Wedding Weekend 2015, TG story

By Joyce Devries

Published on Dec 26, 2017



Saturday May 16th, 2015, Wedding Weekend

By Joyce Devries, Yahoo Chat ID:

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, no this was not a TV/TG event. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible GG, as you will see. I am 5'0", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was a different experience, I have been a Lesbian Bride for real in 1990, but this was a chance to live as a Bride all over again wearing one of my 7 Wedding gowns, for a weekend with a man and was blessed by my husband to happen, she and her Bi GG lover was the ones that did me up (56 buttons in all) in my Wedding gown for the weekend. This weekend I will never forget, I set a personal record for sucking one man's cock in 36 hours, 10 times. ===========================================================================

The weekend I will never forget started out with an out of the blue email from a male friend that I dated almost 14 years earlier, his name is Paul, and he was the first man I ever was intimate with and the first man I serviced orally and my first sex with a man. Paul moved to Vancouver shortly after our dating in 1994, he moved and got re-married and recently got transferred back to Toronto for work. We never did lose touch and would chat on Yahoo IM now and then when his wife was not around and we always chatted about the magical evening in March of 1994, both remembering how special it was. I was excited that he was back close, but knew that we could not have the relationship we did back in 1994, but was hoping to see him again.

Then the email came from Paul:

"My dear Joyce, I am now back in Toronto and so want to see you again, unlike your husband, my wife does not know about my past and seeing you will be a challenge. However, she is set to go abroad for work in a month and I have an idea I would like to pass by you, and I know you will like, can we meet for lunch at some point?, let me know

Kisses, Paul".

As always I was thrilled about the chance to go out on a date in public, but even more so with the email Paul sent, not only seeing him, but what he had to say. I talked to my husband and she thought it was a great idea and was curious what Paul had in mind. I emailed him back and then we started planning on when to meet, which was going to be during the week, his job involves sales calls, so he could meet me during the week and not raising suspicion with his wife.

As always I was immediately thinking of what to wear for the lunch date and it had been so long since I had seen Paul, I did not want to disappoint. One good thing about dating Paul he was not the typical male asking, "a short skirt and high heels", when I asked what they wanted to see me wearing on a date, it was more of him asking for me to wear something I was comfortable in, feminine and classy. Well, the last time I dated Paul, it was the early 90's, and fashion certainly had changed huge for what women are wearing, including no hosiery to now. I had an outfit in mind immediately, and that was a below the knee length black P-leather skirt, a pencil skirt style, and a black blouse I bought to match it, Christmas shopping in 2015. I emailed Paul back and told him that I could get the time off work whenever he was ready and I was totally looking forward to meeting him and catching up. I told my husband about it and she said, "go for it and have fun".

Paul and I emailed back and forth and the date for the lunch was set, it was going to be Tuesday April 12th, 2015 I immediately booked the day off work and Paul asked where I wanted to go for lunch. For me, it was an easy choice, lunch was going to be at one of my favorite places, Earl's, a restaurant where the wait staff is all females, and the dress code is short skirts and high heels, and all of the wait staff is model material, so very sexy and classy. I told Paul my choice for the restaurant, and he said would be fine, so the date was set. As always, I wanted to model what I was going to be wearing before the date and decided one Monday evening I would and show my husband, Sharon, what I was planning wearing. I emailed her and she said she would be glad to look me over, so the Monday before the date came and started by laying everything out.

Laying this out was special as I had not seen Paul in a long time and I did not want to disappoint him, or not make him uncomfortable in something to revealing, and knew the skirt length would be not too short and look classy, yet feminine at the same time. I laid out the blouse and skirt on my bed and then thought about the other things to wear with it. I thought about sheer black hose or patterned hose, but decided on just plain sheer nude hose, and for trying on to see Sharon, just grabbed a pair from the lingerie drawer that had a run in them and threw then on the bed. Then the decision on the heels, came, and I knew I was simply going for lunch and not allot of walking, so the height could have been anything, from 2" to 5" in height, I decided on 3" black patent heels and pulled them out. I checked the time and saw that Sharon was due home in less than and hour and ran upstairs and jumped in the shower and got squeaky clean. I went back to my room and started getting dressed, I pulled out a pair of peach lace and satin panties and slipped them on and then my foundation garment, I then slipped on the sheer nude pantyhose (did not bother with white satin gloves) and then thought of a bra and picked a favorite black satin and lace pushup bra and slipped it on. Sharon was home much earlier than I expected and called down and announced she was home and was ready for me, whenever. I then put on the black blouse and then grabbed the skirt and slipped it on, and loved the feeling of the silk lining on my legs. It was the fist time actually wearing the complete outfit and loved how tight the skirt was, make it hard bending over and restrictions on how you walk. I then slipped on the 3" black patent heels, and looked at myself in the mirror, and I liked the look. I put on my longer curly hair and then went into the bathroom to put on a little makeup. I put on my foundation, and then a very light application of eyeliner and no eye shadow or Mascara, and not blush, but I did put on one of Sharon and I's matching lipsticks. I was about to head upstairs and decided to put on some jewelry to complete the look, and then I started thinking. I recently had gotten alot of Lesbian referenced jewelry, and started to pull it out, so it was a pride bracelet, a female Lesbian heart shaped watch and then a necklace with the double female symbol and matching earrings and put them on.

I then went upstairs to meet Sharon, who was in her usual spot on the couch reading and she put down her book and said, "wow, love the look, walk around a bit for me". She looked me over and then commented, "so this is for Paul?", I told her it was, and she smiled and said, "your first man right?", I told her he was, and she said something she never has said to me before and said, "the look is not right then". I looked at her and asked why and she came back with, "come here", which I did and she undid the top two buttons on my blouse and said, "go tape up your boobs then come and see me". I was floored and just looked at her and she went back to reading her book. I went back downstairs and took off the black blouse and bra and proceeded to do what Sharon wanted and tape up my breasts. As always it is an adventure and I pulled out the tape necessary and started taping and when done, realized the bra I had originally chosen was not right and grabbed a push up black lace bra and put it on. I then adjusted my breasts into the bra and then slipped on the black blouse and saw the effect, and with the buttons undone, I definitely was showing ample cleavage. I went back upstairs and Sharon looked at me and said, "much better, now change your shoes", I asked her why and she said, "dear, come fuck me heels, means come fuck me, not lame low heels". I told her it was only a lunch meeting and she said, "you are going to Earl's right?, in a leather skirt?, showing boobs, dress the part girl, go put on higher heels, Paul will expect no less". Again, this was nothing like I had ever heard her say before and went downstairs and I had two choices, black patent 4" heels, or my black patent 5 1/4" heels. I put on the 4" black patent heels and went upstairs and she put down her book and said, "you wear those to work all the time, put on the higher ones, remember, 'come fuck me'". I left and went downstairs and pulled out the 5 1/4" black patent heels and put them on and went and saw her again. She looked me over and said, "much nicer, now what is that you are wearing for jewelry, I have never seen that before", she looked it over closely and said, "well, there will be no doubt about your sexual orientation, the girls at Earl's will take notice I am sure". I asked her if she had anything else to say and she did not other than, "cannot wait to see what Paul has to say and his news". I then handed her my comb and she proceeded to brush out my hair, telling me it was a good choice, when she was done I went and looked in the mirror and it was perfect. I went downstairs and undressed, hung up my hair carefully, and made a few notes of what I had chosen and emailed Paul to let him know my outfit was chosen for the date and he emailed back and said he could not wait, the time to meet at Earl's was 12pm.

Tuesday April 6th, 2015, Lunch At Earl's, Burlington

The next day came, and it was the day of the date and I was tingling with excitement. As the morning came, Sharon went off to work and called down to me, "have fun today and I want to hear all about it". It was 8am, and I had the house to myself and was getting things ready, I laid out my skirt, blouse, bra and a new pair of ultra sheer nude stay ups, and then heels, finally jewelry, on the bed and then went up and showered and got squeaky clean. I came down and there was a email message from Paul, he was not going to be able to pick me up and could I meet him at the restaurant, and I told him I could and knew I had to plan for a taxi to get to the restaurant. I then knew I had to be ready for 11am, and started getting dressed. I decided right way to get into my clothes for the day before doing makeup, or anything else. I decided on a pair of panties to wear that were special from a girlfriend, long ago, they were red and silk/satin and I slipped them on, then the foundation garment. I decided on doing the taping of the breasts next, and again, it was a long process and I wanted to make sure that they were pushed up as far as possible. I got them done up and then put on the black lace and satin padded push up bra and spent about 10 minutes to get the breasts to look right and pushed way up, and there was no doubt I was 36C cupped breasted woman. Next was the say up nylons and they ultra sheer and very silky and smooth, I put on a pair of white satin gloves and carefully slid up the nylons into place, and loved the way they felt on my legs and smoothed them out. I then slipped on the 5 1/4" black patent heels to ensure I did not get a run. Next, put on the black blouse and then grabbed the skirt and slowly slipped it on and enjoyed the silky feeling of the inner lining as I slipped it on. I then slipped on my long curly hair and headed to the bathroom to put on my makeup and the final touches.

For makeup, I started as usual with my eyes and put on just enough eyeliner for a business look, as well as purple shadow on my lower lids and pink on my upper, the a health coat of mascara. Next was the blush, and just enough to give my face a healthy glow, and lastly for lipstick I went with one of Sharon and I's matching lipsticks and put on a health coat and gloss. The tough part, before I left the washroom was what perfume to put on, back when I dated Paul in the 1990's, I only had one and that was Halston's, I now had 4 choices. Obsession was out as I only wear that for formal occasions, so I decided on Curious, as it was a day meeting, and Curious is more of a daytime perfume, and I did not put on allot, a little on my wrists and behind my ears. I checked the time and saw I had about an hour to go before I had to leave, and then sat down and put on the deep red nail polish to match my lips. I was waiting for my nails to dry and Paul texted me and said he was leaving the Hamilton area to go to the restaurant, which was fine, I told him I would meet him there. Once my nails were dry I started putting on my jewelry for the day, which was all Lesbian themed, from my silver anklet, to my bracelet, to the silver watch, Lesbian symbol necklace and matching earrings. I thought about the rings I was going to wear and of course two were Lesbian ones, I put on my Wedding rings and I was set. I then went to the mirror and looked at myself and started adjusting things, I hiked up the skirt a little, and found out my blouse actually had a modesty snap, right at the bust line and undid that, and undid another button. I was definitely showing cleavage and the Lesbian symbol necklace was sitting right between my tits pushed up for all to see.

I called the cab company and then grabbed my smaller usual purse and ensured I had everything packed and headed upstairs, especially lipstick and gloss. I checked the temperature and it was a cool April day and grabbed for my light spring coat and put in near the front door. I went to the main hall mirror and was checking myself out and then heard a knock on the door. I quickly went and grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder and put on the light spring coat and opened the door and the taxi driver was there and I told him I would be locking the door and would be right there.

I locked the front door and walked to the taxi, where the driver was waiting holding the door for me and I slid in and told him where I wanted to go. Nothing was said on the drive and I got a text from Paul saying that he had arrived at the restaurant and was waiting for me. I was tingling with excitement and started remembering that special night in March of 1994, I was wearing a stunning dress he bought for me, then the romance of the evening. Then him taking me back to his hotel room, the passionate make out sessions, and then him giving Wedding night lingerie to wear, and taking my feminine oral virginity and I was the first woman that ever took him all the way to orgasm orally, I actually was tearing up thinking about it. Before I knew it, we were at the restaurant. I paid for the ride and then the driver came and opened my door and a carefully slid out, but did not really have to worry, the skirt was too long and tight.

As I got out, I realized the sun being out made it rather warm in my coat and I took it off and hung it over my right arm and walked to the entrance of Earl's. I loved hearing my heels clicking and as I walked in I was as always thrilled, model material females, dressed to impress, and I was not that far off of how they were dressed. The girl that greeted me, I had seen before and she recognized me. We exchanged the usual female to female smile and she said smiling wide, "well hello there, welcome back!". I thanked her and said it was nice to see her again as well, she was in a back spandex miniskirt, While shimmering gold blouse, cleavage like mine, ultra sheer black hose and about 3" black patent heels and perfect makeup. She had a very good memory and said, "is your partner joining you?", I told her she was not coming and told her I was there to meet someone and she smiled and said, "Joyce right?", I told her I was and then she told me a gentleman was waiting for me and to follow her. Walking behind her, both of our heels clicking in unison, I was in heaven.

When we got to the table, Paul's back was to me, and she said, "here you are", and then Paul turned around, and then there he was, he stood up and immediately gave me a huge hug and a light kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear how lovely I smelled how lovely it was to hug me again. We broke our embrace and I went to the other side of the table and put my coat down on one of the other chairs and sat down. Paul looked me over and quietly said, "now that is impressive", staring at my tits. I smiled and told him it was just an illusion, and he quietly said, "dear, you have more cleavage and tits that allot of the girls in this place". I said nothing and just smiled, and slung my purse off my shoulder and placed it on the back of the chair. I was nervous and excited all at the same time, but before I could say anything, our waitress came and said, "well hello again!, love the new hairstyle, and it has been awhile". First off I was floored, how did this girl remember me?, and I looked her over she was a blond bombshell, very long hair and in a tight mini LBD, sheer nude hose and heels almost as high as mine, and of course perfect makeup, I definitely did not remember her. As all females when meeting another female, you get looked over, and she looked me over and paused and had a confused look on her face and she said, "are you together?", point at Paul and I. I could tell she was staring my breasts and Lesbian charm, earrings and I smiled at her and looked at her in the eyes and then smiled and said, "no we are just fiends, I have a same sex partner and am spoken for". She looked at me and said, "I thought so, you were here the last time with her right?". I again smiled back and told her that I was with her the last time, she smiled back and said, "I see your friend has a drink, can I get you anything" and I told her a glass of white sine would be fine. She smiled and walked away and I was staring and her and Paul saw that and said, "you know you are as hot looking as she is". I smiled and told him, "not a chance", he looked at me and said, "oh yes you are, and it is amazing she remembered you".

As always, wanting to use the ladies room as much as possible, I told Paul I had to use the ladies room, and this time I definitely did and grabbed my purse and smiled at him definitely wanted to give him a gentle kiss, but simply got up slung my purse over my shoulder and headed to the ladies room. To say I loved Earl's would be an understatement, the way I was dressed and looking at the other females, dressed almost identical to me, I felt so special. I made sure as I walked, my walk was slow and deliberate to not only give Paul a show, but the rest of the place, and walking quickly in the heels I was in and how tight the skirt was, I really had no choice. I got to the familiar ladies washroom, and noticed I was alone and took one of the middle of the 4 stalls and went in, hung up my purse and tugged up the tight skirt and moved things around and sat down to do my business and I heard two other women come into the room while I was sitting there, and one went on either side of me. I looked down and neither were wearing heels, which was disappointing. I fished up and made sure I made all of the right sounds and arranged things and tugged down my skirt and left my stall. I went to the sinks and mirrors and cleaned up, and about that time, one of the other women came out and joined me, we smiled to each other in the mirror, she was about my age in a pant suit. I fluffed out my hair and obviously my lips did not need touching up and went to the full length mirror and made sure my skirt looked right and left the room and back to the table to meet Paul.

Paul was staring and smiling at me the entire time I was walking, I took off my purse and put it on the back of the chair and sat down, and I noticed my drink was there for me. Paul and I then started talking and he told me he loved my new hairdo, and I told him that the last time he saw me was a very long time ago, and things change. He smiled and said, "definitely, and I love your new look, very chic and classy". He knew all about me working as a female in a Bridal salon, and we started talking about my wardrobe and it was fun to describe, and she said, "my lord, you can open up your own Bridal Salon". Where we were seated was in a back corner of the restaurant, and were away from other customers, so we were able to speak freely. Earl's is one place you cannot help but notice the all female staff and how they are dressed, and how they are all pretty much model material, and myself and Paul's eyes wandered from time to time, and he asked at one point, "what is this place?". I went on to explain what it was all about, how all the women are contract employees from a modeling agency. He commented "wow", and we both continued to look around and I was enjoying the view. Our waitress came and asked if we were ready to order and I had not even opened the menu and Paul told her that he had decided, but we needed more time, and I told her and Paul I knew what I wanted. Paul was surprised but she smiled and looked at me and said, "Cesar salad and dry riblets?", I smiled back and her and said, "why yes", she kept on staring at me and smiling and then she broke the stare and looked over at Paul and said, "and you will have?". Paul ordered a chicken Cesar wrap and fries. She said he would be back with our order and then it hit me, it was the waitress that commented on the bra I wore once and she asked me and Sharon about it. I swore the way she was looking me over and staring at me, she was hitting on me. Paul noticed too and said, "seems you have made quite the impression here, and I think she likes you", I said, "yea I guess so, and I think she does, and oh boy, if she only knew".

I then asked Paul why he wanted to meet, and he right away said that he wanted to see me in person and he had a wild idea, and thought I might like it. Speaking quietly, he said:

"I cannot tell you over the years how many times I have thought of that night with you, the emotion and passion, even to this day when I make love to my wife, I sometimes think of you to help me orgasm."

I was flattered and I blushed and smiled at him, and then he went on:

"I have an idea, I know you will like, I want a honeymoon Wedding weekend away with you as my new Bride".

I giggled and said, "dear, we are both long Married".

About time our waitress came back with our food and set it down and said, looking directly at me, "I love your watch and bracelet, and the nail colour you are wearing". I thanked her and again, she kept on staring at me and told me directly, not Paul, then asked if there was anything I needed to let her know. I thanked her and she walked away, both of watching and looking her over and Paul said, "holy shit, she really is hitting on you". I smiled and asked Paul to continue what he had in mind, and was actually getting excited about it, the ideas was interesting. So he went on:

"I know who much you love your Wedding gowns and know you have not worn all of them in public, so I am suggesting I take you away for a weekend to Niagara falls, in one of your gowns, posing as your new husband, and we do the 'Wedding routine', pictures by the falls, a honeymoon night to a dinner theatre, then back to the hotel for a honeymoon night. You in honeymoon lingerie, and we enjoy the evening".

I was speechless, I had no clue what to say other than, "really?", and he yes "yes, really". I told him the amount of planning was going to be huge and she said:

"I have all of the details planned out, the time for the pictures, the photographer, the hotel, the dinner theatre, getting us to and from there, all you need to do is pick out the attire".

I was floored and giggling all at the same time and said I loved the ideas, but even the planning on my side was going to be long (almost like when I was married for real and that took a year) and he smiled and told me he thought I could handle it. We were eating and our waitress came by and asked if everything was alright and once again only looked at me and I told her everything was fine and was staring at me as she walked away, of course I could not stop staring back at her.

A million thoughts ran trough my mind, clothes, hair, makeup, dresses, packing, etc. I then started asking Paul WHY?. He had a sly look on his face and again quietly said:

"I wanted my new wife to suck me while still in her Wedding dress, she refused I know you will being my new Bride, actually, you are the last woman to ever suck me, she refuses to give oral sex"

I blushed and again was overwhelmed, I told him I did not know what to say and he said, "all you need to say is, 'I do'", I smiled wild and looked at him and said, "yes, I do". he smiled and said, "yes to being my wife or yes to orally pleasing me", and I smiled back and said, "both". So that was the beginning of the planning of the big day, I was going to be in one of my Wedding gowns and be the new Bride of Paul for the weekend, again I was thrilled and excited as well as nervous.

We stared at each other for a couple of minutes looking around and staring at the wait staff, and I caught our waitress every once in a while looking over at me and smiling. Paul broke the ice and said, "so what gown do you have in mind to wear to be as my Bride", I smiled back and (honestly at that point and no clue) and said, "one you have never seen before, after all it should be a surprise at the alter for the groom". He looked at me and said, "how many wedding gowns do you actually have in your closets?", I told him 6 and he said, "wow, I cannot wait so see what my new bride will be wearing". My mind was racing and I was getting exited and asked Paul what else he had in mind and he told me that he had a few surprises and that he could not talk about. I smiled and told him I had a few was well, he smiled back and said he was looking forward to them. About this time our waitress came over and saw I was out of wine and asked myself and Paul if we wanted a refill of our drinks. Once again, she was staring only at me and I told her a refill would be nice and she grabbed the glasses and said she would be back, and this time staring at me she bit her lip while smiling and walked away. Paul saw it, and said, "ok, it is official, she is hitting on you". I smiled and said to Paul, "oh I know".

I Then started asking Paul about the weekend and told him I had to know some details other than the obvious for what he wanted to see me wearing. He told me he called and checked and for the dinner theatre here was a dress code and like Stage West, it was no running shoes, track pants, men, a jacket at least and women, at least a skirt. I smiled and told him my closets had more than enough to conform to that, and he smiled and said, "oh I know they do", about that time our waitress came back with our drinks an put them down and again only stared at me and I thanked her and she kept on staring back at me as she sauntered away. I rolled my eyes back as I stared at this woman I would definitely love to have in bed making love to and thought, "dear if you only knew". I then focused back on Paul and asked him what he wanted to see me in for the dinner theatre, and he said, "what about a little black dress?", I smiled back at him and said, "you will have to be a little more specific, I have over 20 LBD's". He smiled back and said, "why am I not surprised?, pick one that you are comfortable in". I told him I would and then asked about my "going home outfit", and he again said, "whatever you are comfortable in". as we finished our lunch, my mind was going through all of my choices, and I was going to rely on my husband Sharon, to help make some of the final decisions. I smiled at him and said, "I guess you already know the honeymoon night lingerie?", he smiled and said, "yes, I cannot wait to see that again".

We pretty much finished eating and our waitress saw that and came over staring at me, not Paul, and asked if we were done and I told her we were and said she would be back with the bill. Once that happened I knew it was my queue for another trip to the ladies room and told Paul I had to freshen up and he smiled and I told him I would be right back. I grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder and started the long slow walk to the washroom. I knew Paul was watching and again, walked slow and deliberate, I loved the looks I was getting and I went into the bathroom and to my surprise, there was only one stall available. I went in and hung up my purse and had two other women in heels next to me, and I loved it when I looked down. I hiked up my skirt, moved things around and sat down and did my business making sure I was making the right sounds. I heard stall doors open and two of the women beside me left, and I was finished and adjusted everything and tugged down my skirt, and grabbed my purse and left the stall, one of the other women was left and at the sinks, and was washing up. I went and stood beside her and put down my purse and was washing up and looked at the other women in the mirror and she was about my age in a skirt suit, and we exchanged smiles and she said, "well hello there". She looked me over and said, "you work here as well?". I was totally at a loss and I apologized and told her I did not know who she was. She smiled and said that her and her daughter were at the Bridal Salon and I fitted her daughter for her gown 9 months ago. She went on to say how lovely the dress is and how they were about to go in for the first fitting and how helpful I was in assisting them. I unpacked my purse and pulled out my lipstick and gloss and told her I was glad to help and that I did not work at the restaurant, and she looked over again and had a puzzled look on her face and said, "I have no clue how you wear heels that high, my back starts aching looking at you wearing those at the salon, but it is a very sharp looking outfit". I smiled and thanked her and she left and applied a healthy coat of lipstick and gloss and then packed it away in my purse and fluffed out my hair and was checking myself in the full length mirror and another woman walked in and we exchanged smiles and I left to go back to the table.

I was about to sit down when I got back to the table and Paul asked if I was ready to go, and told me he settled the bill, but handed it to be and said I should read the back. There was a note:

"It was a pleasure serving you today, you look very nice in leather, give me a call sometime, Heather, 905-211-6598,, XXXOOO"

I smiled and slipped it into my purse and all Paul did was smile and I smiled back and grabbed my light spring coat and we walked to the entrance to leave, but the waitress made sure she saw me leave and gave me a little wave, and I waved back. As we walked to Paul's car, he made the comment, "I cannot believe that just happened". We got to his car and Paul being the gentleman opened my door and I put my coat in the back seat and slid in, but made sure that when I slid in I hiked the leather skirt and sitting down in a leather skirt do what it does and ride up, and I let it ride up very high, almost to my thigh high tops. Paul got in his side and smiled and said, "well those lovely legs look familiar". Paul then proceeded to drive me home, but I reached over and guided his hand to my silky legs and he smiled at me and proceeded to caress them, and said, "yes as silky as I remember". We talked more about the weekend and I told him how much I was looking forward to it, especially in one of my Wedding gowns and he promised me he would keep me in it as long as possible in public to show me off. He continued to caress my silky legs and I reached over and felt his crotch and it was sticking out like a tent. I caressed it and he said he had another meeting to go to, but would have loved for me to take care of him when he dropped me off and the next time he wanted me was in a Wedding gown and I told him I was so looking forward to doing that. He also asked again, so when did you start hormones?, I told him I was not, it was just cleaver padding, and he said, "your ass in the tight skirt is just as sexy as any of the girls we saw today". I thanked him, and I told him they fill out some of my sexier clothes nicely, and he smiled as he continued to caress, and said, "oh I would love to see you model some of those in private for me", I told him perhaps another time. We got to the house and I did not have had to direct him, and he marked it on his GPS. He came and opened my door and I grabbed my coat and he walked me to the back door and I wanted to kiss him so badly, and he saw that but told me he had to be careful, and not get perfume on his suit jacket or any lipstick marks so he gave me a light kiss on the cheek and promised that for the weekend, there would be long make out sessions, and I reached down and gave his crotch another squeeze and told him I was so looking forward to enjoying him, and licked my lips.

He left and thanks to his wife always watching his on-line chatting, that was the last real time conversation I had with him. I went in and stripped out of my clothes and into one of my terri cloth robe, I emailed my husband and told her and she immediately got back to me and was excited and loved the idea, and told me I had a bunch of work to do and I told her that I knew I did, I then started thinking about the clothing for the weekend. First and foremost, was which Wedding gown to choose, I had 3 that I had not worn in public yet, and sent an email to my husband as she had seen one of the 3, I had not worn in public. She sent me an email back and said she had an idea that she had to plan and it would be one that I would like to help me choose the dress. Then the dinner theatre LBD, and decided to wear one I wore for one of the times Sharon and I got together to celebrate Christmas, it was a strapless shorter style, with a peplum, and shows cleavage and I got a black satin bolero jacket t go with it. I knew the hose were going to be sheer black or patterned of some kind and my heels were going to be my black 5 1'4" patent ones. The hose, lingerie and jewelry were going to be a decision I would make lastly. For the next day outfit, I was not sure, it was going to be one of my new bodycon dresses, I decided to wait until the day of the packing to decide on which one as I had many choices and hosiery heels and everything else to the same day.

Saturday May 9th, 2015, Wedding Dress Choice and Surprise Bachelorette Party

So I got an email about 2 weeks after Paul asked me out for the weekend and it was from my husband and she wrote:

"Hi Sweetie,

I suggest a week before the Wedding weekend, we play 'visit the Bridal Salon', and you bring out the dresses you have in mind and the many headpieces you have and you slip into the dresses and we try on the different headpieces, to find the final look, what do you think?, I will clear out the living room so we will have lots of space to make it happen".

I was thrilled with the idea, emailed her back and said I wanted it to happen, then really started to look at the Wedding gowns I had, now they all but one are circa 1980's and early 90's, so even if I wanted to try them on to see how they would look, I could not as they all have buttons and no zippers. I did have one more that was a gift from a special Lesbian friend I dated a few years before, a stunning dress, but it used a zipper, and was a mid 2000 style gown and I wanted one of the 80's and 90's gowns, so when buttoned up into it there was no way to get out, almost like you were trapped in it, a very thrilling feeling, so I only really had 2 to choose from. I decided to wait until the Saturday Sharon suggested and would go from there. The weeks leading up to the Saturday I was tingling with excitement as I remember the many times going into a Bridal Salon and trying on dresses as part of a fantasy and for real, the feeling of slipping into a gown and seeing it on you for the first time is very emotional.

Just two days before the weekend I got an email from my husband:

"Joyce, I have to work on Saturday in the morning, but will be back in time for the Bridal dress fitting mid afternoon, I am thinking 3pm, if you want this to be really special, be dressed in whatever lingerie you want to wear for the dresses, and anything else you want to put on then one of your robes and wait in your room until I come and get you at 3pm, put the dresses to model downstairs on the couch as well as all of the headpieces".

