Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Apr 26, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

Waking up, sun shining in my window, I felt a strong arm around my body and the sound of gentle heavy breathing in my ear. I guess sometime during the night we had switched positions?now he was spooning me. I did not want to move from this warm, safe place, but I needed to take a piss in the worst way. I gently removed Gordy's arm from my body and slipped out of bed.

After taking a leak, I washed my face and hands, then brushed away my horrible morning breath. I silently went back into the bedroom, stood there admiring the man in my bed. He had turned on to his back, morning wood reaching for the ceiling. My first instinct was to jump his bones, but better judgement and restraint prevailed. I took a pair of boxers out of my drawer, slipped them on, went to the kitchen to put on coffee and see what there was for breakfast.

I was sitting at the table drinking my first cup of coffee when Gordy came out of the bedroom. "Why didn't you wake me up?" he asked. "Babe, you were sleeping so soundly, I didn't have the heart to do it." I answered. "Coffee?" He nodded yes, "Black, please." Another thing we have in common, we like our coffee black. "I need to wash my clothes, I left in such a hurry yesterday, I didn't even bring a change of underwear." he said.

I told him I had already started the wash and the clothes were in the dryer now. "If you wore my size, I could give you a pair of boxers to put on." "By the way, just for my information, what are your vital statistics?" He said he was 6'4", 205 lb. "Shirt size, 1XL, pants 36W and 37L length, shoe size 13." "Oh and dick size 7.5" , but I guess you already knew that." he laughed. "Now you!"

"Ok, I am 6'2", 185-190 lb., shirt size Large to XL, pants 33W 35L, shoe size 10 and dick size 8.5". I play tennis, racquetball, I run 2-3 times a week, and I am a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo." "Are you into sports?" He said he played football and basketball in HS, and occasionally works out. "Not much opportunity to do a lot with my work schedule and being in the middle of nowhere." "I guess my job keeps me from getting too flabby, but I could stand to lose a few pounds."

I smiled at him, "You are perfect just the way you are." He blushed and said thanks. "Now tell me about your family." I told him about my kids, my ex wife and mother. "Is your dad still alive; do you have siblings?" he asked. "No, Dad passed away when I was a teenager; Mother never remarried." "I have a younger brother, Ronnie, who lives in Tokyo, is married to a lovely Japanese girl, has a 10 year old daughter." "We are not close, I am 6 years older than him, so we have little in common." "I haven't seen him in maybe 5 years."

"I suppose you have no siblings." I said. "Actually, I do, a younger sister, Jessica, also adopted." "Love her to death, but I, too, rarely see her, as she lives in Oregon, in like a commune or something." "She met this guy while at KU, and took off with him to 'discover herself'. "This group she lives with make objects d'art from sea glass and things they can recycle." "Some of it is actually nice, but some things are really strange."

"I went to visit her about a year ago?now that was an experience." "Free love abound, hetero, homo and bi, anything goes; her boyfriend wanted to fuck me, said it right in front of everyone." "I, of course said no, then he went over to another guy and they started going at it right in front of us; I got up and left." "Jess apologized to me, but in our conversation, she said she didn't mind if that was what he wanted." "Too, weird for me."

"Wow! That is quite a story." "Are you hungry, I can fix us something." He said all he wanted was maybe a bagel, toast or something like that. I reached in the cabinet for bagels, split them and put them in the toaster oven. "Butter, cream cheese, jam?" I opened the refrigerator to retrieve things, "Oh, do you like this smoked salmon cream cheese?" He said he loved it. Another check mark on the plus side for this man!

After the bagels were toasted, we were eating when the phone rang. It was Patrick.

I talked to him briefly, telling him I was ok, just suffering from a major sinus headache. "Patrick, I am being well cared for and no, I do not want you to come by my house." "I will probably be in bed all day." I said, smiling at Gordy. "Look, Patrick, just do your job, if you have questions, talk to Nathan, I will see you tomorrow." I disconnected.

"That is going to be a major problem and I have to figure out a way to put a stop to it." "What do you think?" I asked. He said he did not know what I should do. Then silence, looking down at the table, eyes averting from mine. I walked over to him, took his head in my hands, kissed him, "Don't you start that moody shit with me, I am fucking in love with you, yes, I said it and I mean it, I fucking love you." "If you are't ready for this, tell me now."

He had a slight smile on his face, "I want to believe you, Greg, but really, do you think this can be love so quickly?" "Shit! We have been together for what, one day?" "Do you love me?" I asked. Before he could answer, I sat down on his lap, my arms around his neck, looked straight into his eyes, "Triple G, I love you!" He had the most surprised look on his face, "What did you just call me?" I answered, "Triple G...Gordon Garrett Gallagher!"

