Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Mar 25, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

The boat ride was very pleasant, a little cool and breezy, but nice. Matt said he was thirsty and hungry, so we pulled into a marina to grab some food and soft drinks. Matt was giving me a hard time about my baggies. I was mildly pissed, at the same time amused and plotting revenge.

When we came back to the boat, ate our food, Matt said he thought he would top off his fuel before we headed back to the house. He was standing there watching the dock attendant refueling. His cutoff jeans were sagging, almost revealing a plumber's crack. I couldn't help myself, I reached up and pantsed him. Of course, he was wearing a jock for support, but it was hilarious nonetheless. The dock attendant almost fell into the water, he was so shocked.

Matt, having a good sense of humor, laughed and pulled up his shorts. "I will get you, I promise you." he said. "What, are you going to get me out in the middle of the lake and throw me off the boat?" I laughed. Matt said that was an idea, but would not be nearly as satisfying as what he had in mind. "Just watch your back!"

As we pulled into the dock at the house, we noticed the guys were back. Everyone but Elliot was in the pool. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked. "Nothing, just relaxing." Dan answered. "Where did you guys go?" Matt told them where we had been, but did not mention what I had done to him. I asked where Elliot was. Patrick said he thought he was taking a nap. I looked at Matt, knowing he understood what I was thinking.

Matt spoke up, "I am going to take a shower, I feel really grubby, not having a shower this morning." I rinsed off, then got in the pool. I was surprised none of the guys gave me crap about my baggies. The conversation was mostly about fishing and the preverbal 'one that got away' stories. "So, what are you going to do tonight?" I asked. "Surely, not a repeat of last night?"

None of the guys said they were going out again. "We haven't had our traditional poker game yet." Richie said. Everyone thought that was a good idea. I said I didn't play poker, but would watch. "Any clue what we should have for dinner?" I asked. We all agreed to keep it simple, give Elliot a break, and grill hamburgers.

Matt's POV:

I was extremely nervous, thinking about what I wanted to do with Elliot. His door was open, but he was not in the room. I heard the shower running. I closed his bedroom door, then entered the bathroom, locked the door, stripped my clothes off and got in the shower with him. "Matt, have you completely lost your fucking mind. someone may come in here and catch us." I told him, everyone was in the pool, and I had locked the door.

I took the soap and began washing him all over, paying special attention to his ass. I wanted it clean so I could give him a new kind of pleasure. "Elliot, I told Greg about myself, today." "Why did you do that?" he asked. I said I didn't know, just felt I could trust him with my secret. "Did you tell him about us?" he asked. "Didn't have to, he figured it out on his own." "Elliot, I respect your loyalty to your wife and the last thing I would want to do is ruin that for you, but babe, you have to know, I am in love with you?I mean it." "I don't know what to do about it, how to handle my emotions."

Elliot was silent, then spoke up, "Matt, I love you, too, but I can't give anymore than I do already, I just can't." I sadly told him I understood. With that said, I soaped my fingers really well, ran them up and down his ass crack, then stuck one finger in his hole. He was shocked, but didn't attempt to pull away. I wrapped my other arm around him, pulled him into a kiss as I inserted another finger. "Oh God, what are you doing to me Matt?"

Elliot was very hard, pushing his cock against mine and my balls. Time for the third finger. He shivered, almost violently. I knew I had him. I removed my fingers, rinsed his ass and told him to bend over the shower bench. "You are NOT going to fuck me, Matt." he stated firmly. "Not my intention, E, just bend over, trust me." Reluctantly, he did. I got on my knees and began massaging his sphincter. He was moaning, so I knew he was enjoying it. Next, I went in for the kill, face in his ass crack, tonguing his hole, in and out. Greg was right, this was great and I kept it up, tongue deeper and deeper in his hole.

"Oh, God, oh God!" he cried out. "I am going to cum!" I quickly turned him around, took his cock in my mouth as he shot several volleys into my mouth. Soon, he pushed me off his cock, "Too sensitive!" he breathlessly said. I stood up, kissed him. "We had better get out before someone discovers us." I said turning off the water and stepping out of the shower. He was sitting on the shower bench, totally zoned out. 'You ok?" i asked. He said he was, he would be out in a minute.