The email got me thinking of what Sharon was up to and decided to go along with it and usually for a Bridal fitting you are in just plain street clothes and then strip and get into and dress for fitting in a change room. However she asked me to be already stripped when she was going to come and get me, so I started to plan. Now I had already tried on the one dress I had in mind without a full crinoline that Sharon helped me into, the other she had never seen before, so both were going to be tried on with a crinoline. Then I thought abut shoes, should I already be wearing white satin heels? (I have several), or just in bare nude nyloned feet, or sheer white nylons that would be worn for the Wedding?. I then started thinking about other things to complete the Wedding look, first was the flowers and I had to present and carry and I had at least 3 bridal bouquets to choose from (and several Bridesmaid ones). I decided on going with a large colourful floral one that I have not used for a public outing, so I decided with that one. Again not knowing what Sharon had planned, was going to be laying that out with the dresses. Lingerie, well, there was new sexy white merry widow with removable straps and a garter belt, deep low plunging back, perfect for both of the dresses, and then stay ups or ultra white stockings. I looked through my lingerie drawer and found a pair, perfect, ultra sheer and pretty white lace at the tops. They were still in the package and decided to search for another pair and had none, but grabbed a pair of nude stockings and for the fitting, went with those. Both dresses had very high necklines, so there was no need for a necklace, so all I had to do was to determine earrings and I decided on a pair of small pearl drop earrings. Final touch was going to be gloves, I had two choices, white lace gloves or just plain white satin gloves. I pulled both out.

So the day of "fitting" came and Sharon left for work and the house was clear, and I was tingling with excitement, I decided to stage everything and grabbed the two gowns took them out of their bags, and loved the feeling of how heavy there were and laid them out on the couch. I inspected both gowns and then realized my second last dress had so a low cut back and a very sexy plunge in the front, no bra could be worn and remembered that it had built in bras so the strategy changed on what I was going to be wearing as for lingerie, bra and stockings. I then went upstairs and got into the shower and "squeeky clean", and then headed back down to my bedroom to get ready for the day. I put on my long curly hair, the same as what I dated Paul wearing. The I started getting dressed, first it was a pair of pure white satin panties, bikini style that I wore on my real Wedding day. Next was the new Merry widow and it felt like a dream as I slipped it on and it actually was the first time, and the push up part of the bra and the padding really enhanced my 38B/C breasts, to a point I was not going to be needing my inserts. Then my foundation garment and I sat down and put on the pair of nude stocking and slipped them on and clipped them into place, about that time I heard footsteps upstairs and looked outside and saw my husband's care in the driveway, I checked the clock and saw that it was 1pm, 2 hours before she said that she was going to come and get me the "fitting". I was wondering what was going and then shortly after I heard the shower running. I continued to get ready, and all I had to really do was put on a minimal amount of makeup, so I went to my bathroom and started, I decided on no foundation, as I did not want any makeup on either of the gowns. I did put on some eyeliner, and little purple eye shadow, a touch of blush and a light coating to Sharon and I's matching lipstick.

I put on my pink satin robe and then eventually heard heel clicks above my head, and it was only 1:30pm. I had no clue what was going on and simply surf'd the internet. Before long I heard furniture moving and then about 2:30pm, I heard female laughter and more heels clicking it was not just one set, but multiple. As I was waiting I thought more about my shoes for the dresses and pulled out the 3" white satin heels with rhinestones on them, the same ones I wore for the Bridal Garden shoot in 2006. Then the headpieces, I had 8 and eliminated the two I had already worn in public for photo shoots, so put them away, all were circa 1980 or 1990, large crowns and veil, I looked them over and took the one I like the most and it was the largest and put it on one end of the top of couch, and then went through the others and painfully placed them in order of least to most favourite, and loved each and every one. The first one in line was the one that actually came with the first dress and I wanted a picture of me in the dress and it at least. The one I put at the very end towards the stairs, the first to grab was the one that Bride wore for the first dress I was going to be trying on and I really wanted to see the whole look. I finished laying them out and then the other accessories. Then I was thinking of earrings and decided on a dainty pair of silver earrings with a little pearl drop on them and laid them out as well as a pair of rhinestone hair barrettes. I was double checking my accessories and forgot the large crinoline I was going to wear and went and grabbed it and put it with the rest of the items. I went back to my room and continued to hear female laughter and heels clicking all over the place and wondered what was going on.

At 3pm, I heard a knock on the door and my husband telling me that it was time and she would meet me upstairs and to bring my favourites picture book, she want to see it again, I found it odd and grabbed the book. I finished what I was doing and went upstairs in stockinged feet to meet my husband expecting to see her in her track pants and a sweatshirt, reading on the couch as I entered the living room, but it was quite the different sight. There was her, her GG lover Brenda, the Lesbian woman I dated a few years earlier, Cheryle, and another woman I had never seen before and I stopped dead in my tracks and all of them said at the same time "surprise!". My husband walked up to me smiling and grabbed my hands and said:

"dear, you know you do not go looking for wedding dresses alone or with just one other female opinion, you always bring a second along, you should know that working in a Bridal Salon, so I took the liberty of setting this up for you to make it more fun and real"

I still had a look of shock on my face and she took me by the hand and lead me to the couch where the other girls were sitting and said, "you know all of the girls here except Sandy, she is Cheryle's new girlfriend". She stood up and shook my hand and smiled and said, "it is very nice to meet you and you do make a lovely Bride and you and Sharon a lovely couple", and I looked down and saw Sharon had gone and grabbed my wedding scrapbook and they were going through it. I smiled and thanked her, and she said, "and Cheryle was right, your are very cute". I blushed and knew she knew who and what I was and was a little pissed off, but at the same time thrilled another GG knew my true sex. I looked over the girls, and something else was odd, it was a Saturday afternoon and they were all dressed up sort of. First my husband, she was wearing the same thing she did when she took me out as a cuckold sissy, one of my lipstick red silk blouses, one of my just above the knee length black pencil skirts, ultra sheer black hose and her 3" black patent heels. Then her lover Brenda, she was in a black leather knee length pencil skirt, black silk blouse, nude hose and her usual 3" black strappy heels, mentally I thought, "I almost have the same outfit I wore to meet Paul". Next was Cheryle, she was in a one piece green bodycon style dress, very figure flattering and nude hose and 3" black kid heels. Finally was Sandy, she was in a well above the knee length black pencil skirt, not quite a mini gold silk blouse, black 4" patent heels and ultra sheer nude hose. I took a chance to look over Sandy and she was about the same height as Cheryle and I, cute face, a little heavier than I but nice breasts, she definitely was the younger of the 5 of us. All 4 of them had definitely done their makeup as for going to the office and Brenda maybe a little more, my husband was wearing our matching lipstick. I looked around the room and my husband arranged it so only the couch was in the main part of the room and the coffee table was there and next to it was the love seat. I then asked why they were all dressed up, and my husband said,

"dear, again, you being one that has worked in a Bridal Salon should know the more well dressed you are the better service you get, so we wanted to play the part".

My spouse asked me to sit down and have a snack and a glass of wine, and I saw she had put out munchie trays and they all were sipping on wine, so it was me on the love seat and the other 4 across from me and then the fun started, but not before Sharon asked me to put down my favourite picture book on the table. Brenda grabbed it and asked what it was and Sharon said, "oh Joyce loves her picture taken and these are some of her favourites over the last 26 or so years". Sandy was looking over Brenda's shoulder, and then the questions started, "so where did you meet the groom?, what does he have planned for you?". I was about to start answering and Sandy squealed out?, "are you serious!, lingerie pics?!, and look at all of these outfits and dresses, and you make a lovely Bridesmaid as well, the lingerie ones, so sexy and I would not have a clue it was not a real woman if I did not know". Sharon said, "lingerie?, what lingerie?" and stood up and went and looked at the book and it was one of my favourite teddies and in a very sexy pose. Sharon said, "I never knew these existed", said coly, "I have a whole book just of lingerie", Sharon shook her head and said, "who took these?, and when", I told her it was Paul and it was in Hamilton when we lived there in my bedroom. She said, "wait, the same Paul who was your first man and the one that is taking you for the weekend?". I said it was, and she said, "well this explains alot then". I then explained to them about the weekend and how it all came about and what Paul had planned and Sandy said "do you have a dress for the dinner theatre" and Sharon rolled her eyes and said, "she has enough formal dressed to go to the dinner theatre at least 100 times and never in the same dress". Sandy said, "are you kidding really?, have maybe two dresses in my closet for that type of occasion" and Sharon, "oh believe me she does". Sharon then said:

"ok ladies, we are here for the darling, not so virginal Bride to be Joyce for the big day next week, we are running out of time today, so Joyce, for today, your Maid of Honor is going to be Cheryle and your #1 Bridesmaid is Sandy and #2 is Brenda and I am #3, So Cheryle, take our lovely Bride to be and get her into her first dress, and you may want to take Sandy, I am sure the dresses she has chosen have tons of buttons, and Joyce bring up the lingerie book when you come up, I am dying to see what I missed years ago."

Cheryle came and grabbed my hand and helped me up and lead me downstairs with Sandy following. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, both girls said, "Wow!, are those all your headpieces?", I said they were and it was up to all of us to find the right one for the dress. Sandy asked what was next and Cheryle said she would take the lead as she had been a Bride and a Bridesmaid before and knew what to do. I told then before we started that Sharon wanted me to get the lingerie book and I went to my room and grabbed it and brought it back and put it on the table. I then told both of them all of the accessories were on the table as well. Cheryle then said, "I see you have a crinoline, let's start with that, ok drop the robe dear". I was a little hesitant and Cheryle saw that and said, "we are all women here and you tell other Brides that". I dropped the robe and looked over at Sandy and she commented, "what darling looking lingerie, love the stockings and garters, oh my", I thanked her and Cheryle held out the crinoline and told me to step into it and I grabbed Sandy and Cheryle's shoulders and stepped into the large crinoline. It was the first time I was close to them and made the comment they were both wearing the same perfume and it was lovely. Cheryle smiled and said, "sound familiar?", and proceeded to help me do up the drawstring of the crinoline, then asked which was the first gown and I pointed to my latest one, the one I had never tried on before. She instructed Sandy to go to the other side and she reached under and fluffed it out and told me to bend over and both of the girls put it over my head and helped guiding my arms into the dress, then brought it over. I knew to stand up and I did then they tugged it down over the crinoline and started fluffing out the dress, Sandy taking Cheryle's lead. Cheryle then came behind me and went, "holy cow, look all the buttons, she did up the small zipper at the base of my back and said to Sandy and I, "I will be right back and went upstairs". Leaving me holding the top of the dress waiting to get done up and Sandy made the comment, "oh my god, what a lovely dress, and you do make a lovely Bride and are you on hormones?, those boobs look lovely", I smiled and said to her, "ever seen an ugly Bride? and those boobs are real, no hormones", she smiled back and said, "I guess not and still impressive boobs". Cheryle came back and said, "come here Sandy, and Joyce, keep holding the dress up, I had to get a something to help make all these buttons easier", it was bobby pins. She started at the top and told Sandy to hold my hair back and started at the very top, right away I was pleased as it fit perfectly around my neck and was a very high neck line. I laughed as she started, and said, "I forgot about that trick we use is a darning knitting needle, but that trick works". She then told Sandy to start at the bottom and work up towards her, and showed her the trick. She asked me if I knew how many buttons and I told there was 41, and she said, "no way you are getting out of this by yourself" I said, "I know, that is why I love the feeling". They finished and both commented how romantic the back was and my bra was not showing, and Cheryle commented that the train was already bustled, and then I turned around and they both put their hands over their mouth and said, "Oh my God, how pretty". They both noticed the broach I had placed at the top of the bodice at the neckline and they both noticed it was an antique Lesbian broach with two women about to kiss and they thought it was awesome. Then Cheryle told Sandy to take one of my wrists and do up the 9 buttons on it and Cheryle did up the other wrist Cherlye asked if I was ready to go and show the rest of the Wedding party and I said I was and she said, "wait, shoes", I told her they were laid out near the headpieces with the other accessories and went and grabbed them and both commented on how pretty they were and loved the rhinestones on them. I held onto Sandy's shoulder and was close to her and could smell her perfume and told her quietly how lovely she smelled. Cheryle tugged under my dress and all of the crinolines and slipped on each of the heels. She then stood up and fluffed out my dress and said, "ready?", I told her I was and we all went upstairs, Sandy in front of me, Cheryle behind me helping with all the fabric going up the stairs I was holding on to a bunch and the railing with the other hand. I loved the feeling of the new dress, the tightness around the torso and the feeling of being trapped.

I got to the top of the stairs, and both girls helped me get the dress ready and made sure the crinolines were right asked if I was ready and I said I was, I then rounded the corner to go into the living room and Brenda immediately went, "WOW", Sharon said, "very nice, and where did this one come from?, or shall I ask?". I said nothing but smiled and moved to the center of the room slowly modelling around and totally enjoy the feeling of the dress and crinolines, my heels clicking, and Cheryle and Sandy went and sat down. I modelled around a bit more and then Sharon said, "well the dress is very lovely, now let's see the train", and Cheryle spoke up and got out of her seat and said she would un-bustle it, then Sharon said she would get a pedestal and pulled a wooden platform from the closet and placed it in the middle of the room. After being a Bride for real, and fantasy Bridal shopping many times over and working at a Bridal salon for several years I knew the drill and carefully stood on the box, asking for Cheryle to help me up and she grabbed my hand and helped me up. I hiked up my dress and letting it fall around me. Cheryle then came and undid the four loops at my waist saying to me and the other girls, "have to remember where to find the loops again girls, there are four of them". She undid them and the train dropped down and asked Sandy to come and help her fluff out my train. They adjusted it and fluffed it out and this was the first time for me actually seeing what the train looked like. It was not that impressive, just a bit of detail down the center and that was about it, I was a bit disappointed, some of my other Wedding dresses have much more elaborate detailing.

All of the girls were commenting on how lovely the dress was and how pretty I looked in it, and then as they walked around I wanted to know what the back and front looked like and Sharon went and grabbed a floor length mirror and placed it up against the wall in front of me. Like always when myself or any woman sees themselves in a Wedding dress for the first time, it is always a shock as the look is so romantic and feminine it is overwhelming, even though I had gone through this moment dozens of times over the years, it is always special. As I stared at myself in the mirror, I loved the look and the broach made the front look even more special, then my husband like in years past she copied what other Bridal salon attendants did, she grabbed a another large mirror and walked in behind me and held it up. I remembered getting this done to me in a Bridal salon fantasy visit and she moved the mirror around so I could see what the back looked like and I was thrilled with the look. I moved my hair around and away and saw the entire back and loved the look of the buttons and the sheer material, Sharon smiled at me and said, "very nice". As I was admiring myself, the other girls were walking around and talking amongst themselves about the dress and I swished around and loved the look of the crinoline under the dress and how it made the dress overall appearance so incredible. I asked if I could get pictures of the dress so I could see what it looked like and Sharon spoke up and stopped the girls as they were going for their phone to take pictures and said, "we at least need to get pictures with her in a headpiece". At that point I looked at Cheryle and told her that the headpiece I needed was the first one on the couch as you walked downstairs into the room and told asked to bring one of the floral bouquets I had laid out as well. Cheryle went off to get them and in the meantime, the other girls came to me and started asking how I felt about the dress and if I really liked it and I told them I did, but in my head I knew that they would change their mind when they saw the next dress, so I played along. My husband came up to me and asked the other girls if they wanted to see the dress without the broach and they all agreed and Sharon came and took it off. She was smiling at me and said, "remember your are supposed to be marrying a man not another woman". She took it off and I was surprised how the collar looked with our it, very dainty and feminine and all of them agreed it look good with or without it. Cheryle then came back into the room and walked up to me and placed the headpiece in place and I told all of the girls that this is one that the Bride wore with the dress and it and saw it and it definitely fit the era of the dress, it was not that impressive compared to my other headpieces. Then Sharon announced it was pictures time and Sandy handed me the bouquet and I posed with it and smiled as all of the girls started taking pictures from all different angles so that I could see everything about the dress. Sharon asked everyone if they had enough pictures and everyone said they did and then Cheryle came and grabbed the bouquet and placed it on the couch and then said, "alright ladies now where are those loops, we have to bustle her up". All of the girls started looking and they found them and Cheryle bustled me up and asked if I was ready to go and I told her I was and she and Sandy helped me get down the stairs which was a slow walk as I had to negotiate not only the dress but the large crinoline as well.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and I moved to the center of the room and Cheryle asked Sandy to come and help her to undo the buttons, after carefully taking off the headpiece and joked, saying, "I bet Paul is going to have fun undoing all of these next Saturday night, hope he does not rip the buttons off to get at your sweet body". I commented back that he better not and said, "besides he wants me to take care of him while in the dress", Cheryle laughed as she was unbuttoning and said, "gee that sounds familiar". They go all of the buttons undone and Cheryle asked me to bend over and she asked Sandy to get to the other side of me and the two of them carefully slid the dress over my head and off. As they did that I undid the large crinoline and Cheryle came and offered me her shoulder as I stepped out of it. I told the girls that had to change out of my lingerie as the next dress I could not wear a bra with and they both asked why and I told them "trust me, you cannot", to which Cheryle said, "well this should be interesting". I grabbed my robe, slid it on and told the girls I would be right back and went into my Bedroom and Cheryle said she would pack up the dress as I walked away. I slipped out of the robe, kicked off the white satin Bridal 3" heels and then undid the garters and slipped off the stockings and put them away and then the merry widow, and put it away. I looked around my lingerie drawer and found a couple of nude stay ups, used ones with runs in them, and sat down and quickly slipped them on. I then slipped the robe back on, and the white satin Bridal heels, and went back into the play room where the girls were waiting for me, they asked if I was ready and I told them I was.

They had already gotten the next dress out of the bag and made the comment that the dress was much heavier than the first one and I told them it was, and they would see why. I dropped my robe and felt a little awkward just being in my foundation garment, and a pair of nude stay ups. Neither of the girls said anything and Cheryle had grabbed the crinoline and put it in the middle of the room and both girls helped me step into it and then I did up the drawstring. Cheryle then organized the dress and I bent over and both girls assisted me in guiding my arms and such as I slipped it on. As the girls fluffed out the dress to put it over the crinoline, they both stood there, mouths wide open and speechless at the dress, then started making comments like, "you look like royalty" and "look at all that beading, and look at the shoulders". I told them to wait until it was totally done up before making more comments. both of the girls moved to the back and started doing up the buttons and Cheryle commented, "now I can see why you cannot wear a bra, these buttons go clear down to almost your panty line and there has to be at least another couple dozen buttons compared to the last dress". I told them it was 55 and they began to start buttoning me, and again, I loved the feeling of the tightness of the dress and the feeling of not being able to get out of the dress if I wanted to by myself. The girls finished doing me up and then Sandy went and fluffed out the train and made a comment it was long compared to the other dress and said that the train had netting in it for fullness, and I told them it was actually two trains in one. They both walked around to the front the dress and Cheryle said, "oh my!, look at the cleavage, no wonder you cannot wear a bra, and Joyce this dress is not only romantic and regal, but damn sexy all at the same time". I told her I could not agree more. The girls then did up the dozen buttons at my wrists and again, Cheryle comment, "I have never seen so many buttons".

The girls asked if I was ready to go and we all headed upstairs with Cheryle in behind me managing the train, while I held the front of the dress and crinolines up as we slowly walked up the stairs, when we got to the top, Cheryle took the time and spread out my train as much as she could in the kitchen, and then I walked in and right away noticed the wooden box was not here and headed to the center of the room, and Sharon said, "thought this would be the other dress". Brenda commented, "oh my God, how 80's, even Madonna would be proud and look at the huge puffy shoulders, and the sexy plunge in the bodice, very sexy". I then walked around dragging the 10 ft train behind me and the other girls sat and watched and made comments, comparing this dress to the other. Brenda asked if I was wearing a bra and I told her I was not and she commented on how low the front and back was and said, "yea I guess not", and told her that the previous owner had bra pads sewn into it. The wooden box was brought out and Cheryle helped me onto it and then her and Sandy started fluffing out the train, and indeed, it was two trains in one, and the longer one had netting under it to make it stand out and the total train length was almost 10 feet, and they had fun sorting it out and Cheryle made the comment, "this is going to be fun to bustle if she chooses this dress, this train is huge how did the original Bride manage?". Sharon said she attempted the first time I put on the dress but she gave up. They all agreed that if this was the dress, between the 4 of them, and me, we should be able to figure it out. Sharon then said, "speaking of which, is this the only other dress?". I told her it was and she smiled and said, "well are you saying 'yes' to this dress?", I smiled and said I was, even though the train was not as elaborate as some of my other Wedding dresses with detailing, the fact it was ten feet and almost another dress onto itself, I loved it, besides, the bodice made up for it, and all of the girls agreed, this dress was all about the bodice.

Sharon asked Cheryle and Sandy to get the headpieces and they would all critique them and choose the best one for the dress now that it was chosen. They left to go downstairs and Brenda asked how many there was to choose from and Sharon said, "knowing her, Lord knows how many", and I said there was only 5, 3 of the other ones were ruled out. the girls came back with the headpieces and laid them down on the couch, and Brenda, went, "holy crap Joyce, Sharon was not kidding when she said you were stuck in the 80's for fashion". I said nothing and smiled and they asked me which one was first and said, "I have my idea, but I want this to be a group decision, so just grab one". To describe all the headpieces one by one would be difficult, basically they were all crown style with all different types of crowns, some simple and more elaborate. All had some sort of tulle gathering at the backs, some smaller than other and finally the veil portion, one had a single layer of tulle, others, two and finally three layers, all from fingertip style to waist length style. They put them on me on by one and Sandy walked around and snapped pictures on her camera of each and all of the girls were making comments, Sharon was holding up the mirror so I could see what that looked like from the rear. At one point as I was standing there, and noticed my lingerie photo album open to a page and also noticed yellow sticky notes on some of the pages, I am sure they were having fun going through the book as some of the pictures really turned out well, at least I thought so. Headpiece after headpiece was put on me and they had reordered them and the one I wanted for the dress was actually the 3rd one and when they put it on, they all gushed on how elaborate it was, and all liked it. However Sharon reminded them there was two more to go, and they put them on and again Sandy continue to take pictures. The plan was to sit down and review all of the headpieces but Brenda said to put the third one back on and I was thrilled. Cheryle put the third one on and then Sharon walked around with the mirror and showed it to me, and I loved it and looked the way I wanted it to and really enhanced the dress. Sharon saw the look on my face and said, "well ladies, I think judging by the smile on her face this is the one, is it Joyce?". I smiled and nodded and then they all clapped and said, "yay!".

Then Sharon said, "let's add the finishing touches and see how it all looks on her". I told Cheryle where the earrings, rhinestone hair barrettes and the gloves were and she went to get them. Sharon and the other girls walked around me playing with the train, commenting on how long it was and how it was to be arranged leaving me staring at myself imagining the weekend ahead and none of it was about the romantic day/evening with Paul, but all about how I would look in public in the dress and how I would feel being at the center of attention. Cheryle came back and laid everything, handed me the earrings and I put them on and then Sharon asked what gloves if any I wanted to wear, and I said I had two styles and was not sure, so Sharon asked Cheryle to help and they put one of each style, white lace and then the plain satin on my hands. I then clipped on the earrings and my husband came and took the headpiece off and handed it to Brenda and put the small rhinestone hair barrettes in my hair and then took the headpiece from Brenda and placed it back on my head. Then all of the girls looked around me and made comments on how lovely the entire look was and then asked me about what I thought about the gloves and I told them that I was good with either and said each had their of appeal and Cheryle was the one that said she like the lace ones better as the gown already had enough satin to it. My husband came and handed me the bouquet I had chosen and told me to pose and then all 4 of them stood back and Cheryle said, "now THERE is a Bride that is stunning!". Sharon stood back and said, "well, Joyce, you are one for not trying to attract attention when you go out dressed in public, but dear, this will attract allot of attention, even standing with other Brides".

Then the fun began, I told the girls that the pictures that were to be taken were going to be post ceremony and thus the dress should be bustled, and asked if they could practice doing it, they all smiled and said, "no problem". I told them I was going to get the dress steamed so after they practiced, it would have to be undone and on the day of the "Wedding" they would have to do it all over again. The 4 of them went to the back and it was comical. I knew Cheryle and my husband Sharon have Bridal party experience, as well as Brenda, but Sandy was a newbie. Now me being one that has worked many years in a Bridal Salon, one thing I never did as part of the job was bustling the train for the Brides, that is done by the seamstress. However after being a Bridesmaid many times and my own dress, the basics are there, however this train was not a normal train as it was two trains in one, and was complex and 10 feet long. I told the girls that there was 5 buttons under the first train and the 4 of them started looking around for the loops. Eventually they found them all and I stood there, flowers in hand, they started attempting to hook them up and adjusting the train and the netting under the main train. After about 15 minutes of playing around they said they got it and my husband got a mirror and I got to see for myself, and after seeing what it really looked like on the original Bride told them they were way off, the folding was not even close. I was disappointed and wanted to help, as I knew how it had to be, and if I was not wearing the dress I told them I could have showed them how to arrange it properly. My husband then bluntly said, "well let's get you out of the dress and one of us can put it on then you can show us". Sandy immediately said, "I will do it, I have never tried on a Wedding dress before". From what I could see Sandy was a little larger than I in size, but we could at least get most of the buttons done up.

Cheryle and Sandy came and helped me off the wooden stand and I put the flowers down on the couch and then the girls followed me downstairs. I stood there as they undid all of the buttons, both commenting on how stunning I looked. Once the dress was unbuttoned, they carefully took off the headpiece and then I bent over and they carefully slipped it off me, and then I undid the crinoline and stepped out of it. I quickly grabbed my pink satin robe and slipped it on, meanwhile Sandy start getting out of her clothes giggling with excitement. She kicked off her heels, and then unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off and then tugged down her skirt and slipped out of it. I right away noticed she was wearing pantyhose, said nothing and smiled at her and she was left in pantyhose, white panties and a plain white bra. She asked if she should take off the bra, and I told her it was up to her and she reached in behind and unsnapped her bra and took it off and threw it onto the couch. So there was Sandy, Cheryle's new lover and girlfriend, standing there and I had to comment and said that her "girls" were very nice and they were, and she smiled back and thanked me. Cheryle and I helped her into the crinoline and she stepped into it and I went and tied up the drawstring. She commented, "this feels weird", and I told her it would only getting feeling more strange as we got the dress on. Cheryle and I then carefully laid the dress out and told Sandy to bend over and slipped it over her and told her to move her arms to get them in the sleeves. She stood back up and I started to fluff the dress around the crinoline and Cheryle moved to the back and started doing her buttons up. Sandy was beside herself, saying she had never felt anything like it, fabric so heavy and so smooth. I smiled at her and told her, "wait till you see yourself in the mirror". Cheryle asked me to help with the buttons and went to the back and obviously the dress was not going to fit quite right, and Cheryle and I got as many buttons done up as we could, as Sandy was just a little too big for the dress in the torso area, I helped her adjust her boobs. We then moved to the sleeves and did them up and Sandy was ready, however she still was in stockinged feet and I asked her if she was alright or wanted her heels back on, she said she was fine, and we then headed upstairs, Sandy hiking up the dress and crinolines with Cheryle and I following and helping with the train.