"How the hell did you find out my whole name?" he asked sharply. I told him when I was sorting the laundry, his wallet fell out of his shorts and I looked at his driver's license. I had seen it the other day, but I was looking at his birthdate, not his name. "Hey, I am sorry I snooped, but I wanted to at least know the last name of the man I slept with last night, the middle name was a bonus." "Please don't be mad at me." He smiled, "I am not mad, now turnabout is fair play, your whole name, please!"

"Gregory Alan Smith III" I said. Gordy chuckled, "You mean there were 2 other GAS men before you?" "Ha, ha, so funny!" I said sarcastically. The emotional scene had now changed to fun. I was still sitting on his lap, kissing passionately. I could feel the pressure of his inflating cock against my boxer covered butt. I stood up, dropped my shorts, then straddled him. His cock was massaging my ass crack and I was instantly on fire.

His dick was leaking a lot of pre cum, which was lubricating the area. I reached around to guide it to my hole, then sat on it forcefully, causing him to moan loudly. I began to ride him hard. He was very verbal and loud! I was not, just zoned out, almost in a trance, but conscious enough to know I was going to cum soon, without touching myself. After I came, he screamed that he was going to cum, too. Heaven, no other way to describe the feeling, sheer Heaven. We did not move, did not speak, his dick still in me, holding on to each other.

After a few minutes, he slipped out, I still did not move. I had him in a gentle headlock, looking into those hazel eyes, kissing him. We were both exhausted from this morning workout. He said, "That was unreal, magical, I almost always have been the bottom, but I like fucking you, you take my breath away."

I was a bit tired, but I needed to get inside him. I pulled him down to the cold kitchen floor, lifted his legs to my chest, then penetrated his hole. I was humping like a wild man. He wrapped his muscular, hairy legs around me, matching his movements with my thrusts. I must have been hitting all the right spots, because he started shooting another load. When we were both done, I lay my head on his chest listening to his rapid heartbeat, both our breathing labored.

He rolled away from me. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I need to do something, something that you did for me." With that said, he took my slimy, sticky cock in his mouth and licked me clean. Then he licked up my stomach and chest, up to my mouth, then kissed me. "Lots of firsts for me, asking a complete stranger out, following him to St. Louis, raw anal sex and now cleaning a cock that has been in my ass." he said. "And?" I stated. "All good, no regrets about anything." he answered.

We got up, washed the stickiness from our bodies, back and front, then I cleaned the chair and floor. "Whew, this place smells like sex." I said, reaching under the sink for some room spray. The dryer buzzer went off. We unloaded the dryer and stood there folding the clothes. I said I did not want him to get dressed, "Let's stay naked all day, I love looking at and touching your body." I pulled him into a big hug.

Gordy looked at me, all up and down, tears welling up in his eyes, "I have never been so happy in my life and I don't know how I am going to leave you this afternoon." I said I was feeling the same thing. "Gordy, what are the possibilities of you getting transferred back to St. Louis?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I probably will have to find a new job for that to happen, but what am I qualified to do?"

"There you go again with that low self esteem." "What happened in your life that made you not have confidence in yourself?" He said he supposed it was the lingering effects of feeling not wanted by his birth parents, even though his adoptive parents were wonderful to him. "I say I don't care, but I guess deep inside I do, I would like to know why I was abandoned." "Think of it this way, your birth mother probably was a single teenager, with no way to support herself and a baby, so she did the most loving thing she could do, gave you up for adoption, so you would have a good life."

"Have you ever asked your mother if she knew anything about your birth mother?" "No, I haven't, I was always afraid it would hurt her and she would think I didn't love her." I said that was total bullshit! "She loves you unconditionally, and she knows you love her, so ask her." He said he would, but not right away. "I need to get 'us' settled first." That statement threw me off balance for a minute, but I let it slide. "I asked if she knew he was gay.

"Yes, since I was a teenager, both she and Dad." "They were very supportive, Mother still is, she wants me to find a good man and be happy." "She would love you." I smiled broadly. "What about your kids and mother, obviously they know nothing about this side of your life, how do you think they will react?" I said I did not know. "They will find out soon enough, but I too, have other issues to resolve and I think I have an idea what I need to do."

He asked what I was thinking. "You said you would probably need to find a new job, well, so can I." "I have been recruited several times by corporations headquartered in St. Louis, but I was never interested in changing." He asked why I would consider it now, surely not to get away from the Patrick drama. "Well, that, and when the divestiture is completed, I am not sure I will have a job anyway, so why wait?"

"Thank you, babe." I said as I reached for the phonebook. I looked up the number for a professional recruiting firm that had contacted me in the past. Coincidentally, I knew the owner. I called, identified myself and asked for Ben Abbott. Soon Ben was on the line. "Hey Greg, long time no see," Ben said. "How have you been?" I replied I was fine and explained the reason for my call.

