Webcam Friends

By Doug L

Published on Mar 28, 2006


This story is fiction. The story deals with an online website. The website in the story is not a real website. I do not own the rights to any website. The website is completely ficticious. Please do not try to go to the website mentioned in the story.

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I would love to know what you think about it. I'm open to criticisms because it'll just make the story better.


Web Cam Friends

Chapter 1

It's 1:00am and I'm doing what I'm always doing at this time: I'm sitting at my desk on the computer, being absolutely bored out of my mind. I guess I have some type of insomnia or something. Nothing helps me to sleep. Counting sheep? That's a bunch of bullshit. It never works. In fact, it just makes it worse because you're concentrating too hard. Sleeping pills? I get a weird reaction to it and I feel like I'm losing control over my body, yet I still can't sleep. So I just lie there with a numb body. I've tried everything. So I just give in and stay up until it's really late. I could either watch TV or go online. But there's never anything on TV but infomercials at this hour. So I opt for the internet. But going on MySpace and checking everyone out just gets old after a while. There's only so much you can do when you've got hours of time to kill.

So being a member of male sex, after a while of boredom, I got pretty horny. There are several sites that I frequent and each of them definitely do their job. And their job being getting me horny enough so I jack off, blow my load, get tired, and finally fall asleep. I always try to find the sites that offer videos for free, but they get annoying after a while because there are so many pop up ads and the videos are usually only 5-10 seconds long per clip. So I'm trying to jack off and I'm getting into the rhythm, but then I have to stop so I can click on the next clip. What a pain!

All that changed when I found a site that really intrigued me. It offers web cams of college guys in solo acts and couple and orgy acts as well. Sounds like every other web cam site right? Well not to me. Their main model is Jack: a super stud with black hair and charming black eyes. He obviously has a swimmers build to die for - broad shoulders with a small waist and arms of steel. He always has a mysterious look to him when looking the camera yet he always has that sly smile and his signature wink from his left eye that makes you melt. He was the one who sold the site to me. Right when I saw him, I knew I had to subscribe to this site. Why? Because the moment I saw Jack on the site, I knew I had seen him before. In fact, he sits next to me every Tuesday and Thursday in my Economics class!

Seeing him on the site was just the hottest thing I could ever hope for. Seeing him take off clothes that I've seen him wear in class that same day was unbelieveable! He caught my eye right from the very first day of that Econ class. He had such a presence in him that really attracted me to him. I found myself staring at him instead of listening to the lecturer. After a week, I noticed that he always sat in the same seat in the lecture hall, so I just decided to sit next to him to get closer to him. My plan worked because he noticed me sitting next to him class after class and pretty soon we made small talk before and after class. Nothing too special - just the acknowledgement of each other. But it was what I always looked forward to each class. So when I found him, I couldn't wait to subscribe to the site and see him in action.

I still remembered the first time I saw a video of him. I had just put in my credit card information and set up my username and password. I logged into the site as fast I could and clicked on the picture of him. He was shirtless, showing off his well developed pecs and awesome washboard abs. This particular video was shot beforehand and made into a MPEG file that I could download. So you bet I quickly downloaded it into my porn folder. It felt like an eternity waiting for the video to download. But I passed the time browsing through the site. I noticed that the site was also a Live Web Cam site that featured many models that apparently lived in a fraternity type house. Being 1:00am, most of the Live Cams were closed because the models were sleeping but I did notice one cam that was on with a really hot model stroking his large, hard cock. I clicked on his cam to check it out.

The model was sitting upright on his bed with all his clothes off except for his socks and a baseball cap that had some of his blonde hair sticking out from the sides. The model was lightly lit with lights above him but it was definitely enough to show off his beautiful cock. He moved his hands up and down his long tool slowly and smoothly with his right hand and he used his left had to caress his muscular chest. He pumped a little harder and faster and also moved his left hand further down, now playing with his ass. Occasionally he used his middle finger to play with his hole, making him pump his dick even harder. As he stroked harder and harder, his moans got heavier and louder. Luckily, I had my headphones on instead of my computer speakers on, or else I would have woken up my housemates in the other room. This cam was getting me so hot, my cock was hard as a rock now. I found myself stroking my cock harder and harder until I couldn't hold it in anymore. My blew my load hard and it felt so good. I sat there with cum in my hands and on my stomach, just resting, catching my breath. I tilted my head back, eyes closed, to relax. After a few seconds, I heard a loud beep through my headphones and I realized that my video that I was downloading had just finished. SHIT, I thought to myself. I was really looking forward to watching that video. But I knew my cock couldn't handle anymore and I was getting tired. And I knew this was my chance to finally fall asleep. So I left the video in my porn folder for now, promising to myself that I'll watch it the first free moment that I get. I climbed into bed and had an awesome night's sleep, all thanks to the blonde hottie on my new favorite Web Cam site.