We got to the top of the stairs and went into the living room and my husband and Brenda were waiting and Brenda said, "ah yes, a new Bride". Sandy slowly walked towards the wooden box and said, "holy shit, this dress is super heavy, never felt anything like this before". We all laughed and jointly said, "yes dear, we know all about that, now try it for over 15 hours on your Wedding day". Both Cheryle and I helped her up onto the box and then she saw herself in the mirror and started to cry. I am used to this reaction as myself and the other girls, we all told her it was normal, and that she should relax, Cheryle handed her a tissue to wipe her eyes (eye makeup ruined). It was strange, walking around her in my dress and seeing what the entire look was like and it truly was stunning, I had put at least a hundred or so Brides in their dresses, mostly strapless styles and none thrilled me, mind you they loved them, but this dress was "WOW". My husband said, "ok, now Ms. Bridal consultant show us what we need to do". I told them to give me some time and let me work on the train. I went and undid the train and all 5 of the buttons and fluffed out the train(s), while my husband and her lover and Cheryle sat on the couch watching and sipping on wine and grazing on the snacks. This was my first time actually seeing the train and I started looking for things that are done with them and found the fabric "loops" used for the Bride to carry around the train. While I was looking around Sandy was still crying and saying how she wanted to get married wearing a dress like she was in, meanwhile I looked over at Cheryle and she was smiling and saying nothing. I focused on the dress and not Sandy and I figured out how it was to go on and called my husband and Brenda to look and see, and they both came. I told them and showed them how that the underskirt (or netting) had to be carefully wrapped up and the other two loops had to be done first and the other three loops needed two sets of hands to fold in the netting as the loops were done up, so the netting did not show. I showed them and they both helped and then the bustling was done. Brenda then said, "shows that you have worked in a Bridal Salon as I never could have figured that out". Sandy then said, "oh my Lord, I look like a Queen". I laughed and asked my husband and Brenda if they knew what to do and both said they did, so it was time to get Sandy out of the dress. Cheryle and I both helped her down off the stand and then Sandy said she wanted to walk around and enjoy the dress a bit more, so she did

It was at that time that Cheryle said, "seems that this is a complex dress and if you are going all the way to Niagara Falls and having pictures taken, you should have someone other than the groom to make sure it is right before the pictures". I knew exactly what she was hinting at but played along and said, "what do you suggest?". She said "well obviously a Bridesmaid to be sure everything was right". Again, I knew what she was suggesting but played along again and said, "are you volunteering?". Cheryle smiled wildly and said, "oh ya, I would not want to miss this show, you in that dress getting pictures taken, it will be a blast". I smiled and said, "well you have the job then, but you will of course have to be dressed for the part". She smiled and my husband chimed in, "oh don't worry Cheryle, she has enough Bridesmaid dresses to cloth an army of Bridesmaid's". Cheryle then said, "I am looking forward to it".

I looked over at my husband and she kept looking at the clock, I was not sure why, but she said, "ladies, we have time left, I have an idea, I would love to see what Cheryle's Wedding dress looked like, and Joyce, you own that now right?". I was surprised but said I did and Cheryle squealed and said it was a perfect idea, so Cheryle, Sandy and myself went downstairs, carefully helping Sandy down the stairs in the big dress and crinoline. Cheryle and I unbuttoned her and carefully slid the dress off of her and I could not help but stare at her lovely breasts, and said, "nice rack", Cheryle, jokingly said, "easy girl, those are mine". Sandy undid the crinoline draw string and stepped out of it, and then went to the couch and started getting dressed while I went and took the dress and hung it up and started putting it in the garment bag. Once that was done, Cheryle then said, "ok, now where is my Wedding dress?, so we can get it and put you in it". Sandy was quickly dressed and I told them to follow me and I took them into the furnace room and to the two very large closets and decided to give them a bit of a tour and showed them the first large closet which is my semi formal/formal/work clothes closet, and opened the door and both of them said, "holy shit, are you kidding?", I smiled and then Sandy said, "I maybe have two or three dresses and maybe 5 skirts, this is nuts, and these are all yours?". I smiled and said they were, but told her my husband and I share and she can wear anything of mine anytime, but we do have different style tastes. We then moved to the other large closet and this is where all my Bridal/Bridesmaid collection is and opened the door and again it was "holy shit, are you seriously kidding me?". Cheryle and Sandy asked how many Bridesmaid dresses I had and I told them over 70. Sandy said, "look at the colours and styles!". I told them I had at least 5 of them that are matching that Sharon and I have and 2 were used in real Weddings, and Sandy asked, "so you were a real Bridesmaid?", I told her yes, and 4 times and only the Bride knew my true sex. She smiled and said, "gee why am I not surprised". We got to the end of the closet where the Bridal gowns and Southern Bell dresses were and I showed them, and all Cheryle did was shake her head. I knew exactly what dress bag was Cheryle Wedding dress and pulled it out.

We walked back to the rec room and I carried the bag and Cheryle asked about the hoop slip and I told her it was in the bag. I hung the bag up and unzipped it and pulled out the dress and handed it to Cheryle then grabbed the hoop slip and carried it to the center of the room. Sandy said, "what the heck is that?", Cheryle and I both laughed and told her it was a hoop slip to be worn under the Wedding dress. Cheryle was quick to get the dress ready and asked if I was ready and told her I was and dropped my satin robe and literally hopped into the hoop skirt and pulled it up and did it up. Cheryle then asked Sandy to help and I bent over and the two of them helped me into the dress. I stood back up and Cheryle knowing the dress well went to the back and zipped it up and then fluffed out the dress over the hoop skirt. All Sandy said was "WOW, how do go through door in that or even go to the bathroom?". We both laughed and told her it was not as hard as it looks as long as you have a Bridesmaid to help. Cheryle came in front of me and put the headpiece that she wore on my head and smiled and said, "now it is perfect, still remember you in this back in the day sucking Joe off". I smiled and said nothing and I wandered around a bit in the dress and Cheryle said we should go up and show the other girls the dress. I grabbed the dress and hem and with Cheryle and Sandy helping got to the top of the stairs. I entered the living room and my husband said, "oh my, what a delicious looking dress". I sauntered around for a bit and Cheryle said, "she wore elbow length satin gloves and carried my Bridesmaid flower bouquet when she wore it for me". Brenda then laughed out loud, and said, "you mean when she gave your neighbour a blow job wearing it". Cheryle smiled and said, "yes and she did a very good job, Joe had no complaints". I was loving the dress and was walking all around enjoying it and my husband made the comment, "a very close second to the one she picked, I love this dress, so feminine and romantic". All of the girls, my husband included, started taking pictures of me in the dress from all angles, I was loving it as Cheryle's dress was a dream to wear. I had fun walking around but could not help noticing my husband checking her watch and then she said, "ok ladies, almost time to go".

Seems the other girls knew what that meant and I was left standing there in a Wedding dress and holding flowers not knowing what was going on and then my husband stepped up to me and grabbed my hands and smiled at me. She was looking at me and the other girls were also smiling and then she said, "dear, we have one last thing planned for you, we are all not just dressed up for playing a bridal salon visit, but we are dressed up for your Bacelorette party". I was floored and my husband was still smiling and said, "we have dinner reservations and then reservations at a club, you will get the girls night out you missed out on in 1990 to get ready for your big day". I started crying and my husband hugged me and told me it was alright and she had to get me out of the Wedding dress and I had to get ready to go out with the girls for the evening. I was still crying and she took me and lead me to the stairs and then carefully helped me down the stairs and to the rec room. I had stopped crying and she told me things would be alright and then unzipped me and carefully helped me take off of the dress and then helped me out of the hoop slip/crinoline and I grabbed my pink makeup robe and slipped it on. She then said, "ok, tonight I am picking what you are wearing, I have no clue where have you have it hanging, but I know what it is going to be". I was not sure what she was talking about and she said, "keeping on the theme of you stuck in the 80's fashion, I want you in that blue silk blouse you have". I giggled a little asked her to be a little more specific as I had a few blue silk blouses. She smiled, rolled her sys and said, "of course you do, the blue one with the high collar and see through lace mesh around the bodice". I told her I knew where it was, and then she said, "good, and wear one of your longer black leather skirts with it and pick some black patterned hose and black heels, but not too high as we will be dancing later". I told her I would and she was just about to go and join the other girls and said, "oh I almost forgot, wear your Lesbian jewellery, all of it, and give me a set of those Lesbian earrings". She followed me into my bedroom and I went to my jewellery box and grabbed a pair and I had a slight confused look on my face and she smiled and said, "you will understand why later tonight, now get your face on and get dressed and see you upstairs and remember it is low light conditions".

I knew what she meant and as I heard her go upstairs went to my closets and found the blouse and pondered about the skirt, as I had so many leather skirts to choose from, and keeping with my theme of wearing something different out in public chose a not all leather skirt. The skirt I chose was one that was leather in the front and cloth in the back, it was slightly below the knee but a true pencil skirt and high on the waist and very tight and figure hugging and very tight at the knees. I went back to my bedroom and could hear heel clicks and the girls walking around upstairs and knew I did not have a long time to get ready and put the skirt and blouse down on the bed and decided to get dressed first before doing my makeup, and went and cleaned off what little makeup I had on as to not get any on the blouse. I had worn this blouse before and knew that a regular bra would not work as straps would show and toyed with the idea of wearing the new white Merry widow with the garters, but decided for comfort and went with my strapless padded push up white bra. I slipped off the pink satin makeup coat and then slipped it on and positioned my breasts into it. Now I was still wearing my Wedding day white satin and lace panties and decided to leave them on and put on a pair of white satin gloves, the same as what I was going to wear with the Wedding dress next week and slipped them on. I then took off the nude stay ups I was wearing, and put them in my lingerie drawer. I went and grabbed a new pair of DIM, small black fishnet stay ups and carefully slipped them on. I LOVED the feeling as I slid them up my legs and smoothed them out, I loved the fact they were fishnet, but were so small, you could not tell they were fishnets, but sure looked like sheer black hose. I then slipped on the blouse and did up as many buttons at the top and was going to have one of the girls do up the rest when I got upstairs. I then slipped on the skirt and loved the feeling of the silk lining against my fishnet covered legs as I slid it up. It fit like a dream and was as I remembered, very tight at the knees, I zipped it up and then went and got a wide black belt and put it on. I then went to my closet and thought about what heels to put on and started looking and came up with two choices, one was a pair of 4" platform heels I wore to the NYE Gala earlier in the year that and danced over 6 hours in, or another pair of 4" platform heels that I loved. I went and grabbed them, they were black patent, 4" heels and a Mary Jane style, same as the other platforms I had and since I had not worn them out in public, I went for them and sat down and slipped them on, finding out how tight my skirt was and had to tug it up to get them on, and knew walking and dancing was going to be fun. I continued to hear heels clicking and female laughter upstairs and moved to my bathroom to put on my makeup.

I decided to go a bit dramatic with my eye colouring. I started with my black eyeliner and put on a formal application, not too dark, but more than I would if I went into work. then I went with one of my Almay "i-intense" colour palletes and started applying and knew right away it was going to be dramatic and thought about the Weekend ahead and the colours I was going to use as a Bride. For tonight it was purple on the lower lids, deep brown on the upper and a cream highlight on the top. I carefully brushed on the colour and then to highlight my eyes, a healthy application of Mascara. I loved the look, and then added a healthy blush application, highlighting my cheeks, and left the lipstick for last when I was ready to go up and see the other girls. Before I left the bathroom, I had to choose a perfume, I noticed my husband was wearing Halston's and was not sure what Cheryle and Sandy were wearing but went with my Curious perfume and added a light touch to behind my ears and my wrists and did not bother with my chest as to not ruin the fabric. I went and sat down after putting on the perfume and started to do my nails, putting on the deep red shade Sharon and I shared. As I started there was a knock on the door and my husband was asking if I was ready and I told her my nails had to dry and I would be right up. Once my nails were dry I started putting on my jewellery, I put on the long dangly Lesbian Pride earrings and matching bracelet, I then put on the silver Lesbian referenced anklet, and my Lesbian rings and only one side of my alternative Wedding rings, finally my new Lesbian/Pride watch. I then grabbed my small clubbing purse and had to laugh as it still had two condoms in it and remembered those days when Sharon and I would go clubbing. I then grabbed my deep and vibrant red lipstick and applied a thick coat, looking in the mirror remembered that it needed no gloss to make my lips shine and packed in the purse and then headed upstairs to meet the other girls., finding out quickly how tight the skirt really was around my knees and had to hike it up just to walk up the stairs and tugged it down to when I got to the top of the stairs.

I got to the living room and all the girls were sitting on the couch obviously looking at my photo albums and they heard me enter and all started to comment, first was Sandy, "you went downstairs to do her makeup, that was quick, and a nice job, love the lipstick". My husband said, "oh no, she has been doing her own makeup since 1988", Cheryle then commented, "what a darling blouse and those heels, so cute, and the cute purse as well". I modeled around for a bit and Brenda said, "and what a cutie tosshie in that tight skirt". The girls told me that the taxi to take us to dinner was coming in 30 minutes and I should sit down and relax. I sat on the couch and like any leather skirt mine rode up to above my knees and I loved the feeling. Then I watched and the girls were smiling and my husband said, "we have been enjoying your lingerie pictures dear and we have all picked our favourites and all came to an agreement of the best, but we all have a couple of questions". I smiled and was loving it, as some of the pictures were very well taken, and I asked them to go ahead and the first question was, "In some of the pictures, Paul obviously set the mood for the shot, how exactly did he do that?". I smiled and told them I had no clue what they were talking about and my husband said, "bullshit, in a couple you look like you are ready to get laid". I just smiled and said nothing. Then I said, "next question", Cheryle asked if I still had the lingerie, and I told her I did, and said, "I might ask to borrow some of it, as some of the items are so yummy looking and sexy". Then my husband asked, "and which did you wear the first time you had sex with Paul", I said "none of them, he bought me the lingerie for that night and it was a month after the photo shoots for the lingerie". Sandy then said, "am I to assume that you did all your own makeup for the lingerie pics", and I told her I did and she just said, "unbelievable". I then asked then to show me what they liked the most and I walked over to them. They had all noted with yellow stickier the pages. Each other in turn showed me their favourite and told me why, for Cheryle is was a black PVC teddy in a sexy pose showing my smooth crotch and said, "that looks painful, but I love the sheer wrap". Sandy's was one of me in a favourite blue teddy in a relaxed pose staring intently, and she said, "We can all probably guess what you were staring at and I love the pose". Brenda it was a picture of me in my real Wedding lingerie, and her comment was, "here comes the Bride, unzip and get ready for a blowjob", we all laughed at that. My Husband's was a blue chemise and matching wrap in a sexy pose and her comment was, "I love the fact you can see a nipple". The final one they all agreed on was my favourite of the photo shoots and that was one of me in a red sequinned teddy and a chiffon matching wrap in a very relaxed sexy pose. Sandy made the comment and they all agreed, "that definitely is not designed to stay on and I adore the makeup"

My husband announced it was time for the finishing touches and had 4 buttons and handed them out and told the girls to put them on and they were all buttons to represent the Wedding party. So Cheryle's was Maid of Honour, and the others their respective Bridesmaid positions. I was waiting for one, but then my husband said, "and for the Bride to be, let's pick her a headpiece, not the one for next weekend, one of the more simpler ones, and Cheryle as Maid of Honour you pick". Cheryle grabbed one that had a simple halo and a large organza arrangement at the back, with a modest two tiered organza cascade at the back. Then Cheryle and Sandy put it place with bobby pins, and about that time, there was no doubt what my role was this evening. My husband said the taxi would be here any minute as she got a text, and I asked how cool it was out and she said it was cool enough for a jacket, but we would be quickly going and out of a warm taxi, so there was no need.

The taxi arrived, and it was not a taxi but a limo, not a huge one but a limo and we all left into the cool night, as my husband locked the door to the front of the house, I love the sound of our heels clicking along as the driver held the door for us and we all piled in. What I was not expecting again, was the skirt and heel combination I chose, I had tried the skirt on before to made sure it fit, but not with heels and then walking around. The skirt was so tight around my knees and below, walking in the 4" heels, made it a challenge as the steps I had to take were much small, and getting into the limo I literally had to hike my skirt to get enough motion to lift my legs. There was seating for 6 and we were comfortable, and I asked where we were going and my husband said it was going to a place in Burlington called CHOP, a nice steakhouse, the ride was not far and I noticed that there was a couple of bottles of champagne chilling and Brenda said that was going to be for the ride to the club as it was going to be a longer ride. There was idle chatter, but we all agreed, we were dressed well, all of us.

We arrived and all got out and again for me it was a bit of adventure and when I got out, found myself tugging down my skirt and we all walked in heels clicking in unison and my husband and Brenda took the lead as we went in. I looked around and saw that it was an upscale type of restaurant and heard the hostess say, "ah the bachelorette party, how could I not miss with the lady in the veil, right this way". She lead us to a quiet secluded table right behind the reception desk, and said our waitress would be right with us. My husband spoke up and said, "ok, Joyce, you in the middle, Cheryle and Sandy, you on either side and then Brenda and I will slip in next to you. I slid in and then we settled in and Cheryle spoke up to the table and said, "shall we tell her before our waitress comes?", pointing to me. I said, "tell me what?", and Brenda said, "well the reason you are wearing all of the lesbian jewellery is that tonight you are a Lesbian and you are marrying a woman by the name of Stephanie, remember all of the same details you have you have in your head about Paul". I loved the idea, I had no idea why they decided that but figured I was out with two Lesbian's and a female Bi-sexual couple it made sense. Before I could say anything, our Waitress cam and announced, "good evening ladies I am Samantha and I will be serving you today, and I see we have a bachelorette party, how nice, and can I start with getting you any drinks?". She started with my husband and then got to me and I ordered a glass of white wine, when she was done handed out the menu's and said she would be back with our drinks. I had a chance to check her out and like Earl's she was dressed to impress but differently, her skirt was almost identical to mine but with no leather, but tight to show off the curves, a white silk blouse buttoned up and sheer nude hose and 4" black kid heels and her makeup was done perfectly and slightly dramatic, and she was maybe 40 but very attractive. We all started looking at the menu's and Brenda had said that and her and her husband had been to this place in another city a few times and the prime rib was amazing, but so was everything else. So we chatted and my husband asked what I wanted and I told her I thought the prime rib was probably what I was going to be going with, then it seemed all of the girls agreed and the decision of food was made. About that time our waitress came back and asked if we were ready to order and we all said yes and she started around the table and the meal came with a variety of choices for a side. One by one we chose and then she got to me and said, "and what will the 'bride to be', be ordering?". I told her and went with a side Cesar salad, before she we to Cheryle, she said, "I love that blouse, very romantic and feminine", I smiled and thanked her. After she took all of our order the chatter started about the big day next weekend and if I had more details to share, and told them that I did and told them that Paul gave me all of the details.

They were anxious to hear and I started by telling them that after I got dressed and we took pictures, Paul had arranged pictures at a special place overlooking Niagara Falls (which they knew), and that it gets roped off every Saturday afternoon just for Wedding pics. I also told them that there was only 20 minute time slots for the pictures, thus it was only the Bride and groom allowed, but the entire Wedding party could come and help the Bride get ready, and Paul had arranged for our slot to be at 2:20pm. I told them I wanted to arrive at least 1 hour before the pictures, to get maximum exposure to the public in my Wedding dress, and to mingle with other Brides. Cheryle said, that is a wonderful idea, sounds like so much fun", and then Sandy chimed in a disappointing voice, "yea sure does". Cheryle then held her hand in a loving way and said, "what is it dear, want to be part of the fun?". She smiled wildly and said, "yes, I really would!". Cheryle looked at me and said, "well how about it 'Miss Bride to be?", and I said, "sure, why not, this getting better all the time". Then Sandy became concerned and asked, "are Bridesmaid's not all supposed to wear the same thing?". My husband burst out laughing, "are you kidding, the amount of Bridesmaid dresses, even the Bridal Salon she works at cannot hold that many!". Sandy said, "really?, what about matching?", Sharon continued to laugh and said, "yes at least 4 sets, I know one for sure as she and I were in a wedding party together and wore the matching ones". Sandy said, "you were what?, you and her?". Sharon told her it was true, "I was the Maid of Honour and she was just one of 6 other Bridesmaid's", Sandy said quickly "and no one cared?" Sharon said, "cared about what?", Sandy said, "well, err ah, ya know??", Sharon laughed and said, "dear, even you had to be told she was not a real woman, not even the Bride the other 6 Bridesmaid's or the 300 guests knew and certainly not the usher she was paired with". Sandy then said "true, but interesting, I will have to ask her more later".

About that time the first course came for our meals and another well dressed waitress helped ours serve. Our waitress Samantha said our main course would be out shortly and smiled and looked us over and made the comment, "well, I must say, all of you ladies look very nice, are you doing anything after dinner?". My husband spoke up and said, "yes we are going to a club for fun". She smiled and told us that we are probably going to have a great time and again complimented us on how good we all looked, and we all thanked her. I could not help but look at the waitresses as they came and went into the serving area, and each one of them made eye contact with me and we exchanged the usual female to female smile. The conversation continued and the girls wanted to know more about the following Saturday and what the plans were. I told them that Paul and I were going to the dinner theatre and they asked me what we were seeing and I told them it was a romantic comedy and then they asked if I had my outfit picked out and I told them I did and went on to describe it. My husband just made one comment, "make sure your tits are good and taped up for that dress". I smiled and told her that I would be sure they were. Cheryle then said with a smile on her face, "so after the pictures that gives you and Paul a couple of hours before the theatre, so are the plans at that point in time?". I smiled and said nothing and Cheryle sipped on her drink and in a sly way said, "betcha I know what the Bride will be doing still in her dress...". I again said nothing and just smiled and Cheryle licked her lips and smiled at me. Then the girls wanted to know what my honeymoon lingerie was going to be and I told them that it was going to be the Bridal ensemble Paul got for me the first time I was intimate with him, and I described it as romantic and silk and lace and told Cheryle is as very close to the lingerie she gave me.

Our main course came and we continued to chat about the weekend and at one point Cheryle said, "so when are we going to be trying on the Bridesmaid dresses?". I said that we should get together early in the week in case they need to anything for them. I suggested that we get together on the Tuesday and Cheryle then suggested we make an afternoon out of it and have a GDO and go for lunch and then the dresses after, which I thought was a great idea (how could I resist another trip in public). I told them that I would be sending pictures of the dresses I had in mind and was hoping that we could get them both into one that would fit. I also told them that I had the jewellery for the dresses and we would be using the set Sharon and I wore when we were in the same Wedding party many years ago. Then the discussion about what times we all would be meeting on the Saturday, and it was decided that I needed to be in my dress no later than 11am and we had to leave for pictures no later than 12:30pm. Since we all had to get dressed and into makeup and should be doing it together like on a real Wedding day, we agreed it would be 10am at the house.

Dinner was soon over and our waitress came and asked if we wanted any dessert, and we all said that we were fine, but ordered another round of drink, and asked for the bill, and she asked if it was separate or on one, and my husband, said "just one please and I will take it". My husband then looked at me and said, "ok MOH and Bridesmaid #1, take the Bride to the washroom and freshen her up and adjust her headpiece". The other girls slid out of the way and Cheryle and Sandy and myself looked around and found the washrooms and headed ot them, and at that time got a look at the place, it was upscale dining for sure, and all 3 of in skirts did not look out of place, and I loved hearing our heels clicking in unison on the floor and of course all the looks and people pointing made me feel all that more special. We got in the washroom and like at Earl's and Moxy's it was an upper scale public washroom, with Marble sinks, 4 stalls, flowers, etc. I had to go and picked a stall and went in and moved things around and sat down to do my business, Cheryle and Sandy had to use a stall one was either side of me. I did my business, wiped up and stood up, tugged down the tight skirt and left my stall, Sandy was right behind me and we got to the sinks to clean up and Cheryle was about 30 seconds behind us, and each of us in the mirror and we all needed to touch up our lips, and all opened our purses and almost in unison applied a touch up. Sandy again looked at me in the mirror and said, "again, I love that shade of lipstick, so bold, vibrant and shimmery, and oh so sexy, begs the lips to be kissed". I smiled and told her there was another bonus to it and she asked what and I quietly said, "I have been told men love the idea of something this red surrounding their cock". She smiled and said, "I bet Paul will", and I told her I knew he would and will be wearing it for him, not for the wedding pics, but for the dinner theatre after. As we were packing back up a walked in and smiled at us and said, "how nice a bachelorette party, love the headpiece". I thanked and both of the girls went to work and adjusted it slightly, as it was falling a bit off my head. As they were adjusting, Sandy made the comment that she hoped that I would not have to go to the bathroom in my Wedding dress and Cheryle and I laughed and said, it was always an adventure when we were Bridesmaid's and a Bride to help and when we were Bride's ourselves. We packed everything up and took one look to make sure everything was right and headed back to the table. On the way Sandy asked the question, "before we get back to the table, I have to know what exactly were you looking at when those lingerie pictures were taken, you were obviously staring at something to put you in the sexy mood". I smiled and told her I was staring at his crotch and he was very excited, and I got sexy in the fact I was turning him on. She said, "nothing happened?", I told her no, "but the last outfit, the red outfit, he took it out of his pants stroking it and asked if I wanted it". She smiled and said, "and what did you tell him??. I went on to tell him that I definitely did, but the time had to be right, and we were running out of time, and he put it back in and promised me that he would make the time and occasion right. She smiled again, and that was the big date right?". I told her it was a month later, and she said, "I knew it was something like that". We got back to the table and the other girls slid out and we slipped back in.

We finished our drinks and the bill had already been settled and Brenda said that the cab was waiting and we all slipped out and headed out and as we did the hostess said, "have a wonderful rest of the Bachelorette party". we all said we would and went out into the cool night air and again in the skirt I was in all of the other girls were walking at a pace I could not keep up due to the small steps I had to take in the heels. I struggled to get into the van, having to tug my skirt way up over my knees and then back down again, my husband laughed and said, "having a little trouble with the skirt dear?", I said I could manage and she just laughed. As we drove Brenda opened a bottle of champagne and poured the glasses and handed them out and proposed a toast, "to the Bride to be and the next adventure of this evening". At that point I had to ask the question of exactly where we were going and my husband spoke up and said, "to a special night club that caters to all sexual orientations, including Lesbians like the 5 of us". She told me not to worry and that everything was arranged and we would have a great time and that the music this evening was not the typical hip hop nightclub music, but tonight was 80's retro night and said, "and what you are wearing tonight and next week, you will fit right in". we sipped on our champagne and I knew something was up as all the girls were giggling and the occasional," oh she will fit right in and love what we have planned", comment was made.

We only got through one glass of champagne and we arrived at the club in Mississauga, I had never seen or heard of it before, but the sign out front was "Diversity". We all got out and what we learned on the bus that Cheryle was the only one that had been to the club, so she took the lead and grabbed Sandy's hand and then told my husband and Brenda to hold hands and then me in the middle of the couples and we walked it. I could hear the music, but it was not in the front entrance area, like clubs I was used to in the past when my husband I used to go as two single women clubbing. There was no bouncers at the door that I could see, but a really attractive women in a black leather miniskirt, low cut red blouse and about 4" red platform heels greeted us and said, "ah I see the pink Bachelorette party has arrived, right this way ladies". We all followed her and the girls never stopped holding hands and as we walked, I was getting stares and sort of loving it and was trying to figure out what kind of place this was. We were lead past the dancing area, where the music was playing loudly, to a area away from the dance floor, you could hear the music and it was not really loud we were lead up a couple of stairs to a booth, and sat just like at the restaurant, and as we did, she said, enjoy your time here at Diversity and enjoy the Bachelorette party, your server will be here shortly". I really did know what to think as I looked around, in the distance was the dance floor, but I looked around and there was literally 3 different sections, all separated by ropes, one appeared to have all pink plush seats in it, and that is what we were sitting in. The other blue and the center one grey seats. I quickly figured out the pink as being one for females, and the blue for males, as that is all that was sitting in each, and the grey, I was not sure, and I could see that everyone except for Cheryle was doing the same thing, confused look, staring around. I leaned over and asked Cheryle what was going on and she patted me on the hand and said that it would all become clear shortly, she also told Brenda and my husband to continue holding hands and she did as well with Sandy.

A woman came to the table and introduced herself as Marci and said she was our server for the evening and I checked her out and she was dressed as provocatively as the hostess that showed us to our table, she was a knockout, brunette hair, in a black scrunchie miniskirt, tight and well above the knee, ultra sheer nearly black hose and a green silk top, showing ample cleavage and to top it off 4" black patent heels and perfect makeup. She immediately smiled at me and said, "ah the pink bachelorette party, how nice, can I get you ladies anything to start with to drink?, and by the way the bride to be, drinks are on the house, let's start with the Bride to be, what will you have?". I ordered a Singapore Sling, and I never paid attention to what the other girls order, but just stared at Marci. She told us she would get the drinks and be back and that our party event coordinator would be over to see us shortly. Marci left and about 30 seconds later, and another absolute bombshell walked up to the table.

