We Will Remember Them

By Don Cornelius

Published on Aug 16, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters are real and any similarities between this story and/or any characters in it and real life is purely coincidental.


The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

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Sorry about the delay in publishing this chapter. Work and life have been really busy, but I'm already working on the next one. Thanks so much for reading!

When Charlie spoke to me in a dream shortly after he died, I'd felt at peace and safe. At the end of that dream, I'd had this glimpse of party I was at, surrounded by people who were unfamiliar, at a house I've never been inside. I woke up just as someone tapped my shoulder. By the end of eighth grade, I was having that dream about once, maybe twice, a month.

I knew it was me in the dream, of that I as sure. The fact that I didn't know where I was, or who any of the people were never bothered me. I was looking out through my own eyes, rather than seeing things from another point of view. I looked down at myself, obviously older and better put together than myself at the end of the eighth grade. I was talking to an attractive boy with brown hair, brown eyes and killer tan that was obviously, and infuriatingly, natural. He had his arm around a blonde girl who was also very attractive. He was wearing board shorts and was shirtless, as was I, and the girl was wearing a bikini that was hot pink, which she filled out well. There was another girl standing next to the blonde, a brunette, who was eating me with her eyes. She was wearing a one piece that was very flattering on her. While she was attractive, I just wasn't into her and she wasn't getting the hint.

Through all this, I wasn't uncomfortable talking to them. I actually felt good, excited even. And then comes the tap on the shoulder. Each dream went a little more past the tap, with my head turning just a bit before I wake up. I always awoke feeling extremely positive and sometimes a little giddy. At this point, I was certain I was seeing my future or at least a potential future. I was also certain it had been a little gift from Charlie, something to use to keep my chin up and help me focus on the idea that better days were coming.

Which was kind of what I needed given that the summer after eighth grade pretty much sucked at that point, six weeks after school ended. Spring baseball had been terrible and we were gearing up for what we hoped would be a better summer. The high school coach had been watching us play a little, a good indication that he was looking for potential players for next year. He'd talked to me a bit, just off handed stuff about why I played. He seemed pretty satisfied with the answer, if mostly unimpressed by our craptacular playing.

I was once again working for my father. This year, I was brought into the business of cleaning up abandoned rental units which is a real treat. Basically, when someone can't pay their rent and decides to move out, they usually leave things behind. Like trash, shitty furniture, dog poop ground into carpet... and one of my jobs that summer was to work on making the unit rentable again. Reread the part about the dog poop. Yeah, I'm the guy who cleaned shit out of the carpet. It's a glamorous life I've led.

One of the projects my father had set me on was cleaning up two units at an small apartment complex he owned near our house. It was unusual to have someone there abandon the unit. One was due to the death of the occupant (traffic accident, not IN the unit, thank God) and the other was an actual eviction. My father LOVED evictions especially if the tenant took him to court. He never hired an attorney and always went to the hearing(even at that point, he barely had the time to do this... now, he never gets to). He never lost a single one.

I, on the other hand, was digging dog AND cat shit out of the high pile carpet in unit 8A. It was the second day I'd been there and I was almost done with the more gruesome work. I figured I had one more day of clean up and then I'd be done. As I walked out with two trash bags, I saw this really cute guy who appeared to be older than me, wearing a Maverick's tank and a ball cap on backwards. His body was pretty lean, like mine, but there was a lot more of it. At this point, I was still 5'7" but I'd pushed my body weight to 155. However, I compared like a string bean next to this guy. He looked about 5' 11' maybe 185 or 190, with black hair and a nice even tan. Seriously, the guy was stroke material. He may not have been as muscular as Josh, but he was a total stud. He was walking from his car toward the unit next to the one I was working on. As he came up on the step to the walkway, he suddenly noticed me and smiled... nice even white teeth that kind of glowed, surrounded by thick, luscious lips.

And then, all I could think about were those lips.

Crushed against mine, a tongue coming through them to open my mouth up and take possession. Creating suction on my nipples. Wrapped around my dick. Leaving soft kisses on my neck. Wrapped around my dick. Sucking on my balls. Wrapped around my dick.

I stood there motionless, seeing images in my brain, while my eyes kept sending the video of him walking up to me. In real time. He had that same smile on his lips and as he got closer, he held out his hand.

"Hey man, I'm Brian. Are you moving in here with your folks?"

Oh, he's Brian. With a capital B. And he thinks I'm moving in. Yes, you can do this... remember your breathing, no need to panic. Hot guy, really nice, shake his hand.

I held out my hand and grasped his. His handshake was firm, solid, but not bone crushing though I could tell he was being gentle.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Rob. I'm actually just cleaning up the unit so they can lease it out."

He looked at me curiously, scanning me from head to toe, "Dude, not for nothing, but you don't look like part of a cleaning crew. You're too clean."

I laughed, "My father is the leasing agent. I work for him during the summer and this was one of the jobs he gave me."

He looked at me seriously, "Damn dude, that sucks. I usually just do yardwork for cash."

"Well, that's my second career,"which got a laugh out of him. "Hang on a second and let me throw these bags away."

As I walked over to the dumpsters, which were literally a straight shot at the end of the building, I could feel his eyes on me. I'd picked up a ping on my gaydar when he'd given me the once over but my gaydar was, frankly, pretty terrible. Now, I KNEW he was watching me walk. I was pretty sure he was watching less me, and more my ass. Thanks to squats, I had a nice round butt that I knew looked good in the shorts I was wearing.

I got to the dumpster and threw the bags in, then turned to see him still looking at me with a smile on his face. The entire walk back, he never once took his eyes off me, like a hunter waiting for his prey to get in range. I'd seen that look before, from Josh, when he'd first moved to town and it let me feel I was on pretty solid ground thinking this guy was gay and into me.

When I got back to him, the smile was still there. He didn't say anything, which made me a little uncomfortable and I blurted out, "What?" with a smile on my face.

He looked at me a moment longer, "Nothing, you're just really cute."

Which of course caused me to blush furiously and prompted him to say, "Especially when you're blushing."

"Thanks,"through a big smile was all I could manage to say and he looked at me sort of strangely for a second.

"You're not out, are you?"

I sighed, my smile fading, "To a few friends, but not to everyone or my family."

