Weekend at the Cabin

By Queenb

Published on Sep 12, 2001


Ok baby, another beautiful day and I'm going to spend it with you. I just love being around you and I hate for this to end. But we do have to go back to our families soon, but until then, i'm going to do what we love to do best. I'm going to spend as much time as I can making love to you.

After we get a good nights sleep, I fix you some breakfast, yes you still need all the strength that you can get. I very gently wake you up by kissing you and when you open those sleepy eyes of yours, I tell you that this morning we are going to eat out on the deck. I love being outdoors and with the beautiful waterfall in our view, what more could we want. The whole time you are eating, I'm trying to admire the waterfall, but I just don't seem to be able to. But why should I when I have someone as beautiful as you sitting in front of me. I can't seem to take enough of you in, I just love looking at you and you know it.

When we are finished eating, we relax in the hot tub for a while. I think you are kind of tired because you sit on the other side of the tub away from me. I ask you if everything is alright and you tell me yes. I'm very concerned about you and I'm afraid that I have done something wrong. I don't want to hurt you in any way. All you tell me is to stay were I am, I figure that is what you want so I just sit there looking at you. I start relaxing and closing my eyes to relive the time that we have already spent together. I get so hot just thinking about what we have already done. I start drifting off and enjoying my thoughts when all of a sudden I feel you next to me. You tell me to keep my eyes shut, it's your turn to be the one who enjoys doing things to me. I tell you that I thought that it had been fairly even, I wasn't the only one doing the pleasing, you have had your share also. I keep my eyes closed and I wonder what you are doing. I feel you doing something with my hands and the next thing I know you have me handcuffed. I tell you that you don't have to do that because I am willing to do what ever you want. You tell me that you feel the need to be in control. Ok now I think I have created a monster. You make me stand up and then you turn me around and start spanking my ass. I ask you why you are doing that and you tell me it's because I have been so bad. And all this time I thought I was good. Now you tell me that I had better listen to everything that you tell me because if I don't, you will whip my ass again. I think you have these plans all along but you were waiting for the right time. You slowly start kissing my ass where you spanked me and then you rub the other check. After a little while, you come up and give me a kiss, a long, hot, passionate kiss. You remind me that I am to do what I am told to keep from getting my ass whipped. I tell you that I will listen. Although I think I'm going to get my ass whipped for anything that I do. You move down to my breast and you tell me that you don't want me to make a sound, Ok this is getting kind of hard. You sucking my breast and me making no noise. I try my best, but a noise comes out anyway and I receive a hard slap to the ass. I jump and then you slap my ass again. You move down to my ass and start kissing my red checks tell me that it's alright. Then you tell me to bend over and spread my legs. I do this, not knowing what you are going to do next. As you are still kissing my ass, you then move over between them and you start playing with my asshole. You know this drives me crazy, then you lick from my clit to my asshole. Oh shit and I'm suppose to keep still. You pause at my asshole again and you start making your tongue dance around it. Then all of a sudden you are shoving you tongue as far into my asshole as it will go and at the same time you are sucking on my asshole. This is to much for me to handle and I scream and cum so hard I have to sit down before I fall. Instead of slapping my ass again, you reward me with a wonderful kiss. And then you tell me that you have so much more instore for me. I tell you that I don't know how much more of that I can handle and you tell me that I will handle all that you give me. You still have me hands cuffed and you let me rest for a bit.

