Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Apr 30, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

We stood in my garage holding each other tightly, tears were washing down my face, I broke free, grabbed my coat and briefcase, closed the garage door and we went inside. Nothing was said for a few minutes, all I could do was sob into his massive shoulders. "Greg, I am so sorry I reacted the way I did yesterday." It suddenly came to me that he was supposed to be at work.

"Gordy, why are you here, aren't you supposed to be working?" I asked. He said he did work this morning, after having a miserable night, not sleeping much. "Everyone at the store was concerned about me, I looked sick, couldn't focus, so I called another manager to come in to relieve me." "I went home, took a shower and here I am." "I needed to see you and tell you how sorry I am about the way I acted." "I'm a fucking idiot."

He continued, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I get all pissy about bullshit." "I am so sorry!" "Quit saying that, I understand, nothing for you to be sorry about." "I am the one who should be apologizing, I was in my take charge mood, pushing you, making you feel that way." I said. He answered, "Yes, but I should have told you to back off, I should not have left?that is a coward's way."

"Well, we can agree on one thing, we both made mistakes and we have to work on communication." His embrace was so tight it was hard to breathe. "Gordy, I need to get out of these business clothes and into something more comfortable."

He followed me to my bedroom and watched me as I took off my clothes. I was down to my boxers, thought what the hell, dropped them too. I was completely naked in front of him, still flaccid but I knew that would not last long. I walked over to him, pulled his shirt over his head, while he loosened his shorts and stepped out of his topsiders. "No, underwear, no socks, nice." I said as I pulled him to the bed on top of me. Our kissing intensified, our groins were vigorously rubbing one against the other. I knew I was going to erupt any minute now.

True to my thoughts, I felt a warm release from my cock. Soon, Gordy did the same. We both started laughing. "That was incredible, pretty much as good as fucking." he said. "I guess if you look at it this way, it is fucking, just no penetration." I said it was good, but I wanted the penetration. "Turn around, I want to make you hard again, then I want you to fuck me." I said. We turned around into the 69 position, licking and sucking. Soon we were both hard again.

Gordy said, "Greg, I don't want to fuck you!" A hurt look came on my face, mouth open to speak, then a smiling Gordy continued, "I want to make love to you and I want you to make love to me." Relief! I said we should shower to be sure we were clean. "I know I am, so you make love to me, then we can shower." he replied. "I will make love to you afterwards." Entering his hole was easy, almost as if he had been stretching before we came into the bedroom. It felt so good, so right to be inside my big, burly, redhead.

Showers followed, then we decided to eat something. I went to the kitchen to see what I had that would be quick and easy. "Do you like lamb? I have a couple of grilled chops in the freezer that I can defrost." "Love lamb." he replied. Another check mark. It was a sign, I just knew it. Lamb and a quick vegetable stir fry, dinner was ready in a snap. I asked what he wanted to drink, wine, tea, lemonade, etc. "Anything but wine, never developed a taste for it." he said. Oops! The first X mark. Oh well, that is pretty minor, considering everything else.

As we were eating our dinner, I told him about my day, about what I said to Patrick and about my phone call to Mother. He almost choked on his food when I told him she had me figured out, long before I knew myself. "Don't they amaze you, mothers, I mean." he said. "Mom confronted me when I was 15, but I denied it." "I was not effeminate or anything like that, in fact I was probably the most over the top masculine jock at my school. All the girls were after me because I was a football hero!."

I said I could picture that. "You never dated?" He said he did, to homecoming, prom and things like that, but was not interested in any of the girls. "Did you ever have sex with any of these willing girls?" I asked. "Not really, well, I let a couple of them masturbate me and one girls sucked my cock, but that was pretty much it." "I did play with tits and fingered a few pussies, but never fucked any of them?came close, but chickened out."

He had my curiosity peaked, "Define close." "I had her pants off, my pants around my ankles, put my naked dick head just barely in her pussy, then chickened out." "I used the excuse of not having a condom, and... oh God?this is making me ill?I ate her pussy." "That is when I knew I was truly gay, eating her pussy was disgusting and it smelled like bad fish!" I was rolling on the floor laughing. "That's not funny, I am serious, that was the first and last time I had my face near a pussy."

When I calmed myself down, we went in to the living room. I asked about his experience with boys. "None in HS, but I tell you the truth, if our quarterback had shown any interest, I would have sucked and fucked him until he begged for mercy." "Hmmmm, Jerry Hunter, oh my God, what a hunk!" "Now you talk about sex, this boy probably fucked every cheerleader, shit, probably half the girls in our class." "I could not go in the showers with him, I definitely would have outted myself." "I always waited until he was done before I went in." "He was the fantasy source of many jack off sessions."

