Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Aug 18, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men and in some situations, have unprotected sex. I urge everyone to practice safe sex. Sex is wonderful but not worth dying for. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now.


After the day we had, I was insatiable, not only sexually, but just being near Logan, talking with him, laughing?every minute was pure joy, couldn't get enough. My heart was so full of love and knowing it was returned was a huge bonus. After wonderful love making, we both fell asleep, peacefully.

Waking up in the morning in our usual position, Logan spooned into my backside, I smiled and said a prayer of thanks for this happy life, for everything good that had happened to me. I had an urgent need to take a piss, so I tried to ease out of bed without disturbing Logan. Not happening, he gripped me tighter. "Lo, if you don't let me go, I am going the piss on myself, the bed and your hand fondling my dick."

He laughed, "Ok, I guess I had better let you up, but then get in the shower with me, I am all crusty from last night." We both made a mad dash for the toilet. Ah, sweet relief. I adjusted the shower temperature and we both got in. Another sensual, romantic shower. "My turn to cook breakfast." Logan said. "I know what you want, French Toast, your favorite." "You got it, bacon, too, please."

Once again we took our food out on the deck. It is so nice to be surrounded by woods, no need for clothing. I could be a total nudist, now that I am confident and secure with my body image. Traveling as much as I do, I always stay in hotels that have workout facilities and a pool. The activity keeps me from being lonely and the result has been a very toned body, no more gut. Of course, it has its drawbacks, too. I am constantly getting hit on, tempting, but I always resist. I never want to screw up what Logan and I have.

With these thoughts, I asked Logan, "Do you ever get hit on and are tempted to cheat?" "Why would you ask that, don't you trust me?" I said I did, I was just wondering. "Everyone is tempted at some time." Logan looked surprised that I would say that, "Let me assure you that I have never cheated, never been tempted and I never will." "Ok, let's reverse the question?what about you."

I looked deeply into his eyes, "No, never cheated, never will." "But, it doesn't hurt to look, just don't touch." I laughed. Logan wasn't smiling. "Come on Lo, you can't tell me you haven't looked, last nigh as an example, what a prize beef show at the club." A grin was starting to appear at the corners of his mouth. "Gotcha ya!" I jumped up from my chair, grabbed his face and kissed him. "You make me all kinds of crazy...crazy happy, crazy in love and sex crazy, and your crazy dry wit gets me every time."

I was so horny, beginning to swell, ready to fuck and be fucked, when the door bell rang. "Who the hell can that be?" Logan said. I went inside, peeked out the window, didn't recognize the car, then called out, "Who's there?" It was Butch and Hunter. I opened the door, stark naked, "Come on in, damn it, Butch, you have a penchant for showing up at the most inopportune moments." I said sharply. "Don't you ever call first?" He said, "I tried, but your phone is not in service yet." I went to the phone?completely dead!

"We were out on the deck having breakfast, come on out there, want some coffee?" They declined, but said they would take a glass of water. "I went to the kitchen to grab water as they went out on the deck with Logan. "So, what's up, guys?" he asked. "We were going canoeing and wondered if you guys wanted to go with us?" Butch said. I spoke up, "Sounds good, I would like to, but I have tons to do before I go into the office tomorrow." "You guys go on and we will do it another weekend." Logan spoke up, "Unless you guys want to hang out with us, we could grill some brats and burgers."

"Nah!" "We will head out in a minute." Hunter said. "Can I use your restroom?" I pointed the way. After he left, I could not contain myself, "Ok, what happened last night after we left?" Butch blushed as usual, "We couldn't go to my house for obvious reasons, and he has 3 roommates, so his apartment was out of the question." "What did you do?" Logan asked. "Well, we went to a motel." "And??" I almost screamed.

"Well, let's just say, I am not a virgin any longer and neither is he." "Wait a minute, Hunter was a virgin, no fucking way." I said. "Yes, he was, never been fucked, nor had I, but now, that is all sorted and we both liked it." Butch was smiling broadly. "The oral was great, too!" "Holy shit, we have unleashed a monster." I said. "Why thank you Gordy, I didn't think you noticed, but it's not as big as Hunter's." "Not as big as my what?" Hunter said as he came back on the deck. We all burst out laughing. "What?" Hunter asked.

