Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on May 14, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

I must have been really tired, I did not wake up until Mother knocked on my bedroom door to announce dinner was ready. I washed up and went to the kitchen, dinner was not on the table. I looked around, saw the family on the patio, and surprisingly, Gordy was manning the grill. "Hey, sleepyhead, about time you got up." "I called you, but you were asleep, your mother asked me for dinner."

I was so happy to see him, but uneasy with eyes following my every move. What the hell! I walked over to him, put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. I looked to see what he was grilling, pork steaks, my favorite. Until I moved to the midwest, I had never heard of pork steaks, now they were an addiction. "Do you like yours plain or grilled with the sauce?" he asked. "Sauce, of course." I answered. "Just don't burn it." "Look buster, I am the grill master, I don't burn anything."

Anne said Hunter was coming when he got off work, but we didn't have to wait on him. David was looking a bit down. I knew he wanted to ask Andie over, but he was grounded, so he did not mention it. I wanted to give in, but what lesson would he learn if I did. The food looked fantastic, pork steaks, cole slaw baked beans and Mother's famous potato salad. "Marian, you have to tell me how you make this potato salad." Gordy said. "Oh, it is so easy, red potatoes with skin still on, cooked until fork tender, quartered, 1 pound crisp cooked bacon, chopped, green onions, diced, mayonnaise, salt and pepper and that's it." Gordy said he thought he could do that.

Once again, Gordy surprised me at the amount of food he could put away. "I like a man with a hearty appetite." Mother said. "Save room for dessert." Hunter arrived, and he, too, can put away some food. Gordy asked him what work he did. "I work at a gas station, a cashier inside the store." It turns out it was the same company Gordy works for. "It is a good job to have while I am in college, hours are flexible." he said. I asked him what was his major. He said it was premed.

We had a really good time, the weather was wonderful and no mosquitoes. Anne and Hunter left to go to a friend's house. "See you tomorrow, Daddy, love you." she said as she kissed me goodbye. Once again she kissed Gordy. I think he was really moved, i noticed his eyes were full. David went in the house to watch TV. I was really feeling sorry for him, but I knew I couldn't bend. Mother had everything put away, asking Gordy if he would take leftovers home.

"Thanks, Marian, but I think I have eaten way too much, I'll need to fast tomorrow." he said. "Nonsense, you probably don't cook much for yourself, eat a lot of fast food, here take this home with you." She shoved a covered plate in his direction. "Now, you, two, scoot!" David and I are fine and I am going to have a talk with him about his attitude, you know I don't suffer attitudes." Gordy looked at me with a question on his face. "That is Southern Speak for "I don't put up with bull shit!" I said. We all laughed. "Git!' Mother said.

I left my car at home again just in case I overslept and did not get up in time to take Mother to church, Anne could. "Gordy, do you go to Mass regularly?" I asked. He said he went most every week, except when he worked. "What religion are you, Greg?" I told him I was Roman Catholic, too. He smiled. "I bet you were a cute little altar boy." I told him I was not, "I was too clumsy, knocked over everything, spilled the wine, dropped the Host." "I was banned from altar boys for life."

"Then, I think we should set an alarm so we can come take Mother to church in the morning, she would love that." He said that was great, he would like to go. That settled, I was looking out at the clear, starlit night, running the events of the day through my head. The silence was finally broken, "Greg, I think you have a lovely family, you have done a marvelous job raising the children as a single dad."

"Gordy, I can't take all the credit, Mother has had a hand in it, too." "As you see, she puts up with no baloney." "I bet right now David is confessing to screwing his girlfriend while she was shopping." "I hope he still has his balls when we get home tomorrow." Gordy said she wasn't that bad. "You have no idea, Gordy, I think that is why my little brother stays in Japan, just to be out of her clutches." "He was a nightmare child, I mean it, Mother had her hands full with that one."