"So, no HS experiences with guys, what about college?" He said his first ever gay experience was with his roommate's brother. "His name is TJ and that is his name, not initials, go figure." "He came for a weekend visit?he went to SIU Carbondale." "Anyway, long story short, my roommate, Jason, was out with friends, TJ and I were alone and we did it, not sure how it started, but we sucked each other and I let him fuck me." "Not very exciting, but that was my first time and my only time with TJ."

I kept up with the questions, "Did it hurt much the first time?" He said it did, but TJ was an experienced fucker and really stretched me out before he entered. "After I got into it, it was ok." "TJ threatened me not to tell Jason, like I really would, Jason was as straight as an arrow, he would have kicked my ass." He said in the four years at MIZZOU, he had sex with maybe 5-6 people, one, a psychology professor. "He was the first man I fucked; he loved it and I had to keep doing it the entire semester, else he would have failed me." "He never did anything to me and I only fucked him, nothing else?strange man?loved getting it in the ass, would shoot loads on his desk, but no touching." "I suppose that was the only way he could get off."

He continued relating his life stories to me, saying he went to some gay bars looking for Mr. Right, but mostly it was one night stands, chubby chasers. "What the heck to you mean by that, you are not chubby, stop saying that." He smiled, "You are blind, my love, look at this." He put his enormous hands on his belly and shook it. "See, it's like Santa Clause, a bowl full of jelly!" We both laughed.

I ran my hands up his stomach and chest, my fingers combing through his silky red hair. I took his scruffy face in my hands, kissed his soft lips, "I still don't think that qualifies you as a chub." "Gordy, you are a good looking man." "I love your big, burly body, I can't quit looking at you, touching you, you keep me in a constant state of arousal." "I don't think I can explain how wonderful I feel when I am in your arms, my safe refuge." He smiled, but the eyes were very moist, about to overflow.

"Don't you dare cry, we have cried enough to last a lifetime these past two days." I said. He agreed. I was feeling so comfortable wrapped in his arms, such contentment I have never felt. We didn't talk much, just lay there on the couch, looking out the floor to ceiling windows. it had begun to rain, and the sky lit up every so often, followed by the booming sound of thunder. "Do you have to drive back to Fulton tonight?" I asked. He said, unfortunately he did, he had to be at work at 6am.

"I would love to stay forever, right here, just you and me, but I can't miss work." "If they should find out I am not sick, not at home, I would be in big trouble." he said. I asked when he was off work again. He said, "Not until Sunday, but I have Sunday and Monday off, do you think you could come out to my house?" "It isn't much, nothing like this, but it is nice enough for a bachelor and his lover." he said smiling.

"There is nothing I would rather do than to spend a couple of days with you in your home." I said I would have to check with Mother. "You know, she is probably gonna balk at that, she will want to meet you, in fact she will probably insist you come here." "Which brings up another issue?the kids."

"After Mother has held her 'Spanish Inquisition', I will seek her advice on how to deal with the kids." "I want to do it soon, at least get them used to the fact they have a gay dad." I said I thought they would accept it. "They love me and want me to be happy, and after they get used to the idea, then I will bring you to meet them."

"Holy shit!" "I bet they will come unglued when they meet me, I am such a big lug, I will probably scare them to death and they will think Dad has completely gone over the edge." It was obvious this was making him uncomfortable. I turned over to face him, looked into his eyes, then pulled his head in for a kiss. "We will get through this together, so don't worry."

Looking at the clock, Gordy said he had to get on the way. The usual 1 1/2 hour drive would take longer because of the storm. I said I knew he had to go and my heart was aching already. "I want all this BS resolved, for us to be together everyday, not just when we can fit it in." He went to the bedroom to get his clothes. I just lay there watching his hairy butt in rhythmic motion as he walked away.

He came out looking so damned sexy, tight tee shirt hugging his chest, shorts, which did little to cover his excited penis and barefooted, carrying his shoes in his hands. I had never really paid attention to his feet before. Damn! They were huge and his toes, so sexy and hairy, too. (Note to self: suck those toes next time) I got up to walk him to the door. I was still naked and my excitement still showed. He leaned over kissed my dick head, "Be a good boy, see you in a few days, I hope." Then he kissed me with such passion, I thought I would faint. "GAS man, I love you." "Not as much as I love you Triple G."

