Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Mar 13, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

I was looking forward to getting away for a long 4 day weekend, away from work, away from all the pressures of being a divorced man with teenage children. I love my family, but they could be a bit much at times, since I had primary custody of my son, David, 15 and daughter, Anne, 19. David is in high school, Anne a freshman in college. Their mother, Karen, is career oriented, climbing the corporate ladder in a high profile public relations firm and did not want the responsibility of raising the children. She loves our children, but her love is expressed with expensive gifts, money, etc., when all they really want is her time.

I am the complete opposite. I love being the dad, being involved in their lives, so I gladly accepted the role of single parent. I am a middle manager, a CPA, at the largest telecommunications company in the world, which had just settled an anti-trust suit and was in the process of separating the company into individual companies across the country. My job requires quite a bit of travel, so I asked my mother to move in with us, to be there when I traveled. This works out well, the kids love Grammy.

A group of guys in my division were planning a weekend fishing trip to Lake of the Ozarks, had rented a large, lakefront home, hot tub, pool and boat dock. It was expensive, but split between 8 men, not so bad. I am not a fisherman, but they convinced me I would have a good time just relaxing, sitting by the pool, boat rides on the lake, tennis, etc.

With the kids all set for the weekend with their mother, I was on my way, a 3 hour drive from St. Louis to Lake of the Ozarks. The weather was beautiful, bright and sunny. I opened the sunroof, took off my shirt to enjoy the breeze. At the exit off I-70, towards the lake, I thought it would be wise to fill my gas tank. I stopped at a gas station, filled my tank and went to the rest room.

I had not bothered to put on my shirt, just had on shorts and flip flops. I am proud of my toned body and not afraid to show it off. I am 6' 2", 190 lb., dark brown, almost black hair. If I do say so myself, I look good for 45 years old. I was standing at the urinal emptying my bladder, when a burly guy walked in, stood right next to me, looked over at me and said, "You have a nice dick, wanna go in the handicap stall and have some fun?"

I rolled my eyes, zipped and turned to wash my hands. He said, "Don't you like to fuck or get a blow job?" I looked at him directly in the eyes, "Yes, but with a woman, I am not gay." As I was leaving, he said, "Your loss, my ass is tighter than any pussy you will ever stick your dick in and I give great head." I kept on walking to my car. That had never happened to me before and to be quite honest, I was stunned, and at the same time, maybe a bit flattered, too.

The rest of the drive was uneventful. I arrived at the house, wow! I could not believe what I was seeing, this place was magnificent. I wondered how my coworker Dan had managed to find this place. I started to unload my car, Matt and Richie came out to help me. I had packed light, figuring I would be in my swim suit most of the time.

"Hey guys, am I the last to arrive?' I asked. Richie answered, "Yeah, you are, and I hope you don't mind, we are putting you in the loft bedroom, you will be there by yourself, unfortunately it does't have its own bathroom." "You are kinda isolated, but since you won't be getting up at the crack of dawn to go fishing, that is a good thing." I said it didn't matter to me, I was there to relax.

"Where are the others?" I asked. Matt said Tony and Patrick were in the hot tub, Dan and Steve were on the lake, fishing, and Elliot was getting things ready for dinner. We went into the house and to my loft bedroom, which required climbing up a spiral staircase. It was open to the great room below and had a breathtaking view of the lake. "Sorry about the staircase, but it is really nice and quiet up here." Matt apologized. "Hey, no problem." I answered.

After putting things away, I went out to the pool area. Patrick and Tony were sitting in the hot tub, drinking margaritas from plastic cups and were just a little tipsy. The hot tub was big enough for 6-8 people, but the two of them were sitting very close to each other, which I found a bit strange, but hey, who cares.

"Hey, Greg, grab a drink and join us, the hot tub is great." Tony yelled. "Maybe after dinner, I don't have my suit on under these shorts." I replied as I walked over to the bar to grab a beer. "Shit, man, you don't need a suit." Patrick slurred as he stood up revealing his hairy naked body. Tony stood up, he, too was naked and sporting a semi. "Come on, don't be a prude."

