Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on May 26, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

After a restless night and the usual miserable traffic on the way in, I set about the task of reorganization of the department. I told my secretary, Fran, to schedule each one in the department for 15 minutes with me, starting at 10a. And I wanted to order lunch for the department, from the New York Deli on Olive, they delivered. "Do you have a take out menu from there?" She said she did. "When you are scheduling the appointments with the staff, get their order at the same time."

At 10a, Fran was the first one to come in for a chat. I asked her how she felt about the reorganization. "Well, after the initial jolt, I think it is going to work just fine." "I was sorry to see Richie and Carl go, but not so much Bob Baxter, he wasn't a favorite of mine." She said she was concerned for the clerical staff, how long would it be before we began eliminating some of them, too.

"Fran, you know that is a possibility, but one thing, the clerical staff, you included, are all union people, we can't just arbitrarily start laying off." "We are obligated to try to find a suitable placement within the company for each of you, only as a last resort will any of you be let go." "As for you, you are safe as far as I know." "I will be asking you to train Anita in your position, then you will move over to continue to be working directly for me." She smiled.

"But what about Hannah, she has had that position as Nathan's secretary for a long time, where will she go?" I told her she was transferring to one of the newly created companies, that I did not know in what capacity, but it was obviously a good move for her. "Fran, I know everyone is on edge about all this change, but it is a fact of life, we have no choice." "Let me assure you, I will protect you as much as I can, you are a valuable asset to this department." She thanked me and told me she was glad she would still be working for me, "You are the best."

The chats continued most of the day, some were pleasant, some were not. There were a few people I would have loved to say 'fuck off' to, fired them on the spot, but I held my ground, not giving in to emotion, being perfectly clear in what I expected from them. I will always listen to their suggestions, but in the end, it is my department, I have the final say.

The most emotional by far was the chat with Elliot. I gave him pretty much the same talk I had with Patrick. I told him I would not allow any favoritism for him from Matt. "He may be fucking you and you him, but that must be kept out of the business, what you do in your personal life is just that, personal, I don't need to know about it and certainly no one else in the company needed to know." "It could ruin your careers."

He was highly emotional, explaining how much he cared for Matt, at the same time he loved his wife as well. I asked him if we needed to have Matt come in, too. He said he thought not. "Greg, I will always conduct myself with integrity and will always do a good job." "I appreciate the confidence you have in me, by allowing me to stay on the job." "No one knows about Matt and me and we will keep it that way." I told him their hooking up was probably not as secret as he thought, remembering what Tony had told me at the lake. I did not elaborate, but told him to be discreet.

He was visibly shaken, tearful, for which I was empathetic, but he needed to know. "Interact with Matt as necessary, as you would a supervisor, and always keep it above board." "I know I keep saying that, but Elliot, you have too much to lose, your job, your family and so on, Matt, too." "What about you and Patrick?" he asked. I said there was no 'me and Patrick'. "What happened at the lake was a temporary lapse in judgement on my part."

I told him with Patrick leaving, I would not have a constant reminder of that bad decision. "I can concentrate on getting my job done and getting my children raised, that is what is important, not my sex life or lack there of." "Elliot, my door is always open if you need to talk." He thanked me then left. Head to the desk, again, "Oh why me, Lord?" Next!

My conversation with Matt was pretty much the same as I gave Elliot, emphasizing the need for discretion and once again, professionalism. I told him their 'secret' affair wasn't as secret as he might want to believe. He asked who knew and what was said. I would not give names, but told him I was made aware of their situation over the weekend. "It seems your little trysts on other fishing trips, hunting trips and the like, was obvious to some of the others."

"Holy shit, I had no idea." "Do you think we will be exposed?" I said I did not know, but to be cautious, watch your back, "And for God's sake, act normal, treat everyone the same, no favoritism." I also said not to totally ignore Elliot in the workplace, "That would be an obvious sign, since you both have been friends in the past, keep on being friendly, but some distance would probably be good, you are the boss now." "In fact you have to do the same with everyone of the people who work for you." "It is ok to be friendly, but there is a line drawn in the sand, you cannot cross it."