He just looked at me for a moment, scanning my face for some sort of clue as to why.

"Are you afraid they'll throw you out?" he asked.

I quickly responded, "No, not at all. It's just that I'm not completely comfortable with it yet. Right now it's like this secret part of me that I get to hold onto. Once I'm out, everyone knows and then I just don't know what it'll be like. I'm scared for me, I'm not scared of what someone else will think."

He just kept looking at me. I could pick up concern and desire from him, mixed with something that was like bemusement. He finally spoke, "Well, my dad's not going to be home for another two hours, you want to come in and mess around?"

I said 'sure' so fast he actually laughed. "Come on."

I followed him as he unlocked the door to the unit. These apartments were all two or three bedrooms and this unit was a three, I knew, because the units on the other side where I'd been cleaning, were twos. My father had originally built these units for sale, then when the market started to tank in 2008, they quickly became rentals.

We walked into the entry and down the hall to the living room which had a great view of the golf course the complex has been built on. He turned around on me as we walked in and I basically ran into him and he caught me. The next thing I felt, as a steadied myself, was his hand coming up my back and onto the back of my head which usually melts me like a stick of butter in a microwave. At that point, if he'd asked me to go down on him right there, I would have.

He leaned down slightly and kissed me softly. It felt amazing and got my dick rock hard. He parted his lips, and touched mine gently with his tongue. I opened up my lips and welcomed him in, rolling my own tongue around his, which caused him to moan deeply. His other hand, which had been on my hip, moved to my ass to squeeze and pull me closer to him.

"Fuck, you're hot as hell. What grade are you in?" he asked, breaking the kiss and looking me directly in the eyes.

I stared right back into his hazel eyes and kinda spaced out, until he cleared his throat and I mumbled out, "Sorry, got lost there for a second."

He laughed, obviously amused at the effect he had on me, "Yeah, looks like it. What grade are you in?"

I looked back at him and fear spilled through me. I'm too young for this guy, I told myself. There's no way he's going to be interested in me. FUCK. That kiss was awesome and I'm about to fuck it all up. Just lie, dammit. FUCKING LIE!

"I'm about to go into ninth," I said and, internally, started beating the hell out of the little truth teller inside me.

"Oh, cool... I was afraid you were younger. I'm going to be a junior next year."

I looked back at him, blinking away disbelief, "So you're not freaked out I'm younger than you?"

"No, relieved a little that you're not as young as you look. The way you kiss, I should have known you weren't in middle school still," he said with a wicked grin. He grabbed my hand and said, "Come on."

We walked back down the hallway and went to to his room. It was tidy, but there wasn't much there. From the way he was dressed and how he looked, I'd figured him for a basketball jock but there weren't any posters on the wall. In fact, they were all bare.

"Did you just move in,"I asked.

He laughed, "In a way, yes. My dad has been here for about six months, this is my first time to come. My parents are divorced and he has me most of the summer and a few holidays, but we usually travel during those so this is really the first time I've been here."

"That sucks. My parents are divorced, too."

He sat down on his bed and patted the place next to him, asking "How long ago?"

I sat down next to him."It's been almost a year, but they were separated for two before that so it was expected."

He looked down at his hands, "Sorry to hear that, Rob. I know it's tough but you get used to it. Mine have been apart for four years and it really doesn't bother me anymore. I just don't like that my dad had to move here for work so now all my friends are an hour away."

"Oh? Where your mom lives?"

"Yeah, in Frisco."

We went into Dallas constantly but rarely did we go north of 635 since it was Oklahoma. Little did I know that in a little over a year, I'd join the denizens of South Oklahoma in the city of Plano. "Wow... that's really far north."

Brian laughed, "Damn, what do you think Dallas ends at LBJ?"

I laughed back, "Pretty much. Everything north is Oklahoma and we don't go there, everything west of Stemmons is Fort Worth and we don't go there and everything east of Central is no man's land."

"Let me guess, your parents are originally from the Park Cities?" he asked.

"My grandparents. My aunt still lives there. I know there's a Neiman Marcus somewhere north of 635, but I'm really not sure."

"Oh, really, country boy?" he said, pushing me back on the bed and leaning in over me, kissing me with a lot more force and passion. He climbed on top of me, keeping himself up with his arms at one point to avoid putting too much weight on me.

His kisses lit up my brain and then he went to my neck and it was like a things exploded. Soft kisses and the flicking of the tip of his tongue had me in a state of euphoria.

I was getting too hot too fast and asked him to stop. He looked at me with a combination of lust and concern.

"What's wrong?"

"If you keep doing that, this is going to be over a lot faster than you think,"I said.

He smiled and stood up, crossing his arms and lifting the Mavs jersey off, then hooking his thumbs into his shorts and pulling them down in one motion. His body was a high school jock, tightly muscled but not excessively so, with a beautiful and very hard cock. I sat up, peeled off my shirt and wiggled out of my shorts, with his eager help.

"Damn, you're even cuter with your clothes off," he said, climbing back on top of me. He kissed me some more, and the kisses combined with the contact of our naked bodies had me breathing like a fat man who'd just climbed six flights of stairs.

He broke off my lips, looked me in the eyes, and winked. He then started kissing down my neck, to my pecs, taking time with each nipple and then down my abs laying soft, wet kisses at each spot. He slowly worked his way to my hard and leaking dick which he kissed softly on the head while keeping eye contact with me.

Then he swallowed the whole thing in one motion, working his tongue around the bottom of my dick head while his lips created suction at the base. It was, quite simply, heaven. It made every effort of Alan's look soul crushingly bad in comparison. His mouth was soft, warm, and the suction was just right. His eye contact with me told me he was enjoying this and wanted me to feel good, and I absolutely was. His tongue though, rubbing against my frenulum, was the key and I found myself muttering incomprehensibly until I yelled out...

"I'm gonna cum... sooooon!"

...which just made him go faster.

And then, I came. It was like my entire body was trying join the cum bursting out of the head of my dick. I felt as if I'd touched an electrical socket, my body was numb and head was swimming. It was the best orgasm I'd ever had.

I slowly opened my eyes and raised my head enough to look down at him, still sitting on the floor between my legs, looking at me with a huge grin on his face.