I took a long swig of the beer, thought what the hell, dropped my shorts and walked towards the hot tub. I was commando (even though, back then we didn't call it that). The two of them whistled. "Damn, look at that thing, I wouldn't want to see it angry." Tony said pointing at my cock. Patrick leaned over to Tony and in a voice I am sure he thought was a whisper, but wasn't, "I would love to see that in action?hmmmmm!"

I attributed his comment to the effects of too many margaritas. I sat on the opposite side of the tub. The water was relaxing and the pulsation felt good on my tired muscles. Patrick kept looking at me, finally asked, "How big is that monster?" "Fuck you, Paddy, big enough." "Shit! You have us all beat, put us all to shame." he continued. "What are you, the dick inspector?" I asked. Tony told him to knock it off.

I got out of the tub, put my shorts on and went to the kitchen to see if I could help Elliot with dinner. He was laughing his ass off about what Patrick had said. "That boy has had too much to drink, I have a feeling we are going to be cleaning up puke tonight." Looking out the window, I saw Dan and Steve walking up from the dock.

Steve asked if they had time to shower before dinner. "Only if you shower together." Elliot laughed. "Fuck you E, we are not Tony and Patrick!" he said as they walked off to shower. What did he mean by that comment I wondered, but did not ask.

Dinner was good, Elliot is a great cook. After eating, Tony and Patrick said they were going for a walk down by the lake, asked if we wanted to join them. "No, not on your life, too many fucking mosquitoes." Richie said. I said I had some mosquito spray that actually worked and didn't smell too bad. I went to get it. When I came back, Tony and Patrick were gone.

Matt said Tony was dragging Patrick's drunk ass down the path before he threw up on the patio. I laughed and said I was going to take the spray down to them. I walked down the lighted path to the boat dock. I didn't see them, turned to go back up to the house when I heard the sounds of what I thought was puking. It was dark, but I could see someone bent over a picnic table and the other person fucking the shit out of him. From the dark images, I could tell Tony was doing the fucking, Patrick was gasping and moaning loudly.

I quietly backed away before they discovered me lurking in the shadows. Back by the pool, only Elliot was there. The others has gone to a club in Osage Beach, probably trying to pick up young college coeds on spring break. "I am not into cheating on my wife." he said. "You are single, you should go." "Not my idea of fun, did enough of that when I was in college." I said. "I think I will turn in, are you fishing tomorrow?" "Yes, we all are, except you, unless you want to go along for the ride." I said I thought I would pass, just relax around the pool.

I asked if there was anything I could do to help organize things for dinner tomorrow evening. He said he had a list of items he needed from the store, would I mind going grocery shopping for him? I told him I would, besides it would give me a chance to check out the area, to see what was new. I had not been to the lake in years. "Good night and good fishing tomorrow." I said.

After taking off my shorts, I smelled strongly of chlorine and bug spray, I needed to shower. Grabbing my towel and toiletries, I headed back down to find a shower, not bothering to put shorts on, after all, it was just Elliot and me in the house. After checking out 3 of the bathrooms, I decided on one with multiple shower heads, adjusted the angles to protect the goodies, checked the temperature, then got in.

The sharp, needle-like spray felt good on my skin, but it did not erase the image of Tony fucking Patrick from my thoughts. I began soaping my body, paying close attention to my groin, stroking myself to a full 8 inch erection. I heard voices coming down the hall. It was Tony and Patrick. Tony was telling Patrick to shut the fuck up, someone was in the shower and would hear him. I turned off the water, grabbed my towel and began drying off. Damn! My hard cock would not go down.

