We Will Remember Them

By Don Cornelius

Published on Jun 6, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters are real and any similarities between this story and/or any characters in it and real life is purely coincidental.


The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

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Summer was awesome when I was a kid. It was still pretty good, but now it involved work. My grandfather had my father working from the age of ten doing odd jobs. By 16, he was working construction. I had been given two extra years of childhood, for which I was grateful, before I was thrust into the working world by my father who said, "it's time for the boy to learn about hard work and money."

Honestly, I didn't mind. I mostly mowed yards and some of the vacant lots where a house hadn't yet been built. Occasionally, I had to clean out a rental unit and that was about the shittiest part of the job since people are pretty disgusting when they're being evicted for non payment.

Sure it was hot, but I stayed active, I got a great tan, and I made some money. Plus, I rarely if ever worked past noon when my father would pick me up and we'd go have lunch. It was good bonding time, even if he didn't talk a whole lot. It never bothered me, because I knew he needed a break from talking all morning and making decisions. Plus, and this is probably the only really sad thing, he never really knew what to say to me, nor I to him. We were very different people... I was passionate and emotional at times while he wasn't. Exuberance wasn't his bag. It's really only recently that the dam finally broke and we've been able to talk. When I hit him with the gay thing, he REALLY didn't talk to me much. I always wondered if it was because the stuff we talked about before was 'man stuff' and now I was 'homo/woman' so I wouldn't understand 'man stuff'. I know it sounds cheesy, but I really think that's how my father's mind works, or at the time, worked.

Now, you're probably doing this hatred bit for my dad and you shouldn't. He was never mean or hateful toward me or my sister. I always knew he loved me and I never doubted that he cared. We were just different. Would I have liked the dad who played catch in the yard? Sure. But we really weren't those people. So, I played and learned from my friends. Plus, the one time we did try to play catch, he was pretty lousy. Baseball was about as alien to him as reading over contracts and spreadsheets was to me.

Usually after he fed me, he'd drop me at this community gym in town and I'd work out for an hour or so. I did full body three times a week and it changed the exercises daily. It was a program Josh had me on and it was working well. I was hoping I'd get up to 140 over the summer so I could hit with a little more force. My thinking was that if this was my last season playing football, I'd like to go out hard and leave it all on the field.

At this point it was the Wednesday before the Fourth. Spring ball had ended (we came in second overall) and we were already practicing for Summer. Alan wasn't playing since he was going camping with Josh and Lane at the end of July/beginning of August before two a days started for both of them. By now, I wasn't angry with my mother for not letting me go. There was something about the two of them that had started to change, like their friendship had turned really intense in the last few months. They both knew what they were heading for and they both accepted it with this confidence I found really awesome. They were going to look out for one another and it was like they were leaving me behind. I got sad about it, as only a kid can, since for me they were both my friends and brothers and it was like suddenly I'd become, really, a child to them. I envied their closeness and realized I didn't have that with anyone in my grade. Willy and Brent were my closest friends, but they were like Josh and Alan with each other. Though I had all these friends, I felt really alone.

I shared all this mother at one point and she just laughed.

"You've always been very independent. Even as a child, you never got bored, you just found a way to entertain yourself. As you're starting to grow up, you're realizing that you don't have some of those connections others have but you don't know why. It's honestly because you're pretty self contained.

Do me a favor and don't begrudge other people for trying, with someone else, to duplicate what you already have."

She was right, in a way, but she was also very wrong. I was independent but this wasn't about that. I was looking for a deeper connection with my friends who, much to my chagrin, had already developed their own with others. And then, suddenly, it hit me as I was mowing a lawn that morning... Charlie had been my connection. As it turns out, just when you think you're over something, life does a 180 and slaps you right in the face with it's dick.

