We Met in a Nice Bar

Published on Oct 17, 1997




We Met in a Nice Bar

By Amy Brett

Chapter 1

I SAT ON the high stool, holding on to the bar to guide my hand to the ashtray, and talked to John next to me. We had a good dinner, several beers before dinner, and several more afterward while we watched a sleazy striptease. I felt the last several strongly and had been glad to let John drive the last leg of the trip.

Now, sucking on still another beer in the hotel's bar, my room only a short elevator trip up, I thought most about gaining the quiet of the room with an interesting TV program and my suitcase of clothing.

The suitcase I thought about was not what most would expect. Very secretly, I enjoyed dressing as a woman in the absolute privacy of my own company. The suitcase was filled with lace and frill and satin along with colors and lipsticks and polish. All of that was done strictly for my own amusement and for no other reason.

As I felt the day wearing on me, I thought of it longingly.

"That one little gal, the skinny one with the boots and lariat, was something else," John said beside me. I remembered the vivacious, tall blond wobbling on her high heeled cowboy boots and playing with the pre-formed lariat that was hardly the center of anyone's attention. In fact, almost all attention was focused on her leather vest opening on small but perfect breasts as she turned with the music and on the short fringed skirt she finally raised above her waist to exhibit her hairy front. The audience cringed as she ran a spur up and down through the hair and finally down between her spread nether lips.

"Yeah," I agreed, "but the best one was the little one in black." I could still envision her, dark haired and small boned with a perfect young body. It had been covered with the tiniest of leather skirts, a see-through black blouse, black crotchless pantyhose and very high heels.

"Oh, yeah," he agreed heartily. I was sure he wasn't thinking the same thing I was since my thoughts centered on how her clothing would have looked on me. My hardness pulsed inside my pants at the thought mixed with an associated fantasy of having her in my room to provide me the privilege as she watched and waited for me inside her.

I had been mesmerized as she dropped the skirt and blouse to tweak her nipples into hardness and leaned back near us to show her talented cunt as it clasped in time with the music, pulling the bud of her clit up and down in the opened folds of her lips.

The bar was quite crowded but several seats at the bar were empty including two on the other side of John and three to my side. As I thought about the girl and increasingly longed for a little privacy in my room, I looked around the bar.

In passing, I noticed a nice looking man on the opposite side of the U-shaped bar who seemed to be looking at me. As my glance slid across him, his attention moved to his drink and a puff from the cigarette in his hand. During that moment, I saw that he wore a loosened red power tie and a trim pinstriped suit that seemed to go well with his dark, handsome features.

I hadn't realized I was staring at him until his eyes slowly came back up and met mine before I looked elsewhere.

I finished the beer in front of me, turned in my chair, and went to the bathroom. Staring at the wall behind the urinal as I relieved myself, I heard the door of the bathroom open and another man walk to the urinal beside me to relieve himself. As I washed my hands and quickly ran a comb through my hair, I saw the man in the suit pass behind me without comment, leaving the room.

About four steps from my seat, I noticed that the man in the pinstriped suit now sat next to mine, still sipping a drink and smoking a cigarette. I sat back down and continued general conversation with John.

I sucked at a beer and replaced it with another, smoked several cigarettes, and talked. During this time, I had completely forgotten about the man beside me. Looking for the bartender once during the period, I had glanced past him and saw that he was looking rather single-mindedly at his beer, locating the ashtray, and taking the measure of the partially filled bottles that lined a glass backbar suspended between this side of the bar and the other.

As I sat talking, I suddenly realized I could feel the man's knee touching the side of my leg. I moved my leg immediately. It was something like accidentally seeing someone with their pants around their ankles in the men's room.

A few minutes later, I turned to get another beer and felt my leg again contact the man's knee. Though I had reacted to his accidental touch, he didn't seem to have done the same.

This time, for some reason, I didn't move away. I wanted, for some reason, to see if he would. I continued to talk to John, smoke, and drink but my mind kept wandering back to the touch of his knee as, every time I thought it was just accidental, he moved slightly as if to remind me he was still there.

Then, I turned slightly away and felt his leg move away as well. When I turned back slightly, I felt the side of his leg rather than his knee against mine. Turning toward him, I saw that he sat rather strangely in the chair to allow this contact. I couldn't see how he could be doing that unaware.

Again, when I would begin to forget the contact, he would move and my attention would be pulled back to it again. I felt a change and looked now.

He sat with his left arm straight, his hand on his knee and, because of our position, against my leg as well. He smoked and drank his beer with his right hand and still looked across the bar. Then, as if my look had keyed something, he slowly turned and looked at me. His look changed to a slight smile before he again turned away.

John and I talked again for a while, sipping our beers. Then I felt his hand move from his knee, between our legs, up our thighs and back down. I felt myself stiffen. I relaxed as his hand stopped at his knee.

A moment later, his movement repeated. This time I didn't automatically react to it. Much of my attention was diverted from John by my attention to his movement. This time, it soon repeated. And again. Could it be accident? I thought so. Surely.

Then I felt his fingers on the top of my knee. Not beside it but on top. I wasn't sure. But yes. It was. Then I stiffened again as I felt him repeat that earlier motion from knee to thigh and back down. But this time, his hand was on top of my thigh. But still ...

Then there was no doubt. His full hand grasped my knee and squeezed. Again I stiffened but I didn't move away either. Nervously, I finished my cigarette and ordered another beer. In the process, I first looked over my shoulder and saw there was no one behind us who might notice us. Then I looked at him again and met his eyes directly. We both smiled secretly before facing the bar again. I continued my talk with John.

I swallowed hard, still, when his open hand began moving up my leg, squeezing and releasing, up, squeezing and releasing, up ...

And then he reached the top of my leg, stopped and squeezed. As his fingers moved this time, my arm protectively came down between my legs to ward him off. And I realized I needed to go to the bathroom in the worst way. I told John and slid off the stool away from the man.

Quickly I relieved myself, my eyes closed against the wonderful feeling of it. I heard the door open and close peripherally but didn't take note until he spoke. He was at the urinal next to me.

"You got turned on," he said matter-of-factly. For the first time, I recognized the hard-on I held lightly.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, looking at the door of the bathroom.

"I'm trying to pick you up," he said in the same tone of voice.

"Why me?"

"You look good. You seem nice. Balanced."

"Thanks, I think." He only smiled. "Pick me up?"

"Yeah. I'd like to sleep with you tonight." My mind reeled. I'd never thought of it. I'm not gay. I've never --

"Would you?" he said then. My thoughts flew even as I realized I was no longer going to the bathroom and that the pain of my bladder was now gone. I put myself away and moved to the sink and began washing my hands. "You'll enjoy it."

My thoughts still flew. It was so strange. I realized that something in me wanted to do it while my culture and my upbringing convulsed against it. I looked into the mirror and saw him looking into my eyes over my shoulder. In a motion, he reached around me from behind and very gently put his hand over the bulge in my pants. Moving it very slightly, he smiled.

"You're still hard. You want to do it, don't you?"

"Yeah," I whispered before I realized fully what I had said and that indeed I did want to do it. Then my resolve hardened. "Yeah, I do."

"Your room or mine?" he said. I thought quickly.


"Fine. I'll stop at my room and get some things and meet you. What room are you in?"

I told him before I remembered John. "Wait. I have a friend out there."

"That's no problem. Tell him you're tired or want to watch a movie or something. You need your beauty sleep. I'll wait a few minutes and follow." He stroked up and down that bulge as he talked. I found myself getting more and more turned on.

My hand shook as I reached for the handle on the door and walked shakily back to my seat. I slid into the barstool away from John. As soon as I settled, I grabbed the beer and quickly finished it.

"John, I'm exhausted. I think I'll call it a night." He told me he was going to stay for a while since it was still early in the evening. As I passed out of the bar, I noticed that he was talking to the two girls on the other side of him as he had been on and off for the last half hour. I knew he wasn't going to get anywhere but didn't blame him for trying. At the same time, I noticed the man sitting back down at his chair, his elbows on the bar, finishing his drink slowly.

After I got to my room, I found that I again needed to go to the bathroom and quickly drained my bladder again. As I finished, I heard the soft knock on the door. Suddenly, my heart was racing as it hadn't for anything approaching this reason since I left high school. My hand shook as I zipped my pants and flushed the john before turning into the room and to the door.

I opened it and saw the concern on his face change to a smile. "Hi. I thought maybe ... I don't know. You weren't really staying here or you'd changed your mind."

"Would that have been so bad?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it would have. We're going to have fun." I enjoyed his smile and obvious anticipation.

"Well, grab a chair. Do you have something you'd like to watch on the tube?"

"No, no. But you can turn on the radio. I think the good station is at 99.5 FM." I nodded and tuned in the easy listening station before I noticed he hadn't moved to sit down.

"Would you like a beer? I have a cooler here."

"No, thanks. What I want --" He hesitated and I turned to look at him again. "What I want is you." He smiled reassuringly at my obvious fluster. Then he took a slow step toward me, coming within my normal comfort space. It certainly made me nervous. He looked down at me from the vantage of the several inches he had on me.

As I relaxed to his nearness slightly, he moved toward me, his hands finding my shoulders. Gently, but firmly, he pulled me toward him as I still tried to fathom his immediate intentions. He satisfied that curiosity by very softly kissing me on the lips. I felt my skin crawling with a kind of homophobic fear that I couldn't overcome. He immediately felt it as my muscles tightened.

"You have a mental picture of two men kissing, don't you?" he asked. "And this doesn't seem right." I couldn't help but nod agreement. It was a perfect explanation of what I felt.

"Maybe this won't work." I could hear deep disappointment in his voice.

As if dismissing it for a moment, he moved away from me to a comfortable distance and pulled his pinstriped coat off his shoulders. Folding it neatly, he set it down on the foot of the spare bed.

"We need to talk for a few minutes," he said. Comfortable again and now assured that this was only going to be a conversation and then an end to this mistake, I followed suit by pulling my sports coat off and tossing it on the bed. As it hit, I realized my mistake.

In a flash, my long term secret was no longer a secret. My coat hit the soft sided suitcase and peeled back the opening. I could see pink and red and lace. I hoped only that he hadn't seen it and, rather than trying to quickly cover it up, I decided to get him to sit down and away. Then I could repair the damage.

But it was too late. As I turned toward him again, I saw him staring into the suitcase.

"Are you married?" he said with a frown.

"No." I gulped. I was caught. I knew it.

"Girlfriend," he stated flatly. "No wonder. You're here with your girl." My mind was flying but seemed to be mired in my fear.

"No," I answered too quickly. Then I realized it would have answered everything and no further explanation would have been necessary. Now it was too late. "Yes. Yeah. That's it. I'm here with my girlfriend." But my hesitation and then my over-exuberant switch put the lie to the statement.

"They're yours, aren't they?!" he said with astonishment. Then his face lit up as he looked fully into mine and saw my lie. "They are!"

He turned and partially opened the suitcase. "May I?" But he didn't wait for an answer. He only moved a couple of things and exposed everything.

"Shoes. Stockings. Panties. A wig. Beautiful dresses. Do you use the fingernail polish and makeup?" I could only nod. I was caught now and he was enjoying my misery. "Wonderful! And ... Have you been out after you dress?"

I was totally humiliated. I hadn't felt so totally destroyed since being caught with a $2 yo- yo I'd stolen in junior high.

"No, I haven't," I mumbled.

"You're embarrassed, aren't you?" he said with humor in his voice. He was going to laugh at me before going on.

"For God's sake!" I reacted. "Yes. I'm embarrassed. I'm humiliated. Now just get out of here. I don't need you to rub it in."

"Rub it in? I think it's great! I thought it was going to be a bust tonight. Now I know what's going on! This is wonderful!" I didn't get it and showed it with my total consternation.

"Don't you see? You were having a problem, even though you wanted to do something, because you could see that picture of two guys kissing in your mind. Now I know what to do." I still looked at him open mouthed, unbelieving.

"What are you talking about?"

"Would it help that mental picture if you saw me with a beautiful woman? Would that turn you off?"

"No. That doesn't affect me."

"How do you look when you're dressed?"

"I don't know. I think pretty good. No one's ever seen me so no one's ever been able to tell me."

"Well, I'm going to see you," he said with a broad smile. "And I think you're going to be beautiful. I can see it."

"You mean you want me to form a mental picture of myself dressed."

"Yes! But I don't want you to form a mental picture. I want you to dress. And we'll form a mental picture by looking in the mirror!"

"You're kidding!"

"No, I'm not. I've got to see you. I've got to ... No. I want to help. Can I help?"

The idea was taking root now. He knew I cross dressed. There was nothing he could do to me after I had dressed that he couldn't do now but, possibly, take me out in the hall and leave me. I could guarantee him that would be difficult if not impossible. I made up my mind.

"Yeah. Okay."

In the next fifteen minutes, he helped me off with my shirt and helped me to apply makeup. I forced him to sit down in the chair in the room before I went across to the bathroom with the suitcase. In the next few minutes, I dressed in panties, stockings, high heels, a short black skirt, a bra filled with my prosthetic breasts, and a red blouse. The final touch was my wig.

I looked in the mirror before I opened the door and looked at the total effect. I thought I looked like a woman but I was so frightened that I could hardly walk.

As I walked into the room, he stood, obviously stunned. Then in a flash, his concern changed to a huge smile.

"You're as gorgeous as I thought you would be. My God. You're ... You've never been out anywhere?" I shook my head quickly. "Nowhere? My God. You should show yourself off! You're ... I can't describe it. Beautiful!"

I blushed with his compliments.

"You're perfect! Look at you. You're even blushing!" He couldn't keep his hands away from me, as if he desperately wanted to touch me but was afraid of breaking something. He finally overcame his hesitation and slipped his arm around my waist. "You've got to look!"

In a second, he guided us across the small room to the full length mirror on the wall and stopped, turning both of us toward it. My eyes came up and, first, met his proudly smiling eyes in the mirror, the broad grin across his face. Then I slid my look down him until I saw the bulge in the front of his trousers. I smiled to myself.

Then I looked further, meeting my own eyes and seeing what I saw in the mirror each morning. But the look spread to include my entire face. Bright colored eye makeup, nice nose, red lips, a shining red smile. The lobes of my ears and the dangling earrings peeked out from the dark, fluffed hair. This pretty woman looked back at me and, for a moment, dislocated me, my reality switching into a totally female reality.

