Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Aug 26, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men and in some situations, have unprotected sex. I urge everyone to practice safe sex. Sex is wonderful but not worth dying for. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now.


Several times in the night, Garrett woke up crying for his mommy. I reassured him she was being looked after and he went back to sleep. I was sweetly awakened with a tiny hand rubbing my face. "Uncle Gordy, I need to pee." I rolled over, let him up and followed him. He, once again surprised me by sliding his foreskin back to pee, wiped the head with a wet tissue, then washed his hands. I was waiting for him to get back in bed before I relieved myself, but he stood there watching my every move.

"You can go back to bed, son, I will be there in a minute." He laughed, "Timid kidneys?" There he goes again, so adult in his words. "No, I do not have timid kidneys, I just don't think you need to see me using the toilet, now scoot." He smiled at me and left. I am going to have to watch this one, I thought. Soon, Logan came stumbling into the bathroom. "Oh my God, babe, that boy is way too aware of things I didn't know about until I was 9 or 10."

"What, I asked?" "He crawled into bed, pulling the covers back, my dick was sticking out of my boxers." "He looked at it and said, yours is just like mine, only bigger." "I almost pissed on myself." "Babe, if he is going to sleep with us, we are going to have to get pajamas." I told him he was only sleeping with us for a few nights, until Jess comes home, "Or maybe we should try to get him to sleep in his own bed tonight." I was thinking how this was going to impact our sex life. "Damn!"

After breakfast, we all dressed. "Who is going to stay with me while you are at work, Uncle Gordy?" Garrett asked. I explained that I had already planned to take this week off, so he would be staying with me. "We are going shopping, little man, for some new clothes for you." He smiled. "Can we go see Mommy?" I reminded him of the hospital rules, but we would go there to be sure she was doing well. "Maybe she is stronger and can get in a wheelchair to come out to see you."

I picked up the phone to see if we had service, and we did. I called the hospital to get a report on Jess. The nurse I spoke with told me she was doing well, eating a soft diet, and her coloring had improved. "Sir, she was severely dehydrated and said she had not eaten in days." the nurse said. I suspected all the money she had was spent to keep Garrett fed and for the bus ticket. I asked about getting her to the waiting room to see Garrett. "She has a multitude of tests scheduled today, so if you are here when we take her for any of them, we will stop by the waiting room and he can ride in the bed with her." I said we were on our way.

I told Garrett what was said, which made him very excited. "Let's go, Uncle Gordy, I want to see my mommy." I really wanted to go to a children's shop to buy clothes for him, but, I knew that was less important. I also knew I needed to buy a car seat for him, I did not want him to get hurt if he was not properly secured in my truck. We kissed Logan goodbye and headed for the hospital. As usual traffic was awful, but we got there before 9a. We went to the waiting room, called and told them we were there.

It wasn't long before a cute, young RN came our to talk to us. She knelt down to talk to Garrett. Her conversation was for me, but she directed it to him, as if he was the adult. The one thing I appreciated, she did not talk down to him in childish gibberish. He asked a few very intelligent questions, which surprised both the RN and me. "When can I see, Mommy?" he asked. "Garrett, I have to take her for some tests at 10a, we will be taking her in the bed, so you can ride in the bed with her." "Then when we bring her back, you can ride up with her again, does that sound ok to you?" He hugged her.

At 10a, right on schedule the RN and a transporter rolled Jess out in the bed. I lifted Garrett up into the bed with Jess. It was an emotional scene, I was trying not to cry, but I could not help myself. I noticed the RN had full eyes, too. The two of them were holding on to each other for dear life. Jess did look better than she did yesterday, but she was still very sick. After we went as far as they would let us go, we were directed to another waiting room. As we were going there, I noticed a chapel at the end of the hallway.

"Garrett, let's go to the chapel and say a prayer for Mommy." He looked at me quizzically, "I don't know how to pray, Uncle Gordy." I asked if he had ever gone to church and he said "No." "Well, that is going to change, buddy, I will take you to church with me, you will like it." I was curious if he had ever had any religious experience at all. When we went into the chapel, no one was there. I went to a pew near the front, sat down, pulled down the kneeler, crossed myself and began to pray. Little eyes were on me, watching my every move.