Butch excused himself to the bathroom. As he got up, I noticed he had a sizable bulge showing. Hunter asked again what we were talking about. Logan said, "Forgive us for being so nosy, but we asked Butch about last night. he gave us sketchy information, but we got the idea." Hunter did not seem to be embarrassed at all. "Yeah, I got fucked for the first time, so did he." "I really like him, guys, a lot."

"Was he saying that I had a bigger dick?' We shook our heads, yes. "He is such a fucking liar, my dick is maybe a little longer, but not nearly as thick as his." "I thought he was going to split me wide open until I got used to it." "Then it was pure pleasure, and feeling his hot sperm fill my ass was amazing." Butch walked back out right then. "Sit down, Butch, we need to talk." I gave them the 10 minute lecture about safe sex. "You, Hunter, especially, should know better."

Hunter looked at me sternly, "I know unprotected sex is dangerous, but since neither of us has done it before, I am fairly sure we are safe." "Fairly sure is still reckless." I said, now in my fatherly mode. Hunter would not back down, "Do you and Logan fuck raw?" "You don't have to answer, I know you do." "So, what is the difference?" My patience was wearing thin, "We are in a committed relationship, have been for 2 years now, that is the difference."

"Well, Gordy, my friend, ease your mind, we are headed into that zone, too." That was too much, I stood up, "After one night, just meeting and you are asking me to believe you are ready for a committed, exclusive relationship?" Hunter and Butch both answered at the same time, "Yes, we are." Butch continued, "When you meet the right one, you know it, what does it matter that you only met a few hours ago?"

I sat back in my chair, lay my head on the table and burst into tears. This was all too familiar, bringing up the memory of my feelings for Greg when we first met. Logan came around to hold me, while the two boys sat in stunned silence. "Did I say something wrong?" asked Butch. Logan whispered to me, "Tell them, babe, it's ok with me, I understand." I gathered my composure, then told them my story with Greg.

When I was finished, Butch was tearful, Hunter was pissed. "What a classic prick that Greg Smith is, I never liked him and always wondered why you did." "It was obvious you were in love with him, then he dumps you for that gigantic asshole, Ben." Butch was trying to stop Hunter;s tirade, but he was on a roll. "I couldn't stand to be around those two narcissistic bastards, they deserve each other." "Anne and I fought about it a lot, but I think she was just drawn in because of the money, fancy cars, clothes, etc."

"I finally couldn't stand it any longer and that was one of the reasons we broke up." "The other and most important reason was because I knew I was gay." "I didn't want Anne, I wanted David." I had stopped crying and he had my full attention now. "No way are you leaving, I want details, did you hit on David?" He said he had not, but almost did. "David is a beautiful boy, beautiful in spirit and in body." "Did you ever see him naked, Gordy?" I said I had not.

"Well, too bad you didn't, he is appropriately named, David, just as beautiful as Michelangelo's David, with a much bigger cock." I laughed. "I am telling you, I had a hard on every time I was around him, especially after we went to his dad's club and showered together, David, Greg, Ben and me, he has us all beat in the size department." "I had to quickly go to the toilet and jack off." It was Butch's turn to be shell shocked.

"So then, it's David you want?" he asked. "No, oh hell no, I am over that." "What we have going, or just beginning, whatever, is what I want Butch." "I know my past is somewhat checkered, but that ended last night." "Please believe me." Butch was not convinced, just stared at Hunter, saying nothing. After a few seconds, "How many have you fucked, Hunter?" Butch asked.

"I don't know, not a whole lot, and never unprotected." "Look, I have been with a lot of guys over the years, mostly got blow jobs, gave some, but never did I ever consider letting anyone fuck me and if you recall, I asked you to do me last night, before I did you." "Truthfully, I loved it after I got used to your girth and I can't wait to do it again."

Logan and I were sitting together observing this emotional scene, trying hard to fade in the background. Hunter put his arms around Butch's neck, drew him into a heavy kiss. "Please believe me, Butch, just you, not David, not anyone, just you." The kissing intensified, groins grinding, it was hot. Logan whispered to me, "I think they have forgotten we are here, watching and listening." I unsuccessfully tried to stifle a laugh.