We laughed, then he was out the door. I watched as he got in his car, standing on my porch, completely uncovered. "Call me when you get home." I yelled. He shouted back, "I will, now get yourself back inside before you get arrested for indecent exposure." Thank goodness the lighting was dim, except for the lightning flashes, which lit me up like a bad porno movie. I went inside.

What a day! I lay across my bed, his smell still on my sheets and pillow cases. I hugged a pillow tightly, happier than I have been in a long time. I prayed a huge thank you for this day and for bringing Gordy into my life. Sleep came easily. Some time later, I was awakened by the phone ringing. Not completely awake yet, I answered only to hear the soothing sound of this beautiful baritone voice, "Babe, I am home, safely." "I love you." "Oh, thank God and thank you for remembering to call." "I love you, too, more each minute." "I can't wait to see you again and feel your arms around me." "Get some rest, I will call you tomorrow night." We disconnected.

The next day at work was pretty normal, very busy. Dan and Tony were in and out of my office to discuss projects they were working on, seeking approval to proceed. The last time Tony was in, he ask if I had considered his request to travel with someone other than Patrick. I told him I had, but in retrospect, I thought a change at this point would bring only bring attention that would require some concocted explanation to Nathan. I wanted to avoid that.

"Tony, just make sure your avoid any personal contact on your next trip, keep it strictly business." I said. He asked if I had discussed this with Patrick, to which I replied I had not. "He does not know you spoke with me." He said he thought he could handle being with Patrick, then left my office. Upon further evaluation, I decided to speak to Patrick.

I walked out to Patrick's cubicle. "Patrick, I need to talk to you." I said. He followed me into my office. I closed the door. "You and Tony will be leaving Monday, heading to Omaha, correct?" "Yes, we will and you don't have to tell me, I know to keep to business only." "I am not a stupid idiot, you do not have to tell me what I have to do." he said sharply.

"Yes, I do have to remind you what I expect of you, what the company expects of you." "You need to adjust your attitude, Patrick, this insolence you are exhibiting borders on insubordination, and I will not have it." "We had this discussion about professional behavior and I will accept nothing less." He just stood there glaring at me. "You are the star member of my team, I respect your intelligence, your work ethic, your excellent work."

"You have to get over what happened at the lake.and move on." He said he was trying, but it was hard. "You told me you thought you loved me and I believed you." "Now, I feel betrayed." "How can you act as if nothing happened." The emotional outburst I expected yesterday was happening right now. "Patrick, I am not over it, but I am a realist." "But?."he paused, gulped in air and tears were forming in his eyes.

"But what?" I asked. "Should we call Nathan in here and tell him everything; call in Tony, too?' "Oh, hell yes, let's get it all out, maybe you would like to call your wife, your pastor?let's fuck up everybody's life, Patrick." "All because I let my guard down, let my sexual needs make me forget who I am." He turned to leave, I told him to take a seat, Now!. "What do you want, Patrick?" "I am tired of the drama."

He sat there in the chair, tears now beginning to spill over. I just watched, waiting for him to talk. After a few minutes of dead silence, he said, "Greg, I have to leave this job, don't know where I will go, but I have to leave." "Seeing you everyday?Tony?knowing I can't touch you or show any emotion at all is killing me, I am heading for a breakdown." I whispered, "I understand, I am not completely heartless."

He had stopped crying, then calmly spoke, " A recruiter called me yesterday asking if I was interested in interviewing with an oil company based in Houston." "I told him I would call him back today, I needed to talk to my wife." I asked him if he had mentioned it to SaraLee." "No, I didn't yet, I needed to think about it, and did not want to get her hopes up." "She is from New Braunfels and I am from Tyler, not exactly next door, but close enough." "She would love to go back to Texas."

I asked how he felt about it. He said he thought it might be good to get back to his roots, so to speak. "Then do it, go for an interview, and if you get it, I will be happy for you and sad at the same time. "Patrick, I cannot express how much respect I have for you and if called, I will give you a great recommendation." "Thanks, Greg, thanks for the reality check, I needed it." "What about you, what are you going to do?" I ask what he meant. "You know about the sex, you were certainly into the man on man things, I can't imagine you nor pursuing it further."

"Patrick, I have no idea what I am going to do." "I have been alone for 7 years, raising my 2 children, never had time for romance." "I suppose I will keep doing the same thing, at least until my kids are raised and gone." He said, "Don't do that to yourself, you have so much to give someone, man or woman." "Well, maybe, but right now, I need to focus of my work and more importantly my family." He got up to leave, shook my hand and said thanks again.