"Do you understand what I mean?" He said he did, but reminded me that he was not me, that I had a way of being one of the worker bees, "But, we never forgot who was the boos, none of us disrespected you, we liked you." "I will probably be bursting your door down for advise all the time, this boss thing is so foreign to me." I told him my door was always open.

At long last, the day was over. I think the meetings were good, everyone knew what I expected and my willingness to consider any suggestions they may have. This was not going to be a cake walk, but would be considerably easier to deal with than my personal life. I was disappointed Gordy had not called me, however, taking Mother's advice, I was giving him space. He would call me whenever he wanted to talk.

When I arrived at home, Mother said Gordy had called, wanted for me to call him. "Mother, please tell me you did not say anything to him about last night." She said she had not. "Our conversation was friendly, asked about his mother, etc." My heart was racing as I called his number. Hello Greg, I am glad you called." I asked about his mother and how his day had been. "Nothing special, Mom is doing well, probably will be in the rehab center 2 weeks, then home." He said he had talked to the Richland Woods people and they would take her back if she is able to live somewhat independently.

"So what do you think you will do. leave her there or bring her home?" He said he didn't know for sure, but his first thought was to bring her home. "It will be a lot cheaper at the house, Richland Woods is very expensive, but it will be her choice." "Greg, we need to talk and I don't watt to do it here or at your house." "I am thinking meeting at the Art Museum at Forest Park, we can take a walk." "Sounds good to me, I will meet you there in 20 minutes, if that is ok." He said it was.

I quickly changed into my jogging attire, might as well run off some anxiety and stress while I was there. I knew this was not going to be a pleasant conversation. I told Mother where I was going and that I would see her in a bit. "Good luck, son, be strong." I left, dreading every mile I had to drive. Concentrate! Be prepared for whatever was about to happen. That was a stupid thought, how can you ever be prepared for heartbreak.

Pulling into the parking lot, I saw Gordy's car, parked right next to him. We exchanged greetings, a manly hug, then started walking. There were a lot of people walking and jogging. I suggested we sit on the grass in front of the museum, Art Hill. "Ok, Gordy, what is on your mind?" He said he had come to a decision, not an easy one, but in the long run, it was probably the best for both of us.

"First let me say this, I love you more than anything, I mean that, Greg, sincerely. I didn't say anything, just listened. "But let's face facts, we live in different worlds, you are not a part of mine and I definitely do not fit into yours." I still did not respond, just sat there looking out into space. "In this day and time, we cannot be open with our relationship, which is sad, we could have something great." "So, what do we do?"

I finally spoke up, "I don't know, Gordy, it is killing me to have this conversation." "I know what you are saying is true, but?." I started to cry, controlling myself, I said "So is this a breakup or what?" "Greg, I need to be a part of someones life, someone who will love me, puts me ahead of everything, everyone, who is not ashamed of me, and does not hide me in a dark corner." I asked if I did that. He replied, "The other day at the soccer game was a prime example."

"I did not expect you to hold hands, hug or kiss me, but I did expect you would talk to me, introduce me to your friends?but you totally ignored me." "I tried to brush it off, but it hurt." I said I knew and I was sorry. "I know you weren't thinking about how I felt, you were busy trying to look like the perfect, straight dad." "See, with you, it is always 'you' first, well sometimes, it has to be 'me' first, and quite frankly, I don't think you are capable of that." "Maybe I am wrong, but that is how I feel."

I said he was probably right, but I thought I could change. "Gordy, I am in love with you, more that I have ever been before." "There are just so many obstacles, work, family, society in general." "I don't want us to end like this." "Can't we try to work things out, come up with a solution that will be beneficial to both of us?" "I don't want to lose you." He said I was making this very hard, "But, I think we need to take a step back, and see what happens." Defeated, I said "Ok."