I was stunned at what I saw and it was a probably 23 to 25 year old women, long jet black hair, straight down to her waist, Oriental looking, perfectly made up, and extremely cute, in a black tank dress, clinging to every curve, very short, well above her knees, and her ample cleavage showing, single strand of pearls, and tiny pearl drop earrings, ultra sheer nearly black hose and what looked like, 4" black patent heels, she stood about my height and maybe weighed 125 lbs. She smiled and looked over the table and then at me and said the same as the other woman, and said, "ah the pink bachelorette party, how nice, my name is Kahi, and I will be looking after you ladies for the evening". She smiled and looked at me and said, "well now you know my name, what are yours?, and let's start with the Bride". I smiled back at her and told her my name and introduced the rest of the girls, she smiled and said, "nice to meet you Joyce, and Cheryle, just to let you know, everything is taken care of as you asked for". She then put down a wicker basket with a bunch of pink rubber wrist bands in it, and asked if any of us had been to the club before and Cheryle said she had, and she smiled and said "of course", and then went on to a little speech to tell us about the club:

"Well ladies, as you know club Diversity is as the name says, catering to diversity in lifestyles, we are proud sponsors of the LGBTQ movement. Now the club is divided into 3 sections, Lesbian, Gay and everything in between, including straight. Obviously, pink is for the Lesbian, blue for the Gay, and grey for everything from Trannies, Bi people and straight people. Each section has it is washrooms, and it an unwritten rule that each shall use there own in a section."

She then held up the basket and put it down and pulled out two rubber wristbands and held them up and continued:

Now this is where the fun comes in, each one of you has to choose which you will wear, the solid pink is for single Lesbians, the ones with the hearts is for attached Lesbian's, now I can see by the way you are holding hands and of course the new Bride, you will all be wearing hearts, HOWEVER, if you choose to wear both, it will be a sign you are possibly looking for some fun as a couple".

She smiled and walked around the back of the booth and handed us all one and gave me a very amorous smile when she handed me mine. I quickly put mine on next to my Lesbian Pride bracelet and the other girls put there's on as well. She left the basket on the table and continued:

One last thing ladies, when you head to the dance floor, you are fair game to be approached, maybe talked to, hit on or given a proposal, by anyone, however, when you come back to your area, no one other than your colour is allowed to follow. If you wish to talk further and make plans, please do it outside of the area if they are a different colour. Enjoy and again my name is Kahi, and I am here to ensure your experience, especially the Bride, is memorable, and do not worry about your purses, I will be looking after the table while you are dancing, have a good time. Cheryle, do not worry the Bride will be very well taken care of".

I looked over at Cheryle and she was smiling and patted my hand with a "do not worry" look. Khai left and I could not help but notice the sexy walk she had and the very sexy ass. About that time our server Marci came with our drinks and walked around the back of the booth and placed them down, and served me last and leaned in behind me and whispered in my ear how she loved the headpiece and thought my blouse was to die for. I thanked her and she told me I was welcome and she left. As we started to sip on our drinks, Brenda and my husband were giggling and both grabbed a solid pink rubber wristband and slipped it on with the one with the flowers. I looked at my husband and she said, "well you never know?". As I looked around I had all sorts of mixed emotions, over in the grey was a large group of Trannies and some looked as good as I did and others were way out there, I had no idea on how to feel. Then I looked over at the Gay area, and I thought I would see a certain look, but no just a bunch of ordinary looking men. Then I scanned the Lesbian area, and yes, some them looked stereotypical, and some just like any other woman. I did noticed there was very few of them, if any in skirts. Actually except for all of the Trannies, there were very few people in skirts.

I was surprised at how quickly I finished my first drink and most of the other girls had as well and a song came on and my husband said, "circle dance time!". I thought, "last time I heard that was 20 years ago when Sharon and used to go clubbing". I knew what it meant and so did the other girls, now all of the others except for Sharon and I had clutch purses and put them on their chairs, while Sharon and I had our tiny clubbing purses across our body and did not have to do that and the 5 of us headed out to the dance floor and found a spot. I was trying to remember when the last time I did this and it was the last Wedding I was in as a Bridesmaid for real and that was almost 18 years ago. It was interesting for a number of reason, as I forgot how to dance as a female, as well, the skirt I was wearing was not making movement very fluid. However it was fun, smiling and laughing with the other girls. We stayed out for 3 more songs and then all decided to leave and go back to the table.

Once we got back to the table I noticed that my drink had been replaced, but not the other girls and Marci our server saw us back at the table and came and asked if we wanted a refill, and smiled at me and said, "Khai already took care of you I see", I smiled and told her yes and then she asked if we wanted any snacks and Cheryle said she already pre-arranged for them and she said she would check with Khai and the girls ordered another round. My husband then said, "my you remembered how to dance", I smiled and said I did and it was fun, and she laughed out loud and said, "no what was fun was watching you try and dance in that skirt", I just smiled and said nothing. Then the conversation came about what we saw on the dance floor and what we saw on the dance floor and the general environment and literally I could say nothing to some of the comments about some of the attire and at one point Cheryle leaned into me and said, "no worries dear, I see you still only as a female". About that time, Khai came over and asked if we were having a good time and then looked direct at me and said, "and how about the Bride to be?", I smiled and told her I was having a good time and she said the snacks would be out shortly. Then the next adventure began, and that was I had to go to the washroom really bad and started to look around and saw the pink neon sign indicating a washroom, and asked if any others had to go and Cheryle said she would join me and she grabbed her clutch purse and we were off, and I loved it walking along and getting pointed at by the other Lesbians and the friendly female to female smiles. Now I have been hundreds of female washrooms before, but none quite like this, it was probably the scariest one I had ever seen, there was 4 stalls, and sinks and mirrors, but the sinks were wet and did not look clean, and the stalls, well, they were just a place to do your business, there was a couple of other women in the washroom, and they looked us over as we entered, one was a typical dyke and looked me over and kind of snarled and left and the other was a nice woman and said, "congratulations", I thanked her and went into a stall and tugged and hiked up my skirt, moved things around and sat down and did my business and so did Cheryle in the stsll next to me, I looked around and there was graffiti on the walls and sick notes, I had seen this in men's washrooms before, but never a female washroom. I cleaned up, and then stood up and hiked down my skirt and left the stall. Cheryle was already waiting for me at the sinks and it was just the two of us. She had only a clutch with no strap and did not want to put it down on the wet sinks, so I told her I would hold it while she cleaned up. She handed it to me and cleaned up and then I handed it back and cleaned up myself. I noticed that both of our lips needed touching up so I pulled out my lipstick and Cheryle did the same and we both touched up. I looked over my headpiece and it was still on straight even after the dancing, we then packed our purses and left as another couple of women entered, both smiling at me and looking at the headpiece. As we walked back I made the comment to Cheryle I had never seen a woman's washroom so dirty, and she laughed and said she was used to that one as she had used it before.

We got back to the table and the other drinks had arrived and so did the snacks. I made the comment about the washroom, and the other girls said, "oh I cannot wait". We sipped on our drinks and I continued to look around and a slow song came on, a classic from the 80's, I knew the song but could not put a name to it and before I knew it Cheryle grabbed Sandy's hand and Brenda grabbed my husband's and they left for the dance floor, with Cheryle looking back and smiling at me. I was left alone, but not for long, Kahi came walking up to the booth smiling at me and said, "care to dance?", well I was floored, and did know what to say, and she was smiling ear to ear, offering me her hand and said, "don't worry, I will not bite". I thought, "what the heck", and slid out of the booth and took her hand and she lead me to the dance floor. I was a little nervous and excited all at the same time, here was this stunning woman taking me to the dance floor. She lead us to a spot and took the lead and wrapped her wonderfully perfect maniqured hands around my waist and took the lead and did the same and she kept smiling and staring at me and we started swaying to the music, she must have been the same height as me as we were eye to eye in almost the same height heels. Then the fun started, she was first and started complimenting me on how I looked and how she loved my outfit and was telling me how she loved the blouse and how all of the other staff were commenting on it and all wanted her to ask me where I bought it. I told her it was mail order back in the late 80's early 90's and I bought it for a job interview and she smiled and said, "I hope you got the job", I told her I did and it was very appropriate for the era. Then she complimented me on my skirt and how lovely and sexy and figure hugging it was and then my legs and asked if I was wearing fishnet hose and I told her I was and she said, "I would have never guessed, and those heels, so cute". Then it was my turn and told her I wished I had the body to pull of a dress like she was wearing and she smiled and said, "I bet you do", and I told her maybe when I was her age and told her I had one like it but wore it with a jacket for going to work. Before I could say anything else she asked what perfume I was wearing as it smelled lovely and I told her it was Curious, and she said, "is that not a Brittney Spears brand?", I told her it was and she said again how lovely it smelt and I complimented her on hers and I said I love wearing Obsession as well on occasion and that it was my partners favourite perfume for me to wear for her. She smiled widely and said, "my you really know your perfumes, and I want name of the shade of lipstick you are wearing as it was striking and you wear it very well", complimented her on what she was wearing as it was deep red and rich and very much suited her skin tone and she thanked me. The song was almost over and she told me she had to look after a couple of other tables, but would be back as she had so many other questions to ask me.

I went back to the table and slid into the booth and saw the other girls come off the table and they were all smiling and giggling and slid in and Cheryle rubbed my arm and said, "well how was she?". I told them in a sideways way, "thanks for setting me up like that", and Cheryle smiled and said, "I don't see you complaining, she is a drop dead knockout, how was she?". I told them that she was very nice and very sweet. All the girls said they had fun watching me dancing with her and that we made a cute couple on the dance floor. we all sat and sipped on our drinks and kept watching and looking around and making comments and my husband and Brenda were taking a look around to see if they could talk to one of the single Lesbian's, perhaps approaching one of them. My drink was almost done and before I knew it Khai was right behind me leaning over me to place the drink and couple smell her Obsession perfume and her lips were close to mine as she leaned in and I thanked her and she just had a wide smile on her face, and whispered, "cannot wait for the next slow dance", I told her nor could I and she left and Cheryle said, "my, I think she likes you". Another round of drinks came and we all chatted and I ate some of the snacks, deep fried mozzarella sticks and a couple of pretzels and then a fast song apparently my husband and Cheryle liked came on and Cheryle called out "circle dance", and we all headed to the dance floor again and stayed out for 3 or 4 more songs and then headed back to the table.

My drink which was not all gone, was full anyway and we all sat down and sipped on our drinks and chatted more about things and the day of the Wedding and how everyone was looking forward to it and Cheryle kept on asking if Paul was looking forward to it and I told them he definitely was. Then Cheryle quietly asked me, "have you thought about how many times you are going to please him?", I smiled and told her, "as many as he can give me", and licked my lips. About then another slow song came on and the girls grabbed each others hands and started to slide out of the table and Cheryle said, "enjoy Khai again", and they left and about 30 seconds later Kahi came over smiling and offered her hand and this time I needed no coaxing and slid out of the booth and adjusted my tight skirt and Khai just smiled after I did and lead me out to the dance floor. She did to me what she did the last time and gently grabbed my waist and I did hers and we started swaying to the music and then she started asking all about my partner and I described Stephanie to her and she said that she sounded lovely and then started asking all about the Wedding, where it was, what time, what my colours were and such, and I had fun telling her, after working in a Bridal Salon as a consultant for 7 years, it was pretty easy and came natural. She kept smiling at me as we danced and she asked if we both were going to be wearing gowns and I told her we were and she smiled even more and she said, "well tell me about your dress'. I started to describe it to her and then gave up and then asked her to remember what Princess Diana wore on her Wedding day and my gown was close to that and she stopped and said, "are kidding me with a train that long?", we then kept dancing and I told her the train was only 12 feet, but the bodice was that elaborate and the sleeves were huge and puffy and there was beading everywhere on it. She said it sounded so lovely and then I told her I could not wear a bra with it as the back was sheer material with buttons from my neckline all the way down to almost my panties, and so was the front the bodice had a sheer display down the front of my cleavage. She kept smiling and told me she definitely wanted to see a picture and then asked if I knew what my partner was wearing and I told her I did not, but told her that I knew she had bought her gown recently and that it was going to be a modern strapless style as that all that were made these days. She then commented, "seems you know alot about Wedding dresses", and I smiled and told her I worked in a Bridal salon and her comments was, "GET OUT!", and I smiled back and told her I did. She then started asking questions about what it was like and I told her it was nothing like the television shows and that it all pretty much was staged. She asked if that is where I got my gown and I laughed and told her that my gown style was stopped being made in the mid 1980's, and now it was all just strapless styles. The song ended and this time Kahi gave me a big hug and light kiss on the cheek and thanked me for the dance and sauntered off in her sexy way back into the pink area. I looked around for the other girls and then spotted them at our booth and walked back up to it and my husband commented, "seems you and Kahi are getting along fine", I told her we definitely were and she was a sweetie. Again my drink was replaced and I slid in and joined the other girls, and Cheryle commented that my headpiece was off to one side slightly, so she suggested we go to the washroom, and I agreed and she grabbed her clutch purse and we were off.

I had to go anyway and followed Cheryle to the not so pleasant washroom, which this time was crowded and two other women were waiting for a stall and a bunch were at the sinks. Nothing much to really look at, Cheryle and I were the only one in skirts and honestly, the only ones that actually looked presentable as women, the rest, well, they were expressing themselves in their own way. A stall become open and I told Cheryle I had to really go, so she let me go first and I tugged and hiked up my skirt and adjust things and sat down and did my business and cleaned up. One thing for sure this was not like any ladies washroom I had been in before as the conversation outside my stall door was loud and crude, I thought I was in a truck stop listening to truckers, normally talk in a ladies washroom is brief and/or none. I left my stall and surprisingly, the room only had a few women in it and I made my way to the sinks and met Cheryle there and like last time I grabbed her clutch purse as she washed up and then I washed up and we both pulled out our lipsticks (the only ones we saw doing this) and touched up our lips. We packed up and headed back to the booth.

We slid in and my husband said that we would be leaving in 30 minutes as it was getting late. I sipped more on my drink and was still looking around and eventually we all headed to the dance floor and it was another round of us dancing in a circle, which as always was fun. we all started walking back to the table and a slow song came on and none of the others went to dance, and like times before I spotted Kahi coming to gather me up to take me to the dance floor, and I smiled at the girls as she came and just smiled and I slid out of the booth and grabbed her hand and followed her to the dance floor. I told her that we were going to be leaving in a while and she smiled and said, "then I will have to make this dance extra special", and that she did right away. Instead of gently putting her hands on my hips, she put her hands on the small of my back and pulled me close to her, to a point our breasts were touching. and our faces were very close, I could almost smell her lipstick as we swayed to the music, unlink in the past she did not say much but told me my partner was a very lucky woman to be marrying me. The look in her eyes as she stared at me was one of lust, and I do not know if it was the drinks I had, but I stared back at her. The song ended and she pulled me in even tighter and then moved her lovely lipstick covered lips to mine and started passionately kissing me, as well she lowered her hands and was caressing my ass, and I reciprocated. We had to have been making a scene, but I did not care. She kept kissing me for about 20 seconds, I could taste her lipstick and I knew she could taste mine, her tongue gently in and out of my mouth and our tongues were dancing. She broke the kiss and quietly said, "thank you for a lovely evening". I thanked her and then she walked away, leaving me wondering if my lipstick was all smudged and lots of people staring at us.

I got back to the table and all the girls were smiling and laughing and telling me that they enjoyed the show on the dance floor, and so did a bunch of other people staring. I asked them if my lipstick was smudged and they told me that it was a little and not to worry about it as it was time to leave anyway. I sat down and sipped on what would be my last drink of the evening. My husband said that she would go and settle up the bill and her and Brenda left the table, the 3 of us sipped on our drinks and then they came back and my husband handed me a note and it read:

"Joyce, I am hoping I have made your last fling out with your girlfriends a memorable one and enjoy the big day next weekend.

Kisses, Kahi, XXXOOOXXX"

And on the back of the note was a lipstick print and it smelled of Obsession perfume. I showed the girls and they all thought it was cute and put the note in my clubbing purse and we all stood up and headed out of the club, which was comical. Sandy who had one too many drinks and is relative a novice in heels was slightly stumbling and another novice in heels was Cheryle and she was too slightly stumbling. Brenda said the limo would be waiting for us and thank heavens it was, as the early night air was chilly and we all got into the van/limo, again, I had a blast again with my tight skirt and climbed in. On the way home I thought it was useless to discuss the luncheon and trying on the Bridesmaid dresses and basically told Cheryle and Sandy I would be emailing them and we can discuss. The van/limo pulled up to our place and dropped Sharon and I off and would be taking the other girls home, and they would come and get Cheryle's car the following day. We got into the house and I gave my husband a hug and a kiss and told her that I was so thankful and she told me it was her pleasure and asked me to wear the lingerie that she picked out for bed, after which she helped me take the bobby pins out of my hair and my headpiece off and handed it to me. I then made my way down to my bedroom and stripped and got into the powder blue baby doll lingerie and a matching pair of panties. Before I crawled into bed, I put the note from Kahi in a zip lock baggie to maintain the smell, and put it in my hope chest. I checked the time and it was 2:15am, and crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep.

I woke in the morning and stayed in my lingerie and put on my blue terri cloth robe and sat down and started writing emails. However, first I started going through photo albums, opting to do that rather than pile through the many closets I have to try and find the dresses I was going to recommend for Cheryle and Sandy to try on. Quite frankly, even I was surprised at the number of matching Bridesmaid dresses Sharon and I wore that were matching in the closets. I started pulling out picture after picture of the dressed over the years and in the end, there was a possibility of 7 matching dresses I had in my closets. Now, some are ruled out right away as I knew they probably would not fit either of the girls, and quite frankly, even I have to now squeeze into them. It came down to 4 that I wanted them to wear and were perfect to match the era of my Wedding dress. I sent them a long email about the dresses and all of them were circa 1980's and 90's, one deep purple satin, the other hunter green satin, one was burgundy and the last Fusia satin. I told them that they all fit differently, and I did have dyed satin shoes and Sharon has some for them but with my shoe size being a 7 and Sharon's 8, and I knew Cheryle was a 7 and was guessing Sandy was about that, I suggested we talk about shoes and possibly shop for them after lunch. I sent them pictures of both the front and backs and made sure that they saw the features of each and told them to get back to me. I then just emailed Cheryle about lunch and told her it should be Earl's, that we should take Sandy if she never has been and either the one in Burlington or Mississauga works. Finally I emailed Paul and wrote him a long note telling him all about the timing of the following Saturday and the fact that Cheryle and Sandy were now going to be participating and how they were going to be on some of my clothes for at least going to the pictures to help with the dress for the pictures, as the dress was complex.

Of course going in public at any time for me is a thrilling one and of course the first thought that came to mine was "what to wear?". Now I knew that Cheryle and Sandy would be coming from work, and I knew that unlike my work, they had the option of not wearing a skirt. I really wanted to wear a new dress I got, just below the knee, black bottom, fusia top peplum style, almost bodycon, with a unique silver almost belt buckle, modest neckline, but as my husband called it, "edgy", a zippered front slit, the entire length of the skirt, zippered from the bottom. I decided to leave the accessories and heels to the day of the luncheon, but the hose would be ultra sheer nude stayups. It took a day or so for the girls to get back to me and the first was Cheryle and she loved the idea of going to Earl's and told me that she would be by at 11:30am with Sandy to pick me up and we would head into Burlington, surprisingly she asked what I was planning on wearing and I told her a new office style dress, and she said her and Sandy would be in something, "office wear". She also said that the Deep purple and the hunter green Bridesmaid dresses were her two choices of the 4, and I told her I would dig them out and get ready for the luncheon on the following Tuesday. The next email I got was from Sandy and she said she talked to Cheryle and she said that the lunch location was fine (I thought if she only knew) and then told me that the same dresses that Cheryle picked she was fine with as well. The last email I got was from Paul and he was excited to hear about other girls and let it slip and said, "good thing we are going to Niagara falls in a limo". Well I freaked out and he told me that it was supposed to be a surprise and the limo driver was a friend of his and was also going to be the one taking pictures of the adventure, and knew all about me and what was going on. He told me not to tell the other girls and that he wanted it to be a surprise for them. He asked about my dress and I told him it was going to be a surprise just like when a groom sees a Bride in the Church walking down the isle for the first time. I told him the timing and he said he would take care of everything, and one last thing he needed to know was what were my Wedding colours so he could get the right cumber bun for his tuxedo. I told him the girls were going to be in hunter green or deep purple and I would let him know on Tuesday after we had chosen the dresses. One last task was that I had to get my wedding dress ready to be taken to a Bridal salon in Oakville to get steamed, my husband Sharon volunteered to drop it off and pick it up and they said it would be read in time for a Thursday pickup, so I made sure it was un- bustled and packaged up in a wedding dress bag.

Tuesday May 12th, 2015, GDO Lunch and Bridesmaid Dresses

The day came for the lunch and I took the day off work and as always was excited for another day out in public and the chance to see what the other girls were wearing. Cheryle and Sandy were going to be picking me up at 11:30am, and I planned on starting to get ready around 10am, and I heard my husband leave for work and call out, "have fun with the girls today". She left and I started gathering everything for when the girls were going to be coming over to try on the dresses, I had to dig through the closets but found the two sets and pulled them out and put them in the living room, as well, I pulled out the two light but long crinolines that go with the dresses. I also found the matching earrings and necklaces Renee and I wore when we were in a wedding party together back in 1991 and put them on the coffee table. I then went and started gathering everything I was going to be wearing, I decided on my favourite lace and satin burgundy panty and bra set and laid them out on the bed, the grabbed a fresh pair of ultra sheer nude stay ups, and white satin gloves to put them on. I put out my foundation garments and then started thinking about the accessories, and since the dress had a silver accent on it, I was going to go with all silver, so it was my silver anklet with the hearts, my silver lesbian themed heart watch and new silver bracelet, the necklace, I had several options and was going to wait until the dress was on to decide. The last decision was the heels, and of course I had a ton of choices, but started to think of which would go best with the dress and the mood/theme of the outfit. I pulled out several choices, my high and low black patent Mary Jane heels, my low suede velvet black Mary Jane heels, and a couple of other 3" black heels and put them on the floor and decided to wait until the outfit was on and the last was going to be the heels.

10am rolled around and I headed upstairs to hop in the shower and get "sqeeky clean", and then got out and dried off and headed to the basement to my bedroom to get ready. I quickly changed into the satin and lace burgundy panties and the matching padded bra and decided to put in my inserts to give me a little more shape, then my foundation garment. I then slipped on my pink satin robe as I was getting a little chilly and then went and put on the white satin gloves I had laid out and grabbed for the new package of ultra sheer nude stay ups and opened the package and sat down and carefully slid them on. Once they were on I went and grabbed a pair of low black heels and slipped them on so I would not get a run in the ultra sheer hose. I decided to get dressed before putting on my makeup as the dress I was getting into was one I might just have to pull over. Before I started getting dressed I put on the long curly hair and fluffed it out and liked the look. I grabbed the dress and had a bit of a hard time just slipping it on, but after taking out the breast forms, I was able to slip it on and then put in the forms, and after positioning them in the bra, I loved the look and the peplum did what it was supposed to do. I then moved to my bathroom to start putting on my makeup. Well makeup was going to be normal office wear and my normal colours I wear to work, first was the eyeliner, not too dark, just enough to define my eyes, then the lids, so purple on the lower lids and pink on the upper, to finish off my eyes, a healthy application of mascara. Next was blush, just enough to give my cheeks a healthy glow and I decided on waiting until the last minute for my lipstick, which was going to be one of my husband and I's matching lipsticks. Before I left the bathroom, I decided on putting on Halston's perfume, as it was one of my usual perfumes for casual occasions. I only put on enough to give a bit of scent so some on my wrists and a little behind the ears. I checked the time and I was way ahead of schedule, I got dressed and into my makeup much faster than anticipated and then I sat down and did my nails, my favourite deep red colour that Sharon gave me for Christmas one year. I waited for them to dry and checked email and such on the computer as I waited. Once they were dry I then started to think about accessories and I started with my silver anklet, the one with two hearts and put it on. Then I thought about earrings and went with large silver hooped ones I had recently got and for the necklace, I went with a longer circle style silver one that really set off the silver accent on the dress. For my wrists, I went with a silver bracelet and my silver heart shaped Lesbian themed watch. For rings I went with one half of my alternate Wedding band set, my Lesbian pinky ring, my other Lesbian ring and that was about it. I went and stood in front of the mirror and looked myself over and liked what I saw and then tried to decide on what shoes to wear. I looked over all that I laid out and then thought about what I was wearing and realized that except for the lingerie I was wearing was the only thing I had worn out before, and in that spirit looked over the shoes I had never worn out in public before and came up with two pair both 2 1/2" Mary Jane style, both black, one kid black and the other suede, I decided on the suede and slipped off the low black heels and then put on the black suede Mary Jane shoes. I then went to the mirror and looked myself over and certainly liked the look, and then I realized I was not taking full advantage of the skirt of the dress and reached down and undid the zipper from the bottom to well above my knees, but not too far to expose the tops of my stay ups. I walked around a bit and decided to lower it a bit and found the look perfect.

I checked the time and saw I had at least 30 minutes till the girls were going to arrive to pick me up and decided that I would take one of my smaller flip style photo albums and take all of the pictures I could find of the Bridesmaid dresses the girls had a choice of and put them in, at all different angles, so I started going through all of my albums and started pulling out pictures, some of where when my husband and I were Bridesmaid's together, others were jus the matching dresses I collected for my husband and I to wear and enjoy, and taken at home. I was just about to sit down and relax and realized that the album was just a little too big for my smaller coach style purse I was used to carrying when Sharon and I would go shopping. I grabbed my regular sized purse and put it in there, and made sure that the regular sized purse, which had been a while since I used it had all of the essentials in it.

It was around 11:15am and I got a text from Cheryle saying that she just picked up Sandy and they were on the way. I put a bottle of white wine in the fridge just in case when we got home to try on the dresses and checked the temperature and saw that it was cool enough for a light spring coat so I went and grabbed mine and hung it on one of the chairs in the kitchen. I went back to my bedroom and grabbed my purse and again, double checked everything and then went to my bathroom and applied a healthy coat of one of my husband and I's matching lipsticks, "everything with wine", and then a coat of gloss and packed away them both in my purse and headed upstairs to wait for the girls. Just as I got to the top of the stairs I noticed Cheryle pull in the driveway and I went and put down my purse and put on my light spring coat and slung my purse over my shoulder and walked out the door and then locked it and went to the car where both Cheryle and Sandy were smiling and looking at me. I walked around to the back door passenger side and opened the door and slid in, and both Cheryle and Sandy greeted me.

We were off and since Cheryle had not been to this location of Earls I started giving her directions. As she drove we all talked about the time we had last Saturday night and how fun it was watching me with Kahi and how sexy and hot she was and how cute of a couple we made, I played it down and they asked if I put the note in a special place and I told them I did. We then started talking about the Wedding day and if I was excited and I told them I was and was really looking forward to the day, especially in my dress and being shown off in it. Cheryle looked back at me in the mirror and said, "oh I know you will be a spectacle and love it, almost as much as the time I had you in that cute little outfit". I told her that was different, and I changed the subject and started asking them about the fact they were going to be Bridesmaid's and if they were ready for the job. Sandy and Cheryle both said in unison, "oh yes", and we all laughed together.