As we drove on to Gordy's street, we noticed a car backing out of his driveway. "Oh, shit! That's Jerry, wonder what he wants." After we parked, Jerry came over to speak to Gordy. "I stopped by on the off chance you would be home." Gordy was a little perturbed, "What do you want, Jerry." He said he wanted nothing, just to visit and continue reminiscing, I enjoyed seeing you so much, yesterday."

We got out of the car, "Jerry, this is my friend, Greg Smith, Karen Reynolds' ex; Greg, this is my old HS friend, Jerry Hunter." We exchanged greetings. Gordy invited him in for a beer. I went to the bathroom, looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "This is awkward!" After doing my business, I came back into the living room. The boys were talking old times. I sipped on my beer and listened.

"Jerry, I didn't ask you yesterday, who did you marry, someone from college or someone local?" Jerry laughed, "I thought you knew, I married your old girlfriend." Gordy said he didn't have a girlfriend in HS. "Well, that is not how she tells it, she said you were her first." "Her first what?" Gordy said. "Her first sexual partner, of course." Gordy asked loudly, "Who are we talking about, I don't remember any girls that I was their first?" "Clemmie?." Gordy cut him off, "Clementina Barreo?"

"Yep!" "Now do you remember?" Gordy was laughing his ass off. "I swear to you, I never had sex that girl, hell, I only went out with her maybe a couple of times." Jerry continues, "Well, that is not how she remembers it." Gordy asked, "When did you start dating her, I didn't think she was your type at all."

Jerry said they dated the summer between his freshman and sophomore years at Michigan. "Oh, that's right, you got a football scholarship to MU." Gordy said. Looking at me, he said, "Jerry was a great quarterback, every school in the country was after him." "Lotta good that did me, I knocked her up, had to drop out and marry her." "You know, her family is Italian?Sicilian, and if I didn't marry her, I would probably be, well, you know...not saying anything bad about the family, but her father can be very persuasive."

"So, I married her, a huge wedding at the cathedral, married by the archbishop, a honeymoon in Italy, then back to school at SLU." He said they lived with her family until after he graduated. "By that time, we had 2 children; her father gave us a house for my graduation." He said it was hard being in that family, you are never alone, someone is always over at our house or we are at theirs, I rarely get to see my own family." "Except for my 2 kids, I am fucking miserable."

I thought he was going to burst into tears. Clearly he needed to talk. I said I would leave the two of them alone, started to get up and go to the bedroom. Jerry stopped me, "I know about you and Gordy and I am sure he has told you about me, I am gay, but very closeted." "Please stay, it feels good to have friends I can be open with." Up until now I had been very quiet, not adding to the conversation at all.

I knew I was probably crossing the line but I had to ask, "Jerry, what do you want from me, from Gordy, friendship, sex, what?" I could see the shocked look on his and Gordy's faces. He answered, "I am not sure what I want, I only know it is so good to reconnect with Gordy after all these years, to remember simpler times and have someone I can tell my problems too." "I don't want to interfere in your relationship, that is not my goal."

Gordy was about to say something, but didn't. I picked up on it, "Jerry, do you want to have sex with Gordy again?it's ok, you can say it." He was hesitant but asked, "Would you care, I mean after all you two are together now?" I said we were just beginning to explore our relationship, if there was indeed one, "But to answer your question, no, I don't care." "Want me to leave you two alone, I can go in the back of the house."

I thought Gordy was going to flip his lid, "Greg, come on, let's be real here." I said I was being real. "Look Gordy, Jerry was your fantasy for years, you told me so yourself." "How can you commit to me if you still have these feelings stuffed away inside, no, you have to bring them out and go from there." If looks could kill, I would be dead. "I thought you loved me, Greg, at least that is what you said."

"I do love you, enough to let you be with Jerry, to see if there is something there or not." "You said the other day was less that satisfying, sorry Jerry, but you were not into it because you were worried about me, what I would think.:" "Yes, at first I was majorly pissed, but I am over that now." "So, go to it, get naked, have fun." I was being sarcastic.