My look flowed down the blouse and across very real looking breasts. The tight belt cinched in the waist that included his hand from behind and onto my hip, my own arm across my body to softly touch his hand. The skirt dropped to a high hem where long, smooth legs began and extended to good calves and the high heels. I bent my knee and arched my calf in a feminine gesture that seemed to come to me naturally.

The masculine contrast of the pinstriped man beside me made me look and feel very feminine.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Jim," he answered, looking with respect into my eyes. "Yours?" I thought, then knew.

"Amy." His smile seemed to spread with that answer.

"Amy. Of course. You're beautiful, Amy. Has anyone ever told you that?" I blushed again and could see it in the mirror.

"No one," I answered seductively in a higher pitched voice than I could remember ever having heard from myself. I saw him point to me in the mirror.

"Have you ever seen such a gorgeous woman?" I smiled and saw the smile in the eyes before me. I didn't answer.

I felt him, as well as saw him in the mirror, move around me slightly, his hand following my tight belt around my waist, his hand falling slightly to the rise of my bottom below it. He was in front of me now. I looked directly into his eyes.

"No," he whispered. "Look at us in the mirror."

Somehow, without getting in front of my vision, he very softly kissed my lips again. This time, watching in the mirror and seeing the woman kissing the nice looking man, it turned me on. As my arms came up around his neck in the mirror, I could see my calf and high heel rise from the floor sensually. I didn't do it. It just happened. My mouth opened slightly and, as if it was a signal, his lips found my spread lower lip and surrounded it, his tongue touching the soft skin there between his.

Then I could see his mouth tracing the shape of mine, his tongue occasionally snaking outward to lick my lips. I caught his tongue in my teeth as it breached the opening into my mouth until his lips fully covered mine, turning my head. My hand found the back of his head and I couldn't resist closing my eyes to the wildly sensuous feelings that were arising in me.

I could see the beautiful woman in the mirror kissing the equally gorgeous man on the screen of the inside of my eyelids, as his tongue pressed further past my teeth and into my mouth. We playfully played with each other's tongues before his head lurched forward slightly and his tongue found the back of my mouth and the opening to my throat.

My neck was bent almost painful back, my chest, buffered by the prosthetics, pressed into his, his hand pressed my hips into the hardness between us. I let the inside of my thigh range up and down the outside of his leg. Very slowly, he withdrew to an inch away from my mouth and I opened my eyes to look at his at close range. Our smiles intermixed.

"This is the reaction I wanted," he said in a whisper. His hand moved on the skirt and the underlying silk panties beneath. "Look in the mirror now." I did. "See the lust in your eyes?" I did. "Come with me."

With the look of us together firmly and indelibly burned into my mind, I followed him across the room, his hand holding mine. He sat me in one of the chairs and moved away a few steps staring at me as I crossed my legs at the knee and rested my chin on my hands, my elbows on the arms of the chair.

"Would you like a cigarette?" he asked, reaching for his pocket. I nodded and he offered me his pack. I took one carefully and put it in the center of my lips. As he reached for me with the lighter, I moved my hand to the back of his. After it was lighted, I carefully took the cigarette between my fingers near the red fingernails.

"God, you have it down pat, don't you?" I only looked at him. "I mean, you helped me light your cigarette just like a woman would. You hold it like a woman would. You're perfect." I smiled and grinned at him.

"I've watched and practiced. It makes me feel feminine."

"You've got it down pat."

He provided me with an ashtray, got one for himself from the nightstand, and sat down on the corner of the bed facing me. He crossed his leg, his ankle on his knee. We both smoked, sitting there nervously facing each other, a look of mild amazement on his face.

He began looking me over. He stared at my face and I smiled nervously, my tongue wetting the shiny red of my lips with its tip. His look dropped to my full chest and I laughed nervously, feeling his look and the slight bounce of the prosthesis below the lacy bra. His look dropped to my thinly clad legs where they peeked out from beneath the short skirt. I couldn't help but wonder if he could see under the skirt to my panties; at least the straps that held my stockings from the garter belt. His look dropped further to my crossed knees and I clasped them more tightly together. Then his look followed my calves down to the floor and I became acutely aware of the way the high heels shaped my calves. I pointed the toe of the suspended foot, straightening my ankle, and pointed my entire leg nervously toward his foot.

With each look, with each inch of my body he perused, his eyes and his mouth each opened wider, more surprise registering on his face.

"It's impossible," he said in a hushed tone of disbelief. "You ARE a woman. In every move and every gesture. You're a woman."

Again I blushed with the complements, both stated and imparted with those lingering looks across my body. I squirmed everywhere he looked at me and drew his looks on to other parts of my body. I put out the cigarette and leaned back in the chair, my hands across my lap. He stared at them, rapt.

"Jim," I said then, again gaining his attention to my eyes. "What now?"

He shook his head as if he'd just come out of a dream and moved to the other chair in the room, still looking at me as he put out his own cigarette. I decided, looking at him, that I needed to make the next move.

I rose and walked to him, my legs on each side of his now, before putting my knee in the chair between him and the arm. His hand came to my waist as I hovered above him, looking down. Then I leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead, placing his nose and mouth deep in the folds of perfumed red lace that covered my chest.

He led me down onto his lap, turning me so my legs went to the side, my weight resting on his upper legs. My feet came off the floor with my knees automatically crossing, leaning me back into his arm that kept me from pressing my back into the hard arm of the chair.

He leaned his head back slightly, inviting me to kiss him. I did with my arm around his neck and my other hand on his knee. One of his arms surrounded my back and again fell to my hip. The other rested on my knee, moving and squeezing it. He kissed me deeply as he had before.

As my eyes closed to the feelings again, I felt his hand ranging up and down the top of my thigh. He moved that scant inch away from my mouth again and looked down at me. I did the same and could literally feel it as his hand came up and cupped my breast. My hand came to his, holding it tight to me. Both of us stared at our hands as his began to knead the raised mound and mine followed his movement. It was wildly sensual though I could only feel it intellectually.

My back arched into our hands, my breathing increasing in speed. He kissed me again and continued the manipulation of my false breast for long minutes.

Then he broke the kiss again and lowered both our hands to my knee again. Kissing me, his hand moved from knee upward and back down again and again slowly until my midsection began to anticipate the highest end of the journey with its movement.

As he broke the kiss this time, I followed his look as it went to his hand at the hem of my skirt. We both watched as it went up, taking the skirt with it until the top of my stocking came into view and his hand found the hot naked flesh of my leg above it. He squeezed.

We watched his hand move across, lifting the hem of the skirt on the other leg until the top of the stocking again appeared there. He squeezed again.

We watched as it moved across again, again lifting until most of my naked hip was in view to us. He squeezed it high up, almost to my waist.

When he moved across me this time, to the other hip, the bright white lace of my panties showed in the opening. His hand went between my legs with difficulty even as his mouth came back to mine. As his tongue delved into my mouth, his fingers spread my legs until I could no longer keep them crossed and they fell open to him.

A finger followed between my legs and across the lacy material of the panties far between my legs. I knew, and could feel, my hardness against the silky panty material. But I felt like a female, the outside of my hidden treasures being explored by this man.

He turned me in his lap until I lost his kiss, leaning my head back against his shoulder, and his legs were tight together between mine. As I tried to catch my breath a little, his hands went up and down my stockings, up onto my naked skin, down to my knees.

His legs began to spread and I could feel what he was doing to me. Mine, on the outside of his, spread further and further until the outside of both my thighs touched the arms of the chair, very nearly forming a right angle with my crotch at the center. His hands continued their movements. Up. Down.

My breathing, rather than slowing any more, speeded. I began panting with his movements, faster and faster.

"Look at yourself, you nasty girl," he whispered evilly. Slowly, almost unable, I opened my eyes and looked at the mirror across from us and saw my lewdly spread legs around his, his hands rubbing my legs, my skirt raised far too far. I could see his eyes over my shoulder, staring with glimmers into the mirror. Obviously, he was looking at my face, down my body, between my spread legs.

I couldn't believe how much I looked like a very good looking, if loose, woman. My lust rose from all directions; as the woman, as a man looking at the gorgeous woman, at the situation that respected no gender. It was a turn-on to beat all.

His hands stopped their incessant up and down movement.

"Watch this," he said softly. I watched as his hand slowly followed my right leg upward and onto the panties, between my legs, pressing the sensitive skin. I couldn't take my eyes off of it as his middle finger dropped down between my legs further and further until I could feel it spreading the cheeks of my ass. Then I could feel the touch pushing against my anus, his fingernail lightly scratching at it through the layer of silky material, back and forth.

I was a little surprised as I noticed that my own midsection was pumping slowly up and down with the movements of his hand. My hand came to the back of his as he cupped one of my false breasts and I arched to meet them. He moved both our hands to the side slightly and, when he moved back to the center, the buttons seemed to part for him, the blouse opening to allow our hands access to my bra and the swell of false flesh. Our hands moved under the blouse material to produce another exciting image in the mirror.

I gasped at the sight and felt my dry mouth, licking my lips.

He kissed the back and side of my neck, sending shivers of excitement through my body, as his hands continued their manipulation.

After several breathless minutes of this, his hands slowly retreated from me and I felt the loss.

"Here. Stand up for a minute," he said, guiding me up to my feet but never letting me go altogether, his hand on my waist as he turned me to face him. He moved me back toward him until I was forced to support myself on one knee beside his body on the chair, the other foot still on the floor but extended.

He looked into my eyes as he unbuttoned the rest of the blouse. He dropped his eyes as he pulled me closer and buried his face between the cups of the bra, kissing my chest.

I stood with my legs spread, the skirt covering the front of my thighs, my knee in the seat of the chair on one side of him while my other leg vibrated with tension as I held a small percentage of my weight on it, extended back to the floor.

He had to support me as his open hand slid far between my legs, his fingers tracing across my panties from a point between my legs and back to the top of my crack and back down in a slow movement back and forth. My center followed his movements.

I knew what I wanted to do now. I unbuttoned his shirt as he sat back in the chair to allow my movements. Opening it to his hairy chest, I let my hands move across it, opening his shirt to my view. I sat back on his knee, pressing it between my legs, and leaned forward to kiss his chest. He moaned as my tongue found his nipple and licked it to attention. When I caught it between my teeth, he cringed in pleasure.

He smiled at me as I sat back and unbuckled and unzipped his pants.

"Are you really ready for this now?" he asked softly. I smiled into his eyes and nodded. He nodded once with the decision and pushed me back up to my feet. I moved back a step and watched his shaking fingers as he untied his shoes, slipped them off and pulled his socks free. In a motion, he pulled the shirt off his arms and stood up to drop it on the chair. In another quick motion, he stepped out of his pants and dropped them on top of the shirt.

He caught me looking at the huge bulge in the front of the Jockey shorts he still wore. I watched my feminine looking fingers move to that bulge, stroking open handed across it.

He allowed it for only a few seconds before pulling me to his mouth again for a deep, sensual kiss.

I could clearly feel the bulge pressing into the front of my hip as I could feel the false breasts pushing into his hairy chest. Both his hands went to the rise of my buttocks very low as my arms were forced over his shoulders, my hands finding the back of his head.

We stood for a very long time, extending that wonderful kiss, his hands massaging the flesh of my buttocks. I was getting so turned on I could hardly stand up any more, and, as I thought I couldn't any more, he began moving me backward toward the bed until I felt it contact the back of my legs.

I let his neck go and crawled back onto the bed. He went to his suit coat and took some things from the pocket before coming to me, lying beside me on the bed. I turned and put my leg over the side of his body as my hand slid into his underwear and wrapped around his hardness. Together we moved his underpants down and he took them off and dropped them off the side of the bed.

"Do you want to help?" he said as he opened the condom package.

"Yes, I do. But I want to do it my way." I smiled at him as I guided him onto his knees, his knees on either side of my shoulders, his dick in front of my face. I pulled him down until he was on all fours. I shifted downward slightly and guided his hard on into my mouth.

He moaned and threw back his head as I sucked him deep inside my mouth, in and out, in and out. When I looked at the head of it, it was purple with his swollen need. I sucked on him until I felt his body begin to vibrate with the approach of his climax.

I stopped and let him pant for a return to near normal breathing.

As he tried to calm himself, I rolled the condom onto his hardness until it touched the base in the deep pubic hair.

He gulped and began to crawl down across my body. He lowered his mouth to mine in a quick kiss before moving down and kissing my chest. He moved the breast form and sucked hard on my nipple until it cried with need.

Then he moved on down my body, lifting my skirt onto my stomach. Leaning back, he pulled down my panties and helped me to get them off both feet. I stood hard, up from the midst of the lacy material.

He ignored that feature as he put his arms under my legs, spreading them and raising them into the air. He continued lifting them until my contact with the bed was well up on my back. His tongue then delved deeply between my spread legs, below my testicles and, unbelievably, downward until the tip of his tongue opened my body.

For an eternity, his tongue played back and forth from my ass to my testicles, making the illusion of my femininity complete.

Then, for a few delicious seconds, his tongue flicked at the tip of my dick making it feel as I dreamed a woman's clit would feel.

Again, he moved back up my body, allowing me to relax for a scant second as he got a large dollop of Vaseline on his fingers. For the next few minutes, he spread the slippery lubricant across the muscle of my asshole until it ached with need.

Then his finger found the opening and slid into it, massaging my insides as he stared into my face. I couldn't keep my eyes in focus and he seemed to be teasing me.

"Oh. I need you. Now," I moaned.

Smoothly, I felt him turn to his side and move over me, his knees between my legs. His hands lifted my calves high and I felt his hardness at the portal to my body. My anus clutched tight as he gently probed forward.

"Relax, baby," he whispered. I tried as he bit my lower lip and distracted me.

Pain flashed for a fraction of a second and receded to nothing as he slid further and further into me. He let my legs go, depending on me now to keep my back arched to allow full access to him. I locked my knees to the sides of his ribs as he pushed into me, moved back slightly, pushed in further, moved back, pushed in further.

