Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Jun 21, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men and in some situations, have unprotected sex. I urge everyone to practice safe sex. Sex is wonderful but not worth dying for. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now.


================================================================ This is a continuation of my story, Weekend Fishing Trip. Looking back over the chapters at the lake and back in St. Louis, I decided I wanted to revisit a fan favorite character, Gordy. I, along with many of you, am not particularly satisfied with the way his story developed.

The story begins several weeks after Gordy and Greg went their separate ways. ================================================================

Gordy was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, having just showered and shaved. He rubbed his furry chest, stomach, then rubbed his dick and balls. His perspective had changed so much since his time with Greg. "Damn! I am a good looking man, decent body, not as fit as it should be, but still nice." He thought, "I even like all this hair, how stupid was I to shave it off that one time in college." Never again! "Thank you, Greg for helping me with myself esteem." The thought of Greg brought a moment of sadness to him, but he shook it off.

Now, he thought, what to wear this evening. He was having dinner with Logan, very casual, but a nice restaurant, nonetheless. Logan McKee, another Irishman, a good friend from HS. He had reconnected with Logan at a soccer game, where he is one the coaches for David's (Greg's son) team. They picked up where they left off in HS. It was great having Logan as a friend again, He hoped his revelation about his sexuality would not affect their friendship. They had been out together a few times for drinks, lunch and dinner, but he had not felt comfortable enough to tell him. He would tonight.

After deciding what to wear, dressing, he looked himself over. Looking good, Gordy. Out the door to meet Logan at the restaurant. Logan was standing by his truck in the parking lot. Logan is tall, thin, bulging veins in his muscular arms, from working construction, receding dark blonde hair, blue eyes, ruggedly handsome. "Hey, Gordy, 'bout time you got here, I am starved."

"Please, I am right on time, let's eat, I am hungry, too." Gordy replied. Logan put his hand on Gordy's shoulder as they walked in the restaurant. They were seated right away and ordered drinks. "I am starved, tired from a long day at work and ready to relax." Logan said. "How's the orientation going?" I answered it was kinda boring. "I will be glad when I get to actually work, always hated classrooms."

The conversation was light and breezy, mostly recalling old times and soccer. "How did you ever get into soccer, Logan, you played football in HS?" "Gordy, don't you remember, I played soccer in grade school, but switched to football in HS." I said I did not remember. "Yeah, Coach Williams recruited me to be the kicker." "That's right, you were aces when it came to field goals and points after."

"Why didn't you go on to college, surely you were recruited?" He said he was, but the family needed him to help out with the construction company. "Dad's health was not so good and my older brother was struggling, so I had no choice." He said at first he was just a laborer, but now he was construction boss. "My entire family is involved in the business." "I like the freedom this job gives me and being the boss is great." "The downfall was the toll it took on my marriage."

I asked how so. "Too many hours, too much boozing it up with the guys, cheating?I am not proud of that, but it is true." I asked if he was involved with anyone now. "No." Then silence. I decided not to push it any further, if he wanted to elaborate, he would. Our dinner arrived. "I love steak, don't you?" I asked. "My favorite meal." he answered. Our conversation continued during the meal. "Gordy, you've never been married, right?" I said I had never.

"Do you mind if I ask why, you were such a hunk in HS and so popular, why?" I swallowed my food, took a drink of iced tea, "Logan, I never found the right person, actually never really looked." He had a question written all over his face. "Never?" "Damn, Gordy, you are still a hunk, a good looking guy, there must be women falling all over you." I put my fork down, took another drink, then said, "Logan, I am not interested in women, I like men?yes?I am gay, I thought you knew that."

If I ever wanted to shock someone, I just did it. "I did not know, gay, really?" "How long have you known?" he asked. I told him since I was about 14-15. "Well, you are damned good at hiding it, I would have never guessed." I asked if it bothered him that I was gay. "No, no, never, you and I have been friends forever, no it doesn't bother me." "I don't hide it, Logan, I just don't exploit it, I am shy and conservative, unless it comes up, I don't mention it."

"Logan, don't worry, I won't come on to you, I respect you too much to do something like that." He laughed, nervously. "I know, Gordy, I believe you." You could tell the mood had changed dramatically. I probably should have kept my big mouth shut, but it is what it is. After we finished our meal, the check came, Logan grabbed it, "My treat!" I argued with him, but he insisted. After we left the restaurant, Logan asked if I wanted to go for a drink. I said I would, "Where should we go?"