As suddenly as the kissing began, it quickly stopped. Butch was absolutely crimson. "Sorry, guys, we got kinda carried away." he said. "Hey it's ok, keep going, use the chaise, we don't care, we will go inside." I said. "I think you need to stay here and forget the canoeing, too horny guys on the river could be dangerous!" Logan suggested, all the while trying to control his laughter.

I got up to head inside, totally erect, couldn't hide it. I threw up my arms, "Hey, shit happens!" Logan was just as hard as me. He took my hand, "Come on babe, let's take care of that, you guys have at it, the deck is all yours." We went inside. "You think they are going to fuck?" I asked. Logan said he didn't know, but we could see from our bedroom. "We are two pervs aren't we, Lo?" He agreed we were, "But, I am curious, I want to see Hunter's big dick."

We rushed to the bedroom, stood away from the window, so as not to be discovered peeking, and watched live porn. Man, it was a hot show.. Butch was swallowing Hunter's long dick, maybe 8", thin, similar to Logan's except cut and a bit longer. Throwing Hunter's legs up and spread apart, he dived in for a fantastic tongue fucking, before he penetrated his hole. I was leaking puddles of pre cum on the hardwood floor.

Neither of us could stand it any longer. We fell on our bed in the 69 position and began our own porn show, but no one was watching us. I was so horned up, I blew quickly. Soon after, Logan filled my eager mouth. We wrapped up in each other's arms, not talking for a minute. I pushed away, went to the window to see what was going on. Now, Hunter was pounding Butch's ass. Logan and I stood there watching. "Butch is taking it like he is a pro, you think he is telling the truth, he was a virgin until last night?"

"Who the hell knows, and better yet, who the hell cares?" I said. "Come on Lo, fuck me, I AM a pro." I exclaimed. It was one riotous session, Logan was spent and I was once again floating in space. We lay there, almost napping when we heard Butch calling our names. I called out to him to come to the bedroom. He came in, naked, dried cum all over his face, chest and cock. "Can we take a shower?" he asked.

"Sure, come on in, I will get some towels for you." "Wait until you see our shower." He and Hunter followed me into the bathroom. "Holy crap, that shower is as big as my room." Hunter said. Logan was right behind, "We can all shower together." he said. I reached in to adjust the temperature. Soon, we all were in enjoying every feature of this amazing shower. I washed Logan, head to toe, then he did me. Butch and Hunter were enjoying more than the shower, unabashed fondling and stroking.

Hunter looked over at Logan, "I have never had an uncut dick before, can I touch it?" Logan looked at me, eyes saying "Help me!" "Sure, go ahead, touch it, look how beautiful it is, that wonderful foreskin sliding back and forth, turns me on instantly." I said. I am sure Logan thought he had been captured by aliens, being examined and groped. He remained flaccid. Suddenly, he had enough, "Let;s get out of here and decide what we want to grill."

The boys dried off and went to find their clothes. When we were alone, Logan said, "That was weird, thanks a lot." I was laughing so hard, I started to piss on myself. "Lo, don't be mad, you just proved one thing to me, I am the only one who can make that flaccid dick come alive." "And did you notice, I am not hard either." I kissed him, then reached for his cock. He pushed my hand away, "Not now, later when we are alone." "If they come back in and we are hard, they may try to take advantage of us." he said in a pitiful old man voice. Again we were laughing.

The boys were on the deck, still naked, deep in conversation. "Butch has one fine ass, doesn't he babe?" Logan asked. "Yep, it is fine, not as hairy as mine but much more muscular." "I still think you have the finest ass ever, babe, I am getting hard just thinking about it." "Cool it, Slim Jim, else we are going to be fucking in front of company, and I am not sure I am ready for a 4 way." I said. "Would you be mad if I said I would like to try it once?" Logan asked.

I was stunned, mister manly, conservative, construction boss wanting a 4 way. Wow! "I don't know how I feel about that." "I do know your ass is mine and mine is yours, I don't intend to give up my claim to anyone." "Would you fuck them?" he asked. I thought a minute, then said, "I think oral is all I would be up for." "I know Hunter wants to suck your dick, badly, I thought he was going to do it in the shower." Logan said he thought the same thing, too.

I made a fresh pot of coffee. How things have changed, 2 years ago, you could hardly get me to drink coffee, now I drink too much?thank you Logan, you hooked me on coffee, too. I opened the door to the deck, "Hey you guys want anything to drink, I am making a new pot of coffee." They came inside. Both asked for a glass of water. Hunter was looking all around, "Who designed this place?" "It is absolutely stunning." Does that sound too gay?" We all laughed.