I felt the curls of his pubic hair against the tender skin between my split legs. He relaxed and I knew that now he was as far into me as he could reach. I let my body react normally to the solid that opened me. First the muscles of my insides tried to expel him. He moaned, his mouth coming open, his teeth releasing my lip. I let my sphincter muscle close tightly around him and listened as he moaned again.

"God, you cunt," he whispered again. He clenched his teeth and drew in his breath as I repeated the movements, holding onto his back roughly with my fingernails. "You have a talented cunt," he hissed.

"Oh shut up," I moaned. "Fuck me!" He chuckled.

"Not yet." I felt him then exercising the hard rod, making it move inside me without his ass moving in the least. Again I moaned, my neck arching, my breasts pushing into his chest. It was torture, not satisfying but only teasing.

"Com'mon! Please! Fuck me!" I tried to squirm beneath him but he only continued with the teasing inner movements, following my squirming with his body. "Com'mon!" I almost screamed.

With another chuckle, he slowly pulled back and almost out of me before pushing forward again at the same speed until he was again fully within me.

"Oh, yes," I moaned. He repeated the slow motion movement and I squirmed beneath him with the added freedom of movement. "Ohh! Yesss!"

"Oh, yeah!" he hissed again. His movements speeded slightly, his bottom pumping into me while our stomachs stayed tight together. "Oh, yeah!"

"That feels ... so ... ahhh ..." His strokes lengthened and speeded again. I knew this was how a woman must feel as she is fucked. God, it was wonderful! "Oh, yessss!" I knew it couldn't get better than this, and then it did!

He changed his movements, lifting his upper body onto his arms and away from mine. This allowed me even more freedom to squirm around him, my entire mind centered on that spot far between my legs.

"Ohhhh, god! This is the best ..." It was as if he had anticipated me. As I got out the last word, he changed his movement. Now he stopped the in and out movement of his hips and began stroking into me with his entire body rigid.

Since our stomachs had been locked together, my male member trapped between us, I had felt the strong strokes of his member into my insides. Now, as he froze his hips and moved his entire body instead, he seemed to stroke my insides with his member while stroking the rest of my body with his.

As he moved up and down my body, my locked knees pulled up and down with his movement. I used my knees to help him in his movements, coiling and uncoiling my body.

Quickly, this synchronous movement wasn't enough. I changed my movements to oppose his, my knees at his hips as he moved upward, my knees at his armpits as he moved down.

"Ahhh. Ahhh. Ahhh." I felt my climax rising within me.

I opened my clenched eyes to look into his straining face, the muscles of his neck hard and strained, his chest and biceps hard with the work. He seemed to sense me looking at him and looked down at me. He lowered his mouth to mine and licked my upper lip. I seized his lower lip in my teeth and felt him wince. As if set off by the momentary pain, he sucked my red lip into his mouth and returned the love bite.

Our eyes locked for a moment before I saw his de-focusing. At my other end, I felt the reason as his hips lost their regular rhythm and began pumping unrestrained into me.

"Mmm. Mmm. Mmm." We both moaned around the other's lip as I felt the searing heat of his climax deep in my guts even though it was caught in the condom. I felt mine filling the tight space between us and tightly clenched my eyes.

Both of us released the other's lip to pant in huge breaths of air to satisfy our bodies' needs.

Pushed full into me, my legs now pointing at the ceiling above his back, his body convulsed in a frozen moment.

Then it passed and he collapsed onto me. I straightened my legs and wrapped them around the back of his to hold him inside. The feel of his legs through the nylon material of the stockings was strange and exciting as I felt him breathing on the side of my neck. I kissed his shoulder where it rested at my mouth, my hands stroking his back. We both panted, putting a new tempo to our frozen bodies.

After several moments, his eyes opened and he pushed himself up slightly to look into my eyes. I met the look with a smile and accepted his soft, dry kisses. Then I felt him pulling the remnant of his softening rod from between my legs before he rolled to the side and out of my four limbed clutches.

He moved languidly to the bathroom and, a moment later and after the john flushed, returned to the bed and lay down beside me. While he was gone, I used a Kleenex to clean up my stomach and skirt. I had modestly pulled the skirt down across my naked center.

"You were wonderful!" he said huskily as he rubbed my stomach in the opening of the blouse.

"You, too," I whispered through my dry lips. "I didn't know --" Looking at my body intimately, he allowed his hand to caress my stomach and breasts and neck.

For the next half hour, he rubbed my body as I lay with my arms to the sides, my hands on the pillows. It was impossibly relaxing and sensual.

When I finally re-opened my eyes and looked down his hard body, I saw that he was again ready though I was sure he couldn't perform again. Feeling the languid heat of the room, I rolled onto my side. Immediately, I felt him form to my shape beside me, his hand pulling my stomach back against him, his leg along the back of mine, his upper leg crossing that one and forming to the back of my upper, bent leg.

He continued rubbing my stomach, diverting to my breasts and back down across my front. I could feel myself drifting off into sleep.

I awoke to the powerful draw of sensual pain as he pinched my real nipple under the breast form.

His front moved low behind me and I could feel that he had again pulled up my skirt in back and his hardness now rested in the crack of my ass. Almost as if he didn't want to wake me, I felt him very slowly and carefully guide himself into me again.

This time, it didn't hurt in the least. Instead it inflamed and excited me in spite of my lethargy. As I felt his center against my buttocks, I pushed backward to allow him more access. His hand lifted my spread knee up toward my chest.

I felt him moving inside me very, very slowly and gently. For a long time, he continued this movement and I tried to accommodate him with my center. He kissed along the back and side of my neck, his hand again finding my nipple. I could only moan softly with the gentle ministrations.

"Do you want to make love again?" he whispered into my ear.

"Yes," I sighed. He moved further over me, turning me onto my front more.

"Get up on your knees," he commanded. Making sure I didn't dislodge him, I slowly moved to my knees, my face in the pillow. "I can play with your tits if you raise up."

I rose onto my arms and looked downward to watch his hands cup both my breasts in the opening of the blouse. I arched my back, forcing him further between my legs. My skirt dropped like a drape from my waist.

As he began stroking into me, I felt his weight on my back as he moved one of his hands down under the skirt. He clasped my thigh for a while before his hand moved between my legs. He pressed and massaged the sensitive spot far between my legs, manipulating it until I knew that was what it felt like for a woman to have her cunt played with.

Then his hand found my dangling testicles and massaged them very gently, somehow without dislocating me from my femininity. I leaned my body back until I knew he was as fully inside me as possible, his movements beginning, in and out of my insides.

With my head back and eyes closed, I felt his hand on my rock hardness and again he preserved the illusion of my femininity in the way he manipulated it. It was as if I had a clit between my legs rather than what I knew, intellectually, was really there.

I grunted and heard his answering grunts as we began moving in opposition to each other to pull him nearly out of my body before dropping deep inside. We moaned and grunted in time with our movements as the speed of his stroking and my response increased to a crescendo.

His hand wrapped around me, pumping, even as he pumped in and out of my ass until I felt his body convulse again. Then it all went black as my own climax raged through my body.

Chapter 2

I FELT ABANDONED as he rolled out of the bed a few minutes later but not for long. He held out his hand to me.

"Com'mon. Get up lazy bones. We've got things to do." I had no idea what he was talking about but took his hand. "Fix your makeup and get dressed."

I smiled at him as I sat on the edge of the bed. Then, after the fuzz of afterglow slid away from me a little, I stood up and went to the bathroom. While there, I refreshed the makeup where it had smeared and brushed my hair. When I came back into the room, he handed me a pair of my panties and pantyhose before going back to look through the suitcase while I sat down and put them on.

I stood up and he handed me what I think is the prettiest of my dresses, a white dress with a circular neckline that falls onto my chest but was very carefully chosen not to allow peeks down the front to my bra. It was fairly tight across the front still.

It has long sleeves but of a filmy kind of almost opaque material, and a tight waist that flares at the hips to a short, full skirt. He zipped the back for me and wrapped his arms around me from behind as I expected he might.

At this stage, I could have told him that he didn't have much chance. I was as soft and as unresponsive as I ever was.

You had to give him an A for trying though. I felt his hands lifting the skirt and, when it was at waist level, sliding one hand into the top of the pantyhose and panties. It was sexy but, after the last hour or so, there was no way he was going to be able to get me turned on again.

"Good. You're still soft," he said at my ear inextricably. His hand, with the help of the other, moved me downward until my flaccid penis was between my legs. He rearranged the panties and pantyhose, running his hand between my legs over the top of them to check the positioning he had done before rubbing the front of my lower stomach with both hands. Finally, he dropped the skirt and held it down while looking at us again in the mirror.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I guess twice in an hour or so is about my limit. Maybe later."

"Oh, no. This is perfect!" he said exuberantly. "Try sitting down."

I did and didn't notice anything particularly unusual. Actually, several times before I had done this in order to try on tight Levis or pants. It worked until I got excited again and then it became uncomfortable.

"Is that okay?" he asked. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"Yeah. It's okay." I crossed my legs and felt only a little discomfort from applying pressure on my nuts. I lit a cigarette and felt the feminine handling come naturally, cradling it between extended fingertips and sucking on the filter lightly.

"You're perfect," he said with real admiration in his voice. I glowed with his comment. Again, he extended his hand to me as I finished the cigarette. Still holding my hand, he leaned over and took my door key from the pocket of my pants on the bed. "I'll carry it for you." He slipped it into his pocket. I couldn't figure out what was going on.

Quickly then, he led me across the room to the door. As he reached for the doorknob, I stopped and felt the panic rush through me.

"Oh, no! What do you think you're doing?"

"We're going downstairs for a drink."

"No," I said in panic, pushing past him to hold the door. "No way!"

He turned, putting both hands on my upper arms and looking into my eyes.

"Yes. You are absolutely perfect. You deserve this! You have to feel the excitement of being out in the world this way! The only thing I do that compares is that touch on the leg you experienced before in the bar. At that moment, either a guy is going to do as you did or he's going to punch me in the nose. But it's fantastically exciting!"

He looked deep into my eyes with an almost pleading.

"Please. Come with me. I want to show you off a little." He waited for me to make up my mind.

"Okay," I said finally. "But you're going to have to do the talking. I don't know how feminine my voice is."

He grinned from ear to ear before speaking again. "It sounds just fine." He leaned close and softly kissed my lips. "Just fine." Then he turned quickly and opened the door.

As if all my bad luck were gathered in one spot, as he pulled the door closed behind us, I saw two men walking toward us in the hallway. I gulped and clutched at his arm, wanting him to see the men as well and quickly open the door back up.

"Open it!" I hissed. He put the key in his pocket and turned to me instead.

"Amy, you look just fine. Don't worry." He saw them. He had to have seen them. I was so scared my knees shook. "Get a grip on yourself."

He pried my fingers off his suit coat and guided my hand to the crook in his arm. Then he turned and walked toward the elevator. Seeing that I was trapped now, I turned with him and tried to steady my walk and the tremor that rocked my hands.

I could hear the men behind me say, "Look at that." I knew that they knew and was just waiting for them to say something. What would they say. "Hey, fag." I didn't know but I was scared to death to find out. I could feel their eyes on me, on my backside, on my ... everything.

We finally made it to the elevators. I watched Jim push the up button and my heart took another leap. The lounge with the band was at the top of the building. The doors opened and we went into the small room. The two men caught up with us then and came into the elevator as well.

I stood with my back to the wall, still clutching at Jim's arm. Both men looked at me. I could feel it like water washing over me, their eyes roaming from my legs to my breasts to my arms to my face and back down my body. They didn't say anything. I took a deep breath.

The doors opened onto a noisy, open room. Well lighted. With people everywhere and a band playing slow music at the other end. I felt like every eye in the room turned to me as I stood there.

"Lucky guy," one of the men said inexplicably. Why had they said that? What?

Then Jim smiled and said, "Thanks. Yeah, I know."

"See," he said to me as they walked away into the large room. I smiled in confusion. "They were congratulating me on being with you," he whispered, seeing my confusion.

Then we were standing at the top of a flight of steps that dropped down into the room filled with tables and people. Jim just stood there where everyone could see me. I saw whole tables of faces turn my way, their eyes tracing my body, looking for every detail. I knew I was caught now.

A waitress in a very short black skirt, net stockings and a red, lowcut blouse walked to us. "Follow me, please," she said, smiling at me. I had to let go of Jim's arm then because of the narrowness of the space between tables. He nudged me ahead of him toward the waitress and I had no choice but to follow.

Every table we passed was full of men -- a few women -- staring at me. She led us through the entire room, finally holding a chair at a two person table at the other end of the room near the dance floor. I sat down, very carefully arranging the skirt of the dress and seeing my nearly naked legs come far out from under it. I quickly crossed them at the knee, trying to pull the skirt down more.

Jim sat down beside me, pulling the chair around the table and smiling at the woman who still hovered nearby. She bent over my shoulder and set down two cocktail napkins.

"What can I get you?"

"The lady would like a gimlet and I'll have a scotch and water." I smiled. He'd saved me already. "Doubles, please." Again.

We sat looking around the room. I noticed that most of the women were in this area, closer to the dance floor. I watched the couples dance smoothly, mostly slow dances with only one slightly faster exception that some people separated for. All the people seemed to be fairly young and I didn't see an ugly person in the group.

The drinks arrived and the girl bent at the waist to put them down. I noticed her look at Jim none too subtly but trying not to let him look down the low cut front of her top. She wasn't so cautious with me and I got a clear view of her nipples in the open top. As she straightened, she saw me looking at her front and winked at me before taking Jim's money, making change and setting it back down in front of him. Again she gave me the view of her front. I wondered if it were on purpose.

The gimlet was small but I could immediately taste how powerful it was. But I needed the fortification and, in moments, finished it. I noticed that Jim had done the same with his scotch. Jim ordered again and the waitress entertained me with the same view as before.

I smiled back at her though I was a little concerned still. I knew that, being close to me, if someone was likely to spot me, it might be her. The fear put a strange edge on everything. When she returned my smile and left again, I decided she still hadn't seen me for what I am.

When she left this time, I leaned close to Jim's ear.

"Jim. I think she's going to spot me." He only leaned equally close to my ear.

"Don't worry. No one could tell. I'm telling you." He kissed my ear and leaned back in his chair. Then he leaned forward again. "I'll prove it to you. Come on."