Back in the waiting room, he told me he liked the chapel. "It smells good in there, I bet it is the candles." "WIill you teach me to pray, Uncle Gordy?" I said I would. I was thinking, after we ate lunch and shopped for clothes, I would call Jacob, to see if he was in and available to see us. I wanted to get his recommendation for a church near our house that we could attend. I did not know how Jess felt about religion anymore. Another bridge to cross.

When the tests were complete, we said goodbye to Jess and left. "Hungry, little man?" I asked. He said he was. On the way, I noticed a strip mall with a children's shop, made a note to stop there on the way back. Jess was right, Garrett is not picky and ate everything, and lots of it. I had to warn him not to overdo it. "I am not overdoing it, I am just hungry and I want to grow up to be a big as you, Uncle Gordy." He thought a minute, then said, "But I hope I am not as hairy!" I almost choked on my food laughing.

In the kid's shop, I let him select what he liked, then added a few things I thought were appropriate for a 4 year old boy. When we left, I had spent a boat load of money, but it was pure pleasure. I had never considered, nor ever thought about having a child. And, here, I have one, albeit most likely temporary. I intended to spoil him rotten, my son, my namesake.

We were about to drive past the entrance to the new subdivision Logan's company was developing. "Hey, let's see if we can find Uncle Logan." I said as i turned onto the street. These were very upscale homes and once landscaping was completed, it would be beautiful. We found Logan's truck. After honking the horn, a worker came over to see what I wanted. I asked for Logan. He said he would find him for us. Soon a broadly smiling Logan came to my truck.

"Hey, buddy, how's your mom?" he said to Garrett, who jumped up into his arms. "She is doing better, eating, still tired, but I bet she will be home in a few days." "I got to ride in the bed with her when they took her for tests." Logan hugged him tightly and kissed his curly head. "And Uncle Gordy bought me a bunch of new clothes." If I ever had any doubts about Logan adjusting to having a child around, those doubts faded away. He was enjoying Garrett as much as I was. How did I ever get so lucky to find such a good man?

"Ok, babe, I guess I need to get back to work." he said to me as he leaned in to kiss me. "I love you." I told him I loved him too. "Little man, I am going to get you some boots and a hardhat so the next time you come to visit me, I can take you onsite and show you how we build houses." Garett was really excited about that. "See you tonight, Uncle Logan, I love you." As he walked away, I saw him wiping his eyes.

On the drive home, Garrett fell asleep, this had been a busy day. As I looked at him, I realized, I had forgotten to get a car seat. Oh, well, there is always tomorrow. When we turned on our road, I noticed the street sign was up. I stopped to look at it, Gallagher Lane. Garrett woke up when I stopped. I pointed at the sign with our name on it. "Cool!" he said. We drove on to the house, unloaded our packages, then went to the deck to relax.

"You think you will be a big boy and sleep in your own bed tonight?" I asked. He had a scared look on his face, "I guess, but if I get scared, can I come in your room." I told him of course he could. He seemed ok with that. I was hoping he would, I needed some time alone with Logan tonight, I needed to make love to my fantastic man.

Just about 6p, Logan arrived with pizza in hand. I didn't know how Garrett would like this St. Louis style pizza, but I had hopes. Logan had brought chicken chunks too, just in case. After hugging and kissing both of us, he went back to his truck. He had a big box and a bag he was struggling with. I jumped up to help. In the box was a car seat and in the bag was a junior hardhat. "I bought 2 car seats, one for your truck and one for mine.

He handed the yellow hardhat to Garrett. It had the McKee Construction logo on it and his name stenciled on the back. Garrett was beyond excited. "This weekend we will go boots shopping." he said to Garrett. He hugged Logan's legs. Logan picked him up. I was jealous of the kisses he was getting! I guess he sensed I was needing the attention too, so he reached for me, pulled us both together, kisses and hugs, then said, "You are the best dads anybody could ever have."

I choked at that, but decided no more crying. "Hey, let's eat." I told Garrett about the St. Louis style pizza and explained if he didn't like it, it was ok, just tell us. He was amused at the pizza being cut in squares. After his first bite, he said, "I love it!" I was relieved. Chicken chunks would be saved for another meal. After eating, Garrett wanted to show Logan the clothes we had bought. He put on a mini fashion show for us which was hysterical.

