We Will Remember Them

By Don Cornelius

Published on Mar 29, 2017


This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters are real and any similarities between this story and/or any characters in it and real life is purely coincidental.


The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

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What seemed like hours to me was, in reality, barely ninety seconds before Mark cleared his throat and I looked at him. He told me later that he'd never really thought about guys sexually, but the smile on my face actually made him think it might be worth checking out.

"Can I leave him with you? I have some other things Molly wants me to take care of," he explained.

I looked back at Toby, who was still silent, then at Mark and said, "Yeah, I think we'll be OK."

I finally released his hand which seemed to break the spell, then said, "Let me introduce you to my friends," and moved to turn back to Ileana, Ethan, and Robin most of whom were smiling, clearly aware of what was going on.

Toby, coming out of his trance, held out his fist to Ethan and they bumped, while saying hello to the girls.

"Well, I feel like a moron, I should have guessed y'all knew one another," I flatly said which caused Ethan to cough a bit on his beer.

"Toby's on varsity so we've been in two a days together," he told me. "We're going to go check on some friends, text me manana."

"Sure thing. It was nice meeting y'all," I said to them as they walked away, with Ethan and Ileana both echoing the sentiment and Robin giving me a very nasty look.

Toby, not missing a beat, said, "Was something up with that Robin chick? She shot me a look when you tried to introduce me to them that would have killed a lesser man."

I'd picked up on her signals earlier, from her always slightly parted lips, to the exaggerated laughter at the funny things I said.

"Yeah, I think she was kind of hoping I might be something more than a possibility. I'd already told them I was gay, but I think..."

"... she saw an opportunity to convert you?" he finished.

I sighed, "Yeah, and my rather obvious reaction to you dashed her hopes, if I had to guess."

"You're obvious reaction to me," he asked with a smile.

I laughed, "And yours to me."

"Damn, son, you've known me all of a few minutes and already you can read my mind."

Right then a guy appeared, obviously a teammate, and wrapped Toby up, saying, "You're finally here! Come on, we're going to do keg stands!"

Toby, not missing a beat, said, "Reg Marcus, this is Rob..." and then he got this questioning look on his face.

"... Hallstrom, Reg. Nice to meet you," and I held out my fist.

"Cool, man. You just move here?" he asked.

"Yeah, this week. Ran into Molly earlier today and she and Mark insisted I had to meet Toby here."

And Reg got this look on his face that would be best described as What The Fuck. I may not have been the most obvious homo, but I'm pretty sure he could tell. And then it cleared as he focused back on Toby.

"Anyway, come do keg stands with us. You can bring your little friend."

Toby cleared his throat and squared up, like he was about to hit the guy. I reached out and put my hand on his forearm and saw him relax. I doubt it really registered with Reg, since was already pretty drunk, but it sure as hell meant something to me.

"Nah, I'm going to hang out with Rob."

That sunk in. He looked back at me, then at Toby, then did it all over again before this big smile broke out on his face. "You telling me what I think you're telling me?"

Toby smiled, "Yep."

"Does Mark know?" Reg asked.

"He introduced us. Is this going to be a problem?"

Reg's smile just got bigger, as he held up his hand, to bring down on Toby's. "Hell no. I always wondered about you and just figured if something came up, you'd be honest. Glad I was right. I got your back!"

Toby didn't really relax his body, but I could tell from his face that he was relieved, "Thanks man. It means a lot. Tell Mark you know, OK?"

"Sure thing," then he looked over at me, "Don't fuck with him, aight?"

I smiled back at him, "I hear you." The he held out his fist, we bumped, and he was off.

Toby finally loosened up a bit and looked over at me, "That's going to happen a lot with us standing here and, honestly, it's the not even close to the thing I want to be doing right now. Want to go somewhere a little more private?"

"Very much."

He walked over to me, put his hands on my shoulders, and said, "I'm going to go get us some drinks. Will you be OK here for a second?"

I smiled back at him, "I'll be fine. Just don't take too long, I have a real problem with patience."

He just looked at me, for a second or two, then broke into a grin. " Smartass."

He walked off and back up the deck, looking back twice as he made his way to the punch. Inside, I wasn't doing flip flops, I was doing cartwheels. I wasn't nervous, not even a bit, I was excited. I wasn't afraid of messing up, I just wanted to spend time with him. It wasn't sexual, I just wanted to know him, everything about him, RIGHT THEN.

Of course, I also wanted to have sex with him. I wanted to do every depraved thing I could think of with him and then do it again and again and again. But right then, in that moment, all I wanted was to KNOW him. I wanted to see his nervous tics, I wanted to know his different looks, the smiles and frowns that show me what he's thinking. I wanted to be with him. I was kidding about the lack of patience, at least with him, but in reality I didn't give a damn about more punch since all it meant was time apart.

Molly walked by while I was waiting and asked how things were going.

"Great, things are great. Really good!" Yes, I said it just that way. Like someone from Japan who in their first week of living in the US didn't quite have the idioms down.

She just laughed and leaned into my ear, "I told you my brother was pretty good at fixups." She pulled back at me, winked, and said, "Tell Toby I said hi."

One of her friends asked what that was about as they walked off and I didn't hear her response. I knew, from what happened with Reg, Toby wasn't out and I had a feeling this was going to be an interesting weekend for him.

I stood there with what I know had to be a dumbass, stupid-looking, full on fool smile on my face, looking out at the yard and the pool. The party was bigger than I expected, with kids from Shepton, Japser, and Plano West. It was definitely larger in terms of the number of people than any party I'd been to.

While I was people watching I felt a nudge on my shoulder and looked over to Toby with the same dumbass grin on his face I could feel on my mine, holding out a cup literally filled with punch. As I took it from him, a little spilled out and I had to shake off my hand.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" I asked him, smiling.

"I could be witty here and make a joke, but I'll tell you the God's honest truth, no. I just want to get you a little buzzed so you'll tell me everything about yourself."

I swallowed hard. "Actually, I was thinking the exact same thing when you left to get punch. I didn't want you to waste time on that."

He smiled, "Well, liquor makes the lips looser. Come on." He then reached behind me, put his hand on my bare back, right above the waist band of my shorts, to guide me. That did it for me. I don't know why, but that contact right there, the gentle possessiveness, kicked off something in my brain that made me scream, internally at least, THANK YOU, GOD!

This wasn't Kurt. This wasn't Christopher. This was someone like Bruce, but who even at first contact made my heart jump. I knew, at that moment, I wasn't falling, I'd already been knocked down. I was in love with this guy. Love. Not lust, love. Everything about him and how he had been with me made me happy. Moreover, I cared about him and it wasn't voluntary. I wasn't doing things of my own volition, I was reacting, like reaching out to touch his forearm to keep him from doing something he might regret.

Normally, this would already have me on alert for a possible anxiety attack, but there wasn't anything there. I was anything but calm, but I knew the difference and I knew this was the kind of feeling that wasn't going to lead to me hyperventilating. At least that's what I thought, but I figured I should tell him about the GAD anyway. He DID want to know everything.

The Ambrose's yard was BIG, so it took us a little time to find a spot on some patio furniture that was not already occupied. I sat down kind of heavily and realized I'd had nothing to eat and I'd been drinking.

"I hate to be a pill, but when we're done with these drinks can we get something to eat?" I asked.

He leaned up, looking at me with the kind of concern I've seen on the faces of mother and Josh, maybe Willy.

"Are you OK?" he asked.

I smiled back, "I'm fine for now. I just didn't eat anything before I came over and I'm definitely a little buzzed because I basically just fell back into this chair." I took a deep breath and leaned toward him. "The last thing I want to do is embarrass myself in front of you by becoming a drunken mess."

That got him to relax and laugh. "You don't have to worry. I'd just pick you up and take you home, probably leave you in front of the house for your parents to find."

"Oh, good. My father would LOVE that. Then, tomorrow, he'd beat the shit out of Chad." No joke, I knew I was in trouble AS the words left my mouth, but I couldn't stop it.

"Who is Chad?" he asked, a little gruffly.

He was leaning on the table still and I reached over to touch his arm. "He's the son of one of my father's business partners. He drove me over to the party. He's a nice guy, but a little awkward, and very straight."

He smiled, "How do you do that?"

"Do what," I asked.

"Touch me and make me feel OK. I didn't even need the explanation. I calmed down the moment you touched me. You did the same thing with me when Reg made his comment about bringing you along."

I shrugged, genuinely not knowing what else to do. "I don't know, I didn't even realize I was doing it."

