Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Jun 13, 2014


f This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

Feeling the warm body next to me, the strong arm across my chest filled me with such joy. I hated it was morning, I would rather stay here all day. But, I knew I had things to do. I had to go home, sit with Mother and David, explain my decision and hope for the best. Actually, I wasn't worried at all, they would be ok with it.

I heard a big yawn from behind me, turned kissed Ben, "I love you." He blinked his eyes a few times, "Who are you and where are we?" "Oh,, yeah, I remember now, you are the hot waiter from Bronco's, the one wearing the pink chaps and sheer thong." "Hot!" He burst out laughing. "Fuck you, they were not pink, not my color, they were saddle tan, the lighting made them look pink!" We were both laughing, now.

"That is one of the many things I love about you, Greg, your sense of humor." He said he needed to piss and brush his teeth, "Can I use your toothbrush?" We both went to the bathroom for the morning rituals. "What about breakfast?" I asked. He said he wanted to go to IHOP, "I love their waffles with strawberries." I said that sounded good to me. We showered and dressed.

'Greg, let's run by my place so I can change into something less formal that a business suit." He held up his shirt, sniffed, "No way am I putting this back on." He put his pants on, no underwear, then his suit coat over his naked torso. God! How hot was that? I gathered my things and we left. I followed him to his condo.

Once inside he stripped, undressed me and began kissing down my body. I knew if he kept this up, I was going to blow. I was completely at his mercy. I stopped him, momentarily, "I need to call home and tell Mother what time I will get there." "I want to talk to both she and David before this afternoon, David has a soccer game." After my call, we resumed the love making. "Fuck breakfast, I had rather make love to you, right up to the time I have to go home."

I loved feeling him inside me, no barriers, just raw skin to skin. After flip flopping, we held each other tightly, kissing so much, my lips hurt. I hopped up, pulled him with me into the shower. He said, "We shower so much, we are going to get waterlogged!" I said I knew it, but I didn't want to go home smelling like sex.

"Ben, I need to talk to the family, alone, but I want you to come over around 3p." "We can drive David to his soccer game, then take both he and Mother out to dinner later." He said that sounded good, "I am a little nervous, though." I told him not to be, "Things will be fine." "One thing, we may run into Gordy at the game, will that bother you?" "Not at all, he doesn't threaten me?you chose me, you love me" With that said he began jumping on his bed in glee. Such a character!

I drove home, happier than I have ever been. I dropped off my dirty clothes in the utility room, then went to find Mother and David. Mother was working on her needlepoint in the living room. She got up, hugged and kissed me, "Looking at your face?the tension is gone, you seem so at ease, so happy." I said I was. "Where is David?" I asked. She said he was in his room studying. That's my boy, getting the school work done early so he could enjoy the weekend.

I ran up the stairs, knocked on his door. "David, I am home, I want to talk to you." I tried the handle on the door, it was locked. I smiled, knowing he was probably spanking the monkey. "Be there in a minute, have to get dressed." he called out. "Ok, hurry up, this is important." I went back downstairs. "Mother, do we have coffee made, I haven't had any this morning." She said she would make some, quickly.

I opened the fridge looking for something to eat, decided on cold cereal and bananas. "Didn't your man offer to buy breakfast for you this morning?" I said as a matter of fact he did, but there wasn't time. "I needed to get home to talk with you and David." David walked in, gave me a hug and kissed the top of my head, "I missed you, Daddy." I said I missed him, too. Picking up my bowl of cereal and coffee, I said, "Let's go out on the patio, it is such a beautiful day."

I started with my story, my awakening, what it would take for me to be happy and to make someone happy as well. "I am perfectly comfortable with my decision, to give all my love to this man, building the foundation for a bright, permanent future together." "Both of us realize this is a beginning, a learning process, but we are committed to making it work." "Enough of this, Gregory, who, dammit, who?" Mother said loudly. I took another sip of my coffee, "Ben!"