Despite my state of mind on that Wednesday, June had been a good month. Alan was sucking dick earnestly but he was really bad it. His handjobs, at least, were pretty damn good. So were Kami's. The contrast between them was pretty stark. Alan's hands were already pretty calloused from lifting without gloves while Kami's were soft and delicate. The strokes were different as well, with Alan working furiously while Kami was softer and slower than Alan. It occurred to me the strangeness of my situation, getting together with two people who had no long term interest in me sexually. I was having sex with a straight guy and a lesbian. My first real sexual experiences were with them. My psychiatrist had a field day with this and assumed I was just a horny 13 year old boy looking to nut when it was the furthest thing from the truth.

OK, maybe not the furthest, but it wasn't the top line. I was giving as good or better than I got and I know I showed them something neither had really understood before, how unbelievably hot it was when you just focused on what you were doing to your partner. I may have been a sexual neophyte, but that was something that I went with instinctively. To me, that was so much hotter than anything they could have done to me.

Daddy and I had lunch at this pizza place and then he took me to the gym. I worked out for about an hour, trying to sort through my revelation about Charlie earlier that day, then called mother to pick me up. She told me that Josh had called and said to come to Alan's when I got home.

"I don't know if I really feel like it," I glumly replied.

She took her hand and applied it to my forehead asking, "Are you coming down with something? You look a little flushed?"

I smiled back at her, "Nah, I feel fine... well, maybe a little tired from the gym, but I'm OK. I just don't know if I want to go to Alan's is all."

"Well, why don't you take a shower and a nap and then decide later?"

Usually that would have been enough to get me out the door, but today a nap sounded nice. About 315, I put some board shorts and walked down the street to Alan's house. It wasn't a long walk but it gave me some time to partially break out of the funk I'd been in since earlier, or at least I thought it did.

Alan's house was a little smaller than ours but laid out about the same, with a stone veneer. I liked the brick and limestone on our house better, but Alan's parents had wanted something more traditionally Texas and that's what my father built them.

I rang the bell and the intercom buzzed on. I didn't even say anything as the camera showed Alan who it was and he released the mag bolt holding the door so I could walk in. I figured he was in the kitchen so I went there first, only to see him on the phone talking to someone. He muted the phone and told me, "Go on back, Josh is already in the pool."

I walked out and saw Josh swimming laps. While I may not have thought of him sexually, I did love his body, which was a work of art. I don't know kind of deal Neil and his mother made with the devil, but he definitely fulfilled his end of the bargain by giving them a real stud.

I stood there watching him for a second before I finally stripped off my tshirt and put my phone, keys, and wallet on one of the tables. On his next lap toward the house end of the pool, I cannonballed him which made him as mad as a bag of hornets.

As I came up for air, he was on top of me, letting me grab a short, shallow breath before forcing my skinny ass back under the water. 135 vs what I guessed at that point was 205 never ends well in a pool.

He finally let me up saying, "You damn homo... ruining my laps!" and promptly dunked me again.

I came up for breath laughing and said, "Well, you're the one who demanded my presence and I had to let you know I was here," I finished, smiling.

Josh wrapped me in a hug which always felt good. Ever since our 'tryout', we hadn't been awkward with one another and it was really nice. I know that doesn't happen for a lot of people and in hindsight, I chalk it up to him being a really decent human being who genuinely cared for the people with whom he was closest. I just always felt like he was family.

"I really needed to talk to you... what took you so long to get here? Did your Dad have you working longer than normal?"

I just smiled back at him, "Nope. I just needed a nap before I came over. Something occurred to me today while I was working and I've just been chewing on it."

"Wanna talk about it? You know I'm here for you, man," he said with a genuine smile.

I told him, "Yeah, I really do need to talk about it, but I'm not sure I really have the words yet. Later, I promise."

"You got it, just promise me you won't keep whatever it is all bottled up?"

I feigned shock, "Me? Crawl inside my head and not come out? What are you talking about?"

He laughed and said, "Seriously... I worry about you more than you realize. I know how you get and I don't like to see it. Just promise me?"

"I promise. Now, what the hell was so important you had to call my house six times?"

Josh made his way out of the pool and found a towel on the table where I'd set my stuff. I just stayed in, watching him dry himself, then sit in a chair with a deep exhale.