We got to Mapleview mall and pulled up in front of the entrance of Earl's and we all got out and started walking towards the entrance, and at this point I got to see what Cheryle and sandy were wearing. both were in slacks, Cheryle black and Sandy tanned, Sandy was in a light blue sweater and black flats, and Cheryle had on a red blouse and a black blazer and low heeled black clunky dress shoes, Cheryle had on a little makeup and I swear she was wearing the lipstick we wore on our date many years ago which was the same as my husband and I's matching. Sandy on the other hand looked like she had maybe a little eyeliner and that was about it. As we walked along, I could only hear my heels clicking and loved it. We got to the entrance and Cheryle opened the door and I took the lead in and of course were greeted by a lovely creature, dressed to impress and to perfection, and the thought of "have I seen her before" came to mind, and as soon as I thought of that I heard, "well hello there, welcome back, so good to see you again". The hostess was the same as when Paul and I came a month or so ago and she was I am pretty sure wearing the exact same little black skirt, ultra sheer nearly black hose, same blouse with ample breasts showing and 3" black patent heels, of course perfect makeup and her long blonde hair cascading down her back. I smiled at her and said, "nice to be back", she smiled again and grabbed three menus and said, "brought some girlfriend's along?". I said I was and I requested a booth, which meant we would be able to see all of the wait staff coming in and out as they were serving food, in other words getting a good show.

The hostess lead us to our table and Cheryle and Sandy slid in and I took off my coat and hung it up on the coat hanger outside of the booth and this was the first time both of the girls got to see what I was wearing and Cheryle said, "well that is interesting, step back for a moment". I did and smiled and slowly spun around and Cheryle made the comment, "what a darling dress, I love everything about it, how chic and stylish and sexy all at the same time the zipper is to die for, and those heels, so cute and perfect'. I thanked her and then slid into the booth next to Sandy. As always at Earls the waitresses are always something to look at and immediately Cheryle and I started a commentary on what we saw, and I kept looking over at Sandy and her mouth was wide open and she was staring. I was having a great time when our waitress approached and she of course was a complete knockout, a brunette, shoulder length hair, about 5'5", in a black above the knee length leather skirt, light blue silk blouse, unbuttoned to show ample cleavage, hose were sheer nude and her heels at 4" kid black, her makeup was perfect. She smiled and look us over and said, "good afternoon ladies, my name is Monique, I will be serving you today, is there anything I can get you to start with to drink?". I spoke up and ordered a cooler and the other girls ordered and she smiled and said that she would be back later to take our food order and we all stared as she walked away in a very unintentional sexy manner. Cheryle quietly said, "my she is hot", and I said she was right and Sandy quietly said, "alright you two, can you tell me what is going on here?, why are all of the wait staff so stunning looking well dressed and hot and are making my panties wet". Both Cheryle and I started laughing and told her that she should enjoy the show and tell us which one she likes the most. The same routine, both Cheryle and I told her what the deal was about the waitresses and again, told her to enjoy the show, and she had to pick her favourite to take home to bed.

Our lovely waitress Monique came back and served our drinks and said, "need more time ladies?", we all said we did, and quite frankly with the scenery and enjoying it, we had not even opened our menu's. Both girls looked at their menu's and I did not have to and Cheryle looked at me and said, "getting the usual Joyce?", I told her I was, and the two of them kept looking at their menu's and then it happened. The waitress, Heather, that was hitting on me a month ago when Paul took me to lunch spotted me and gave me a little wave and a smile as she went into the serving area to pick up an order. Cheryle spotted it and said, "a friend of yours?", I went on to tell her the story of how when I came with Paul I was wearing all my lesbian jewellery and she was hitting on me and left a note. Cheryle thought it was cute and whispered, "if she only knew". Cheryle decided to go with I was having, as she knew what it was and Sandy asked what it was and thought it was a good idea, which was the Cesar salad and the dry riblets and we all put down our menu's. About that time, our waitress Monique came and said, "ready to order ladies?". Cheryle spoke up for the 3 of us and ordered and the waitress said, "excellent choice ladies", she grabbed our menus and walked away and we all stared at her lovely ass swaying so nicely in her tight leather skirt. I said to the girls I had a couple of skirts like that in my closets and Sandy said, "really?", I said "oh yes and my husband and I used to wear them when clubbing years ago and we got lots of action", Cheryle said she was not surprised at the fact I had the skirt or that Sharon and I got action. We continued to stare at the lovely creatures as they walked in and out serving food and of course, Heather, every time she walked by would look and smile at me. She was dressed differently than the last time I saw her, she had on a knee length very tight form fitting black skirt, 4" black patent heels, nude hose and a cream top, of course showing ample cleavage, she certainly was a knockout, and even as hot as she was, I was hoping she was not going to come over to the table.

I then mentioned to the girls that I brought the album and if they wanted to talk about the dresses and both of them said they definitely would, so I grabbed the book out of my purse and handed it to Cheryle. The girls flipped it open and started looking at the dresses and making comments and one of the dresses I totally forgot about showing them was a royal blue one that Sharon and I had matching with pearls down the back, as well as the matching satin heels. They were thumbing through the dresses and the fun started as they asked me about each one and what it was like wearing them and how special the occasion was. I only had the stories to tell about the ones my husband and I wore when we were in a Wedding party together. We were giggling and carrying on and did not even notice our lovely waitress come with our food and started placing it down, and of course being a female, she was curious and saw the book opened. After she put the food down she commented, "oh my God, those dresses are so pretty, is someone getting Married?". Cheryle beat me to saying anything and blurted out, "YES, SHE IS", pointing at me, and our waitress Monique looked at me and said, "well congratulations!". I smiled and thanked her and she was obviously interested and said, "I will be back in a bit ladies, I want to hear more about this". I was smiling and loved the thought of her coming back and looking at the pictures of the dresses.

We started to eat our food and continued to look at the pictures and I asked the girls what they thought of each dress and it was fun listening to them comment on each one and I loved when they asked me questions about them. They kept on coming back to the deep purple dresses that my husband Sharon and I wore at a Wedding in 1991, and they loved the colour and were asking about them and were leaning towards them. I told them of all of the dresses, that might be the best option as Sharon and I really did not have many alterations done on them, except for the hem. Once again we were in deep discussion about the dress, the day and such and really was not looking at what was going on around us. Our waitress, Monique, surprised us and literally sat down next to me in the booth and said, "hello ladies, just seeing if you need anything". Now for me, this was not a first, back many years ago, a waitress did this when I was trying to pick a dress for an occasion and my date was looking over a photo album to pick. Monique looked over at the album and started to make comments and first was, "that is so retro, I love it, reminds me what my sister wore in a Wedding a long time ago". She then looked at me and said, "so what is your Wedding dress like?". Sandy quickly was out with her phone and showed her a picture of me in the Wedding dress and the headpiece and Monique covered her mouth and said, "oh my God!, that is almost regal and so elegant and feminine, look at the detail!". I was loving every minute of what was going on and Monique was quick to say, "ok ladies, I have to get back to work, is there anything you need?". I spoke up and told her we needed another round of drinks, and Monique smiled and said she would get that and told me that I made a beautiful bride and that the dress was amazing.

We continued eating and chatting and then the discussion came around about the accessories for the dresses, which ever one they were going to choose. I told them that the jewellery was taken care of and the only thing we had to work out was the hosiery and shoes. We talked about the shoes and I told them if they went with the purple dresses, when Sharon and I and the other 6 Bridesmaid's at the time, actually discussed low black suede heels to be worn, but the Bride vetoed that, and we all ended up spending almost $60 a person for dyed satin 3" heels to match the dress. Since this was not for real, but the girls wanted to look authentic and even Sandy said, "I need a pair of dress shoes anyway". I told them that there was a Payless shoe store in the mall and we could look there after lunch, and they both liked the idea. With the dress discussion almost complete, our Waitress Monique came back with our drink refills and smiled and asked if the dress decision was made and both girls answered, "almost". She smiled and said, "any one you pick will be incredible, I would love to wear any one of those dresses". I smiled and thanked her and she walked away with all of us looking at her as she sauntered away.

We were all done eating and the dress decision was going to be left for when we got back to the house and they tried on the dresses. Monique came by and asked if we were done and Cheryle spoke up and said that we wanted the bill and only one and she smiled at her and said she would be back with it. Now at this point I knew my lipstick needed a touch up and I had to use the ladies room in a big way. I told the girls I was going and Sandy spoke up and said she would join me, she grabbed her purse and we slid out of the booth and we were off. It was weird hearing only my heels clicking as we walked along, and I actually caught quite a few other women checking me out as I walked along and was loving it. We got the washrooms and went in and again, I loved how classy it was and well laid out, we were the only ones in it and I went to a stall. Sandy went next to me and hung up my purse on the door and hiked up my skirt and moved things around and sat down and did my business. I cleaned up and then stood up and adjusted things and my dress and then grabbed my purse and left the stall and headed to the sinks where Sandy was already there. She was fluffing out her hair and I joined her and pulled out my lipstick from my purse and was applying another coat and she made the comment, "love the slit on your dress, the zipper is so cool". I thanked her and fixed my lips and fluffed my hair, repacked my purse and we left the ladies room and headed to table to meet Cheryle and ash told us that the bill had been paid and asked if we were ready to go and we told her we were and I grabbed my light spring coat and slipped it on and we walked to the exit and I told them that we could go out the exit into the mall and that we could look for shoes and nylons, and I told them I knew where the stores were.

So we headed for that exit and as we left another stunning woman, well dressed and well put together, smiled at us and said, "have a nice day ladies", and I saw her give me an extra smile as she looked me over in my dress, and she said, "love the dress, how chic". I smiled and thanked her and as we walked along both girls commented on how many time I got complimented on my dress and how I must be thrilled, and I told them I definitely was.

We got to the Payless and headed to the isle that had female shoess and we looked for their size and found Cheryle's right away, a size 9 and what we found was almost identical to what my husband and I wanted to wear in a Wedding we were in together and that was a pair of black suede heels with a thicker 2 1/2" heel. Both girls agree on this is exactly what they wanted and Cheryle grabbed a pair and we were hoping to find the same in a size 6 for Sandy, and lone behold we did and she grabbed a pair and we walked to the checkout and both girls paid for their shoes and then we left and two stores down from the shoe store and there was a Shoppers drug Mart. I was going to suggest going to Sears or the Bay, as they would have had higher quality and lower denier and more sheer hose, but suggested Shoppers. We found the area with hosiery, and of course limited quantity and quality and I told the girls that it really did not matter, and Sandy said she rarely wears pantyhose and Cheryle said she already had enough, but knew that they had to be matching to look authentic. We found a brand and a quality that was cheap and not ultra sheer, but were nude and at $1.99, they could not go wrong and Cheryle and Sandy picked their sizes and I told them I would pay for the pantyhose. They handed them to me and we walked to the checkout and the salesgirl said, "and will that be all?". I told her it was and opened my purse and pulled out my wallet and pulled out money and paid for the pantyhose. We left the store with our purchases and headed back out of the mall and to the car, and still I loved the fact my heels were clicking. We got in and headed back to my house to try on dresses and we chatted about that all the way there.

We got to the house and I told the girls that I had the dresses ready and we walked into the living room and they saw I had the dresses laid out and both made a comment on how lovely they looked and I commented back that they had not even tried any on I hung up my light spring coat in the closet. I made sure the blinds were closed and doors locked and offered them a glass of wine as they both picked up the dresses and checked them out and I went and grabbed 3 wine glasses and filled them and brought them into the living room and placed them on the coffee table. I said, "I take it you ladies like?", they both said they did and I said, "well ladies time to get changed". They both agreed and grabbed a glass of wine and Cheryle proposed a toast, "to Sandy, soon to be a Bridesmaid for the first time". We all took a sip and then they put down their glasses, and started taking off their clothes, they stripped until they were down to their panties and bras, which were just plain comfy white cotton panties and bras, I was going to comment on what I was wearing, but did not. I suggested to get the whole look they should put on the shoes and they agreed and asked me to get them out of the car, and I told them I would and reminded them they had no hosiery on and I suggested they might as well put on the pantyhose. Cheryle gave me her keys and I left to get the shoes and pantyhose and I had to laugh as there they were in their bra and panties sipping on wine. I came in with the bags and put them down and said, "now don't you two look cute", and they had to agree and laughed along with me.

I handed them the shoes and Pantyhose and they both opened the package of pantyhose and sat down and slipped them on and sally commented, "I have no clue how you wear these to wear to work every day, they are a total pain to put on". I told her that I was more than used to it and again, shook her head, telling me how she was amazed at me. I just smiled and then I made a suggestion that they each one try on one of the dresses and then switch, so they could make comments and see how each looked in them, they loved the idea and Cheryle grabbed the purple satin dress and Sandy the hunter green satin one and I helped zip and button up the straps at the back in Cheryl's case, and in Sandy's case the three bows at the back. I then handed the girls the light crinolines and they were both surprised and I told them they were needed to complete the look. Then they both put them on and then the black suede heels and then they started walking around and I still had the full length mirror set up from the Wedding dress trying on and I walked around so they both could see the whole look. Now the dresses of course did not fit perfectly, as they were fitted for my husband and I for the Wedding we were in and the hunter green ones were fitted by another couple of women I got the dresses off of Ebay. Right away, both of them loved the hunter green dress, and the detail at the back and the bows and how they were so feminine and pretty, but at the same time, the colour of the purple dress they both seemed to be the one they were gravitating to. Now, the one Cheryle was wearing was actually my husband's, and her breasts were much smaller than my husband's so I suggested that Cheryle give her dress to Sandy, and she put on the dress I wore. As I went and got the other dress the girls helped each other out of each others dresses and swapped. I handed Cheryle my dress and she slipped it on and they helped each other do things up. They again paraded around and again they were not perfect looking on them, but it was close enough. The girls wanted the complete look and I had forgotten the flowers and told them to put on the jewellery and I would go and get the flowers. I went downstairs to my closet that had all of my Bridal wear in it in and grabbed a pair of matching Bridesmaid flowers I got long ago when I bought a pair of matching dresses, now the colour of the flowers were not exactly right as they were more for a set of Fusia Bridesmaid dresses I had. I went upstairs and handed the girls the flowers and they had already put their jewellery on and they looked great. The comical part was Sandy, she had no clue how to hold a bouquet and both Cheryle and I laughed and she said, "what?". we both went on to explain on how to hold the flowers and she eventually got it and then Sandy asked if she could see what the dress looked like when my husband and I wore them with the shoes and since Sandy was a shoe size smaller than me, I told her I would get them for her to try on. I went back downstairs to my closet with my Bridal wear and got them and went back upstairs and found Sandy and Cheryle walking around. Sandy immediately said, "I have never worn anything like this, it is so feminine and romantic, I love it". I smiled and told her I was glad and handed her the shoes and she slipped them on and said, "oh WOW, the Bride made the right call, they make the whole look". To which I said, "yes and all of us had to fork out another $60, to add to the $250 we already had to fork out for the dress and alterations".

With the look of the dresses and such the girls asked about makeup and I told them that I would take care of it, as I had the colours I wanted them to wear and already had my colours picked out. I then grabbed my cell phone and told the girls to pose like it was a Wedding day and I stated to take pictures and had to remind Sandy, "first rule of being a Bridesmaid on wedding day, no matter how bad it gets to smile and smile big", which she did. I took a bunch and right then and there emailed them, so they could get an idea of what they looked like together. I pulled out a chair and put it in the middle of the room and Cheryle and I asked Sandy to sit down, and of course never having had a dress like this on before and crinolines, she had no idea, and it was obvious when she simply sat down without adjusting her dress. Cheryle showed her the proper way and Sandy said she had no idea and had her do it a few times before she got it right. The girls were satisfied with the whole look and commented that it was nice they did not have to wear a special bra. I told them that the dresses did not need to be dry cleaned and I would put them back in the garment bags they were stored in for the Saturday and they asked me to keep the shoes and pantyhose and I told them that I would.

Then they asked me if they could see a little fashion show and show them what I would be wearing to the dinner theatre and then for the Wedding night and then the day after to come home. I reluctantly agreed, but told them that I would model the clothes and wear what hosiery, accessories and lingerie I had on at the time and then describe the rest and they said that would be fine. I asked what order they wanted to see them in and they said the order that Paul would be seeing them in, and I smiled and said I would. Luckily I had everything all ready pre-packed and it was going to be quick, and easy, they both said that would be fine and before I left to go downstairs asked if they wanted more wine and they said they would and went to the kitchen and came back and filled all the glasses and they were in the middle of getting each other out of their dresses. I then asked Cheryle to unzip my dress and she did and commented, "my what a lovely colour of bra", and I turned around and slipped off the top of my dress and showed them what I was wearing, and they both said, "oh my how pretty and sexy, compared to our plain ones". I smiled and said, "and the matching panties", and walked off.

I went downstairs leaving the girls to change and had fun holding the railing and my dress up at the same time then managing the heels as well. I got to the bottom of the stairs and into my bedroom and let the dress fall down to my feet, I then stepped out of it in my heels and picked it up and hung it up. I slipped out of my heels and took off my earrings, and bra, the first dress was the sexy black strapless one I had chosen for the dinner theatre and even though I said I was not going to do it, grabbed my black strapless push up bra from my lingerie drawer and put it on to make it look right. I did not bother taping my breasts, but did push my tits up into the bra to at least show some cleavage. I then slipped on the black strapless dress and then the bolero jacket and slipped on the 5 1/4" black patent heels and then grabbed the black bustier with the garters attached and headed upstairs to show the girls. I got into the living room and the girls had changed back and were sitting on the couch and they looked me over and both were gushing over the dress and I modelled it around for a bit and then showed them the bustier and both said, "ooooohhhh how sexy". I also told them I would be wearing ultra sheer nearly black stockings and sparkly jewellery, and they agreed that Paul will like the look. I then went back downstairs and slipped out of the dress and shoes and then opened the lingerie pillow and pulled out the peignoir and wrap Paul bought for me the first time I pleased him orally. I then put on the white satin 3" heels I would be wearing for the wedding dress and then headed upstairs to show the girls. They immediately were telling me how romantic the lingerie was and Cheryle made the comment, "even nicer than what I wore on my Wedding night". I dropped the robe part and showed them the peignoir only and told them that I would be wearing my white hose that I would be wearing with the Wedding dress. They asked if this was the lingerie Paul bought me and I told them it was, and again they both made comments on how it definitely is lingerie fit for a Bride on her Wedding night. I then told them the last outfit was the one I was going to be wearing going home the day after. I went back downstairs and changed out of the lingerie and pulled on the blue bodycon mini dress with the peplum and then the 3" beige patent heels and slipped them on and went upstairs to see the girls. They looked over the outfit and both found it "cute and sexy", I modelled it around for a bit and then sat down (realizing, the stay ups I was wearing, were not going to work, and pantyhose were going to have to be worn, sheer toe to waist) with them and sipped on my wine and we chatted more about the Saturday and how they were looking forward to the day and they let me know that after the pictures, they were going to be getting a hotel room and changing and going for dinner. The girls then left and not before we hugged and exchanged light kisses. I then went and re-packed everything and hung up the Bridesmaid dresses and packed up the shoes and their pantyhose.

The rest of the week I did final packing making sure all my makeup was packed and I made sure the colours I was going to be using for the Wedding day were out. I also packed extra hosiery in case of a run, all of the lingerie I was going to be wearing of the course of the weekend, as well as a pair of white satin gloves. As well, making sure my regular purse and my black patent clutch purse were packed and ready to go. I ended up with a duffle bag, and a dress bag that were packed. The Friday came and my husband went and picked up my Wedding dress and told me that she would leave it in the upstairs closet for the next day.

Saturday May 16th, 2015, Wedding Day!

The big day arrived and I got up and checked the clock and saw that I had 2 hours before Cheryle and would be arriving. I was tingling with excitement, just as much as my own Wedding day and the ones where I was a Bridesmaid for real, and knew the day would be special. My husband left me alone (she was still sleeping) and I went into the shower and got clean all over and made sure every spot was baby smooth. Also, due to the fact I was not going to be wearing perfume all day, I washed all over with Curious body wash, so it would make me smell nice, but not get any foreign liquids on the dress. I finished and headed back down to my room, and I had an hour to get things organized and then into my makeup for the day. I slipped on the latex vagina and my panties for the day, which were the ones I wore when I got married for real in 1990, white satin and a bit of lace and a dream to wear. I then put on my foundation garment and then a blue terri cloth robe as it was a bit chilly. Next I pulled out a pair of white satin gloves and opened a pair of ultra sheer white stay ups with a wide lace band at the top, and carefully slipped them on and loved the way they felt on my legs and how my legs felt, then the white satin 3" heels I was going to be wearing with my wedding dress. I then started a final check of my packing. I forgot a few things, my perfume for the evening, and the next day my pink satin robe for changing, and a few other small items and packed them all away and took the duffle bag and the dress bad upstairs and laid it out on the couch. Then laid out my earrings, and white lace gloves a blue garter I got off Ebay, specifically for Paul to keep at the end of the night, the huge crinoline, finally my headpiece and bobby pins for it. I heard my husband was in the shower and I headed downstairs to start my makeup, which as always for a Wedding even is always carefully put on.

I started with my eyeliner and it was somewhere in between an office application and formal, enough to highlight and be a bit dramatic, but no low light conditions. Eye shadow was going to be one of my new colour palettes and was going to be a combination of pinks and a deeper beige and finally cream colout for the upper lids. The girls were going to be wearing the same, but I was doing mine a little more dramatic, finally a very healthy coating of lash blast mascara. Blush, like the eyeliner was going to be a little on the darker than an application for going to work, but not a low light application. I knew that there was going to be food and such when the girls arrived, so I did not bother with my lipstick. I packed up all of the makeup in my white beaded Bridal clutch purse. I saw I had 15 minutes and could hear my husband walking around upstairs and at one point I heard her GG lover Brenda come in, and started talking with her. I sat down and put on the nail polish I wore on the day of my real Wedding and it was a right pink, to be matching the lipstick I was going to be wearing. I heard the tinkling of glasses as I waited for my nails to dry and then head the doorbell, and knew Cheryle and Sandy had arrived. I almost forgot my alternative Wedding ring set and slipped it on, and again, loved how it looked, so much different than my real set.

Then the real fun started, I headed upstairs, my Bridal clutch purse in hand and all the girls were waiting for me and my husband had laid out some snacks for a continental breakfast, and the girls were eating that all enjoying a glass of champagne and orange juice. Cheryle made the comment, "already done your makeup, and very nice job", I thanked her and then suggested it was there turn, and ate a little myself and they agreed that they had to get moving and finished their glass and then they asked if they should get into their dresses first or makeup, and I told them it did not matter and they decided to do makeup first. I noticed that both were in jeans and a button down blouse and I told them it was perfect for doing makeup. My husband suggested that they do their hair up, but I said it would not look right with my hair down, so that decision was made. I then said, "shall we ladies?", and they followed me into the upstairs bathroom, and I laid out the makeup on the counter and turned on the overhead lights for more visibility. Cheryle went first and started on her eyes and after eyeliner she asked about the eye shadows and I told her to follow what I had done, but toned down and she did and then passed the eyeliner to Sandy who followed Cheryle's lead. Then it was the blush and then the decision on lipstick and I told them that they were going to be wearing my deep red nail polish (the one Sandy loved so much), and told Cheryle to wear the lipstick she and I had matching and that we all would be putting on lip gloss on top of it. I handed them each a bottle of the nail polish and they started putting it on and I told them they both did a good job on their makeup. I checked the time and it was still about 45 minutes before Paul and the photographer would be arriving.

Once their nails were done, we all headed back into the living room, and Brenda and my husband said they loved the job on the 3 of us. Then it was decided to get dressed, first as always is the Bridesmaid's, so Cheryle and Sandy proceeded to strip down to their panties and bras and I was surprised, both had put on matching panties and bras, same lingerie set, Cheryle's in Purple and Sandy's in hunter green, and lace push up bra and matching satin and lace panties. I smiled at them and told them they both looked yummy. They both grabbed their pantyhose and sat on the couch and put them on, and I went and grabbed each of their dresses, making sure to hand the right dress to the right girl, and they slipped them on, my husband came and helped zip them up and to the button for the bow at the back. I then handed them the crinolines and they slipped them on, Brenda had to laugh as they were the exact same dresses her and my husband wore the time they got me into a Wedding gown and watched me orally please her husband Brad for the first time. Not much was said about that, and the girls slipped on their shoes and both Brenda and my husband said the girls looked very nice. Cheryle announced, "and now the Bride stand in the center of the room".

Cheryle and Sandy went and grabbed my dress bag and they carefully took out the dress and began preparing it, and the first thing I noticed was that it was not bustled. Cheryle then grabbed the crinoline and said, "time to drop the robe dear", which I did and Cheryle had to comment, "I do love those cutie boobies". She helped me step into it and I noticed that my husband and Brenda were just sitting on the couch watching. Both dressed casually, in jeans and sweat shirts and my husband in particular had no makeup on. Then Cheryle and Sandy adjusted my dress and told me to bend over and I did and they very carefully lowered it down and my husband came over and made sure that the high collar stayed away from my makeup. They lowered it down on me and I slipped in my arms and then the tingling went down my spine as I knew in a matter of minutes I was going to be trapped in a dress I had no hope of getting out of, even if I wanted to. Cheryle started doing up the 60 or so buttons, she made the comment, "I wonder if Paul is going to bother with all of these and just rip this off of you", I told her he better not try that". Sandy was fluffing out the skirt of the crinoline and then grabbed the two trains and started laying them out and search for the loops. It took about 15 minutes and Cheryle got all of the buttons done up and my husband were snapping pictures away on her phone and so was Brenda as the girl were preparing the dress. Once the dress was done, all 4 of the girls started looking for the loops and remembered how to bustle the two trains and adjust the crinoline in the train. They finished and then my husband got the other mirror and held it up behind me and asked if the bustle was right, and I told them it was as close as it was going to get.

Once the bustling was done it was picture time and I asked Sandy to go and get the Bridal purse from the bathroom so we all could do our lipsticks. She came back and handed my pink lipstick and a compact from the purse and I applied a health coat and then asked her to hand me the gloss and she did and I handed her back the lipstick and then put on the gloss, and loved how my lips looked, it totally finished off the makeup for me. The girls did the same with their lips and now it was time for my finishing touches. Cheryle and Sandy took my headpiece and carefully put it on me and then adjusted it perfectly and started putting in the bobby pins. Once they were done, I asked them to hand me my gloves and they did and I slipped them on. At that time, they noticed the Wedding rings and said they wanted to see them, and I showed them and they both said the set was lovely. I then clipped on my earrings and I was almost done, and then Sandy held up my garter and said, "where does this go?". All of us laughed and my husband and Brenda got their Cameras out and Cheryle went and grabbed it from Sandy and said, "I know where this goes". My husband came and grabbed the wooden platform and put it in front of my dress and Cheryle kneeled and looked up at me and said, "oh I am so going to enjoy this". She slowly and deliberately started at my silky covered ankles and slid her hand up my legs, she put the dress and crinoline up to a point I could assist and grabbed it and started helping her and hiking the fabric, then put my left leg on the platform, and was staring down at Cheryle, who then made a slow deliberate caress of my legs down to my ankles. She was smiling at me and knew she was enjoying it. She then stretched out the garter and I stepped into it and she slowly moved it up to my mid thigh on my leg and had a wicked grin on her face and she adjusted it into place. I then posed as the girls were snapping pics, and when they were done, dropped my dress. The boys were arriving in 15 minutes so Brenda and Sharon wanted the Bridal party pics for themselves so we all grabbed our bouquets and Sharon cleaned up the living room a bit and we posed and they started snapping pics and all the time it was, "ok ladies smile big".

Then the doorbell rang and it was Paul and the photographer and Cheryle and Sandy took me by the hand and told me to follow them to the bathroom, as I had to make an entrance. My husband came into the bathroom and told us to wait for the music and then Sandy comes in and then Cheryle, and told me to wait for a bit for them to get to the front of the room and then I come in. I was excited and nervous all at the same time, and I guess Brenda and Cheryle had a surprise and heard playing over the stereo the Wedding March and Cheryle and Sandy left to go to the living room. I gave them about 60 seconds and then left the bathroom, and into the living room, and at the front of the room was Cheryle and Sandy, and Paul in a black tuxedo, and off to the side was my husband, and Brenda, and another gentleman in a suit and tie with a camera, taking pictures, obviously the photographer. I walked up to Paul and he was smiling ear to ear, and so was I, was not sure what to do, but Cheryle came up beside me and grabbed my wrist and I knew it was a signal for me to give her my flowers and I did, and turned and faced Paul and put my lace covered hands in his and he smiled at me and said, "you look stunning, never seen a Bride look so beautiful, that dress is so amazing". I thanked him and told him I was glad he liked what he saw, and my husband blurted out, don't just stand their Paul, kiss the Bride". Paul leaned in and gave a light kiss on the lips and again told me how beautiful I looked.