A breathless "Thank you" was all I could manage.

He replied, "You're very welcome," with a smile and climbed back up on the bed to give me a kiss. It as the first time I'd tasted my own cum, let alone tasting it in someone else's mouth. It was good, just a hint of salt and kind of sweet. Alan's was pretty salty and a little bitter and I decided he'd had it pretty damn easy with me the few times he'd actually caught some in his mouth.

We laid there for a few minutes, kissing and discovering each others bodies. After about five minutes I began to make my way down to his dick, which was about the same size as mine. I took him into my mouth and did my level best to give him an experience like he'd given me.

I may have been a little rusty from lack of use, but taking him was easier than Alan since he wasn't as big. I was able to more easily swirl my tongue eliciting moans and swears from him that let me know he liked someone going all the way down on him. My work paid off with a nice thick load, most of which shot directly into my throat. The little bit that got caught in my mouth tasted damn good, not salty at all.

I sat back on my legs and waited for him to catch his breath. Watching his chest rise and fall was soothing. Not put-me-to-sleep soothing, but very relaxing. He finally raised his head and just smiled at me, motioning with his head to come back up on the bed. We ended up making out a bit more and then just laying there, looking up at the ceiling.

Brian was the one who finally broke the silence in which we'd been comfortably wrapped.

"We're definitely doing this again," he said, looking over at me.

I frowned, "This was wrong. You and I both know it and now we're going to hell. I have to tell my father. I can't be gay," which prompted only laughter from him as I couldn't keep a straight face. He rolled over on top of me and looking down at me, kissed me again.

As he broke the kiss I looked up at him. "Of course we're doing this again. This is the first time I've had good head and there's nothing that's going to make me give that up."

He smiled back at me, "What do you mean the first time? I know damn well it's not the first time from the way you went down on me."

I just looked back into his eyes. Those eyes flecked with bits of gold set perfectly in that handsome face.

"I said it was my first time getting GOOD head. I had a friend I fooled around with but that ended last year."

"Oh, really? Go on..." he said, suddenly interested.

I just smiled back up at him. "Well, it was just a straight friend of mine and we started off jerking one another, but moved on to blowjobs."

He looked at me with this questioning scowl. "So, let me make sure I have this right... your 'straight' friend and you traded blowjobs?"

I pushed him off me, playfully. "It wasn't like that. I went down on him first and he decided he wanted to return the favor. He told me he'd feel weird if it was just me doing him. And yes, he's very straight. As soon as regular pussy was available he ran to it. Honestly, no big loss because he was really bad at sucking dick."

He laughed back at me, "Well, Rob, I have to tell you that's one of the more interesting sexual curiosity stories I've ever heard. Especially since the putative 'straight' guy ends up not being gay."

"Well, it's the truth. Needless to say, I've been a little without all this time. Until, today, you came into my life. And my mouth."

"Oh my God... that's so funny," he said as he started to tickle me. We rolled around laughing for maybe another minute or two before he kissed me again. We did that for a bit longer until we were recharged, then decided to drain our balls again. This time, I went first and spent more time at it, now that the instant need was out of the way.

Honestly, this was the first time I had any indication I was good in bed. I don't really know how other guys think, but I feel enormous satisfaction when I have managed to please a sexual partner. Him saying that we were doing this again, after getting what I knew was one of my best blowjobs, made me feel proud.

We ended up laying in bed after the second round, his arm around me and my head up on his chest and shoulder, just enjoying the moment. I actually felt safe with Brian. Not as a boyfriend, it just didn't feel that way, but as a friend who was obviously much closer than just a simple handshake. I liked him. I wasn't crushing on him, but I really did like him. In a way, I felt like he was what I might become in a few years, confident and at ease in my own skin. Despite my best efforts and those of Dr. Oates, whom I'd continued seeing after our initial time was up, I was still having issues though overall I was doing better. Being comfortable with myself, not feeling the need to keep so much private, was one thing I was trying hard to get past. Therapy, I'd discovered, was like an onion. Once you peel off the top layers that are most obviously in need of attention, there's more underneath that you have to deal with, too.

About 30 minutes before his dad was due home, Brian and I exchanged numbers and left to ride my bike the excruciating mile back to my house which was part of the same subdivision.

As I rode up to my house, I saw Neil's white Range Rover, which was kind of strange since he and my mother usually didn't go out to eat until later. Our house was a modern design, with large limestone panels and lots of glass. My paternal grandmother (MoMo) had been critical of it when it was built in 2006 and she still referred to it as the First National Bank of Bethany, after my mother who had wanted something more modern.

Like most of the houses in the subdivision, the garage was off to the side of the house, hidden from view. This was where mother insisted on us putting our bikes. There was a courtyard at the front door, but it didn't matter. Bikes went in the garage and that was the end of it. Cat and I weren't thrilled about it, but we were less thrilled with the various punishments that were meted out by mother when we failed to comply with her Rules For Where Things Belong.

Seriously, it was a thing.

After I put my bike up, I walked into the kitchen and realized the house was really, really quiet. Usually there was a TV going or someone was on the phone, but right now there was nothing. I walked down the main hallway and knocked on the door to mother's office.

"Come in," was the response I got back and as I opened the door, I saw her and Neil seated in front of the desk.

"Hey, sugar... did you get done at the apartment?" my mother asked.

"No ma'am. Got the worst of it done, but still need another day," I told her. "What are you guys up to? Kinda early for dinner, isn't it?"

"Well, actually, Neil is having dinner with us tonight."

That perked me up a bit. While I really LOVED Neil, I really did want my mother home more. I was tired of frozen dinners and takeout.

"Cool. Where's Josh?"

Neil answered, "He's over at Alan's. I told him to be back around 630. You want to go down there?"

I thought about it for a second, then remembered what I'd been doing all afternoon before meeting Brian.

"No sir, I think I'm going to go take a shower and then have a nap," I looked over at my mother, "What time do you want me downstairs for dinner?"

"630," she said.

"Yes, ma'am," was all I could manage as I shut the door and trudged upstairs. It was weird, somewhere between the time I put my bike up and the time I opened the door to my mother's office, I got really tired. Of course, it didn't even occur to me that I'd put in a hard day of work and then had sex for like an hour.