I looked at him in amazement. In a split second he had stood and now offered his hand to me. In a flash, I could see what he was going to do and shook my head. I knew I wouldn't pass if I were dancing!

He grabbed hold of my hand and physically lifted me from my chair. I resisted and tried to pull my hand free but I knew that if I really fought it would only make me more obvious than I already was. Damn him!

He held my wrist tightly and led me to the dance floor where he turned and pulled me into his arms. As he put his hand firmly in the middle of my lower back, holding my hand solidly, I turned my mouth to his ear.

"You son of a bitch!" I whispered. "You're going to get me caught! And I'm the one who'll get the shit beat out of me, not you! Goddammit!"

"I love ya when you're mad," he whispered back in my ear with a smile in his voice. "If you don't start dancing with me, everyone's going to notice."

I mumbled but I tried very hard now to match his steps. And after a few minutes, I found that I was enjoying it. He kept me from leaving the dance floor when the first song was finally over and we danced through a second and third. I found that I enjoyed following his movements, molding my body to his shape as he moved with me.

Finally, he returned me to my seat and a fresh drink he'd ordered just before we left.

"That was exhilarating," I said, panting with both the exercise and excitement. Maybe it was still fear as well.

Finally, I got to drink my drink -- something I did quickly, needing the fortification as I looked around the room. I'd been consumed, as we danced, with just following him and not falling down or something equally as embarrassing. Now I actually looked at the other people in the lounge and at the place itself.

It was a beautiful place with windows on the two sides of the room I could see from the table. It looked like it went on around to another side of the building. But here the view was magnificent, looking out over the city and the myriad lights below us. I could almost look straight down the side of the building to the street far below.

In the room, there were two other tables of couples who talked quietly with their drinks between them. One table held three couples. I recognized most of these people from the dance floor. But the vast majority of the almost filled lounge were men. At a very posh sort of bar at one side, a row of men sat looking over the rest of the room from high stools. Only one stared down at his drink. The rest scanned the other people and, I saw with some concern, lingered frequently on me.

Other tables held two, three, four and, in one case, six men. Several of the tables of two and three were obviously talking business. One even was almost covered with yellow pads, piles of legal looking papers, and other work. The larger tables seemed to be reserved exclusively for guys having a good time with multiple drinks in front of them, bowls of popcorn and peanuts, and loud talk and laughter. Again, several eyes met mine as I looked around.

It took me a little by surprise when the lights dimmed. It was sort of like you were suddenly going blind or something, detail seeping out of things you'd been able to see clearly a few minutes before. Now the backbar had more light than the rest of the room, the lights near the small band were colored and muted, and the panorama below took on more definition than before with buildings becoming visible as well as street lights and moving cars.

Of course, with the lowered lights, the music slowed as well. All but one of the couples moved to the dance floor. We sipped on fresh drinks quietly, catching our breath.

"Excuse me," a masculine voice said at my side. "But you're not dancing. Would you do me the honor?"

I looked up at the distinguished looking man at my elbow, holding out his hand toward me. I started to shake my head but Jim intruded. "She'd be happy to. I want to sit a couple of dances out."

I could only look at him, my mouth falling open at what he was doing. I could have strangled him.

"Please?" the man said with a sweet smile.

"I insist, Amy. Go."

I could feel my legs quake as I walked across the room toward the dance floor, the man's hand holding mine the whole way. What if he asked a question? What was I supposed to do then? God, I was scared.

He stopped and turned into me, putting his hand on my waist and forcing my arm onto his shoulder. I tried to keep from coming in contact with him anywhere else but the aggressive way he danced, forced me to hold on tightly to keep with him. He was superbly graceful as he moved us around the dance floor in a slow, close glide that I'd seen people do before but didn't have the vaguest idea how to do myself. But I wasn't leading and he was very easy to follow. Actually, I didn't have a choice but to follow since he almost physically moved me where he wanted to go.

He moved so smoothly and made me so much a part of his movements that I could only grin with it. This was the "fun" of dancing that I'd never either understood or been able to do before. We were so perfectly stuck together in our movements that there wasn't even any friction between us where he pressed to my entire front.

"I always try to dance with the most beautiful woman in any crowd I'm in," he said near my ear as we moved. "You easily qualify tonight and I'm very happy you agreed." I only nodded and smiled to myself. The way he held me, I know he felt both my nod and smile.

Like a true gentleman, when the song was finished, he led me back to the table and held the chair for me.

"Thank you very much, Amy. You're an excellent dancer as well as being the most beautiful woman here." I just grinned up at him from my chair as he smiled at me and returned to a stool at the bar.

"It looked as if you were really enjoying yourself," Jim said with another grin.

"He's a wonderful dancer." It was only the truth.

"You looked like you were molded together. Very beautiful," he said.

I finished my drink and started another when the waitress brought it.

After my first sip, I heard another voice at my shoulder and looked up. "I said, would you mind dancin' with me like you did with that other feller? You're really good." It took a second but then I decided, what the hell. I got up and followed him to the dance floor.

Obviously a westerner, this man was equally graceful but danced in an entirely different style full of long strides and an occasional loosening of his grip to almost force me away before enfolding me again in his arms rather roughly. This style included more arm pumping and bumping rather solidly into my body. It was exhilarating and, again, fun.

He thanked me in a deep drawl as he reseated me at the table and I smiled and nodded again.

I had barely finished my drink and diminished the sweat on my forehead as another man walked up to the table. Jim only gestured with one hand toward the dance floor. I got up and followed the man who had my hand now.

This one was different. And so was the music. It was slower and mellower. The man was much more sensual. First, after we were in a normal dance position, he pulled my right hand with his to his shoulder. It made it almost a hug as his other arm went almost completely around my lower back, his hand on my opposite side behind.

His leg moved between my thighs as we moved and his chin was actually over my shoulder pressing me into his. Then he dropped his lead hand down across my back as well and made the position even more a bear hug into his large body.

He moved his feet hardly at all and, when I did, I found his leg pressing firmly between mine. I felt his head turn until his mouth was near my ear.

"God, you are a sexy little one, aren't you?" he said. "I like everything about you from that cute little dress to your nice little ass."

I made as if to move away a little but he wouldn't let me.

"I love your big tits pressing into my chest like this and your hot little pussy pushing into my leg like that. Mmmm." Now I really tried to push away with equal results. His tongue went into my ear and my entire being felt his breath.

"That turns you on, doesn't it, baby?" he whispered into my ear before he kissed my neck. It actually made my eyes cross, it felt so good. I heard the song change but he didn't even seem to notice, never changing his movements in the least.

"You married to this guy you're with?" he asked. For some reason, I shook my head. "Ahh. Then you're free. I'd give about anything you'd be interested in to fuck your eyes out tonight. What do you think of that?" Again I shook my head.

"I think you better take me back to my table," I said in a soft whisper. It was much more breathless than I thought it would be and certainly more than I wanted. To my ears, it sounded huskily sexy. I wondered what it sounded like to him.

Then I knew. He kissed me on the neck, sending shivers through my body that pulled my leg off the floor and between his legs. When I thought about it, as he stopped, I realized it is probably the sexiest thing a woman can do standing up. It never failed to turn me on anyway.

"Yeah!" he breathed. "I'd fuck you until morning. I'd lick your cunt until you were dry. I'd chew on your clit until you couldn't stand it any more. I'd do anything you asked me to do."

I shook my head and tried again to push him away with no success. His hands went to my bottom then, one over each cheek and began working the flesh there.

"Have you ever had anyone put their tongue in your asshole, sweetie. Just put it in and turn it around and around until you couldn't stand it anymore. After I'd done that for about an hour, I'd put my big dick into it until it was clear up in your belly."

Now his hands were on the naked skin of my bottom under the hem of my skirt.

"I'll bet even then you'd take my big cock clear into your mouth until I touched your tonsils." His front pumped into my stomach and I did exactly the wrong thing.

"Uhhhn," I moaned.

"Yeah. That's it, baby. Why don't you come for me right here on the dance floor. I know you can do it. You just go ahead. And maybe I'll even come with you. Then we can go to --"

"Excuse me," I heard behind him. "Mind if I cut in?"

As he loosened his grip on me, I took the opportunity to squirm out and turn away from him. Jim grinned at me and put his arms around me.

"Thanks," he said to the man, who was standing there looking as if he'd been abandoned and couldn't figure out why.

Somehow Jim had me in almost the same position, both his arms around my back as he danced me away from the astonished man.

"Room 512, missy," the man said then.

I waved and fell into Jim's hug with my arms up and on his shoulders. I turned my mouth into his neck.

"Thanks," I sighed. "There for a minute, I thought I was going to get laid right in the middle of the dance floor."

"There for a minute, so did I," Jim said with a smile in his voice. "Were you going to tell him 'no' eventually or just go ahead and fuck him?" I hit him on the shoulder but smiled.

"I don't know," I whispered. "It was getting pretty tempting. He had some great ideas. And wasn't even a little bashful about telling me about them."

"You know," he said seriously. "If you want to go with someone else, I have no hold on you. You know that, right?"

"Always leave with the man who brought you, my old mommy used to say," I chided.

"I'm serious, you know. If --"

"I know, Jim. But I really don't think he knew what he was getting into. Or wanted to get into." We laughed softly together.

We danced in silence for a little while.

"I think I like what dancing with other guys does to you," he said.

"What's that?" I mumbled into his neck.

"Turn you on, I think. God, if you were any closer to me, you'd be on the other side."

"Yeah. Have to admit. A few drinks and a little dirty talk along with a few rubs and humps in the right places do turn a girl on." His ear was very close to my nose and it only took a little to move my tongue into it. I was gratified by his moan.

"How about taking me back to the table for a minute. I really need to visit the bathroom."

"Sure," he said then. "And I badly need a drink."

He held my hand as we recrossed the floor and went to the table. I kept on going out the door toward the sign that said "restrooms". It was past the elevators, around a corner, and down several doors of the hallway. I very nearly went into the men's room before remembering where I was and pushed on the other door with it's skirted figure.

I was glad there was no one in the room and quickly emptied my bladder. A few minutes later, I felt like I had everything back where it belonged and the start of a hard-on I'd arrived with had again subsided.

I walked back out of the restroom much happier and vastly more comfortable.

"Now I know what's going on," a voice said behind me as the door closed behind me. Immediately, I was scared to death it was the man I'd been dancing with last, before Jim rescued me. My mind scrambled to find a way to survive this. I turned to look at him in hopes I could defend myself. It wasn't him.

"You're very very good," the distinguished man said from where he leaned against the wall with his back. "You know, when you came in, I would have bet you were a very high priced hooker. We get lots of them here. And your buddy? Just the shill. Protection and a little encouragement for the competition.

"When he let you dance with me so easily, I was almost sure of it. But I needed you to ask me before I could do anything."

I thought very hard about my voice and then about what to say.

"I ... don't understand," I said very softly and in a little higher pitch than my normal voice.

"When you didn't proposition me, I thought maybe it was a delayed action. Let the guy come on, then hit 'em with the price. I was probably even more sure when you danced with the cowboy and turned him down, or just didn't take him on. Figured you were at least a little picky.

"Then Paul hit you. I've listened to his line before. It's gotten him knocked on his ass a couple of times and I've had to toss him out a couple more. Comes on a little strong, doesn't he?" I nodded in response.

"Well, when you didn't take Paul up on his offer or give a price, at first I thought you were just a decent lady having a good time. No business. No nothing." He squinted his eyes.

"Then I watched you with your guy while you danced. Very subtle. It takes a real expert to see through, you know. You ought to be proud. I've been on this job for 20 years and I've never seen better. And I've even seen some professionals."

Again I shook my head as if bewildered. And I was. Totally. I didn't know what he was getting at.

"You know. Until about two minutes ago, I still didn't know. I thought maybe I was losing it. But then, when you walked down this hall and automatically turned to the men's room before you moved to the ladies', was the first time." He grinned as I flushed and wondered if I was going to faint or something. I was caught.

My God, what now? This was some kind of cop! Was I going to jail? Was he going to throw me out? God!

"From what I've seen tonight, you've done nothing but brighten up the place some. I'll bet 10 guys stayed an extra two or three drinks just to watch you dance with Paul. Then they all ordered again when you were dancing with your guy.

"I'm amazed! I've honestly never seen anyone as good as you." I tried to straighten my shoulders and take whatever happened as well as possible. Maybe try to fake my way out of it.

"So, what now?"

"Tell me I'm right. You don't have to say anything. But, if you're really a guy instead of a girl, just nod your head." Looking him in the eye, I nodded.

"Unbelievable," he said. "Now's the first time I'm absolutely sure. And I'm still taking your word for it." He was grinning from ear to ear. I couldn't believe it.

"Am I ... under arrest ... or something?" I squawked.

"Heavens, no!" he said then. "I couldn't do that if I wanted. I could call a cop or I could toss you out of the hotel. But I'm not going to do that, either."

"What ... what are you going to do?"

He smiled as broadly as he had all night. He put his hand forward to me.

"I'm going to ask you to dance. Would you?"

I laughed with relief and quickly stifled it when I realized it didn't sound very feminine.

"I would have danced with you if you hadn't put me through this. You're the best dancer in the place," I said. I took his arm and let him lead me back to the dance floor and past Jim.

Except for Jim, dancing with Philip -- not Phil but Philip -- was the most fun. I could really just be myself and not worry about discovery. After all, I was discovered already and it was sort of a relief. Even if it was by the "authorities."

I couldn't help wondering if his last name was Marlow but I couldn't ask as we danced.

He wasn't just a good dancer. He was an outstanding dancer. I mean, almost professional in his knowledge and the way he moved. It was wonderful dancing with him. Seemingly without effort, he taught me new steps to the old dances, like the foxtrot and waltz, but also taught me dances I'd always wanted to learn but never had the partner or, really I guess, the inclination. Like the cha cha, samba, and the rumba. He even forced me into a lambada that I've never even seen before. And that is really an experience. As close to making love standing up as it's possible to do with clothes on and music playing and two dozen guys staring at you. It was actually embarrassing.

By the time we finished that dance, I was so hot and bothered I convinced him we needed to sit down for a drink.

