Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on May 9, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

I was insatiable, I rode him like a rodeo bronco rider, maybe even screaming "Wahoo" a couple of times. I was completely wearing him out. After about the third time he said, "Babe, I need to rest, my dick is so sore, my God, what has come over you?" To be truthful, my ass was sore and I was a bit tired, too. I snuggled up to him, our bodies sticky with my cum, but I did not want to move. We could shower in the morning.

He had his big, strong arms around me, stroking my head, kissing my cheek and neck. It was the most peaceful feeling. "Babe, you awake?" I said I was. "Tell me what is going on in your head and don't say it is Jerry Hunter that caused this, there is something else." Even though I didn't want to talk about work, I told him everything. "Wow!" "I did not expect that!" he said. I asked if he could imagine how I felt.

"Are you going to accept the position?" he asked. I said I didn't have a choice right now. "I called Ben Abbott to put the pressure on him to find a position for me, but all he has are ones that require moving, that is not an option." "What about working with Patrick, how are you going to handle that and what about the others reporting to him, will that work." I said it would if they wanted to keep their jobs. "I have no hesitancy to fire someone if they can't get with the program." "As for working with Patrick, I have already set the guidelines, he knows what I expect."

"My God, you are a fucking pit bull!" I said. "Not really, but I can be when I have to be." "Let's not talk about that now, I want to hear more about Jerry Hunter." Gordy said he wondered how long it would be before I brought it up. "Well, I want to know, I am not mad any longer, just curious." "What started it and what happened?details, man, details."

"Jerry came by to drop off the application for the job, I invited him in to have a beer." "in our conversation, he told me what Karen had revealed to him and wanted to know if it was true." "That fucking Karen has a big mouth." I said. "Whatever!" "After he found out I knew I was gay in HS, that is when he told me he had the hots for me in school, but was afraid to tell me, he thought I was straight." "He was sitting on the couch next to me and began to feel me up." "Hey, I am a man, fondle my dick and I will get hard."

"When I was obviously responding to his massaging, he unzipped me, pulled out my cock and began sucking." "I know, I should have stopped him, but suddenly I was back in HS and my dream man was going down on me." "Funny thing, it wasn't great, the sucking was ok, but I had no feeling like I expected I would," "I had not noticed, but he had removed his shirt and pants, down to this skivvies." I laughed at that, skivvies, I had not heard that word in a long time.

"His cock was pressing against the fabric, I reached down to release it." "The cock I always thought was so magnificent, wasn't, it is short and chubby." "I did not remember that at all." "I stroked him a couple of times and he shot all over my pants, but he kept on sucking me until I came in his mouth." Gordy said that Jerry wanted him to fuck him, but he refused, claiming he never fucked raw. We both laughed at that. "You know, I may have to do it to get this job, like a casting couch!"

I was amused and pissed at the same time. I said maybe we should both fuck him. "I bet that would get his motor running, or better still, let's introduce him to Patrick, perfect, no business involved, both deeply closeted, a match made in heaven." Gordy said I was evil. "No, I am a pit bull, remember and some dude is trying to take my bone." I said as I grabbed his cock. "Ouch, it is so sore." I apologized and told him I forgot.

I snuggled up to him, doing my favorite thing, running my fingers through his chest hair, massaging his nipples. "Greg, stop that, I can't stand it, you're killing me." He turned to me, kissed me deeply and with so much passion, I was instantly hard. "Stroke me, Gordy, I need to cum." "How many times have you cum tonight?" he asked. I said I didn't keep count, but probably 3 or 4, all hands free. "I need to be touched." He got up on his knees, took my hard cock in his mouth, twisting and stroking, pulling my balls, taking each one in his mouth. I was loving every thing he was doing. "Here it comes, oh shit!" I shouted as I filled his mouth.