I got into my room, stripped off my clothes and threw them in the hamper, and started the shower. Ten minutes later, I set my alarm before crawling in bed, laying down face first, and falling fast asleep. I don't even remember dreaming about anything... all I remember is the feel of Josh's heavy ass jumping on my bed singing 'Wake up, Wake up, it's time for dinner and I'm huuuuungry' which was pretty lame. Even for Josh.

"I'm up, I'm up. Get the hell off my bed, dick!" I guess now would be a good time to admit that I wake up kind of mean.

He was laughing as he jumped off my bed. He stood there, looking at me, for a minute in silence.

"You know, you look really cute when you're just waking up."

I could feel the heat on my face, "Thanks," I replied, climbing out of bed to grab a pair of shorts and a tshirt. "What did you do today?" I asked him.

Josh stretched out and yawned before telling me, "Hit the gym and then went swimming with Lane this afternoon. Kind of a lazy day. What about you?"

"Well, I mowed until 11, then went to lunch with my father. He dropped me at the gym and an hour later I was working on an apartment he needs cleaned up."

"Why does it need to be cleaned up?" Josh asked.

"The woman who was renting it moved out and left a disaster behind. I've been cleaning dog and I'm pretty sure cat shit out of the carpet in that unit."

Josh died laughing, "Are you fucking kidding me? Actual poop from animals?"

"Yes, Josh. Shit. Actual shit." I held my hand up to face, "Wanna smell?" which caused him to roughly shove away my hand.

"Dude, that's fucking sick. You still have that on your hands?"

I just gave him a dumb look. Josh was really smart but at times he asked the stupidest questions. "Of course not, I washed that off before I left the apartment. And before I met Brian."

With that, Josh's face turned from grossed out to suddenly inquisitive.

"Brian?" he asked.

"Yeah, Brian," I said with a smile.

"Well, don't leave me in suspense! Who is Brian?"

I sighed, "Just this totally hot guy I met and hooked up with as I was leaving the unit I was cleaning up." With that, I slid my tshirt on and turned to walk toward my door only to feel Josh's hand on my shoulder pulling me back.

"No, you're not getting away like that. Details?" He demanded.

So, I gave him a quick version of my fun from the afternoon. Josh had a big smile on this face, obviously enjoying the fact that I had hooked up and got laid. Josh was like that, happy for me when something good happened, not nasty and jealous.

I wrapped up the story with my ride home. He just smiled at me.

"Well, damn. Good for you, hermano! Now, you know Alan, Lane, and I have to meet this guy and make sure he's up to our standards."

"Standards? What the hell are you talking about?"

He glanced down at the floor, then back up at me and in an overserious tone said, "Well, you're basically my brother. So, I have to approve of any guy you date. It's big brother code."

"Well, A, you're not my big brother..."

"...yet...", he quickly interjected.

"... and B, we're not dating. He's here until early August then back to Frisco. This isn't gonna be a long term thing."

"You say that now,"Josh said, grabbing my shoulders, "But you don't know. You're really hot and it wouldn't surprise me if this guy got wrapped up in you."

I knew, KNEW, Josh was wrong. But, I have to admit, the narcissist in me definitely liked the words. He had said I was cute and while I knew I wasn't awful looking, a little third party validation went a long way. It was a character flaw, one I've since worked hard to correct. That little flaw would be opened wide and abused by my first real boyfriend, just a few months after this conversation.

"Thanks, Josh. But seriously, he's not like that and I'm not into him that way. He seems pretty cool."

Josh pulled me in for a hug. "Ok, but I still want to meet him. And remember, no matter what, I got you."

I broke the hug and looked him dead in the eye. "I know and thank you. Now, we can get something to eat? I'm hungry."

We made our way downstairs to the kitchen and found my mom and Neil getting dinner ready. Cat was in the family room watching TV so I vaulted over the sofa and landed right next to her. Josh took a seat on the arm opposite me, next to her.

Cat was watching something dumb on Animal Planet, I think it was about whales. I didn't do much, just nudge her.

"Stop Rob! Can't I watch TV in peace?"

Which prompted Josh to pipe up with, "Yeah, Rob, let your sister watch this shit in peace," which distracted her long enough for me to grab the remote and change it to something else. Which prompted punches.

"OK, OK, I'll give you the remote. Just gotta give me a hug,"which she did, begrudgingly. We sat and watched the whale thing for about 10 minutes before the call came to come to the table. Fun fact, whales are fucking boring. Yes, they're majestic animals and their singing can be beautiful, but they're dull as dishwater.

We sat down around the table in the kitchen. It was round so I had my mother to my left, Josh to my right, then Neil to his right, and my sister to Neil's right. We'd done this a handful of times and it was always nice. It felt like family. Mother insisted we say grace and the responsibility for it migrated nightly from me to Cat and back. I had my head bowed so I never knew what Neil and Josh did. Neil wasn't much for church and it had definitely rubbed off on Josh.

At any rate, when either Cat or I were done, everyone said AMEN and then we got down the serious business of eating which was always fun since Cat, though picky, could eat and I wasn't picky at all but needed to eat massively to gain any weight. It was funny, but two years before I'd desperately wanted to lose my baby fat. At that point in July, 2010, I just as desperately wanted it back.

One thing I LOVED about dinner with my mother was that we talked. Daddy often looked at food as a means to an end and was often silent during meals, offering up only the occasional monosyllabic response. Josh and Neil were much different, both talked and laughed with us, even though Josh usually did it around a mouthful of food.

As we finished, I asked if we could be excused to go play games and my mother just smiled and said, "Not yet. We have an announcement. Neil?"

Neil smiled back at my mother which made me happy. I liked the way he looked at her, with eyes that screamed how much he loved her. At this point, after 7 months of dating, I was absolutely certain they were headed to marriage.

"Well, your mom and I have been talking and we thought it would be a good idea for you guys to do something with us, rather than go to Breckenridge at the end of the summer. So, we thought it would be fun to go to our house in Laguna."

Josh was, predictably, very excited. "This is going to be awesome. I can introduce you to my friends and I can teach you to surf!"

"What about me?" Cat asked.

"I was talking about both of you. If you want to get up early with us," Josh replied.