"Gordy and I designed the house, of course with an architect, but the concept is ours." "Come on, we will take you on a tour." Both of the guys were overwhelmed. "Man, you have some big bucks invested here." Hunter said. "Only the best for my man, here." Logan said as he hugged my waist. "Back at you, Lo?everything was collaborative and agreed upon, especially the shower?that was non negotiable." "I can see why, it is great."

"I am surprised you don't have a pool." Butch said. "We talked about it, but decided it would destroy the natural setting we both love, plus Gordy travels a lot and it wouldn't get used enough to justify the cost." "We are considering a hot tub for the deck, however, maybe in a couple years when we get old and need it for therapeutic reasons." I laughed. "No fucking way will that happen in a couple of years, you guys are too young to be talking that way." Butch replied.

"Hunter, I know how old Butch is, but I don't know about you, what is your age?" "I am just about to turn 26." he said. I looked at Butch, "Like younger guys, I see." "Well, in this case yes, but I do like older guys, too, you and Logan for instance." "If you could, what you you do to us?" I asked. He reminded me on the first day here, he offered to suck my dick.

"Oh, yeah, I remember, the pervert mover watching me get my ass fucked out here on the deck." "I was pretty pissed at you, I am not an exhibitionist." "Hmmmm, and yet, here you are standing on the same deck, naked in front of us and what is that, a growing erection?" "Fuck you, Butch, suck my dick!" With the speed of sound, he was on his knees, my cock fully engulfed in his mouth. Hunter dove for Logan's dick, the slurping sounds were loud. Logan and I stood there smiling at each other, then moved closer so we could kiss.

I did not warn Butch when I was about to cum and he did not flinch when I filled his mouth. He sucked me dry. It was Hunter's turn, he was going at Logan like a mad man until he had a mouthful. I could see the surprise on his face and thought he would spit it out, but he swallowed, then licked him clean. "Wow! That was amazing, my first uncut cock, and I swallowed, only my second time." I remarked that this weekend was a lot of firsts for all of us.

"How so?" asked Butch. I explained, "First you were hit on at the mall, fucked for the first time, first time to a gay club, found Hunter, clicked, fucked and sucked him, got fucked yourself and now sucked me." "Hunter got fucked for the first time, swallowed his first load and sucked his first uncut cock." As for us, since we have been together, we have never been with any other men at all." "I suppose the next first for us would be to suck you guys."

I got on my knees in front of both of them and began attacking first one then the other. Logan joined me and we played swap the dick for a while until they both came. It was fun and everyone seemed satisfied. I just hoped I would not regret it later. After a repeat turn in the shower, we dressed, then went to the kitchen to decide what we would cook for supper. Everyone was in a great mood, lots of jokes and great conversation. I think we have found friends for life.

After we ate, I excused myself to my office, explaining I had to get my reports, etc. ready for tomorrow. Butch and Hunter stayed a while, then left. Butch asked Logan if he would help him find a small affordable house to rent or possibly buy. "I need my own place, it is time I moved out." "Besides, I have a boyfriend and I can't have him overnight at my parent's house." Butch said he would get back with him in a few days.

My work finished, I came out to snuggle with my guy. "You ok with what happened?" I asked. "Yeah, sure, it was fun, but I don't want it to become a regular thing." he said. I agreed, "Nope, not gonna happen." I said I needed dessert, "Ice cream!" Unfortunately we did not have any. Logan pulled me up, "Put on a shirt, we will drive into St. Charles and get some, what ever my man wants, he gets." We were back in about 45 minutes with tubs of ice cream and a variety of toppings.

The playful side of Logan is always so much fun and surprising. Making a ginormous sundae was hilarious, more ice cream and whipped cream ended up on each other than in the bowl. We were a sticky mess and so was the kitchen. We sat in the middle of the floor, feeding each other, laughing our asses off. Cleanup took quite some time and we had to wash each other in the sink, couldn't track that stickiness to our shower.

