Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Apr 23, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.


I surprise myself sometimes. I was sure I would not be continuing this story, was not inspired. However, so many of you readers requested I do so. After much self deliberation, I decided I would give it another shot, so here it is:

Driving from the lake back to St. Louis, my mind was swimming, almost drowning with emotion. What the hell had I gotten myself into and how in the hell was I going to resolve it? There was absolutely no one I could talk to about the situation. It is a lonely feeling, a helpless feeling, not one I am used to having. I am a very straight forward person, unfiltered in my opinions and comments, very decisive in my actions. I was feeling regret, something I never do. I have always set the highest standards for myself, never regret?do you hear me Greg?never regret. What happened, happened!

As I was approaching the interstate, I decided once agin to fill my gas tank and get a cold drink. I pulled into the same gas station that I was at before. I had a fleeting thought of the burly man who had approached me in the rest room. I really didn't get a good look at him, except to notice he was a big dude. Now, why was my dick starting to chub up?

After I filled my tank, I went into the store, looked around at all the choices of drinks, decided on water. Boring, I know, but I rarely drink soda and coffee or tea just did not appeal to me. I went to the counter to pay, there was my burly man, behind the counter?an employee?what a surprise!

I was in line to check out, which gave me time to study his face. Wow! He is a handsome man and has such a nice smile. He was very polite to the customers, thanking them for coming in and wishing them safe travels. When it was my turn, he asked if I needed anything else, took my money, smiled and thanked me for coming in again. He asked if I had a good weekend at the lake?

"How did you know I went to the lake?" He grinned, "I watched you drive away the other day, heading towards Jeff City and by your attire, I just assumed you were going there." I took my change and said, "Yes, I did have a good weekend, very relaxing." I noticed his name tag, Gordon. "Goodbye Gordon, have a great day." I said, turning to walk out the door. He called out, "Thanks, come again soon."

I walked to the car, got in, sat there for a few minutes, then got out, went back into the store. Gordon was surprised to see me again. "Did you forget something?" he asked. "Yeah, can I talk to you for a minute?" I replied. He turned to a coworker and told him he would be right back. We walked out the door to my car, leaned against the trunk. "What's up?" he asked.

"First of all, my name is Greg." I said as I stuck out my hand to shake his. "I am curious about something, the other day when you came into the restroom and propositioned me, well, uhmmm?.I am just wondering, why, why me?"

He looked at the ground, paused for a minute before responding, "I don't normally do that kind of thing here, I could get fired." "I saw you come in, no shirt, shorts and flip flops, good looking, totally ripped, and my little head took over, couldn't help myself." "I am sorry, Greg, I just assumed you played for my team and took a chance." "I worried that you would report me, but you didn't and I breathed a lot easier when you left."

I told him it caught me off guard, but at the same time it was flattering that he would be bold enough to come on to me. "I was curious, that's all." Gordon looked at me with doubt, "What do you want from me, Greg?" I answered I didn't want anything. I stuck out my had to shake his. "Thanks for being truthful."

He held my hand a bit longer than I would have expected. "Do you come this way often?" he asked. I said I did not, I lived and worked in St. Louis. "Really, I go to St. Louis at least once a week to visit my mother, who is in an assisted living facility in West County." "Do you think we could get together for a drink or dinner some evening when I am in St. Louis?"

"Are you asking me for a date, Gordon?" "No, I just would like to know you better; oh, hell, yes, I am asking you out." "I think you are the sexiest man I have ever come across." "You may not be gay, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends, most of my friends are straight."

"Gordon, how old are you?" I asked. "I am 35 and it's Gordy, please, Gordon is too formal." I cocked my eyebrow, "35, right, how about 25." i said. He whipped out his driver's license, he was indeed 35. "I have to get back to work before everyone inside gets pissed at me." he said. "Are you willing to exchange phone numbers?" We did and said our good byes.

I got in my car and drove away. What the fuck am I doing? I just gave my phone number to a complete stranger. I could not get Gordy off my mind. I was picturing him naked, a hairy ginger with a big pink cock. I was completely hard and needed release. The holiday traffic on I-70 was very heavy and I needed to concentrate on my driving?very difficult. What I really wanted to do was to jack off.

By the time I got to the HWY 40 exit, I had lost my erection and was looking forward to seeing my children. I had really missed them. I pulled into the garage and unloaded everything. No one was home yet and I needed to get some work done before the chaos of teenagers arrived.