"Ben!" "I'm speechless, not who I expected!" Mother said smiling at me. David was silent. I explained how I had arrived at this decision, how hard it was, "But, it is the right one, I 'm over the moon happy." I looked at David for his reaction. "David, you aren't saying anything." "Sorry, Daddy, I am just surprised you dumped Gordy."

I was taken aback for a minute, "Excuse me, as if it were any of your business, but Gordy dumped me." "And before you say it, Ben is not the consolation prize." "i have known him for several years, we have been friends, workout buddies, racquetball players, whatever." "We only just discovered we played for the same team and revealed our mutual attraction to each other." "This did not happen suddenly." I was nearly screaming at David.

He had tears in his eyes, got up to leave the patio. "Sit your ass back down, I am not through." I said I knew the events of the last month had been difficult to accept, "I appreciate your support, but in the final analysis, it is my decision who I want to be with, who I want to love and possibly spend the rest of my life with." "Is that clear, David, Mother?" Total silence. I had shocked them both by yelling, which I almost never did.

"David, you have been incredibly supportive, which I appreciate." "Having a gay father and mother cannot be easy, but the one thing you have to realize is how much we love you, how much we have sacrificed for you and your sister." "I have no regrets for putting my life on hold to be a good parent to you and Anne." "But now, it is my turn." Mother started to speak. "Mother, not now, for once let me speak without interruption." I commanded.

"Now, Ben is coming over this afternoon, I expect nothing less than you both to be kind to him, make him feel welcome." "David, if you cannot do that for me, pack your bags, I will take you to your mother's." "And, you Mother, the same goes for you, pack your bags and I will send you back to Aunt Wilda''s." I said I was done now.

Mother waited for David to say something, but when he did not she said, "I should come over and slap you senseless." "How dare you assume I would object to anyone that makes you happy, passionate, so out spoken." "I have waited for years to see this side of you, to quit taking the back seat, to speak up and demand your rights." "Bravo to Ben, I don't know him, but I think I will like this man." "You don't need it, but you have my blessings."

David was sobbing. I wanted to put my arms around him, but I did not. "Daddy, I am sorry you think that of me, I will support you in anything you do." "But, I am confused, I thought you and Gordy were perfect for each other, I know he loves you, I could see it in his eyes." I said things change quickly in matters of the heart. "Gordy is a good guy, I have a great fondness for him, but we are so different, it just would not work." "We both realized that and he broke it off, not me."

He got up, came over to me, hugged me, "I am happy for you, Daddy, I will be very nice to Ben." Then he smiled, "Maybe he will let me drive his car!" Such innocence! I laughed, "If he does, I will kick his butt, he hasn't even let me drive it." The tension was broken and the conversation continued on a positive note. I mentioned he was going to the game with us today. David chimed in, "You know, Gordy will probably be there."

I said I knew there was the possibility, but that I could not spend my life trying to avoid him. "Ben is aware of it, too and he is ok with it." "After the game, we are taking you out to dinner, I have no idea where, but it will be a nice evening, Ben has excellent taste in restaurants." Mother objected, "I am going to cook, that way we can talk and get to know Ben." I started to object, but she just held up her hand and shook her head. That was the signal, discussion over.

Ben arrived at 2:45p. Mother gave him a hug, which surprised him and his face glowed. I had never seen him embarrassed, it was so cute. After a few minutes of polite conversation, we left. I offered to drive, since the back seat in the Porsche is cramped, but David insisted he would be fine. So, off we went. David was ecstatic. "Daddy, you have to get one of these, the BMW is so boring." Ben said he liked my car, "BMW makes a fine machine."

When we got to the ball field, I noticed Gordy's car. David rushed off to where his team was. "Gordy is here, Ben, are you gonna be ok with that?" He said he was, then asked if I was. "Absolutely, I have no feelings one way or another, Ben, I am with you, I love you, that is all that matters." I grabbed his hand to emphasize my statement. The smile on his face matched mine. "Let's get a drink, they have water and soda."