Patrick stumbled in to the bathroom. "Sorry, need to take a shit!" His eyes were focused on the bulge I was trying to hide with my towel. "Let me see it!" he said, pulling my towel from my hands. "My God, that is one big, beautiful dick!" he said, reaching out to touch it. "Patrick, keep your fucking hands to yourself and go to bed, you are so fucking drunk you don't know what you are doing." I shouted.

Tony came in to see what the commotion was. His eyes went directly to my cock, but quickly looked away. "What is going on?" he asked. "Tony, you need to get Patrick under control before I knock his ass out." I shouted. I grabbed my towel and quickly left. I heard Tony sternly warning Patrick to cool it. "He is our project leader and you could lose your fucking job, you stupid cocksucker." I ran up the stairs to my bedroom.

Laying on the bed, I was breathing like a race horse. I knew it was not from running up the stairs, I walked ten flights of stairs at work every day without breaking a sweat. Was it anger or desire to have my cock sucked? I was so horny, my erection had not gone down one bit. All I could think about was the scene at the boat dock. I started stroking my dick, but it was not satisfying my need, so I stopped. I lay there for who knows how long, but finally went to sleep.

Waking up the next morning, I felt movement in my bed, I was not alone. I turned to see Patrick snuggling up to my naked body. "What the fuck, Paddy?" "Get out of here, why aren't you fishing?" I was screaming. "I told all the guys I was too hung over to go fishing today, but I am not, I just wanted to be alone with you." "I want to suck your dick and I want you to fuck me."

I told him I was not gay and no, I was not going to do that. "What is going on, Paddy?" "You have a wife and kids, why all this?" He looked sad, on the verge of tears, "Greg, I am gay, I've known it since I was a teenager, but family pressures, religious beliefs, etc. prevented me from coming out." "I put on a good show for family, friends and coworkers, but I am miserable."

"What about Tony, what's up with that?" He looked surprised, "You know about us?" I told him not really, but I kinda put two and two together and figured something was up between them. He told me he and Tony traveled together a lot. On one trip, after too much alcohol, he came on to Tony. "Tony lets me give him blow jobs and he fucks me, but he never reciprocates; the closest thing he does is jack me off when he is fucking me."

"What made you think I would be interested?" I asked. "Well, you are single, you don't date, you are hot as hell?just logical to think you might be gay, at least I was hoping." "Yesterday, when you dropped your shorts to get in the hot tub with us, I was mesmerized with your big cock, I was practically drooling." "Then last night in the bathroom, seeing it hard?well you know the rest, except, I was pretending to be wasted."

"Pretending, yeah, right, you were wasted." I said. "No, I wasn't, I use that as a cover up, but what I cannot cover up is how I feel about wanting to have sex with you." We were laying face to face in the bed, I could feel his stiff cock rubbing mine, which to my surprise was hard as nails. He looked so sad, my anger turned to compassion. He leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips.

I said, "Paddy, I don't think I can do this." He said he understood as he pushed away to get out of the bed. "Don't hate me, Greg, please." Then he left. I lay there starring at the ceiling, thinking of the events that had happened since I left home yesterday. I needed to take a leak badly. Hopefully, this morning wood would be relieved with a good long piss. I went down to the bathroom, but the urination did nothing to relieve my hard cock.

As I was leaving the bathroom, I heard Patrick sobbing. I opened his door, there he was sprawled across the bed wracked with sobs. I lay down beside him, put my arms around him, pulled him closer and held him as he cried. He kept apologizing, to which I said everything was ok. He rolled over to face me, our faces just an inch apart. He kissed me. This time, to my surprise, I kissed him back.

Light kisses turned into heavy making out and fondling. Before I could think about what was happening, he had my cock in his mouth, giving me more pleasure than I could remember. I was soon at the edge of orgasm and told him so. He kept sucking until I filled his mouth to overflowing with my cum. I didn't think i was ever going to stop shooting.

He had cum dripping down his chin onto his neck. He wiped it up with his fingers, stuck them in his mouth. This was something new to me. "Does it taste good?" I asked. "You have never tasted your own cum?" he responded. "Nope, never did." He pulled my face to his and kissed me, sharing my seed. "Well, what do you think?" he asked. Surprisingly, it didn't taste too bad.