Home for about an hour, the phone rang, it was Gordy. "Hi, Greg, I hope you don't mind me calling so soon, is now a good time to talk?" I said it was since no one was at home. "Look, you probably think I am a stalker, but trust me, say the word and I will back off." I told him it was ok and I was glad he called. "When are you coming to St. Louis again?" I asked.

"Actually, that is why I called, I will be there tonight, Mom needs me to come to look over some things and advise her what to do." "I will see her tomorrow, but I thought I would come tonight on the chance you could meet me for a drink or something." I told him I would have to check to see what time my ex was bringing my kids home, but I thought I could meet him for a drink. "Where are you staying?"

He said he was staying at his mother's house, it is on the market, but has not sold yet. "Give me the address, I will pick up some take out and come to your place." "Pizza, burgers, what do you want?" He said pizza was ok, that he liked everything, so whatever I decided was ok with him. I liked this man, not picky about toppings on pizza, same as me.

After getting the address, I disconnected. I called my ex. "Karen, I have an important meeting tonight, just came up?can you keep the kids another night. She said she was going to call me, the kids wanted to stay a few more days, at least until Grammy came back from Florida. I said it was fine with me. Then she put the kids on the line. They were excited about the things they had done with their mother. "Love you, Dad."

I rushed to get s shower and change. I wanted to look good. As I was unpacking, I saw my baggies and started laughing. I threw them in the trash, knowing it was time to buy a couple of new swim suits. As I was shaving my day old beard, looking a my reflection, I began to question what I was doing. "Greg, old boy, you have lost your fucking mind." However, I kept shaving and getting myself ready. I was horny as hell.

I called for the pizza to be picked up. I hope he liked St. Louis's own square beyond compare. With the pizza in the car, I drove to Gordy's place. He was standing in the door waiting for me. Damn! He looked hot, wearing shorts, a tight tee shirt and was barefooted. "Come on in, Greg." The furnishings were sparse, I assumed his mother had taken some to the assisted living apartment.

I stuck out my hand, anticipating a handshake, but he pulled me into a hug. I was surprised, but it felt nice. In the kitchen, I opened the pizza box. He said, "How did you know this is my favorite?" "Just got lucky I guess." I replied. "Want a beer, cola or what?" he asked. I told him I would have water. He opened a beer for himself and got my water.

"I am so glad you could come over this evening, Greg, it means a lot." "Now, I have a question for you, WHY did you come?" I didn't answer right away. He took a drink of his beer, and asked again. "I have no idea, Gordy, I just felt a connection with you and I decided I really did want to know you better."

I was stumbling around to find the right words to say. He could see I was ill at ease and tried to make me more relaxed. "Greg, I will not lie to you, I have the major hots for you, but I understand that is not what you want, so I will settle for being your friend." I looked at his face and could see the sincerity.

"Gordy, how the hell do you know what I want?" "Full disclosure...all I could think about on the way home was you." "I had an erection most of the way home, if you had not called, I would be home right now jacking off." He was obviously shocked at that statement.

I continued, "I love the way you look, very hairy, red hair all over I suspect, big, burly, not fat, but a fine looking man." "I love your smile, your sparkling hazel eyes, your voice?." He said, "Quit talking, you are trying to convince yourself that I am your type, when I clearly am not." I asked why he said that.

"I have no idea what you do for a living, maybe a lawyer, doctor, whatever, but I can tell by your look, your expensive clothing, fancy car, you are a professional, while I am just a lowly, blue collar type, working as a manager at a truck stop, polar opposites." I was mildly pissed, "Don't ever say that to me again." "I come from a humble background; yes, I am educated, a CPA ?" I went on to give him a brief rundown on my life up until now.

His eyes were watery, but no tears spilled. "Now tell me about you." I demanded. "Not much to tell, I am adopted, have no idea who my parents were, don't care to find out." My adopted mother, God, I hate saying that?my mother and father adopted me when I was an infant, they are the only parents I have ever known." "My father was a successful business man, died 3 years ago, Mother lived here until about 6 months ago." "I suppose, if I still lived in St. Louis, I would be living here with her."

"I had concerns about her safety, being alone after she had a mild stroke, but she has recovered nicely." "It was her choice to move to Richland Woods, and she loves it there, so much to do, many friends." I asked where he lived now. "I live near Fulton, rented a small house, nothing special, but comfortable, and it is close to work." "Do you have someone in your life, serious or a regular fuck buddy?" I asked

"Nope, never been in a serious relationship, just an occasional pick up in a gay bar, but that is rare." "Lately, the only sex I have had has been with Mike and Ike." he said holding out his fisted hands and making a jack off sign. I laughed and said, "Me, too." "We are pathetic, aren't we?" he said. "Not pathetic, just lonely, maybe, and need a good friend." I answered. "How did you end up in mid Missouri, I am assuming you went to school here in St. Louis."