As we walked up to the refreshment stand, I saw Gordy. I pointed him out to Ben. He stopped dead in his tracks. "That's Gordy?" he asked. "I know him." I was curious, "How?" He turned, walked back towards his car. "Stop, tell me." I said. He leaned against his car. "Holy crap!" he said. "Greg, I met him at one of the gay bars a while back, took him home with me and fucked him." I asked if he was sure. He said he was, "How could you forget that guy, so big, that red hair, damn!"

I said it didn't matter, "Let's go, just stare him down if he recognizes you." "He probably will not even remember you, but if he does, I know him, he will not say anything." "Relax." After a few deep breaths, we walked over, got our water and went to the bleachers. Gordy was sitting on the first row, near the team's bench. He saw me and waved. I returned the wave as we took our seats higher up.

The game was exciting. Andie is a very good goalie and David is an excellent midfielder. With those long legs and quick feet, not much gets by him. Ben was impressed. "You must be so proud, Greg, a very talented soccer player and a scholar to boot, he is definitely headed for big things, a full ride I am sure." I said I hoped so. "I would never presume to tell him where to go to college, but I am hoping he follows in my footsteps and chooses Stanford."

We were sitting there waiting for David after the game. Gordy walked over to where we were sitting. Hello, Greg." he said. I introduced him to Ben. "Is this the Ben you called about finding you a new job?" Ben answered that he was, "Nice to meet you." The conversation was light, mostly how good the game was and what a star David was. I thanked him just as David walked up. We briefly chatted, the said goodbye.

Once home, David ran up to shower and change. Ben and I went to the kitchen to see if we could help Mother. She promptly shooed us out. I offered Ben a drink, but he declined. "That was bizarre, meeting Gordy and knowing I had hooked up with him a while back." "Do you think he recognized me, but was too polite to say anything?" I said I had no idea, but it did not matter.

David joined us and the conversation was centered on sports, specifically soccer. David was impressed Ben had played soccer in HS. "Why didn't you play in college?" he asked. Ben said he wasn't that good and decided to concentrate on academics instead. "I love the sport and like watching the few games that are televised." David kept up with the questions. "Where did you go to college, Ben?"

Ben said he went to Kansas State. "Why KS" David asked. "Well, David, my family could not afford to send me to college, I had to work." "I had already worked most of my HS years, so I kept the job, lived at home and went locally." First 2 years were at a junior college, then I transferred to KS." He said it took him 3 years to complete studies at KS, "Had to limit my classes since I worked full time."

Where did you grow up, Ben?" I asked. He laughed, "A small community near Manhattan, mostly farmers, etc." "Man, if we went to Topeka, we thought that was the big time." I asked if he has family still there. "No, both my parents are gone, 2 siblings, a brother Tom, lives is Kansas City and a sister, Dena, lives in Hutchinson." "I don't see them often, but when I do, we have a great time."

Mother called us to dinner, said our traditional Catholic blessing, which Ben participated in. After serving the food, Mother asked Ben if he was Catholic. "Yes, I was raised Catholic." he answered. "Then you should go to church with us tomorrow." I could tell he was uncomfortable, and tried to lighten the mood. "Perhaps he had rather attend his own church, Mother." Ben did not back down, "Marian, I have not attended church in longer than I care to remember." "I appreciate you asking, however, I must decline, the church and I have parted ways."

David, God bless him, changed the subject quickly back to sports. Fortunately that was good enough to divert Mother from the church issue. The rest of dinner was polite conversation. Ben was his usual charming self, funny, very entertaining. Mother apologized for not having a dessert, "I did not have time to make anything." I suggested we go get a pie or something from a local bakery/restaurant. Ben thought that was a good idea. "Come on David, go with me; Greg, you stay here and help your mother clean up." To David, "Can you drive a stick shift?"