Paul then introduced the photographer, his name was Frank and a friend of his and he came up and shook my hand, and said, "Paul said you looked incredible, and he was right I just cannot believe....", and I smiled and said, "yes it is true, I am not a real girl". He still has shaking his head and Cheryle looked at the time and said that if we were going to to pictures here, we needed to do them now. Like any other Wedding I have been in, the photo shoot was a blurr with Fran, obviously know what he was doing, moving us around and posing us, and eventually he said he had enough and would save the rest, especially of me alone for Niagara Falls. Paul asked if I had all my bags ready to go and I told him I did and he and Frank took them out and myself and the girls were doing checks of everything and the guys came back in and said everything was ready to go, now the girls did not need their bouquets anymore so they left them, but I grabbed mine. My husband and Brenda came and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and told me to enjoy myself and make the groom very happy, and I told them I would and then Frank told me the car was ready and I lead the way out to the cool May air, but no need for a coat, the dress I was wearing was heavy enough. Cheryle and Sandy were right behind me making sure my dress was alright and I heard them squeal, "A LIMO??", Brenda and Sharon said, "WHAT?", then they looked out and I was smiling at Paul, as I walked towards it and Frank was holding the door. I slid in and the girls followed and found a seat on one of the sides of the spacious limo. I adjusted my dress and crinolines and managed to sit down. The girls followed in and kept on saying, "oh my God", they sat down on the other side of the limo and Paul got in next to me and Frank shut the door and we were off. Paul had already gotten champagne and it was chilling in the table in the center between the two bench seats and he go out 4 glasses and started pouring. The girls were still in shock as Paul proposed a toast to his new Bride and we all took a sip. As we sipped I held hands with Paul and we exchanged the casual kiss and at one point I leaned in and whispered to him too keep the kissing light and after the pictures, he can kiss me as hard as he wanted as I did not want to ruin my makeup. He kept on telling me how stunning I looked and the other girls and how proud he was to be seen with such creatures. We sipped on wine and Paul told me to tell him about the dress and where I got it and I told him all about it, and he said, "bet you are going to stand out huge when we get to Niagara Falls", I smiled and told him I was counting on it. I asked Cheryle the time and she told me and I thought, "perfect, right on time". From time to time, as Paul was getting more amorous, the bulge in his pants was getting bigger, I said nothing, but Sandy and Cheryle noticed and would look at me and glance at Paul's crotch and smile back at me with a knowing smile.

The ride to Niagara Falls was about 45 minutes by the time we got through the city and to the area for the pictures to be taken. Now I have never heard of this before, but Niagara Falls, at certain times of the year, on Saturdays sets up a picture perfect area of the falls for Brides and Grooms to pose with, the falls in the background, free and clear of tourists. Frank parked the limo and Paul told us to wait as he was told he had to register. I started looking around and was loving what I was seeing, at least 4 different Wedding parties, Brides and their Bridesmaid's. Paul came back and told us that we were registered and our spot for the pictures was behind 3 other Wedding parties, and I was thrilled to say the least, I knew I had got what I wanted. Paul then said, "now if you girls want to stay in the car, the coordinator will come and get us, but I doubt you want that Joyce, and there is a waiting area, nearby for the Brides and their parties".

So then the ultimate fun for me began I told Paul I definitely wanted to go to the waiting area. So the girls got out of the car and then they helped me get out of the car and helped me with my dress, fluffing it out and making sure that the bustle looked right and Cheryle grabbed my white beaded clutch purse, and Sally reached in and grabbed my flowers and handed them to me. Paul was waiting for me as I got out and came and offered me his arm, and we started walking towards the waiting area and then the fun really started. To describe the scene was a large open canopy with chairs and then in the distance the place where you went to get pictures taken and I could see a Bride and groom there getting theirs done and the girls of the Wedding party off to the side watching. As we got closer, I was tingling with excitement as 3 other Brides their parties were waiting. Now, being 2015, the style of the Wedding gowns to me are not romantic at all, nor are the Bridesmaid dresses, they are ALL strapless styles, and every Bride and Bridesmaid I could see were wearing varying styles of strapless. Gone were the style of dress that oozed feminine being, the puff sleeves, the bows, the intricate lace and tons of satin, and butt bows, mine of course had all of that and more. Of course all 3 of us looked way out of place, me in particular, and as we approached the area, it was the strangest thing, and I was thrilled/scared and in awe of what was going on. It was like a huge celebrity walked in, everyone stopped and stared, even the event coordinator, her mouth was wide open. As we got closer I could hear comments like, "oh my God, look at her", and, "that dress is amazing", or "I have never seen anything like that before", "look at what all of them are wearing". Cheryle was beside me and said quietly, "my we are making an impression already, and I bet you are loving it". I told her I definitely was. Now, it was not only the Bridal parties, but seems this Saturday event has become somewhat of a tourist attraction, and lots of people were milling around, all with camera and cell phones taking pictures. WELL, as we approached the tent, seems all cameras were on us, specifically me.

Then the strange part happened, complete strangers were coming up to me and flowering me with compliments on the dress and how pretty and lovely and sexy the gown was. I got compliments on how lovely the back looked and how sexy the front plunge was, and these were mainly from women, young and old. Then I was being asked to pose for selfies with complete strangers, I was thrilled and in another world and could not help smiling and every now and again I would look over at Paul and the girls and they were smiling and laughing as the circus unfolded. Eventually we got to the tent area, and obviously all of the attention I was getting was not sitting well with the other Brides as I got sneers and ugly looks, and even more ugly when a couple of Bridesmaid's came over as I was standing there and wanting pictures and a selfie with me from the other Wedding parties. I was loving every minute of it and eventually it died down a bit and the other girls came and stood with me and they were giggling and said they loved the show and Paul came and hugged me and asked if this is what I wanted, and I told him it was way more than I expected. Frank then came over and said we were next up and told us he had everything planned and to follow his lead. He explained that he would be taking pictures of me first, with my flowers in different poses and then pictures of Paul and I without my flowers, and asked one of the girls to be ready to come and get them when he asked. With the three of us together, there was more pictures asked of not only me but of them as well, and the compliments kept coming for the girls as well on how lovely their dresses looked from complete strangers.

Eventually it was our turn, Cheryle came and handed me the Bridal clutch purse and I handed her my flowers and pulled out my lipstick gloss and compact and applied another healthy coat of lipstick and gloss and packed it away and handed it back to Cheryle and she handed me my flowers. As I walked to the place for the pictures to be taken, the other Bride leaving in her strapless dress and ugly headpiece, she sneered at me, I laughed inside. I went and after paying attention to the other Brides and like any Wedding shoot it was a whirlwind and Frank was posing me this way and that way, making sure he got all of the detail of my dress and the lovely falls in the background. Frank was not the only one shooting as more people saw me, more pictures were being taken by them. Then it was time for Paul to be in the pictures, Cheryle came and grabbed my flowers and smiled huge at me and said quietly, "my you are quite the celebrity, all these people oohing and ahhing over you", then left off to the side and Frank continued to pose Paul and I, and quite a few light kissing shots. Sadly the time was up for us and we started to leave and I was on Paul's arm and Cheryle handed me back my flowers, and the coordinator came up to Paul and I and told us how lovely of a couple we made and said that she had to ask me about my dress and I told her no problem.

She went on to say that in the many years she has been doing this she has never seen a dress quite like mine, and said the last time she actually saw a dress like mine was back when Princess Diana got married and that is what my dress reminded her of. She then asked if I would be willing to let some of my pictures be used on the company's website that runs the event for the pictures, and I told her I was more than happy to let that happen, and she asked for my email address and I gave it to her and she said that she would be in contact with me to get legal signoff and was looking forward to some of the pictures. She also asked if she could feature some on her facebook page and I said that would be fine as well (something I should have thought about first). She then personally asked for a selfie with me and the girls and we all posed for her. We got to the limo and again I was the first one in and Frank was holding the door and smiling at me, and as I leaned in I could not help noticing the rather large bulge in his pants. I slid back into the same spot put down my flowers, and the girls followed and then Paul.

The ride to the hotel was a short one, about 5 minutes and Frank pulled the limousine up front and came and opened the door, and this time Paul went out first and went to the back of the limo and grabbed my bags and a another bag with his clothes. The girls got out next and then I did, and they helped me out again and to stand up. Then Cheryle said, "well I guess this is it?", and the girls came in and gave me a big hug and a lipstick to lipstick kiss and told me how wonderful of a day they had, and how they were glad to be part of it and went over and did the same to Paul even though his arms were full. Frank then said to Paul, "would you mind if I got a kiss from the Bride?". Paul smiled and said, "I cannot see why not", Frank came and stood in front of me and put his hands on my satin covered hips, and I smiled and thanked him for all he had done, and he said, "no, thank you", and then he moved in and kissed me long and tenderly and was moaning. He broke the kiss and leaned in and whispered in my ear, "you are such an incredible woman, and a stunning Bride, any man would want you in bed", I whispered back, "thank you, but tonight only the groom gets the Bride and I plan on making Paul a very happy groom". He gave me a light kiss and as he turned to walk away I could tell he had a sizeable bulge in his pants, and I was not the only one to notice, as I would later find out.

Then it was time for the next part of the day I was looking forward to and that was intimate time with Paul while I was in my Wedding gown. I asked the girls to take care of my flowers and they said they would. It was one last round of hugs and the girls climbed back into the limousine, but not before Cheryle came running and said, "don't forget your Bridal purse", and handed it to me. Paul and I walked into the hotel lobby. Now, Paul could have checked in before we got there, but he purposely did not. Now the hotel was a very upscale hotel, with a large lobby and lucky for me it was crowded as it was after 3pm, so you had people checking in and checking out. Like the time we arrived at the photo shoot location, I felt like a movie star or something as I walked in, it was like all eyes were on me and Paul walked me to the center of lobby and told me to wait and he would go and check in. So there I was in the middle of this huge lobby and Paul walked to the front desk and even before he got there, I heard one of the girls behind the counter call out to her co workers, "Patty, Betty, Jennifer, come and see this". Like when we went to the Falls, I was approached by numerous people, mainly females, and all were gushing about my dress and headpiece telling me how they loved the look. Again the strange activity of girls and women coming up and wanting to take selfies with me and others taking pictures of my dress and I found it odd standing there hands folded in front of me holding my white beaded clutch purse, and not holding flowers. I could see Paul in the distance looking over and smiling and all I could do is smile as I answered questions about my dress and the Wedding, I was loving every minute of it. Paul eventually came and I announced it was my new husband and they all congratulated him, telling him how lucky he was to have such a beautiful Bride. He gave me a little kiss and I grabbed his arm and I said good bye to everyone and we were off to the elevators to our room.

As we walked to the elevators, Paul asked me if I had a good time in the lobby, and I smiled and told him a very good time, as much fun as at the pictures being taken. Paul told me that everything was ready in the room and that he was looking forward to some private time with his new Bride and I told him I was looking forward to it as well. We got into the elevator and Paul asked me to push the button for the 6th floor and we went in and I could tell Paul wanted to kiss me bad and I could see his pants had a large bulge, but both of his arms were full. I reached down and caressed the front of his pants and all he did was moan and I said in a sexy voice, "soon". We got to the sixth floor and he told me the room was 622, and we walked to the door and he asked me to reach in his tux pocket and pulled out the room key, I did and opened the door. Paul went in first and I followed, I looked around the room and found it was HUGE, two large King sized beds, a Jacuzzi hot tub, a full lighted vanity and a very large floor to ceiling window, I was blown away, and a bottle of champagne chilling on the coffee table with two glassed in front a large leather couch, Paul really had gone all out.

Paul dropped all of the bags and came to me and I could see absolute lust in his eyes and he pulled me in close and started passionately kissing me and I was as hot as he was and was passionately kissing him back, not caring about my makeup at this point. He was moaning and I was as well, he was caressing me all over and in between breaths tell me how hot he was and how stunning I looked, and how he had waited for this moment since he came up with the idea and I told him I was the same. We broke our embrace and we both were out of breath, we both laughed and agreed we had all night and that we should sit down and relax, which up until this point I literally had been standing in my heels since we got out of the limo at the falls for pictures. I went to the large couch and arranged my dress and crinolines to sit down. Paul poured two glasses and handed me one and we both sipped and were smiling at each other. Paul asked me if the day went as I had hoped and I told him, more than I had hoped. He told me again how stunning I looked in my dress and how elaborate it was, and how he could not believe it when he saw me in it for the first time. We both had finished about half a glass and then we went into another long passionate embrace, kissing, tongues intertwined, and moaning and enjoying each other and I reached down and felt his crotch and he was rock solid and I caressed it slowly and he was moaning as we kissed. As we broke our kiss at one time I said in a sexy voice, "actually I have wanted that again since the first time all those years ago", he moaned back, "and I have wanted you back down there since then as well". We continued to kiss passionately, and it was fun feeling Paul trying to get at my legs to caress them, as he was tugging and pulling at the dress and crinolines trying to find my legs. He finally found them and started moaning and telling me how silky smooth they felt and kept caressing to the tops of my stay ups and moaned, "garter belt and stockings?", and I said nothing, but kissed him even keeper as he continued to caress and them started feeling me all over again, our passion was getting to a fever pitch, and we finally broke our embrace, and I reached down and took a drink of my champagne and said, "ready?". He smiled and took a drink as well and then stood up and offered me his hands and pulled me up and lead me to the center of the large room and told me to wait.

Paul then went and put on some music on his player he said I would like and it was some 80's romantic music and came to me and said, "the Bride and Groom's first dance". He grabbed my lace covered hands and pulled me in close and we just stared at each other as "crazy for You" by Madonna played. I mouthed 'I love you", and he leaned in and gave me a light kiss and told me he did as well. Another song from the 80's came on and we kept on dancing and I could tell by his eyes that he wanted what was going to happen next as much as I did. He then leaned in and he held me close and we went into a soft, yet romantic long kissing session and the music continued in the background and we broke our kiss and he then said, "you are so beautiful and lovely, I want what happened all those years ago and what my wife did not do for me in her Wedding dress or ever to happen now". I smiled and said I would be honoured, and would not let him down". Then it was the awkward silence moment, "how?". I broke the ice and said, "how did you envision this moment?". He smiled and said, "as magical as the first", I smiled and then said in a sexy voice, "let the magic begin".

We then went into a long slow kissing session, as the slow music played in the background as he moved me around the large room. I was in heaven and with my eyes closed and as we kissed I went into my own little world, I could feel the gown I was in making me feel restricted and trapped and so at he mercy of Paul and his charm. Then I remember the March 1994 evening the first time with Paul, the first time with a man and how I felt, and how far I had come as a woman, I recalled the evening in all over again, it was like yesterday. Paul and I broke our kiss, and I knew it was time, I could see it in his eyes and I knew he could see it in mine. I quickly looked around and saw the huge full length mirror off to one side of the room, and reached down and grabbed my white beaded Bridal clutch purse and said to Paul quietly to lead me to in front of the mirror and he grabbed my lace covered hand and did that. I then leaned in and we began kissing again and this time I reached down and slowly started caressing the front of his pants and the large bulge that was there. Paul and I broke our kiss and grabbed Paul's hand and slowly lowered myself to the floor and let go of his hand, and dropped my clutch purse to the floor. I started fluffing and arranging the skirt of my dress and crinolines to a point I could sit back on my heels, leaving my skirts and crinolines all around me. I looked up at Paul and he said, "are you comfortable and is this the way you want it to happen?", I smiled and reminded him the first time and that I wanted to be on my knees a second time and it did not work out, he smiled and said he remembered. I looked over and the sight was surreal to say the least, me in a stunning Wedding gown, full headpiece, kneeling before her new groom, ready to please. I slowly started caressing the bulge in his pants and then started undoing his belt and Paul kicked off his shoes and I could see him in the mirror starting to take off the jacket and shirt of his tuxedo. I said quietly to him as he was undressing and I was working on his pants to keep camera that was in his pocket in his hands for a while for pictures as I wanted to save the memory, and he quietly said back, "my thoughts exactly". As Paul was undressing I grabbed my white beaded Bridal clutch purse and pulled out a pair of what satin gloves and slipped off the lace ones and put on the satin ones, as well, pulled out my lipstick and gloss and a compact, and put them on the ground next to me. I then tugged down his pants and he stepped out of them, and then I was left with a large tent of his underwear, I looked up at him and he was almost completely naked, except for his socks, and then slowly pulled down his underwear, down and he stepped out of them, I smiled wildly at the sight before me, Paul, almost fully erect before me. As Paul stared at me in the mirror I took the compact and lipstick and slowly and deliberately applied a thick coat of the pink lipstick and then the gloss, I could see Paul staring at me, as well as taking a couple of pictures, and I licked my lips and put everything back in my purse and put it on the table.

A flashback to March of 1994 happened and there it was, my first member I had ever sucked before me, the head glistening with pre-cum and ready to be sucked. I closed my eyes pulled the skin from the head and started enjoying Paul's member and wanted to thank him in a very special way for all he had done for me so far in the day, as well wanted to enjoy and savour the moment and the sweet taste of Paul's member and his gift of his juice. I very slowly licked all of the pre-cum off the head and loved the salty taste of it, and at the same time started gently caressing his very full and inviting balls with my satin covered hands. I could hear Paul moan and a few pictures being taken as I worked on pleasing him. I wanted to show Paul how I had grown as a woman, and the first time I serviced him, he was getting hard and soft and hard and soft, and it took a while before he got really hard and fed me his lovely juices, I did not want that to happen this time and was determined to give him one of my best efforts. I knew the first time of the day was going to be quick and I needed it to be as I wanted to make my planned second time in my Wedding dress a long and slow one that not only he would enjoy, but so would I. I started licking and sucking slow at first and always using one of my satin covered hands to caress his balls. I concentrated on the underside of his member, constantly flicking my tongue all around and then quickly changing to wrapping my lips around his member tight and pumping up and down, slow and then fast, varying it. Then back to flicking my tongue all over I would pause every once in a while and go and lick and suck on his balls, sucking one in and then the other and at the same time pumping him with my satin covered hands, moaning as I sucked them in. I continued the routine over and over and Paul definitely was not getting soft and at one point I heard him toss the camera onto the bed and he rested his hands on my shoulders and started moaning and groaning and telling me how incredible it felt, moaning how the sight of me in the mirror was getting too much. He then slowly thrusting his member into my mouth as I worked on him. I got faster and faster in my routine and Paul was breathing harder and harder and I could feel his knees begin to shake a little and then I got him to a fever pitch and I could tell he was getting close and then started to moan loudly as I sucked faster and faster. It was too much for Paul and he grunted over and over, I slowed and started to enjoy what he was giving me, and that was spurt after spurt of his lovely juice and I slowly bobbed up and down his member. I closed my lips tight around the head, and he lasted about 20 seconds and I lost count of how many spurts, but I was able to keep his head in my mouth and not down my throat, so I was able to 100% enjoy all that he had to offer and taste it and swallow. I let his member go with a "pop" and then licked and sucked up and down his member and balls and cleaned him up. Paul was breathing very hard and could not stop moaning, "that was incredible, incredible", he offered me his hands and he helped me up and he on the other hand, fell back on one of the beds, naked, except for his socks and his now limp member sitting on his belly.

I smiled and looked down at him, and went and grabbed my glass and sipped on some champagne then put the glass down, he finally opened his eyes. He said, "my lord woman, where did you learn to please a man like that?, you certainly know what you are doing". I said nothing and just smiled and walked around the room in my Wedding dress. I saw the view we had was stunning, a view of the falls and nothing between us and the falls. I turned and walked back to Paul, who had stood up and put on a white terri cloth robe, and he came to me and grabbed my satin hands and kissed me lightly and told me that he had never experienced anything like that before. I kissed him back lightly and said, "that was only the preview, wait till the main attraction". He smiled and let go of one of my satin covered hands and said, "ohhh?", I reached down and took one of my satin covered hands and gently, grabbed his now not so limp member and said in a sexy way, "if you thought that was incredible, wait till you experience what is to happen next". I slowly stroked his member and it was getting harder and stared into his eyes and slowly licked my lips. Then moved in and kissed him lightly then harder, still stroking his member, feeling it get harder in my satin covered hands. We broke our kiss and I asked for some more champagne and he poured us both a glass and we sipped away not saying much, I kept on staring at him with his member now out straight, and licking my lips.

Now it was my turn to totally enjoy myself, and of course give Paul a moment he would not forget. We finished our glasses and Paul said that he had something special to put on his player, and went and put it on, and it was the music he played back in March of 1994, a bunch of softer Led Zeppelin songs. I smiled and almost started to cry and as the memories of that special evening began to come flooding back, as it was the music that played when I pleased Paul for the first time. Paul came and stood in front of me, and was waiting for me to take the lead and I did, I started by slipping the robe off of him and letting it fall to the floor leaving him naked before me. I then slowly reached down and again was caressing his member with my satin covered hands and felt Paul grow even harder as I stroked him. I lead him to the side of the one bed and motioned for him to lie down, and he did on his back, fairly erect member sticking straight up, and I leaned down and started kissing him and caressing his body with my satin covered hands, all over and of course concentrating on his member, which was getting harder and harder and I used my thumb to massage his head and found that my satin glove was getting moist from the pre cum that had formed. I broke the kiss and started kissing my way down his body, I stopped at his nipples and started to lick and suck them and nibble on them and again, still was stroking his now very erect member with one of my satin covered hands. He was moaning and caressing my shoulders, telling me how good it felt. I eventually got to his crotch and while still caressing his now very erect member, started lightly kissing all around it, his belly, inside his thighs, and with my other satin covered hand, as much of the rest of his body as I could.

I then got into position, and it was fun, arranging the huge dress and crinolines below me and I managed, and as I was I noticed the camera on the bed Paul and put down the first time I was pleasing him, and handed it to him and told him to look at the pictures from the first time as I was enjoying myself. Paul took some pillows and propped himself up to get a better look at me, and I on the other hand grabbed my white beaded Bridal clutch purse and opened it up and pulled out my compact, lipstick and gloss. With Paul staring at me, slowly and deliberately applied a healthy coat, of lipstick and gloss and was staring at Paul the entire time. I handed Paul the compact when done in case he wanted to use it to get a better angle watching me. I packed the gloss and lipstick away, and then settled myself in and got comfortable to start enjoying Paul and totally take in the experience of pleasing Paul in my complete Wedding outfit. I started with licking the pre-cum off the tip of his member and then starting to flick my tongue all around it and all of my initial stimulation was going to be slow and deliberate. Before I really got into a routine, I looked over at the clock and saw I had approximately 60 minutes before I would have to start getting changed for the dinner theatre, so I knew how long I would string Paul along. I then started totally enjoying myself and slowly started to enjoy every part of Paul's member, slowly and gently, flicking my tongue all over and hitting all of the sensitive parts, including his balls and licking and sucking him. My goal was to never have him go soft and I kept stroking him with my stain covered hands and always caressing somewhere else with the other. I started picking up the pace as the time went by and always pausing to look up at Paul, who was either staring at me or looking at images on his phone of when I was on my knees pleasing him. I got to a point like the first time when Paul was moaning and groaning and I could tell by the amount of pre-cum oozing out of the tip of his member he was getting close to climaxing. I then wrapped my lips around his member tight and started bobbing up and down faster and faster, I felt him tense up and then quickly took one of my satin covered index fingers and squeezed as hard as I could at the base of his member, and stopped sucking and bobbing and immediately went down and slowly start licking and sucking on his balls. Paul of course moaned in displeasure at not being able to climax, and I said in a sexy voice, "my darling husband, you will feed me your lovely juices when I want them and no sooner". He moaned and threw his head back on the pillow, I then started slowly stroking him and talking sexy about how I looked on my knees, a Bride pleasing her husband like a good wife should and obey and be in that submissive position. I then started the routine all over again, very slow at first and using all of the right techniques, I never felt him get soft. Time after time I brought him to the brink of orgasm, and time and time again, would stop and then talk sexy to him. I lost count at how many times I took him to the brink, but knew I could not make it go any longer as the times in between me stopping and him almost ready to orgasm were getting shorter and shorter. I glanced at the clock and I had been doing the routine now for almost 50 minutes, so I knew I had to stop my fun at some point, and the thrill was amazing and the control I had over Paul, he was getting to a point of begging for release. The timing was right as all of a sudden Paul called out and was pounding the bed, "JOYCE, JOYCE, NO MORE PLEASE". I released the base of his member and started bobbing up and down quickly and in a mater of 60 seconds or so he cried out and thrust his member deep down my throat and started to pulsate. They were very strong spurts, over and over and the first couple went down my throat, but I was able to back off and have him cum in my mouth so that I could enjoy what he was feeding me and swallow. He went on for at least 45 seconds and finally stopped and his head was way back on the pillows, I released his member and licked and cleaned it and his balls up and down. He was panting and had his eyes closed and I slid off the bed and fluffed out my skirt and adjusted the crinolines and went and grabbed my glass and started sipping on champagne as I stared down at Paul, his eyes closed.

Paul then opened his eyes and said, "what was that!?", I smiled and said, "that my dear, was my special treat, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did". He was still panting a bit and said, "your treat?", I told him I had more enjoyment out of giving him pleasure than he got. He then asked what the one before was, and I smiled and said, "your treat". He said, "I do not care what you call it, but that was incredible, I definitely have never experienced anything like that in my life before, ever!". I smiled and told him, I was glad that he enjoyed, and told him I needed to get out of my wedding dress and changed for the dinner theatre. Paul got up off the bed and put on the white terri cloth robe and came and gave me a light kiss and asked me to fix my lips as he wanted some pictures of me now, as I was "glowing" and he wanted to capture it. I smiled and walked over to the bed and grabbed my white beaded clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and gloss and had to get the compact off the nightstand after Paul used it to watch me service him. I stared at Paul and applied yet another thick coat of lipstick and gloss and packed everything away and then asked Paul what he wanted me to do and he said, "walk around the room and be natural and pose and look at me whenever you want and most of all, think about what you just did to me and how much I enjoyed it or you". I did what he asked and walked around all the while staring at him and of course looking down at his crotch and seeing his now limp member and remembering what it looked like only a short time ago. He told me he had got enough pictures and I told him before he started helping me out of my Wedding dress there was one more thing he needed to do. He asked what and I went to the footstool in front of one of the chairs and while staring at him, reached down, put my left foot on it and started hiking up my skirt and crinolines to expose my white silky covered leg high enough to expose my garter. I then said, "you should know what to do now", he smiled and said he did and kneeled before me and started caressing my silky legs and enjoying them and caressed up to the garter and slowly pulled it off and I lifted my foot as he slid it off and then dropped my skirt and crinolines and told him to put it on the nightstand as I had other plans for it, which he did.

Then I went to the center of the room and asked Paul to start undoing the buttons to my dress carefully, and he came up behind me and started to unbutton me. He commented on how long it must have taken me to get into the dress and I told him it was a while, and I could feel him work his way down the back of the dress and I held up the bodice as he did. He took his time and it was a while and then when he was done, he then took his hands and wrapped them around me and cupped my breasts and started playing with them and nudging his nose into the nape of my neck telling me how lovely I smelt and how lovely my breasts were as he caressed and pinched my nipples. I moaned and told him how wonderful it felt and how I could not wait for him to be sucking and licking on them and enjoying them. I let my dress fall to the floor and undid the crinolines and then literally stepped out of both the dress and crinolines and them cupped my breasts for modesty and looked at Paul and told him, I would be back in a bit after I changed and re-did my makeup. As I turned, Paul gently grabbed my arm and had a look in his eyes, and said, "please do not do your makeup and change in the bathroom, I want to watch you get dressed and do your makeup". I looked at him funny, and said, "really?", he told me that is was a huge turn on for him to watch a woman get dressed and ready and that his wife never lets him do it when she gets dressed up for a special occasion. I found it odd, but it seemed he really wanting it, so I told him that I would, but I had to use the bathroom, and clean up before I started, and promised him I would be back to do what he wanted. I also told him to leave the Wedding dress and crinolines where they were and I would take care of it later.