I stood up, stuck my hand out for him to shake, then I took off running through the park. I was sobbing so hard it was difficult to run and breathe. Eventually, I stopped crying and concentrated on my running. I have no idea how far I ran or for how long, but it was beginning to get dark, so I made my way back to the parking lot. I admit I was hoping Gordy would still be there waiting for me, but he was not.

When I arrived back home, Mother was waiting for me. "Are you alright, son? I said no, but I would be. "I am going to shower now." The shower felt so good on my skin. I used my sandalwood soap, which unfortunately brought up memories of Gordy. I refused to cry anymore, I would wait and see what happened. There was nothing I could do to change things. right now.

After putting on shorts, I came out to the kitchen, I was hungry. Mother had my plate all ready for me. I knew she wanted me to tell her what happened, however, she did not ask. I asked where David was. "Oh, he is in his room studying, want me to call him?" she asked. I told her that wasn't necessary, I would see him before he went to sleep. I actually was dreading facing him, knowing he would ask questions I wasn't ready to answer.

After I ate, put my plate in the dishwasher, I sat down to watch some mindless TV. No matter how hard I tried, my mind kept wandering to Gordy. I cannot remember ever feeling this low before. The man of my dreams just dumped me, ME, he dumped me! I sucked in a few deep breaths, trying not to cry, which was hard. Tears were about to spill over any minute now. I quickly went to the bathroom, washed my face, stood there looking at my image in the mirror. I hated myself at that moment.

I heard David calling me. He was in my bedroom. "Just wanted to say good night and tell you I love you, Daddy." I hugged my dear, sweet boy and the tears started. "What's wrong, Daddy?" I could not speak. "Here, Daddy, sit on the bed and tell me what has you this upset." My little boy was growing up so quickly, almost a man I thought, which only made me cry harder. David held me like I have always done to him when he was sad.

After a few minutes of him holding me, not saying anything, I broke away, went to the bathroom again, this time to take a piss and wash my face once more. When I came back into the bedroom, David was already under the covers, "Daddy, I am sleeping with you tonight, you need me." I told him I was ok, just needed to sleep. "No matter, I am sleeping with you." he said. I saw I had no choice, I stuck my thumbs under the waistband of my boxers and almost dropped them to the floor. Fortunately, I caught myself before I did.

We both started laughing hysterically. "You almost got a show there, son, sorry about that." He said, "Well, it is not likeI haven't seen 'it' before." I said sleeping in the nude with my son would be a little perverse, "Lord knows, I am not that." I climbed into the bed, David threw his arms around me, "Daddy, I won't ask you any questions tonight, I know this has to do with Gordy and I am sorry." "I am here for you, always."

I was overwhelmed with love for my son. All these years I was the one who was the rock, the one who took care of my children, now, tonight, the roles were reversed. Suddenly, I felt could share my feelings with him. "David, are you still awake?" I asked. He said he was. "I need to talk." I began with how I met Gordy, leaving out the sensationalism, but I knew he understood. Finally, I was up to date, with the conversation Gordy and I had at the park.

All this time I had my back to him, knowing full well, if I looked at him I couldn't go on with it. When I finished, I turned towards him, my heart breaking as I saw tears running down his face. "David, I am so sorry for exposing you to this, I should have worked it out myself." "Oh, Daddy, it's ok that you told me all this, I needed to know what was going on." "I am just upset because I don't like to see my daddy so unhappy." He hugged me tighter.

"Daddy, I think you and Gordy are meant to be together, I really do." "When we were out the other night, I watched the both of you, how you looked at each other, the attraction was so obvious." "You need to fix this." I said I wasn't sure how, but I would try. "Right now, I agree with Gordy, we need to take a tsp back." David said he thought I should call him. I declined, "No, we need some space, it will be good for us, maybe." "Ok, stubborn man, do it your way, nite Daddy." He had his arm over my chest, spooned into me tightly. "Thank you, God, for this beautiful son."