Next, it was time for a shower. No arguments at all, he loves the shower just like his uncles do. This time I let him shower alone, although I did sit on the throne to watch. Once he was clean and dry, I took him to his bed. He crawled up in the bed, looked at me, "Can we pray for Mommy?" I said we could and taught him a simple prayer. He kissed me goodnight, then turned on his side. I watched from the door to be sure he was ok. Logan came up behind me, kissed my neck and we stood there looking in on Garrett, so much love in our hearts.

After we were sure he was asleep, I pulled Logan to the bathroom, stripped both of us and got in the shower. I was starved for my man. We made up for our missed night. After sweet loving, I dried off, sneaked across the hallway to peek in on our guy. He was sleeping soundly. Back to the bedroom, in the bed for a repeat of our love making. It was just the most wonderful feeling, loving this man so much and the sex was outstanding, again.

My first thought was that we should put on shorts or something, but decided not too, I wanted Logan's naked body touching mine. If Garrett needed us in the night, I had shorts right beside the bed. Fortunately, he did not wake up at all, slept right through until we were awake. When he came into our room, he asked if he could get up in our bed with us. I asked if he needed to go to the bathroom, to which he replied, "Yes." "Well then, you are a big boy, you don't need me there watching you." When he left, Logan and I quickly put on our shorts. It is amazing how quickly you adapt to having a child around.

After he did his morning ritual, we lay in our bed, him between us. "I didn't wake up all night and I wasn't afraid." "I feel safe here at your house." he said to both of us. Logan said, "Garrett, we are so happy to have you here with us, this will always be your home, even if you leave with your mommy, remember, you can always come back here, anytime." I agreed.

He lay there thinking, "I don't want to go back to Tall Pine, I like it here." "I think Mommy does, too." "All the way here, she kept telling me how nice you were, Uncle Gordy, and that she wanted to live near you so I could get to know you and love you." "I already do." "And, you, Uncle Logan, you were a surprise, but I am glad you live here, too." "I am a lucky boy."

"Ok," I swallowed hard, "Let's get breakfast." All of us went to the kitchen to see what we had to eat. "Pancakes, waffles, eggs, what would you like, Garrett?" I asked. He said he liked pancakes. "Pancakes it is, want bacon, too?' "Sure!" I began preparing the food, while Logan made coffee. It was a dreary, drizzling rainy day. "I may not go in today, I may stay here with my men." Logan said. That was the best news yet.

After we ate breakfast, I called the hospital to check on Jess. The nurse gave me a good report. "I think she may move out of the ICU later today or tomorrow." I was elated, knowing once she was in a room, Garrett would be able to visit. I told the RN to be sure she was moved to a private room. "Good news, son, Mommy is doing really good and may be moved to a private room today or tomorrow." "That means you can visit her." He was jumping up and down with joy.

"I knew she would get better once she got here, Uncle Gordy, you are like good medicine for her." he said. I smiled at that comment. I finally had my sister back in my life and I"ll be damned if I will lose her again. Plus, I could never give up my namesake, my nephew, my son! Logan came over to me, hugged and kissed me. I whispered, "Little eyes are watching us." He whispered back, "I don't give a shit, he knows we are together, that we love each other, he has to adjust to seeing us be affectionate with each other."

Of course, little ears heard that. "Look uncles, I know you love each other and it doesn't bother me that you kiss and hug." He went on to say at Tall Pine, he saw people having sex, men and men, women and women and men and women, "So, nothing shocks me." "Of course I don't want to see you have sex, I think it's gross, just close the door and tell me to stay out." Logan and I burst out laughing. "The things you say, bud?" I began. Logan interjected, "But, Garrett, you have to filter what you say in from of other people, most people would not like hearing those words from a 4 year old." "Understand?"

He looked appalled at that statement. "Of course I understand, do you think I don't know good manners?" "Mommy would wash my mouth out with soap if she heard me say things not cool to other people." I quickly changed the subject. "I think I will call Jacob today ask about a church near us, I think someone needs a little religion." "Ya think?" Logan replied. Looking at Garrett, "Your Uncle Gordy is a religious fanatic, he converted me, you're next." We all laughed.