"It's ok, but kinda weirds me out tasting my own cum." I said. He burst out laughing. "You are such an innocent, Greg, is this the first time you had a guy suck your cock?" I told him it was and probably was maybe the 3rd or 4th blow job I have ever had in my life. I was curious, "How many dicks have you sucked?" He said there were too many to count. "I am a good cocksucker and I love doing it."

I was intrigued and asked a lot of questions about his experiences and what it felt like the first time he did it, if he could remember. "I was 14 the first time, with a school mate, Wayne, in an old 1938 Hudson Terraplane his dad bought to restore." He went on to say they just sucked a little, but not to orgasm. "I was so grossed out that I had done such a thing, I actually gargled with almost a whole bottle of Listerine, which I hated and still do to this day."

"Wayne and I continued to have these little sessions all throughout high school." "It progressed from a little sucking to full on blow jobs and swallowing." At this point, I was totally engrossed in his story. "When did you first take it up the ass, was it Wayne?" I asked. "Yes it was Wayne." We had talked about it, but I never had the nerve to do it, until one day at my house when my parents were working." "Wayne wanted me to fuck him, so I did."

"We knew nothing about preparation, lube or anything, I just rammed it in his ass." "Man, did he scream, I pulled it out quickly and noticed shit on my dick." "I totally freaked out." He went on to relate how they cleaned their asses, got some vaseline and tried it again. "This time was better, Wayne loved it." "When it came for my turn, I was scared to death, Wayne's cock wasn't as big as mine, but thicker and curved upwards."

He said he couldn't take very much of it as it hurt so bad. "Fortunately, Wayne had a hair trigger response and came soon after he stuck the head in." "I vowed I would never take it up the ass again." I said obviously that had changed and asked when.

He said in college, with his roommate, who was gay and very experienced. "He knew how to stretch me out and get me ready." "Plus his dick was slim and easy to handle." "He also taught me about STDs and AIDS and to be safe, to always use condoms, Wayne and I had not." Before I could stop myself, I said, "Did Tony use one last night?" Oh shit!

"You saw that?" he asked. Caught, I had to admit I did. Patrick was blushing profusely. "What are you embarrassed about?" "You just sucked my dick and you are embarrassed?" He laughed and agreed I was right. "No, Tony doesn't like condoms, but I know he is safe."

"Paddy, how do you know that for sure?" I asked. He smiled and told me he gets tested frequently and Tony got tested about a week ago. As we were laying there talking, I was rubbing his hairy chest and unconsciously my hand found it way to his dick. I pulled my hand away, but Patrick moved it back to his groin. He had a pleading look on his face. Nothing was said as I grasp his average 6.5 inches and began stroking.

Before long I felt his body tense and he started shooting a large load all over my hand and his stomach. I rubbed the cum into his hairy chest and stomach. He took my hand in his mouth and licked it clean. Then he reached down, gathered some cum on his hand and offered it to me. I licked it. Not bad, and definitely different from mine.

He said, "Thanks, I needed that, but what I really want is for you to fuck me." I was zoned out, thinking about what had just happened. "Paddy." I began. He touched his fingers to my lips to silence me, "I love it when you call me Paddy, no one else gets away with it, I am Patrick, not Pat, Paddy or anything else." I smiled and continued, "I am totally amazed at what just happened with us, but I think it is enough for now." "I need to think about this and decide if I want to go further.: "Please don't be hurt, just understand, this is all new to me."

"Now, let's get cleaned up and make some breakfast, I am starving." I said. I went to the shower feeling totally confused, baffled at my behavior and at the same time wanting more. How is this possible? I have never had a relationship with a male, not even jacking off with friends. I have been naked with guys in the showers at school, college and currently at the gym I am a member of, but other than the casual glance at other dicks, never considered anything personal. Now, I am wondering how it would feel to suck a cock and maybe even try fucking.