Suddenly, I had to piss badly. I almost sprinted to the men's room. What a relief, I thought I was never going to stop. After washing my hands, the door opened and in walked Matt. "Hey, Greg, I was hoping i would get to see you sometime today." He was smiling broadly. "Good to see you, Matt, how's it going?" He said things were better than ever. "When I came home from the lake, Lori had moved out, pretty much cleaned me out, but you know what, I don't give a shit, she can have it all, I am free!"

"Well, congratulations, I think." I said. "And that is not all." He looked around to see if anyone else was in the men's room, checking the stalls, then said, "Things are really great with you know who, we have taken it to the next level." I had a quizzical look on my face. "Our relationship isn't just hand jobs and oral anymore, I have fucked him and best of all he fucked me, 2 times." He was so excited. The door opened and another guy came in. I said I would talk to him later.

That was good news, I guess. I wondered how they were going to work it out. I knew Elliot would never leave his wife and kids. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, then went back to work. I thought about calling Ben Abbott to encourage him to stay after Patrick, but decided I should keep out of it. I would deal with whatever came up next.

The drive home was maddening as ever. When I bought this house in Town and Country, the traffic wasn't so bad, but it was getting worse every year. Maybe after the kids were out on their own, I would buy a loft apartment in the city. There were not that many at this time, but reading in the Post Dispatch, I knew of several huge development projects in the works to try to revitalize the downtown area. Of course all these pipe dreams were dependent on whether or not I still had my job, etc.

I was thinking I should run tonight, it had been almost a week since I had been out. As I was entering the house, the phone rang, I did not recognize the number on Caller ID. I reluctantly answered. "Greg." It was Gordy. "Hey big guy, where are you calling from, I almost did not answer." Total silence on the phone. "Are you there?" "What's wrong?" I could hear heavy, labored breathing. "Greg?I am at SLU, Mom had another stroke."

"Where are you? I will be there as quick as I can, probably 45 minutes." He said he was in the ER waiting room. "Be careful and take your time, Mom is stable, we are waiting for an ICU bed." "Ok, see you in a few." I turned around, got back in the car and headed back into the city. Gordy sounded so desperate, which I could understand, he is very attached to his mother. I was hoping my presence would bring a measure of comfort to him.

When I arrived at the ER waiting room, I did not see Gordy. I went to the reception window, identified myself and inquired about Mrs. Gallagher. The young man manning the desk told me he would call the ICU and have Mr. Gallagher come meet me in the waiting room. I sat in the very crowded waiting room. Soon, Gordy came through the door, I got up to greet him, he collapsed into my arms. I said, "Lei's walk outside."

Once outside, I held him and let him cry. After a short interval, I asked how she was doing. "She is stable, but they really don't know the extent of the damage, yet." She is responding to voice and she squeezed my hand, but little else." "They told me I should go home, but I just can't make myself go." He took my hand, "Come with me to the 5th floor ICU." "I don't know if they will let you go in with me, but I will try, I want Mom to know I am ok and have someone with me." ' We went up to the 5th floor ICU. I went to the waiting room while he went inside. Soon he came to get me. "Come on in, they said i could bring you in for a few minutes." I was very uncomfortable, all the noises of the ICU was unnerving. We went into her room. Gordy, took her hand, "Mommy, this is Greg, the guy I was telling you about, could you please open your eyes so you can see him." Mrs. Gallagher, I am please to meet you." I said.

When I spoke, she opened her eyes. Gordy took my hand, placed it in hers, and I felt her weakly squeeze it. Her eyes were following my fidgety movements. I was smiling, wondering what I should say. Then it just came out, "I love your son and I hope you are well soon, so we can get to know each other, I plan to be around a long time." I noticed tears appearing at the corners of her eyes. I took her hand and kissed it. The nurse came in and said I had to leave. I left Gordy alone with her, went back out to wait for him.

He came out, grabbed me by the hand, tears flowing. I put my arms around him. "She said 'good, like'; the nurse heard her and told me that was a good sign." "I hope you don't mind, I gave them your phone number, I don't think I can stay at the house by myself tonight." I told him I was going to suggest it. "Ride homes with me, I will bring you back on the way to work tomorrow."

We pulled on to my street, "Oh Shit!, that is Karen's car in my driveway." He asked me what I was going to do, "I don't think the kids are ready for me." I pulled into the garage. I turned, looked at him and said, "I am ready, just be strong beside me no matter what happens." I got out, walked to Karen's car, "Why are you here, Karen, are the kids ok?"