The slow drizzle turned into a roaring Missouri thunderstorm. I was concerned Garrett was afraid, but he showed no signs of it. We snuggled on the couch, watching the rain and occasional lightning. We talked about a lot of things. It was interesting to hear about the happenings at Tall Pine and on their journey back to Missouri. "When Mommy gets out of the hospital, will we live here with you?" I said at least for a little while, until Mommy is completely well and knows what she wants to do.

" I already know what she wants to do." he replied. I asked what. "She wants to make jewelry and open a store, maybe even teach a class." "Really?" "That sounds great, there is a lot of interest in that sort of stuff here." "Logan and I could help her get set up, and find a house for the both of you, of course it has to be nearby, don't want my little man too far away."

Logan motioned for me to come into the kitchen with him. "Babe, I have a great idea, let's build a #2 Gallagher Lane, nothing too big, but just perfect for Jess and Garrett." I asked where? "A few yards down from here, there is a perfect clearing that a log cabin would look great on." "We can buy one of those prefab kits for next to nothing and build it ourselves, with help from some of my people." I thought it was a great idea, but would wait to talk to Jess about it.

"She may have other ideas and she doesn't know it yet, but she has a lot of money in trust." "I haven't told her, I want to be sure she has the right mindset and will not blow it on some crud ball like that Meeker." Logan reminded me that Jess was an adult and I needed to trust her a little. "I agree, feel her out about what plans she has and then you have to tell her." "Lo, I don't think I could stand it if she up and left here taking Garrett with her, my God, I love that kid." I started to cry just thinking about it.

Logan had me wrapped tightly in his arms as I cried. Garrett walked in, saw us, then said, "Get a room guys, there is a child present." I broke away from Logan and chased after him, both of us laughing hard. I grabbed him and started to tickle him. He screamed for Logan to save him. Logan just watched amused. "If you don't stop, I am gonna pee in my pants." I stopped, released him and he ran to the bathroom. "You make a natural daddy, babe." I blew kisses at Logan and mouthed, "Thanks."

The rest of the morning was much the same. Lunch, then naps. I know Garrett did not want a nap, too big for that, but I needed one with my man. I think he must have understood because he went to his room, climbed in bed and was soon fast asleep. I pounced on Logan, fishing for his dick, pulled it out and performed my magic. Next was my turn to get great head, but what I really wanted was to be fucked. "Do you think we should?" he asked. I said, "Yes, the door is closed and he knows to knock."

It was a perfect afternoon in bed with Logan, I was completely sated. We showered, checked on Garrett, then lay back down on the bed. Neither of us fell asleep, just rested. It wasn't long before a slight knock was heard. We invited him in and up in the bed with us. "We are a bunch of lazy bums, aren't we?" I said. It was a perfect scene, three happy people.

I called the hospital late in the afternoon, Jess had not moved out of ICU yet. I was told it would probably be in the morning. "Give her our love and tell her we will see her in the morning." It had stopped raining, but was still cloudy and cool for this time of year. Logan suggested we take a ride over the property in his jeep. "I haven't driven it in a while, hope it starts up." We all piled into the jeep and headed down the rough trail that had not been graded yet. It was a bumpy ride, but Garrett thought it was a blast.

Once we got to the clearing, Logan stopped, looked at me, "This is the place." We got out to walk around. "Yep, this is ideal for a cabin." he said. Of course, Garrett wanted to know what he was talking about. "We were thinking of building a log cabin here for guests." I said, stretching the truth somewhat. No need to plant false hopes in his mind until I talked with Jess about it. He seemed satisfied with that answer. Back in the jeep to ride around some more.

"Wow, is all this land yours, Uncle Logan?" He answered, "Mine and Gordy's, we own everything together." "Hmmmm, kinda like you were married, then?" I shook my head to confirm it. "Maybe someday, little man, would you like that?" He laughed, "Yes, that would be ok with me, at Tall Pine, there were a couple of men who called themselves husbands, it wasn't a big deal." Four years old and so wise. I really should have paid more attention in Child Psych class, but then again, this was no ordinary child.

After spending a long time riding around the property, we were back at the house. I could tell Garrett was getting sleepy, even though it was just 6p. "Let's see what we have to fix for supper." "Can I have those chicken chunks?" he asked. "Of course, what do you want with it?' He said anything was ok. After we all ate, he showered and we put him to bed. It had started to rain again, a slow drizzle.