He smiled, the same endearing grin he'd been giving me all night that felt like he was saying, 'I don't know what the hell you're all about, but I can't wait to find out'. This time, he just held it and didn't say anything which made me blush.


"Can't a guy just smile and look at another guy he finds absolutely gorgeous?"

"OK, you can quit laying it on. You already know I'm interested, you don't have to continuously advance."

He sat back in his chair, rubbing his head, "I swear I'm not. I'm just really happy. I've known you for no time and I feel completely comfortable with you. I'm not nervous, I'm relaxed and just being honest. I promise no motive to separate you from your shorts." he paused, taking a drink. "At least not tonight."

I sat there stunned. He felt the same way I did, for once it seemed like everything was right and that nothing could derail it. To say it was strange, to be so in tune, would be an understatement since it was completely different from any experience I'd had in my, admittedly, short time dating.

"I'd love to go with you when you run off in your head," he said, smiling at me.

"Sorry, I was just thinking because I feel the same way. I realized it back there when I was waiting for you. For the first time ever, I'm not worried about saying or doing the wrong thing."

He leaned forward, closer to me, "If I ask you for something, would you indulge me?"

I looked at him, half amused and half warily, "Depends."

"I just want to kiss you."

I stood up as fast as I could which made him laugh. He came in close to me, chest to chest, and ran his hands down from the back of shoulders to my waist, not dipping below though I really wanted him to. I guess some things we'd leave for another time.

He bent his head down so his lips would meet mine and leaned in. As he did that, he brought his right hand up to cup the back of my head and move it back, just slightly, tilting it so our mouths would align. Then, as his lips made contact with mine, my eyes shut and it was bliss. My entire body tingled and it was just closed mouth. I was almost sure if he'd used his tongue I'd have cum on the spot. The feeling was that incredible. Don't get me wrong, feeling him pressing into me while he held me was really awesome but that kiss was just unbelievable. Bruce's kisses and even Kurt's felt great. What Toby did just felt right. Unfuckingbelievably right.

When he broke it, I didn't open my eyes immediately. I didn't move a muscle, I just stood there enjoying the feeling. I remember asking God to be please let this be real, to please let Toby be genuine, because I knew I was in love with him.

After, maybe two seconds, I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with this really nice smile, like he was happy but more than that. Maybe serene, maybe satisfied... I never asked him what it was, but I'm sure he just would have told me it was love.

"Damn," was all he could say.

I responded, "Yeah. Damn. Can we stand here just a bit longer?"

"Oh, yeah. There's no way I'm going to let you go quite yet."

"Are you hard too?" I asked him, thinking he had the same problem I did, a raging hardon that was extremely obvious.

He laughed a bit, throwing his head back, "Yeah, I am. But that isn't the reason I wanted to hold you a little longer."

"Really,"I asked, smirking, "And why is that?"

"Because having you in my arms feels absolutely perfect and I really don't want to let you go."

We stood there for what seemed like a very brief time, looking at one another, and swaying just a bit at one point to a song we both liked. Eventually, things calmed down and we broke off. As I sat back down, I could feel where his hands had been on me and I loved it.

We talked for an hour, I told him about my life and the move. Obviously, in a situation like this you leave out certain things. He asked at one point about relationships and I was honest, first was a great guy, we were a bad fit. The second cheated on me, apparently quite often.

"So, tell me about number one?" Toby asked.

I smiled, caught in the not quite year old memory, thinking about how funny Christopher would find this line of questioning given how mismatched we were as a couple.

"He was a really sweet and very talented guy named Christopher and I was completely wrong for him."

He spit up his drink a bit, laughing, "You say that so casually, what happened?"

I looked back at him, into those green eyes. I couldn't help but get lost in them for a bit. "Oh, he was into what he thought I was. He thought I was some bull jock, I was physically bigger than him and played football, so he just naturally assumed I was some hyperaggressive guy and I'm just not. The sex was, to be honest, pretty bad and we weren't doing anything but making one another miserable trying to be something for the other that we just couldn't be."

"Sounds pretty brutal."

"It was, though in the end we parted as friends, mostly because I think we ended things as early as we did."

"Was he older or younger?" Toby asked.

"Older by two years." I showed him some pictures I had on my phone and Toby thought he was cute. I accidentally swiped one time too many and landed on a picture of Kurt and me.

"Is that the second guy?"

"Yep. Kurt. He cheated on me with world. I can laugh about it now, but at the time..."

"It hurt."

"Yes it did. Honestly, I'd love to talk about anything else."

"I understand. What forced your parents to move here? Work?"

"Yes and no. My parents got divorced two years ago and my mother had custody of us. My dad fought her for it over something stupid, basically that my stepbrother, Josh, was a bad influence because he was gay. It was all bullshit, but the judge bought it. It's being appealed now, but even if she wins, she's more likely to move here than move us back there."


"My sister, Cat, and I. My mother's not stupid, she knows were going to build lives here and she doesn't want to mess with that."

"She sounds like she loves you very much."

"She does. My stepfather is pretty cool, too."

"You said your stepbrother's name was Josh. Josh Hastings?" I nodded. "HE'S your stepbrother?"

"Well, Cat and I just call him our brother. Even before my mother married his father, we thought of him as family. I've thought of him like an older brother for years."

"He's a real badass. I saw some of the footage of a game when y'all were playing Kendall. Josh is a machine."

I laughed, "Mark said the same thing. Do you guys really talk this much about football?"

He looked at me and said, without breaking a smile, "Either that, or we talk about football."

I died laughing. I know, it doesn't come across as funny but in that moment, the way he said it, it was hilarious.

"You have a really nice laugh."

"Thanks. And you have a very good sense of humor."

"We try," he said, smiling. "Seriously, we watch footage of other players to see how they perform. Sometimes we pick up some stuff, most of the time we don't. Your brother is an amazing player and I'll be honest, I can't wait to meet him."

"You're assuming you're going to?" I said, smirking.

"Remember, you already told me you're interested," then he leaned back in the chair, "But comments like that are just going to make me nervous and possessive. Why would you want to do that to me?"

His face was emotionless and for the only time that night, I felt nervous that I'd gone too far. Then, at the corner of his left eye, there was a twitch. And I KNEW he was playing me.

"Oh, stop. I don't believe your act for even a minute."

He slumped, "I thought I did a good job selling that, what tipped you off?"

"You have a tell. And there's no way I'm giving it up. You're way too good and I too easily fall back into my head. Which brings me to something we should discuss. About a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. I'm in therapy and right now I don't have to worry about consistent medication which will probably change when I'm older. I'm prone to panic attacks when confronted with something uncomfortable, which thankfully isn't too often, and I can be a little overemotional, usually from songs and images. My old doctor called it an overabundance of empathy and when it gets triggered, it's waterworks."

"Why tell me this?"

"At some point I may have an attack and I don't want you to think it's about you, I want to you know it's just the way I'm wired. And, honestly, if something like this will freak you out, I'd rather it happen now. "

He didn't hesitate, "So you thought there was a chance I'd take it badly?" The words came out in a way that clearly showed he was irritated.

I took a deep breath. This was the first time the entire night I felt like I was getting into dangerous territory, "I don't know you, but I feel really comfortable with you. I need to be honest about this with people, and I also need to protect myself. I thought, yeah, there might be a chance you'd freak out and run away as fast as possible, but I put it pretty low if it matters."

At that, he seemed to relax a bit, "Yeah, it matters. And you can put it at zero. I l-like you, far more than you apparently realize and way more than I should anyone I've only just met. You'd have to tell me you're a serial killer or that you eat live Labrador puppies to make me think twice about being here, right now, with you. Even then, it's more like even money in terms of odds."

FUCK, was the only thing going through my head. I was in the deep end and I wasn't drowning, but every word out of his mouth was like a soothing feeling running down my spine. I trusted him and it wasn't because he was complimenting my looks, it was because he wasn't faking his interest in me. When I told him how we ended up here, he was constantly attentive and asked questions throughout. Kurt wasn't that way. Hell, even Christopher...

"Get out of your head," he said, smiling.

"If I ask you something, will you promise not to get mad? Because the intention isn't to call you shallow..."

"You want to know if I'm just interested in how you look or in you?"

"Yeah...how did you know?"

"I can see the worry on your face. I know now the ex did a real number on you and I'd personally like to send him to the hospital for that."

"Well, Josh already beat you to that one."

"He deserves more than one beating for hurting you. I'll wait until gets back on this feet." He was laughing but the look on his face was serious as hell.

"What if I told you that I've put him behind me and all I want right now is to just move on? That hurting him again wouldn't accomplish anything?"