After being somewhat clean, we ran to the shower, washed and devoured each other, laying on the hard shower floor, the rainfall setting pouring down on us. "You know, this is something we should do the next time it rains, make love in the yard." Logan said. "Yeah, I can picture it now, headline in the Post Dispatch, "Gay Couple Dead After Being Struck By Lightning While Fucking In Their Yard." I laughed at the thought.

"No, no, I mean a gentle slow rain, not a thunder storm." "Didn't you ever want to dance naked in the rain?" "Well, we can do that, but take it to the next level." I had never seen Logan so animated, so excited. I told him I would love it, "I will do anything for you, anything." But I had a question, "Who is inhabiting your body, you never think of things wild and free like that...no matter, I love it."

He looked me in the eye, "It is you who changed me, you make me want to be adventurous." "I want to experience everything with you, sky's the limit." "Naked horseback riding, how does that sound?" "Mile high club?" I was completely blown away. "Slow down slugger, what has come over you?" He said he guessed it was this house, "We built it together, our fucking house, our home." Tears were running down his face as he said, "I know it's not legal, but will you marry me, at least in spirit, be my husband?" That started my tears as I answered, "Yes, yes, yes!"

After much love making and expressions of dedication to each other, we dried off and climbed into our bed. We usually slept with me spooned into him, but tonight, I wanted to face him, our legs entwined. If I could, I would put my whole body into his and truly become one. We slept.

Damn that alarm, I did not want to get up, I did not want to let go of Logan, who was now spooned into me. But I knew I had to go to the office to file reports. Thank goodness, I was smart enough to not schedule trips this, the first week in our house. There was still much to be done to get things sorted. Logan had to work, too, a new development being built, expensive homes, the market was really good right now.

After our morning rituals and a light breakfast, we were off. The day seemed to drag on forever mainly because I wanted to be home. Something about being in that house soothed my soul. What I did not know, my world was about to change drastically. Logan called around 2p. "Babe, you need to come home now." I asked what was going on. He was evasive, but assured me he was ok. "Just come home, now, please."

I left work, drove a little recklessly, wondering what in the heck was wrong and why wouldn't he tell me over the phone. I screeched into out driveway, hit the ground running. Opening the door, Logan stopped me, "Brace yourself, babe." He stepped aside and there she was, Jessica, my sister. She ran to me, embraced me tightly and started crying. I was stunned and couldn't speak.

She looked awful, so skinny, pale, sickly looking. "Jess?" I kissed her head and held her as we both cried. "How did you get here, how did you know how to find me?" She sobbed that she had gone to our old house and the new owners told her where I lived and who I was living with. "She let me use her phone to call Logan at his work and he came to pick me and Garrett up."

"Garrett, who is Garrett?" I asked. "He is my 4 year old son." "Your son, you have a son?" "You named him after me?" She said she had, that his name is the same as mine, Gordon Garrett Gallagher, Jr. I had tons of questions. "Where is his father, is it that weirdo you were with when I was out there?" She said she thought so, but was not sure. "He left the commune right after Garrett was born and no one has seen him since."

"I wanted to come home, tried to call Mom, but the number was disconnected." "Then the only listing I could find for you was in Fulton, but that, too was disconnected." "How did you get here, Jess?" She said he hitched part of the way, took some odd jobs to feed herself and Garrett and saved enough for a bus ticket. "And, here I am." "Gordy, I am so sorry about all this, but I have no place else to go and I can't believe Mom is gone." She started sobbing uncontrollably.

I continued to hold her. "Where is Garrett?" I asked. She said he was sleeping in one of the bedrooms. I broke away from her, I had to see my namesake. I peeked into the bedroom and saw the most beautiful little blond, curly-headed boy, soundly sleeping. I did not go in, did not want to scare him. Jess was right behind me. "Go in and lay down with him, I don't want him to wake up and be frightened." "We can talk later after he wakes up."

I went back to the kitchen to get a drink. "Holy crap! I did not expect this." I said to Logan. "Yeah, I know, that is why I did not tell you on the phone, I knew you would freak out." "What the fuck am I going to do now?" "She does have money in trust from Mom, but I want to be sure she is responsible enough to be in charge of that much money, her past history is not good." "God, what a mess!"

Soon, Jess came out carrying Garrett. "This is my brother, your Uncle Gordy and the other man is your Uncle Logan." "Can you shake their hands and say hello?" He was not shy at all, said hello, nice to meet you and shook my hand. He was a little more cautious with Logan. His bright blues eyes were focused on Logan as he shook his hand. "Are you my mommy's brother, too?" Jess quickly stepped in, "Yes Garrett, he is sorta my brother, too."

