Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Jun 30, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men and in some situations, have unprotected sex. I urge everyone to practice safe sex. Sex is wonderful but not worth dying for. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now.


After hearing about going to the soccer game, I was quiet, which Logan noticed. He asked what was wrong. I did not want to admit the dread I was feeling about seeing Greg again, so I said, "Just nervous about flying, never been in a small plane before." He laughed, "You will like it, but if you don't, I will turn back immediately." "I assure you, I am a good pilot, do not take chances, I promise you, you will love it, well, unless you have a fear of heights." I said I did not.

We drove out to the airfield in Chesterfield. The plane was all ready for us. Logan went in to sign off and I guess give our flight plan, I don't know, because I am not a pilot. The plane, a Beechcraft, F?something, a 4 passenger, single engine plane, was sitting out on the tarmac ready. I have to admit, my stomach was in my throat, but I tried to ignore it. God! I was scared. Logan came out of the office, took my shaking hand, "Don't be afraid, Gordy, it will be fun." he said as we walked to the plane.

He made a visual check off before we got inside. Once inside, after all the routine checklist was completed, we taxied out to the main runway and were off. At lift off, I thought surely I was going to barf, but I did not. Logan was all business until we were in the air at cruising altitude, then he relaxed, pointing out different things as we flew. He was right, I did like it, seeing the landscape below was amazing. I guessed we were flying southwest, towards Lake of the Ozarks., but I wasn't sure.

After flying for 1 hour to God knows where, he turned back to Chesterfield. I had thoroughly enjoyed the flying, touring the countryside I never would have seen if he had not taken me flying. As we approached the airfield, getting ready to land, my stomach once again was in my throat. It was a very smooth landing, almost didn't feel anything, no rough bounce, nothing. Once parked outside the hanger, engine shut down, he turned to me, "So, whadda you think?"

I leaned over, kissed him, "It was great." "I have to admit I was scared to death, but the next time we go up, I won't be." "Thank you so much for taking me." While he was finishing up, I went to the restroom, I needed to piss badly. When I came out, he went in, did his business, then we headed back to his house. He said, "I need to change into my soccer clothes, then we need to head over to the fields." I followed him to his bedroom. He completely stripped down, bent over to step into his jockstrap. "Are you trying to kill me, Logan?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" he asked. I said his stripping and exposing his hairy ass crack to me, not to mention his dick. "I am all horned up now." He looked at his watch, "We have time for a quickie, what do you want to do?" I shucked off my shorts and pulled him down on the bed into a 69 position. It wasn't long before we both had discharged a load. We got up, washed our faces, rinsed our mouths, dressed and were out the door.

He said, "We haven't had lunch, are you hungry?" I said I wasn't, just thirsty, but I would get a drink at the concession stand. "We can grab a burger after the game." He asked me if I would stay the night again tonight. "My place is not as fancy as yours, but, let's stay there." I said. "You gotta bed?" he asked. "Of course, I do." I answered. "Well, that is all we need." "We need to change the subject, else I will never make it through the game with out a massive boner, which these shorts do not hide." "I have impressionable teenagers, caught a few of them scoping my crotch, and if they saw a boner, they would be useless in the game." We both laughed.

"Just curious, is David Smith one of the gawkers?" I asked. ""Oh, hell no, he is so head over heals with Andie, our goalie, I am surprised he can concentrate on the game." "He is an excellent player, however, all business in the game, but afterwards, they can't keep their hands off each other." He said he forgot to ask, "How do you know the Smiths." I told him we would talk later, "It's complicated." "Ah!" he said knowingly.

Greg and Ben were there, sitting half way up the bleachers. Greg caught my eye, and waved. I took a deep breath, climbed up to their level and sat down beside him. Might as well face him head on. I shook his hand, said hello to Ben and asked Greg how he was doing. "Actually,I am doing quite well." he answered. "Work, ok?" "Yeah, it is tough, but going well, I like being the boss." "Yeah, I can see that."