He looked up at me, opened his mouth to show me how much I had cum, it was impressive, considering that was most likely number 5 tonight. "Come up here and kiss me, you big hairy man!" He did, sharing much of my seed with me. I lay there thinking, before last weekend I had never tasted my own cum, much less anyone else's. "I need a drink, want one?" Gordy asked. I said I did. He got up to get us water. I was instantly lonely for his touch. My God, I love this man.

When he came back with the water, he asked if I wanted to change the sheets and shower. I said I did not. "I want to lay here with this sticky mess all over our bodies, I want to be glued to you." "Easy for you to say, you aren't very hairy and it is going to hurt me bad when we peel ourselves off each other in the morning." I reluctantly agreed to shower and change linens.

When we got in the shower he asked me not to touch his very reddened penis, it was so sore. I washed his entire body, softly massaging his shoulders, back, ass all the way down to this feet. Then I noticed his toes again. I knew what I was going to do when we got back in bed, suck those toes. I was getting hard again just thinking about it. We dried off, stripped the bed and put on new linens.

I had him lay down, told him I was going to massage his feet. I started, massaging all around, kissing his instep, then slowly took his big toe in my mouth, It was so erotic, he was soon hard. I kept up until I had all five of those monster toes in my mouth. Then I went to the other foot. He pulled me off of his feet, "Greg, I can't take it, I am telling you my dick is about to fall off?toe sucking, you constantly surprise me?" I asked if he liked it. "Oh, hell yes, oh my God, I think I could cum just from you doing that." I told him I loved his big feet, his hairy toes, yum!

"You are something else, GAS man." "I have never in my life had anyone love my hairy body the way you do." I almost slipped and said something about Patrick's hairiness., but I caught myself in time. "Yes, I definitely have a hair fetish, and you being a redhead...bonus!" "Triple G, you are going to get tired of me saying this, but your body is perfect, exactly what I want and what I need." "I know we have only been together, what, since last Monday, that is not important, what is important is that I love you, I am madly in love with you?madly."

I was rambling, he put his fingers to my lips, "Ditto." I snuggled up to him, with his big arms around me, I felt so safe. I was tired, but not sleepy. Soon, I heard that gentle heavy breathing and snore. It lulled me to sleep. I had wonderful dreams of him, of our love making, us being together for the rest of our lives. Morning! We awakened about the same time. "You hungry?" he asked. i said I was. "Let's go get breakfast, then I need to check on Mom." he said.

Breakfast was really good, my favorite, French Toast. Gordy had a huge breakfast, I had never seen anyone eat so heartily. After a brief visit with his mother, we left the hospital. "What's next?" I asked. "I don't know, let's do something fun, just the two of us." he said. I suggested we drive over to Alton, take a drive up the river road to Grafton and maybe up to Pere Marquette Park. "We can hike around in the park, then if we are hungry, eat at the lodge restaurant."

The drive was nice, the bluffs along the river road were beautiful, everything in bloom. We walked around the park a bit, neither of us was hungry, so we headed back. Gordy asked me if I liked horses? "Not so much, I'm kinda afraid of them." I answered. He laughed, "I can teach you to ride if you would like?" I asked if he had a horse. "No, but there is a stable west of STL where I go to ride, it is fun." "Really, it is." he said. I was finding out a lot of things about this man, the more I am with him.

"What do you do for fun?" he asked. I told him I was a runner and played racquetball. I liked baseball, soccer and was a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo. "Holy shit!, I didn't know that, I had better be careful, you could kick my ass." I said not very likely, "But, don't piss me off!" We both chuckled at that, I told him what Anne said about redheads having a fiery temper and not to make you mad, you could crush me like a bug. That brought on a snorting laugh. "If she only knew what a gentle man I really am."

That made me laugh, "Oh, yeah, then who was the animal that attacked me in my bedroom last night?" "I thought you were going to rip me apart for being such a bitchy prick." "Shhh, don't tell anyone, I loved it." He said, "That was not typical of my behavior, but you did piss me off when you wouldn't talk to me, so I had to show you who was boss, at least for that moment." I asked him how his dick was today. "It is still sore, but not like last night, man you were wild!" I said it was 7 years of sexual frustration being released, "I have a lot of catching up to do."