Logan grabbed my hand, "Time for our fantasy!" he shouted as he drug me out on the deck and down into the yard, stripping off his clothes as he ran. Once we were in the yard and completely naked, he started kissing me, stroking me all over, then pushed me to the ground. We were muddy, a complete mess. Dick with mud does not taste all that good! There was more laughing than love making, it was a blast. "Logan, you constantly surprise me."

It started to rain harder and to thunder. We headed back to the house, but first we rinsed the mud off with the garden hose. I wished we had the presence of mind to bring towels, but we didn't. I could see there was no way to avoid tracking mud and water into the house. Oh, well, such is life, it can be cleaned up. Into the shower, cleaned the mud and grass off, then more love making. We were in the shower so long, the hot water was now cold.

After donning shorts, we set about mopping and cleaning our mess. We were both exhausted from all this fun activity and the not so fun cleanup. I plopped down on the sofa, Logan right on top of me. I was too tired to do much, but once he began his magic work on my cock, I came alive. I, as always, played with his foreskin, I loved touching it, licking it and getting my mouth filled with his seed. "Babe, I think you love my cock as much as I love your hairy ass, the two just seem to go together, a perfect match." I smiled, knowing he was spot on.

Jess was moved to a private acute care room the next morning. Garrett and I went to visit her. He was excited to tell her all we had done and how much fun we had. "Mommy, are we going to stay here?" "I don't want to go back to Tall Pine." She told him that was her plan, to stay here in St. Louis. While he was looking out the window, watching the traffic, I took the time to ask her about her plans. "Well, first, I need to find a job, then a place to live, I can't sponge off you and Logan forever."

"Jess, do you have any specific ideas of what you would like to do?" She related exactly what Garrett had told us. "It's all I really know how to do, paint, sculpt, make jewelry, etc." "I thought once I get established, maybe I could teach a class, you remember my major was art when at KU." I said I remembered. "How close were you to getting your degree?" I asked. She said she had enough credits for a degree, just never went through with it."

"Logan and I can help you get started?" She stopped me, "I couldn't ask you to do that, you have done enough already." I told her it was not up for discussion, Logan and I wanted to help her. "We want you here near us, I would die if you left and took Garrett away from me." She smiled through tears. "Jess, there is something I have to tell you, not that I was keeping it a secret, just so many things happened all at once?" I was stammering. She had a very concerned look on her face.

"No, it is all good, when Mom died, she left everything to me, with a provision I would establish a trust for you with half the money." She looked apprehensive, "And?" I told her until I was gathering all the information, stocks, bonds, sale of the house, etc. I had no idea how much she had accumulated over the years. "I invested everything and your half is approximately $750, 000." She was stunned.

"I had no idea Mom had that much money, I thought maybe the house and a little savings, but that is all." "Wow!" I told her I had a brilliant investment broker who is also an attorney. "He has done a great job for us, I hope you will continue to let him handle our inheritance, but it is your decision." "He can set it up to pay you a monthly amount for your living expenses or whatever you want." She sat there in silence for a few minutes.

Finally, she said, "Gordy, tell me what to do, I have no business sense at all and I don't want to blow it, I have Garrett to think of." I told her I would make suggestions, only, but the decision had to be hers. I went on to explain about plans to set her up in business, get Garrett in a progressive school and then the bomb?"Logan and I want to build a small log cabin for you on our property." "It will be close to us, but it will be your place, we won't intrude on you and best of all, we get to see you and the little man often."

She was quietly sobbing. "You know, I have been a fool for so many years, I am surprised you would do this for me." I told her she was my sister, that would never change, no matter what. "I love you, Jess, I love Garrett, I need you both in my life." "So what do you think about all I have said." She said she wanted time to digest all this, but one thing to be sure, she was not leaving St. Louis.

After a long visit, Jess was tired, so Garrett and I left. I decided to drop by to see if Jake was in the parish office. He was, came out, hugged me, noticing Garrett, he asked, "Who is this fine young man." "I am Gordon Garrett Gallagher, Jr. he said as he stuck out his hand to shake. "I am pleased to meet you, I am Fr. Jacob Manake." he said as he looked at me with questions all over his face.