I dried off, picked up my clothes and left the bathroom. I was feeling pretty damned proud of myself. Even though I had not gotten off, I didn't care. The next time, there would be fucking, I knew it. Turning towards my room, I saw Greg coming down the hallway. I gave him a thumbs up. He smiled.

Back to Greg:

Seeing Matt smiling and him giving me a thumbs up, I knew something good had happened. I went to take a piss, not realizing Elliot was still in the shower. He was just sitting there with a blank look on his face. "Sorry, I didn't know you were in here, I'll go to another bathroom." He said to come on in, he was getting out and would I please hand him a towel. I stood at the toilet, my back to Elliot, and began my much needed piss.

"So, now you know who I was referring to the other night." he said. "What are you talking about, Elliot?" I answered. "Don't be coy with me, asshole, I know you and Matt talked today, he told me everything." "Ok, I know, so what?" "Did you fuck him today or do anything sexual?" he asked. I told him we had not done anything. "I just listened to his issues, that he is gay, living a lie, and Elliot, he is in love with you." I said.

Elliot said he knew it. "Greg, I don't want to hurt him, but I can't give more than I already have, I am in love with my wife, totally and my kids mean everything to me." "But what he did to me just now?wow!" "I almost begged him to fuck me!" I played dumb and asked him what he had done to him. "He stuck fingers up my ass, then he licked my hole and tongued it," "Like it?" I asked. "Oh God, yes, as I said I almost asked him to fuck me."

I asked why he didn't. "Shit! I was on the verge, then I shot a huge load, he got out of the shower, he didn't even get off or ask me to suck him off." "What's up with that?" "Usually he would be begging me to suck him and fuck him." I said, "Maybe that was his swan song for you, maybe he is going after happiness now that he is free to do so." "Elliot, you can't expect him to wait forever for the tiny tidbits you throw his way."

Elliot was very near tears. "How is it possible to love someone as much as I love my wife, but sexually, all I can think about is Matt?" "Even when I am making love to my wife, I am thinking about Matt." "I don't know what to do." I told him it was not my place to dole out advise, I wasn't in his position. "All I know is, Matt is in love with you, but he needs more than the occasional blow job, you have to decide what you are willing to do and not do, then be honest." "If he decides to look elsewhere, you will just have to accept it and move on."

Elliot said I was right. "What about you and Patrick?" he asked. "That is a totally different thing altogether." I answered. "He says he is in love with me, has been for a while, but honestly, I am not so sure." "Patrick likes sex, he likes the conquests, but can he commit to a relationship?." Elliot asked me how I felt. "Now that is another thing to think about, how do I feel?"

"I am probably a bisexual man, as I am sure you are, but can I totally commit to a relationship with Patrick or any other man or woman, for that matter, I have no idea." "Exploring my 'other' side has been great, I enjoyed it, but in reality, after this weekend, what is next?disaster I fear." "For Christ's sake, I am his boss, how can I be objective?.no this has to end with the weekend." "I just don't know how to tell Patrick."

Elliot said, "I will quote you, my friend, be totally honest, don't lead him on." "Patrick is a smart man, he must realize you have doubts, maybe he does, too." "Elliot, he told me he loved me and I, caught up in the moment, said I loved him, too." "Do you?" he asked. I just sat there staring at the wall. "Lust, love, both, I have no idea." "Elliot, I have not had meaningful sex in a long, long time, that is what concerns me, why Patrick, my employee, for crying out loud?"

"I go to the gym at least 3 times a week, I see all sorts of men there, tall, short, skinny, fat, big dick, little dicks, but I never even considered having sex with them, never even been hit on." "I go to my kids sports events, etc., never look at anyone as a potential playmate, much less a love interest." "I haven't been on a date in years, I even took my mother to the company awards banquet last year." "God, I am pathetic."

"Oh, and then on the way here, at a gas station?", I related the encounter in the restroom. "I have to admit, I was a bit stunned at the man's boldness, at the same time, I was flattered." "Then getting here, having Patrick ruthlessly pursue me, scoring the TD, and Matt coming on to me, shit I am so fucking confused." "Am I giving off signals?pinging on the gaydar?" "I wish I had never come this weekend." "I am thinking, maybe I should go home tonight before anything else happens."

