Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Mar 19, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

I quickly pulled up my pants and we started back up to the house. Elliot was waiting for us in the great room. "Sorry to interrupt your fun, guys, but I need both of you to drive their cars back to the house, don't want to leave them in the parking lot overnight." "No problem." i said. "I just need to put on a shirt and shoes." Elliot said I might want to change shorts, too, citing the huge wet spot on my crotch. Oops!

After changing, we all hopped in Elliot's van and headed to Osage Beach. "I am not looking forward to dealing with 5 drunk assholes, especially, uh, uh?.well, all of them." Elliot said. I was thinking to myself, he almost let it slip out who he was having a suck-off with. Damn, I wanted to know who!

Arriving at the bar, I noticed Steve sitting on the hood of his car. He saw us, came over, was hopping mad. "That mother fucking bouncer wouldn't let us drive home, took our keys." "I would like to punch his lights out, but he is a fucking moose, probably would snap my spine if I tried to take a swing at him." I told him to calm down, that we would get the keys and I would drive him back to the house.

Elliot and Patrick went into the bar to get the other guys and the keys. Soon, we were on the way back. They were a rowdy group, had way too much to drink. At the house all piled out, headed straight to the kitchen for more beers. Elliot, the voice of reason, yelled at them. "You guys need to knock off the drinking and go to bed, we are getting up early for fishing again tomorrow."

Matt shouted out that he was going to go swimming. He began stripping, leaving a trail of clothes from the kitchen to the patio. I followed behind him, picking up the discarded clothing. As he approached the pool, he turned around, grabbed his hefty balls, shook them at me, "Hey Greg, I need my nob polished, come suck my dick!" He indeed was hard, not very big in comparison to his balls, however. He was stroking it. "Come on, Greg, you know you want it." "Hell, I might even suck you off."

I approached him, I guess he thought I was going to get down on my knees and worship his balls, but instead, I said, "Matt, you are drunk, you need to cool it." With that, I pushed his drunk ass in the icy cold pool. The shock of the cold water had an amazing affect on him, it was like he was instantly sober. He came rushing out of the pool heading straight for me. I was prepared to kick his ass if he so much as suggested he was going to hit me.

I assumed my most imposing Taekwondo position, ready for action, his balls would be my target. "Don't fuck with me, Matt, I don't want to hurt you, but I will." He stopped short of me, looking rather sheepish, "I just want to apologize, Greg. I am fucking drunk and I need to go to bed." He stuck out his hand, which I shook, handed him his clothes and he went to bed. I heard cheering and clapping.

Turning around, there were the other guys, some with shocked looks, some smiling. Everyone walked over to shake my hand and say good night. All but Elliot, Patrick and me went to bed. "Holy shit!" Elliot said. "I didn't know you were into martial arts." "The look on your face, I thought you were going to kill him." I said I wasn't going to kill him, but his big balls would have been a lot bigger if he had come at me.

Elliot said he was going to bed. He and I were the only ones who didn't share a bedroom. His was a small, closet-like room with a single bed, probably had been a walk in at one time. I was glad I had the loft, with a double bed and open to the great room below. Patrick and I sat out by the pool. He had been pretty quiet up until now. "I am just blown away, Greg, you constantly surprise me."

"How so?" I asked. "I don't know, I guess I never expected to have you do all the things we have done together, your interest in my wants and needs, I don't know." "And you are a warrior!" "Who would have thought it?" I asked him what did he expect when he came up to the loft and climbed in my bed. "I guess I was hoping you would be gay and we would be fucking our brains out; I wasn't thinking clearly?I don't know." "Why didn't you kick my ass then?"

"You have said 'I don't know 3 times already." I said. "Let me explain something to you." "First of all, when you came into the bathroom that first night and tried to grab my dick, I attributed it to you being drunk, I did not feel threatened, just pissed." "Tonight with Matt, I felt threatened and I was about to even the playing field, actually, about to kick his ass, which I could do easily." "I am a 3rd degree Black belt and could have hurt him badly."

"As for the rest of it, when you came to the loft, I was shocked at your boldness, but still again, not threatened." "You opened up to me about many things as we lay there hard dick to hard dick, then you kissed me, which snapped me back to reality." "I was confused and maybe even flattered to some degree, but mostly I was scared of my feelings."