"No, I can't." he answered sadly. "Come on, I will teach you." I thought David was going to wet his pants. They rushed out, "We may be a while, but will be back, I promise I am not kidnapping your son." I heard gears grinding and screeching tires. "Good Lord, I hope he doesn't wreck Ben's car." Mother busied herself cleaning up. I should tell by the body language, something was on her mind.

"Ok, what's wrong, I know you are dying to say something." I said. She turned to me, threw the dishtowel on the counter. "Ok, here it is." "He seems nice enough, but it takes more than a fancy car, expensive clothes?and I don't know what else, but that does not impress me." "I think he is full of himself and I think he will hurt you in the long run." "But don't mind me, I am just your fucking mother."

I was caught totally off guard. "Marian Smith, you have a dirty mouth?you need to go to confession." "It is my decision, MINE, do you understand?" "If I get hurt, then so be it, I will deal with it." "But I think you are wrong." "Let me tell you about him." I told her about his marriage, trying to change, but could not. "All this bravado is just his way of coping with his loneliness, his shame of what he did to a perfectly innocent wife and the sadness he feels about not seeing his daughter but a few times a year."

"You have no idea who he is, what he feels, nothing!" "What he needs is me, to love and be loved by." "He needs a family to spoil, to give his whole self to." "Do you think it is easy for him?" "No, it is not." "At the risk of getting slapped again, Mother, get your head out of your ass and give him a chance, I beg you." She sat down at the kitchen table, head in hands, "I'm sorry, Son, I am trying." "I can see how much you care for him, the way you look at him?I just don't want you to get hurt."

The conversation went on for a while, with us agreeing this was the right thing for me and was totally my decision. "But if he hurts you, I may just cut off his balls!" I laughed so hard, "You definitely are going to confession tomorrow!" I said we had better hurry up and get this kitchen cleaned before the guys returned. I love my mother, but she can be a handful.

After they returned, all David could talk about was the Porsche. I asked Ben if he still had a transmission or was it laying in the street. He laughed, "Actually, he did quite well, by the time we got home, he was doing just fine, a little heavy on the gas pedal, but fine." Dessert over, we talked a while, learning so much more about each other. Ben said he needed to go and let us get to bed, since we had church tomorrow. I walked him to his car.

"I don't want you to go, I want you to stay." I said. "Greg, this is like a baby learning to walk, a few steps, a stumble, but up again until it is second nature." "That is how I see our relationship, stumble and fall, but never giving up, keep at it until it is perfect." "I love you, Greg, this day has been amazing, thank you." I told him I loved him, too. "I want to be completely honest with you, Greg." I held my breath, wondering if a bomb was about to explode.

"This thing we have is very important to me, I don't want to screw it up." "I want you to believe me when I say I love you, there will be no others, ever." "In fact since our first time together, there have been no hookups, nada." "While you were away, I threw myself in to work, went home every night, alone, I didn't even jack off." "Eleven days, unheard of for Mr. Horn Dog, but it was worth the wait."

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. "Thank you for saying that, Ben, that is exactly how I felt, too." I said I would sleep well tonight, better if he were in my bed, but the contentment I feel will carry me over until I see him again. We were in the shadows of my driveway, I pulled him in for a long, deep kiss. "Good night, drive carefully, call me when you get home."

Sunday, after church, Ben met us for brunch. He took David for another driving lesson. I feared David was falling in love with the car and not really getting to know Ben. I expressed this to Mother. "Let those two work it out for themselves, don't say anything." I said I would try. I asked if her opinion was changing, to which she replied, "It's getting there, slowly, but cautiously." The rest of the afternoon was spent talking with Mother, very pleasant.

I was horny as hell, but realized I could not make up for 7 years celibacy in such a short time. And,being together was not always going to be just sex, there were many things we could enjoy together. Life! Mother left us to take a short nap. Ben said he had an amazing time with David. I said I knew David did, but I was afraid his love of the Porsche would get in the way of them bonding.