"Lane and I did it last night."

"WHAT? I thought you were going to wait at least a year? What happened?"

Josh smiled as he told me the story, "Well, he spent the night and we were playing a game in my room. He was curled up next to me and then he started touching my arm, feeling it, like he has a hundred times before but this time it was different, sexual. He took my controller and straddled me, leaning in to give me a kiss that was explosive. I'm always at least chubbed when he's around and with that kiss I was suddenly rock hard, painfully so.

"He's always been able to do that to me. Just a touch, anywhere on my body but last night there was something about it, a look in his eyes that just screamed want. I've never seen him look like that before and I swear, I came as the kiss got really intense. I know the feeling of his ass rubbing against it helped but man, it was so fucking hot.

"He broke the kiss and just smiled at me, like he was looking into me. It kept me hard and I didn't know what to do. Seriously, it was like the first time I met him when I just clammed up. There was nothing in my brain, just this overwhelming feeling of love."

It was obvious, at least to me, that Josh had really fallen for Lane when I first introduced him. It scared him at first because he'd never felt that way about anyone. We'd talked about it and pretty well exhausted the subject when he finally came to the conclusion that Lane was it. Period. No further discussion was needed or warranted. Some people never find The One and Josh and Lane found one another in eighth grade. Now, if that doesn't make you jealous of them I don't know what will.

Josh continued, "We sat there staring at one another for what seemed like hours. I kept expecting Mrs. Trautman to burst through the door and tell us breakfast was ready. Lane had this amazing smile on his face, just beautiful and perfect, and he was so calm, completely in control. It wasn't hormones or horniness, it was him and he was going to take care of me no matter what.

"He'd told me before how much he loved me and how I made him feel safe. This was the first time he made me feel safe. I could accept him being in control and the knowledge that he was doing it as if it was the most natural thing in the world, like breathing. And I absolutely loved it. He was there, with me, and we were perfect. Then he said, "I'm ready" and just kept looking at me with that smile.

"It took a while before it registered with me and I asked 'Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like you need to do this. I can wait forever for you...' and he once again crushed his mouth to mine, but thankfully it wasn't as intense as before. When he pulled off he said 'Yeah, I'm sure,' and got up holding my hand. I rose along with him and we stood there embracing and kissing. I know I've already told you that it makes me crazy how soft his lips are but last night, it was on a whole new level as we stripped and just touched one another.

"We've seen each other naked, we've given each other blowjobs (that I knew well since Lane and I had compared notes on technique), but last night was different, like seeing each other for the first time. I grabbed his ass and lifted him up so he could wrap his beautiful legs around my waist. My dick was hard, hot dogged into his crack and fuck it felt good. I felt like I could cum and cum and cum and we'd just be here forever.

"At one point when we were kissing, I kinda lost my balance and we ended up on the bed. We settled into a 69 after casual adjustment and just enjoyed the feeling of being with one another. After a few minutes he pulled off and said he was about to blow and, to be honest, I wasn't far from my second nut of the night, so we pulled off and he came back up to face me and we kissed some more. I gently rolled him under me and propped myself up on my arms so I wouldn't crush him."

An exasperated sigh escaped my lips, "I keep telling you, you're not going to hurt him. You don't hurt me when you roll over me and we're about the same size."

"Maybe, but you're harder than he is. Lane is so... delicate. Or at least he's that way to me. I know he's a guy and I know he's not that damn dfragile, but in my head at the time he always is someone I need be careful with, as much physically as mentally. I love him, dude, and I can't help it."

This is the Josh I really dig. This big guy who just overwhelmed many of the eighth grade football players who lined up against him, who ran a ball into the end zone with about 300 pounds of kids grabbing on to him, and he was worried about being gentle with his boyfriend. From day one if Lane didn't get it, it's because he wasn't looking. Even that first day it was obvious to me because Josh was protective of people he really liked. It was easy to spot.... when someone walked up to them, especially another guy Josh perceived as a threat, he'd step slightly in front of Lane.