The next day, I woke up late becuase it was Saturday. I didn't have class, I didn't have homework. It was going to be a nice, relaxing day. I lied in my bed for a while, without actually getting up yet. I just stared at the ceiling while I thought about the site that I found. I was so lucky that I found it. It just came up on a pop-up ad - huge picture of Jack with his shirt off. An unbelievable site. My cock started to get hard thinking about it again, but before I could start stroking, my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller-id. "Call from Charlie."

Charlie was one my best friend that I found in my Freshman year. He lived on my floor in the dorms and we just hit it off right away. We both were into the same things: soccer, basketball, swimming, video games, computers, and we were both Economics majors. During that year, we hung out with each other a lot and went to a lot of parties together. I never told him that I was gay though because I wasn't out of the closet yet. But that changed one night when he was over in my dorm after a night of partying. I felt filthy after being out, so I decided that I needed to take a shower. My other roommate was out and we had our own private bathrooms inside our dorm rooms. So being comfortable with Charlie, I stripped down to my boxer-briefs to get ready for my shower. I grab my change of clothes and walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. It felt so good to have the hot water touch my naked body. It also helped relieve some of my aching muscles after a long workout earlier in the day. I started to massage my own shoulders as much as I could, kneading those knots. I stood in the shower, eyes closed, enjoying the relaxation, for a long time, totally forgetting about Charlie.

I opened my eyes and was completely startled to see Charlie standing right outside my shower clear shower door, just staring at me. He had a slight smirk on his face and was staring straight at me.

"What the fuck, Charlie? You fucking scared me to death! What the hell are you doing?"

"I was using your computer to get on the internet and I found some of your files."

I was confused. "What? What do you mean you found my files?" I asked as I wiped the pouring water from my face.

"Dean, I found your files."

Crap. Did he find my porn folder? "What the hell were you doing going through my files?" I tried to cover myself, "What are you talking about?"

"Come on, Dean. I found your videos. 'Hardcore College Guys.' 'University Orgy.' I saw them all."

"Look, Charlie, I can explain." But I knew I couldn't explain it. He found my secret, and I definitely didn't want him to find out this way. What was he going to do now that he knows I'm gay? He was such a great friend. I couldn't lose him. All these thoughts were flying in my mind, I was going crazy.

"Dean, you don't have to explain anything to me. In fact, you don't have to say anything." He opened my shower door. I was really nervous. Was he going to punch me in the face? I couldn't tell what he was thinking because his face was expressionless.

He took one step towards me and I closed my eyes, flinching, anticipating a punch. After a second, my eyes were still closed but was confused as to what had happened because I didn't feel him punch me yet. I slowly opened my eyes to find that Charlie was centimeters away from my face, in the shower with me. Water was now pouring down his face, his wet blonde hair slightly covering his piercing blue eyes. Then, to my shock, he leaned in a gave me a long, passionate kiss.

After a few seconds, I put my hands on his arms and pushed him away. "Charlie! What are you doing?!"

"Oh my god, I've wanted to do that for so long, Dean. You have no idea. And when I found those gay porn videos on your computer, I was so happy, I couldn't contain myself. I had to let you know how I felt about you."

"Charlie. I... uh... I don't know what to say." I was shocked by all that had happened in just these few seconds. My best friend just came into the shower with me and kissed me. "Um... so you're gay too?"

"Shit, Dean. I just came into the shower with you and gave you the most passionate kiss ever. What more do I need to do?"