"I'd say you were lying. I could see the hurt on your face when you were thinking. No one should have to live like that, constantly worried about the intentions of others and never knowing if they can trust someone. It's not fair."

"Maybe not, but neither is life. I can deal with it and honestly, yeah, some of this is driven by hurt but there's something else. I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't let him make me close off from the world. I'm worried because all I want to do right now is trust you completely and let my guard down. And yeah, it makes me nervous."

He sighed heavily, sitting back in his chair.

"There's something I want to tell you but it'll just scare you off right now so I'll wait for a better time. Yes, you're very attractive. You're gorgeous to me and sex isn't the furthest thing from my mind, but I swear to you that can be a month or a year away. I feel good with you. I feel wonderful just talking to you. You're open, honest, intelligent, and funny.

I'm not out. I'm sure you picked up on that with Reg. Well, I should say, I wasn't out. By the time we go back up to grab food, everyone there will know. Most of them will have already posted it to Facebook. My phone started buzzing about an forty minutes ago and hasn't really stopped. I want you to know, I'm taking a chance too, and right now I know it was worth it," then he held out his hand, "take yours with me?"

I leaned up, put my hand on his, and looked him in the eyes, "OK."

For once, I wasn't the only one whose eyes got watery. His were as well and it was really comforting. We sat there for a bit before he cleared his throat and asked if I was hungry.

"Yeah, we better grab something."

"OK, I'll get the food, you get drinks. What do you want? Hot dogs? Burger?" He asked.

"Oh, a burger sounds good."

"OK, let's go so we can get back here."

As we walked up the deck, we ran into people, most of whom were really nice. Only a few looked at me like I'd just killed someone special to them. I think, for them, they were irritated but it was an individual thing.

Toby introduce me as his date, but he didn't overemphasize it. A few people asked if he was coming out and he'd just look at me, then back at them and say 'yes'. Just about everyone was cool with it and us, it was just happening so fast. I'm sure there were those who weren't at all happy about things, but they kept their inner feelings to themselves. I really hoped practice on Monday would be good for Toby.

When we got to the patio, he looked down at me, "Alright, I'll meet you back at the table."

I went to get in line for punch. I got looks from a few people who were milling about, but mostly I was ignored, people just didn't know who the hell I was. I hadn't been in line long when two girls walked up behind me, chatting away.

"...I can't believe he's gay."

"And I heard his boyfriend is adorable."

"Oh, of course he is! Who is it?"

"I don't know, someone new. Mark fixed them up. Apparently, Mark met him when the guy was out jogging this morning."

"Wow. Talk about blind luck. "

About that time, a clearly inebriated Chad blindsided me, hitting me in the shoulder.

"What the fuck, man? You're here a week and now you have boyfriend? When were you going to tell me you were dating Toby Martin?" he said, smiling.

"Well, it only happened about ninety minutes ago, and I haven't seen you since we got here."

"You could have texted me."

"Sure. That makes total sense. 'Hey Toby, let me have a second to tell Chad what's going on and update Facebook.' Come on, man." I said, making it clear I was getting really annoyed with him. I also heard a little laughter from behind me.

"OK, I get it. So, you good getting home? I think I may cut out early," and then leaned in close, "I got a little thing going with this hot junior."

"Sure, man. If Toby can't give me a ride, I can always walk. Go on, have fun."

He held out his hand and grabbed me into a brohug, whispering in my ear, "Thanks for everything tonight, dude."

"No problem, hermano."

He took off and I was left standing there in this slow moving line. Seriously, it was like being in the line for people who write checks at the grocery store. The girls were surprisingly silent, I assumed since they'd overheard my conversation with Chad they were trying to think of a way to talk to me.

I finally turned around and caught them both looking at me. They were cute, one was platinum blonde, the other a more natural blonde.

"I thought I should probably int..."

The platinum one spoke up first, "We're sorry. We shouldn't have been gossiping..."

Then the other one piped up, "But in our defense, Toby is one hot guy and it's news when he comes out of the closet, at a party, the weekend before school starts. You know?"

I just smiled, "No, I get it. Seriously, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Rob Hallstrom."

Platinum said, "I'm Janie and this Samantha. We're both going to be sophomores at Shepton."

"Well, it's nice to meet you and I guess I'll be seeing you around since I'm going to be a sophomore at Shepton."

"You live closeby?" Samantha asked.

"Yeah, less than a mile away on Parkside."

In unison, they went "Ooooooh." which made me laugh.

"Seriously, I have no idea what that means. Keep in mind, I moved here on Monday so I'm kind of lost."

Janie was laughing, "It means you live on a really nice street. We can tell a lot about someone by where they live."

"Like how much debt their parents are in?" I replied, smiling.

"Good point," Samantha said, laughing.

We ended up talking as the line started to slowly move. They were not only pretty cool, but pretty smart as well. I ended up trading numbers with them and promised as soon as I had my schedule, I'd let them know.

The line was still slowly moving, much like my neighbor with the walking frame. Toby came up behind me at one point and hugged me to him, asking what was taking so long.

"Well, I met these two so I've been letting people cut while we talked."

"Ok, smartass, I'm gonna crack a rib for that one." which made me giggle.

"Janie, Samantha, this is Toby Martin."

Toby just laughed, "I already know Janie and Samantha. I know just about everyone here," then, looking at the girls, "Has the line really been moving this slowly?"

Janie was the one who spoke up, "Yep. But Rob's kept us entertained. And by the way, congratulations."

Toby sighed, "It was time to stop pretending."

Samantha laughed, "No, not for that, dumbass. For Rob. He's awesome and so damn cute."

I laughed out loud and expected Toby to say something witty (I'd learned by this point the boy was hellishly smart. He was really beginning to remind me of Josh in that regard), but instead he just said, "Honestly, I felt like I'd won the lottery earlier tonight when Mark introduced us."

"Ahhh, that's really sweet."

I just turned around in his arms and pulled his head down for a quick kiss. There wasn't any resistance and I'm sure half the people who could see was were watching, but I didn't make a big deal out of it. I wasn't here to be a spectacle, but I sure as hell wasn't going to let a moment like that pass without showing affection to the man I loved.

We stood in line for another ten minutes before finally getting some punch and a couple of bottles of water. Thankfully, the food was unmolested and still on the table where Toby had left it.

We did talk a little, but not much, while we ate since we were both pretty hungry. Somehow, Toby got my burger just right (mustard, bacon, pickles, tomatoes) and when I asked him about it, he just said it felt right when he was doing it. It was starting to weird me out how well we meshed together. How long would it be until we started reading each others glances, like Josh and Lane?

Yeah, it was what I wanted, but it was also a little scary. Knowing, and being OK, with losing some of your individuality can be unnerving. Moreover, it could easily develop into subsuming yourself before another, as I'd done with Kurt. It was a mistake I was unlikely to make again with someone like Kurt, but with someone like Toby... I didn't know.

He talked some about his parents (mother and father still happily married) and his siblings (a brother, Reese, who was Cat's age, and a little sister, Angela, who was three years younger). When he talked about them all, his eyes lit up and I could tell he loved them very much and guessed they were probably a pretty tight knit family. I don't know why, but it made me feel good knowing that.

Toby looked at his watch as we finished eating. "It's only 9:30, you want to get in the pool for a bit?"

I thought about it for a second, then said, "Yeah, let's go."

We ended up playing around and making out in the pool, to the occasional 'oohs and ahhhs' of some of his friends, for about an hour. Then we got out, dressed and he asked when I needed to be home.

"Midnight, but I live like a mile away." He smiled, "Well, then I want to show you off to some people."

And for the next hour, I met the people who made up Toby's world. He didn't flinch or hesitate when introducing me, he actually seemed pretty proud, like a little boy walking in with a special rock to show his mom. Honestly, I wasn't even thinking about it in context, I was just blown away by how cute he was about it. That and the fact that coming out for him was going to be even easier than it had been for me. I did notice there were some people he didn't move toward and instead waited for them to come over, usually guys. Once they were in front of us, though, it was different and whatever made them hesitant ended. Some of them did go on and on about him being gay ('I just can't believe it, man') but there weren't many of them. I was pretty sure Mark and Reg had laid the groundwork.

By 1145 we were saying bye to Mark and Molly and then walked out to his car, which wasn't at all what I expected.

"A red Challenger?"

He smiled, "Don't give me shit about my car. A guy like me needs a muscle car, don't you think?"

I just giggled, I couldn't do anything else, "I hadn't put a lot of thought into it, but yeah it makes sense. I don't know, I just expected a giant truck or something."

"Babe, I live in Plano. I'm not hauling cattle to market."