He suggested we go back to his place, that way we could talk and relax. I agreed, but had to wonder why his place. I was trying to keep my emotions intact and not read something into this. But, my God, I couldn't help but hope, I was so damned horny. I followed him to his house in a very nice neighborhood. Inside was tastefully decorated, very masculine, big overstuffed furniture, beautiful hardwood floors. He took me on a tour of the house. The master bedroom was large, king size bed, sitting area, with a couch and coffee table and no TV.

I asked why no TV. He said, "If I had a TV in here, I would never get any sleep, you might say I am addicted to it." I nodded understanding. Next was the gigantic bathroom. "Wow! I love this bathroom, that shower is amazing and a jacuzzi, wow." He smiled. Back to the great room, "What do you want to drink, beer, soda, wine, hard stuff?" I said a beer was ok with me. He got us both a beer, then we sat in the great room to talk.

I was hesitant to bring up the gay issue, but I knew it was going to come up. Logan hem hawed around, but finally asked me about it. "Gordy, how did you know you were gay, how did you feel, what did you do about it?" I told him my story. "Never in HS?" he asked. "Nope, never, but if Jerry Hunter had given me the slightest hint he was interested, I would have in a heartbeat." He smiled, "What about me?"

That question surprised me. "Logan, I cannot be sure, but if you had given me an indication you wanted to fool around, I probably would have." He laughed. "Did you ever fuck a girl, a woman?" I said I had not, "Well, not really, I stuck my dick head in one gal's pussy, but couldn't go all the way with it." "So, yes, technically, my dick has been in a pussy." He wanted to know who. I told him I wasn't going to reveal names, "She still lives here, I have seen her a couple of times over the years."

"I am still stunned, you were such a popular hunk in HS, never did I ever think you were gay." It was my turn to ask questions. "Did you ever have relations with a boy, a man?" "If I had come out to you, would you have with me?" He looked at the floor, "Yeah, I probably would have, back then I was horny as hell and jacking off wasn't all that much fun." "God, this is embarrassing." he said.

"Why, you haven't said anything to be embarrassed about?" "Hell, I am not embarrassed one bit, I am gay and I am not ashamed of it." I was trying to keep my eyes focused on his face, but every now and again caught a glimpse of his crotch, which seemed to be a little fuller. Hope springs eternal! But, I knew if an approach was made, it would have to be from him. There was complete silence in the room.

I got up, took my empty beer bottle to the kitchen, "I guess I had better go, it has been fun, Logan." "I hope we can do it again soon." He got up to see me to the door. At the door, he grabbed me into a tight hug, then kissed me. Weak knees! I kissed him back, then pushed him away slightly. "What the hell, Logan?" I asked. "Sorry, Gordy, I had to do that, I wanted to all evening, when you first arrived at the restaurant, even before you told me you were gay."

"What do you want from me, Logan, a blow job, to fuck me, what?" He said he did not want me to go home, "Please stay, I want to talk more, and?" I looked at him sternly, "Then what?" "Logan, I have just ended a relationship with someone who I fell hard for, but he used me, promising me love, etc." "I can't do that again." "If you want a fuck toy, find someone else, I am not interested." I stood there and watched, not saying or doing anything.

"Gordy, I really like you, and if I am being truthful, I want to be more that friends, I just don't know how." "I can't make promises, that wouldn't be fair, but I do want to be with you, badly." One thing I learned from my time with Greg was stoicism. I refused to get hurt again, this time I was in charge. "Ok, what do you want to do, or for me to do?" He said he wanted to talk, sort out some things, "I want to be held, I am not sure what else, but we can figure it out if you stay" I wasn't sure what I should do, but I thought, "What the fuck!"

He took my hand and led me to his bedroom. He started to undress and motioned for me to do the same. Completely naked, we stood there looking at each other. Logan is tall and lean, not a bit of fat on him. His biceps are massive, moderately hairy legs, smooth chest, a long, thin, uncut dick with low hangers, maybe 7 inches, but on his thin frame, looks longer. Something else I noticed right away, a small rose tattoo on his left pec, "When did you get this?" He laughed, "A few years ago, I was watching old movies, saw "The Rose Tattoo" starring Burt Lancaster and Anna Magnani, I thought it was the coolest thing, so I got one."