I went and grabbed the dress bag and duffle bag and headed into the very large bathroom, but not before blowing Paul a kiss. At this point I hung up the dress bag and put down the duffle bag and quickly went to the toilet and sat down and moved things around and took care of business and could not believe that I lasted as long as I did without having to use the bathroom, and was glad it was not with my Wedding dress on or that would have been a challenge, perhaps it was mind over matter, the excitement of the day, but I never felt like going. I then stood up and opened the duffle bag and immediately pulled out my long pink satin robe and slipped it on. I then started pulling things out of the duffle bag like my makeup bag, a zip lock baggie with all of accessories for the evening outfit, and a few other small items that I was going to be placing on the bathroom counter, but since the suite had a large lighted vanity area, I gathered them up to take out to the main room when I was ready. I left on my white satin gloves and then slipped out of my 3" white satin heels and then very carefully took off the ultra sheer white stay ups and put them on the counter, as I knew I would be changing into them at the end of the evening with my Wedding night lingerie, as well as the white satin heels, finally my headpiece and carefully took out the bobby pins and put the headpiece on the counter.

I then started the task of taking of the makeup for the day and took out some wipes and carefully took off only my eye and lips makeup, but was going to be applying a fresh foundation over what I had. Once the makeup was off, I then moved to taking off the pink nail polish I was wearing, and took my time to make sure it was all off. Once that was done I started pulling out the items I was going to need under my dress for the evening. First thing I had to do was tape up my breasts, and wanted to make sure I did a good job to show ample cleavage, and do the dress I was going to be wearing with the lower cut top justice. So I dropped the robe and took out the pre cut pieces of tape and started the painstaking (and painful) process of taping my breasts. I got the tape all done to where I wanted and now the key to making sure they would show properly I was wearing a new black satin and lace bustier with a built in push up bra, and attached garters. I slipped it on and did it up to as tight as the clasps would go the started positioning it and adjusting the cups for maximum exposure. I then slipped my robe back on and re-applied my foundation, making my face nice and smooth and even.

I then gathered things to take back into the room, and that included my makeup bag, which I put my Obsession perfume in, my dress bag (which had my heels in it), the tote bag, finally my headpiece and then headed back into the room. As I entered the room, Paul was on one of the beds, still in his white terri cloth robe and watching something on television. It was odd being barefoot and not in heels walking along the carpet. Paul stood up and told me how he loved my satin robe and offered to help, but I told him I was fine. I placed the headpiece on the dress and crinoline in the middle of the room and then went to the vanity, turned on the lights and placed the makeup bad down and then the duffle bag next to the vanity stool and sat down and organized things. Paul on the other hand seeing what I was doing, came and sat near me, then sat on the bed and I could see that his member was not limp and starting to get erect. as I sat down, I said to him in a sexy way, "this really does turn you on?", he said, "oh yes it does", and I saw him slowly starting to stroke his member, and checked the clock and saw I was running out of time to get ready and then started and at the same time decided to tease Paul and get him more excited, so ALL of my preparations were going to be slow and deliberate and a show for Paul to tease him even more, but knew I had to stick to the pan of getting dressed with no delays.

I sat down and laid out all of my makeup and perfume and them pretty much ignored Paul and started to get ready, and the first thing I needed to do was put on my stockings, which were ultra sheer nearly black ones and I went into the duffle bag and pulled out a pair of satin gloves an put them on and then grabbed a new pair if ultra sheer nearly black stockings and opened the package and pulled them out. I opened my robe and let it fall to the floor so Paul could see the lingerie I was going to be wearing under my dress and all he said was "oh my, are you kidding, you are wearing that tonight?". I smiled and then stared at Paul as I slowly and carefully put on my left stocking and slowly slid it up and saw Paul's cock get even harder, and once it was up, clipped the garters into place. I then did the same with the right and reached down and put my silk robe back on took off the white satin gloves and sat down to start doing my makeup. I quickly glanced over at Paul and he was as hard as a rock slowly stroking his member staring at me. My makeup plan for the evening was much different than the day, it was using one of my new eye shadow colour palettes, Almay "i-intense", same as the Bridal look but this was more sultry and rich and darker. I started with the eyeliner and put it on much darker than the day and for low light conditions. Then the eye shadow and was careful and slow and deliberate on how I applied it, and when I was done, I knew the look was right. I finished it off with a very liberal coat of lash blast mascara, when completed my eyes were dark and sexy and sultry. I had not looked over at Paul, but could hear him groaning and concentrated on my makeup. Next was the blush and I put on a healthy coat of my darker formal blush. I decided to wait until the very last to put on my lipstick.

I looked over at Paul who was still stroking his member and it was full and at attention and the head was completely covered in pre-cum. I smiled and said nothing and stood up. Before I got into my dress, I dropped the robe completely and grabbed the Obsession perfume and proceeded to apply a healthy coat of it everywhere, my wrists, my breasts, behind my ears, my thighs, and my ankles, and all Paul was doing was moaning more. I went to my dress bag and got the dress, heels and the bolero jacket out of the bag and stood at the side of the bed, I then slowly slid on the dress and walked over to the full length mirror and carefully adjusted the bodice of the dress to work with the merry widow and the taped breasts, and was impressed on how it looked, my breasts were proudly displayed. I then walked back to the bed and got the bolero jacket and slipped it on. I said nothing to Paul, who at this point was almost panting and his rock hard member was completely wet with pre sum as he stroked it. I sat down at the vanity and then spun the stool around after grabbing my rhinestone anklet and finally spoke to Paul and said, "care to help with the finishing touches?". He was panting and moaned, "yes". I swung my stocking covered legs over to him and decided to have some fun and took my stocking covered feet and wrapped them around his rock hard member and slowly caressed it. He groaned, "that feels incredible". I giggled and handed him my anklet and asked him to put it on my right ankle and he did and at the same time sniffed my legs and rubbed them up and down, telling me how sexy I looked. Even though he was putting on the anklet, I continued stroking up and down slowly and he moaned and asked if I had gotten a man off this way and I told him I had, but it was messy and took a long time. Once my anklet was on I asked him to get my heels and put them on me and he quickly grabbed them and slowly put them on and kissed and licked my ankles as he did. Once they were on, I told him, I had a few other finishing touches and turned back to the vanity and put on one of my new rhinestone bib style necklaces, and a silver formal watch on my left wrist, then long sparkly matching rhinestone earrings, finally my matching sparkly barrettes.

I was going to attempt to put on my charm bracelet by myself, but handed it to Paul and asked him to put it on my right wrist and he did and was trembling and starting to sweat. Deep down I was loving this, and to tease him more I told him I had one very last thing to do and that was nails and lipstick and he would have to give me time. I then carefully put on my deep red nail polish my husband Sharon had given me and sat as they dried and I could see Paul still stroking his rock hard member. I stood up slowly and smiled at Paul as I went to the duffle bag and grabbed my black patent clutch purse and went and sat back down and pulled out the lipstick I decided to wear for the evening. It was bold, bright and rich and glossy red and pulled it out and oh so slowly applied it making sure the application was perfect. When done, I looked at myself in the mirror and my makeup was hot looking, even I was impressed at what I had done. I packed my clutch purse up and stood up, leaving Paul panting on the side of the bed and went to the full length mirror and gave myself a look over and I had to admit, any man with a pulse, if he did not get sexually excited, he was not breathing if he saw me.

I knew Paul was beside himself and was so sexually stimulated, he probably could not walk and I in a teasing way said, "ok my darling newlywed husband, I am ready, time for you to get dressed or we will be late". He was panting and in a pleading voice said, "Joyce, please you look so freaking hot I cannot believe it and I am so worked up, can you please take care of me before I get ready?". I walked over to him and placed my clutch purse on the vanity and told him I would, but no kissing and he could not touch my face or hair. He just moaned and I carefully went to the side he bed and kneeled down, almost the identical position to the first time I serviced him orally and pushed the terri cloth robe away and moved his hands and started enjoying him. He was wet, his member covered in his salty seed and I loved licking up and down it to clean him up, he was laying back and moaning and I knew I did not have time to take my time and really enjoy the experience and started quickly licking and sucking swirling my tongue around and I must have really turned him on as it took literally 2 minutes before he grunted and screamed out and fed me a very health load of his yummy juice and I got to enjoy all of it in my mouth and then swallowed it down. I cleaned him up and got up took a sip of champagne then went to the vanity and applied another healthy coat of lipstick and Paul eventually got up and was still panting and again told me how incredible it was, and I smiled at him in the mirror as I was packing up my black patent clutch purse and told him he had to get moving to get dressed and he left the bed and went and grabbed his suit bag and went into the large washroom and closed the door

I on the other hand went to the duffle bag and pulled out the large Bridal dress bag and then went and arranged my Wedding dress and crinoline on one of the beds as well as the headpiece and carefully put the dress, headpiece and crinoline in the bag and zipped it up and went and hung it up in the front foyer of the room. I then went and poured another glass of champagne and went and stood and looked at the night lights shining on the falls and relished over the day so far and how special it had been. My black patent clutch purse was already ready to go and I did not have to double check it.

Paul eventually came out of the large bathroom and came up behind me and grabbed me by the waist and kissed me on the neck and told me how stunning I looked and smelt, and I told him I was glad he like his new Bride. He asked if I was ready to go and I told him I was and then he turned me around and I was shocked, he was wearing the same suit and tie as the first time we dated and I commented on it and he said, "I could not resist". He smiled and grabbed my hands and asked if I was really ready to go and I told him I definitely was. He then told me he would call for a cab and I said that was fine and then went and I went and got my black patent clutch purse and then he told me a cab was already waiting and he grabbed my hand and we went out of the hotel room. Luckily I was stable on the 5" heels, as we got to the elevator, he asked if I was alright and I told him I was fine, but made a mental note on watching how much I was going to have to drink at the dinner theatre. We got down to the main lobby and I held his arm as he lead us along, I felt like I was walking on a cloud, and loved hearing my heels clicking on the marble floor.

We left the hotel into the cool night air, I really should have been in a coat the way I was dressed, but the taxi was literally 10 steps out of the door of the hotel. Paul went ahead of me and opened my door and I slid in to the warm taxi while he went around to the other side. I looked down and the skirt of my dress had rode up, but was glad it did not go all the way up to my stocking tops, but my legs certainly were exposed. Pail noticed it right away and after telling the cab driver where to go, reached over and started slowly caressing them and said nothing and I just smiled at him. The dinner theatre was about the same distance as where we got the pictures done and before I knew it we were there. Paul paid for the taxi and got out and came and opened my door and offered me his hand to get out of the taxi. Now, I knew I had to be careful, as we were not alone and the entrance to the dinner theatre had allot of people at it. I very carefully swung my legs over and slid out, now by the nature of my dress, I knew I gave someone a money shot and the tops of my stockings got seen, but I quickly stood up and causally tugged down the skirt of my dress. I grabbed Paul's arm and we entered the dinner theatre.

As always when going into a formal occasion and you are dressed to the nines and are looking at other females dressed to the nines the feeling is incredible, and my eyes were quickly scanning other females. Right away I notice I dressed perfectly to blend in as I saw so many other females in LBD's, and all styles. There of course were others in longer dresses and a few in pant suits and some in skirts and blouses, but no doubt all were dressed up. Now, I knew my way around Stage West, however, this place was all new to me and basically, Paul and I followed the crowd up to the entrance of the theatre and waited in line, and again, I was loving it, and I was checking out other females, and knew I was being checked out as well. We got to the front of the line and Paul handed the girl or tickets, she was dressed in a knee length black skirt and white blouse and black hose as well as flats and she told us to follow her. The layout was similar to Stage West, but it was slightly different, as there was no buffet area off to the side. I was even more excited when we approached the booth she was leading us to and there was already a couple sitting at it, and she said, "here you are, enjoy dinner and the show".

After being to so many formal function as a date with a man, I knew the seating protocol and took the lead and slid into the booth and sat next to the woman already seated, and Paul followed next to me, so two women in the middle and the men on the outside. As I was sliding in the female I was sitting next to obviously was checking me out as I was her. The couple looked close to us in age, mid 40's, and I of course checked her out as the introductions of names happened, I found the woman's name was Connie and her husband was Doug. As usual, the men started talking and the females started talking. Again, as usual, the compliments on each others looks started and she told me she loved my look, and my jewellery. I thanked her and complimented her. Now Connie was a little on the heavy side but her makeup was very well done and her hair was piled up, and she had on pear drop earrings, her dress too was black, but a spaghetti strapped one. I could not see how long it was, and she had a simple strand of pearls. Our waitress came and introduced herself as our waitress for the evening, to Paul and I and asked if we wanted anything to drink and I ordered a glass of red wine and Paul a mixed drink. I checked her out and like the hostess, she was in a knee length black shirt and a white blouse, opaque black hose and low clunky black heels.

As she left the usual fun for me began and I started talking to Connie to get to know her, her and her husband were married and had two children and she worked as an investment councillor, along with her husband. we then talked about me and I told her today was our Wedding day and she grabbed my hand and squealed at and told me "congratulations, let me see the ring" and I showed her and showed her and she told me over and over how gorgeous it looked. I thanked her and then she started asking me all about the Wedding and just about that time our drinks came and our waitress told us the first course of dinner would be coming out shortly. Then the discussion about the Wedding started in earnest and told her all about my colours and my attendants and then she asked about what I wore and I leaned over to Paul and interrupted him and Doug and asked for his phone. I showed her the pictures of me in my dress and she put her hands over face and said, "OH MY GD", that is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen!!, the front is so sexy, and the back, look at all of those buttons!". She said she would have loved to see me in it and then I told her about the photo shoot and she said, "I bet those pictures are going to turn out stunning". The food started coming out and first was a nice garden salad, and as we ate Connie and I chatted about the Wedding, and general female things, and Paul and Doug were talking business or other things I did not pay attention. Next course was a nice barley vegetable soup and about that time Connie noticed my charm bracelet and made the comment that she had not seen one of those in a while and asked if I minded if I had a look at it.

However, our main course came and Paul asked if I wanted another glass of wine and I told him I would love another one. As we ate, I could not help seeing Connie peaking over every once in a while to look at the charm bracelet. Our main course was prime rib and vegetables, again the cordial female to female conversation continued and we when we were done our main course, waiting for dessert, again Connie looked down at my charm bracelet and asked if she could look at it and I smiled and told her "of course". As she flipped through the charms, as always when another woman looks at it, they pause at the Lesbian referenced ones and look at me and I just smile. She did make a comment and asked if I was a cheerleader, and I told her I was in high school, and she commented, "that must have been fun", I told her it was, and after she finished the bracelet, I knew she was dying to ask me about it. Dessert came and it was some sort of a cheesecake, and it was yummy. Dessert was being cleared and they announced that the show was to begin in 15 minutes, which I smiled inside and ALWAYS love this moment when all the women go to the ladies room to take a trip so you do not have to during the show.

I grabbed my clutch purse and held it up (the universal female sign for a bathroom trip), Connie grabbed her clutch purse and smiled at me and said, "shall we?". She grabbed her clutch purse and the men got out and let us slide out and we told them we would be right back. Now I had no clue where the washrooms where, but Connie and I just followed the other females and at the top of the ramp off to the left wide was the entrance to the washrooms. We turned the corner and down the small hallway was the beginning of the line, and I was absolutely thrilled, and Connie groaned, "ugh what a line up", of course off to our right the men were coming and going and as we stood there, Paul and Doug came walking by us and smiled as they went in, and I knew this was not like Stage West as the line up there always went much quicker, so they could not have as many stalls. Which was fine by me as it gave me a chance to check out what the other females were wearing and they could check out what I was wearing, and I loved being checked out. I finally looked over the rest of what Connie was wearing and dress was calf length and she had on sheer nude hose and about 2 1/2" black kid heels. Her dress had no slit, but it was figure hugging in such a way to make her shape look a little more flattering. Now, ALL of the other women I saw this time were in a dress of one form or another, again, lots of LBD's and some long, some short and few other style of dress, even one woman in a sequinned dress, heels were all over the place, but as far as I could see, I was wearing the highest of all of the other women. The line was moving slowly and that gave Connie a chance to ask about my bracelet, and quietly said to me "about your bracelet, does Paul know?", I played coy and smiled then said, "know what?". Before she could answer, it was our turn for a stall, and I entered the bathroom, I thought, "are you kidding only 4 stalls?", I looked over and the sinks and the mirrors only had room for two or maybe 3 women to use them, and there was a line up to use those. I was in front of Connie and when a stall became available. I walked towards it and exchanged the usual female to female smile to the other woman coming out and went in. Unlike Stage West there was no place to put my clutch purse down and sat it on top of the toilet paper dispenser and hiked my dress and moved things out of the way and sat down and did my business. I of course made the proper sounds and loved looking down and seeing heels on either side of me.

I finished my business and tugged down my dress and stood up, grabbed my clutch purse and headed out of the stall, and was met with another woman coming to my stall, and smiled back at her and went and joined the line up for the sinks and mirrors. Again, I knew I was being checked out and I loved it and I in turn checked out the other women in the line ups. Surprisingly, I beat Connie out of the bathroom and she was two other females behind me. I got to the sinks, put down my clutch purse and washed up, then about that time, Connie joined beside me and I was just touching up my lips and stared at Connie in the mirror as I put on my lipstick and gloss. Connie was smiling and said, "I still want to ask you about your bracelet and I told her "not here", and I packed up my clutch purse. I did it slowly to time it when Connie was packing up hers, and we left the washroom together and there still was a long lineup of females waiting, and we slowly walked back to the table, Connie making the comment, "I have no clue how you can walk in heels that high", I told her it was no problem, and she said, "so I can see". Then she started on the charm bracelet and asked again, "so does Paul know?", Again, I said, "know what?", and she said, "about your attraction to other women?, your bracelet, is a reflection on who you are, and certainly it shows that". I smiled and explained to her I enjoy the company of both sexes intimately and that Paul knew all about it and stopped her next question and said, "no, I am not seeing another woman at this time".

We got back to the table and the men were waiting for us and made the usual comment about how they thought we were lost", and slid out of the booth and allowed us to slip in. A fresh glass of wine was waiting for me, and we both respectively cuddled in and the lights dimmed and the play started. I was a romantic comedy, but like many plays in the past, I was really not that interested, and nor was Paul, as his left hand found my silky legs. As I slid in, I made no attempt to tug down my skirt, and let it ride up, and the lace tops of my ultra sheer stay ups were showing, but could not be seen by anyone due to the table cloth. Paul was slightly moaning as he caressed the lace and the silk of my legs and I opened my legs so that he could enjoy my bare inner thigh, he would from time to time nuzzle into my neck and whisper how sexy I smelt and how hot he was and I would discreetly move my hand over and caress the bulge in his crotch, which in turn would make him moan even more.

The first act of the play was over and the lights came on and Paul told me that he would be using the washroom after we left, and knew that we girls would be taking much longer to go. I purposely, was not so fast getting out of the booth and made sure I gave Paul a light kiss and told him we would be right back, and made sure I discreetly tugged down my skirt as I slid out as to not give anyone a glimpse of my stocking tops. I knew I had timed it right as the flood of other females going to the bathroom was ahead of us. There was more than the first time and the line was around the corner of the long hallway heading to the washrooms. Of course we watched the men come and go and of course I was checking out other females. I kept checking my watch as the line slowly moved and it was going to be close to get back to the table. We eventually got into the bathroom, and again I was ahead of Connie and smiled at the other female coming out of the stall I was going into and we exchanged the usual female to female smiles and I entered the stall and put my clutch purse down on the toilet paper dispenser and sat down and hiked up my skirt and moved things around and did my business, making sure I was making all of the usual sounds. I then cleaned up and moved things back into place and tugged down my skirt and then grabbed my clutch purse and headed out of the stall, again smiled at the other woman coming to take my place, and headed towards the sinks and mirrors. This time Connie beat me to the sinks and she was walking away as I got to the sinks, I cleaned up and pulled out my lipstick and gloss from my clutch purse and fixed my lips and then packed it up and then headed out of the bathroom, where Connie was waiting for me and we left together.

As we walked back to the table she again commented on my heels, and I ensured her I only wore this height for occasions that I was just as I walking and sitting, definitely not for dancing, she also told me that she loved the anklet I was wearing and how it set the outfit off. I told her I do wear 4" heels for dancing and she was still amazed. She asked if I was enjoying the play, and I commented, "what play?". She smiled and said, "ah to be newly married", and I told her the second half would probably be the same. We got to the table and the men got out and let us slide in and I had a fresh glass of wine and I could not help but not notice that Paul's crotch was showing that he was rather excited and again as I slid in. I let my skirt ride up. The second act started and we respectively snuggled into one another and again as couples, like the first half, the caressing and cuddling, moaning and telling me how hot he was. Then the show ended and the lights came up and I knew my lips needed fixing, and was planning on another trip to the washroom, but Paul had other ideas, and wanted to leave right away, I could tell he was very hot, and decided that it was time to go. I said goodbye to Connie and she gave me a big hug and told me to enjoy my Wedding night and I wrote down my face book address (again, will prove to be a bad choice) and wrote it down.

I left hanging onto Paul's arm and the timing was right, a lineup of taxi's was waiting and Paul opened the door of one of them and I slid in, and this time adjusted my skirt and tugged it down. Paul got in and sat beside me and told the cab where to go and we were off, and Paul moved his lips to mine and we started kissing passionately. Paul definitely was very hot and as he caressed me, all over, I reached over and caressed the very large bulge at the front of his pants, and it was wet. At that point, I realized how hot I was and wanted Paul just as much as he wanted me. Again the ride to the hotel was short and Paul paid the bill and came and opened my door and I slid out, and I am not sure what it was, the drinks I had had or how hot I was, but did not care if I flashed as I got out. I grabbed Paul's arm and he lead me, or shall I say almost dragged me into the hotel lobby and to the elevators and I told him to slow down as I could not run in my 5 inch heels. Once in the elevator, Paul and I started to make out heavily and he was groaning and once again, I was probably as hot as he was as I was groping him as well.

We left the elevator and again Paul literally was dragging me and we got to the room and entered and he pulled me towards the center of the room, the same place I was earlier in the day in my Wedding gown. We began to make out very heavily and he was caressing me all over and I was massaging his crotch, now soaking wet. We broke our kiss and he was moaning, then moaned, "I need you down there right now". I was expecting to take care of him in the Wedding night lingerie next, but he was so just so hot that he wanted relief right away and moaned that he wanted to watch me on my knees in the full length mirror. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down and I slowly got to my knees and sat back on my 5" black patent heels, putting my black patent clutch purse on the floor next to me. I looked up at Paul and he was moaning and I rubbed his crotch and before I got started, pulled out my lipstick and gloss out of my black patent clutch purse and slowly applied a healthy coat while staring in the mirror at Paul and myself and Paul was moaning. I packed my clutch purse and then not so slowly, unzipped Paul's zipper and pulled out his rock hard member quickly from his underwear, and did not even bother with his belt and started licking the lovely pre-cum off the tip of his hard member and he was moaning and grabbed the top of my head as I went to work. I occasionally looked over in the mirror and even I enjoyed the look and I and knew Paul was as well and was moaning quite loud. I worked quickly swirling my tongue all around his shaft and head and could not caress his balls as his pants were bunched up and I used my hands to caress his shaft as I concentrated on his head. I went crazy licking and sucking and moaning and I was at it for about 5 minutes and Paul was breathing harder and harder. He then started grunting and filled my mouth with many spurts of his lovely juice and I enjoyed it all and even swirled it around in my mouth not swallowing. I looked up at Paul and he was staring down at me and I opened wide and showed him what he had given me and smiled and I closed my lips and gulped it down. Paul still breathing hard, moaned, "such a lovely good wife to swallow".

I said nothing and grabbed my clutch purse and stood up and went and grabbed a sip of champagne and walked to the window and stared out at the falls and the lovely lights. Paul came up behind me and had already done up his pants and hugged me and cupped my breasts and kissed my neck and was moaning telling me how special my lips were and how special of a wife I was. I told him I was glad and that was getting tired and wanted to change into my Wedding night lingerie, and wanted a chance for me to have the last enjoyment of the evening and asked Paul to strip naked, except for his underwear. I turned and gave Paul a long probing kiss then grabbed my black patent clutch purse and made my way to the bathroom to change, however, not before grabbing my makeup bag from the vanity and headed to the bathroom.

Now, not only had I lost count of the number of times I gave Paul a Blowjob, but the amount I consumed drinking, as I found myself stumbling on my 5" heels as I go to the bathroom. I got into the bathroom and locked the door and put everything on the large sink area, and had a look at myself in the mirror, and was not surprised, but glad no one else was seeing me as my makeup was a mess. I carefully took off all of the jewellery of the evening and put it away in a zip lock baggie and then stripped out of my dress, I then hung it up and kicked off the 5" black patent heels. I then put on white satin gloves and carefully took off the ultra sheer nearly black stay ups and packed them away, then carefully put on the ultra sheer white stay ups. Once they were on, I left the worst thing to do for last, and that was to remove the tape from my breasts and it was painful, but I got it all off and tossed it into the trash. I then went to work on my makeup, and it was smudged all over and then used tissue to clean it up and then applied more eyeliner and blush and of course more lipstick and I again doused myself in Obsession perfume, all over. I then slipped on the white 3" satin heels and right away was in pain in being in lower heels. I then opened the lingerie pillow and pulled out the peignoir and the matching wrap and slipped them on. And I grabbed my black patent clutch purse and headed back out into the main room to a waiting Paul in a white terri cloth robe, almost identical scene that I was met with the first time he saw me in the lingerie.

I approached Paul and he was smiling and had dimmed the lights and had on soft classic rock music, and I approached him, and he could not stop smiling and handed me a glass of champagne (last drink of the night), and I put down my black patent clutch purse and grabbed his hand and he lead me to the large window and we stared at the falls and the lights. We sipped on our champagne and said nothing, and eventually he pulled me in and we went into a long kiss and a very passionate one and we broke the kiss and I took the lead and reached down and put my hand inside his robe and found his not so soft member, getting ready for me again as I caressed his underwear. Paul in turn was telling me how lovely I looked and how he loved seeing me in the lingerie all over again and was caressing me all over enjoying the silk surrounding my body, we both finished our glasses and put them down. Paul took my hand and lead me to the side of one of the beds and pulled me in for a long keep kiss and I undid his robe and let it fall to the ground, as we continued kissing.

I reached down and put my hand inside his underwear and he was rock hard again as I stroked him slowly up and down. We broke our kiss and I told him to lie back on the bed and get comfortable, as it was my turn now to enjoy the moment. As he lay there, his member forming a large tent from his white underwear, I paraded around for a bit and went and got my black patent clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and slowly applied thick coat as he watched. I swear his cock got even harder and slowly undid the robe and let it drop to the ground and move close to the bed and started caressing him all over. He was caressing the silk peignoir, and said in a sexy voice, "should I leave you with a 'special present'", referring to the hickey I gave him the first time we dated and he said, "I do not think my wife would appreciate that". I licked and sucked on his nipples and was gently caressing his member through his underwear and then slid off the bed and went and got my black patent clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and applied a thick coat while Paul looked on and then moved my lips into position at his crotch. I tugged on his underwear and pulled it around his very hard member and then opened my lips wide and clamped down around his head and then released my lips. I then gently tugged down on his underwear and carefully pulled them off and then held them up for him to see on the very front of his white underwear was a perfect lipstick mark. I smiled and got up off the bed and showed Paul them and he smiled and I put them on the nightstand next to the garter he took off of me earlier in the day.