Mother looked over at me and smiled, "Honey, sound good?"

I honestly didn't know what to think. We'd been to California a handful of times and it was cool, but we'd always been in hotels, not someone's house. That was the rub, we wouldn't be in our house in Breckenridge, we'd be at Neil's house where Josh spent most of his life until his father decided to move to Texas. I'd heard Josh's stories about Laguna and I'd even skyped with some of his friends when I was over at his house. I was honestly nervous about being the country bumpkin.

But, looking at my mother's face, I knew she needed me to be OK with this. And, deep down, I was. So, I put on my biggest smile and said, "Yep. Sounds pretty awesome!"

"Well, then I guess it's settled. Take your plates to the sink and you can do whatever you want," she said.

Josh and I made our way up to my room and played some bullshit game for a while. About an hour later, Josh's dad came up and said it was time to go.

I walked them out of the house with my mother and then we talked for a little while, mostly about the job and what I'd been doing. I could tell something else was on her mind when she kept looking me directly in the eye.

I finally let out a big sigh, after describing the state of the carpet in the unit, and told her my biggest concern was my father. She just smiled and said she'd already talked to him and it was fine. At that point, I told my mother I was going to bed early and went up stairs. I got my computer and Skyped with Richard for a while and asked him if I came across as country when I was in the City. He just laughed and said, "Rob, you're accent is always going to be a give away but you don't come off as some kind of hick. Trust me you'll be fine in OC."

The next day wasn't nearly as hurried. We had a game that night, so I went back to the apartment to finish it. Around 1030, I got a text from Alan saying to come over about 1 with my 'new boy toy'. I laughed thinking about what Brian would say about being called a boy toy. I replied back I'd try and went back to work.

When I got done, I stopped at Brian's to ask if he wanted to go swimming, giving him the details.

"Sure, I think it'd fun to meet some people while I'm here. Are these the friends that know about you?" he asked.

"Yep and they know about you as well."

He looked worried for a second, "You know this isn't a relationship, right?"

I just looked back at him and with a nod said, "Yeah, I don't want that either. We're friends and some of my other friends would like to meet you. I promise, that's it."

"Ok," he said, still looking a little wary, "I'll meet you there at one."

"Cool,"was all I said as I turned to walk to my bike.

I went home at lunch and watched some TV. About 5 till 1, I walked down to Alan's and found Brian's car sitting there. He got out as soon as he saw me and gave me a smile. It was nice not feeling anything really substantial from it. I liked being in a friends with benefits situation. At this point, it was pretty much all I could deal with not being out.

We walked to the house and I rang the bell. Alan's mom let us in and after the introductions, (Hey Mrs. Saunders, this is my friend Brian, blah blah blah) she led us out to the pool.

And then, it went to hell in a handbasket as Josh, Alan, AND Lane all mobbed Brian. He was pretty good about the thousand questions but I could tell he was annoyed. I think anyone would be when you consider that we weren't dating and had no intention to date. Josh was the worst, at one point pulling him aside for a one on one chat.

Luckily, Brian was cool with it and we all got along well. We swam and ate and just soaked up the sun until about 4 when I needed to get home to get ready for my game. Brian started to get up and leave with me when Alan spoke up.

"Dude, he's got to get ready for a game. You can hang out with us if you don't feel like going yet."

He looked over at me, eyebrows raised, "Do you mind?"

I just laughed, "Nope. Have fun and I'll text you later."

After saying goodbye to Alan's mother, I walked back to my house and decided to take a nap. I had about an hour to kill before I really needed to be ready. I felt at peace with everything. Brian blended in well with my friends and I thought the next two weeks might actually be fun.

The game was really good. We just flat out played the other team and had a great time doing it. When it was over, I went to talk to everyone in the stands. My parents were both there, so was Neil, Lane, Josh, Brian, and Alan who had apparently hitched a ride with Brian.

Honestly, I liked winning because I won. The congratulations from friends and family were awesome, but I liked winning for me.

As everyone broke up, Brian told me to text him when I got home. About 9 I texted him and asked if we could get together. Since I still had the key to the apartment next door, I told him I'd meet him out front in 30. I cleaned up and told my mother I was heading over there for a while. She just told me to be home by 11... always good when your mother trusts you.

Needless to say, we packed a lot into the hour we had. Then we laid there on the floor of that apartment talking.

"Hey, thanks for coming to my game." I told him.

"I had a good time. Alan's funny as hell... I'm guessing he's your mystery straight guy?" he asked, to which I nodded back yes. He continued, "Well, then I get it. He seems like a really nice guy. Actually, they all do and they all seem to be really protective of you."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know. It's pretty irritating at times..." and I know it's only going to get worse if my mother marries Neil, I left unsaid.

"Don't let it bother you, dude. It's actually really awesome. It's an awesome thing to know there are people looking out for you. I know it can seem intrusive, it always did with my older brother, but now I realize he was just looking out for me."

"Where's he now?"

"Afghanistan. He wanted to serve, so when he graduated last year, that's where he went."

I looked at him and saw a little water in his eyes. Not actual tears, just I could tell he missed him. "Do you get to speak to him much?"

He coughed a bit, clearly choking back some emotion. "Yeah, on facetime. It's nice, but I'd rather he was here instead of there." He stood up and offered me a hand. As I rose, he said, "Don't get mad at the people who love you for loving you. They can't help it. And I can tell you those guys think the world of you. God help anyone who ever hurts you because those three guys will bury the fucker."

"Yeah, I know. I really hope they didn't scare you too much."

"Nah, Josh is the most intense about it, but I know when you get close to someone he's not going to get in the way."

I gave him a hug at that moment. It was hard and it was supposed to be as comforting as I could manage. After a few seconds he finally hugged me back. I as I let go, I looked up at him and he looked as though he felt better.

"That's for being cool as hell and for having brother who is defending us. Tell him I said thanks next time you talk to him." That prompted the same smile from him that I'd seen the day before when we first met.

Over the next two weeks, before we left for Laguna, we got to know each other a lot better. His dad was out late a lot of nights which gave us time to relieve some stress and have some fun. Alan, thankfully, really liked him and agreed to take care of him the week or so I'd be gone and he'd still be there. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that Brian had a car.