As we'd danced, he'd done just about everything to me. Twirled me until I could see my skirt around my hips, held my butt, and absolutely crushed my breasts. I knew, if they were real, they'd actually be sore from it all.

Jim was actually smirking as we sat down at the table with him, still sweating with exertion and excitement. He was shooting me so many "I told you so" looks that I couldn't help myself.

I leaned up to his ear, kissed it, and told him Philip was the house detective and he knew about me. He paled at that but was quickly put back by my hand on the inside of his thigh and Philip's smile and drink order.

"Actually," Philip said very softly. "I go off duty at 1. It's 2 now."

We sat and talked quietly then while most of the crowd left. I guess they could see that I was taken, now with two guys at my table. That is, except for Paul. He came up to the table and draped himself over my shoulders from behind the chair and leaned very close to my ear.

"I'd give you 500 bucks if you'd spend the night with me," he moaned. I looked at the other guys with a smile and then shook my head. "Then 500 and all I'd do is lick your clit all night. How about that?"

Jim winked at me as I stood up in front of Paul. So only Jim could see, I put one hand down at my side as I stepped close to Paul and put my arm around the back of his neck to pull him into an open mouthed kiss. For Jim to see, I let my other hand rub across Paul's huge hardness through his pants. Then, still only an inch from his mouth, I said, "I'm sorry, Paul. But not tonight. I've only got two holes to fill and two guys."

"But," he moaned, "one of them'll get tired pretty quick." He was whining. God I loved it.

"There'll be another time for you Paul. Just you."

I sat back down and we all watched him stagger painfully across the lounge and out the door to the elevator. I looked at Jim and Philip and saw their big smiles. Now I couldn't hold it back and we all laughed until I knew my eye makeup was running down my cheeks and tears were rolling down both their's.

We finished our drinks and, still enjoying it immensely, I let them lead me out, holding on to each of their arms.

I was a little surprised when Philip got off the elevator with us at our floor, but I was enjoying everything so much, I didn't think much of it. Besides the dancing and the drinks had taken their toll. It surprised me more though when Philip walked right into my room behind me. But, well, I still had some beers and maybe the party wasn't over yet.

I offered and both Jim and Philip declined as they sat in my two chairs. I kicked off the high heels and sat on my legs in front of them on the bed while we talked. Somehow, though, it was a little strained.

We were talking about all sorts of strange things as we sat there. Laughing and joking. Even a couple of times talking about serious things a little.

I went to the bathroom after a while and heard the guys talking but I really didn't think too much of it. I'd talked to each of them when the other was in the john, too. When I came out, it did take me a little by surprise when Philip stood up and caught me at the end of the bed before I sat down. Caught me in his arms as he had during the dances. Every bit as smoothly and seductively. The way he held me, my arms went naturally around his neck.

Then, looking more serious than he had at any time during the night, he looked into my eyes and slowly lowered his mouth over mine, his tongue soon exploring the roof of my mouth. I found myself blotting out the rest of the world to enjoy that wonderful kiss, even feeling myself squirming my body against him to feel my false breasts push into his chest.

Then I felt the hard bulge pressing into my stomach and opened my eyes. He was looking back into mine with the smile lines at the corners crooked up pleasingly.

"I asked Jim. But would you mind sharing with me?" he said in a whisper.

I found it was hard to talk. I looked from his sincere eyes to Jim, who was sitting in the chair with his fingers tented in front of his mouth, and saw his grin that said, "It's up to you." Then I didn't know. Didn't know at all. It was scary.

"Ahhh," I said as I felt my fingers actually vibrating with fear, or maybe anticipation, on Philip's shoulder. "I don't know," I finally stammered.

"Let me help, then," Jim said as he slid up behind me and kissed me over my own shoulder. Philip's talented tongue went into my ear. Jim's hands were on my hips and started rolling them between them as he pressed into me from behind. He broke the kiss and smiled. "Philip. I think you're about to get the experience of a lifetime. This is the sexiest little plaything I've ever been around."

"Then, do I have permission to make love to her first," Philip said with a huge grin.

"I think we can both make love to her," Jim said. "Even at the same time."

"Now wait," I said with a shiver. "Don't I have anything to say about this?"

"Yeah, baby," Philip said. "Do you want top or bottom?"

I looked from one to the other, my arms still around Philip's neck.

"I don't know," I said with the skepticism dripping from my voice. Philip stiffened. "I guess you'll have to show me both so I can choose." Then he laughed.

Chapter 3

PHILIP'S LIPS CAME back to mine, his tongue getting serious in its exploration of my mouth. Jim's fingers slid up both sides of my thighs until they were under my skirt at my waist and found the top of my pantyhose. He threaded them down my legs without disturbing the panties that still held me firmly between my own legs -- painfully now.

Then his hands came up under my skirt again until he was rubbing my sides about waist level. I had to break off the kiss.

"Jim," I moaned. "Please. I'm getting so turned on. It's painful."

"Mmmm," he said. "Let me help you out a little then."

As Philip covered my lips again, I felt Jim's hands in my panties, massaging his way down my tummy and into my pubic hair. Then finally, he loosened the panties to free me before moving it up into the crease of my leg and pulling the panties back tight between my legs. I moaned with relief into Philip's mouth and, for the first time, really felt that I could get into it now.

I lifted one naked leg and put it around the back of Philip's, running my foot up and down his calf. Jim pulled my panties into a thin line between my cheeks and stroked my globes with some authority. He stepped back and, peripherally, I saw him toss his coat on the counter, followed by his shirt and pants. His shoes hit the floor with a pair of clunks.

He pulled up the back of my skirt and I felt his naked legs against the back of mine. As Philip moved back from me, I panted, my eyes closed, with my hands back on Jim's naked hips behind me. Again I heard the clunk, clunk and knew Philip was ready now as well. I opened my eyes to see his naked chest and equally naked look of lust as he closed with me again, putting my hands back around his neck. The hair on his chest was thick and grey.

Slowly, he moved back until he sat on the edge of the bed, then moved back onto it as he held me still to him. I had to crawl up over him, avoiding kneeing him by putting one leg on either side of his. His hand pulled my mouth back down onto his lips and his tongue again found my mouth. I sucked hard on it as I felt my mounting excitement, poised there on all fours over him.

Jim put my shoes back on. Though I think that's just a little strange, they feel nice. When I sit back to get my breath back for a second, I feel the high heels against my nearly naked bottom. I know now that he's continuing, the way he did before, in maintaining my illusion of femininity. I smile back at him as Philip puts his hands on my breasts and distracts me again.

As well as sitting back on my own shoes, I'm also sitting spraddle-legged on his lap. I can feel his hardness between my legs and moan with that feeling.

God, my eyes are doing very strange things. Having a hard time focusing or even staying open for long as I enjoy all these wonderful feelings of Philip's need for me. My hands go to the back of Philip's over my breasts even as Jim kisses the back of my neck and sends chills up and down my spine. This time I moan aloud with it.

My hands stay with Philip's as he moves to my sides and I know that my whole front, in the white dress, is open to his view. He's moaning, too, as he rubs between my legs and across the silk of my panties.

Jim pulls my skirt up in front onto my stomach and holds it there as he massages me and sucks at the hairs at the back of my neck until I sit with my head far back. Then he unzips my dress down my back and kisses his way down my spine, licking and leaving trails of his passage that ruin any return of my eyes' focus. The feeling straightens up my body until I know my hips are thrust forward toward Philip's view.

His hand moves down my side, mine still holding it, and between my legs where he finds the sensitive skin that, on a woman, would be a vagina. Somehow, he makes me feel as if he is rubbing soft feminine flesh there.

Then, gasping, he pulls my mouth back down to his and wildly begins to kiss me deeply. His hands hold mine behind the small of my back as he ravages my mouth, biting my lips and sucking hard on my plunging tongue in his mouth. I think it's all I can take.

Then I feel Jim lift the back of my skirt up to cover my pinioned hands and moves the silky panty material from between my cheeks. Reacting as if I've been shot, my heart racing wildly, I feel Jim's tongue delve between my ass cheeks, finding my little hole and inserting itself into it. I groan around my extended tongue and would have probably retrieved it if Philip had let me. But the suction on it was so strong, I couldn't.

It seemed an eternity that Jim pistoned his tongue in and out of me until my own body was pumping with the rocking motion of it, my climax coming nearer and nearer. Then he stopped and my body reacted to that loss for several agonizing minutes, my excitement totally undiminished.

Then I felt the coolness of the Vaseline he spread on my ass before his finger forced it into me and I almost lost it again. Now the finger moved in and out, around and around inside me. Philip still kissed and sucked on my tongue -- still held my hands behind my back so my entire front rubbed against his hairy chest.

Then Jim's movements changed in my asshole, lifting me off of Philip, forcing me up until I was on my knees again with contact almost completely on my lips over Philip's mouth. I was being supported on my knees, my lips, and Jim's finger.

When I felt my skirt move a little and Philip stiffen, I knew Jim now held Philip's cock in his slippery hand and, as I felt Philip's movements, knew he was stroking him. That only lasted a moment before Jim's finger left my asshole and I felt him guiding Philip to me, pressing me back and onto him now.

As his big cock slid into me, he lost his suction on my tongue for the first time, just as I needed my mouth open fully to gulp in breath.

"Oh, God!" I cried as his hands pulled me down onto him fully, him into me completely. His hands took mine to push down on the top of my thighs, his center pushing upward further. "Oh, God! Ohhhh!"

I'd never felt anything so wonderful -- complete -- in my life. I kept crying out and moaning loudly until I heard Jim in front of me.

"Hush, baby. Here! Quickly!" Jim said. My eyes cracked open with effort and I saw him kneeling in front of me, his cock bounding with excitement only a few inches away.

Fighting my hands free of Philip's weakened grip, they went to Jim's hips and pulled him to my mouth. I didn't let him stop until I felt his pubic hair on my lips.

"Oh, fuck!" he said with surprise, his dick jumping inside my mouth as I continued to scream into the mouth filling flesh. Then I heard Philip moan loudly and, at the same time, felt him fire his load into my body.

I'm sure I would have come then but for being slightly distracted by Jim. Actually, I was much calmer now and less close to my own climax. And worse, Philip was quickly softening inside me.

"That was fantastic!" he said from below me as he came free of my body. Jim still held the sides of my head as I held his hips.

Then, in a motion, he pushed me over backward. I gasped with the surprise as he came out of my mouth and my head and shoulders fell over the edge of the bed. He caught my hips in both hands and, in a motion, slid into my ass with my legs spread wide and held on the top of his arms at the elbow. I put up my hands to catch myself when I fell from the bed but he held me tightly poised as he pumped into me again and again.

The strange combination of stresses and excitement almost drove me over the edge in that first flash of seconds. Then he was lifting and turning me onto the bed and Philip was helping him. I moaned as he slid out of me.

He turned me roughly onto my front and grabbed a hold of my panties, still on through all this, and pulled hard. I felt them dig into the crease at my thighs and grab my hardness. "Ahhh!" I yelled, part with the excitement and part with a sudden fear and a little pain.

So instead, more slowly and carefully, he slid them down over my hips and freed me. Then they were tied around my knees as he ran his hands between my legs. Philip, I think, pulled them the rest of the way down my legs. Surely Jim couldn't have done it with both his hands between the cheeks of my ass.

Then he was pushing my knees apart with his legs, pulling me up onto my knees and onto him. Really, him into me in that single motion and without ever touching his own dick. I felt it go all the way into my ass so far that he was actually hunched forward as far as he could go.

He vibrated with his own need now as he slowly backed off an inch and then rammed into me again. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" I was moaning into the bed cover with each of his thrusts.

I felt something else and looked down to see Philip now laying between my legs, his mouth finding all those sensitive spots from what could have been my cunt up to the responsive tip of what could have been my clit.

Then his lips were holding the head of it and his tongue was playing over and around it. His hands were tickling their way up and down the inside of my thighs even as Jim continued to pump powerfully into me.

I couldn't stand it a second longer. I could feel my ass convulsing with the powerful feelings and then Jim shot into me powerfully, pushing me a few inches up the bed cover and adding the strain of my legs holding me up.

It was too much. My whole body convulsed from my toes, through my ass, up my stomach and into my back and chest.

Peripherally, I could hear Philip making little sucking sounds on me as I climaxed and Jim's come sliding down the inside of both of my thighs. As my climax passed, I could hear Jim chuckling as he wrapped his arms around my chest with a hand crossed and holding onto each of my breasts. Philip was still making those sucking sounds and, now, I could feel his lips around me and his tongue moving up and back across the sensitive tip.

"Oh, fuck!" Jim sighed contentedly. "I can't believe it. You are without a doubt the best fuck I've ever had."

I glowed with the compliment.

"Mmm," I could hear from below me. "I'll second that. I can guarantee you that you are the best woman, who wasn't a woman, I've ever even heard of."

Tickled and glowing with the appreciation, I was now in an almost giddy mood. I pushed my pelvis into Philip's face, rubbing it all over him as I clenched my ass as hard as I could with the shaky muscles of my body. Both men groaned and laughed.

"Christ!" Jim laughed. "I think you could actually make me come again." Philip squirmed out from under me and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"So," he said as he lowered his face down to kiss my lips quickly. "What does your lingerie look like?"

Excited now, I pulled away from Jim, who rolled to one side away from my movement. Then I gained my feet and went across the room to my suitcase. I pulled out what I was looking for.

"What do you think?" I asked. "This?" I held up a white satin bustierre, g-string, and filmy white cover in one hand, "Or this?" I held up a filmy blue shortie nightgown and tiny panty set in the other hand.

Both men were shaking their heads as they looked at me.

"Well?" I said, wanting to know.

"The white," Philip said as Jim said, "The blue." We all laughed.

"Well then, I'll start with the white," I said. "And later maybe I can sleep in the blue." I noticed Philip's now hardening dick jump. I put the blue one back in the suitcase.

"Okay," Philip said. "But I got to go to work at four tomorrow. You will have me home by then, won't you?"

"Ahhhh," I said dramatically as I posed with my finger on my lips. "Maybe. Maybe not."

"Tell you what," Jim said. "If you'll let us sleep sometime tonight, we'll take you out shopping in the morning. I think the mall opens at nine."