I asked if he was hungry and he said he was. "What do you like to eat, I have most anything." Jess said he was a good eater, not picky at all. "We mostly ate vegetarian at the compound, but since we left, he has been introduced to a variety of fast foods, burgers, chicken?so whatever you have is fine." I invited him to come look in the freezer with me and pick out something. "I like shrimp." he said. "Ok, shrimp it is."

I asked if I could get a hug. He jumped into my arms, threw his little arms around my neck and gave me a raspberry kiss. I was overwhelmed, tears running down my face. Jess and Logan were crying, too. "Jess, where are your clothes, I need to wash these." I said pointing to Garrett's dirty outfit. "We don't have much and what we do have is probably dirty, too."

I looked at this beautiful boy in my arms, "Hey, I have got the most amazing shower, you want to get a bath while Mommy washes your clothes?" He looked a bit apprehensive, "What will I wear while my clothes are being washed?" I told him I could make a wrap for him with one of our large bath towels. "You won't be running around naked, I promise." "That's ok, I used to be naked all the time at Tall Pine, that is where we lived, I was born there." I was amazed at the vocabulary, not at all what I expected from a 4 year old.

Jess and I took him to our bathroom. "Wow, this is neat." he said. I reached in to start the shower, while Jess stripped him. As he got in, I stripped to my boxers and was about to get in with him. He looked at me, "Do you shower in your underwear?" I said not usually, but i?.I was stammering for words. "It's ok if you are naked Uncle Gordy, I have seen naked men before." I was thinking what had this kid experienced at that place. I stripped completely.

I showed him all the features of the shower. He was thrilled. Then I took some shampoo, washed his blond, curly locks. Next, I soaped him down, all over. "I will let you wash your privates." I told him. I noticed he was uncut. He expertly retracted his foreskin, washed the head thoroughly, moving the foreskin up and down until he was clean. I was impressed, Jess had taught him well. He was enjoying the shower so much, he hated to get out. "This is great, Uncle Gordy."

I wrapped him in a large bath towel. I put on shorts and a tee shirt, forgetting little eyes were watching my every move. "Don't you wear underwear?" he asked. "Not all the time, especially not at home, it's cooler." He was looking me up an down, "Boy, you sure are hairy, almost like a bear." I laughed at that, thinking, yep, that's what I am, a bear. I did not respond. I took his hand and we walked to the kitchen.

"Mommy, you have to take a bath in that shower, it is amazing." Logan and I stood there, totally blown away with the eloquence of his speech. "Jess, I have never heard a boy, 4 years old, speak like he was an adult." Logan said. "He is a smart one, already reading, wise way beyond his years." she said. I told her I was proud of her, "You are a good mother." Logan asked if we wanted to eat on the deck, which excited Garrett. "I love the outdoors."

Jess just picked at her food, hardly eating anything. "Are you sick Sis?" I asked. She said she did not feel good, "Been like this for months, always tired, no energy." I said I was taking her to the hospital, "You need to be seen and find out what is wrong, in fact I want to get both of you in to see a doctor." "No, please. not today, I will go tomorrow, I promise." "I need to talk something over with you about him." she said, pointing to Garrett. Logan picked up on it, "Hey, little man, want to go for a walk around the property, we might see some deer?"

"See you in a few minutes, Mommy." he said as they walked down the steps to the yard. My God, Jess, he is beautiful, the most beautiful boy I have ever seen." "I know, Gordy, he is the reason I am here, I wanted him to know you and if something happens to me, I want you to promise me you will take care of him." "Of course I will, but what are you not telling me?" She said she knew something was wrong with her, but she didn't go to a doctor, afraid they would call social services and take him away from her.

"And, I did not want Meeker to get his hands on him." "You were right, he is a pervert, a sick pervert." "He didn't leave the compound, he was run out for abusing an 8 year old boy." I asked why they didn't have him arrested and charged. "The elders do not trust the law and feared they would come in and break up the group and take the children." I was amazed at hearing this. "Were you held there against your will?" I asked. She said that everyone was free to go and come as they pleased.