Gordy just shook his head, "Yeah, but do you have to do it all in one night?" "Hey, I told you, before you, I was pretty much a bottom, a big hairy bear bottom." "That is what most chubby chasers want?I know, I know, I am not chubby to you, but to most I am." "Gordy, stop saying that to me, I love your body just like it is, you are perfection." "Hey, let's work on that self esteem, repeat after me: I am Gordon Garrett Gallagher, I am a walking wet dream, I am smart, I am invincible, I am the man!" He almost ran off the road, laughing.

"Come on, say it!" He started repeating what I said, but he couldn't for laughing so hard. It was such fun being with him, I don't think I have laughed this much in a long, long time. What a difference a week makes. I suggested we go to my house to see the kids and Mother. There appeared to be no one home. I went to the kitchen to get a drink and some snacks. Standing at the counter, I heard someone coming down the stairs and into the kitchen, it was my naked 15 years old son.

"Oh crap! Daddy, I didn't know you had come home." he said as he turned around to go back up stairs. I followed him, to ask what was going on. "Daddy, please don't come in my room." 'Why?" He looked down at the floor, "I don't want to embarrass Andie." "Andie is here?" He shook his head, yes. "Did you and she have sex?" Again he shook his head, yes. "Protected?" "Yes, can I go now, please Daddy?"

I said yes, but I wanted him and Andie to get dressed and come down to the kitchen. "Daddy, please don't say anything to her, it was all my fault, just let me slip her out the front door, then you can lecture me." I thought about it for a minute, then said, "Ok, but hurry up." I went back to the kitchen. Gordy asked what was going on. I told him, "Looks like it is time for a father/son talk, again." Gordy said he was going to go home, he would call me later.

After Gordy left, David came into the kitchen. I told him to sit down. "All I can say is you are lucky it was me that caught you and not your grandmother." "David, what do you have to say for yourself?" He said he didn't know what to say, "It just happened." "Oh, really, so the condom just magically appeared?" "Don't lie to me, David." He was a little agitated, but answered, "Yeah, so what, I bought condoms, I am being safe."

I told him in no uncertain terms that he should adjust his attitude, he was in enough trouble as it is. "I'm in trouble, for what, fucking my girlfriend, you should be happy." "Why should I be happy, David, explain that." He was glaring at me, "At least I am not some fag fucking another dude, at least it was a girl." My blood was boiling and if I was a violent man, I probably would have slugged him. But, I remained calm. "David, I told you the other day I would not tolerate disrespect from you and you were never to use those slanderous words again." "i see it meant nothing to you, you are obviously harboring anger towards me for something I have no control over."

He started tearing up. "The tears will not work this time, David." "Everything you said to me was a lie, you are ashamed of me, admit it." He was shaking his head, no. "Daddy, I am not ashamed of you, I just don't understand, I'm trying, but I don't get it." I said I did not expect it to be easy, "You think telling you and Anne that I was gay was easy, no it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do." "I had hoped you and Anne would be understanding, loving and realize I am still the same man I have always been, the same Daddy."

"All that aside, I repeat, I will not tolerate disrespect from you, I will listen to your concerns and answer any questions you may have, but you must remember, first I am your father, I love you without conditions, I expect the same from you, love without conditions." "Now, I am not going to ask for deals of what happened between you and Andie, but I suggest you get your skinny ass up to your room and make sure it is clean and odor free." "If you have condoms, you had better hide them well, Grammy has detective skills you don't even know about."

"And the last thing I am going to say is, you are grounded for 2 weeks, not because you sneaked Andie in and had sex with her, but for the remarks you had to say about homosexuals." He started to protest, but I held up my hand, "No comments from you, or the grounding will be extended." "Now, go do as I told you, clean your room!"