"That is running away from the issue and will not solve a thing." Elliot said. "In fact, Monday at work, things would be very awkward and someone is bound to notice it; it could all blow up in your face." "No, you had better resolve things here, set ground rules and adhere to them." I asked what he was going to do about Matt.

"Right now, I am going to find Matt, I want to talk to him, talk about our relationship and where we can take it without either one of us getting hurt." "And, I want more of what happened in the shower, just going a little further, getting fucked!" I asked if he thought that was wise, it may open a can of worms." "Yeah, I am sure." I noticed his dick was sticking straight out, he definitely needed to find Matt. "Good luck, man." Then I left to find Patrick.

Patrick was laying out by the pool. The other guys were watching TV or playing cards. I pulled up a chair next to Patrick. "We need to talk." I said. He had a puzzled look on his face. "Paddy, I have enjoyed every moment we have spent together this weekend, but we have to be realistic, it has to end when we go home." He started to protest, but I cut him off. "I am your boss, I cannot be objective if we are screwing around, someone is sure to notice the mutual attraction, which could be fatal to our careers."

"But, Greg, I love you and you said you loved me too, how can you just shut this off as if it never happened?" I said I could not answer his question, but I knew it was the right thing to do. "Paddy, I am not sure I can be in a relationship with anyone at this point." He was slightly agitated, "Did you and Matt fuck around today and that is why the change in feelings." he asked. "Just stop it, Paddy, you sound like a jealous bitch, you know that did not happen."

I continued, "See what I mean, you are imagining things already and the weekend is not even over." "How do you expect we can work together with all this going on." "Every time you would see me interacting with someone, you would be jealous, thinking who knows what, all created in your mind." "I am not interested in anyone, not now and not in the foreseeable future." "I loved what we did together, you broadened my horizons, but that is it for now."

He got up from the lounge and sprinted down the path towards the lake. I ran after him. I caught up to him, grabbed his arm, spun him around, "Like you told me the other night, don't you ever run away from me, you asshole." "You know I am right, this has to stop and stop now." He looked at me with sheer loathing in his eyes. "You fucking used me for your own sick pleasure." he screamed. "I fucking hate you." He took a swing at me, which I ducked.

Before I could corral my emotions, I picked him up and threw him towards the lake. "Get yourself together, and don't you ever take a swing at me again, ever." I shouted. He rolled close to the shallow water of the lake, got up, brushed himself off, sat down, head in hands. "Patrick, I didn't use you, quite the opposite, you used me." "You are a fucking spoiled brat, you want what you want and you want it now, if you don't get it, you have a fit." "Listen, I have raised, no, I am still raising 2 teenage children and I don't tolerate shit from them, I certainly will not tolerate that behavior from a 40 year old man."

"You are lucky I like you, in fact I may even love you, but taking a swing at me?very dangerous." "I am a normally calm man, not easily riled, but get on my bad side, God help you." "I was trying to tell you what the consequences might be if we continue this sexual relationship once we get back to St. Louis, but you didn't give me a chance to finish."

"What I was going to say, when this project is finished, most likely everyone will be assigned to different areas, some may even lose their jobs, I don't know what will happen." "But we can use this time in the interim to examine our feelings, and it cannot be all about sex." "At work, your job is important, you are the star on my team, I need you to focus on that." "Do you think you can do that?"

Patrick sat there for a minute, "Of course you are right, my mind knows it, but how do I tell my heart?" "On the lake today, I had lots of time to think, if fact Tony asked me why I was so deep in thought, what was going on." "I told him I was tired of being a little fuck toy, that I wanted to work on my marriage and try to be a better husband and father." "He seemed to accept that and told me he would miss my sweet ass and blow jobs, but honestly, he felt guilty every time we had sex." "He had already decided to tell me we had to stop."

"He said I deserved better." "Who knew the little Italian prick had a conscious?" I asked if he really believed Tony was sincere. He said he did. "I probably know him better than anyone and, yes, he is sincere." I said I wonder how he would react if he knew we had done the things we had done. "I bet he would probably feel betrayed, that I had taken away his toy, and would turn on both of us." I replied.