She glared at me, a look I was all too familiar with, "Where the heck have you been, I have been waiting here for almost an hour, don 't you ever answer your pager?" "Karen, first of all, are the kids ok?' She said they were, then she noticed Gordy, "Who is that, your boyfriend?" Her tone was so sarcastic I wanted to smack her, but just calmly said, "Yes, he is." Turning to Gordy, I called him over. "Gordy this is Karen Reynolds, my children's mother: Karen this is Gordon Gallagher." The look on her face was priceless.

"Are the kids inside, Karen?" "Errrr, what?" Oh, no, they are still at my house, I just came by to get David's soccer kit." "How long has this been going on, Greg, do the kids know?" "None of your fucking business, Karen, what I do in my personal life is of no concern to you, and no, the kids do not know." "I expect you to keep your mouth shut about it, I want to be the one to tell them, can you do that , Karen?" her tone softened, "Of course, Greg, I would never do anything to hurt our kids or you."

I invited her inside, while I went to get David's soccer stuff. When I came back, she and Gordy were engaged in what seemed to be a pleasant conversation. She looked around at me, "Not that it matters, but I approve, Gordy seems to be a good guy and what are the odds, we have mutual friends?" I didn't respond. "Well, I guess I had better get going, the kids will probably wonder where I am." Then looking at Gordy, "I hope your mother gets better soon." she said.

I walked her to the door, said goodbye and was about to close the door. She said, "Greg, I am truly happy for you and for your information, Anne already suspects you are gay." "She asked me months ago if I thought it was possible, since you never date and haven't in the years we have been divorced." I asked what she said to Anne. "Nothing, I told her it was possible, but that if you were, you would tell her when you were ready." I asked what about David. She said she did not have a clue, he doesn't talk to his mother about things like that. "In fact getting anything out of him is hard."

"Greg, don't wait too long to tell the kids, they love you and will not judge you." "They have known about me for years, even though I am too stubborn and career oriented to have a regular girlfriend, they still know and accept me." "I am not the best mother in the world, but I am not the worst?I love them very much." "I do not regret having children, do not regret letting you have primary custody, you are a born father and definitely the better parent." She got in her car and drove away. I did detect a bit of emotion in her voice, which for Karen, is unusual.

Back inside, Gordy was sitting on the couch. "That was unexpected!" I said. He laughed, "Yeah, it was, surely took my mind off my issues for a brief moment." I told him to take off his clothes so I could wash them. We went to the bedroom to undress and for me to gather all the laundry to put in the machine, including Gordy's clothes. God! He looked delicious, but I told myself, tonight wasn't the night for sex, he needed my love and comfort, which is exactly what I was going to give him.

After loading the wash, I asked if he was hungry. He said he wasn't but I insisted he eat a sandwich or something. He sat at the table watching my every move. "Greg, I appreciate you coming when I called, I was a mess and I needed you." "I am so scared, Mom means so much to me, I don't know what I will do if I lose her." I said we should think positively and say prayers for her. He smiled wistfully.

We ate the sandwiches, drank a glass of milk, then went to the bedroom. He said he rushed out so quickly he didn't bring anything, not even a toothbrush. I said I thought I had an extra, but if I didn't to use mine. "What, use yours?" he asked. "Why not, you have had my dick in your mouth, so who cares, I surely don't." I did find an extra toothbrush, however.

"Do you want to shower tonight?" I asked. "I usually take mine in the morning." He said that was fine with him. He lay back on the bed. I asked him if he wanted a massage, he looked tense. He nodded, yes. I began to massage his neck, shoulders and back. I reached for the lotion I kept beside the bed that I used for my elbows and knees each night.

Putting a big glob in my hands, rubbing them to warm the lotion, I massaged all the was down his back, butt, legs and feet. Those toes?I wanted to suck them so badly, but I did not?another day, Greg, another day. I had him flip over so I could massage the front side. He was hard as nails, but I avoided the groin area. I, too, was hard, so hard it hurt. He placed his hand on my cock and started to stroke.

"Gordy, you don't have to do this, I am ok, we can wait another day or so." "Let's just hold each other and get some sleep, it has been an exhausting, stressful day." I moved up close to him, kissed him, then pulled him into a spoon, my dick laying in the red forrest of his crack. I rubbed his shoulders until I heard his gentle snore. I pulled him in as tight as I could, like I was trying to merge our two bodies. I loved this man, no doubts, and some how we would be together. Sleep came easily.

Another installment. I am pleased with the direction the story is headed for Greg and Gordy, who are my main focus now. The other guys are just ancillary characters that will be mentioned as needed to support the story. As always, I welcome any comments or suggestions.


Next: Chapter 8: Return to St Louis 4

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