"You know we had a store to sell our products, our art, and if we were being held against our will, someone would have found out and reported it." "You know, you were there, did it seem like I was there against my will?" I agreed that it did not appear that way. I told her the free love, open nudity and sex disturbed me, "Especially that weirdo wanting to suck my dick right in from to everyone." "And then he and another guy were going at it, openly." "Jess, how did you ever let yourself get involved in that cult, and that is what it is, a cult."

"When I met Meeker in college, he was a nice, charming young man, I was in love with him, so I followed him." She went on, "For years it was fun, we were in love, so devoted to each other, then he got involved with Aldo." "Again it was fun, 3 ways, then I noticed it was mostly Aldo and Meeker, having sex, disgusting sex." I asked like what. They used to have sex, fucking, then pee in each others butts, in each other's mouths, all over their bodies." "I was repulsed, and moved to another cabin."

"Soon after you came to visit, I found out I was pregnant." "I told Meeker and insisted Aldo move out, before I moved back in." "He refused, so I stayed with my friend, Delilah." "She is a midwife and is the one who delivered Garrett." "Meeker got caught just after Garrett was born and to escape castration he and Aldo left." I was appalled at hearing this story. "Would they have done that, castration, I mean?" She said they certainly would have.

"When Delilah had to register the birth, I put your name as the father." "Jess, that is sick, I am your brother!" "I know, but everyone knew you and I were not blood siblings and my story seemed plausible, we made love and I got pregnant." "I had been having sex with Meeker and Aldo for years and never got pregnant, so logical, right?" She said she thought Meeker was the actual father, but she wasn't sure." "I just don't want that pervert anywhere near my, no, our son."

I was completely blown away. "Jess, first I want you and Garrett to see a doctor." "Meanwhile, I am going to contact my attorney, get all this sorted out, and if you want me to, I will make sure the little man is my son, legally." I asked if she knew where Meeker might be?" She did not, he may be back in Kansas, anywhere or he could be dead, I don't know." I said I would get someone on it to try to track him down. "I want to make it clear to him that he is never to come close to either of you again." "I swear, I will kill him, Jess, if he ever tries to harm you or take Garrett."

I said we had talked enough for tonight. "Come with me, I will set you up in the shower, Logan has a robe you can use and I will give you a tee shirt to sleep in." "Tomorrow, we are buying clothes for the both of you." She started to cry, "Gordy, I love you so much, I hate to do this to you, but I have no one else." I put my arms around her frail body and hugger her. I was so happy to finally have my sister back. "Jessica, never be sorry about coming to me for anything, your are my sister, I have loved you since the day Mom and Dad brought you home." "That bond can never be broken, ever."

I left her alone. Logan and Garrett were coming back into the house. "Mommy is taking a shower." I said. His eyes lit up, "She is gonna love it!" He looked all around the room, "Boy, you guys are rich!" Logan told him we preferred to say we were comfortable. "One thing, little man, your Uncle Gordy and I work hard for what we have, it is not given to us, do you understand." Garrett looked at sharply, "Of course I understand, it was just like that at Tall Pine, everyone had to work hard, nothing was free."

Logan was amused and I was trying not to laugh. "I guess you got put in your place, Lo." Garrett turned and glared at me, "Not to be disrespectful, but for your information, I was not trying to 'put anyone in their place', merely stating the obvious." Now it was Logan's turn to laugh. I grabbed Garrett, hugged him, kissed him, "How did you get to be so smart?" He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, I have always been like this, is that a bad thing." I said of course not, I loved him just as he was , "Don't ever change."

"Uncle Gordy, am I going to sleep in the same bed I was in earlier?" I told him if he wanted to. "Can Mommy sleep with me?" I said of course. "Good, I always sleep with her, she needs me to protect her." "Do you and Uncle Logan sleep together?" Nothing is getting by this kid, "Yes, we do." He thought a moment, "Are you lovers?" I thought I would pass out, Logan too. "Garrett, we are partners who love each other very much, we are a family." I explained, not sure he understood.

I thought the discussion was over, but I was wrong. "Do you have sex together?" "Ok, little man, that is too much, you are crossing a line which is really none of your business." I said. "Sorry, but I just wondered, and by your answer, I know you do." "That is ok, I have seen men having sex together, it is perfectly natural." Logan had his face hid in his hands. "You know what, little man, this conversation is over." We can talk about anything, but my private life is just that, private." I said sternly. "Understand?" He nodded his head.