"We should probably try to get at least an hour's sleep before then," Philip said seriously. "Think we can manage that?"

No one was really sure enough to say anything.

They'd been surprised when I came out in the satin bustierre. I'd previewed myself, of course, in the wall sized mirror of the bathroom. The way the brassiere portion of the thin material covered me and the false breasts, the seam between skin and prosthesis was invisible. In addition, the way it pulled me toward the center and up made the amount of loose flesh on my real chest look very natural. Actually, the lacy brassiere I'd taken off did the same thing for me and, even with no dress or blouse, I looked completely female from the waist up.

In fact, in solid panties or pantyhose and tucked back, I even looked female down lower. As long as I kept myself from becoming over excited.

The g-string, though it looked like just a triangle of material at the front, nestled between my legs, was quite substantial. It was nearly two inches wide where it passed between my legs and, though it didn't cover my ass crack hardly at all, it did provide a pouch for most of my tucked masculine hardware. I did have a little trouble with my testicles falling out one side or the other but, as long as I kept my legs crossed it worked well.

The thing was held up by solid strings that could be tied firmly on top of my hip bones on each side. My high heels and the filmy cover provided the remainder of the concealment of my "natural" condition.

Both men expressed their amazement and approval that I could not only pass as female when fully dressed as one but also when I was very nearly undressed.

Their appreciation took a number of forms during the next two hours but, finally, resulted in our sleeping in a knot of bodies by about 5 a.m.

Both men only moaned when I woke the next morning and pushed my way out of the pile and into the shower. I knew that I would be roundly booed if I dressed in sports coat and slacks so, shrugging and smiling at the same time, did makeup, donned the wig and replaced the protheses, bra, and pantyhose. I shook them awake again as I started looking at my wardrobe.

It amused me, as Jim hit the shower, that only a few hours before I would never have considered going outside the door of this room in any of the women's clothes. Now I only passingly thought of doing otherwise. I decided to dress for the mall -- a place recognized everywhere as the modern "coming out" spot for young, beautiful women. You have to dress for the mall -- not just drag in wearing Levis.

The white teeshirt I chose had a wide, low neckline and sequined swirls across the breasts. I also chose my white short shorts the legs of which actually came from about an inch below the conjunction of my legs upward onto my upper thighs. The waist was low and belted with a gold clasped belt of the same cotton material. A pair of white sandals with moderate heels made the outfit perfect.

I was only a little surprised when I saw Philip's bleary eyes staring at me when I turned toward him. I was a little more surprised by the raging hard-on he displayed when he rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed in only his undershorts.

"What are you staring at?" I said with a grin.

"I just can't believe it. I know it's there. But there's just no way I can tell from looking at you now. You even have a great looking ass!"

"Thanks," I said with a grin as Jim came out of the steamy shower in only his red underwear.

"Whoa!" Jim said behind me. "What an outfit! It looks great!"

"Can you believe that ass?" Philip said as he stood and walked around us to the shower.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm," Jim said in response. "Great tits. Great ass. And a nice puffy lipped pussy. You'd better watch yourself or some bellboy is going to take a handful."

"Well, I thought you guys were going to take me to the mall. And I wanted to dress right." I turned in place. "Is okay?"

"Shit!" Philip said as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Unbelievable," Jim said more soberly. "Better than okay."

Fifteen minutes later, the men fully dressed though only in their shirts with sleeves rolled onto their forearms, we walked together to the elevators and down to the coffee shop. None of us could stand the thought of the day without at least a cup of coffee and all ended up having large breakfasts.

Both men got a kick out of watching the traveling salesmen, eating at tables all around the room by themselves, as they ogled me.

Philip, with his car parked in a reserved spot near the front door of the hotel, drove to the mall.

Thanks to our extended breakfast, it was almost noon when we got to the mall. The place was filled with yuppie men on their lunch hours, yuppie housewives and secretaries wanting to be seen, and teens loosed from some nearby high school for their lunches.

As I walked through the mall with the two men, we gained admiring looks from all the inhabitants. The women looked at the two men, then at me as I strode along between the two of them. The men didn't bother looking at the two men. The teens followed, pursued, hooted, and exclaimed if they were guys. The girls just looked disgusted and hit their boyfriends.

In Frederick's of Hollywood, I gave the two men a lesson in picking out underwear. I accepted the garter belt and nylons they picked out but rejected the insubstantial panties and bras. Instead, I showed them panties that emulated those I had worn the night before -- providing support without coverage. I also accepted the nipple cutout bra since it was still fairly substantial and looked like it would cover the seams. I absolutely refused the crotchless panties or the half- cup bras. There is just no way to make those work.

An absolutely clear body stocking with high, french cut legs and solid breast support won my approval after their insistence. I whispered as I pointed out that it would completely cover my ass and didn't even have a snap between the legs. No access there.

In a high mod clothes store, we picked out skirts, blouses, and dresses for me to try on with, it seemed, an eye to seeing how much I could get away with. Eighteen inch skirts. Low cut, even plunging necklines. Backless blouses. See-through tops. Dresses with clinging skirts and tops. A belt that was about eight inches wide and two inches smaller than my waist.

It was like a challenge. And I decided, to hell with it. I'd try anything once. I started trying things on and modeling them for the two men and a smiling sales girl.

Trying on the dress with the plunging neckline, I chuckled as I found that it had a built in bra. I wouldn't want to wear it out on a long date or anything because I'd always have to be watching it. But I put it on, cinched up the tight built-in belt and tied the top very tightly around the back of my neck. It worked for long enough for me to show it off, though the tight string around my neck was already cutting off the circulation. I got a kick out of their shared looks of astonishment as they watched me turn around in front of them and the sales girl.

So the only one that was a problem now was the little black dress with the short skirt, halter top, and no back. No built in bra meant no way to hold my prostheses in place. What now?

I enlisted the sales girl's help in the dressing room. She'd been wanting to come in and help since we arrived and now I allowed her in.

"Listen. I'd like to try this on but without a bra, I sag about a foot. I'm just too big to do without. How could I possibly wear this?"

"I know just the thing," the sales girl said with a grin. She left and returned in about a minute with a black arrangement of cups and strings. "Look at this," she said. "You get your tits in the cups and tie the strings behind your head at whatever height you want. Then to keep it in place, so you don't fall out, you tie it around your back about waist level and around to the front. Okay?"

I looked at the assortment of strings and wondered but knew I had to do it myself or just declare failure. That's what the guys were after. I thought I could do it.

"I'll help you out," the sales girl said then. "I've been wanting to see your tits anyway. I mean --" she stopped talking but was now looking at my chest through the almost clear, see- through blouse I wore over my lacy bra.

She took me off guard when her hands suddenly went to my breast forms. I was almost sad when I took both her hands and removed them before the girl could discover their real nature.

"I've got two guys out there that are like tigers, sweetie," I said. "I just can't afford to lose my edge right now. But, if you wouldn't mind, can I touch you instead?"

I didn't wait but put my hands on her firm breasts instead. "Put your hands behind your back, sweetie, and just enjoy this. Okay?" The girl complied.

She was wearing one of the bazaar combinations of creations of the store. The blouse was cut to a spot between her breasts and so tight it was obvious she wore nothing under it. Opaque and elastic, it still showed the shape of her nipples when I moved my fingers over them and the girl squealed.

The blouse buttoned and the top button, between her breasts, was open to reveal the inside of the soft rises there. She was very young and so firm that the springy material, that might have flattened most women, did not even misshape her. I unbuttoned two more of the buttons and watched the stretchy material open and pull her nipples outward. With the third button, almost at her waist, it almost sprung open. The girl squealed again.

I put my hand inside the opening, letting the material spring away from her breast altogether. Her arms still behind her back, she moved her legs and her lips and her chin but didn't attempt to move the nipple out of my grasp as I pinched it lightly. Instead she rolled her eyes and, when I found the other nipple and exposed it to the air, started licking her lips.

"K ... kiss ..." the girl mumbled around her roving tongue. I couldn't help myself. I kissed her breast on one side, to her squeal, and then the nipple on the other. When I covered that nipple and sucked its long firmness between my lips, she really started squirming, lifting and re-placing one foot almost like a nervous filly, white eyed with the entrance of a stallion.

Then, to my surprise, she climaxed. It wasn't a powerful climax but it was very obvious. Relaxing after a moment, the girl sank back into the hard upholstered chair.

"No, no," I said. "Stand up." The girl followed orders and stood though it seemed to be a trial for her to stay that way.

The other part of her outfit was the tightest, shortest skirt I'd ever seen in public. Looking her in the brightly shining eyes, I pulled up the sides of the skirt then I lowered her back into the chair with the intention of pulling her pantyhose off. However, when I looked down I saw that she was wearing crotchless pantyhose.

The legs of the pantyhose came up to the conjunction of her legs but the front was entirely missing well onto her tummy. Kneeling in front of her then, I stared as she put one leg on the arm of the chair, opening herself to view somewhat. I pushed the other knee and watched her excitement as she put it up on the other arm of the chair. Now she sat spread wide and I could only stare.

She was as totally devoid of hair as any newborn. No hair. No sign of hair. Just her swollen nether lips, the wet split of them, the small clutching hole below, and the largest clit I'd ever seen. It had to be almost an inch long and about half that around. It was very hard.

"Is it too big and ugly?" she said naively.

"No, no. I've just never seen one so big. And beautiful," I added to soften the earlier statement. I'd sucked larger things during the night last night. But nothing so tasty and responsive.

The girl had to clamp both hands over her mouth when my lips closed over that swollen flesh. Her eyes were as big around as saucers as I licked and sucked and pulled at it with my lips. She was still almost screaming through her clasped hands as I lowered a little and plunged my tongue into her hairless hole.

In general I thought women were good to eat. But this youngster was actually sweet tasting. Sweet like a grape. She came lightly again and flooded my tongue with her taste. Now I wanted to see her have a true, all out, earth shattering climax.

I put my hands on the back of her spread thighs and pressed my lipstick coated lips between her legs until they were tightly around her large clit, my tongue tantalizing it. Her stomach muscles fluttered with my tongue's tiniest movements. Her head was back now and her mouth wide open to suck in great amounts of air. Her hands were clenched on her own knees, her knuckles white.

Though she'd barely been able to keep from crying out before, now there was only a kind of mewling sound escaping her throat.

Like taking up a piece of spaghetti, I sucked the sensitive skin into my mouth and fluttered my tongue on it until, increasingly, her whole body quaked with the movements. Then, suddenly, she froze with a scream frozen in her clenched throat as the climax came on.

When the dam broke through her body, it went totally erratic and I could hear her rising volume level as well as seeing all the muscles of her body convulse. Peripherally, I could see her legs stretch out with her toes pointed at the upper corners of the small room.

"Oh, oh!" she moaned. "Oh, you've got to stop now. Oh. Ah!" Then, for a minute, her climax seemed to intensify as I continued until she couldn't speak above a squeak.

One of her hands came off her knee then to press against my forehead while the other came to the side of my face. One seemed to push me away while the other bade me to stay. Compassionately, I slowed my tongue and lips' movements and softly kissed her between the legs before moving back and away.

Finally, she looked down at me there and returned my smile.

"Oh, that was wonderful! I've never ever had one like that before! Oh! My!"


She seemed to slump in the chair then, all her energy drained. I stood up and stripped the teeshirt over my head, unconcerned about her catching me in my deception. I tied the bra strings around the back of my neck as we looked at each other and then turned my back to her and undid the bra I wore. I didn't think she could see me place the prostheses in the cups of the new bra before I let the old one go.

Holding onto the two long strings I pulled them around to my back low and started to tie them there.

"You know what works neat," the girl said from her still spread position in the chair. "If you just take the strings down between your legs and up in front, it stays better. Here. Let me show you."

I felt her pull down my shorts before she took the strings from my hands behind me and down to hand them to me between my legs as the shorts lay in a pile around my ankles.

"That's it. Now, if you crisscross them between your legs, you can run them right up between your love lips and across your clitty. Then tie one to the strings behind your back on each side of your hips." She giggled. "One of the neat things then is that if you stretch out just a little after you can put your shoulders back, it pulls the strings right on your clit."

In fact, what it did was cross directly over my slightly hardened dick that was neatly tucked between my legs still, putting more than a little pressure on it. In spite of the discomfort, I decided to do it for long enough to show off the backless dress and then not do it again.

"It even works better without pantyhose. Oh, I guess I should have told you before. But, anyway, then you can run the strings right down your ass crack and back up between your love lips." I thought "love lips" was a cute name for labia. "Here, you can still pull your pantyhose down and do it that way."

"No, no," I said quickly. "I just want to try this. Maybe I'd do that if I were going out on a date or something. You know?"

"Yeah. Sure," she said.

I picked up the little black dress and stepped into the skirt, noticing that the waist didn't hold anything. It was actually much larger than my waist. I pulled the top up across my breasts and found that the top was held up by something that looked a great deal like a black, jewelled dog collar about an inch wide. I fastened the buckle and turned around toward the girl as I ran my hands down my front and then around my waist to see how low it really was in the back.

My hands followed the back opening from my waist, almost at my sides, back and down until I could feel about half an inch of the crack of my ass.

"You're still going to have to roll your pantyhose down a little unless you want them to show in back." I knew she was right because I'd just felt the two or even three inches of pantyhose above the back line of the dress.

When I put my hands to my sides to lift the skirt to roll the pantyhose a little, I found that the hem was just about the length of my arms to the wrist. My hands actually touched the sides of my pantyhose instead of skirt.

Carefully, I folded the material of the pantyhose from the waist, down onto my hips on the sides. Working the back to the same level, I could finally feel the edge of the back opening. I felt unbelievably exposed from the front of my neck, down both naked sides to my crack behind. And from high on my thighs down, as well.

When I pulled my shoulders back, I felt the strings of the bra between my legs.

"Shall we show them?" I said with a sigh. The girl still hadn't moved and was sitting with her knees draped over the arms of the chair and her hands on her knees. Her nipples were hard and exposed in the opening of the blouse and her wet cunt looked up at me from the chair seat.

"Oh, yeah!" she said then, moving herself together and quickly buttoning the blouse. I watched her peel the skirt back over her hips when she stood up. "Okay."