He asked about my new job. "I have 2 more weeks of orientation, then it's on the road 3-4 days a week." He asked about my mother. I thanked him for asking, "Mother is doing very well, already back at Richland Woods and playing Bridge everyday." Conversation lulled a bit as the game started. My heart was racing, not knowing what to say and feeling immensely uncomfortable.

Ben asked me if Logan and I were an item. That kinda pissed me off. I said sarcastically, "Logan and I are old friends, went all through school together, so if that qualifies as an item, yeah, I guess so." He turned his attention back to the game and did not say anything more. I excused myself to get a bottle of water. Greg followed me. As we were standing in line, he said, "Gordy, I am sorry Ben asked you that, it is really none of his business, or mine for that fact." I muttered, "Forget about it."

I remained quiet as we stood there. Greg kept apologizing, talking favorably about Ben. I had had enough. I turned to him, "Look, Greg, I am not interested in hearing anything you have to say regarding Ben." "In my opinion he is a pompous ass, I don't like him, but you do, so it doesn't matter what I think." As I turned to walk away, I said, "Give Marian and Anne my best." He looked gobsmacked! I left to go sit down by the team bench.

Right at that minute, I felt damned good. At the break, Logan's team was ahead 2-0. After a short conversation with the guys, he walked over to me, shook my hand gripping very tightly, "I saw you talking to Greg, you looked upset, are you alright?" I said I never felt better. He smiled then went back to the team. David saw me, waved and called out , "Hey Gordy, glad you came, miss seeing you." He ran on to the field.

After the game and a brief team meeting, David came over to me. "Gordy, I meant what I said, I do miss seeing you." "Great game, David." I asked about school. "School is going well, should have a 4.0 GPA, unless I screw up." I said I doubted he would do that. "What are your plans when school is out?" I asked. "I am going to work for a few weeks at a camp for disabled kids, then I think we are going to Florida to visit our aunt." "Anne has a job at some store, I don't remember which one, dresses I think."

Greg was calling him to hurry up. I stuck my hand out for him to shake, but he pulled me into a hug. "Hope to see you at the next game, Gordy." Then he ran off. That is one fine young man, I thought. Logan approached me, "Ready to grab a bite to eat?" "Yeah, I am hungry, Steak 'n' Shake ok?" We drove to the nearest one, went inside and placed our order. I love their shakes.

"Now, Gordy, I want to know about you and Greg Smith." I grimaced, but started explaining my involvement with Greg. After I finished with my tale, he asked, "Do you still love him?" I said, "I honestly don't know what I feel, love or hate." "It has been said there is a thin line between love and hate." "I think I may be on that line." "Logan, I have to be completely honest with you, until you and I started hanging out, I was miserable." "You have brought joy back into my life, I really enjoy being with you, you are a good friend and I care a lot about you."

"So, I don't think I can answer that right now." "I hope that my comments about how much I enjoy being with you will encourage you to stick with me and help me work through my issues." "I can truly see us together." Logan looked at me, eyes brimming with tears, he shook his head, yes. I paid the bill and we left, heading to my house. Nothing was said until we were inside.

I asked if he understood what I was saying about Greg. He thought for a minute, "I guess I do, but Gordy, I need to go home, please." "Why?" I asked. "I think it is best, until you know for sure what you want." The look on his face was killing me. I was stumbling over my words, trying to come up with the correct thing to say.

"Logan, I want you to realize this, if we can make this work, you will always be number one, there will be no Greg, no one else." "But how can we make it happen if you leave?" "I meant it when I said I could see us together as a couple, partners, lovers, whatever you want to call it." I reminded him of what he had said to me last night. "You said you wanted to be held, that we could figure it out if I stayed, well, I am asking the same of you, Logan, stay, please."