Patrick was listening to me intently. "So, what made you come to my room, lay on my bed, hold me?" his voice trailed off. I told him, "Hearing you sobbing because of my rejection and the fear of what I would do or say, well, it touched my heart." "I don't like to hurt people." "I like to think I am a kind, compassionate person." "All I wanted to do was comfort you and I did." "You know the rest?I was and still am in a state of disbelief about the turn of events, yet I have no regrets."

I looked at my watch, "You had better get to bed, 5am will be here before you know it." He said he wasn't going fishing tomorrow. "Yes, you are, if you don't, it will look odd and bring attention to us." I said I needed to piss and then I was going to bed myself. We walked down the hallway to the bathroom. I heard voices coming from Elliot's room.

Elliot's voice, "Matt, go to bed before someone comes along and hears you in here." Matt's voice, "Please, E, let me fuck you or suck my dick, I am about to bust." Elliot's voice again, "Listen you asshole, I let you blow me, now go to bed, jack off if you need to, but get out of here, now." Patrick and I were standing there in the hallway, about to bust out laughing, when we heard the door handle rattle. We jumped in the bathroom and locked the door. I grabbed a towel to stifle my laughter, as did Patrick.

The bathroom door handle rattled. "Hey, I need to take a shit!" Matt called out. Patrick composed himself enough to answer, "Sorry, Matt, I am mid shit myself, use another bathroom." I was literally on the floor laughing into the towel. After a few minutes, it was quiet again. I had tears running down my face from laughing so hard. Patrick was on top of me on the floor, kissing me and grinding his groin into mine. I wanted to fuck him so badly, but knew the sounds we would make might be heard.

"Hey, we will find the time and a place tomorrow." I said, "Paddy, I need to get up and piss, otherwise we both are going to get wet." He got up, both of us stood at the toilet and pissed our hardness away. I kissed him good night, then left, "Sleep well." I whispered. "See you tomorrow." In my bed, I was restless, all I could think about was Patrick, his beautiful blue eyes, his hairy body, everything about him. I wasn't sure it was love, but I thought it could be. What I didn't know, was how were we going to deal with this situation after the weekend.

Weariness finally took over and I slept. When I awakened, the house was quiet, I was alone. I took my toiletries and towel to the bathroom. I desperately needed to shower, I stunk, especially my pits. Whew, this was ridiculous. Plus, I must have had a massive wet dream, there was a ton of dried cum all over my pubes. I thought to myself, I should wash linens, my towel reeked and I am sure there were cum stains all over my sheets.

After a refreshing shower, I gathered all the linens from the bathrooms, my cum stained sheets and started a load. Next, to find something for breakfast. I took out dry cereal, Lucky Charms! I smiled because I knew who had bought these, my secret Irish lover! Beside the coffee pot were two mugs, one with hearts, the other with shamrocks. Cute!

I took my breakfast out to the patio, staying under the covered area, did not want to get a sunburn. I loved being alone and naked. It was peaceful, quiet, with the distant sound of the motorboats on the lake. I sat there thinking about next week and how was I going to keep my affection for Patrick under wraps. I could not show favoritism, I had to be professional, fair to everyone. Fortunately, only Patrick, Tony and Dan reported directly to me. The others were in the same division, but reported to different managers.

I went back into the house to move the linens to the dryer, then went back outside to enjoy the nice weather and the beautiful view. I was standing at the railing around the patio, looking out at the lake, my back to the house. "You know, you have a beautiful ass." a voice behind me said. Startled, I turned, it was Matt. "Matt, why aren't you fishing and what the fuck did you mean by that comment?" He said he wasn't feeling well and begged off fishing today. "And I meant what I said, you have a beautiful ass." I walked towards the kitchen, not saying anything.

Matt asked if we could talk. I just stared a hole through him. "Please, will you talk to me?" I didn't move or change my look of contempt. "What do you want to talk about, Matt?" He was fidgeting about, trying to find the words to say. "Well?" I said. He took a deep breath, "I first of all want to apologize for my behavior last night." "Ok, you were drunk, I know that, anything else?" He said he thought I was a person he could confide in and that I could be trusted. He was being very cryptic and now had my curiosity peaked.

I sat down on a bar stool and waited. He said he needed a drink, water, not alcohol, went to the fridge behind the bar, came back around and stood at the end of the bar, I guess to be out of reach in case I decided to deck him, He took a big swig of water then began to talk. He cupped his hands under his balls, "These things are a curse, everyone thinks they make me super stud or something, but the truth is I have no fucking sex life to speak of." I asked him what was the point of this conversation, but he said, "Please let me finish."