It was, quite honestly, one of the those things that just made you love the guy. I knew what to look for because he'd done it to me a handful of times, but only with people whom he knew didn't care much for me. I never told him to stop and I never felt emasculated as a result. I didn't mind getting in a fight that couldn't be avoided. I didn't mind taking a hit, that's always going to happen (Please a black eye instead of having to reset my nose. Again. Because that hurts like a fucker! Is the usual prayer). What I did mind was getting my narrow ass beat down, and those were the people who Josh had an eye on. He wasn't there to fight my battles, he knew I could do that on my own. He was just there to make sure it was a fair fight.

"No, I'm sorry man. I keep giving you shit about it and I shouldn't."

He smiled at me, "Thanks, hermano. Anyway, so I'm on top, kissing him and grinding my dick into his leg when he says, 'I want this'. So I rolled over, opened my nightstand and pulled out lube and a condom. I started to open the condom and he said, 'Let me', which made me go from hard to granite.

"He slowly slid the condom down my dick, then when it was down as far as it would go, sat back with this look on his face that I couldn't read. I looked at him and said, 'Babe, we really don't have to do this right now', and he smiled back at me while reaching for the lube. He generously applied it to me and then to himself, squatted over me and began to lower himself onto me.

"I've had sex with guys and girls. I've never felt anything even remotely like what I felt with Lane. He started to sweat pretty profusely as he went slowly down. The tightness and heat of his ass were unbearable and it took all my willpower not to grab his hips and thrust as I pulled him toward me. Instead, I ran my hands softly over his legs and his chest, tweaking his nipples just a bit and watching his face as he grimaced occasionally from the pain, his eyes shut as if he was feeling every inch and it burned into his brain better with at least his sight shut off.

"About half way down, he opened his eyes and looked at me, sweat pouring off his forehead and said,'This hurts so much,' and gives me a weak smile. I told him to stop and pull off, but he just kept going. It must have been ten excruciating minutes before he finally had me all in and he just sat there for a bit, looking at me and smiling while rubbing my chest and tweaking my nipples. He leaned forward to kiss me and I sat up a bit to meet him and I could feel him relax as our lips met. He slowly started to grind a little, then little more and finally let out this deep moan and pulled back from our kiss.

" 'Oh, this does feel nice. I mean, it hurts but man,' he said as he ground around a little more, moaning, 'it's really starting to feel good.' I asked him if he could handle me moving a bit and he nodded yes, so I pushed up with my legs and used my hands on his hips to readjust him.I moved him just a little to left as I did and he gasped and shouted,'oh fuck yeah, right there' and so I started to piston a bit while putting as much pressure there as I could. It only took a few strokes before his dick, which had gone soft while he was taking me in, went back to rigid and started to pulse. At that point, I was in control and I gently started to lengthen my strokes, moving him around. It didn't take long before he screamed out 'Oh my God' and he shot all over my chest.

"When he shot, his ass clamped down and took me over the edge. We sat there, barely moving, just enjoying the orgasm, but my dick never went soft. He finally tilted his head toward me and we kissed again as I started to pump his ass. He had loosened up considerably so it was a lot more comfortable for him and I ended up making him shoot again, but this time his whole body shook. I'd done that once before to a chick, but never to guy. It was so awesome and the look he gave me when he finally came down from his orgasm was so sweet and full of love, like I was the only person in his world.

"I finally went soft and slipped out of him as he fell into my arms and cuddled into me, his head on my chest. He let out this long breath and said,'If I'd known it would be like that I would have done you in the hallway that first day we met, ' which made me laugh. I leaned down to kiss his forehead and said, 'I love you,' and he just let out this soft moan and I felt his body go slack. A few seconds later I heard him snoring softly and I knew he was out. I laid like that for a few more minutes, saying a silent prayer of thanks and finally fell asleep myself."

At this point, I don't think it will come as a shock to any of you that I was rock hard and leaking. Staying in the pool had been a fantastic idea.

"That's it? What happened this morning?"