We left for California after my last summer game. That game was really bittersweet for me since it was the last time I would be playing outside of school. We won which was great since it had been a tough game. For me though, it was the end of my childhood. I felt really melancholy about it and it was something I'd not anticipated. I could tell that night, before we left, mother knew something was off with me and she finally asked about it. I told her how I felt and she teared up a bit and hugged me tight. At the time, I didn't really get it, but now I know it was something she'd not really thought about until that very moment. Her son, her baby, was growing up. Fast.

That next morning we drove into Dallas and up to the airport in Addison, where Neil kept his plane. To this day, I don't know anything other than that it seated nine and it was a jet. It was also my first time flying private and the memory is still burned in. The plane was so cool when we got on board, not like a commercial flight where you had to beg them to turn on the AC. The seats were more like recliners and there were these screens on the wall that kept you updated on speed, altitude, temp and where we were. It was totally badass, which I of course shared with Neil who leaned down to me and said, "Yeah, I think so too every time I get on the damn thing."

We landed in OC and a car service picked us up at the airport to drive us to Neil's house in Laguna Beach. Josh was beside himself with all the shit he wanted to show me. It was really kind of cute, even Lane got a kick out of it.

We got to the house after about an hour in the car, mostly because of traffic, and it was absolutely amazing. Living here, on the beach, must have been wonderful. Josh showed Cat and me to our rooms, while Lane put their stuff up. He left me and then came running back with a box from someplace called Thalia's surf shop. Lane followed behind him with the board.

"Here," he said impatiently while handing me the box, "Try this on."

I opened it up to find a wet suit inside. I looked up at Josh who was smiling like he'd just given me the keys to a beautiful home and brand NEW CAR and all he did was nod.

"A wetsuit?" I asked.

Completely enthusiastic, "Yeah, I'm gonna teach you guys to surf!"

"Oh my God, I thought you were kidding!" I said.

I looked cooly at Lane, who was smirking. "You knew about this?"

To which he responded, "Oh yeah. I think it's a good idea!"

I just laughed, "No you don't. You think it's a terrible idea, I know that look."

Josh quickly turned to Lane and looked at him for just a second, "Oh my God, he's right. You do think this is a terrible idea!" and then he sat down on my bed, crushed.

Lane walked over to him and stood in front of him. "I do think it's a terrible idea but I saw how excited you got about it and knew if I told you that, you wouldn't go through with it. I may think it's a craptastic idea, but I never said I wouldn't do it."

Josh looked up with this evil grin on his face, "I'm going to make you pay for this," he said grabbing him around the waist. Me? Oh, thanks for asking about what I was doing in my own room. I started shucking clothes to pull on the wet suit. I mean, I needed to try it on and I wasn't going to distract them. I could have slapped them both with my dick and it wouldn't have distracted them.

When I was done, I loudly said, "Ta DA!"

Josh looked over at me and sat up, "Damn, man. You look GOOD in that!"

Lane followed quickly with a head nod. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that all the work I'd done had actually given me a pretty good body. I'd known I was cute for a while, but the way I looked in that wet suit made me feel really good.

I looked back over at them and said, "Thanks!"

We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out, going down to the beach, just goofing off in general. Neil took us to a decent Mexican place and then we came home. Josh demanded we be up at 6 to start instruction.

Honestly, it wasn't that bad. The really tricky part was getting up on the board, but after that if you could skateboard, it was pretty easy to get it. Honestly, it was a lot of fun. We broke off after 8 and sat on the beach for while, relaxing. About 15 minutes later, we heard this voice coming from further up the beach. It was a big guy walking toward us. Bigger than Josh. I figured it would take both of us to kick his ass, and even then I wasn't sure.

"Hey, they don't let homos on this beach until at least 11!" the voice boomed.

Josh immediately turned and squinted, then got up and ran as fast as he could toward the voice. I jumped up, thinking Josh was going on the attack and I needed to be there to back him up. Meanwhile, Lane just sat there. No movement, nothing. I thought it was odd, but figured if we survived I could give him shit later.

As Josh got close to the guy, with me about 10 feet behind him he slowed to a fast walk and went right up and ... hugged the guy. I stopped dead in my tracks, not knowing what the hell was happening.

"Damn it's good to see you, Bruce!" Josh said.

"You too, bro!"the dude said. "Hey, I think one of your boys thought you were in trouble." And Josh turned to look at me, standing there, with a very confused look on my face.

"Oh, man... I'm sorry, Rob. This is Bruce, my first real boyfriend." Bruce, mercifully, broke the hug and walked over to me with his hand out. When he reached me, we fist bumped then he pulled me into a hug.

"Damn, you are so much cuter in person than the pictures Josh showed me. Josh, can I have him?"

"Hell no. He's about to be my brother and I damn well don't want him anywhere near the likes of you." he said, laughing.

About that time Lane yelled over, "Y'all come back!" and we walked back down the beach. Bruce went over to give Lane a hug and said, "I can't believe you're still with this loser."

Lane just smiled back, "Yeah, well, I felt sorry for him. Plus, he's really good in bed."

Bruce just laughed, sitting down next to me on the beach, "Well, some things never change."

"Yep, I'm always going to be good in bed."

Bruce just sighed and as he drew in breath, I was fixated on his massive shoulders and traps. What the hell is in the water here, I thought. "I was talking about getting someone to feel sorry for you."

We all chatted back and forth about the trip and what Bruce had been up to (lifting, obviously) and what we were doing for the rest of our stay. It was getting close to 11 so Josh and Lane went to ask if it was OK if Bruce stayed for lunch. Leaving us together on the beach.

We both started to speak at the same time, which caused me to blush and look down. When I looked back up, he was staring at me, smiling. "You first."

"OK,"I said, leaning back, "Josh told me his side of your relationship, what about yours?"

"He has a side? That's funny. Seriously, I doubt if the stories differ much. Josh was in seventh and I was in eighth. I wasn't ready to come out all the way, but I was definitely into him. We got together and he inadvertently outed me. We continued for another another few months until he moved to Texas two years ago. That's really about it."

I looked at him, confused. "The way he told it, you wanted him to out him."

Bruce laughed, "Yeah, but he did it inadvertently. It was actually pretty good, telling those chicks, because it got it out far and wide and there was no turning back."