I went to the bedroom, fell across the bed, amazed at what I just said. I wondered if Gordy would be as generous with me if, say I wanted to explore outside of our relationship. My mind was wandering, wanting to know what was happening, wanting to peek, but I resisted. It wasn't long before Gordy came into the bedroom.

"You are one crazy, fucked up bastard, did you really think I would have sex with Jerry?" he asked. "Well, you said you would do it to get the job, so I basically gave you permission." He shook his head, "I don't need your fucking permission, if I wanted to fuck Jerry, I would have, but I didn't want to, not even if it means I don't get the job." "You must really love me, Greg, to be so calm about this situation." I said I did love him and I trusted him. "Where is Jerry?" I asked.

Gordy said he sent him packing, home to Clemmie "Hey, memories are sometimes sweeter than fact, and should be put where they belong, in the past." "I don't want Jerry, I want you." I pulled him to me, "I do love you, Gordy, more and more every minute." "Now, I need you to make love to me." Gordy said, "No, you had it last night, and it's my turn now?you fuck me, wild, animal fucking, I want to make your dick sore."

After what seemed like hours, we were basking in the after glow, holding each other, feeling very loved and very happy. I was the first to speak, "That was amazing, I love your body, I love being inside you, just touching you and holding you?I can't describe what I feel, there are no words." Gordy agreed. I could see a far away look in his eyes. "Talk to me, Gordy." He said he was just thinking about how long he had waited for something like this. "I have never been in a relationship, ever, and this feeling of love, never had it."

"Well, you have it now, I do love you." "We don't have all the answers yet, but we will, if we keep working on it." What I am most concerned about is how?" "Being openly gay is not very well received and could hurt us professionally." "I don't want my children taunted because of my homosexuality, so as much as it pains me to say it, we have to be discreet." Gordy said he understood.

He said we needed to support each other, to love each other, "Greg, just don't hurt me, I don't think I could take it and I promise I will never hurt you." "Promise." I said. "Now, put those big arms around me, hold me tightly, think of our love and let's get some sleep." I took his hand in mine, brought it to my lips and kissed it. The next thing I remember was hearing the alarm go off.

Gordy and I showered, he dressed and we drove to my house for me to dress. Mother was surprised, but pleased to see us and complimented Gordy on how handsome he looked. I rushed to get dressed. When I returned to the living room, everyone was ready to go.

Church was nice. When leaving, Gordy spoke to the priest, then they hugged. I wondered what brought that on. Gordy explained, "Fr. Jacob was a classmate of mine in HS, I haven't seen him since." "Jacob Manake, who would have thought he would become a priest, certainly not me." Gordy said he told him about his mother and Fr. Jacob promised to go see her this afternoon. "Which by the way, I need to go to the hospital, do you mind if I don't go to brunch with you?"

I took the family out for brunch, then headed home. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day for me and the kids, as spring break was over. I needed to spend some time getting my game plan organized, to be totally prepared to fight for what I wanted. Additionally, when Nathan told me about the promotion, he failed to mention salary, etc. This should be a sizable increase, since this was department head. Look out Shilling, I am after your job! Ha!

Working all afternoon had my mind swimming with details, details, details. I needed a break. I wondered what was happening with Gordy, but when I called he did not answer. I did not want to call the hospital for fear that would appear obsessive. Maybe I was, but I did not want to appear that way. I walked outside, on the patio. David was laying on the lounger. I noticed he was starting to fill out, no longer a skinny little kid. In some ways it makes me sad, to see my youngest growing up so quickly. And the knowledge he was sexually active is concerning as only a parent can understand.

He looked up, "Hey, Dad, are you done with your work?." I answered that I was. "Good, are you going out with Gordy again tonight?" I told him I had no plans to do so. "You know, Dad, I miss doing things with you like we used to." "I know I have been pretty much a jerk lately and I am sorry." "David, you are not a jerk, I don't thick you are any different than any other 15 year old boy." He said maybe so, but Grammy had really come down on him hard about his attitude. I laughed, "Yeah, she can be pretty intimidating, you don't want to mess with her."