He smiled, "Well, he woke me up about 7 kissing me and jacking me off with his hand. I needed to pee, so I got up and took care of that, then came back to bed to find him with the lube out, but no condom.

"I raised my eyebrow and said, 'No condom this time?' and he replied, 'We've both been tested since we started dating and I trust you. I want to try it bareback' which boned me up and he cowboy'd me again. It was easier this morning, but it still took him some work. I can't wait until he's loose enough for me to be on top. That'll drive him wild, not being in control," he finished with a broad smile.

I was kind of stumped. I was happy for my friends, but I was nervous for them, too. Sex changes things and we're basically still kids, even if we can now have babies and be daddies. I also knew how they felt about and looked at each other. I saw them laughing together and being so casual with one another that even a blind man could tell they were very much in love. It had only been a few months, but both were sexually experienced and in my head their decision to wait, even for the few months they did, wasn't just laudable, it was impressive.

It didn't take him long to notice I was looking in his direction but I was clearly in my own world.

"Hey Rob, get out of your head, will ya? I need you back here, buddy."

I smiled, looking at him, "Sorry, was just thinking about all this. You sure you're both comfortable with this?"

"Yeah, I know we are. We wanted to wait until we were ready, a year was just an arbitrary a time. We wanted to wait until we were sure we were in love, that it wasn't just hormones and attraction. I knew the moment we shook hands and I think he did as well, but I wanted him to understand it for himself, you know what I mean?" he asked.

I thought for a second. "So, basically, your decision to wait wasn't really about you, it was about him?"

"Yeah, it had to be. I was already too far gone and I knew it would break me pretty bad if he wasn't ready, we did something, he got scared and ran. I know it sounds completely strange coming from me, but I needed him to be in control." He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees as if to get closer to me. "I'm a mess when it comes to Lane. I need him, I think, far more than he needs me. If he decided to end it, I don't know if I could handle it. I may only be 14, but I know the difference between lust, like, and love. And I love him. He had to be the one to decide so I could completely let go and give myself to him."

He leaned back in his chair. All my thoughts and concerns about him and Lane had been weirdly justified, but not because of how Josh handles rejection. For the first time in the almost year I'd known him, I saw him completely. He was as lost as anyone, but he had one big advantage over people even two or three times his age... he knew who he was. He knew how he was. He understood and acknowledged weaknesses and frailty that would have driven most men mad. This wasn't a hormonally driven teenage kid, this was a emotionally secure man.

I didn't realize I was staring at him until he said, "Damn, you must think I'm pretty pathetic."

I quickly responded, "Not at all. Man, this is... a lot to take in, but it's not because I think you're weak. In fact, you're a lot stronger than I ever realized and it's kind of intimidating. I feel like such a child and it dovetails with what I was thinking about earlier today."

"You were thinking about Lane and me earlier today," he asked with a grin. I popped some water of the edge of the pool toward him, not nearly high enough to do much more than get his legs wet.

"No, but I don't to get into that right now. It's kind of depressing..."

"Charlie?"he asked, quickly.

"Yeah, but not for why you think. Look, I'm this messed up kid who is having sex with a lesbian and a straight guy. I have no idea what I want, other than to explore and hope like hell something I like will come along. You're talking about yourself in a way that shows me you're so much further along than I am that I feel like I'll never catch up."

He laughed, "That WAS me, too... See, you're a lot more like me than you realize and I have a really good feeling when you get in the same position, you're going to make the same decision. I know you. You have a far better head and heart than you give yourself credit for."

"Damn, man, thanks for that," I said, tearing up a bit. "You have no idea how much I needed that today."

About that time Alan joined us.

"My mom wanted to know if you guys want to stay for dinner," he asked as he got into the pool and swam over to where I was. When he got close, he reached out and ruffled my hair, then dunked me. I came up quick and got a good shot in his face.

I laughed, "Depends on what she's making."

He smiled back at me, wiping water out of his eyes, "Burgers I think. I already told her you were staying so if you don't, you better go tell her now."