He came to me, rubbed his hands up and down my chest. "My God, Gordy, you are one hairy beast." "All of us guys were so jealous of you; you were the first one to get pubes, hairy pits and chest hair." I told him I thought it was a curse for so many years, especially in HS. He turned back the covers and we climbed in. He could not keep his hands off my chest, rubbing my nipples until I thought I was going to explode. It had been a few weeks since I last had sex with Greg, but this was Logan's game, so I let him lead the way.

We were holding each other tightly. He looked into my eyes, "Gordy, can I be honest with you?" I said of course. "I have only been with one other man." "It started when we were juniors in HS, and we still get together occasionally ." "He likes to suck my dick and for me to fuck him, but I have never sucked him or let him fuck me." "In my mind, I wanted him to be you, in HS and every time we have been together since." It was my turn to be surprised.

I said, "I know who you are talking about, Jerry Hunter." He had a look of disbelief on his face, "How did you know?" I told him about my encounter with Jerry a few weeks back. "You know, he is a pathetic loser, not the giant hero I thought he was and lusted after in HS." "He has called me several times, but I brush him off, I am just not interested." "Oh God, what you must think of me right now." he said, tearfully.

"Logan, this is different, you are not a gigantic prick, I actually like you, like being with you, and I want us to be good friends." "Is this a good idea, us being this intimate, well, I don't know." "I am being very cautious with my feelings, I refuse to be hurt again." "Gordy, I won't hurt you, I promise." "I want us to be kids again, to do all the things we should have done back then."

I was totally buzzed! "Logan, If we do start something, we have to go slowly, and total honesty with each other is a must." "If it is not working for either of us, we have to say so, immediately." "Can you do that?" He said that is what he wanted, too. I reached down, took his cock in my hand and bean to stroke him. He did the same to me. We were giggling like little kids. "How long before I get to suck your dick?" he asked. "Go for it!" I said.

He started kissing all over my face, neck, moving down to my super sensitive nipples. I was on fire, squirming all under him. He continues down to my outtie belly button, licked all around it, twisting it gently with his fingers. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow was next. He hesitated a second, then licked up and down my shaft and sucked my balls. I felt his warm mouth engulf my cock head.

I was a bitch in heat at this point, nothing was going to stop us. I turned him around into the 69 position and we both worked our magic. He screamed out, "Gordy, I am going to cum." I kept sucking until he unloaded in my mouth. Oh my God, it tasted so good and was enough to put me over the edge, "Logan, I am going to cum, too." I yelled, but he kept at it until I shot a nuclear warhead of cum in his mouth, strike after strike, so much he could not swallow it all. There was cum all over his face and chin.

I pulled him up to my face, licked my cum off him and began kissing him very passionately. I needed that release badly, and it was so much better since it was with someone I liked, someone that meant something to me, not a one night stand. "Gordy, you are the first person, the first dick I have ever sucked." "I can't wait to do it again." "Does that mean I am gay?" "Would it bother you if you are?" I asked. "No, I don't think so, I have had these feelings since you first walked over to me at the soccer game, and every time I have seen you since."

We lay there in the bed holding each other. He was running his fingers through my hairy chest, which reminded me of the recent past with Greg. I thought, "Please don't say how much you love my hairy body, please." He didn't, just kept rubbing my chest, fingering my nipples. I was coming alive again, which he noticed. He started back down my body, but I stopped him. "Logan, let's get in that wonderful shower and get fresh, there are a few things I want to show you, but we must be clean."

He bounded out of bed, into the bathroom, turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature, then pulled me in. We bathed each other all over. I loved sliding his ample foreskin up and down his cock. I showed him how to clean his ass. "You always want the ass clean, not cool to pull out and find shit on your dick." He laughed and agreed. I did not tell him about rimming, I wanted that to be a surprise. This shower was amazing, shower heads at all angles. You could adjust the intensity to needle-like spray, gentle rainfall, or a pulsating massage, whatever you wanted. I almost hated to get out.

After drying off, back in the bed, more kissing and fondling. I was ready to introduce him to something new. I lifted his legs over his head, balanced them on my shoulders, then stuck my face in his ass crack. Logan is not a hairy person, but the hair in his ass crack is abundant. I spread his cheeks, began to massage his hole with my tongue. At the opportune moment, I began to tongue fuck him. "Gordy, oh my God, what are you doing to me, it feels so good." "Fuuuuuck!"