Absolutely nothing. I pulled him back towards me and held him tight as we contined kissing. I quickly grabbed his shirt from the waist and pulled it over his head and threw it on the ground, exposing his well shaped chest. I moved my hands all over his back and then moved down to his shorts. I unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them, along with his boxers, down as quickly as possible. My kissed then moved down his body, first kissing his neck. Then I ran my tongue down his chest and licked his nipples until he let out a few moans. I continued my kisses down his six pac abs, following the trail of hair down to his now rock hard dick. I wrapped my hands around his large tool and stroked it as I sucked on his balls. I could tell he was really enjoying it when I looked up to see his head cocked back and moaning like crazy. Finally, I placed his cock in my mouth and I sucked his cock like I had never sucked before. The pleasure threw him off balance as he had to place his hands on the walls of the shower to keep himself from falling. My head bobbed up and down his long cock, sucking harder and harder. I could tell he was getting close and didn't want it to end yet, because he used his strong arms to pull me back up on my feet. We kissed some more, using our tongues to deeply explore each other. He then knelt down in front of me and gave me the best blowjob I had ever had. He knew just how to suck my cock and use his hands to play with my balls. I was in such ecstasy. He buried my cock deep into his mouth. Seeing him sucking my cock hard and fast was so incredibly hot. I too was getting real close so I pulled him back up. We stroked each others hard dicks fast and hard. We both let out enormous loads, larger and better than any load we had ever blown. We squeezed every last drop out of our cocks and kissed each other as we held each other in our arms.

We cleaned ourselves up and got out of the shower. I loaned Charlie some of my clothes since his got all wet in the shower. We then sat up all night talking to each other, filling each other in on our stories. It felt so nice to finally tell my best friend my secret and he felt the same way. That night, we got closer than ever. We also decided that it wouldn't change anything. We would remain best friends, and that was it. We didn't want some relationship gone badly to ruin our friendship. Of course, that didn't stop us from deciding to be each other's booty calls once in a while.

So when I saw that the call was from Charlie, and being in the horny state of mind that I was in, I quickly assumed that Charlie was calling for some awesome sex.

"Hey Charlie. What's up? You horny?"

"What? No! uh... well... yes. When am I not? But that's not what I'm calling about! You forgot about our study session today didn't you?"

"Fuck!" I had totally forgotten that we had scheduled a study session to study for our upcoming Econ midterm. "It completely slipped my mind. I haven't even woken up yet."

"Jeez dude. Were you up all night again? You really have to see a doctor about that insomnia thing."

"Actually... I slept pretty well. I found this new site online that got me so horny!! I jacked off and fell asleep right away."

I could hear Charlie laughing uncontrollably. "That's great man. I'm glad you've found a cure for your insomnia. So what's the site that's making you blow your load?"

"Well you know that guy Jack that I keep telling you about from my Econ class...?"

"Yeah..." Charlie suddenly had a weird, worried tone in his voice. I couldn't tell what that was all about.

I continued. "Well, I was going through my normal sites and this pop up ad came up for this Web Cam site with a huge picture of Jack! My god, isn't he the hottest thing you've ever seen? I know... I know. We always make fun of those Web Cam sites. I know you think they're stupid. But I downloaded his video anyway."

"Yeah, those web cam sites are stupid! I hate going to those things because it's always so fake! Why would you watch those things!?" He seemed more heated about this subject than usual. Something was just off but I couldn't put my finger on it. "It's just dumb! I would never go to those cam places.... so did you look at the cams?

"Yea! I subscribed to the site and while I was waiting for the Jack video download so I clicked on the Live Web Cams. There was only one cam open so I clicked on it and this guy was so incredibly hot. He was just sitting in bed and stroking his cock. He was sooo hot, he got me blow my load right away."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Something was wrong.

"Charlie, are you there? What's going on?"

"Um. Nothing. So, this guy on the live cam... Was he wearing a baseball cap?"

"Actually, yea! He was! You asshole, you say you hate these site and you go check them out. What a hypocrite! Why didn't you share this awesome site with me earlier?"

"Dean. I didn't want to share this site with you because..." He paused mid-sentence. I was completely confused as to what was going on. "I didn't share the site with you because I'm the one that was on the web cam you saw last night. I was the one in the baseball cap."

"What?! That was YOU?"

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Next: Chapter 2

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