Josh piped up, "Lane's going to be here in a bit. Come on and stay!"

Alan smiled at me, "Oh, he's gonna. He wants to hear Lane's side of last night, I bet."

Blushing I replied, "Yeah, I'm going to stay but not because of that."

Josh asked, "So, you want to tell us what had you worked up earlier today?"

I hesitated for a while. This is the reason I'm writing of this day, not because of Josh and Lane sealing the deal on their relationship. This day ended up carrying far more meaning to me than I realized at the time. To be truthful, it's kind of an event for me now, one of those stepping stones on my still ongoing path to adulthood. This was the day I stopped being a child.

I took a deep breath and told them about what I'd been thinking earlier that day. About my feelings for them, how I felt like they were growing out of me, how I felt like others enjoyed some connection I didn't, and how I finally realized exactly how much I lost when Charlie died (I still couldn't bring myself to say he was murdered. I can now. At the time, I still had that childish way of sugar coating things so that they weren't so emotionally painful... ).

Alan was the first to speak. "Dude, you just did this whole thing, in your head, while you were mowing today?"

"Yeah, this morning. It's been bugging the crap out of me."

Josh cleared his throat and we both looked at him. I could tell he was kind of upset.

"I think I can speak for Alan as well when I tell you, you're just flat out wrong as hell. During this whole thing, did it not occur to you once that you ARE a year younger than us? That we're going to be going to a different school, at the bottom of the food chain, and might be working things so we could handle it? We've never shut you out and we're never going to. I just don't get how you could think that."

I sighed, "I know. I realize stupid it sounds. And I also realize it's like I'm feeling sorry for myself combined with feeling pretty shitty that it's only now I realize that Charlie filled a much bigger role in my life than I understood. You know how people can feel alone, even in a room full of people they know," Josh nodded, Alan said "Yeah, I feel that way sometimes, too. I think everyone does." I continued, "Well, that's really how I feel right now. I wouldn't call it anchorless, just rudderless."

Josh started to speak but I looked at him and said, "Please let me finish?" to which he nodded assent. "I'm didn't mean to insult either of you and if I did, I'm really sorry."

Alan swam over to me and gave me a tight hug. "Don't worry about it. I get where you're coming from."

Josh smiled at me, "Apology accepted. Seriously, you've got to stop with this constantly churning things around in your head. And you need to realize you're damn lucky that you have a bunch of best friends. You don't realize it, but Willy absolutely loves you. He never understands why you're moody, but if you told him you wanted to ride a rocket to the sun, he'd do it with you. Brent might not go that far, but he'd stand there at the launch cheering you on.

"This feeling you have, this lack of closeness, doesn't really exist. It's all in your head where you already spend way too much time."

"I know, I really do get it."

Josh continued, "And there's one other thing, and this is as painful for me to say as it's going to be for you to hear, but you have to let Charlie go. He's gone. I honestly thought you'd healed a little more but it's obvious from what you said that you haven't. So give yourself permission to just let it go."

There are times when you hear something profound and you know it at the time. Later, you realize it wasn't all that profound or, at least, that you'd given it far more import than it deserved. Then there are times when you hear something you know to be true and you understand it, but you don't really realize how important it is until you have some distance from it. Josh's statement was definitely of the latter variety.

We continued to swim and talk. About thirty minutes later, Lane showed up and Josh immediately went to hug and kiss him. They walked back to the table, hand in hand, but thankfully sat in separate chairs.

Lane looked at all of us, smiling, then back over at Josh, "So, did you let the cat out of the bag or is it squirming around ready to tear through the burlap?"

We all laughed at that. Josh looked over at him and said, "I kinda told them already."

Lane turned pretty red and Alan and I took that as our cue to offer our congratulations.

Lane smiled back at us. "Thank you, I do think I did rather well considering the monstrousness of the obstacle.

"TMI dude, way TMI," Alan said.

We continued to chat until Alan's mother came out to start the grill. I got out of the pool and called my mother to let her know I was eating dinner at Alan's.