"Look, you know the divestiture is winding down and I am not sure i will have a job a year from now, so I am looking." "Got anything for me to consider, and it has to be here in St. Louis?kids, you know." He answered that he may have a couple leads, but would have to get back to me later. "Call me on my home phone, as this is not public knowledge." He said he would keep it quiet. "Thanks, Ben, I will be looking forward to hearing from you." "Greg, how about racquetball on Thursday around 6p? "Sounds like a plan, see you at the club on Thursday." I disconnected.

Gordy was amazed at how quickly I had arranged that and told me so. "Hey, I am a man of action, once I have made a decision, look out!" "Now, about you, what do you want to do, is there something I can do to help you, do you have a resume?" I realized I was overstepping boundaries. "Oh shit, I am pushing too hard, I'm sorry." He said it was ok, but I could see by his expression that it clearly was not. "Talk to me, tell me what you are thinking."

He looked at me, "I have been with my company since before I graduated, 15 years, I have a seniority and most importantly, job security unless I fuck it up." "As much as I feel my job is not what I dreamed I would be doing, I do like it." "I will always be a blue collar type of guy, my station in life does not compare to yours." "I will never make the money you do, " I started to speak. He told me to just listen.

"Greg, you are my dream guy, someone I have always wanted in my life, but I can't help this feeling that I would be an embarrassment to you." "Sure, you say you love me, but what do we possibly have in common other than great sex?" "You have your family, your friends, your professional associates, I am not a part of that, never will be" "Realistically, I think I should to go back home where I belong."

"Hold on there buster, this is not just your decision, I have a say in this, too." "This attitude pisses me off, how dare you say you would be an embarrassment to me, how the fuck do you know what would embarrass me?" "I don't give a shit what you do for a living, I don't, as long as it makes you happy." "There is nothing worse than being miserable in your job, hating to go to work each day, I know, I have done it."

"When I graduated, I took a job with a national accounting firm, thinking it would be great." "Wrong, it was awful, long hours, lots of travel, it is amazing I had time to get Karen pregnant." "Then I worked for a private firm, low man on the totem pole, got all the shit jobs." "Oh, and while I was in school, which I paid every penny of the tuition myself, I worked at a fast food joint, hated it, always smelled like grease no matter how hard I scrubbed myself."

"So, don't you tell me you are not good enough for me." "I decide who is good enough for me and you are exactly what I need, what I want." "The fact I told you I loved you is huge, I haven't said that to anyone in a long, long time." "If you feel our love is not a foundation from which we can build a future together, then by all means, GO!" I could see the pain in his eyes as he stared at me. No response, nothing. He quickly put on his clothes and left. I fell to my knees and wept.

The phone rang, it was my son, David. "Dad, are you ok, I called your office and your secretary told me you were sick." I told him I was ok, just a huge sinus headache. "Do you want me to come home, I will." "No, son, stay with your mother and enjoy it, this doesn't happen too often." "Is Anne ok?" I asked. He said she was, that they were out shopping. "I hate being dragged all over the mall, so I stayed home." "Really, Dad, I can get a bus home to take care of you." I told him not to do that. "Hey, I will call you later, when I feel better." "I love you, David."

Well, at least I did one thing right in my life, I have wonderful, caring children, who love their dad. I went to the bedroom, crawled into bed, hoping to fall asleep. I truly did have a huge headache now. Sleep eventually came. When I awakened, it was late afternoon. I got up, showered, then dressed. I saw I had messages on my machine, punched play to listen. First was Anne calling to check on me; second from Ben, saying he had a couple prospects, to call him when I got the message; the third was Gordy, simply saying he was sorry, nothing else.

I was numb, hearing his voice, almost called him, but decided to let it go. If he wanted to talk to me, he could call. I did call Ben. We discussed the prospects he had in mind, but I wasn't that interested in either one. He said he would keep looking. I was majorly hungry, but did not want to cook anything, so I decided to go to a favorite bistro near Westport Plaza. It is usually quiet and I could get a nice light supper, enjoy some herbal tea and listen to the light classical music that is usually playing.

The meal was delightful and oh, so healthy. I love this place, kinda like my refuge when I am down or just need a break from daily life. The proprietors know me by name, but they always respect my privacy and after the initial greetings, leave me alone. I have never taken anyone here, it is my place. Feeling refreshed, I headed home. I checked my machine for messages, there were none. Disappointed, I went to bed, but sleep was evading me.

I don't know how long I lay there before I drifted off, but I eventually did. No more crying, no more thoughts about the events of the past two days. I readied myself for work, my focus back on my job and how I would deal with Patrick. Everyone was glad to see me and asked about my health. After my morning meetings and lunch, I called Patrick into my office telling him to bring the financial settlement contracts he was working on.