I walked down the short hallway to where the men had been sitting. Now, instead, they were both walking around the store, looking at clothes. Each had something hanging over their left arm as they looked.

"Look at this, guys," the little sales girl said brightly. Both men looked as I faced them, walking toward them.

"Nice," Philip said with a grin as I looked at the short skirt. Jim smiled as well.

Then I turned in place, showing the exposed back and both men roared with approval.

"Unbelievable!" Jim said as I stared with mouth open. "Un ... I don't believe it."

"Wow," Philip said softly. "I ought to arrest you. That's positively the next thing to walking around naked except more exciting."

I enjoyed the praise for several minutes before they handed me five or six more outfits with orders to try them on. I could see this was shaping up to be a very long day. And one I'd never forget.

I'd truly been surprised when they bought a dozen different outfits for me from those I tried on. Each had a different problem involved in wearing them and, of course, after about the fifth the sales girl, Melanie, had discovered my secret. Then she'd returned the favor I'd done for her in kind -- or nearly in kind at least. She thought it was great that I'd been able to keep it a secret from her even while she'd been sitting right there with me as I tried on clothes.

I ended up wearing a skirt very much like Melanie's; very short and springy tight with an almost see-through blouse. I walked with Jim and Philip down the middle of the mall. One of them offered a steering arm on each side. They steered me to the shoe store and sat on either side of me while the young, blonde man served us.

I picked out a pair of black sandals and a red pair of spike heels and watched the salesman. By the third pair of shoes, the salesman was having a hard time getting up from the little low stool for the massive hard-on in his pants. He had, of course, been looking up the short skirt since the first. Only the two men on either side of me, kept him from making an advance. Finally, I couldn't stand it any more and told the two guys to take a walk down the mall and leave us alone. I wanted to see how far the salesman would go.

He looked totally relieved when he came back with three boxes, looking for the two other men.

"They made you nervous?" I asked with a grin.

"Yeah, they did. I mean I was afraid they'd --"

"What? That they'd notice you looking up my skirt?" he flushed so brightly, I wondered if he was going to faint dead away.

"You ... you knew?"

"Of course! Shopping for shoes wouldn't be any fun otherwise." He seemed to relax a little though the hard lump in his pants did not. "What is it about this job that gives you the most excitement?"


"Is it looking up girls' skirts? Maybe touching them like you're doing to my calf now?"

"Ah. I'm sorry. I didn't realize." It was like he'd realized he was touching a hot pan the way he moved his hand off my leg.

I put my hand on the man's shoulder. "Tell me. It's okay. What is it that turns you on so much?"

"Ah. I guess --"

"Really. It's all right. I want to know."

He still looked around like he was about to get caught but still answered in a tentative voice. "I like feet," he almost whispered.

"A foot fetish? Really?" I could see I'd hit it on the head. "What do you dream of? I mean, what's your dream when you're laying on the edge of sleep?"

"You really want to know?" I nodded and smiled at him. "I think about what it would be like to suck on a woman's toes. You know? To lick her feet. All over."

"What about having her foot rub your hard cock? Have you thought of that?"

"Oh God, yes. That would be great."

I had kicked off the left shoe. He still held my right foot in his hands. I put my toes under the man's pants leg and rubbed.

"Oh!" he said surprised. Then he really looked at my smiling face.

"Would you suck on my toes?" The man went every bit as white as he had been flushed red a moment before. "Now?" The man nodded jerkily and brought my nylon covered foot up somewhat. Like a frightened animal feeding quickly and ready to run, he put my big toe into his mouth and sucked.

I moved my foot up into the man's lap and felt his other hand move to the top of it to hold it tight against his hard-on. He made muffled moaning sounds around the toe in his mouth. His eyes were closed as he began licking down the ticklish bottom of my foot before biting into the soft part of it. He humped against my other foot between his legs and almost instantly went wild, then rigid with his climax. Finally he relaxed and smiled at me broadly.

"God, that was a fantasy I never thought I'd even possibly live out," he moaned with happiness that was reflected in a huge smile. "I'd really do anything in the world for you now. I really mean anything."

"I'll try to think of something appropriate. But for now, I don't know what it'd be."

"Yeah. You already have two guys ready to do anything for you, huh?"

"Yeah, sort of." I thought. "Maybe you could tell me what the sexiest pair of shoes in the place are. Okay?"

"Of course. I'll be right back."

I could see the dark wet spot at the front of his pants as he rose and walked to the back of the store again. Then he was back.

"I think these are the ones. The sexiest of all." He held out a black shoe with a very pointed toe that ended about two inches from the tip, a very narrow platform going back to the very high, spiked heel, and a single tiny strap going up the back of the heel to a circlet of thin leather with a gold buckle on it. When I put it on, it looked like a shoe toe attached to nothing but a black circle of leather around the ankle. It felt sexy. And when I stood up on the pair of them, it was almost like I was pointing my toes as I did when I was climaxing sometimes.

Of course, I bought them as well as two other pairs. Then I invited Bobby, the young man, to go to dinner with us over his protest that the other two men wouldn't like that.

As soon as I left the shoe store and joined the other men, I led them back to the dress shop and invited Melanie to dinner as well.

This was really going to be fun.

Chapter 4

AT 9, WHEN the mall closed, I went to the shoe store and picked up an overly excited Bobby. The two men went to the dress shop and, after helping shut down the store, got Melanie. Waiting only a few minutes at the entry of the mall, Bobby and I were met by the woman and two men and all of us went to the car.

We drove across town to La Cher Boit, the finest French restaurant any of us could identify, and were quickly seated before a beautiful, full length window overlooking the river and its moving panorama of boats passing up and down. Because of the view, the tables were unusually narrow with two sumptuous leather chairs with their backs to the view and an almost circular upholstered bench facing it.

Purposely, I guided Melanie to the bench seat and Bobby to one of the chairs directly opposite her. I sat next to Bobby and let the two men sit on the bench to her right. I had briefed them on what she expected to happen and primed the pumps with Melanie and Bobby.

As I had suggested, Melanie wore the same short skirt and blouse she had during the day but had taken off the pantyhose and wore tiny little girl socks with her patent leather heels. When I put out my hand, I felt Philip's leg between my knees even though both of us sat up straight. Philip's hand also stroked mine between his own legs without any strain.

Bobby didn't know quite why he'd been invited and felt a little out of sorts. He leaned his elbows on the table and watched from one of the people to another as they all talked animatedly. He really liked them but felt himself totally out of his realm. He was even more uncomfortable with the cute but overly exuberant girl across from him. He knew that I had sort of "set them up" with each other but was embarrassed by it. She was so cute, he just knew he could never come up with anything interesting enough to keep her interested in him for long. He was really just a very laid back sort of guy.

Then it all changed.

He felt her rubbing her foot up and down around his sock, his ankle. He looked at her and only got a grin for a response. She sat up, showing him her ample chest through the thin material, and talked about inconsequential things -- his store, the amount of business he did, what he sold. That sort of thing. He answered but he knew he'd never be able to repeat what he'd said because 90 percent of his attention was on the way her foot explored his ankle and calf under his pants leg.

He watched her as they talked. He knew he was watching her as they talked. But still, her foot moved up the inside of his leg until her toes were grasping at the inside of his thigh. She must be in very good shape, he thought, to be able to do that so effortlessly. Then her foot was rubbing up and down the inside of his thigh almost to his crotch and it was turning him on tremendously.

"You guys should dance," Jim said from the end of the table. "I'll bet you'd really move well together." As if at his own invitation, Jim stood and led me off to the little dance floor near the two piece band that played slow favorites. He watched us but still thought only of the foot that rubbed his thigh.

Finally, his hands came down and caught her foot, rubbing her calf without stopping her own movements.

"That really feels good, Bobby," she said as she leaned on her elbows only a few inches away from his mouth. He looked at her lips but still thought only of her foot there between his legs. He felt silly because he could only moan his approval of what she was doing.

"Why don't you take my sock off, honey," she said sweetly. It aroused him like most women saying take off my panties would another man. He looked at Philip who grinned but looked over at the dance floor and away from them. Bobby took her sock off slowly and sensually, rubbing his fingers along all the wonderful contours of her foot until his fingers found her little wiggly toes.

He started to put the sock on the table and then felt totally silly. He stuck it quickly into his pocket. Then her other foot joined the first, as he massaged and played with it.

"Strip that one, too, Bobby," she sighed and he couldn't help but follow her advice. God, that was a sensual way to say that. "Strip that," he thought. Oh, yes. He put the sock in his pocket and held both her wriggling, sensual feet in his hands between his legs on the chair.

"God, that looks wonderful!" Philip said. "You guys really ought to dance, too."

"Ah. No. That's okay," Bobby said. "I, ah, really don't want to right now."

Jim and I returned to the table and Philip took me back to the dance floor. They got their drinks and read the menus as he continued to touch her feet. She seemed to be squirming around in her chair more than she had been. He hoped it was because of what he was doing but had no way to tell.

I sat back down beside him and asked where the mall was from here. Though he didn't want to, he pointed it out across the river and down a little way, all lighted even though it wasn't open now. While his hand was busy, Melanie slid her foot up tightly into his groin and began rubbing it up and down his hardness. He dropped his napkin in his lap and pulled in closer to the table.

When their eyes met across the table, it was with a new secret. He saw that the other people were looking at the dance floor as her toes tried and almost succeeded in unzipping his pants. God, she was really good with them. Almost like hands, he thought as he looked at her with respect.

She leaned very far forward and, beckoned, he leaned toward her. "Let me touch it," she whispered. Unbelieving, he looked down and back at her. She smiled and nodded.

He moved his chair as close to the table as he possibly could and pulled the tablecloth almost around his waist. Then he unzipped his pants and, with difficulty, pulled it out of the hole. Excitingly, her toes found it and her smile broadened.

She was prehensile! God it was unbelievable. Her toes spread and wrapped around his aroused member, moving up and down around him without making a ripple on the surface of the water glasses and drinks on the table. She pulled her other foot out of his grasp and immediately returned it to his dick. Now both her feet grasped his dick and jacked the hard flesh up and down. Twisted and turned it. Moved over it until he could hardly sit still.

He realized he was staring at the table top like a zombie as he concentrated on what she was doing to him. But he really didn't care. As she grasped him between big toe and long toe, he found myself pumping up and back. He knew what was going to happen but couldn't stop now. Suddenly his body convulsed and he felt his come shoot into the space under the table. He moaned but tried to suppress the ecstasy he was feeling.

As the climax passed, he let his hands go back to her legs. He felt the slippery come that covered her ankles and calves and almost came again at the discovery. He started to take his napkin to clean things up but she leaned close to his again.

"No. Just rub it in, okay?" she said softly. "It's good for my skin."

He couldn't believe it. This was truly exciting. The most exciting thing he'd ever done in his life!

With both hands, he rubbed the slippery liquid into her calves. First one and then the other as she arched her feet between his legs and into his re-emerging hardness.

"God, that's sexy, isn't it?" she said. He'd never heard anything so wonderful in his life. Yes it was sexy but he thought he was the only one in the world who thought so. He could only nod jerkily.

Finally, all the come was rubbed in and her legs felt smooth and normal again. Wonderful. He just couldn't let go of them and she continued to let him rub them for a long time. The others danced several times and returned to the table, often suggesting they enjoy the music as well. They only grinned at them and at each other.

Then Bobby decided to take the big plunge. If she was excited by that, maybe she'd be excited by his other fantasy. He kicked off his loafers and pulled off his socks, with some difficulty. Then he let one foot follow her leg up to her knee and then to the outside of her thigh. He was fantastically pleased when her hand moved to it and rubbed it as he rubbed her thigh.

Then he lifted his other foot, trying to be as coordinated as she had been and rubbed the inside of the same leg until he was far up the inside of her thigh. He felt her other hand come to the back of it, rubbing and squeezing.

One of her feet went to the point of his knee then and his foot went up between her opened legs. The bottom of his foot felt the wild heat over her cunt as he used it to rub her. Her foot found him again and, as before, wrapped around his hardness.

The waiter came to the table then and they all ordered even as his foot stroked between her legs and her toes grasped his dick under the tablecloth. As the waiter left, he smiled and used his big toe to rub up and down across her clit. Now her leaning against the table made little ripples in the water glasses.

Philip went to the bathroom and the other two returned to the dance floor then. Bobby carefully inserted his toes between Melanie's legs until he found that several were inside the hot, liquid center of her and her eyes were totally glazed. He thought this had to be the end of the world for him. Nothing better could possibly happen. And then the end of the world came.

She leaned her head down until her forehead was against the tablecloth and pulled his other foot up to her mouth. As he felt her contracting around the toes inside her, she sucked his long toe into her mouth like a little cock and rubbed along the sensitive underside of his foot with both thumbs. As she obviously climaxed, pulling his foot as if she wanted it all inside her, he came again around her toes.

They were only just coming down from their highs when the food arrived at the table and the other three people returned to eat.

"I just don't understand how you can just sit here when there's great music like that to dance to, to hold a girl tight to you, you know?"

Bobby grinned as he rubbed the come into her calf and knee again. "I don't know how it could be better than this, Philip," he said with a broad grin that Melanie reflected.

A moment later, when everyone else's attention was diverted, she leaned close to him. "I do," she said. "You could be buried inside me while I suck on your toes and you suck on mine. That'd be better, huh?"

He paled. But he also nodded vigorously. Yes, it would be better. He could hardly wait until they'd finished enough of their meals they wouldn't be rude in leaving.

Well, she was thinking, maybe it would be even better if he could get his whole foot inside me and wiggle around. I'll bet I'd like that better.

Soon, they excused themselves and returned to the mall for their cars. He followed her to her apartment and parked out front for the night. Neither of them slept much. But it was better. Much much better.

"So! What do you say? Shall we do some conversions?" I looked at Philip, not understanding at all. "Well? Shall we make a flaming faggot a believer or shall we work on a girl who'd most like to suck tits?"

"Or a redneck that'd never fuck a guy?" I said with a grin.

"Whatever happens, you're going to have to do the majority of the work, Amy. Philip and I don't stand much of a chance in either arena." Jim added.

Chapter 5

I WAS GETTING more daring with each outfit and this one was probably the most daring of all. The little black dress was very short, the top very low, and the stockings so sheer they almost weren't there. The neckline dropped to a point between where my breasts would have been. Small pockets sewn into the cups held the breast forms.