He left, muttering. "And when you get back down here, you had better have a smile on your face." "I swear, if Grammy gets a hint of that sullen attitude, you know she will be on you far worse than me until she has you giving details about your tryst with Andie." "I sat down at the table trying to compose myself before Anne and Mother returned home. I called Gordy. He asked how it went, to which I replied, "Ok, tense, but ok." "I am the parent here, not a friend, when I say something, I mean it, there is only black and white, no gray."

He said he thought grounding him for saying fag was a bit extreme. I told him that 2 weeks was not bad, and maybe he will learn something from it. "Gordy, I can't make him accept me as a gay man, but i can and will demand respect." Gordy said he guessed I was right, he had no experience with raising children. "You will, my friend, just watch and learn." "See, a pit bull, I told you!" he said. "I'm scared, I better not fuck up, or you will use that taekwondo on me!" "Never!"

I hung up, just as Mother and Anne were pulling in the garage. I went out to help unload the car. "Boy, this has been a glorious day, I am so glad the weather is warm." Mother said. "Where is Gordy? I told he he went home to do laundry. "He could have brought it here, i would have done it for him." she said. I told her that very kind to offer, but he is fiercely independent. "Oh, boy! I smell trouble brewing, two stubborn, independent men, not a good sign." "Mother, stop it, we do fine."

She asked if I was going over there tonight. I said I didn't know yet. I probably should stay home, "David is grounded." "What on earth for?" she asked. I told her just know there was a major infraction and let it go at that. "I bet it involved Andie." she said. "Well, you are wrong, and I am not going to discuss it, he is grounded for two weeks and that is all you need to know." Anne turned and headed for the stairs. I stopped her, "Leave him alone, you don't need to know either."

She came back into the kitchen, putting groceries away. I could see the smirk on her face, knowing the first chance she got, she would ask David what happened. "Daddy, don't you think you should invite Gordy over for supper?" "No, we were together all day, and he is probably tired of me." "I think he needs to be alone and not be overwhelmed by family." Changing the subject, "How was your day?"

After a lengthy discussion of their activities of the day, I excused myself to my room to take a nap, I guess, too much fresh air. I would call Gordy after got up. I was just barely asleep, when there was a tap on my door. It was David. He crawled in to my bed, put his arms around me and told me he loved me. "I love you, too, David, but you are still grounded." He said he knew, but he wanted me to know he was sorry for what he said.

"David, I know this is difficult to understand, but it is a fact of life and Gordy is a part of this life, my life." He asked if Gordy was going to move in with us. I said we had no plans to do so. "We have difficult times ahead of us, but with loving support from our families, we should be able to overcome anything that is thrown at us."

"I do understand, Daddy, it must be just like what I feel for Andie." I wasn't about to lecture him about the differences between puppy love and grown up love, so I just nodded in agreement. "Can you explain to me what guys do for sex, what it is like." I said, "Why are you asking me this?" He said I told him I could ask anything and I would answer truthfully. "True, I did say that, but I didn't expect to get so personal." "I am just not all that comfortable talking about man on man sex with my son."

However, I told him men do pretty much the same things, only men do not have vaginas, they have butts. "I have had my dick sucked before." he said. I kept my mouth shut and I am sure my face was bright red. He laughed at me. "Daddy, you are shocked, I can tell." I still didn't say anything, my God, what could I say? "Relax, it was by a girl."

After a few minutes, I gathered the courage to say, "I did not ask, nor do i care to know about your sexcapades." "I told you I thought 15 was a bit young to be having sex, but my only advise is to be careful and be safe." "The last thing you want to be is a teenage father or get some disease." "Sex is wonderful, but it is not worth dying for."

"Are we done here?" I asked. "I am tired and need a nap." He smiled, "Guess Gordy wore you out last night, huh?" "David, you are cruising for a bruising, now shut up and get out of here." "I love you, Daddy." he said as he kissed and hugged me. Dear God! Help me get through raising these teenagers.

Another chapter completed. I am enjoying writing this, using a lot of your suggestions, and some real life situations I am familiar with, of course greatly edited to protect the innocent! Smile!


Next: Chapter 11: Return to St Louis 7

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