Webcam Friends

By Doug L

Published on Apr 1, 2006


---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is fiction. The story deals with an online website. The website in the story is not a real website. I do not own the rights to any website. The website is completely ficticious. Please do not try to go to the website mentioned in the story.

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Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Web Cam Friends (Part 2)

"Charlie, you mean to tell me that YOU were the one jacking off on cam for everyone in the world to see?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Yeah... that was me." That's all he could say. I could tell he was really embarassed.

"Man, so I guess you were just pretending to hate them so I wouldn't find you out, huh? Why didn't you want me to know about it?"

"I'm sorry, Dean. I couldn't tell you. We signed contracts and stuff and I couldn't tell anyone."

"Dude, I thought we were best friends! You LIED to me?" I wasn't really mad at him. I just wanted to play around with him. "How could you?!"

"Dean! I'm so sorry! I've wanted to tell you so many times! I just... I just couldn't! I'm so sorry!" He kept apologizing to me, and the more he did, the more I had to keep from laughing out loud. After a while, I couldn't hold it in any more.

"Charlie... Charlie... slow down. I'm just playing with you. Don't worry! I'm not really mad at you. I was just surprised that you wouldn't tell me. But I know you were bound by contract. I understand that."

"Jeez Dean. Don't scare me like that. Just know that I really wanted to tell you. It was such an exciting part of my life that I couldn't share with you and it felt so weird not to be able to tell you about it."

"Ok, now that it's all out in the open, you've got to tell me how you got into all of this!"

I was still lying down on my bed while Charlie explained the whole situation to me.

It was about 3 months ago when he was first approached. He was studying in the library at cubicle when an attractive man walked up to him. The man placed a folded note on his books and walked away. Charlie was confused, but was intruiged about what had just happened and what was written on the note. He unfolded it and read the message: "Interested in making $1000 in just 4 hours? Find me outside. I'm wearing a blue shirt and a black baseball cap." The note was really surprising to Charlie. His instincts was to ignore this outrageous note, but the more he thought about it, the more the $1000 enticed him. Finally, after ten minutes of thinking, he packed up his books and headed out the door. Luckily, the attractive man was still standing outside, waiting for him.

"I'm glad you decided to come out here," the man said. His voice had a very low, sexy tone to it that intrigued Charlie even more. "I was about to give up and leave."

"Um dude. What is this? One thousand dollars? Is this some sort of joke?"

"This is definitely not a joke. In fact, you can make even MORE Than $1000. You see, I've noticed you around campus for a while now. You're a pretty good looking guy. Have you ever thought about modeling?"

"Modeling? Me? Not really..." Charlie never thought of himself as a good looking guy, even though most of the people that he meets think he's super hot.

"Well, I think you're definitely up for it. I'm here on behalf of an internet website looking for attractive college guys who aren't afraid to show their ... well... entire package to our customers."

"Do you mean you're from a porn site?" Charlie was confused about this new prospect. He was excited to hear about making $1000 and even more because he definitely needed it to pay off his bills. But being on a porn site? What would his friends think of him? Charlie ended up talking to this guy for a long time. He explained to Charlie the operation of the website and how it was going to work. Basically, Charlie would go in a for an audition session to see if he would be suitable for the website. He would be paid $1000 for the audition and if he was accepted, he would be making AT LEAST that amount for more sessions. Charlie couldn't believe all this. A few minutes ago, he was sitting in the library to study for his classes, and now he was going to make loads of money just by putting on a show in front of a web cam. Due to his financial worries, this was an easy choice for him.

"Ok man. I'm gonna do it. Give me the details."

"Oh great!" The man handed Charlie another piece of paper with an address on it. "Just show up at this address tomorrow night at 8pm and we'll start from there. And by the way, my name is Tim."

"I'm Charlie. Uh... Thanks! I'll see you there." Charlie walked back to his apartment, with lots of thoughts going through his mind. He was just excited about making $1000. He can finally afford to buy that iPod Video he's been wanting for a while.

"Charlie! Are you serious?" Hearing Charlie's story was really interesting. "You took the job cuz you wanted an iPod Video?!"

"Well, yea! I really wanted it! You know you want it too! You've been eyeing mine ever since I got it!"

It was true, I wanted his iPod. He told me his parents bought it for him. I had no reason to question that. "So then what happened?"

"I'll let you know some other time. We don't have much time left for studying. Get your lazy ass out of bed and get dressed!"

I hung up the phone with Charlie and just let all this information sink in. CHARLIE, my best friend, was the one on that hot cam that I watched the night before. He was a porn model. He worked for He worked for ..... with Jack! I couldn't believe that I had forgotten about all that! Suddenly, a wave of jealousy hit me. All this time, he had been working with Jack at the site and he didn't tell me! All this time, I've been talking about Jack and he didn't say anything! Are the two friends? Do they hang out? Have they hooked up? All these questions flew through my head in lightspeed and I couldn't control them. I went into the bathroom and took a long, cold shower to calm myself down.

Finally, my mind slowed down and I could think more clearly. Charlie would never hook up with Jack. He know how much I've been interested in him. And one of our rules is that we don't go for each others interests. I trust Charlie with everything that I've got. I knew he wouldn't do it. But my mind wandered off. How HOT would it have been if they DID hooked up? Charlie with Jack - the two hottest guys I know - going at it like animals. The thought of it really turned me on.

As I thought about Charlie and Jack kissing each other, I started stroking my growing cock. Standing in the shower, my hand smoothly pumped my dick, giving me great pleasure. In my head, Charlie then took off Jack's shirt, exposing the typical football player build - extremely broad shoulders, strong arms, and a large, tight chest. My imagination was running wild. When Charlie took off Jack's pants and boxers, Jack's hard 7-inch cock popped out, ready to be serviced. Charlie proceeded to kneel down in front of Jack and suck his cock dry. Jack had a look ecstacy on his face as Charlie worked on his dick. Charlie continued to suck hard, while using his hands to play with Jack's balls. Charlie's sucked so hard and so fast that Jack's legs became weak. Jack put his hand on Charlie's head, pulling on his hair, showing the pleasure he was feeling. Jack then picked Charlie up and threw him on to a bed. Jack lifted Charlie's legs up high in the air and then plunged his dick deep into Charlie. Charlie's face was full of pleasure and he let out screams of ecstasy. Jack pounded his ass with enormous force and speed. Jack also used one of his hands to stroke Charlie's long cock as he fucked him. After what seemed like hours of extreme fucking, Jack and Charlie simultaneously let out big screams as they blew their large loads. At that same time, my cock couldn't hold it in anymore and blew a load all over the shower wall. I used my free hand to prop myself up after a long session of jerking off. I thought to myself, now THAT would be a hot sight to see on the web cam!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks again for reading! More to come real soon! email: - D

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