"The only sex I have had at home are hand jobs and eating my wife's pussy." "She won't suck me off, thinks it is disgusting." "I get hard and I can penetrate her, but it is not good for her, she never gets off that way." "Matt why are you telling me this?" I asked. "I am trying to explain my behavior." he answered. "You were drunk, I understand that." He said, "That is not all?ok," pausing to take a drink and a deep breath, "Greg, I am a fucking closet fag, a queer, a homo, gay!"

I was stunned and couldn't say anything. I just stared at him with disbelief. "Please don't tell anyone, I would die if anyone found out." "I sometimes sneak around to gay bars and gyms just to find someone to get with." "I love sucking dick, I love having my balls and dick sucked, and a lot guys, who aren't size queens, like when I fuck them because, I have a tiny dick and it doesn't hurt." He was on the verge of tears.

I remained quiet. I knew there had to be more, I was just waiting. "Something no one knows, my wife, Lori, is leaving me." "I knew she had been fucking around for some time now, but I ignored it." "She is pregnant and it damned sure ain't mine." I told him I was sorry to hear that. "Not a big deal, she is a total bitch, bitches about my small dick, bitches about money, everything, you name it."

He said the real thing he wanted to talk about and get my input on was his feelings for one of our coworkers. I looked surprised, even though I already knew it. "Ok, is it me?" He laughed and said, "Like I would ever have a chance with a hunk like you." Tongue in cheek, I said I was hurt that it wasn't me, "I thought everyone wanted me!" I said sarcastically. "Look, all kidding aside, if I thought I had a ghost of a chance to be with you, I would be all over it, like white on rice." "But let's get real here, you are way too classy for me." "I am just a simple country boy, you are a big city sophisticate."

"Stop putting yourself down, Matt." "Sure, you are a country boy, but you are smart, educated, you have a great job and you are a generally nice person?when sober." We both laughed. "Back to the subject, who is it?" "I am not sure I should say, but I will say this, we have been screwing around for years, well not screwing, actually, just oral." "He is a family man and there is no way he will ever leave his family for me." "I don't think I can continue being only his cocksucker on the side."

"What I want is commitment, someone to come home to each day, to sleep with, to love and be loved by." "I want someone who will love my balls, play with them, suck on them, suck my tiny dick, fuck me, let me fuck him, all the things that go into a real relationship." "With this guy, it is not going to happen and it is killing me, I truly love him." "Look at me, I am hard as a rock just thinking about it."

I looked at his crotch and he did have a boner. "Stand up, Matt, let me see your dick." He was totally caught off guard. "What, why?" he asked. I said I wanted to see how big his dick really was. "Push your balls down away from the cock." He did as I requested. "Matt, your dick is not that small, it's thin and maybe a bit short but the balls make it look smaller"

I was on a roll, "How do you fuck, from behind, from the top, missionary style, how?" He was blushing, "Usually doggie style." "Did you ever think of laying on the bed, legs spread apart, balls hanging down between the legs, cock sticking straight up and have your partner ride your cock?" "Never thought of that, do you think it will work?" "It is worth a try." I answered. "Now the trick is to find someone to try it with." he said.

"What about your secret lover, do you think he would try it with you." I asked. "There is no way, our relationship is only oral and lately, not much of that either." I suggested he talk to the person, don't beg, just talk, explain how you feel. "Maybe he will try it ." "Have you ever licked his asshole?" "No, NO, gross!" he cried out. "Hey, don't say no until you have tried it." "A tongue in the shit hole, you are fucking kidding me?" I told him if the hole was douched and clean, it could be a wonderful thing, a huge turn on.

"Have you done this, Greg?" I admitted I had. "Man or woman?" I said, "Look it doesn't matter, you just told me you ate your wife's pussy, so what's the difference?" "You clean it, don't you?" I could see the wheels turning in his head. "Look, Matt, when Elliot gets back from fishing today, get him in this shower and wash his ass, then go for it, I bet you will be fucking him before the night is over." His mouth was wide open with surprise. "How did you know it was Elliot, did he tell you?" I told him that he had not. "I just figured it out from the conversation we had a few minutes ago." I lied.