"Yes, I did, Catholic school from kindergarten through high school." "Then to MIZZOU, degree in Psychology, totally useless, unless you continue for a masters and PhD, so I am not qualified for anything but what I do?what a fucking waste!" "I was working for the same company in Columbia when I was a student and after graduation, they offered me a job, first in Columbia then where I am now." "I am hoping for a transfer to St. Louis, I want to be closer to Mom."

"Gordy, don't put yourself down, what you do is a honest living, nothing to be ashamed of." "You have a lot going for you, great personality, people skills. and you are my type?don't try to say you are not." "I find you extremely attractive, sexy and quite honestly, I am sporting major wood just sitting here talking to you." He got up, came to my side of the table, pulled me up and kissed me. "Thank you for that, I just have low esteem issues, sorry."

I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. I could feel his hardness rubbing against mine. I was shocking myself at my aggressiveness, but I wanted this man, I needed this man. "Bedroom?" I said. He took my hand, led me to his room where the clothes started flying off.

We stood there looking at each other, not touching, just drinking in the sight. I was thinking if he touched me right at this moment I would unload all over him. He said, "Greg, you are beautiful and that cock?my God, I want that in me, in my mouth, in my ass." Looking him over head to toe, he was exactly as I imagined, very hairy, silky red hair, big, burly, and a 7" pink cock. Perfect!

I stepped towards him, put my arms around his waist, hands on that magnificent hairy ass, his arms around my neck, hands on my hear, we kissed deeply. He broke away, breathing very heavily, "I am going to shoot if we keep this up, let's lay down, hold each other for a while, ok?" We lay on the bed, face to face, cock to cock, not speaking, just gazing into each other's eyes.

My hopes were for this to be the beginning of a great friendship. I surmised if things went well and I determined I could trust him, I would tell him about the weekend and the dilemma I was facing at work. Maybe he could give me a clue as to what I should do. I just knew I had to have someone to talk to.

"Earth to Greg!" "Where are you?" he said. "You know you don't have to do this." I snapped back to reality, "Sorry, just thinking about a lot of things, nothing to do with this." I said as I waved my arms around the two of us. "I want this to happen, I want you." He was on me in a flash, kissing me massaging my whole body. I had lost my erection, but it was back with a strong purpose, I wanted to fuck this man.

Gordy kissed all down my body, finally reaching the prize. He took my engorged cock in his mouth and began giving me an amazing blow job. "Turn around so I can suck you." I pleaded. His dick tasted so good, his thick ginger pubes smelled so fresh. I had all of him in my mouth and throat. I could feel his groin tighten and knew I was about to get a blast of his sweet nectar. He tried to pull out, but I wouldn't let him.

He began to fire volley after volley down my throat, until I pulled back so I could taste him. Even then he was shooting huge amounts, some dribbled down my chin. He was screaming with pleasure, "Oh my God, oh my God!, I fucking don't believe this, oh my God!" I released his cock, he turned around and pulled my head to his, deep tongue kissed me. Looking into my eyes, "That was amazing, I am still dribbling." "Where did you learn to do that?"

I laughed, "You are only the second man I have sucked and I think my skills leave a lot to be desired." "Hell yes, a lot to be desired, I desire more of that!" he shouted. "But right now, I want you to fuck me." I asked if he had lube and condoms, "No, I was not expecting this, but I swear to you I am clean, drug and disease free, please fuck me." he begged.

I told him to turn over and spread his cheeks. I put my nose to his hairy ass crack, sniffed, it was freshly washed, smelled clean like his pubes. I put my mouth just above his hole and began rimming him, tongue in and out. This was driving him crazy. After a few minutes of this, he could not stand it any longer. "Greg, please fuck me, now." I told him to turn over and spread his legs, I wanted to see his face when I fucked him.

My cock was leaking profuse amounts of pre cum. I ran my cock head all around his hole, then slowly pushed forward. He was groaning, which I was sure was from pleasure, not pain. However, I did pause to ask. He insisted I continue, saying he would tell me if it began to hurt. He was very tight and it felt so good. I knew I would not last long. "Do you want me to pull out or cum in your ass?" I asked. He could barely talk, but managed to say, "Ass!".