"That is where you are wrong, Greg." "You have an amazing son, so smart and so together for a 15 year old." I said soon to be 16. "Ok, a 16 year old." Ben said they had driven around a bit, then stopped for a soft drink and talked. "Actually, we talked more than we drove." "I'll bet you he knows more about me than you do, Greg." "I kinda felt like I was in an interview." "He told me how much he liked Gordy and was disappointed when you guys broke it off."

"Oh, God, I am sorry, Ben." "Hey, no problem, I completely understand." He said the good thing was, they communicated, and both expressed how they felt about me. "That boy loves you more than you know, he is very protective of you and threatened my manhood if I hurt you." He was laughing. "I believe him, he would cut off my balls if I hurt you." I chuckled and told him Mother had expressed the same thing. "Are you sure you want to be a part of this crazy family?" "More than ever." he answered.

Another great evening with the family. Parting again was painful, but we agreed we would workout first, then spend the evening together tomorrow. I told him how much I wanted to be with him all the time, but realized it wasn't going to happen right away. "Greg, you and I are on the same page." "What we have begun is going to be hard work." "We will probably piss each other off every now and then, but as long as we are positive about the situation, the results will be what we want." I kissed him and told him again and again how much I loved him.

I had a sharp pain of loss consume my body as I watched him drive away. Mother was waiting for me when I came back in. "He is a nice young man, Gregory, I do like him." I thanked her, "Where is David?" She said she thought he had gone to bed. I kissed her goodnight. In my room, David was laying across my bed. I thought this is becoming a habit, but I loved it.

"Daddy, I wanted to talk to you alone." he said. I did not reply, let him take the lead. "I think Ben is terrific, I really like him." I asked him if he was sure it wasn't the Porsche he liked. "Please, Daddy, I am not that immature." "I do like his car, but I like him, Daddy, really." "We had a good talk while we were out, I learned a lot about him, and you know what, he really loves you." I asked how he knew that. "He told me so." "I, also, told him how much I liked Gordy and was disappointed you and he broke up."

I remained silent and let him continue. "I hope you aren't upset with me for saying that." I asked why he felt the need to say that. "Daddy, I am a honest person, like you and Grammy, I speak what is on my mind." "My intention was not to hurt Ben, it was to let him know how I feel." "If we are to connect, he needs to understand me as I must understand him." I was at a loss for words. I could see the pleading on his face for me to accept what he said.

"Do you think you might have hurt his feelings?" I asked. "I hope not, that was not my intention." "Then what was the point?" David had a shellshocked look on his face. "I guess I wanted to see his reaction and how he would handle it." "I don't know, I fucked up, didn't I?" I was amused that he was so concerned about what he said, he did not even realize he used the 'F' word. "David, he is ok with that, if fact he complimented you on the conversation and how open you were."

I was done talking about this. "David, you need to get to bed, as do I." "All I ask of you is to give Ben a chance, but I also want you to be yourself." "Come give me a hug." He got up from the bed, "I love you, Daddy, so much." I told him I loved him more, "And to quote your Grammy, ' go to confession', that language?where do you hear that kind of talk?" His face reddened as I pushed him out the door.

I crawled into bed, picked up the phone to call Ben to say good night. He answered the phone with, "I love you, Greg." "Back at you, more and more each day." I told him about my conversation with David. "Listen Greg, don't be too hard on him, he is very protective of you and it is my job to prove to him how much you mean to me." "We will get there, I promise." After a few more loving exchanges, we disconnected.

I don't ever remember feeling this at peace and so much in love. I dream of the day Ben and I can be open with our relationship. God please let it happen. "No, No, Greg, be positive, it will happen, it will."

Another installment! I am going to leave the character's future to your imagination, but at the same time, I am leaving it open ended. That way, I can revisit the story later if I am so inspired. Thank you for reading, for the mostly positive comments, and, too, even the negative comments. I take no offense if you do not agree with my direction. To all of you I say, Be well and always Smile.



Next: Chapter 18: Gordy Life Goes on 1

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