I started to adjust the shower, then stopped, turned around, went back to Patrick's room. He was laying there, waiting for me to finish in the shower so he could get in. He started to speak, but I climbed on top of him, kissed him deeply and passionately. My body was on fire and I knew what I wanted to do. I kissed all down his torso, licking his hard nipples, all the way down to his now very hard cock.

He grabbed my head, "You don't have to do this, Greg." I did not say anything, but continued licking down to the shaft and took the cock head in my mouth. I was very clumsy and I am sure it was not enjoyable at all. Patrick shouted, "Stop, Greg, not like this." I was definitely confused and somewhat hurt. "I am doing it wrong?" I asked. "No, you are doing fine, I just don't want you to regret this later and have it affect our friendship."

"Wait a fucking minute, you come on to me, climb in my bed, suck my cock, eat my cum, and when I decide I want to take the plunge, you make me stop, I don't fucking understand." "If our friendship is going to be affected, it is already in motion." "I want to do this, I really do, I want to suck your cock, I want to fuck your ass and maybe I want you to fuck me." I looked up to Patrick's face, tears were flowing down his face.

"Stop crying and let me suck your dick." I said. I, then, resumed my position, face in his crotch, inhaling the musky odor, then taking the head in my mouth. Patrick was giving me instructions on how to suck a cock, to the point it was almost comical. I stopped for a minute, looked up to see a handsome face smiling at me. He pulled me up, wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeply. "Fuck me, now, please." he said as he reached in the bedside table for a tube of lube.

He began lubing my raging hard cock, then lubed his asshole, inserting fingers inside. I was spellbound just watching. I put lube on my fingers, pushed one inside his hole, then two, finally three. He said he was ready. I was unsure of what to do, but he took charge, spreading his legs wide and up. His whole ass is hairy, more than any one I have ever seen and the hair in his crack is a jungle.

I pushed my dick against his sphincter, which opened up quickly. It was warm and tight as I slowly pushed deeper. Patrick was going wild on the bed, moving side to side, back and forth, I knew I wouldn't last long. He was screaming at me to fuck him harder, to shove the whole thing in. I was in balls deep when he screamed out he was cumming. He shot a big load, which hit him in the face. I soon followed, filling his chute. I was exhausted and collapsed on his body.

I couldn't speak, my breathing was rapid, but I managed to kiss him, all the while my dick remained in his ass. Finally, I recovered enough to pull out and lay beside him. "Paddy, that was terrific, I have no words." We lay there for a while, then I got up, pulling him with me to the shower. We didn't talk, just washed each other, head to toe. My God, he is a hairy beast, hairy all over, the wildest pubes and pits I had ever seen. I have hairy legs, pubes and pits but not like his.

After drying off, I went to the loft to put on clothes, then met him in the kitchen. He had already put on a pot of coffee and was looking around for something to eat. He turned to look at me and for the first time, I realized what a handsome man he really is. He came over to me, put his arms around me, "Thank you for that, the most amazing fuck ever." "I could fall in love with you easily." I did not know exactly how to respond, but managed to get out, "Yeah, it was great."

That was a little cold sounding, but I didn't know what to say. He started to pull away from me, but I held on tightly. "Paddy, give me a while to digest what has happened today, but please know this, I want a repeat." He was smiling broadly. "Have you seen a grocery list laying around?" "I told Elliot I would do some shopping for him today." I found the list. We ate a bagel, had coffee before leaving to go exploring the lake area and go to the market.

In my car, he held my hand tightly, squeezing it every minute or so. I wondered where this situation was going to lead us, but I knew one thing, I was very happy right now and decided to just enjoy the moment.

I hope you enjoyed this new story I have written. I am not sure I am going to turn this into a series just yet. However, if I feel I can create a believable story that is not all fuck and suck, I may continue. Time will tell.



Next: Chapter 2

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