I soon began to unload in his ass, filling him up, some leaking out. I collapsed on to his body, my face to his, kissing wildly and I could feel my cock still erupting inside him. I could also feel something warm on my stomach, he was unloading again. I slid out of his ass ad moved my body down to his hairy stomach and began to clean him with my tongue.

He pulled me up to his face, kissed me, taking some of his cum off my lips. Those hazel eyes looking at me intently, studying my face, "That was amazing, totally amazing, I wish it could go on forever." I agreed it was amazing, kissing him over and over. I snuggled into his chest, running my fingers through his hairy chest, pinching his nipples gently. "You are making me hard again." he said.

"Do you think you could fuck me now?" I asked. "Of course I can, but are you sure, Greg?" "Have you been fucked before?it hurts a little, you know." "Yes, I have been fucked once and it did hurt some, but after we got into it, it was great." "Let me make something clear to you, Gordy, before you, I have sucked one dick, fucked one ass and the person did the same to me?one person, now you."

He seemed satisfied with my statement, flipped me over and began to eat my ass. Spitting on his fingers and my asshole, he began the stretching. It felt really good and I was ready for his cock. He slowly penetrated my sphincter. It did hurt like hell, but I knew in a minute it would be pure pleasure. When he was in balls deep, he stopped. "I don't like doing this from behind, I want to see your face." With that, he pulled out, flipped me on my back, drew my legs over his shoulders, then entered me again.

His stamina was remarkable, well maybe not so much, after all he had cum two times already. He was giving me the fucking of a lifetime and I was loving every minute of it. After what seemed like hours, probably just a few minutes in reality, he shot his third load in my ass. He, like I did, collapsed on my chest, leaving his dick inside me. I was in a state of euphoria.

Finally, he pulled his soft dick out of me and rolled over on his side, still holding on to my upper body. "Holy crap, I never expected this to happen." he said. I kissed the top of his head, "Me either, but I am glad it did." "You are an amazing lover, Gordy." He smiled and thanked me. "You are, too."

We lay there in the afterglow of great sex, not speaking for a while. Suddenly, he leaned up over my body, "Greg, I have to confess something, I made up that story about why I had to come into St. Louis, my mother doesn't need me, I had to see you." "This is totally unexpected, but has made me so, so happy." "Forgive me for lying to you."

"Nothing to forgive, I am glad you wanted to see me, I definitely wanted to see you." "And, this is what I wanted to happen, I planned on it and would have been devastated if it had not." "Gordy, I am new to this man on man thing, but I love it, especially with you." "You are exactly what I want in my life, no lies, complete honesty." "I hope that doesn't scare you away."

"Greg, you know I have prayed for someone like you for a long time." "I have known I was gay from an early age, but my experience is somewhat limited and all were one night stands." "This is not going to be that, is it?" I shook my head, no. "Can you stay all night?" he asked. I said I would, but had to be up early to go home and get ready for work. "Can't you call off, I don't have to be back at work until Tuesday morning."

"Gordy, I can't, I have an issue at work that I have to handle tomorrow." I had the feeling I could trust him, so I began relating the weekend story to him. He was silent for a few minutes, then asked, "Do you think you are in love with Patrick?" "No, I am sure it was only lust, years of sexual frustration being released." I responded. He had a sad look on his face. "What?" I asked.

"I was thinking, is this just an extension of rediscovering your sexual self?" "And if it is, I want more than that." "Is that wrong?" I sat up, looked in his eyes, grabbed his shoulders, "Gordy, I don't think so, I have very strong feelings for you, I chose you, I chose to tell you you turned me on, that talking with you over pizza gave me a woody." "What do I have to say or do to convince you, I want you, I want to know everything about you, head to toe, body and soul." "Gordy, I think I can say without hesitation, I am falling hard for you." "Please give us a chance."

The tears start flowing from both our eyes. I pulled him tightly against my body, tried to kiss away his tears. "Gordy, I meant every word I said, I want to love you and for you to love me, not just for the amazing sex, but for the wonderful, deserving people we are." I was rambling on, repeating myself, but I had to make him see, I wanted him, to love him, and that I wanted him in my life.

I could feel his body shaking as he sobbed. I was whispering in his ear, all the things a person would say to the one he loves. Such peace washed over my body and I knew I was in love. I had not felt like this, ever, not with Karen and certainly not with Patrick. I knew that the sex with Patrick, was just that, sex. I knew I was going to have to deal with Patrick tomorrow, but for right now, all I wanted was Gordy.

