "Sheesh!" "Maybe so, but I was right, wasn't I, even if it did take 30 years for you to admit it to yourself."

I told her she could believe what she wanted, but until recently, I never had any gay thoughts, never had any gay experiences and I was married to a beautiful girl, which produced two beautiful children. "Real gay!" "Oh, yeah, I forgot, you married a lesbian, no judgement of Karen, but how could you not tell?" I said I supposed she was psychic, had all the answers." "I'm booking us on the next flight out to Vegas, you are on a fucking roll and I want to cash in on it!"

"You watch your mouth, young man, I told you I could still wash out your mouth with soap." I apologized, "But Mother, you are frustrating me and quite frankly embarrassing me." "How would you feel if I started talking about your sex life." "And," I quickly added, "I don't want to hear about it."

She said, "Ok, tell me when you first realized you liked men, your first experience, when was it?" My face was glowing red hot. "Mother, do we really have to talk about this?" She said yes, she wanted to know. "Let's just say it was recent." "Was Gordy your first?" "Mother, stop it!" "I fucking knew this was going to happen, the Spanish Inquisition." She could see she had pushed me too far. "Ok, I will stop, but I know how you and Gordy met, he told me and I doubt that was your first time."

I said I was going to get comfortable before the kids came home. I was sweating like a race horse and needed a shower. After showering, putting on comfortable shorts and tee shirt, I hesitantly came back to the living room. Mother had changed also and was sitting there working on needlepoint. "When the kids come home and after catching up on their activities, I want you to disappear, I don't need your input when I tell the kids." She looked hurt, but I said it was something I had to do alone.

In an all too short time, the kids were home, full of excitement about their time with Karen. Many questions asked about Grammy's trip and my trip to the lake. My responses were pretty generic, but they were more interested in Florida, wanting to know when they could go visit Aunt Wilda. David asked if I would buy a surfboard and teach him to surf when we went to Florida. I said I thought renting a surfboard was the better option, but we would see when the time came.

"Actually, David, surfing in the gulf is not very good, I need to take you to California, where I went to school?much better and challenging." I said. "What about Hawaii?" Anne said. Again I said it could be an option. This banter went on for a while. I asked if they were hungry. Both had eaten before they came home. My stomach was in knots and I could not eat no matter how hungry I felt. I gave Mother a hard stare. She picked up on it, "Kiddos, I am exhausted, so I am going to lie down." She kissed and hugged us all, whispering "Good luck." in my ear.

After she left, I started my confession, asking the both of them to hear me out before they asked any questions. After I told them pretty much what I had discussed with both Gordy and Mother, I said, "Ok, now questions." Anne came over, sat in my lap, with her arms around my neck, "Daddy, I think you are the bravest, kindest man in the world." "I won't pretend I understand, I don't, but I want you to be happy and if this man makes you happy, it's ok with me." My emotions took over and I cried softly, "Thank you, baby girl, I love you so much." She said she knew it, never doubted it.

I looked over at David. He was expressionless. I asked Anne to leave us alone. "David, talk to me." He said there was nothing to say. "Yes, there is, you need to tell me what you are feeling, what you think." I said. "What? You want me to tell you what I am feeling, what it feels like having a dyke for a mother and a fag for a father, how do you think I feee, it sucks." he yelled. He started to leave the room. I said, firmly, "Sit your ass down right now, there are a few things I have to say to you and you are going to listen."

"First of all, I will not tolerate you disrespecting me or your mother, you are never to use those slanderous words ever again, are we clear on that?" "Are we?" my voice was loud, not yelling, just loud. He said yes. "Now, have I been a good father to you, have I been there for you every day since the day you were born?" He nodded in agreement. "That has not changed at all, I still love you as much as I ever did, I am the same man today as I was yesterday." "What has changed is I want to be happy." "I want someone to love and someone to love me, someone to share my life with, someone who can love my family as much as I do and have it returned."

"I am not being selfish, I am being realistic." "I have been lonely for a long, long time, sure I have you and Anne, but I need more, I deserve more." Tears were starting to flow from his eyes, "But why does it have to be a man?" "David, I don't have all the answers, I don't know why." "It just happened." "Was it deep inside me for years, I don't know, I suspect it was, but I never realized it until recently." "Son, the last thing in the world I would ever do is hurt you, you and Anne are in my heart." "But you have to realize there is a piece of my heart that you cannot fill."