After rimming him for a while, I stuck my finger in my mouth, coated it with spit, then breached his hole. He yelped at the intrusion. I asked if he had vaseline or something. He said he had lube he used with Jerry in the nightstand drawer. I got the lube and generously lubed his hole and my fingers. I entered again with one finger, pushing until I could feel his prostate. This was making him crazy. Next two fingers, then three,

When I felt he was sufficiently stretched out, I aimed my cock at his hole and began to slowly enter. He was tense and his sphincter was on lockdown. I told him to relax and push out as if he was taking shit. When he did this, my dick slid right in. Slowly, slowly until I was in balls deep. I leaned over to kiss him, noticed tears in his eyes. "Are you ok, do you want me to stop?" I asked. "Oh God, no, it feels so good, don't stop."

The whole time I was inside him, I made my movements slow and deliberate. His eyes never closed, looking at me with such admiration, I felt he wanted to tell me he loved me, but he didn't. I was feeling the same thing, but I was not going to fall into that trap again, at least until I knew it was real love for both of us. I was nearing orgasm, so my speed and breathing increased, I unloaded deep in his ass,

"That was fucking amazing, Gordy" "I am glad I waited for you, once again, my first." I lay on top of him for a moment or two, then rolled off. I am so much bigger than he is, I feared I was crushing him. I was laying there in a dreamlike state, feeling the cum still dripping from my now limp cock. "Holy Shit!" I said. He asked me what was wrong, did he do something. "No, my fucking stupid ass did not use a condom, Jeezsus, what is wrong with me?" He pulled me into a tight hug, kissed me, "It's ok, I am not worried about it, that is the way I want it, no barriers."

We lay there holding each other for a while, then he said, "I want to fuck you now." He repeated what I had done to him, only he was a lot more aggressive, which I liked. When we were done, he got up, brought us warm wet and dry towels to clean up. Then he crawled in bed, snuggled up to me, kissed me and said, "Thanks for the most amazing night of my life,: "Is it ok if I fall in love with you, not tonight, but in the next few weeks, months or years?" I smiled, "Only if I can return it, let's just don't rush it, ok?"

The next morning, waking up in each others arms felt so right. We lay in the bed talking about a multitude of things. "Do you like flying, Gordy?" I said I guessed so, "Haven't done much of it, a couple trips to visit my sister on the west coast, once to Florida, I guess that is about it." "Why do you ask?" He said, "I thought I might take you flying today." "You have a plane?" I asked. "Well, I don't own it outright, it belongs to a flying club I belong to, but I can get it today, if you would like." "Sure, why not?"

"But first, I want a repeat of last night." "What, no breakfast?" he asked. "Yes, fill me with protein, tons of it, that is all I need." The intensity of our love making this morning was equal to last night, maybe even better. Back in that wonderful shower, "I could live in here." I said, as I was washing his dick, once again sliding the foreskin up and down, until he shot again.

"I love your foreskin, Logan." He smiled, "I always wanted to be cut." "Why on earth would you want that?" I asked. "Well, when we were in school, I think I was the only uncut boy, I really don't remember anyone else, and I took a lot of shit about it." "That is ridiculous, you have a beautiful dick, I love it." "Did I ever tease you about it?" He said I had not. "Thank God for that!" I replied. "I really do love it, I am being very serious." "Well, it is all yours, Gordy, all yours."

"Now, let's get breakfast." "I will call the airfield to let them know we are flying today, they will get the plane ready." I was a bit nervous, but excited at the same time. I wondered if he liked to ride horses. I would ask later. I wanted to know everything about him, his life since HS, but most of all I wanted to love him. I had to talk to myself, "Slow down, things will work out as they should, be patient."

He hung up the phone, "The plane will be ready in about an hour." "We can fly for a couple hours, then get back in time to make the soccer game." CRASH! Greg, I would be seeing Greg again. How was I going to handle that? The last time I saw him with Ben, it crushed my heart. I smiled at Logan as I took my first sip of coffee. I wondered what he would think about me if he knew I still had feelings for Greg. Again, talking to myself, "Get a grip, you can handle it, life goes on."

This is the first installment featuring Gordy and his quest to find love. I am not sure how long I will make this, but enough to satisfy myself and you readers that this wonderful, redheaded, hairy, walking wet dream is happy. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Be well and Smile.


Next: Chapter 19: Gordy Life Goes on 2

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