I asked, "How'd your parents deal with it?"

"They were pretty cool. They were just wondering if I was sure. I didn't tell them about everything but I told them I'd been with both men and women and I knew. Of course, my experience paled next to Josh's, but whose doesn't."

At that, I burst out laughing, "I always feel like a little kid around him when he's talking about sex and relationships."

He leaned back on his hands, "Don't let him fool you. He has his issues just like the rest of us. But he's such a good guy. I'm really glad he's got so many good people around him in Texas. It's funny... "and he trailed off.

"What's funny?"I asked.

Bruce looked at me, "When you guys tried to get together two years ago and it failed he was really upset about it. Meeting you, I get why. You're something special."

I just smiled back, my face bright red, "Thanks, but I know I'm just another scrawny gay kid."

He looked over at me, "Don't ever sell yourself short. I've known you maybe thirty minutes and I can tell you're intelligent, funny, uncharacteristically self conscious about being attractive, loyal, and brave."

"Brave? Where the hell did that come from?"

"You. When you saw Josh take off running toward someone saying nasty shit, you didn't hesitate, you just followed. Why?"

I thought for a second, "I wanted to have his back. But I was anything but brave when I saw what I was running toward. At that point, I figured the best I could do was even the odds."

"But you still kept running..."

"Well, yeah. Josh is one of my closest friends. I'd do anything I could not to see him beat down by some beast."

"Hey, watch it!"

I just laughed, "Well, have you seen yourself?"

"Good point. But, back to what I was saying, you get that was brave. Most guys wouldn't have done that let alone kept running when they saw it was someone like me. Josh picked his friends well."

I smiled inwardly a bit, "I hadn't thought of it that way, but I guess he did."

Lane came out about that point and yelled for us to come in and eat. To be honest, I hadn't thought about how hungry I was until that point.

We ended up hanging out with Bruce a bunch since he lived just down the beach and had a car. I even got some special instruction from him when Josh was teaching Cat how to surf in the early morning.

Neil had planned a party for the Thursday before we left to see everyone he'd not had a chance to connect with. That Wednesday night, while we were at a party at the house of one of Josh's old friends, I told Josh I wanted Bruce to be my first and asked if he had a problem with it. He looked at me for a second and smiled.

"Honestly, are you sure that's where you want to go with this? Once it's done, it's done. You're not developing feelings for him, are you?"

In truth, it wasn't a terrible question. I was, they just weren't of the more relationship oriented variety. Bruce was Bruce and I was me and in a few days we'd be 1400 miles away from each other. But, I knew he was a good guy and I knew I could trust him with my virgin ass. I was certain I wanted this to be as delinked as possible to a relationship. I didn't want to force myself into a relationship in order to experience this and I didn't want to be pressured to do it from within one. Plus, Bruce was experienced and my gut said to go with the guy who knows his way around a virgin hole.

And Bruce definitely did that. That Thursday, we played and he got me begging for him to stick it in. At 10x6, his dick was Josh-like and I was just hoping it wouldn't hurt too much. It helped that I wanted it and thankfully he was patient as hell.

He started me off on my back, with my legs on his massive shoulders. For a kid who was about to be a junior, his body was impressive. He started stretching me slowly, reaching in deep and rubbing around my prostate to make me feel good. By the time the third finger was in, I was begging for it.

I won't lie, it hurt. Like a motherfucker and sweat was pouring off me. Bruce was patient, but after what seemed like 10 minutes I asked him how far he was in and he looked down and replied, "a little over halfway."

It took forever to get him in, but it was worth it. I felt full, stuffed to the gills, but there was constant pressure on my prostate and it felt so good, especially as he started to stroke. My dick was leaking pretty continuously and I knew it wouldn't be long until I blew, just from the pressure in my ass. I could feel it build and then suddenly, as he was pulling out, I came hard. Bruce held still inside me, enjoying the massage my orgasm was giving his cock. As it subsided he leaned down to kiss me and slowly went all the way in. It was much easier this time and he wasted no time, steadily picking up speed until his own orgasm which came with noises from deep within him that made my hair stand on end.

Honestly, I've heard about other's first times. How awkward and painful it was, even with a smaller dick. This was anything but. Sure, there was pain but Bruce prepped me well and I wanted it. I was really happy about my decision.

We spent about 30 minutes lying in his bed, before we were energized enough for round two. This time I had to jerk myself and we ended up cumming together, which was pretty awesome.

After that, we took a nap and didn't wake up until 130. The thought crossed my mind to go for another round but my grumbling stomach put that to rest. I tried to get up from the bed, only to have his arm pull me back which made me giggle.

"Trying to get away?" he asked with a sleepy grin.

"Yeah, I'm hungry and I need a shower. We smell,"which made him laugh.

"Welcome to sex," he said, raising up to give me a kiss.

We ended up hosing down together, too tired and hungry to do much but grope and tug, then dressed and made our way down to his kitchen. We ate like half starved pigs and, when sated, crashed in front of the TV with him holding me. Occasionally he'd kiss my neck or show some other kind of affection and it was nice, welcome even. He wasn't being possessive, just loving. He was a lot like Brian in some ways, but very different in one big one. Brian didn't want a relationship, but I got the sense that if things were different, Bruce would. And it didn't bother me. Bruce could have made today a horrible experience but instead made it one that was absolutely wonderful. Everyone should be so lucky to have that as their first time.

About 4, I headed back to the house to get ready for the party, which started at 6. I ran straight into my mother who, of course, wondered where the hell I'd been.

"Hanging with Bruce. He showed me some GTA cheats and we watched TV for a bit," I explained to her.

She looked at me and from her expression I knew she knew I was lying. Thankfully, she didn't press the subject.

"Well, go get ready for the party. I want you ready and downstairs at 6. This is something Neil and Josh really enjoy doing so don't be late."

I sighed, "Yes ma'am" and ran up to my room only to find Josh and Lane there, fooling around on my bed.

They didn't even bother trying to stop when I came through the door.

"Damn, y'all... do that in your own room. I don't want y'all getting dogwater and cum all over the place!"I said, laughing.