I pulled him harder into my body, kissed his eyes, which were salty from tears. I said in my most whining little girl voice, "Please stay, pretty please with sugar on top." He laughed. "You are such a doofus, but since you put it that way, okay, I will stay." I guided him to my bedroom, told him to get naked, that we were going to shower. "I want to see if you learned anything I taught you last night." I apologized for the small shower, "But I do have a good strong hand held that gives a pretty good douche."

We showered, a pleasant prelude to what was coming. I wanted this man so badly, it was difficult to restrain myself until we dried off and climbed into my bed. I loved gently stroking his dick, watching the foreskin slipping up and down his shaft. I was mesmerized. I pulled it over the head, bent down, holding it tightly, and ran my tongue all around the covered cock head. I eased my tongue under the foreskin to see if it were loose enough for me to lick the head while the foreskin covered it. He was loving it.

While doing this, I moistened my index finger with my pre cum and invaded his asshole. This was just too much for him. He screamed my name as he shot load after load onto my tongue and in my mouth. I did not lose any of it. I cleaned his dick completely, until he pushed me off. "Gordy, I can't take any more, it is super sensitive." I raised myself up to his face, kissed him so deeply, he almost gagged.

Holding him, my mind was reliving what just happened. He tried to pull away from me, saying it was my turn. I held him tightly, "No, just hold on to me and watch." He asked, "Watch what?" I pointed to my cock, which I was slapping around without touching it. After a few minutes of this cock dance, I began shooting all over my abdomen, some up to my chest. "Wow!" "That was amazing, a hands free jack off." "How did you learn to do that?" "I don't think I could."

"When you have been single as long as I have and have had damn little sex, you learn to improvise." I laughed. "Don't I know it!" "You want to see my trick?" he asked. I said it did. He said after he recovered he would show me. "Tell me!" I pleaded. "Be patient, it is worth the wait." I was dying to know what his trick was. We lay in each others arms for a long time, actually napping a bit. Awake, he told me to make him hard. I did, which was not a difficult task.

He eased his body down to the foot of the bed, threw his legs over his head, his knees almost touching the bed, then took his cock in his mouth and began to give himself a blow job. "Holy shit, Logan!" I was totally blown away, laughing so hard. "What the fuck do you need me for when you can do it to yourself?" He unfolded his body, came up to kiss me. "It is much better when you do it and much more comfortable." "I would rather suck you."

With that said, he started the journey down my body. There was still a puddle of my cum that had not dried on my stomach. He licked me clean, then continued on his way to the promised land. Feeling his warm mouth on my dick and the gentle sucking and licking was bringing me to the edge again. He stopped because he knew I was getting close. After a minute or two he resumed, moving my legs apart, licking the soft underside of my ball sack, lifting my legs to expose my hairy ass.

I quickly put a pillow under me as he reached my ass crack. His tongue parted the hair until he found the hole. I was begging him to fuck me, but he took his time, licking and probing my hole. "Looks like someone is happy to see me, your hole is wide open." "Fuck me, please, Logan, please." I shouted. After tormenting me for a few minutes, the invasion began, slow at first, then fast and furious. I shot another big load on my stomach and before he was finished, I came again.

Finally, he gave a primal yell and filled me up with his sperm. He collapsed on my chest, not quite reaching my face so I could kiss him. I kissed the top of his slightly balding head. He wiggled his way up to my mouth and deep tongued me. "That was amazing, Logan." I said breathlessly. "I love the way you fuck me, no one and I mean no one has ever made me feel this way." I was floating, not thinking about anything but this wonderful man laying on my chest. I almost said I loved him, but I stopped myself. "Not yet, Gordy, not yet."

That is what my mind was telling me, but my heart was saying something else. Still, I had to be sure. "Whacha thinking?" Logan asked. I said nothing, just reliving the past few moments, over and over again. "Me, too, it was wonderful, wasn't it." I agreed. I said we had better clean up. "I don't want to be glued to you with my cum, it hurts like a bitch when you let it dry and try to separate, one of the disadvantages of being hairy."