And there it was. Babe. The first term of endearment that I knew would be on repeat in mind for the rest of the night. He opened the door for me and then went to his side. The drive to my fathers house was way too quick and before I knew it, I was giving him the code to the gate. He pulled down the drive to the front of the house, then stopped the car. He seemed suddenly nervous and I didn't know why.

"Toby? Are you OK?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, still looking in his lap, "I'm just trying to put into words what I'm feeling and..."

I leaned over and kissed him. As I pulled back, he slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm feeling it too. It's OK." I told him.

"Good. I'll pick you up tomorrow at six?"

I didn't hesitate, "Sure, but why so early?"

"Well, if your curfew is midnight that only gives us six hours. Honestly, I'd be over at 900 tomorrow morning for breakfast if I thought I could get away with it." he said, smiling.

"Six it is," I responded, still giggling, reaching for the door. As I did, I felt his hand on my shoulder and when I looked back, it went to my head and we kissed again. After that one, I had to sit there for a second.

"Are you OK?" he asked.

"VERY. I'm just hoping I can walk," which made him laugh a little.

I got out of the car, slowly, and before I closed the door told him I'd see him tomorrow.

I went in the house to find it very quiet and Henry dutifully keeping watch at the door. I went up to my room, stripped down, and hopped in the shower to wash off the chlorine from earlier. Before I fell asleep with Henry, I thanked God and Charlie. I was so exhausted and happy, even the thought of masturbating seemed completely unrealistic, not that it was a long, drawn out, conversation in my head. I was pretty much out when my head hit the pillow.

The next morning I was up at 730 and felt amazing. It was the kind of morning I have almost never, where I wake up and literally can't wait to get out of bed. Contrast that to the previous Wednesday when all I wanted to do was stay in the damn thing.

I went downstairs and didn't even realize I was humming until my father said something from the breakfast table as I heaped food on a plate.

"You sound like you're in a good mood this morning for someone who broke curfew last night." he said.

I just looked at him, "Broke curfew? Oh, I did not! It had to be right at 1200!" I protested.

My father smiled, "Relax. 1201. Honestly, I'm impressed. First week in a new place and you still managed to make it home OK from your first party. I'm going to extend it to 100 provided you keep your grades up."

"Thanks dad!"

"You're welcome. So, did you have a good time last night?"

I took my first bite. "Uh huh. Met a lot of people who'll be at Shepton with me and a bunch who are at West. A few of them play baseball. Everyone was really cool AND I have a date tonight."

I could see the look of apprehension on my fathers face and I HATED it. I knew at some point this would pass, but it was going to be really hard on me until then. It's hard to explain how it feels when you know a parent loves you but they still can't accept you. In a lot of ways, it would be easier if the love wasn't there. Well, maybe not, but it would easier getting mad at them. It's like being mad at the gas station clerk because you don't like the price of unleaded. They don't have a damn thing to do with it and you just look like an asshole making a thing out of it.

"With whom?" he asked, in a cool tone. At least he was pronoun neutral.

"Toby Martin. He's a junior and this will be his third year on varsity. He's in NHS, has a brother who will be in eighth with Cat and a younger sister. I don't know what his parents do."

"OK," and then he just went silent for about a minute, then looked at me intently. It didn't seem like he was angry, just curious which is pretty far afield for my father. "Did you even consider taking my advice?"

"About not coming out?" to which he nodded, yes. "Of course I did. I actually wasn't going to say anything, but with Chad he noticed himself when we had lunch and with Molly, she just flat out asked and I didn't want to lie to someone I'd just met.

You may not believe me, but I DO listen when you tell me things and give me advice. I usually follow it, too. In this case, that IS what I did and I ended up exactly in the place where I was always going to be. Please don't be mad because you think I just ignored you, that really wasn't the case."

He sat quietly for a second, then looked at an email on his phone. When he looked back up at me, he said, "So what time is the boy picking you up?"

I smiled, "600"

"OK, so you'll be running about fifteen minutes late, right?"

I didn't really see where he was going, "Why would I do that?"

He cleared his throat, "Because that will give me a chance to meet him and talk to him without you being there," he said with a smile.

Hesitantly I said, "OK, but don't go out of your way to scare him off. He's a really nice guy and I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I really like him."

He only winced a little when I said that, "I know, kiddo. And a little interrogation from me won't drive him away if he's worth his salt." He got up from the table and looked at me, "I want to make sure this isn't another guy like that asshole earlier this year."

"Wait, did you just call Kurt an asshole?"

He smiled, "Yes, and if you'll remember I told you the same thing after the first time I met him. So much for your song and dance about listening to what I say." And then he walked out of the damn room.

"You can close your mouth now, Rob." Mrs. Witsun said and it made me laugh.

I finished breakfast and went up to my room to change to go swimming. There was a text from Josh asking how things went last night and another from Toby

'Good morning, gorgeous'

I saw the timestamp was 7:45 and responded.

'Morning, handsome! Doesn't anyone sleep in?'

Then to Josh I sent

'Went REALLY well. Made some new friends AND have a date for tonight'

I went ahead and changed, deciding to take my phone out to the pool with me. My father had to go into the office but said he'd be back around 100 and we could go to lunch and a movie. One thing I love about my father is his love of movies. I always thought he missed his calling to be a director.

By the time I got out the pool, Toby had responded.

'Mark and I workout Saturday mornings so we never sleep in :) WYD?'

'Nice, lift something heavy for me! About to go swimming'

'OK, have fun and I can't wait to see you tonight. xo'

I put my stuff down and dove into the pool. The water was cooler than I expected,but felt great since the temp was already well over 90. I swam for about an hour, until my lats felt like they were going to burst, then went inside for something to eat while checking my phone.

I finally got a response from Josh and then something from Willy

J 'Outstanding! Send me a pic when you have a chance. What's his name?' M 'Toby Martin. Plays for Plano West. Supposedly like you on the field, but he has a human face' J 'That's actually really funny. Where'd you hear that?' M 'I can't remember. Some standup bit I saw when I was a kid'

And then Willy

W 'Can't wait to see you tomorrow, dude. How you holding up' M 'Surprisingly well. Think things will turn out OK, met a ton of people last night at a party and have a date tonight' W 'YOU DA MAN! Way to own that shit! How's your dad?' M 'Being kind of cool. Once you get your license, think you and Brent would want to come up and spend a Saturday night here?' W 'Of course, man!' M 'Cool. See you tomorrow :)' W 'Lates'

My snack basically turned into lunch number one. I don't know why, but I was really hungry. After I ate, I went back up and knocked on my sister's door.

"Come in," was all I got in response.

I opened the door slowly to find her in bed eating. This is one thing where Cat and I are diametrically opposed. I absolutely hate eating in my room and Cat loves it, especially while sitting in bed. She's not disgusting, she doesn't eat like Josh or a feral hog, but it's just HOW DO YOU KEEP FOOD FROM GETTING IN YOUR BED???!?!

"Daddy's picking us up at 100 for lunch and a movie."

"Yeah, he told me before he left. Have you been swimming?" she asked.

"Yeah, and then ate half the food in the kitchen. I think Mrs. Witsun is going to have to make another grocery store run."

"So what happened last night? Anything fun?"

I went ahead and walked into her room, "Actually yes. The party was good and I met a lot of people, but I also met someone."

"Oh, do tell..."

So, I gave her the run down on Toby. She, predictably, was most excited that he had a brother her age and wanted to know if he was gay too. I told her I would ask. Then, information obtained, she told me to leave so she could get ready. It was 1030 in the morning.

I went to my room and took a quick shower, then got on my computer. I was really energized, which is unusual considering I'd been swimming for an hour and had just consumed enough food to feed a family of four. I'd been keeping up with the statements on the trust and was making a habit of researching the companies that were public. I honestly didn't really know what I was doing, so every time I hit something I didn't understand, I printed it out and made a note to call the adviser, Dan Teague, to ask him. With Mr. Williams gone, he was the only one to talk to about these things since the attorney who took over Williams practice didn't really seem to understand much of anything, something I'd shared with my father as a way to alert him to potential problems.

When I looked at the time again, it was already 1245 so I rushed to throw on some clothes and went downstairs. My father was, if nothing else, prompt and at 100 he walked in the door from the garage. We piled into the Mercedes which he'd been driving a lot since we'd moved here and went to a pretty rank Mexican place. One thing that was crystal clear about Plano was that the Mexican food was made by and for white people.

We got back to the house about 5 and I ran upstairs to shower and change. It was over 100 degrees that day and I figured I'd be forgiven for wearing shorts and a polo. I was ready by 545 and made my out of my room when I remembered my conversation with my father earlier in the day. And stopped.