"Well, you may be right, he may already suspect something, who knows?" Patrick said, "See that is what I am talking about, he gets pissed, outs you and me, your marriage is busted, I would probably be fired, both our lives ruined." "We just can't take that chance." I reasoned.

Just at that moment, I heard a truck coming down the drive. It was Matt and Elliot. Matt called out, "Hey, we are going to get my boat out of the water and clean before we head home in the morning." "Wanna help?" "Sure, why not." After the boat was out of the water and back up by the house, we began washing it down. I was standing next to Matt, being instructed on what to do. He leaned over to me and quietly said, "Thanks!"

"For what?" I asked. "For giving me the "how to" for the best sex I have ever had in my life, I am satisfied, E is satisfied, life is good." he said. "It works!" I was a bit surprised, but had to ask, "The tongue, the dick, the position?.what?" He answered, "All of the above." I told him I thought it was great. Now, I thought, if I can just get this situation with Patrick resolved, life would truly be good.

I was bending over to pick up a chamois to wipe down the boat, when all of a sudden, my baggies were around my ankles and a sharp stream of cold water from the garden hose was penetrating my asshole. I was startled to say the least. "What the fuck, Matt!" He, Elliot and Patrick were rolling on the ground laughing. "Gotcha!" "I told you to watch your back, didn't I?"

I couldn't be mad and was laughing too. All of a sudden, there was a huge rumbling in my stomach, I bent over to pull up my baggies and a loud fart came from my ass, followed by a stream of watery shit spewing everywhere. "God, I wish I had a picture of that." Matt laughed. I was not amused,now. "Give me that fucking hose!" I shouted. Matt threw it on the ground and took off running. I picked it up to rinse off my shitty ass, baggies and the ground around where I was standing.

After feeling sufficiently clean, I put on my wet baggies and went to the house. I needed a shower, badly. I climbed to the loft to get my toiletries, towel and clothes. When I got to the bathroom, the door was open and I heard the shower running. It was Tony. How is it the bathroom I choose is always occupied? I turned to leave when he called out, "Hey boss, hold up, I am getting out now." I stood there waiting, averting my eyes away from his naked body.

"Have you had a good weekend?" Tony asked. I said that I had enjoyed it, it was a nice change from the everyday grind. "There is so much to be done over the next year, it is overwhelming." I said. "Hey boss, can I ask a favor of you?" I was almost scared to think what he was going to ask, but said, "Sure." "When we have to travel, can I go with Dan or you?" That was puzzling. "Why, you and Patrick have always traveled together, you do great work as a team."

You could see Tony grasping for the right words. "Well, he and I have some major personality issues, I have tried to put them behind me, but I think if we did not work so closely together, those things would go away and we could remain cordial." Now, I was the manager again. "Tony, I do not know what the issues are, but what I am going to suggest, we will meet together, both of you, on Monday in my office to discuss them." "I will not take sides with either of you, it has to be a mutual decision before I make any changes." "Quite frankly, I think personal issues have no place in the work environment."

He said he agreed. "I am so sorry for this, but I need you to know something before we talk." I was holding my breath waiting for the bomb to drop. "Hmmmm, this is hard to say; Patrick and I have become involved, sexually." "I am not proud of it and I want it to end, but I am not sure he does." "He says he wants to work on his marriage and family relations, but I have my doubts." "I just don't want it to escalate any further and cause problems at work and God forbid at home." "If my wife ever found out, I would be toast, probably never see my kids again."

I sat there on the toilet lid, looking bewildered, an act, but a good one, nonetheless. "I am sorry, boss, I have really made a mess of things for you, haven't I?" I said there were 2 people involved here and not to be so hard on himself. "I have to be, I didn't have to do it, but I chose to, I let my little head think for me instead of using my brain." He was choking up as he said that.

"Tony, how far did this sex thing go?" He said he was so embarrassed. I got up, walked over to the door, closed and locked it. "Ok, tell me everything." I said. He began to tell me how Patrick had come on to him while they were on a trip, how he had begged him to let him suck his dick, then to fuck him. "Before long, he was after me to suck him, but I couldn't, I tried, but I just couldn't." "Greg, I am a straight man and why I let him coerce me into this, I have no idea." "Do you think I might be gay, deep inside."