After dinner, we got back in the pool and played some more, well, mostly Alan and I since the lovebirds were pretty into each other. At one point Alan looked over at me and asked if we could meet later. I told him yeah, about 10.

As the sun got really low in the sky, I decided to make my way home after saying good bye to everyone and thanking Alan's mom and dad for dinner.

I got home about 830, washed off the chlorine from the pool and hung out with my mother watching TV.

"You look a lot happier than you were this afternoon. I'm guessing you had fun over at Alan's?" she asked.

I smile back at her, "Yeah, just needed to talk out some things. It was good."

Summer television was always crap. But, it was what my mom was doing so I went with it. About 950 I told her I was going to meet Alan at the tree, that he has something needed to talk about that we couldn't discuss over at his house with Josh and Lane around.

She just smiled and said, "Ok, but be back by 11." Considering I had to be up at 7 for work, I wasn't even thinking of staying out late. To be honest, I was really thinking of how fast I could get him to cum since I really didn't even feel like it and just wanted to take care of him and go home.

When I got there, he was already waiting. We'd hid some lube and an old t shirt up in the tree fort or, rather, the parts of it that hadn't already rotted away which he'd already pulled out. I thought it was strange since we'd mostly given up hand jobs. I just smiled and shook my head as I walked up.

"What?" he asked.

"You must need to nut pretty bad. You've got everything out and ready to go. What's with the lube?"

"I didn't know if you'd want a handjob or a blowjob and yeah, I'm kinda anxious. I had to rub one out twice earlier with Josh telling me about him and Lane. I swear, I'm so fucking horny watching dogs fuck would get me hard."

I laughed at him because he so wound up, "Dude, relax. I'm going to take care of you." And I walked over to wear he was, still in board shorts for earlier and pretty much hard as a rock, his dick angled up toward his hip. He started to slide his shorts off and I told him to stop.

As I dropped to my knees I kept my eyes focused on him. I loosened the drawstring on his shorts and gently slid them down his hips and his legs which were thick with the muscle put there by endless squats.

Keeping my eyes on him, I started to suck him off, making sure he stayed focused. I knew he wouldn't last long and he took control just a minute or so later, with an even thrust into my throat, thankfully moving his hips gently rather than trying to stab my mouth. The feeling of having him down there was one I found really hot. I also loved when we he was deep in the feeling of his hand on my neck so he could feel his dick stretching it, especially when he climaxed.

Most of it went straight down my throat, with one last squirt in my mouth. I have to say, I really do love the taste of cum, at least his. Just slightly sweet with a little salt.

Alan stepped, more like stumbled, back a little pulling up his shorts, then sat unsteadily with his back to the tree, looking at me.

I finally broke the silence, "Are you OK?"

He smiled, "Am I OK? That was so fucking hot. I think you sucked my brain out, I feel dumb."

Job well done? Of course... score another one for #3 on Team Homo, Rob Hallstrom!

He spoke through the goofy smile on his face, "Can you give me a bit to come down before I do you?"

"Nah, man, it's cool. I don't really feel like one of your teeth dragging blowjobs tonight. I knew you were kinda worked up, so consider this a freebie."

"Thanks, Rob." He stopped, looked away for a second, like her heard something in the woods, and then looked back at me. "What made you do that? Have you been picking some stuff up from Lane and Josh?"

"No, that was all me. I'll probably tell Lane about it though and see if it has a similar effect on Josh. Night!" and I walked away, leaving him by himself to recuperate.

When I got back to my house, I readied myself for bed and said good night to Cat and my mother who were watching a movie on LMN they'd apparently started. It wasn't Texas Justice (which, by the way, is a SCREAM if you haven't seen it) so I lost interest and went to my room. I turned on some music and quickly fell asleep feeling, genuinely, good about my life.

In hindsight, it's easy to see how much that day prepared me for the next two years. I changed a lot, as did those around me, on the outside. However, what kept us together, what made us friends, always remained true.

Thanks for reading! Any comments can be sent to doncornelius69 at yahoo dot com.

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