As, he came in, I told him to close the door. I told my secretary we would be working and that I did not want to be disturbed. I had Patrick explain the work he had done, made a few suggestions and we were done, about 2 hours of uninterrupted work. When we were done, I said, "Patrick, this is how things have to work, just like before the weekend, all business and nothing else, do you think you can handle it?" He said, "What about us?"

"There is no us, Patrick, there never can be, never will be, I am your supervisor and that is all." "I told you, in a perfect world, maybe there could be a place for a personal relationship, but it is not like that." "If you cannot handle this professionally, responsibly, then I will have to make other arrangements." "You are a valuable part of my team, I need your expertise, but I can't let what happened between us interfere with the work we have to do."

"I hope you can understand the position I am in, that you are in." "We could lose our jobs, our families, etc., just not worth the risk." I told him it was his turn to speak. He said he knew I was right, but it was hard. "It is hard being a gay man, trapped in a heterosexual, homophobic world." "Hard to be married to someone I only love as a friend, hard to be a good example to my children." "But in reality, I know I have no choice." "The choice I do have is to look for another job within the company or even outside."

I said if that is what he wanted to do, by all means he should. "I don't watt to lose you off my team, but you have to do what is best for you." "Do you want me to put out feelers within the company?" I asked. He said he would appreciate it. I stood up, shook his hand, and said I would see what I could do for him. He left my office, I was surprised he wasn't more emotional, which is what I expected.

I picked up my phone to call human resources to see what was available, if anything. I explained to the director why I was calling and I was told to submit a requisition for transfer, they would put it in the system and go from there. I did make it clear this was not a request because of any issues with Patrick. "He is a superior employee and deserves much more than my department can offer."

Then I called Ben Abbott. I gave him the information about Patrick and suggested he call him. "Why are you wanting to get rid of him, Greg?" Ben asked. I told him his job most likely will be eliminated before year end and I wanted to help him find something. "Is he willing to relocate?" Ben asked. "Well, I don't know, you will have to ask him." "I do know he is from Texas and probably would jump at the chance to move back there." "Great! I have a really good position in Houston, but no one wants to live in Houston!"

"Why not, I love Houston, if I were not so deeply embedded in St. Louis, I would consider moving there." I stated. "Greg, you are in the minority, most people want Dallas or Austin, but Houston?it is hard to recruit for, I don't understand it either." "I will give him a call, can I mention we talked?" I asked him to please not do that. "Just act like it is a cold call, I think that would be better." "Ok, thanks for the lead and I am still looking for you." He said.

I suddenly felt better. If that were to happen, it certainly would better for both of us. And, maybe I could straighten out my own life. Damn it, Gordy! I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I picked up the phone and placed a call to my mother. My mother's sister answered. "Hello Aunt Wilda, this is Greg, how are you doing?" "I am glad you are feeling better; may I speak to Mother?"

Mother came on the phone. "What a surprise, what's wrong?" "Mother, there is nothing wrong, I just missed you and needed to hear your voice." "Don't bull shit me, Gregory, what is wrong, are the kids ok?" I told her they were fine, still with Karen. "Mother, when you get back, I need to talk to you about something, something I don't want to discuss on the phone." "What is it Gregory, are you finally going to tell me you like men, that you are gay?" Shock!

"Whatever made you say that, Mother?" "Listen, you can try to hide your feelings all you want, but a mother knows, I have known it a long time." "You and Karen have been divorced, what, 7 years?" "And not once in that time have you dated or even looked at another woman." "At first, I thought it was the deep hurt you had when you divorced, but you weren't hurt, you were relieved." "Mother, can we please not talk about this now?" "I am at work." I pleaded.

"OK, we can wait until Thursday, but at least tell me I am right." she said. There is no use fighting with her, I may as well give in. "Yes, Goddamn it, you are right." I screamed in the phone. "Watch your mouth young man, I may be old, but I can still wash your mouth out with soap." I laughed and said I believed she could. "You've met a man, haven't you?" "Mother, I said we would talk Thursday, now I have to go." I disconnected.

Holy shit, I was not expecting that! Well, dealing with her would be easy, dealing with the kids, I had no idea how they would react. Now, if Gordy would just call me. I wanted to tell him what had happened today, both at work and with my mother. I decided it was time to go home, after all it was 5:30p.

As I turned on to my street, I saw Gordy's car in my driveway and he was sitting on my doorstep. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As I pulled into my garage, he came around, opened my car door, "I forgot something that I needed to come back for." I stood up, our faces almost touching, "What did you forget? I asked. "You, I forgot you!"

Another installment pumped out quickly. I am on a roll, have lots of ideas and want to get them down before I forget them. I hope you are enjoying this continuation of the story. As always, any suggestion or comments are always welcome.


Next: Chapter 7: Return to St Louis 3

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