We got in the shower. Once again, I washed his dick, softly, arousing him once more. "I just love your dick, man!" "I am so glad you did not get it cut, it is beautiful, so sleek, and this vein running down the middle, no words, man, no words." I rubbed the vein the length of his shaft and he shot yet another load. "How many is that tonight." I asked. He said he did not know, but he could honestly say he had not unladed this much, this often, since HS.

Back in bed we talked about many things, future plans, goals, you name it. I asked if he liked to ride horses. He said he did as a kid, but had not done it in years. I told him about the riding stable just west of STL. "Hey, let's do it some weekend, I think it would be fun." "I may fall off, but I am willing to try it." I laughed and told him we would get an old gray mare for him. "Nope, I want a stallion, wait a minute, I just rode one a minute ago." "Hey, I can handle anything you throw at me." We both laughed heartily.

This part of our burgeoning friendship, relationship, whatever it was, is what I loved the most. Logan made me laugh and he treated me as an equal, not trying to justify why we were together, not ashamed to be seen with me, and I felt he really did love me. Only time will tell. The difference in him and Greg was like the difference in black and white. I don't hate Greg, but I am sure I do not love him. I will always have a warm feeling about our time together, especially with his family, but this man now sleeping next to me is what I want, what I need. I drifted off peacefully.

The next morning, I rolled over, looked at a sleeping Logan and smiled. I kissed him softly. Eyes few open, almost as if I had hit him. "Good morning, my sweet man, did I startle you?" He said I did, "I am not used to being kissed awake, but I could get very used to it." He kissed me back. "No tongue until we brush and gargle, I have raunchy morning breath." I said. We got out of bed, pissed, brushed and gargled, then headed to the kitchen to put on coffee.

I said I doubted I had much to eat, maybe some cold cereal. "That's ok, let's get dressed and eat breakfast out. I asked if he attended church any longer. "Not so much since the divorce, I am kinda an 'off Broadway' Catholic." "Do you?" I said I did try to go as often as my schedule would allow, but now with the new job, that shouldn't be a problem going every Sunday." He was pensive for a moment, "I will go with you, I need to renew my faith, but not today, all I have is my soccer shorts here with me."

"Instead of going out, let's go to my house and I will cook for us." "Plus, we can fuck again and make use of my wonderful shower." "I hate the word fuck, it sounds so impersonal, make love is better." I agreed. We dressed, me in clean shorts and tee, leather flip flops, he in his dirty soccer clothes. I was glad he didn't live too far away from me, I was all boned up again. This has to be one of the highlights in my life, getting so horny just talking to Logan, wanting to fuck him, no, make love to him again.

When we got to his house, he was turning to go to the kitchen, I pulled him away towards the bedroom. He made a fake attempt at protest, but followed me. I was out of my clothes instantly. He was moving slowly to tease me. He threw his dirty jock at me. I took it to my nose and sniffed. "When I start traveling, I want one of these nasty ones to take with me, so when I am missing you, I can sniff and jack off." He was amused, "You are such a pervert, but I love you anyway."

There it was, that "L" word again which I was avoiding, but I ignored it. Pushing him down on the bed, lifting his legs, I dove in for the prize hidden in his hairy ass crack. My tongue was soon assaulting his hole. I could not wait to long dick him. I reached for the lube, which was still laying on the nightstand. I noticed it was almost empty. Note to self: buy lube for here and my house. I liberally applied lube to his hole and my cock. I repeated what he said to me last night about my gaping hole.

I plunged in quickly this time, balls deep, immediately. He did not protest or say it hurt, I rolled him over without pulling out, had him straddle and ride me. He was having the ride of his life and I was lost in the pleasure zone. It did not take long for me to climax. He kept sitting astride me smiling. "Now, you have ridden a stallion." I said. "How was it?" "Pretty good, but don't move, else I will shoot and I am not ready to." When he was satisfied he would not cum, he lifted himself off me, cum dripping out of his ass onto my legs.