"Jake, this is my nephew, Jessica's son." I went on to explain how they surprised me with the visit and all that had happened since they arrived. "Jess is going to live here now." He said he had a million questions, but he would wait until later. I invited him out for dinner after Jess was released from the hospital. "You can come out to see and bless our new house." I asked what was the closest church to us that would have religious education for children. He immediately said he recommended St. Joseph's in Wentzville. "It is very traditional, but progressive, I think you would like it there."

I said we would check it out, "Of course, we would rather come here, but it is quite a drive." He turned around to his secretary, "Sandy, would you take this young man?" looking at me, what do you call him?" I answered, "Garrett." Back to his secretary, "Take Garrett and show him the sanctuary and where the school is." She took his hand and led him out the back door. After they were gone, he said, "Ok, tell me what is going on." I explained as best I could without going into too much detail.

"Gordy, I am happy your sister is home, you know your mother was so worried about her, we always prayed for her when I visited her." I thanked him for that and also thanked him for being so kind to do her funeral service for me. "Gordy, she was family to me, it was my pleasure." "Now on a happier note, how are you and Slim Jim doing?" I told him we were blissfully happy, "He is the best thing that ever happened to me, well, until Garrett." He said he was pleased for us, "You are both fine men and deserve to be happy."

"Not to rock the boat or bring up a sore subject, but do you ever see Greg?" I told him only at soccer games, our meetings are cordial, but nothing else. "Now that David will be leaving for college, I doubt I will see him much anymore." He said he could still see the hurt in my eyes. "Jake, I am over it, yes, it still smarts some, but I am hopelessly in love with Logan." "By the way, do you know which school David chose, the last I heard it was down to Notre Dame and Stanford."

Jake smiled, "Notre Dame, a full ride." "I think Greg was disappointed he did not go to Stanford, but ND is an excellent school, he will do well there." I smiled inside knowing I had 3 stores in South Bend, when I was there, I could arrange to take him to dinner or something. I still had strong feelings for that boy, no,that young man. He was always happy to see me at the soccer games. Garrett and Sandy returned, we said our goodbyes and left.

For the rest of the week things went smoothly. I arranged for one of Logan's nieces to come stay with Garrett when I traveled and to be there in case Jess needed anything. She was getting stronger by the day and her condition significantly improved once she was home. I hated to travel, I wanted to be home, but I had to work. My absence gave Jess and Logan time to bond, even though they knew of each other in school, they were not friends back then, age difference.


Jess decided what she wanted to do. She, also, agreed for Logan and me to build the cabin. We found a perfect place for her studio, enrolled Garrett in school and over time, she had found a nice guy, Bryce, who works for Logan's company. Logan gave his stamp of approval, which was good enough for me.

As for Hunter and Butch, they are still together. Hunter is in fellowship at SLU. Butch's moving business has grown leaps and bounds. We see them often, but it is a friendship, never crossing the line again. Once was fun and enough.

I love being an uncle to Garrett. He spends as much time with us as he does with his mother. He is so smart, at the top of his class in everything. Logan has him in soccer, and big surprise, he is good at it. I get melancholy feelings when I see how quickly he is growing up. I never bothered to change his birth certificate, so legally, I am his father.

As for David, I am delighted we have remained friends over the years. I hear news of Marian, Anne and Greg through him. Marian moved back to Florida, living with her sister, Wilda. Anne is engaged to an attorney. Greg left the phone company to become head of the financial end of Ben's company. The company merged with another large firm and are now global. $$$$, which is what Greg always wanted. I hold no grudges and wish him well.

As for me, I am in the corporate office now, head of training and development. Logan owns the company outright, having bought out Desmond and his other siblings. So much development going on in the area has made him a very wealthy man, but I can't say that in his presence. He says everything he has is ours, everything is in both our names.

Logan and I are in love as much as ever. Our sex life has not slowed down one bit. I see that slim, uncut cock and I am instantly hard. He says the same thing about my hairy ass. We did ride horses naked (ouch), we still dance and make love in the rain and joined the mile high club on one of our vacations. If it is wild and challenging, we do it. Life is good.

That's a wrap for this story. I, for one, do not like stories that go on and on. I hope you enjoyed it. Comments are always welcome. As always, be well and smile.


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