The next morning was normal, both David and I rushing to get out of the house. I was sitting at the table inhaling my breakfast. David walked over hugged me and kissed me, which he almost never does anymore?too big to be kissed! "Love you, Daddy." he said as he ran out the door. I said goodbye to Mother, told her I was going to the gym after work, "So don't wait supper for me."

A very busy and productive day, everyone seemed to be adjusting to the new structure. At 5p, I headed to the gym. I had been so busy, I had not had time to consider my personal situation. Even though it had been a while, my workout went well. Ben Abbott was coming into the club as I was leaving. We exchanged greetings, then Ben asked if I had eaten yet. I said I had not.

""To heck with the workout, let's grab a bite to eat and talk." he said. I said I needed to call home first, but that would be great. After speaking to Mother, we left, Ben driving us in his hot Porsche. "I know a great place near Westport Plaza, a quiet place where we can actually talk and not compete with the noise of a busy restaurant." I knew he was talking about 'my' place and I really didn't want to share that with anyone. He was insistent, so I relented and we headed over.

"I love this place." he said. "I am not vegetarian, but the food is so good, you forget it is meatless. I said I had been there before and I liked the place. When we walked in one of the owners greeted both Ben and me by name. Ben looked surprised. "I come here a lot of times when I want to decompress, so they know me well." I said. We were shown to a table in the sunroom, my favorite spot, lots of fragrant plants, a bubbling fountain, along with the light classical music playing, it was very relaxing. One of my favorites, Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Summer, was playing.

After we placed our orders, the conversation was comfortable, I was feeling very relaxed in Ben's company. He is a charming, damned good looking man. I asked about his family, knowing he had a wife and young daughter. He said, "I know you have no way of knowing this, but Rebecca and I are divorced, let's see, almost a year now." "She moved to back to Seattle, where she is from." "The bad part is I don't get to see my daughter, Katie, very often." He had a melancholy look on his face.

I said I was sorry to hear this, feeling very uncomfortable because I did not know what to say. Ben and I were casual friends from the club, had never been out socially at all. He remarked that he was ok, it was entirely his fault for the break up. I did not ask any questions, but I could see he wanted to talk, so I remained silent. "Becca is a lovely person and did not deserve to be hurt like she was?.damn, I was such a fool."

Our food came, conversation switched to how good the food was, etc. Ben asked, "How long have you been divorced, Greg?" I told him it had been 7 years. "Do you have a girlfriend or just casually date?" "Sorry for being so nosey, you don't have to answer if you don't want to." I told him I did not have a girlfriend and rarely dated. "My life is all about work and family, boring I know, but maybe after my son. David is out of HS, I can finally have a life."

"Greg, you really shouldn't do that to yourself, you need to have a personal life outside of work and family." I did not reply. He said, "Greg, you haven't asked about me, my personal life." I said I was not an intrusive person, "I figured if you wanted to share, you would." He sat there for a minute, deciding what to say to me. "I told you I hurt Becca really bad, something I can never make up for or forgive myself for."

Again, I remained silent. "I ran around on her the entire time we were married." He took some deep breaths, "This will probably change your opinion of me and if you don't want to be my friend, I will understand." I stopped him, "Ben, I am not a judgmental person and would be a very shallow individual if I let your indiscretions influence my opinion of you, our friendship is and will be intact, no matter what you say." "And, I remind you, you don't have to tell me anything."

"Thanks for that, Greg, but I want to tell you." "You see, I am?..well, I am gay, always knew I was, but couldn't accept it." "I married Becca, thinking I could change, but I could not, I tried really hard." I was in a complete state of disbelief, but still remained silent. "I kept this side of me hidden, had a few trysts on the side, but got really careless as the years went by."

"Once Becca and her girlfriends, took all the kids to the zoo, one of the husbands came over to watch a football game with me." "One thing, led to another and we had sex together." "I guess we lost track of time, Becca came home, caught us, his dick up my ass." "How do you explain that?" "She asked me to leave and I did."