He was clearly embarrassed. "You can't say anything to him about this, please." I told him I wouldn't. "God, I am so horny right now." he said. "And look at you, you have a boner, too." I had not realized I had one, but I was caught. "Yes, I do, but it will go away when we stop this sex talk." "I am getting in the pool." I ran and did a cannonball into the cold water. No more boner! I had to do it quickly or I may have let my guard down, sucked his uncut cock or even sat on it to see if my idea was good for him.

He sat under the patin cover, back to me, but it was obvious he was jacking off. All of a sudden he stood up, reached for a napkin to catch his load, but he was too late. I watched him as he shot the biggest load I had ever seen. It seemed to go on forever. When it finally subsided, there was a huge pool of sticky white goo on the patio floor and dripping down the sides of the bar. He ran in to the kitchen and came back with a roll of paper towels. He got up as much as he could, then took bottled water to wash away any residual.

After the clean up, he got in the pool with me. We just stared at each other, nothing was said for a while. "I know you were watching me." he said. I admitted I was. "Can I tell you something without you getting pissed and kicking my ass?" I said, of course. "When I was jacking off, I was fantasizing about fucking you and sucking you." "Your body is what wet dreams are made of." I said, "Thank you, I think."

"You do not know how hot you are, do you, Greg?" I said I had never considered myself hot, I knew I was physically fit and reasonably nice looking, but no, I did not think I was the object of anyone's desire, male or female. "Again, thank you for the compliment." He laughed, "That is what's so precious about you, Greg, you have all this going on for you and you are so innocent, you don't know it."

"You know, Matt, I was raised that way, that I was no better than anyone and no one was better than me, we are all equal." "I try to treat everyone the same and with respect." "I dislike people who think they are God's gift to the world and we should all bow down to them, a huge turn off for me." I went on to say there were senior managers at the company who treated the underlings like they were crap on their shoes. "It is not right and if that is what you have to do to advance up the ladder to senior management, well, I will never make it."

Matt said, "You realize you are well liked and respected, don't you?" "There are no other managers on this weekend trip, you are the only one we asked." I was blushing a bit at the comment and all I could say was "Thank you for that." "Seriously, it is true, I wish I was on your team rather than Baxter's." "I hate that motherfucker." "He is not smart, but thinks he knows everything." I held up my hand, "Matt we need to change the subject, Rob is my peer and I should not be discussing him with one of his staff."

"See, you are a stand up guy and you are correct, we shouldn't be discussing him or any other assholes at the company." "So, do you want to go for a boat ride?" he asked. I said I did, but needed to get some clothes and sunscreen on before i was burnt toast. I rinsed off under the shower, then went to put on my baggies. I was sure he was going to laugh his ass off when he saw me in them, so fucking retro!

We walked down to the dock to Matt's boat. "Wow! That is some rig you have there, bud." "Bet that set you back a few pennies." I exclaimed. "Yeah, it is pretty sweet, but I didn't pay as much as you think, it was a repo and I got it for a song." "Just in the right place at the right time." he said. "Where do you want me to sit?" I asked. He told me up front. "That way I can admire your ass!" he laughed. "Like I could really see it with those 'bloomers' you have on! "Greg, how long have you had them?"

"Fuck you!" "These are classics, I bought them when I was a surfer dude in college." I said. "Surely you have other suits, don't you." he asked. I said I didn't, "Never felt the need?I have 2 or 3 others just like this." Matt was laughing hysterically. "Do you wear these at the gym?" "No, I have workout clothes, and fuck you, you don't look so hot in your ratty cutoff jeans, wife beater and raggedy shoes."

He said, "If I looked like you, I would have the classiest, sexiest clothes to show off my assets, rather than cover them up like you do." "God, you even have beautiful feet, thank goodness you wore flip flops?even your toes turn me on, would love to suck on them." "Matt you are fucking hopeless." He said he was sorry, "But, I said it before and I'll say it again, you are a walking wet dream, how did that ex-wife of yours ever let you go, she has to be fucking nuts."

"Hey, cut the crap and let's get on the lake." I yelled. I was facing away from him, glad that he could not see the huge grin on my face at all the accolades he was dishing out. My ego was extremely boosted and I was going to have to reign it in, but damn, it felt good.

Well there you have it, another installment. Thank you so much for reading it and for the wonderful Emails many of you have sent. Be safe, happy and as always, SMILE!


Next: Chapter 4

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