I really don't know what made me do it, but I think it was, perversely, how I already felt about Toby. I needed to know if my father could scare anything damning out of him before I went even further down the rabbit hole. And it ended up being one of the longest waits of my life.

At 614 I went downstairs to find no one in the entryway. Then I heard a laugh coming from my father's office so I made my way there, opened the doors and found my father leaning against his desk talking to Toby was in one of the chairs in front of it.

"Speak of the devil."

Toby got up and turned to look at me and stopped for a second, with this goofy grin on his face. I knew what it was and it made me smile too. I hadn't been lying to him when I told him the night before I was feeling the same way.

"Toby here was just telling me about football. I think I may have to go to the games this year to make sure he plays as well as he says." My father, yukking it up with the best of them.

I just looked at Toby and said, "Hi, are you ready to go or do you want daddy to come to dinner with us so y'all can keep chatting?"

Toby's goofy grin, broke into a smile and he rolled his eyes, "I think so," then he turned to my father and offered his hand, "Mr. Hallstrom, it was a pleasure meeting you sir, and I promise I'll have him home safely on time."

My father, going into full good ole boy mode, grasped his hand and clapped his other onto Toby's upper arm. "I know, son. Just remember what we talked about. Now, you boys have a good time."

Toby walked over to me after they disengaged and put his hand on my lower back to walk me out.

Just as we hit the threshold, my father said, "Rob, hang back for a bit. Toby, I just need to tell him something real quick."

Toby went on ahead and closed the door behind him as I narrowed the distance to my father.

"What's up,"I asked him.

"I really like him. No bullshit," he then reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet from which he removed a $100 bill. "Pay for dinner with this."

"Dad, I have the card. I don't need you to spot me."

He pressed the money into my hands, "Do this for me, will you?" I don't know why it meant so much to him, but I took the money and nodded my head.

"Ok, see you in the morning."

"Bye, dad."

Toby was standing in the foyer when I walked out and I walked up and gave him a proper hug, then said, "Let's get out of here."

We got in the car and I asked him what he and my father talked about.

"Honestly, I don't know how much I should tell you. It was between us."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, pish, between us my ass."

"You do have a really nice ass, and those shorts show it off perfectly."

I laughed, "So tonight's the night you want to see if you can handle it?"

He moved to adjust himself as we made it to the street and said, "You can't do that to me!"

I kept my voice pure syrup, "You sure you don't want to share some details about your conversation with my dad?"

"It really wasn't anything, but I can tell you one damn thing, he loves you very much. He made it clear to me they wouldn't ever find my body if anything happened to you. Honestly, I respect the hell out of that especially since I haven't known you even a day and I'd do the same thing to anyone who hurt you."

"OK, so you're both a little homicidal... what else?"

"Well, we discussed places for good barbecue and he invited me to go duck hunting with him when the season starts. Then we talked about school and football. It seems someone had already told him I was in NHS," he finished, smiling.

"It might have slipped out this morning at breakfast."

"Well, it's cool. Honestly, I really like the guy. I know what you've been through, but there's one thing I absolutely love about him and that's him bringing you to me."

"Well, all he really did was move me to Plano..."

"Yeah, but my way is a lot more romantic."

I reached over and put my hand over his on the shifter, which caused him to look at me and smile with these puppy dog eyes that made me tingle. It wasn't just butterflies, it was way better.

"Oh, I don't know what you were thinking for dinner, but he gave me $100 so let's go some place cool."

"Sounds good to me. You mind if I pick?"

I looked over at him, thinking about handsome he was from every angle, and completely missed the question until it was asked again. I didn't even mind getting caught when he looked over at me and smiled.

"Absolutely not."

"OK, is there anything you don't like?" he asked, which prompted laughter from me.

"No, there isn't. I'm not a huge fan of Indian but I'll still eat it."

"Alright, I think I know someplace you'll like."

We ended up at some hipster place, or at least it looked hipster. The food was really good and we came in around $80 so I just left the rest as tip. Throughout dinner continued to get to know each other, our conversations effortlessly flowing from one story to another, from topic to topic.

We got up to leave and once again, he was next to me, about a half step ahead, with his hand on my back. It was something I was really getting used to. As we got close to his car, he kept walking me toward the passenger side.

"Toby, I can open the door myself," I told him.

"Who said I just wanted to open your door," and in a motion so smooth I don't even think my feet hit the ground, he landed on the car and pulled him into him, with his hand on the back of my head bringing me gently to a kiss. We stayed like that until someone in the parking lot wolf whistled us, then giggled, our foreheads together.

"I could spend all night with you in my arms, just kissing you." he said, his voice thick and his words just a little slower than usual.

"I know babe, and that sounds really good to me, too." He smiled down at me, kissed my forehead and then opened the door so I could get in.

As he got comfortable in the car he said, "Well, we can go to a movie and then figure out what next or we can go to another party at Bennett Andrews house. You up for a repeat of last night?"

I thought for a second, "Sure, but before we go let's go get some ice cream."

He looked at me stonefaced, "Am I going to have worry about you getting fat on me?"

"Yep," I responded. "Because fat baseball players are all the rage right now."

He laughed, "Baskin Robbins or Marble Slab?"

"Is there a place that's local to Plano?" I asked.

"You mean like something that started here? Henry's." And he started the car. "Just out of curiosity, why'd you want some place local instead of a chain?"

"If I'm going to live here, I'm going to give Plano a chance. I already have this amazing guy..."

"Boyfriend," he quickly interjected.

I laughed, he was so earnest and straight forward it was like a breath of fresh air.

"... who knows this town well, so why not see if there are some things I like. You know, other than him."

"I'm serious about the boyfriend thing. I know this is all new but I know how I feel and I honestly think calling you a date isn't placing nearly enough importance on you."

I put my hand back on his which was resting on the shifter, "I'm fine with it, Toby. But we have to talk about what that means. We don't have to do it all tonight..."

"You start," and looked over at me. "Seriously, please tell me what you're thinking. I have a hunch we're not going to be find much to disagree about."

"For me, monogamy is right at the top of the list. I don't do cheating and have some good reasons. If I find out about it, we're done. I can forgive, but I can't forget and I won't want any part of you any longer."

"Agreed. But, for me, I also don't want an open relationship."

I sat in the seat, thinking, for a just a second.

"Honestly, it's something I never really thought about, but I can think of reasons when it might be necessary."

"I can, too. For others. For me, it just wouldn't work. I didn't upend my life last night because it was the perfect time to come out. I did it because I met you and the thought of trying to hide that caused me physical pain. How could I share you with anyone else, even if I'm there and that person is doing something to me, too?"

I cleared my throat, "I know, babe. I was just thinking that in cases where's there's a libido mismatch, it might be necessary..."

"Trust me, I can keep up with you," he said, looking at me with a particularly wicked grin.

"I'm worried about keeping up with you," I replied, softly.

He quickly pulled into a parking lot and stopped the car, then turned, putting his back to his door, and looked at me.

"Tell me what you're thinking. This isn't coming from me, this is something you're worried about on your own."

I took a deep breathe, "I really hadn't thought it about until you brought it up, but I suddenly realized that maybe if I let you 'go hunting' every now and then, you wouldn't cheat."

"First, I've never cheated in a relationship. Ever. Second, do you think that would have stopped that piece of shit you were with in Ouichita?"


"Exactly. Don't overthink it and don't worry about it. If we're that badly mismatched, I can always use the hand that got me through most of junior high." He started driving again, "I know how I feel. I know there are going to be times when you feel like doing things and I don't. That's pretty normal for a lot of couples and we'll deal with it like they do."

"OK, but how?" I asked.

"They deal with it like adults. They talk to one another. Sometimes they help the other get off and then they go do whatever they want. Honestly, I don't know what will end up happening but I know we'll figure it out together."

"Thanks," I told him, wiping some of the moisture from my eyes. "This is why I needed to be honest with you about the anxiety. It can really come out of nowhere." I finished, laughing.

He smiled back at me, warmly, and it made me feel so at ease I could have melted into the seat.

"I did some research on what you've been dealing with so I could understand it, and you, a little better. Trust me when I say you're not going to scare me off, babe."

"OK. Can we get ice cream now?" I said, smiling.

He leaned over to kiss me, "Sure."

Henry's ended up being a treasure and far more than I expected. It wasn't just an ice cream shop, they delivered to restaurants and did catering as well. The ice cream, the only thing that really matters, was really good... I got chocolate almond, he got something with Oreos buried in it.