"Now, how about some dessert?" I handed him off to Logan and went to check on Jess. I knocked on the door, no answer. I called out, still no answer. I opened the door cautiously, and there she was lying on the shower floor. I grabbed a towel to cover her, turned off the shower, pulled her up in my arms, calling her name. I thought she was dead, but she had a strong pulse. I took her to our bed, gently lay her down, rubbing her face, calling her name. After a few anxious moments, she aroused.

"What happened, Jess?" She said she didn't know, "I guess I passed out." "That's it, we are going to the emergency room." She started to protest but I said it was not open for discussion. I called out to Logan several times before he came. I explained what had happened. "Get little man dressed, we are going to the hospital." I grabbed one of Logan's sweatsuits, which swallowed her thin little body, but it would have to do. Garrett came in very upset.

Jess and I tried to calm him. He said, "This has happened before, Uncle Gordy, that's why I have to sleep with her, to protect her." "Baby boy, Mommy is ok, just very tired." "Uncle Gordy will take care of us." I picked her up, carried her to Logan's car and we were off to the hospital. At the emergency room, I took her in, briefly explained what happened, and they rolled her away on a stretcher. Garrett was hysterical, nothing I could do would calm him. "I have to be with her, she needs me." he wailed.

I held on to him tightly, calmly reassuring him the doctors and nurses were taking good care of her. After what seemed like an eternity, one of the doctors came to us to talk. "Ms. Gallagher is extremely dehydrated and malnourished, we will need to keep her for a few days." Garrett began to wail again. "Please, can we let him see his mother?" I begged. He and Logan went with the doctor, while I went to the admissions clerk to complete the paperwork and sign that I would be responsible for the bill.

When I finally got back to where Jess was, Garrett was up in bed with her, asleep in her arms. Logan left us. Jess had multiple IVs dripping in her veins. "I already feel better." she said. I told her she would have to stay a few days, which she didn't like. "Look, Jess, I am perfectly capable of caring for Garrett." "He will be fine with us, don't you worry, just get better." The nurse came in to tell us she was being transferred to ICU. "Unfortunately, kids under 12 are not allowed in the unit.."

I knew this was going to be a battle, the little man had never been separated from his mommy. I picked him up but he did not stir or awaken. I found out which room, then went to Logan. I explained everything to him. "I am so sorry, Lo, you didn't bargain for this drama." "Babe, stop it, this is family here, not drama, we will see it through." I handed Garrett off to him, then went back to Jess. Soon they were taking her to the ICU. "Mr. Gallagher, you will have to remain in the waiting room until they get her settled, then they will come get you."

I went back to the ER waiting room to tell Logan what was happening. While we were talking, Garrett looked up at me with tearful eyes, "Is my mommy dead?" I grabbed him from Logan, "No, little man, she is not dead, but she is very sick and needs to stay in the hospital so she can get better." He said he wanted to see her. I explained the hospital policy, which surprisingly, he understood. He kissed me on my lips, "Take that to Mommy and tell her I love her and not to worry about me."

This kid never ceases to amaze me. I hugged him, handed him back to Logan, then left to deliver that kiss. Once Jess was settled in, I went in to see her, delivered the kiss and message as instructed. "Sis, don't worry about him, he is in good hands." She said she knew it and was thankful she had me back in her life. The nurse came into the room, "You will have to leave now, Mr. Gallagher, your wife needs rest." We both laughed, but did not correct her. I hugged and kissed her, then left.

We drove home in silence. Garrett fell asleep in my arms again. When we got home, he woke up, looked around, "Can I sleep with you, both of you?" Logan told him he could. We put him in the bed between us, both of us holding on to him. I was feeling a love unfamiliar to me, a love for a child, my child, my namesake. My last conscious thought was the words of a Dinah Washington song, "What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours." I silently cried myself to sleep.

Well, there you have it, another very different installment. I had intended to end with this chapter, but ideas were flowing, so I decided to take this direction. There will be another chapter, hopefully I can find a good way to end it, happily. I love children and I think the addition of Garrett will add a new dimension to Gordy's and Logan's relationship.


Next: Chapter 22: Gordy Life Goes on 5

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