"Tony, I have no idea what you are thinking inside, but I will say, I think everyone, men and women, are bisexual." "Some choose not to act on it and that is ok, there is no judgement from me on that either way." "Everyone has to make their own decision and act accordingly." "My question for you is, do you think your association with Patrick may unleash feelings you are suppressing, that you may want to, say, suck his dick or let him fuck you?"

He answered that he didn't think so, but he did not want to chance it. "I am happily married, I love my wife and family, and will do whatever it takes to protect them." I asked how far he would go to do that. "Say you found out he was having sex with someone, Matt, for instance, would you threaten to out them?" He answered that he would not. "Like that is ever going to happen, Elliot has his dick so far up Matt's ass?no, not a possibility."

"Really?" I exclaimed. He answered, "Yes, really, they think they are so clever hiding their relationship, but I have heard them and not just this weekend, every time we hunt of fish, they are always at it." I feigned shock. "Surely you have noticed how they look at each other." I said I had not. "Greg, you are so innocent, they could be fucking right in front of of and you wouldn't notice it." I laughed and said he was probably right.

"So, you are saying you wouldn't take that route to protect your personal life" I stated. "No, If I opened my mouth about Patrick and anyone else, I would only be opening myself up to retaliation, exposure, no I would not do that." "After this afternoon, with Patrick saying he wanted to call it all off, I am wondering who he has in his eye on next, I can't imagine." I said I didn't care as long as it did not interfere with work.

"My policy is to not get involved in personal lives and up until now, I have been able to uphold that policy." "But, this weekend, damn, I have really let my professional guard down, I know things I shouldn't know, have no business knowing." "Fuck, I wish I had not come."

Tony said, "Boss, don't feel that way, we have enjoyed having you along, it has been fun." "I am sorry I told you these things if you are going to worry yourself sick about them." I shook my head. "I need to get a shower, I smell like shit!" I told him what had happened with Matt and me today and how he paid me back. He thought it was very funny. "See, we have had fun, innocent fun, and don't you worry about a thing, we will work it out." With that, he left.

I got in the shower, banging my head against the wall. Damn it, damn it! I knew what I had to do. I had to get Patrick alone and reinforce what I had said earlier. Yes, he could cause trouble, but my position at the company was solid and if he fucked with me I could crush his career. So not my personality, but perhaps I had been Mr, Nice Guy for too long, it was time for the warrior to come out and take charge.

I felt better just knowing what I had to do. I dressed, went out to the patio. Dan was grilling burgers, everyone had a job to do and insisted Elliot take a break. Since there was nothing for me to do, I said I was going to pack my car tonight in order to be able to leave early tomorrow. "Patrick, will you help me load my car?" He got up to go with me. When we had put the last items in the trunk, I said, "Let's walk up to the main road, I want to talk to you."

"Patrick, I meant what I said earlier, this has to end here, we cannot take it back to St. Louis." "I care about you, I enjoyed our time together, but that is it for now." If you truly care about me, do this for me." "If you want to be a jerk about it, then I will know what you said to me was just talk, that you just wanted to fuck the boss."

"Greg, I do care for you, I want to be with you, but don't know how to do it without hurting a lot of people." "I will be a good little boy and mind the parents." he said sarcastically. "Patrick, knock it off, that is not what I want." "If this was a perfect world, we could declare our feelings, be open in our relationship and feel to fall in love." "But it is not, you know it isn't." "We would be ostracized, ridiculed and never taken seriously; our jobs would be in jeopardy?it is just not worth the risk." "Hell, you would be outcast from your family, your church; your children would have no respect for you?no it is not worth it."

Both of us had tears in our eyes as we realized the gravity of the situation. I hugged him, kissed him on the cheek. "Let's go get something to eat, I am starved."

We walked back to the house smiling.

Well, that is it for this series. I know there are a lot of holes left unfilled, but I will leave that to your imagination. The door is open to revisit these characters back in St. Louis after the weekend and they return to work. Be safe, happy and as always, SMILE!


Next: Chapter 5: Return to St Louis 1

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