Then you take me in your arms and tell me that it is time to go inside. You have an idea what that table in the room is used for. You are ready to show me. You lead me into the room, kissing me the whole way. When you reach the table, you grab a blindfold and cover my eyes and tell me to trust you, you would not do anything to hurt me. You tell me that you have to get everything ready. You push me back onto the table and tell me to relax. I can hear you moving around the room but I have no idea what you are doing. I can only imagine. Before to long you I can feel that you are back by me, but I still have no idea what's going to happen next. The next thing I know, you are laying me down on the table and you are putting my feet up into something, then I feel you strap my legs and feet in. Now I really want to know what you are up to. You start kissing my feet and sucking my toes and you tell me that there is a lot more to come. You are driving me so fucking wild. You start kissing your way up my body and you pause at my hot wet pussy. You take a few licks and I can't move very much but I sure do a lot of moaning. Now you continue your journey upward and you go to the handcuffs and undo them for a second only to place my hands into something else that prevents me from moving. Now you tell me that I'm yours and you will do all kinds of things with me. I hear you make some more noise and then I feel part of the table being removed from under where my butt is sitting. You take your time doing something and then I feel you playing with my asshole. You are putting some kind of lubricate on me and then you slide a finger up my ass with a lot of lubricate on it. You are talking very softly to me and you are reassuring me that you are not going to hurt me. You remove your finger and you replace it with a butt plug, its not very big, but you make me move around when you put it in. I ask you to remove it and the blindfold and you tell me no and slap my ass. I want to move so badly but I can only move a little bit. You move back to the end of the table and I can hear you sit down on the stool. You tell me to relax and then I feel you pushing a finger up my pussy, you tell me that you have to put enough lubricate into me so you don't hurt me. My mind is going crazy wondering what you are about to do. You then tell me that it's time for a papsmear and now I'm really wondering what the hell you are talking about. You take out that special tool and slide it into my pussy spreading my pussy lips far apart. You tell me that you just want to get a good look deep inside of my pussy. When you have it in place, you come up to me and give me a kiss and take the blindfold off because you want me to watch you. You have place a big mirror at the foot of the table so I can watch and you tell me that if you catch me not watching that you are going to whip my ass again. I try my best to keep my eyes open so I can see what you are doing. You reach and get a long slender dildo and put it into my pussy. You are using it to touch every part of the inside of me that you possibly can. After you do this for a while, you remove it and go back and remove the butt plug only to replace it with a larger one. You slap my ass and go back to my pussy. You play around with it some more and then you remove your special tool. My pussy is so wide open and you tell me that is just what you were hoping for. I want to know what you have in store for me and you tell me that I'll find out. You take out a very large dildo and put lubricate on it, then you very gently at first start moving it into my pussy. Just after you get the head of it in, you ram the rest of it in me and I let out a scream and cum all over you. You tell me that I'm just going to have to deal with it because you are not quitting. I'm begging you to let me rest and you say no because the fun is just starting. You start working the dildo in and out, faster and faster and you tell me that if I cum again before you tell me I can that you are going to ram that dildo up my ass. I beg you not to, but you tell me that's up to me. Don't cum and I won't, do cum and I will. You know how fucking hard it is for me not to cum when you are making me feel like this. You suddenly remove the dildo and you put some more lubricate on you whole hand. You very, very gently put two fingers deep inside of my pussy and then there is a third and fourth, then all of a sudden, you tuck your thumb and tell me to relax, you want to know how I feel inside. Before I could say anything, you have your whole fucking hand inside of my pussy. I am stretched so open now, I think I'm going to split in two. You work your hand around and all of a sudden you hit my g-spot, well fuck, I scream and cum all over you. You slowly remove your hand and tell me that you are going to give me just what I deserve. Oh no baby, please don't do that. You tell me that you are only doing it to make me feel good. You remove my butt plug and you insert the very large dildo, I scream from the pain because it hurt so fucking bad. You promise me that as soon as my ass relaxes enough that I will start to enjoy being filled up with something of that size. Then you move back to my dripping wet pussy and put your whole hand back inside of me. From there you can work the dildo in my ass and you are starting to make me go wild again. I'm moving like crazy and screaming, you are driving me fucking wild. You move your free hand down to the dildo and you start rocking it inside of me and you are fucking me with your fist, I have never felt like this before. I am begging you to let me cum and you then get up and put your mouth on my clit and start sucking like crazy. I can take no more of this and I cum for the, who knows how many times. You remove your hand and the dildo, I have so much cum leaking out of my pussy. You move back down and clean me dry and make me cum one more time. You untie me and help me up, lay me on the bed and hold me tight. You tell me to get some sleep and then I can have you. It doesn't take me long to drift off to sleep and dream of what I can do to you. Nothing can top what has just happened to me, so I will not try.

Next: Chapter 4: Weekend at the Cabin 4 5

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