I got up from my chair, walked over and sat down beside him. I put my arms around him, kissed the top of his head while he cried. My heart was breaking for him, but I was resolved to see it through. He did not speak, just leaned into me and sobbed. After a long time, he stopped. "Daddy, I love you, I really do, and I am proud of you, nothing changes that." "Just give me a while to adjust to this and I will be fine." I said I knew he would and told him again how much I loved him.

"When do we get to meet this man?" he asked. I answered, "Whenever you feel you are ready, I will not force him on you." "When you do meet him, I expect you to treat him nicely, he is very nervous about meeting you." "Grammy met him today and she likes him." "Really, then he must be ok, Grammy can be brutal about people." We both laughed. I told David about Gordy. He was particularly impressed with his athletic background.

"Daddy, how did you, um, um know, um um, that you liked men?" "David, I can't tell you, it was something that just happened." "How long have you known?" he asked. I said it was recent, but did not give him an exact timeline. "How did you know Gordy was the one?" "There was just something about him that intrigued me, I wanted to get to know him." I answered. I could see the wheels in his 15 year old mind turning/ What's next, I thought.

He said, "I am curious about the physical part, but I know that is crossing the line, so I won't ask." I thanked him for that and took a deep breath, a sigh of relief. "But, what I will ask is when you are attracted to someone mentally and physically, how do you know when is the right time to make a move." "Define make a move, please." I asked.

He said he did not know how to phrase it except in basic, maybe even crude terms. I braced myself to be shocked, "Go ahead, let me have it." He was clearly uncomfortable. "Well." I said. "Ok, here goes?there is someone I like a lot, I mean a real lot, someone that I dream about having sex with and I get a hard on just thinking about it." He looked at me to see if I was sufficiently shocked, which I was, but did my best to hide it.

"David, I think 15 is a little young to be having sex." "Sex is a wonderful thing, but realize it is not a game, it is a serious decision you will be making." "It should be with someone you care about, someone who shares the same feelings and wants to do it." "Never, never force someone into have sex with you, no matter how you do it, intimidation, threats, whatever, Son, it is not right and it borders on rape."

"Daddy, I would never force myself on anyone, I know it isn't right." "But how do you control these urges and don't you tell me to jack off, I already do that!" Pick me up off the floor, entirely too much information! "Ok, you wanted to shock me and by this conversation, you have succeeded." I said. "I didn't need that visual in my mind!" He burst out laughing. "Sorry, Daddy, that just kinda slipped out, but it is true."

"Ok, enough about this?this, well, you know." I stammered. He was still bent over laughing. He had clearly embarrassed me and was enjoying it. I wanted to ask him who was the object of his 'erection', but I could not get the words out. Some things a just better left unsaid. He came over to me and gave me a big hug. "Sorry for being such a jerk earlier, but I think I am ok." "Daddy, you are the best and I love you." With that, he left the room, leaving me in a puddle of emotion, I was crying softly, from relief and love for my wonderful children.

The phone rang, it was Gordy. He was back in Fulton, packing to come back to his mother's house. "How did it go with the kids?" he asked. "Good, I will have to tell you all about it when we see each other, too long to go into now." "Are you driving back tonight?" He said he was. "Babe, please don't, I will worry that you are too tired and I don't think it is safe." I pleaded. "Look, why don't you stay there, go in to work tomorrow, arrange for a LOA like you talked about, then come back." "That way you will be fully rested when you drive."

"And, tomorrow night, be prepared to have an overnight guest, we have some serious loving to do." "I miss you terribly and need your big, strong arms around me." I said. "Greg, I love you, I can't believe how much and how quickly I have fallen for you, this is so unexpected, so unreal." "I feel like I am in a dream and I don't want to wake up." "Triple G, this is not a dream, it is real, now go to bed and I will see you tomorrow." "Yes sir! Nite, GAS man, I love you."

I was mentally exhausted, locked up the house, lights off then went to my bedroom. My bed wasn't empty, David was sound asleep in my bed like he had done so many times when he was younger. I crawled into the bed, wrapped my arms around him, kissed his neck, with visions of my young son floating back. I had tears of joy and again, a feeling of peace washed over me. I had my son with me, my daughter was happy for me and my man would be back tomorrow. Life was good, real good.

Another installment quickly pumped out. As I said before, the ideas are flooding my mind and I am motivated to write every free moment I have. As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated.


Next: Chapter 9: Return to St Louis 5

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