"Dad, I really like Gordy, I hope things work out for you guys." I told him I appreciated that. I wondered where he was going with this. "Dad, I know I have asked before, but when did you know you liked men, I mean, you were married to Mom for a lot of years, and from what Grammy told me you had lots of girlfriends." I thought before I spoke, "David, I never thought about men at all until recently." "In fact, I didn't think about much of anything except my family and work." "Then it just happened, very surprising to me, still is."

"David, I told you I would answer truthfully and I have, but I am curious, why all the questions?" He shrugged his shoulders. I continued, "Are you wondering if you may have an attraction to men in the future or maybe you have already?" I could see I clearly embarrassed him. "No, Dad, I do not look at men, sexually and I don't think I will in the future." "I guess my asking these questions is to help me understand you." "I mean, please don't get mad at me, but I just can't imagine?"

I interjected, "Stop right there, David, I am scared we are heading to questions I absolutely will not answer, my sex life is off limits, all you need to know is that I like men, particularly one man, Gordy." "Have we had sex, yes, but what we do is private." "How would you like it if I asked you about you and Andie, what you did, etc." He did not say anything, but the look on his face spoke volumes. He apologized and told me he could see why he shouldn't ask me about such personal matters.

"Apology accepted." "Now, what to you want for dinner?" "I was thinking you and I should go somewhere together, just the two of us." He said he thought that was a great idea, "But let's ask Gordy, too, I want to get to know him better." I almost fell of my chair. I said I would see if I could get in touch with him, "He has a lot on his plate with his Mother in the hospital and all." I went into the house to call him.

He answered, "Hey babe, what's up?" My first instinct was to ask him where the hell he had been and why had he had not called, but I didn't. "David and I are going out for dinner and he asked if you would like to go with us?" Gordy said he would, "Where are we going, how do I need to dress?" I told him knowing David it would be something casual. He said he was in shorts and a tee, would that be ok. "Of course, same as us." I answered. "See you soon, half hour ok?"

I told David to get washed up, we would pick Gordy up in 30 minutes. I told Mother that David and I were going out to spend some quality time together, I did not mention Gordy and she did not ask. We left, I let David drive as he had his permit. That thrilled him. Gordy was sitting on his front steps when we pulled up. David got out of the car, met Gordy half way, said something to him, Gordy smile and pulled him into a manly hug.

Returning to the car, he told me to drive, now. "Gordy is too tall for the back seat." I asked David where he wanted to go to eat. He replied, "Any where on the Hill, I want Italian. I drove one of our favorite smaller restaurants which is always crowded, but the weather being nice, the outdoor patio was perfect and we were seated quickly. (Side note: The Hill in St. Louis is an Italian neighborhood, lots of great restaurants, all price ranges, and the best Italian food ever).

The conversation was lively, both of my men learned a lot about each other. I was in absolute heaven. When we left, very full, with leftovers to take home, David told me to take him home, so Gordy and I could have some time together. I thanked him for that, but I thought, since tomorrow was going to be a busy day for all of us, I would drop Gordy off at home and see him tomorrow. Gordy agreed. We got to his house, we all got out, hugged and said our goodbyes. Gordy said he would call me before he went to bed.

We drove home in silence. When we pulled into the garage, David said, "Daddy, he is totally in love with you, you know that, don't you?" I asked him how did he know that, did Gordy say something? "No, it is just the way he looks at you, unspoken words are very powerful, Daddy, listen with your heart not your ears." I was speechless, who was this young man with these wise words? It seems just yesterday he was my little man, obsessed with Star Wars and anything involving space or extraterrestrials. It was a bittersweet moment, but I was smiling. We walked into the house, arm in arm.

Another installment completed. I hope you enjoy it. As always, your comments and suggestions are welcome. Smile.


Next: Chapter 12: Return to St Louis 8

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