When we were done, it was after 900 and we decided to head to the party. By the time we got there, it was clear things had started far earlier.

This time, we both got out of the car at the same time and he waited at the front of it for me to come around, then reached down and grabbed my hand. I looked at our hands clasped together and then up to him.

"I know this is going to sound dumb, but are you sure?"

"About us? Fuck yeah. And about making sure the world knows." he started to walk and I stood there until the distance forced him to stop, our hands still linked. He looked back at me with a questioning face, worried I think that I was getting cold feet.

"Have you told your parents?" I asked, the concern clear in my voice. It may not have been obvious to him but it was to me that one more night of coming out and they were going to get calls for which they were not prepared.

He just smiled back at me, "I told them months ago what I was dealing with. I told my mother about you last night when I got home because she was still up. I told my father this morning. Both of them are dying to meet you."

The relief, I'm sure, was pretty obvious. "I'm sorry I second guessed you, I just wanted to make sure you told them on their own before they were blindsided."

He let go of my hand and walked the two steps back to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him, "I figured that was why you were asking. And I know how perfect you are for me because of it." He leaned down and we kissed. No big make out session or tongue duel, just a nice kiss to let me know how he felt.

He then broke the embrace, turned and held his hand out to me. "Come on, let's have some fun!"

And we walked together across the street into a scene from an 80s teen movie. People standing around, people dancing, people making out, walking from inside to the back yard and everyone with a drink in their hand. I was used to all of it, but not usually in a house. I guess pasture parties weren't so much a thing in Plano.

We walked in and Mark came up with someone named Eddie, a senior they played football with who, after introductions, told me, "Treat my boy right!"

"Absolutely!" I replied and Mark stifled a laugh, then mouthed HE'S DRUNK and rolled his eyes.

We wandered into the house a little further and I ran into Ileana. Toby went to get us drinks while we chatted, which wasn't long since she'd been waiting for the bathroom and it opened up. I just stood there, people watching, until someone walked up next to me.

He stood there for a minute and I could feel his eyes moving over me. I finally glanced over, saw him nod, smile, and then he decided to speak.

"You must be new. I'm Jack Reynolds," he said, introducing himself and offering his hand.

I grabbed his hand and shook it while replying, "Nice to meet you, I'm Rob Hallstrom."

"Well, Rob, you want to blow this off and go somewhere we can talk and actually get to know one another?" He asked with a wicked grin. I had to admit, the guy was fucking hot. He was cocky, saturated with self confidence, and undeniably handsome.

I just smiled back. I'd seen this one before. While he didn't come off totally like Kurt, it was easy to draw a comparison. Kurt faked most of his bravado, but with this guy it was innate. "No, I'm actually here with a date."

"Oh, really? Tell me who it is, I'll beat him unconscious and we can leave."

I just stared at him for a second, my mouth hanging open, and he nodded back at me as if to say, 'Yeah, I said it. I want you bad enough to fuck someone up.'

He wasn't as big as Toby, so I figured the name would scare him off.

"Toby Martin."

He looked like he'd been shot on the chest and he made a little O with his mouth. "Well, in that case, it was very nice to meet you. Please tell Toby Jack said hello and that he is a very, very lucky man to have found someone so gorgeous."

And, with that, he turned and walked away. Immediately, my mind turned to Kurt. The flattery and then the turn on his heels when threatened. I actually thought it was a really good thing because he WAS the kind of guy I'd have gone for and who, in the end, would have fucked me over badly.

I stood there for another minute or two before Toby came back with drinks.

"I got you some punch... it's heavy, so go slow." and he leaned down to kiss me.

"Thanks, I will." I said. "Oh, I had a weird conversation just now. Someone named Jack stopped by and he wanted me to tell you hello and that you are a 'very, very lucky man to have found someone so gorgeous'."

Toby just smiled, "He took off? Damn, I would have loved to see him."

I snorted, "Not after he hit on me."

"Of course he did. Jack's always had amazing taste."

I punched him in the arm, "Seriously, it was really weird. He comes over all hot and heavy, introduces himself and then asks me to get out of here with him. I told him I was on a date and he tells me to tell him who it is so he can beat him down, then when I say it's you, he scampers off."

Toby, at this point, is actually laughing. "How exactly did this go down?"

So, I told him all the details. "It's crazy, right? Why would he do that when he didn't know if I was with someone who could have beat his ass?"

"He did it because he knows there isn't a guy here he couldn't put in the hospital or the morgue, including me. Jack's been into MMA since he was a kid, he's tough, and those muscles are real. Last year, some of the seniors were harassing him about being gay and he took them out. All four of them, at the same time."

"Holy shit," was all I could manage.

"Yep. Three guys on the football team, one on the baseball team. They all went to the hospital and Jack didn't even look like he'd been in a fight."

I just looked back at him, "Are they OK?"

He laughed, "They were going to kick the shit out of him because he was gay and you're worried if they're OK?"

"Well, yeah... Lookit, they're still human beings."

He just smiled, "That point is arguable. I really think Jack let them off easy."

"Oh, hell... I'm not saying have a chat with them and all go out for ice cream. I want them to feel some pain, but when you say someone is an MMA fighter and they're built like he is, being worried about someone dying isn't a stretch."

Toby took a sip of his drink, "They're fine. Two of them had to have their jaws wired shut and they all had to deal with some broken limbs and ribs. He didn't fuck up their joints which, knowing Jack, was intentional since he didn't want to cause them long term harm."

"So, he didn't want to give them a permanent limp?"

"Nope. Two of those guys went on to play division 1 and they only got to do it because Jack didn't fuck them up too badly."

A thought crossed my mind and I as quickly dismissed it. Toby was looking at me and clearly sussed out what was happening in my head. We'd been together for a little over 24 hours and he was doing something that only Cat, and occasionally my mother and Josh, could do. That scared me.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing." I responded.

Once again, that smile, "You might as well tell me, I know you're thinking something and I'm not going to let it go until you tell me what it is."

I took a breath, "Well, if he's such a badass, why did he run off when I told him you were my date?"

"Ah, that's a good question. The answer is he's my other best friend. I rescued him when he was in first grade and I was in second from a bully. Since then, we've always been close. That fight he was in last year? I heard about it and went to help him out. I saw the tail end of it as I ran up and he just smiled at me like, 'Thanks for coming but I got this'. Then he broke one last arm.

Jack would no more hurt me, or screw with my date, than he would drink bleach. He's rough as hell around the edges, and cocky, but he's genuine and he's always been there for me. He and Mark were the only two who knew about my hooking up with guys and he never once gave me shit about being a coward for not coming out. When we talked about it two months ago he just told me everyone moves at their own pace and that he was cool with whatever I decided. All he asked was that I let him know if I decided to come out so he could help me if shit went south."

"So, did the two of you ever..."

"Hookup? No. You're more his type than a meathead like me, no matter how handsome I may be." which got a bit of a laugh out of me. "Seriously, it would be like getting with Mark or my little brother and it's the same for him. He and Mark are the only people I trust. I would even trust him with you."

I just smiled and laughed.

He quickly caught on, "Well, at least now that he knows you're with me. Trust me, if anyone ever touches you and he's around, you'll see someone get fucked quickly."

Ethan wandered by at that point and we talked with him for a bit while he waited for Ileana. I asked where Robin was and he just smiled at me.

"Well, her hopes were kind of dashed last night so she ended up going out with a junior who has been all over her."

Toby, smiling, "Oh, God, who?"

Ethan, not missing a beat, told us, "Jimmy D'Arcy," which caused Toby to cough a bit and Ethan just smiled and chuckled.

"Why is that so funny?" I asked.

Ethan looked at me, "It's funny because like all the guys Robin tends to fixate on, we're pretty sure Jimmy is gay."

About thirty minutes later, and with refilled glasses, we made our way out of the house to the back yard. It was a big place, kind of like Mark's house. Toby was looking around to see who was out and saw Jack almost immediately. He grabbed my hand and hauled me over. As we got close, Jack's posture changed just a bit as if he was ready for someone to attack. Then, when he realized it was Toby, he relaxed and Toby grabbed him into a hug.

"Man, it's good to see you!"

"You too, bro! And congratulations!"

Toby ducked his head just a bit and smiled, "Well, Mark kinda set me up yesterday at his party."

Jack laughed, "I wish he'd set me up like that. He's gorgeous."

I rolled my eyes. "HE has a name. And you both know it."