I reached for his beautiful cock, but he slapped my hand away. "I am so close, if you touch me, be prepared to get a hand full." I raised up on my elbows, pushed myself down to his rigid cock which was pointing at the ceiling. I did not touch it with my hands, rather, engulfed it in my mouth. True to his word, I felt the warm semen hitting my tongue and throat. "Oh, God, Gordy, what you do to me, with no effort at all, amazing, fucking amazing."

We lay in bed holding each other, no need to speak, the eyes say it all. He is in love with me and it feels damned good. We talked again about everything. This is what love is, sharing and caring, not always about sex, even if it is fantastic. "Gordy, you told me what I did to you, no other had ever done before, is that true, no one?" I told him it was the truth, "Logan, what I feel when we are making love, I have never felt before."

"I am not saying I haven't had good sex before, but with you it is different." "I suppose it is because we really know each other, have been friends for a lot of years, we care about each other, I really cannot explain it." "Before you, the only relationship I had was with Greg, if you want to call it that, a relationship, I mean." "But, truthfully, I liked Greg, thought I was in love with him, but come on, let's be real, I picked him up in a truck stop restroom." "Now how serious could that be?" "I am not proud of that, being so desperate that I would jeopardize my career for a quick fuck."

"Actually, if I remember correctly from what you said, he turned you down." Logan replied. I said that was true, "But, it set the wheels in motion for when he came back after the weekend." "And, I was the one who followed up by faking a reason to come to STL." I said. "I obviously was horny as hell. "Not proud of that, Logan, in fact it is shameful." "Stop it, Gordy, stop it." "I understand horny?why do you think I have been have been fucking Jerry Hunter all these years?"

"Speaking of Jerry Hunter, are you going to tell him about us when he calls again?" Logan explained, "I will tell him to fuck off, find a new fuck buddy." I laughed. "Poor Jerry, the pathetic prick, I almost feel sorry for him." "I cannot believe I was so in love with him in HS." Logan said he was hot back then, everyone wanted him. I agreed, "But when I saw him naked with his short, fat dick, I was so disappointed, I didn't remember it that way, not that I ever saw him hard before." Logan said he had and it was still the same as it was in HS.

I reached down, fondled his dick, "Well, this is the one I want." "I have said it before and I repeat, I love your dick, I never get enough of it." I kept stroking it until he was erect again. I rolled over, spread my legs and waited for him to mount me. He said, "There is no lube left, we have to buy more." I told him I didn't care, rim me, spit on my hole, whatever, just put it in me. He cautiously proceeded, surprisingly it felt good, did not hurt at all. I, once again, was in space. a total out of body experience.

When I could tell he was ready to cum, I pushed him off, then quickly took his dick in my mouth. He exploded immediately. "Oh, God, oh God!" he cried out as he shot stream after stream in my mouth. I licked him clean, under the foreskin, all around his shaft. He was soon on my mouth, kissing me deeply. "Gordy, I don't care what you say about taking it slowly, I love you, I love you, I love you." "You don't have to tell me until you are ready, I can wait, but I love you."

Tears were running down my face as I stroked his hair. "Logan, I am?." I tried to talk, but was overcome with emotion. Logan kissed me, "I know, Gordy, you don't have to say anything." "Come on, let's shower." he said as he pulled me out of bed. I love this shower so much. Again, we washed each other gently in between kisses. I was really feeling the love we were sharing, silently, no words needed.

After drying off, but not dressing, we went to the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast, which was more brunch time now. We were engaged in great conversation. I was learning a lot about his work. I had no idea his family had developed this whole subdivision, very nice, custom designed homes. Currently, they were developing a new area in the growing Chesterfield Valley.