Lane broke off a kiss from Josh and, as Josh went for his neck, shakily said, "We were waiting for you to get back and got bored. Ouch! Don't bite me like that!" he said, hitting the back of Josh's head. "I take it things went well?"

I sat down on the bed. "Yeah, it went really well,"and they both payed attention as I told the story of my morning and early afternoon. Lane seemed genuinely happy, Josh as little less so and I didn't know why.

After the story, Lane went to take a shower and get ready and I asked Josh to stay behind.

"Are you mad at me?"

Josh rubbed his eyes and said, "No. I'm just disappointed that I wasn't your first. That it didn't work for us, but it did for Bruce. I'm happy and I know it's what you wanted, but it's a nag in the back of my mind. I wanted it to be me."

I stood up and jumped into him, hugging him as tightly as I could.

"I know man and I'm grateful. I'm even more grateful you didn't stand in the way of this."

He wiped away some tears, "Like you would have listened to me?"

"You know I would have. I'd have been pissed but I would have listened and followed your advice. But I needed this. I needed to know and I wanted it to be with someone I knew I could trust."

He hugged me back, "Well, if it had to be anyone I'm glad it was Bruce. You know, I never took that thing so congratulations on that!" he finished, smiling.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna have to be extra careful for the next few days, but damn was it worth it!"

Josh left and I got ready for the party. I had a linen suit with me that I paired with a light blue shirt. I thought I looked pretty good in it, it was a custom suit that mother had made for me and it hugged me nicely. About 545 I was ready and went downstairs.

The caterers were buzzing about and the food looked at amazing. We had our first round of guests right at 6 and then the rest after. Bruce and his family came in around 630 and Bruce pulled me aside.

"Just curious, but do you think you might want to top me tomorrow morning before you leave?" he asked.

I was a little bewildered, but more than happy to accommodate him. "Of course, when we get out of the water."

With that, he looked to make sure we were unobserved, then leaned in for a quick kiss. It was really sweet and yet another reason why I was sure he wanted more even if he wasn't going to say it.

About 815 Neil got everyone's attention and introduced Cat and me to the crowd. I know I was a little embarrassed and I saw Lane looking at me with a huge grin. Last, he introduced my mother.

"When we first moved to Texas, Josh was lucky enough to make some great friends, one of whom is Rob. It was through him I got to know Bethany." he turned to look directly at my mother. "After Susan died, I was pretty certain I'd never find anyone who touched my heart the way she did. Or made me laugh. Or even feel. But from the first time I saw you, I understood that wasn't the case. We started as friends, two parents both concerned about our children, and through that I saw you as more than just a fellow parent, I knew you that you cared as much about my son as I did. As we started to date, I realized you cared about me just as Susan did. I realized months ago that I can't imagine my life without you, Cat, and Rob in it and so I'm asking you," and he dropped down on one knee in front of my mother, smoothly pulling a black box out of his pocket, "Will you marry me?"

My mother stood there, one hand holding a champagne flute and the other on her mouth. What was only a second or two seemed like minutes before she removed her hand from her mouth and with tears in her eyes said, "Yes".

Cat and I both simultaneously said, "Louder" which drew some laughter from the crowd and my mother looked at us both with a smile on her face which could have made anyone in the world happy, and said, much louder, "Yes".

The crowd erupted in cheers of congratulations and Cat and I hugged one another as Josh came up and tried wrapping us both in his arms. We then walked up to our parents and hugged them. It was only a moment but it felt so good to see and feel my mother so happy.

The party went on for another two hours, with the two them making the rounds. The kids mostly settled out on the deck and drank champagne we'd snuck out. Bruce sat next to me. When his parents were ready to go, he asked to stay a little longer and they said yes. About an hour later, my mother came out and made sure everyone who was drinking wasn't driving then went back in with Neil and they disappeared into the bedroom. I told Bruce I needed his help with something and we ended up going back to my room where I topped him. THAT was an interesting experience given the difference in size and how heavy his legs were. At that point I wasn't quite seven inches and wasn't really thick so it was pretty easy for him to take me. We came together, very quickly, and then collapsed on each other for about 30 minutes before we dressed and went back out.

Lane and Josh were still out there talking with some of Josh's friends. When they left, Bruce said his good byes and walked back down to his house. Lane went to bed a little while later, leaving just Josh and I to split a bottle of champagne.

"You're ok with all this, aren't you?" he asked.

"Of course," I replied. "You know how I feel about you and your dad. Honestly, I thought this was coming anyway so I was pretty prepared for it. I'm not blind... I know my mother isn't going to stay single forever and I love your dad, man. Honest."

He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I can't tell you how happy I am, Rob. I've thought about you guys and as my second family for more than year and I'm just happy it'll be official. I love you, man."

I put my head back against his shoulder and said "I know, and I love you too."

We sat there like that for maybe another thirty minutes, just staring out into the ocean. The closeness felt good, as did the wind coming off the ocean. It was a time I'll remember for the rest of my life, the first time I really had a brother.

Friday was pretty uneventful. My mother spent most of the day on the phone with family and friends. I asked at one point if she'd talked to daddy and she said he was OK with everything, not that he really had a choice.

I spent the afternoon with Bruce who was kind enough to help me scratch and itch deep inside my ass. I was sore from the day before, and I bled again, but it felt really good. That afternoon we said our good byes and as I left, he suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss. This one was fireworks, explosions, weak knees, stars... all of it. When he pulled away, it was a second or two before I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.

"That was for being you and to let you know how I feel. Remember that kiss. The guy who kisses you like that, he's the one you date. Don't ever settle, you're too special." He hugged me tightly to him. "And, if nothing works out, maybe one day we can reconnect when we have more control over our lives."

I've stayed in contact with Bruce ever since. When I was in the hospital, he was one of the many people who flew in to visit.

That evening we had dinner at home, packed and watched a movie together. I can't even remember what it was, I fell asleep about five minutes into it. Josh had sat down in the middle of the sofa and Cat and were on either side, basically laying on him. Mother has a picture of it, with the two of them all smiles and me sleeping. It's one of my favorites shots of the three of us, a picture I wake up to every morning.

The next day we piled onto the plane for the return trip to Texas and the start of what would be a very tumultuous year.

Thanks for reading! Any comments can be sent to doncornelius69 at yahoo dot com.

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