They looked at each other, smiled, and Jack said, "And he's a smartass, too." He looked over at me with a really warm smile, "Rob, I really am sorry about what happened inside, but I did actually mean it. And it wasn't just me trying to get you to give it up. All I can ask is that you please believe me when I say if I'd known you were with Toby I never would have done it." He held out his hand again, I took it and pulled him into a hug. He looked pretty happy when I released him.

"Toby already told me I could trust you and I believed him. But thanks for the apology."

Jack looked over at Toby, "You told him he could trust me? What's next, that I still like The Little Mermaid? Dude, you're ruining my rep!"

Toby started to defend himself but I interrupted, crying from laughter, "The Little Mermaid?"

Jack just sighed and hit Toby in the shoulder, "Thanks, buddy."

Toby, stifling laughter, said, "You gave that up yourself, asshat. But, it is a really good sweet movie," while I nodded my head furiously, with a giant smile on my face.

"Alight, I get it, double team me all you want, but I will not apologize for liking that movie. Or the Lion King." He paused, just for a second to take a drink, "So are you going to be junior or a sophomore?"

"I'm going to be a sophomore at Shepton. I guess I'll see you around?" I replied.

Toby kind of snorted which prompted a "What" from Jack.

"You know what. You should at least try being a little more social this year."

Jack scoffed at that, "Oh, come on. Everyone hates me."

"They don't hate you, they're afraid of you. And you're dismissive. Carter, Seth, and Ethan actually think you're cool as fuck, but you intimidate the hell out of them and there's no reason to. They're really nice and they're loyal."

"OK, OK. I'm assuming you've been introducing him around..."

"I met Ethan, Ileana, and Robin on my own. They seem really cool."

Jack sighed, "They actually are. I don't know what my problem is, I just feel better being on my own."

"I get it,"I said. To be honest, out of everyone at the party, I was probably the only one who really would. "But if I'm having to do the new kid song and dance, it'll be fun to have someone with me who is getting to know people, too. Someone I can trust when I want to talk about people behind their back."

Jack's grin grew wide at that last line, "FUCK," he exclaimed, looking at Toby. "You catch every fucking break in the universe including a hot guy who is legit into you AND has a brain. Fucking unbelievable luck!"

We ended up spending the rest of the night with Jack, eventually finding a place to sit. The back and forth between them reminded me of Willy and Brent. Well, it actually reminded me more of me and Charlie, but for some reason, at that moment, it didn't make me sad. I just felt... good. Solid. Happy. I write it about it now from a place of sadness so it may seem like I'm overemphasizing it, but I can tell you it was a night that literally couldn't have been more prefect and I thought so at the time. At various points people came by, like Reg and Mark, all of whom shared some Toby stories as well. It's one thing to hear stories about someone you've fallen in love with from them, it's so much more wonderful to hear them from others. To know that person is so loved, and has lived such a good life, that they have friends whose memories (even those that are exaggerated by alcohol) of them are warm and usually pretty funny is really reassuring.

I also took special care not to crack on Toby during some of the more embarrassing stories, knowing my time would soon be at hand.

At one point Jack asked if I was playing football and I said baseball. He apparently knew a guy on the Varsity team and said he'd introduce us. Toby had his hand over his mouth and was bent over, shaking. I honestly thought he was trying to keep from throwing up, even though he'd not had much to drink. I reached over to put my hand on his back and he suddenly rose back up, eyes filled with tears, obviously from laughing.

He looked at me and haltingly said, "Ask...him how... he... knows..."

"The guy?" I replied, to which he shook his head.

I looked back at Jack who had a grin on his face and as I started to ask the question, he said, "I'm fucking him."

"Oh. Well, that's a relief. I won't be the only mo on the team... wait a second, why the hell were you hitting on me if there's a guy you're already seeing?"

Jack just kept smiling and didn't say a word. It took me a minute to realize the deal.

"He's not out, is he?" I asked.

"No, he's very macho and very in the closet. Seriously, the guy is nice as hell and I'd love to date him but he's terrified everyone will think he's the bottom. Which he isn't always, just like 90% of the time."

Toby, meanwhile, is still laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world. Jack just glanced at him and then back at his glass, "Keep it up, you're boyfriend here is going to have to take you to the hospital on the way home for a cracked cheekbone."

"Oh, be more creative than that. Maybe a shattered, what's the thigh bone called?" I asked.

"Femur." Jack replied, still smiling.

"Yeah, that. Fuck that up."

"That one is actually pretty tough to break without it going compound because of the force you need."

Toby, finally collecting himself, "Alright, alright... I just couldn't help it." He looked over at Jack, "Sorry man, I know you think a lot of him but he's kind of a douche."

Jack sighed, "No, he really isn't. It's part of his act. I've told him it's campy as fuck, but it's selling his dad and until he's out of the house it's really his best defense."

"I know you say that, but it's really not. He's not effeminate when he's just talking normally so the whole machismo thing is really unnecessary."

"You haven't met his dad." Jack replied.

"No, and I don't want to." he said, looking down into his glass, "OK, I'm making a drink run, who's thirsty?" Jack and I both told him to grab us one and he was off.

Jack just looked at me for a second, then said, "I want to tell you I like the two of you together, but I'm asking you to be careful with him. I can see how he's feeling and I'm pretty sure from seeing you tonight it's mutual. He sometimes runs away with things and it always works out, but just feel free to calm him down a bit sometimes when he gets carried away."

"That's going to be tough, I can already feel myself slipping..."

"It's OK, you can trust him. You'll know what I'm talking about when it happens, just put the brakes on him a bit and remind him to think."

"No, that's not what I'm saying," I replied, "I'm slipping into the distortion field where things make sense to me, too."

His grin got bigger. "I knew what you meant and it's OK, he's not going to get you or himself into trouble. It's dumber stuff usually. Like I said, you'll know it when you see it and I'm pretty sure you'll also know how to handle it." He then paused for a second, looking over my head, then looked back it me, staring dead on. "And, just in case I'm wrong, if you hurt him I promise I'll break as many bones in your body as I can before they pull me off."

Despite the viciousness of the threat, I knew there weren't any teeth there. In fact, and I was just hoping it wasn't too obvious, I was completely in love with Toby and even the thought of hurting him made me queasy. "Your guy on the baseball team isn't the only one projecting an image."

He smiled back at me, downing the last of the beer in his cup, "And if you share that with anyone, they'll think you're crazy. Around here, I'm the ultimate badass. No one fucks with me, except Toby and Mark because I let them, or at least that's what everyone thinks."

"Fair enough," I told him. "Toby is lucky to have a friend like you."

"He knows. And I know I'm lucky to have him and Mark. It's not typical bro bullshit, we've always been tight and we've always valued one another in our lives. I honestly hope we always will."

"I don't think you have anything to worry about there."

Toby walked up with our drinks, handing one to me then another to Jack while pulling a water bottle out of his pocket. "Worry about what?"

I spoke up before Jack could get a word out, "You ever abandoning Jack."

And Toby looked at me as if stricken, then at Jack, then back at me, "What?"

Jack spoke up, thankfully, "We were talking about how close I am to you and Mark. I told Rob I hoped we would always be as close as we are and he told me that he didn't think I had a thing to worry about."

Toby unwound as Jack spoke and the pained expression on his face eased. When Jack was done, he just let out a long sigh, "Oh, yeah, nothing is ever going to split us up."

I laughed, "Toby, what the hell did you think I meant?"

He just smiled at me, which made me go all soft. "Nothing."

That smile. I knew at that point he'd realized that would disarm me. He was digging into me so fast it would have been scary, but I knew that there wasn't a defense to something I wanted and I felt like I could trust him.

We ended up talking for a bit longer, then about 1215 he said he wanted to get home. We said our goodbyes as we slowly made it out and were back in the car at 1235. That's right, it took us TWENTY MINUTES just to get out of a party.

I held his hand as he drove back to my place. We got there about ten minutes to one, but Toby pulled the car over about a half block away from the gate, out of sight from the house.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked, innocently.

He turned to me with what I can only describe as most lascivious look I've ever seen on another man's face. "We have about ten minutes and I wanted to make out with you. Or just hold you. It really didn't matter, I just wanted to feel you next to me before I had to take you home and I didn't think it would be good to do it right in front of your house."

"Good call," I said, opening the door and stepping out of the car. "Coming?" I said to Toby who quickly jumped out and made his way to my side.

The feeling of being enveloped in the arms of the person you love can be overwhelming and it was with Toby. Calling it intoxicating wouldn't be illustrative enough. For me, it was a feeling of total and complete surrender, not to a man who dominated me, but to someone who I knew loved me, valued me, and wanted to be with me, not just a part of me. I didn't need to protect myself, I could be vulnerable in a way I wasn't with everyone else, even with family. I knew I could trust him and that feeling buoyed me in ways I didn't think possible.