"So, now you know." I still didn't say anything to him. "Come on Greg, say something." "Wow! I had no idea, Ben." I was curious, "What happened to the other guy?" "Oh, he is also divorced, we see each now and again, but he really isn't my type, it is just sex, nothing else." "I feel better having shared this with you, thanks for listening." "I expect you will not want to be around me now that you know."

"Don't be ridiculous, Ben, you are a good guy and your sexuality should not have any bearing on our friendship." Ben thanked me for that. We finished our dinner and left heading back to the club where my car was parked. When we arrived, Ben took my hand, "I had a good evening with you, Greg, I hope we can do this again soon." I said we would, then got out and into my car. We waved goodbye.

I sat in my car for a few minutes, reliving this unexpected development. I wondered if I should have revealed myself to him, but fortunately I had decided this was not the right time. I may have foolishly let my guard down and had sex with him. In reality, I wanted to and it was very hard not to say so. "My God, Greg, what has come over you?" I said out loud to myself. "First you think you love Patrick, then Gordy and now you are lusting after Ben." "Get a grip!"

After getting home, I went straight to my bedroom, not stopping to talk to Mother or David. I quickly undressed, jumped in the shower, even though I had one at the club. I felt dirty for some reason. I scrubbed myself until my skin was very red, almost raw. When I put on shorts and returned to the living room, Mother said, "Gordy called, wants you to call him." I sat down in the chair, deep in thought. "Well, are you going to call him or not?" she asked. I said I thought not.

"You are a stubborn fool, Gregory." I said, "Mother, I am in no mood to debate the issue with you, just let it alone." I picked up the remote control and started flipping through the channels?nothing worth my time was on. I said I was going to bed, I would see them in the morning. David started to follow me. I turned to him, "David, I need to be alone, please." "I love you, son." I went to my bed, crawled in, looking at the ceiling, feeling extremely sad and horny.

The week flew by quickly. Patrick came by to sign all the paperwork and have his exit interview with HR. When he came to the department to say goodbye to everyone, he asked if he could talk to me in my office. Once the door was closed, he pulled me into a bear crushing hug and kissed me deeply. I was like putty in his hands. He broke away, "Greg, no matter what has happened, I do love you, I will be eternally grateful for the weekend we had together." "Thanks for that." If you are ever in Houston, look me up."

He started for the door. "Stop, Paddy, I need to talk to you, but not here." "Can you get away this evening?" He said that would be no problem. "SaraLee has gone to Houston, her sister is meeting her there to start the house search." "Where do you want to go?" he asked. I said it didn't matter, I just wanted to talk. We decided to meet at his house, which I knew was a mistake, but I needed to clear the air between us.

I left the office and drove to Patrick's house. He met me at the door, pulled me in quickly and began kissing me with much passion. I tried to resist, but I was on fire for him. Soon, we were out of out clothes, fucking and sucking like it was the last day of life on earth. After we had exhausted ourselves, I lay in his arms, rubbing his hairy body, kissing him feeling so good. "I knew you loved me, Greg, I just knew it."

"Paddy, I do love you, no question about it, but as I said before, it is an impossible situation." "It is good that you are leaving." He asked why I would say that. "Because of this, how could we hide this, we would be exposed and ostracized." I said this is not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to talk to him. He asked what I wanted to say. "Just this, I wanted to thank you for bringing me out of my hard shell and showing me that love is possible again." "You will always hold a place in my heart, you were my first."

We both shed a few tears. I knew there was much more to say, but I think our actions had spoken volumes. I got up, dressed, kissed him, wished him all the best and left. On the way home, I was rock hard again, just thinking about Patrick's very hairy body, the forrest in his ass crack, his hairy balls and his cum still in my ass. I suppose I should have felt guilty, but I did not. I made two people happy this evening. Now, it was time to move on. Where I was going, I had no idea.

Another installment done. I am not sure where to go with this story. Can Gordy and Greg find happiness, will Greg end up with Ben or some other random dude? Decisions, decisions! Thanks for reading. As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated.


Next: Chapter 14: Return to St Louis 10

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