As we were eating our food, the front door opened. "What the hell, Logan?" The voice was that of his older brother, Des. "Don't you ever knock, Des?" Logan shouted. I got up to go back to the bedroom to dress. "Stop right there, Gordy, this is my house, the only one leaving is Desmond." To Des he said, "Get the fuck out of my house." Des said he was not leaving until he, Logan, explained what was going on.

"Not that is any of your business, this is my friend, Gordon Gallagher, my boyfriend." "Gordy, this intrusive bastard is my older brother, Desmond." I shook my head in acknowledgement, feeling very uncomfortable standing there naked as the day I was born. "So, what, are you a fag?" "The proper terminology is homosexual or gay, and yes I am." "You have a problem with that?"

Des said he did not, he was just surprised to come in to find a naked couple in the kitchen. "Can we talk?" he asked. Logan said he would call him later, "Now, please leave." He turned to leave, then spoke to me, "Nice to meet you." Then he left. "Whew! That was awkward." I said. Logan said, "I need to get the locks changed." "Fuck him, don't worry about it, he has no room to criticize me." "He fucks around on his wife all the time, maybe even with men, too."

"How do you know that, about the men?" I asked. Logan said when Des was in high school he had lots of guy friends, they were always sleeping over. "I was 10, I think, when I walked in on him giving one of his buds a blow job." "They didn't see me, so I quietly closed the door." He said the next time this guy was over, he hid in the closet to see if they did it again. "Did they?" I asked. "Yes, and more, Des was getting his ass plowed when I knocked something over and they discovered me." "He had me by the throat, threatening my life if I told anyone."

"I was a smartass, but I truly believed he would kill me if I told." "I promised I wouldn't, but they had to let me watch." "Des bodily threw me out of the room, there I was in the hallway, on the floor, with my little 3" dick, hard as nails, when my mother called up to ask what was going on." "Thank God she didn't come upstairs, not sure I could explain why a 10 year old was laying in the hallway with a boner." He was laughing so hard when telling this tale. It was infectious, I was laughing too.

"If I ever want to get his goat or get him off my back, I always remind him of Anthony Crivello and Gino Borreo." "Gino, Clemmie's brother? I yelled. "Yep, that's right, they were fuck buddies, too." I was falling down laughing. "Boy oh boy, those Borreo kids were real sluts, weren't they." He said he remembered I had dated Clemmie in HS. "Only a few times, there was absolutely no chemistry between us, she was always trying to get me to fuck her and gave the worst blow jobs I have ever had in my life."

It was Logan's time to be shocked. "Is she the one you stuck your dick head in?" I nodded my head, yes. "Well, well, that is something else we have in common, our dicks have both been in Clemmie's pussy; she never blew me, however." I could hardly contain myself, "Did you eat her pussy?" I was grinning from ear to ear. "You dog, you did, didn't you?" I did not say anything, but he knew. "My gay boyfriend ate pussy!" "How was it?"

I said it was the reason that I turned gay. "Seriously, it was so disgusting, I swore I would never be with a girl again, and I haven't" "Eating ass is much better." He was wound up now. "I think I will call Jerry, have him come over, you can fuck him, then we can say, both of us have fucked the husband and the wife." He turned as if he was going to the phone. I grabbed him, put him on the floor in one swift move, stuck my flaccid dick in his face, "The only thing I am going to fuck is my boyfriend's face."

The look on his face was priceless. "Did you say boyfriend?" he asked. I admitted I did, "Yes, Logan, you are my boyfriend, you told Des I was, so ok, I am." I shouted loudly, "Logan McKee is my boyfriend!" We were laughing, hugging and kissing. I don't remember being so happy, not for a very long time. As we lay there on that cold floor, my thoughts were only on Logan, how much he meant to me and how much I truly believed what I had been telling myself for weeks, "Life goes on."

Life does indeed go on. I hope you enjoyed this installment. As I said, I am not sure how many more chapters I will write, if any. Comments, always welcome. Be well and Smile. Ed


Next: Chapter 20: Gordy Life Goes on 3

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