To that point, it was the most relaxed I'd ever felt with anyone. Playing baseball or surfing would have to be a VERY distant second and third in terms of least anxiety.

We finally broke for air and he looked at his watch, 1258. At that point, we got back in the car and he drove me the last little bit home. As he pulled up in front of the house, he said, "Don't open the door," as he got out. He walked over to my side, opened the door for me, and walked me up to the door of the house.

"I wish this didn't have to end."

I sighed, leaning my forehead to his chest, "I know."

"What time can we do something tomorrow?" he asked.

"I can't. We're leaving for Ouichita tomorrow morning and I won't be back until late tomorrow night."

"Right, time with your mom. I should have remembered that," he said.

"Toby, don't worry about it."

"What about Monday? You can grab a ride with Jack or someone over to the practice field, then after I'm done we can have dinner."

"I would love to, babe." I told him. He then leaned in for a kiss, making sure to keep distance between us, in case there were any prying eyes. He was going to make damn sure he didn't fuck up. "Good night and sweat dreams," he told me softly. Then I watched him walk back to his car. And yes, I even waived a bit as he drove off. Yeah, I had it pretty bad but I was relatively sure he did too.

I punched in the alarm code then used my key to open the door. I pushed it closed, then took off up the stairs, two at a time, giddy and desperate to burn off energy. When I got to my room, I stripped down and took a very quick shower which included rubbing one out that took, maybe, ten strokes, then jumped in bed.

I woke up around 830, excited to see my mother, Neil, and Josh. I washed my face and went down to find my father had made that egg casserole thing I liked, this time without onions so that Cat would eat it. Which she actually did and seemed to enjoy it.

As I dug in my father asked me how things went. Not wanting to be too effusive, I just smiled and said very well. I thought it was a better answer than, "Daddy, I'm in love. When he kisses and holds me I just feel as light as a feather. I hope we can get married soon. I want to have his babies!"

My father just smiled back and said, "Well, it must have went VERY well. You didn't even notice me in the office when you came in and bounded up the stairs. I thought you were going to wake up Cat."

I thought for a second and then my eyes went wide as my father's grin grew. Yeah, he HAD been watching us and Tobys cautiousness paid off in spades.

"OK, do you want the gory details?" I asked.

Cat immediately piped up, "Well, yeah!"

So I gave them a very brief run down on what we'd done. I made special note to thank him for the money he'd given me and to ask him why he'd done it.

"You promise it won't upset you?" he asked.

"No, but I'll be irritated if you don't tell me why now." I told him.

He sat back in the chair and folded his arms, "That boy loves you. I already know he does. When we talked about you, the way his eyes lit up, I could see it. I know you're gay and I know you're going to date, but I just wanted him to see you as an equal and thought money would help out. I didn't want him thinking you couldn't take care of yourself. To be honest, it's the same thing I'd do for your sister.

The world is full of people looking to take advantage of you and you're going to have to deal with that. I just want to make sure you can and that you know you can."

I smiled back at him, "You didn't want him treating me like some chick, that's what you mean about seeing me as an equal isn't it?"

"Yes. Son, I'm doing my best to feel my way through this..."

"Daddy, I'm not mad, I promise. It may have been misguided but I really love that you did it."

He cleared his throat, "Misguided?"

"Yeah, Toby's not that way. I can already tell he's going to be a overprotective, but I honestly don't think it's because he thinks of me as effeminate or less than equal. In fact, I think he likes me because I'm not."

"That much is for sure," Cat added. "Your hatred of romance movies alone makes you kind of weird for a gay guy."

"Well, at any rate, that's why I did it. And I'm telling you, that boy's going to get a lot more serious a lot faster than you may be ready for."

I nodded, "Yes sir. You don't have to worry."

"Son, I won't stop worrying until I'm on the wrong side of the dirt. It's called being a parent and you'll understand one day."

After breakfast, we got ready and were in the car by 10 and at MoMos by a little after 11. We ended up having a quick visit with her and I got her to admit how much she liked the new house, a special treat for me since it confirmed what mother had said and I was sure she'd get a kick out of it.

About 1145 he drove us out to mother and Neils. There were already some cars there, I recognized one of the work trucks Willys dad let him use since he had a hardship license.

As we got out of the car my father said, "Y'all have fun and I'll be back here at nine to pick you up. Remember, you have school tomorrow." The reminder was a warning... don't make me come get you.

"Yes sir," we both responded. He waited until we were at the front door which opened as we approached. Mother hugged and kissed us both, then said, "Go on inside, I want to have word with your father."

We walked in as she made her way to the car. Willy and Brent were already there along with Alan, Josh, and Lane. We all hugged and made our way gradually to the dining room were lunch was waiting. When my mother came back in, we sat down to eat and had a wonderful time. Josh had already planned for people to come over and swim around 4 so we had some time to kill. I told the guys to hang out for a minute and pulled mother aside to talk to her.

I told her about how much Momo loved the house and she got a nice laugh from that. I also told her about Toby, but unlike with my father earlier that morning, I held nothing back. She asked, and I answered, questions throughout and at the end, she just looked at me, her eyes welling with tears which made me start to tear up.

"Mom, it's OK... he's not like Kurt. Kurt was never as interested in me during our entire relationship as Toby as been just this weekend."

My mother wiped her eyes, and pulled a tissue to blow her nose. "It's not that I'm worried about, it's you growing up and I'm missing it. Promise me you'll bring this boy with you one Sunday? I'd like to meet the young man who has clearly taken my son's heart."

I blushed at that, "Mom, I'm not..."

"In love with him?" she quickly interjected. "Yes, you are. I can see it."

I sat back, defeated. "Mom, I'm sorry. I really didn't intend for this to happen."

"What are you talking about?" she asked. "Do you think you're betraying me or something? Sugar, you're not. You can't help it anymore than I could with Neil. And it's OK. I just want to meet him face to face."

"Yes ma'am. I'll bring him along as soon as I get my license."

"Good," she responded, standing up. "Now, give me a hug and go spend time with your friends."

I went back to my room to find it empty, then walked down to Joshs where everyone was playing some game. Josh came over and hugged me, whispering in my ear, "Is everything OK? You look like you've been crying."

I told him it was absolutely OK. While the guys played, I gave them the lowdown on the previous week. Lane and Josh got a real kick out of me playing Henry Higgins with Chad. Then I gave them some details about Toby and told them I'd bring him down when I got my license in a few weeks. They all seemed excited to meet him or, more to the point, pass judgment on him. Apparently, they'd all decided among themselves there wouldn't be another Kurt.

The day ended up being really good. What I thought would be kind of maudlin, was instead a great party and I absolutely loved that my mother was willing to share her day with so many of my and Cats friends. Everything died down about eight and we got ready to leave. I hugged mother as tightly as I could and she sent us both out to my waiting father with a King Ranch Chicken casserole which I'd already determined he'd not share with us.

We got home a little after 10 and went immediately to bed. We had school tomorrow and Daddy wanted us downstairs to eat breakfast and then ready to roll by 715.

I'd texted with Toby intermittently throughout the day. I'd told him I was home, then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get in bed. He'd texted back 'Can you talk?', so I just called him.

"Hey, babe. How was it?" he asked.

"Good. Much better than I thought it would be. I'll tell you more tomorrow night at dinner, but my mother really wants to meet you."

"Well, I'm excited to meet her, too. And a little nervous." he said.

"Why would you be nervous?" I asked.

"Because, she's your mother. Impressing her will be a lot harder than impressing your dad."

"True. Shit, it's almost 1030. I'm going to bed. First day as the new kid tomorrow."

He laughed, "Don't worry about it. I promise, you'll be fine."

"How would you know? Did you do something?" I asked.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

I hesitated for a second, then, "Yes. I trust you."

"Then don't worry about it. I got your back and I wanted to make sure YOU had a good first day."

"Toby, what did you do?" I demanded.

"You'll see in the morning. All I'll tell you is that you have nothing to worry about. Now, go to bed and sweet dreams."

"Oh, OK. Good night and sleep well."

"See you tomorrow afternoon, bye." And with that, he was gone.

I laid down about five minutes later, thinking about what he might have done and finally concluded whatever it was would reveal itself in about nine and half hours, so trying to figure it out was useless. Shortly thereafter I fell asleep dreaming about Toby in bed, spooned behind me, and feeling as comfortable as I ever had in my life.

Thanks for reading! Any comments can be sent to doncornelius69 at yahoo dot com.

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