He pushed me back a bit, "Greg, I have such a low opinion of myself, it is hard to believe someone like you wants me, loves me." "Hey, I am just a man, a honest man, and right now a very horny man." I said. I kissed down his hairy chest and stomach, then licked the sides and head of his now growing cock. "Greg, remember my cock was just in your ass, let me wash up first." "Nope, I want to clean it off with my tongue, it is you, Gordy, I want all of you." I said as I continued my assault on his beautiful pink, well, now a little reddened dick.

After he unloaded again in my mouth, I snuggled up to him, my head on his chest, and peacefully fell asleep. When I awakened after a short nap, I was alone in his bed. I got up, found my way to the bathroom to take a much needed piss and to rinse my mouth. Afterwards, I roamed around looking for Gordy. I found him in an empty bedroom, on his knees, praying please let this be real. "Dear God, I am so much in love with him, I think I will die if this is just a fling." "Please, God!"

I quietly went over to him, knelt down beside him and chanted a prayer for God to make Gordy believe this was the real deal. "God, please make him realize I love him." There I said it and I meant it. I loved this hairy redhead kneeling beside me. I stood up, pulled him up to my face and kissed him with more passion than I ever have before. He said, "Thank you for that and for staying the night." We need to sleep, especially since you are working tomorrow."

I asked if I could use his phone. I called my boss. "Nathan, this is Greg." "Sorry for calling so late, but I won't be in tomorrow, I have a terrible migraine headache, probably too much fresh air this weekend?allergies." "I will call you tomorrow when I feel better." "Thanks, bye." I turned to a smiling Gordy, "Get dressed, we are going to my place, need to be there if someone calls to check on me."

"What about your kids?" he asked. "All taken care of, they will be at their mother's until Thursday." I answered. He said ok, then asked if we shouldn't shower first. "No, I have a large jacuzzi tub and we can enjoy that, ever been fucked in a tub?" He laughed and said he had not, but it sounded like fun. We quickly dressed and left for my house, he following me in his car.

Once inside the house, in the U room, I told him to just throw his clothes on the floor, we would wash later and to bring his toiletries to my room. We both stripped and headed to my bedroom. I asked if he wanted something to drink, I was going to get water. "Water is fine with me." he answered. "Wow! This is some house, how many bedrooms?" I told him there were 5 and 3 baths. "The smallest bedroom is my in-home office."

I led him to my bedroom and to the bath. I started filling the tub, looked around for body soap, something great smelling, better that what I usually used. Eureka! I found what I wanted, my favorite, Sandalwood, so musky and masculine. I don't remember the last time I used it and wondered why I didn't use it daily. Starting today, I would.

I took Gordy's hand and guided him into the tub. I had him sit between my legs so I could scrub his back and have easy access to his cock and balls. He leaned into me, I kissed his neck and nibbled on his ears. Then I started scrubbing his back in between kisses. Reaching around, I found his very stiff cock, massaged it a bit until he protested that he was going to shoot unless I stopped.

He said he could feel my hardness and wanted me to fuck him. I told him to turn around, straddle me and lower himself on to my dick. He did, I slipped in with ease. I started scrubbing his chest, again, in between kisses. My dick felt so warm inside his ass and in a short time, I was shooting load after load. "Let me scrub you, Greg." He took the soap and lathered my face, neck and chest. He reached around to scrub my back, but it was awkward.

"You know when you pull out, your cum is going to leak out and ruin our bath water." he said. "I don't care, we can drain the tub and finish under the shower." I said. We stood up, drained the tub and completed our bath. I have these huge, soft bath towels, which I grabbed and dried him off, then he did the same to me. After cleaning up a bit, I led him to the bed.

I asked him to lay on the bed, I wanted to admire his sexy body. "You say the nicest things to me, Greg." "I have never felt sexy in my life, too hairy and too fat, flabby stomach." he exclaimed. "Babe, you are the epitome of sexuality to me." I said. "I love your hairy body and you are not fat, I love you just they way you are." I raised my hands to my face and made the motion of snapping a picture. He laughed, "What was that?" I replied, "Taking a mental snapshot of you, to remember how you look right now, especially when we are apart."

He was grinning from ear to ear. I crawled in to bed with him, pulled him into a spooning position. "Think you can sleep like this?" I asked. He answered, "I have never felt more comfortable, never so loved, yes, I will sleep like a baby." I kissed his shoulder. We were soon off to sleep.

Well, there you have it a twist in the story that I think will be good for Greg and Gordy. Of course, he still has to deal with the drama at work. Not sure how that is going to evolve. My focus is to make sure Greg is happy and I think this direction will do just that. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.


Next: Chapter 6: Return to St Louis 2

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