I took out my lipstick again and applied a thick coat and smiled at Paul and I then moved back to the bed and caressed Paul some more and then moved into a comfortable position. I then started to really enjoy myself and went to work on Paul's rock hard member and he literally jumped as I started. I enjoyed the amount of pre-cum that had formed and licked it all up and enjoyed it immensely. I wanted to really enjoy myself and took my time and slowly licked and sucked his member and then started into my usual routine of swirling my lounge around and loving it. Paul was moaning and groaning as I did my work and of course as he got to the edge of orgasm squeezed the base of his member and denied him release and moved to sucking his balls. I was enjoying myself immensely and determined to only let Paul orgasm when I was having too much fun, but then realized I was getting tired and for the first time my jaw was starting to ache. I kept up the routine for about 30 minutes and brought him to the edge at least 6 times, and finally, I release my hand of the base of his member and started bobbing up and down quickly and Paul grunted. I did not receive a ton of his lovely juice, it was just a trickle, but I slurped it up and felt Paul definitely go very limp. I cleaned him up and got off the bed and decided to finish the night off with a special treat for Paul to remember the evening by. I looked down at Paul and pulled out a zip lock bag from my black patent clutch purse and my small vile of Obsession perfume. As Paul watched on, I took his underwear from the night before and the garter and proceeded to douse them in Obsession perfume, and brought them to Paul's nose and he smiled and I looked down and his member started to grow without me even touching it. I then put both in the bag and sealed it and told Paul, "now you will never forget this weekend, and do not throw this one away like you did the one I gave you the first time", he told me he definitely would not and would hide it in a place his wife would never find it.

I then headed to the bathroom as I really needed to go to the bathroom, as my bladder was killing me. I got into the bathroom and hiked up my peignoir and moved things around and was so glad to relieve myself. I finished up and looked in the mirror and decided to wash my face, and cleaned off all of my makeup. I then went back into the main room and Paul was sound asleep, I dimmed the lights in the room, and moved myself to the right hand side of the bed and kicked off my heels and slid into bed and turned off the light on the side of the bed and saw the clock, it was 1:48am, and loved the fact the lights from the falls were dancing on the walls, I do not think I remember my head hitting the pillow and was sound asleep.

When I went to sleep on the King sized bed, Paul was way on the one side of the bed and I was on the other, even though we were in the same bed, we were far apart. It was just after 9am, and I found myself laying on my back and Paul was on top of me, smiling and telling me how sexy and beautiful I looked even sleeping. He leaned down and kissed my neck and told me I still smelled lovely. I could feel his member, semi hard on my satin covered belly. He then started kissing down my neck and I was glad as my face was not in that good of shape, and I needed a shower badly to clean up. Paul moved to my chest and pulled down the straps on my peignoir to expose my breasts. He started to lick and suck on my nipples and caressing them and gently biting on my nipples and I started moaning and felt Paul get harder on my belly as he was enjoying my breasts. He then moaned, "even not taped up they are lovely, and more than a mouthful is a waste", and kept on playing with them and I caressed the back of his head as he did and played with his hair, all the while feeling him get harder as he kept enjoying them. Eventually, I pushed his head away and told him that I had to get dressed if we were going to make breakfast before check out, and he moaned a little and rolled off of me. Before I left the bed, I reached over and gently grabbed his hardening member and said, in a sexy voice, "my someone is getting hard already". He just smiled and I crawled out of bed and told him I had to shower and get dressed for the day, and like the night before, he begged me to let him watch me get ready. I smiled and told him that I would and picked up my white satin heels, silk robe, and black patent clutch purse and headed towards the large washroom to clean up, but not before stopping and putting the white satin heels at the bottom of the dress bag, with all of the other Wedding clothes. I also grabbed the garment bag with my dress and heels for the day and went into the bathroom and locked the door.

I slipped out of my peignoir and packed it and the robe back into the lingerie pillow and then started carefully taking off the ultra sheer white hose and packed them away. Next was all of the jewellery from the night before and carefully packed it away. I then slipped out of the foundation garment and white satin and lace panties and packed the away the panties and was naked and took off my hair and headed into the shower, and proceeded to get nice and clean, and then left the shower, and after drying off, started getting the basics for the day on. First was a burgundy lace and satin pair of panties to match the padded push up bra I was going to be wearing. I then slipped on the foundation garment and since Paul wanted to watch me dress, decided to gather up the rest of the outfit after slipping on a white terri cloth robe. I grabbed the new pair of ultra sheer nude sheer to waist nude pantyhose, my dress and heels for the day, a Ziploc bag with my accessories and finally the matching bra to the panties I was wearing and headed back into the room.

Paul was waiting for me as I entered the room, he was wearing a robe identical to mine sitting on the bed next to the vanity table, I was half expecting him to be at least dressed, but did not surprise me or his intentions on how he was dressed. I put my dress and heels on the bed and went to the vanity table, turned on the lights and sat down. I looked in the mirror at Paul, and saw that he had opened his robe and was massaging a fairly hard member, glistening with pre-cum on the tip. I smiled at him, and said, "this really does turn you on does it not?", he groaned and said, "more than you can ever imagine, almost and erotic as foreplay". I smiled and slowly slid off my robe and grabbed for the lacy and satin bra and put it on, all the while staring at Paul in the mirror. I adjusted my breasts so that the push up bra had maximum effect, and Paul said nothing and just stared and continued stroking his hard member. I then put on a pair of white satin gloves and grabbed for a pair of new ultra sheer nude sheer toe to waist pantyhose, and opened the package and pulled them out and carefully started to put them on, and again, ignoring Paul. I slide them up and heard Paul moan, "what no stockings?", I looked over and said, "sure, your new Bride going to brunch in a short cute dress with garters and stockings showing, not quite". After I put on the pantyhose, I slipped off the gloves and put on the robe and sat back down and started on my makeup. Makeup for the day was going to be my usual office wear, so for my eyes, moderate black eyeliner, eyeshadow was purple on my lower lids and light pink on the upper and then a healthy coat of mascara. Just a touch of blush on my cheeks and for my lips one of my husband and I's matching red lipsticks and gloss. I finished my makeup and looked over at Paul and he was just staring and slowly stroking his not so soft member. I then stood up and dropped the robe to the floor and smiled in a sexy way at Paul and grabbed a bottle of Halston's perfume from my makeup bag and started to spray myself all over with it, from head to toe, and I swear Paul was about to orgasm when he smelled it. I smiled and said in a very sexy voice, "remember that smell sweetie?", he just groaned, "yes" (it was the same perfume I wore the first time I sucked him). I then moved to the bed and grabbed the blue bodycon dress and carefully slipped it over my head and tugged it down, loving the feel and look of it. I then grabbed the 3" patent beige heels and slipped them on and went to the middle of the room and looked in the mirror and adjusted the dress, at the hem and the breasts and then went back to the vanity and grabbed the bag that had the accessories and started putting them on and all the while, attempting to ignore Paul, but it was hard, as I could hear him groaning, and as I finished put on the large silver hooped earrings to match the circle silver necklace, I looked myself over and liked the look.

I stared at Paul in the mirror and said, "well I am dressed dear, time for you to get dressed, or we are not going to make it to breakfast". I was teasing him, as it was obvious what he wanted as he was almost panting, still slowly stroking his very hard member and he looked at me and said, "God you look so hot dear, please, before we go to breakfast", he then looked down at his member and I just smiled and licked my lips, and reached down and moved his hands out of the way and stroked his hairy chest and then spread his legs and slowly got to my knees and he laid back on the bed and I sat back on my heels and then started to go to work on enjoying his hard member. I knew he was not going to last very long as the amount of pre cum on his head was quite a bit and I licked and enjoyed it as Paul moaned. I started with my usual routine on his hard member and licked and sucked and swirled my tongue around and caressed his balls, and, as I thought it did not take long, before I could feel him get totally hard and when he did, I started bobbing up and down faster. About 5 minutes later, I could feel his body tense up and he grabbed the back of my head and cried out and started to orgasm over and over, I was able to move my lips back a bit and was able to enjoy about 6 or so nice spurts of his juice before he was done and I felt him go limp in my mouth and I licked and sucked and cleaned him up and he was moaning in pain as I did. I eventually released his member from my lips and stood up and looked down at a panting Paul, and he just smiled and said, "you are such an incredible woman". I smiled and told him to get cleaned up and dressed, he got up and said, "I love that dress, and look at those legs, very sexy and pretty". I thanked him and told him it was one of my favourites.

Paul went to the washroom and grabbed a duffle bag and I went to the vanity and touched up my lips, and then after that started cleaning up the room, but not before pouring a glass of champagne and cleaning out my mouth. First order of business was cleaning up all of the Wedding attire and grabbed my wedding gown and crinoline and put them into the Wedding gown bag. I packed away the rest of the items in my duffle bag, and pulled out my now regular coach purse and made sure the lipstick, Sharon and I's matching was in it. I was just finishing hanging up the Wedding dress bag and putting the duffle bag by the back door and Paul came out of the washroom dressed in a pair of casual beige slacks and a blue button down shirt, and came and gave me a hug from behind and pulled back my hair then kissed my neck and told me how wonderful I smelt, and made sure he hugged me close and I could feel his manhood straining already and poking me in the back and I said in a sexy way, "hard already?". He moaned he was, and I told him he would have to wait and that we should be getting going for breakfast. He agreed, and he grabbed his wallet and I grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder and we were off, hand in hand, heading for the elevators.

We got to the breakfast buffet, and found a table, it was a serve yourself (except for beverages, so after claiming a table, we sat down and a waitress came (about a 20 something girl in a white blouse, black pants and flats, blond hair and well done makeup) and said, "good morning, care for some coffee tea or juice?". I wanted an orange juice and Paul asked for the same. She told us to help ourselves and Paul and I went up, he went on one side of the table, and I on the other and I picked up what I wanted and so did he and we went back to the table and started chatting about the day before. I told him how much I enjoyed it, and he smiled and said, "probably not as half as much as I did", I smiled inside and knew he had no clue how much fun I really had. Our waitress came back with our juice and after putting mine down, she said, "are you not the Bride from yesterday?", I smiled and told her I was, and she said, "that dress was to die for, I loved it!, and I love the dress you are wearing and the shoes, looks so cute", I smiled and thanked her and she went off. About that time, my phone indicated a message and I opened my purse and pulled it out and it was from my husband, telling me her and her GG lover were taking their time getting back from the weekend trip and she would see me later in the day, perhaps early evening, and I should enjoy the free house if I wanted. I told this to Paul and he had a smile on his face, and I said, "what is that smile for?". He said, "well the weekend does not have to end does it?, and I now have something in mind". I knew he was thinking of something sexual, I could just tell and I said, in a quiet sexy voice, "well, what do you have in mind?". He smiled and quietly said, "it would be nice to see you in one of your costume/play outfits", I smiled back and said, "we will see, I take it you have one or two in mind". He told me he did, but now that he knew I was open to the idea, would have to think about it as he knew it would take several hours for him to see all of the outfits I have in the closets. We finished breakfast, and the waitress came and dropped off our bill for the beverages and said, "have a lovely honeymoon folks", and walked away. Paul put down money for the bill, and we left the table and headed back up to the room.

We got back up to the room and Paul said that the limo would be waiting for us out front, and I was a bit surprised, but thrilled all the while. I did one last check of the room and Paul gathered a few things and his phone went off with a text, and it was his friend Frank and the limo waiting for us. Paul grabbed my Wedding dress bag and his duffle bag and I grabbed mine and we headed we headed out of the room and to the elevators and then to the lobby. We went to the front desk and Paul said that we were checking out and the girl behind the counter looked at us and said, "have a nice day folks". We headed out to the cool day air, and due to the fact I was in a very short skirt and no jacket, I found it very chilly, but the limo was only feet away and Frank was holding a door open for me and grabbed my duffle bag and looked me up and down and smiled at me and I slid in, and loved the look of the limo as I slid in. I noticed a bottle of champagne chilling and slid into one of the leather love seats, and definitely did not tug down the skirt of the dress as I slid in, exposing maximum leg. I then opened my purse and pulled out my compact and lipstick and gloss and applied a healthy coat and packed it all back into my purse. Paul came in the back of the limo and Frank closed the doors, Paul of course slid in next to me and the limo had not even started to move and his face was into mine and his lips firmly on my lipstick covered lips and started kissing me passionately, and his hands were all over me, my breasts and legs. I did not stop him or slow him down and was totally getting into making out with him. Paul was the one that broke the embrace, much to my chagrin and announced that we should have some champagne to celebrate the weekend, and proceeded to pour into the glasses and handed me one. He toasted and both sipped on the champagne. Paul really never stopped caressing my silky legs and said, "so smooth and sexy", and I smiled and told him I was glad he was liking them and continued to sip and loved the fact he was caressing and enjoying my legs.

We both finished our glasses and put them down and then Paul moved in and the kissing began again like before, and I know Paul was moaning and loving it, but I think I was loving it more, and now it was time for my hands to roam as Paul continued to caress my breasts and legs, as he continued to moan. Me on the other hand, found the large bulge in his lap and started to caress it and Paul shifted in his seat and began to moan even louder. I knew that the privacy blind was up in the limo and the driver could not hear Paul and continued. Paul broke our embrace, but I kept caressing his crotch, and he looked at me and said, "I need those lovely lips again". I smiled and said teasingly, "what right here in the limo?". He groaned, "yes, I have never had a BJ in a limo before, have you given one in a car before?". I smiled and said, "once or twice". Now, I know Paul wanted it, but I wanted it even more, but did not tell him. I told him I would love to give him a new experience, but wanted another glass of champagne first. Paul poured another glass, and we both stared at each other as we sipped our champagne. Paul still caressing my legs and me his crotch with a large bulge in it. I said in a sexy voice to Paul, "so have you thought more about when we get back to my place". Paul said he had thought long and hard about it and was sure about one thing and that is he wanted to experience the "head cheerleader". At this point, I put down my glass, and reached down and undid his fly, and moved his underwear around and pulled out his fairly hard member, and slowly started massaging it and using the pre cum that had formed to make it slick. Paul moaned and I started talking sexy to him, as I slowly stroked his member and grabbed my glass and sipped on my champagne at the same time. I teased him with things like, "so a sexy cheerleader is it, or an authentic one?", he moaned as I stroked him and he told me how he always wanted to take a high school cheerleader into the back seat of a car and have a heavy passionate make out session. I teased him, and told him, I know exactly what it is like, I had been in one of my uniforms and done just that, and loved it (which I totally did). He moaned and said he would love that, I then asked what else from my closets he would like to see, and he groan, "so many to choose from, I do not know". Again, I was teasing him, and said in a sexy voice as I continued to slowly stroke his now very erect and ready member, "let see, shall it be getting enrolled into the 'mile high club'?, a checkup from a nurse?, perhaps Cinderella?, or a hooters girl?, Catholic School girl?, Little red riding hood?, 50's pinup girl?, high school girl on grad night? or maybe a little pre-teen pageant girl?". He was moaning and groaning and said "I don't know".

I put down my empty glass and grabbed my purse and then slid off the seat in front of Paul and undid his belt, and watched as Paul quickly pulled down his pants and underwear to his ankles and slid out of my seat and grabbed my purse and got comfortable on the floor and leaned back on my heels and then slowly applied lipstick and gloss while Paul, now very hard stared at me. I packed away my lipstick and gloss and then put down my purse and closed my eyes and SLOWLY worked on Paul, I wanted to enjoy this as the best job I could do of the weekend, and knew how long the drive home was, and I was intent on making it last the 45 minutes home before I let him orgasm. I used all of my technics and was thoroughly enjoying myself. I was lost in my enjoyment, I forgot about Paul and he was moaning and groaning as brought him to the edge orgasm over and over, but never gave him relief. It was 45 minutes later and we were pulling off the highway and could hear the limo slow down, I released the base of his rock hard member and starting sucking up and down quickly and massaging his balls and felt him tense up and fed me 6 to 8 strong spirts of his lovely juice and managed to pull back a little and wrapped my lips around his head and was able to enjoy all of it, letting it come into my mouth so I could savour it, then swallowed. I cleaned up his lovely member and then released him, and left him panting and sat down beside him, and he said nothing, just kept panting. I grabbed my lipstick and gloss out of my purse and touched up my lips and as I packed my purse back up, about that time we were pulling in my driveway, and Paul was still panting.

My door opened and it was the driver, Frank, and he held out his hand to help me out and I made no move to tighten my knees together and exit the car in a feminine way and he for sure got a money shot as my mini dress rode way up exposing my crotch. Paul got out on the other side, he definitely was flush and still breathing a little deep. Frank saw that and still holding my hand and said to me, "show Paul another good time?, and you smell lovely", I gave him a sexy smile and slowly licked my lipstick covered lips and said nothing. He smiled back and asked if he could call me some time, and I again gave him a sexy smile and said in a very sexy voice, "sure, I would love that", he then kissed my hand and let go and about that time, Paul came back with all of the bags and we went to the front door and I unlocked it and we entered and I asked Paul to put the bags on the love seat. I put my purse on the kitchen table and walked up to Paul and he turned to me and I gave him a light kiss on the cheek and he groaned, "that was totally incredible, the best of the weekend by far". I told him I was glad he liked and asked if he wanted some wine and he said, "sure", so I went and got two glasses and wine from the fridge and came and put them down and Paul filled our glasses and handed me mine and made a toast to the weekend. I then asked Paul if he was ready for the cheerleader, and he smiled and said, "oh yes", and I made sure it was what he wanted and I said, "now you are sure authentic", and again he said, "yes like a real high school cheerleaders I remember", I smiled and told him that would not be a problem, and I asked, "purple or orange?", he told me to decide. I then took another sip of wine and told him, I would get something for him to watch and enjoy while I changed. I grabbed my purse and then I went down to my bedroom and pulled out a few photo albums, one he had never seen, my lingerie shoots, my favourite's book and then a Movie I made highlighting my wardrobe and my Wedding shoots video and took them to the living room. I could see by the bulge in his pants he was getting excited already and said, "do not get started without me", and smiled as I put down the books and put in the fashion video and started it and told him to enjoy and I would get changed.

I went downstairs to leave Paul to enjoy and knew I did not have to change my pantyhose and went and grabbed my Orange cheerleading uniform, as it is one I had not pleased a man wearing yet, the other two I had already, so I went and got the box with everything in it and took it to my room. I slipped off my heels and took off my dress and bra then all my jewellery. I then went and grabbed an all lace white front closure bra and slipped it on, then starting putting on the uniform. First where the socketts lined with orange and then a pure white turtleneck sweater and then the vest, the satin orange spankies, then the skirt, I loved sliding it up my silky legs and putting it in place, final touches were orange satin hair barrettes. I then moved to my bathroom and started touching up my makeup. I darkened my eyeliner for a more formal look and put on more purple eye shadow and more mascara, and a formal blush application to darken my cheeks. The lipstick I chose was a very bold red lipstick with a built in gloss, very shiny and definitely what a teenage girl would wear. I put on much more Halston's perfume, and then finally white sneakers with orange laces. I looked at myself in the mirror and really liked what I saw, Paul definitely was going to like this cheerleader. I grabbed the lipstick and the pom poms and headed upstairs. Of course being in sneakers, Paul did not hear me enter the living room, and caught him staring at the TV screen and massaging a large bulge in his pants, with my lingerie photo album open on the coffee table. I on the other hand was posed with the pom poms at my side in a cheerleader stance, knee bent and smiled at him, and said, "hello big boy".

He was surprised and then looked at me and did know what to say at first and then I put the lipstick on the coffee table and then started parading around the living room, and he was speechless. I knew I was in the drivers seat and walked up to him and looked him in the eyes and said in a very sexy voice, "I hear you are hot stuff and the other girls on the squad say you want to get to know me more?, BUT I am the HEAD Cheerleader!, and the rest of the squad stands behind me in line, those bitches have to wait for me to get my fill before you can lay any of them!". I then walked more around the living room and posing and licked my lips and then walked up to him, and sternly said, "want to know why I am the 'HEAD' cheerleader"?. All he did was moan and I put the pom poms down on the coffee table and sat down next to him, and he was still staring at him and I grabbed his crotch and then moved in and staring kissing him hard, then massaging his crotch and moaning. Paul responded and started kissing me back hard and then started rubbing me all over, caressing my silky legs and my breasts and under my skirt and the silk spankies. Now, I have been in the back seat of a car in a cheerleader uniform and making out heavy with a guy before and knew the drill. I broke our kiss and then literally positioned myself and sat facing him on his lap making sure my skirt was right and continued to aggressively kiss him. I could feel his hard cock on my satin covered ass and I then started to break the kissing every once in a while and talking sexy and telling him how hot he was and how I wanted his cock between my lips. Paul in turn got aggressive and tugged my sweater and vest up and exposed my bra and started rubbing my lace covered breasts, then moaning and telling me how lovely they were and how they felt. Our kissing was still hot and heavy and I could feeling him getting hotter and as his cock grew. I then took the lead and broke our kiss and said in a sexy loud voice, "NOW YOUR WILL KNOW WHY I AM THE HEAD CHEERLEADER". I slid off of his lap and tugged down my sweater and vest and quickly undid his pants and pulled down his pants and underwear, and a very erect member was staring at me, I was aggressive and he was almost panting.

The head was glistening with precum and I went down on it and was loving the taste as I gobbled it up. I was in complete control and was loving every second of it. I used all of my usual techniques and Paul definitely was not going hard and soft, he was staying rock hard, I knew he wanted an aggressive blowjob like any teenage cheerleader would give, I was fast and direct in my approach. I was loving it all the more as Paul was moaning and groaning saying how good it felt. He also flipped up my little skirt and was caressing my satin covered ass, and stroking my silky legs. It took a little longer than I thought but as I really started sucking and pumping up and down faster and faster, I could taste his precum oozing out and knew it was only a matter of time. When Paul grabbed my shoulders and thrust up his member almost causing me to gag, I was waiting for the orgasm. When Paul started to cum, the first blast was down my throat and I pulled back to enjoy and the next few were in my mouth and those I did not swallow, but held them in my mouth. When he was done, I got off his member and sat up and looked at him and then slowly opened my mouth, now he was still panting and staring at me. I made sure he could see his lovely juice in my mouth and then closed my lips and swallowed and then licked my lips and smiled sexily at him. I got up off the couch and went and took a sip of wine and watched as Paul pulled up his pants and underwear still staring at me and told me how much he loved the experience he missed out on in his youth. I told him I was glad I could make it happen, and he said, "you really have done that as a cheerleader in the back of a car?", I smiled and said, "oh yes, and what I did to you was exactly how it happened, showing the cum in my mouth and all".

I looked down at the table and saw the lingerie photo album was open and it was one of me in my favourite teddy of all time, a red sequinned Teddy and matching chiffon wrap, with me in a sexy pose. I looked at him and said, "I guess that picture was inspiration for that lovely cock of yours?". He smiled and said, "oh yes, you look so hot in that picture I almost did not wait for you to come back upstairs to cum". I told him that the lingerie was one of my favourites and maybe one day he would see me in it. I then asked, "so what is the last outfit you want to see me in?". He smiled and said "I want to join the mile high club". I smiled at him and told him I would be back and we would do that, and put on my Wedding gown DVD and told him to enjoy. I took one last sip of my wine and went downstairs after grabbing the lipstick and the pom poms.

I got downstairs to my bedroom and carefully changed out of the cheerleading uniform and accessories then packed it back up and left on the pantyhose and the bra I was wearing as they would be needed for the Stewardess uniform (noting to myself that in taking off the white turtleneck I got makeup on it and would have to be washed). I went and put away the cheerleading uniform and went back to my bedroom and pulled out the sexy retro 50's stewardess uniform and laid it out on the bed. At this point I was getting tired and my jaw was certainly sore and wanted the last time to be special not only for Paul but myself as I knew it would be the last romantic encounter for the weekend. I then put on the uniform, and pulled out a pair of new white patent heels and slipped them on. After putting on everything including the choker hat and the white satin elbow length gloves (I knew Paul would love them as I caressed his hard member), decided not to put on any jewellery. I looked myself over and loved the look and knew Paul would as well, I noticed that I had a run in my right leg hose and since it was the last outfit and I was tired and no pictures were going to be taken, did not change them. I checked and other than of course applying the same lipstick I wore in the cheerleading uniform, did not change anything and packed the lipstick in the cute matching purse for the uniform and headed upstairs.

I found Paul again with a bulge in his pants and rubbing it watching my Bridal video and this time he heard me enter the living room with my heels clicking. I immediately went into my role and said, "so sir how are you today, can I get you anything?, perhaps something to drink?". He looked at me, I could tell he loved what he saw and Paul was also playing the game, and smiled and handed me a piece of paper which he had written, I read it (wondering where he found the paper or the pen), "I think you are very attractive and I would like to join the mile high club can you help?". I smiled and put down my purse after packing in the note, and smiled in a sexy way and said, "well sir, please get out of your seat and follow me. I lead him down the hallway to the upstairs bathroom, and opened the door and quietly said, "go in and sit down and when the coast is clear in a couple of minutes I will be in to join you". Then licked my lips sexily and slowly and opened the door to the bathroom. Now, the way the upstairs bathroom is configured, it would pretty much be like a lavatory on a plane, in other words, for me to kneel down and service him, my space between the tub and the toilet were going to be very tight, like a plane lavatory. I waited about 30 seconds and then entered the bathroom, and locked the door. Paul was already sitting on the toilet, seat down, and was staring at me and said, "my God you are so hot looking, I have been staring at you all flight long", I smiled back and in a sexy voice said, "so I have noticed", he moved to sit up and kiss me and I pushed him back down and said, "no dear, that is not how it works, sit down and let me initiate you into the club". He was moaning and said, "my God your legs are so sexy looking, had me hard from the moment I saw you". I smiled and kneeled down, and my knees were literally touching the toilet and my keels, up against the washtub, and I sat back down on my heels. I unzipped his fly and moved his underwear around and worked out his almost totally erect member and looked up at him, and licked my lips and said in a sexy way, "welcome to the club". I then started sucking quickly and of course using all my usual techniques and he was hard immediately, I started moaning and groaning and rubbing his crotch, he on the other hand was moaning telling me how amazing it felt. Now me that loves giving blowjobs more than men like receiving them, was trying to get this one over quickly, as possible, as I was so tired I was getting sloppy and not doing my usual good job. So, knowing Paul, and any man for that matter, I went faster and faster and Paul was moaning and groaning and eventually came, but finally, not a bunch, just a few spurts which I slurped down and swallowed. I cleaned him up and put his now soft member into his pants and zipped him up and stood up and said, "now you can tell your friends you are part of the club, and wait for me to get back into the cabin before leaving the lavatory". He smiled and said, "I never got your name?", I smiled and said, "If you need to remember a name, call me 'Felatia', tell your buddies that is who got you into the mile high club", and smiled and left the bathroom.

I left the bathroom, and went downstairs to my bedroom and changed out of the stewardess uniform, I packed it up and then left on the lingerie and put on a blue terri cloth robe and hear Paul moving around upstairs and put on a pair of low black heels and went and saw him. He was smiling at me as I went into the living room and asked if he liked the role playing and told me it was amazing. I was almost in tears as I knew it was an amazing weekend coming to an end. Paul as well, I could see in his eyes was sad it was over, but it had to end. Paul told me he had already ordered an Uber ride and it was actually in the driveway waiting for him and he grabbed his bags and gave me a little kiss and told me he would mail me a memory stick with the pictures off of his camera when he could and would erase them after that.

I was literally in tears as he left and saw him driving away. I on the other hand realized it was 3pm, and I texted my husband and told her I was going to be taking a nap and then grabbed everything and took it downstairs and laid it out in the main room, with the intention of a full cleanup later on. I went into my bedroom and stripped out of everything but my panties and put on my favorite pink satin chemise and slid into bed and pulled out my trusty vibrator and pleased myself savoring the weekend's events.


? The pictures turned out stunning and a few are on my bedroom wall. ? My agreeing to use my pics on the photo companies Facebook page, not such a good thing, as I got literally hundreds of requests from Bides to be on where they could find a dress like I wore, and still to this day get asked. ? Paul still stays in touch, but we have not planned another magical meeting. ? And for those that are wondering, Paul was using the Magical blue pill for the weekend, no man can cum that many times without help. ? I did eventually go out with Frank to a formal event, but that is another diary entry


So here is the proposal: First off, I AM NOT A PRO. This petite, passable TV, would love to meet you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the diary entry above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, or couple, please contact me, and who knows?

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