Jim and Philip had no worries. At very worst, they could walk away or claim they didn't know anything. But I would be left behind with total embarrassment and exposure as a certifiable pervert. In the process of my continued fear, I became more cautious and more watchful than ever.

The last place I expected to see anyone I knew was a city 500 miles from home and in a place totally out of my experience -- an art museum.

Jim led me into the museum on his arm, speaking to several people as we walked through the crowd and introducing me to almost everyone. I seemed to be doing fine.

Then I saw them. Paul and Winnie Fisher, my wife's best friend and her husband, standing next to Don and Bea Nostrum, my boss's secretary and her husband. I froze and, I know, paled. God, I had to get out of here right now! I turned to Jim.

"Jim!" I whispered. "There are some people over there I know. We've got to get out of here."

"Still don't believe in yourself, I see," he said with that smug grin. It wouldn't affect him for the rest of his life. He had nothing to worry about. God damn him! "Just take it easy, okay? Act natural." Easy for him to say.

I knew I was staring at them as Jim led me toward the bar, trying to will them not to look my way. Then I diverted my look for fear of attracting their attention just by my own watching. We got to the bar and Jim got me a martini. I really needed it and almost gulped it down at once. Before we'd stepped away, I saw that it was empty and returned for a refill.

My heart skipped a beat as I saw Don Nostrum belly up to the bar next to Jim and tried to blend into the potted palm at the end of the bar so I wouldn't be seen. It figures that Jim would be my betrayer.

"Amy," he said, handing me my drink. "I'd like you to meet a business friend of mine. Don Nostrum." Oh, shit! I thought. I'm sure my smile looked phoney and pained but I tried as I shook his hand lightly.

"Pleased to meet you, Amy," he said. He hadn't seen me since the last Christmas party but surely that was enough for him to recognize me with no problem. After all, we'd known each other for 15 years though not well. "Leave it to Jim to bring the most beautiful woman at the party," he said with a smile. I didn't see any sign of recognition but it could only be moments away.

I nodded and smiled but didn't say anything.

"Don and I have been competing for pieces of art for the last 10 years at least," Jim said.

"Small world," I groaned into his shoulder, trying not to let Don get too good a look at me full face.

"Jim, I'd love for you to meet my wife. And we're here with some friends." I turned and started back toward the very group I was trying to avoid at all costs. Jim started in that direction and I pulled him up short.

"God damn it! That's my wife's best friend and my boss's secretary over there. Let's get out of here!"

"No faith," he said with that silly grin again. Against his strength, he almost dragged me behind him toward the group until I felt I'd just give myself away completely if I didn't follow him. God, I was scared. This was really going to be it.

"I'd like you to meet my wife, Bea, and our friends Paul and Winnie Fisher. Jim Feldman. A long time competitor. And ... Amy? Did I get it right?" I nodded nervously, not looking at anyone else and praying they were looking somewhere else.

They talked for several minutes before Jim finally relented to my almost constant pressure on his arm to move away. Finally he did.

We were nearly back at the bar before I found that if I didn't get to the bathroom immediately, I was going to wet my panties. I excused myself as he leaned to me and said, "That wasn't so bad, was it? I knew you could do it." I looked daggers at him and would have killed him on the spot if I'd had a reasonable method that wouldn't attract too much attention.

I walked into the women's room and into a stall before going through the increasingly more familiar routine of lifting my dress and pulling my panties and pantyhose down to my knees before sitting on the cold seat to relieve myself. As I sat there, I heard the door open and close and two women's voices.

I waited even though I had finished. The voices sounded familiar. They went into stalls and then quickly met back at the mirror for primping. I peeked through the crack of the door and saw that I was right. Bea and Winnie. I'd stay right where I was until they left.

"She seems familiar," Winnie said. God, I'd known Winnie since I was 15-years-old. Longer probably than I'd known my wife. I'd even dated her in high school a couple of times.

"A pretty thing," Bea said. "But snooty. Like she didn't want anything to do with the likes of us hicks."

"Maybe she just isn't comfortable with strangers," Winnie said considerately.

"God, that dress she's wearing is practically painted on. And so short! I couldn't wear something like that for all the world."

"I couldn't either. But she certainly has the body for it." They worked on their hair and faces for a few minutes before saying anything else. "She just seems so familiar. I'd swear I've met her somewhere. I wish I could remember." I hoped to hell she didn't.

"I could ask Don to talk to this Jim guy about her. See what he knows."

"No. I do my own sleuthing," Winnie said as they went back out the door. I quickly repaired my clothing and went to the mirror for a quick check of everything. It could be really dangerous if anything slipped now. But everything seemed to be holding up perfectly.

I walked straight to Jim and grabbed his arm again, whispering in his ear. "Get me out of here right now! Those women are going to figure out who I am. I just know it." He finally decided he couldn't fight me any more and turned toward the door. But between us and the exit stood Winnie with a drink in her hand and a big smile on her face.

I've admired Winnie for a long time. I wouldn't have taken her out all those years ago if I hadn't thought she was pretty. Back then, she was a junior varsity cheerleader on the way to the varsity in her junior and senior years. She was also one of the sharper girls in school with a straight A average. She graduated with honors in education before she went to work teaching after college.

She's one of those women who were probably super cute tiny girls, energetic hot cheerleader types, and increasingly beautiful women. Over the last year, I'd noticed the very first tiny wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. But she was still one of the prettiest women I've ever known.

About 5-4, she has a waist that every guy can touch his fingers around, nice full hips that hold a good ass, and larger than expected tits. I'd looked at those frequently in the last 20 years, wishing I'd been man enough to touch them during one of those dates from our youth. Her blond hair is longer, if anything, than when she'd been the perky cheerleader while most women have cut theirs since high school into efficient, short dos.

"Excuse us, Jim," she said as she slid her arm into mine, actually forcing me to the side of the room. Paradoxically, I noticed the painting she headed me toward was one of those big eyed things, this one an older woman.

"Amy," she said as she got me alone. "I just know I've met you before or seen you somewhere. Are you well known? An artist perhaps?"

I've always been a shitty extemporaneous speaker. I lie infrequently and when I do, I do it poorly. "Ah," I began. "No. I'm not from here."

"You must be a model or something," she insisted. "I know I've seen you before." I paled and swallowed.

"No. I'm not a model." I didn't know what to say I was when I was on the spot like this. It didn't come quickly enough. "Ah, could you excuse me? We were just leaving." Before she could answer, I skidded away and grabbed Jim's arm on the run.

"You can either get me out of here or I'll go alone," I hissed. As we passed through the door, I stole a glance back and saw Winnie talking to Bea in that confidential way women have with each other. As we walked along the sidewalk outside the door, I heard a voice behind us.

"Jim. Jim," the voice said. He caught up to us in a couple of steps, only looking at me quickly before speaking to Jim again. "Jim, Paul and I are considering a major investment in some artwork and you're the best broker I know. Could you help us?"

"Of course," Jim said with a smile. "Just call me tomorrow and we can set something up."

"Well," Don said, "that's the problem. See, we're only here one more day. We're flying back home tomorrow afternoon. I was thinking maybe you might have some time tonight. It's early and most of the galleries do their business at night. Is there a chance you could help us tonight?"

"What are we talking about, Don?"

"Oh, we only have a hundred grand or so but we're doing a little investment for the company my wife works for. That's another half mil or so."

"That's worth talking about," Jim said with a grin. "Sure." Then he remembered me. Don looked at me again then for the first time seriously. "Would you mind catching a cab back? Here." He stepped around me and waved one down before I could answer. "Night, sweets," he said as he handed me into the cab and gave the driver the name of the hotel and a $10 bill.

I walked into the hotel lobby feeling like I'd been jilted -- a strange feeling for a guy, I guess. But it didn't make it feel any better. I knew Philip was out of town and now Jim was busy as well. I decided I'd have a drink before going back to my room.

The lounge was almost empty with just the bartender, the piano player, and a couple of couples sitting at tables. Old habits die hard so I quickly found myself sitting at the bar to order another martini -- one I could enjoy. It was only after a few minutes that I realized most women would sit at a table to have a drink rather than at the bar but it didn't really matter to me at the moment.

I remembered how I was dressed well enough to take care in crossing my legs and arranging myself on the barstool. I smoked a cigarette, drank my martini, and watched the world go by.

One man sidled up next to me and asked if he could buy me a drink but I turned him, and his attentions, down flatly enough that he moved to the other side of the bar to drink. I thought passingly of going back to the rooftop bar and decided against it for several reasons. One of the best was that some of the patrons up there would probably remember me and want to pick up where they'd finished last time. I didn't feel up to the attention up there either.

I heard them first as they walked into the lounge.

"The son-of-a-bitches would decide to do business tonight. Our last night in the city and they take off to look at pictures."

"Oh, Winnie," Bea said. "We could have gone with them if we'd wanted to."

"Yeah," Winnie said. "That would have been a bundle of fun. Walk our legs off all over town to look at a batch of paintings that I don't like and don't understand. Thanks but no thanks."

"Yeah, I know," Bea said. I thought of trying to edge my way out of the lounge but knew that would just draw attention to myself. I hoped I could just blend into the scenery and maybe even listen in to their conversation. It still made me squirm uncomfortably.

Impossibly, they sat down at a table directly behind me and ordered drinks. I heard when Winnie noticed me before she approached me.

"There's that girl from the art studio," she said. "Be right back." I knew she was coming but couldn't figure out a way to get out of there.

"Hi, Amy. I'm Winnie. Remember me?" I tried to smile pleasantly at her but I'm sure I failed miserably.

"Of course. Hello," I said.

"Would you join my friend and me at our table? We'd love to get your feelings about the city." I tried to think of a way out.

"No. No, I need to get to bed. I have an early flight tomorrow." She didn't leave.

"Please. I'd like to buy you a drink and try to make up for being so pushy at the affair. Besides, my husband and my friend took your date. It's only fair that the girls get together while they're away." I wasn't going to dissuade her. I hoped that with one drink, I could safely excuse myself.

"Just one," I said, resigned.

"Fine. Great!" she said. I turned then and looked directly into Bea's eyes as they stared at me.

"Hello again," I said as I carefully sat down at their table. Bea was still staring at me.

"You remember Bea, don't you? My friend."

"Yes," I said and tried to smile at her.

Bea has been something of a ballbuster since I've known her. She owns the office and anybody who doesn't do just what she wants there is in deep jeopardy. Luckily, I was rarely in the office.

In her way, she's also a beautiful woman if a little hard. She mostly wears dark clothes and her hair tight in a bun as it is now. She has beautiful features but covers them most of the time with makeup that does little to improve her looks and large rimmed glasses.

No one ever lusted after her in the office. For one thing, she just gives off an aura that says, "Leave me alone unless it's business," as clearly as a sign would. Second, her dark clothes cover her from neck to wrist to below the knee. Not unattractively; just completely.

Now she was smiling at me like the cat with its paw on the mouse's back. It made me very nervous, to say the least.

"What do you do, Amy?" Winnie asked next to me. "I was so busy making suggestions before I didn't take the direct route and just ask."

I hesitated.

"Sales," Bea said through that grin. "I'll bet." I nodded.

"Sales. That's what Bea's company does, you know." I stopped myself before I said I knew.

"Really?" I sipped my drink much faster than I would have under any other circumstances. I could see that I needed to get out of here right now. I decided to try to divert attention. "What do you do, Winnie?"

"I'm a sixth grade teacher. Very unglamorous, I'm afraid. What do you sell?" I looked at Bea who still had that look on her face. She knows!

"All sorts of things," I replied quickly. "Do you have children?"

"No, no. Paul and I haven't slowed down enough for that. Maybe later." I knew they had some physical problem but didn't want to get into that. She'd been bothered about it a few years ago but now they'd decided they were too selfish for kids anyway. They liked it that way.

"Do you have children, Bea?" I asked. I knew she didn't have any use for kids at all. She smiled evilly at me.

"No. The salesmen I work with are my children. I try to take them in hand," she squeezed a fist in front of me. "Keep them from getting themselves in too much trouble." I gulped.

"And when they do?" She smiled even more broadly.

"Some of my children need to be disciplined," she said without releasing her fisted grip between us. I finished my drink.

"It was nice seeing you again, Winnie, Bea. I do need to get to bed though." I hoped I could just escape now but it wasn't possible.

"Yes," Bea said. "We do need our beauty sleep, don't we. You're staying here?"

"Uh huh," I said numbly. I was sure she had me.

"We'll walk up with you then." I nodded nervously and led the way to the elevators. No one said anything as we rode up to my floor and all of us got off. "Amazing, isn't it," Bea said. "We're on the same floor." Of course we were. She'd probably made their reservations at the same time she made mine and John's.

I was still in the lead as we went down the hallway, feeling like I was being pressed toward the gas chamber or something. If I'd been thinking quickly enough, I'd have made some excuse and gone back to the elevator and, maybe, another hotel. But I didn't.

We got to my door and I quickly put my key in it and darted in.

"Well, good night. Hope you have a good flight home," she started. "I'm just sure we've met somewhere before and I know I'll remember sooner or later."

"Would you mind if I used your bathroom," Bea said then. "I shouldn't have waited and now I don't think I can make it to my room." I stammered.

"Uh, yeah, I guess."

"See you in the morning, Winnie," she said quickly and then came into my room. She leaned back against it and slid the bolt into place.

"It's right in there," I pointed unnecessarily.

"I know. I'll be right back." She disappeared into the bathroom then. I had time to sit down at one of the chairs before I heard the toilet flush and the door open. She kind of stalked into the room, tossing her little night purse on the bed. She threw the tube of KY jelly down beside it.

"Shall we reintroduce ourselves?" she asked.

"Do we need to, Bea?" I asked.

"No. No, I guess we don't, Mike. Is this what you do on all your trips?" My stomach did flips even though I'd known for a while that she recognized me.

"Are you going to tell everyone?" She just grinned.

"I don't know. Are you?"

"I'd rather not," I answered. She reached up and took her glasses off and set them on the dresser. Then she reached behind her head and did something and her hair came loose from the bun at the back of her head. When she shook her head, it flowed long over her shoulders, down below her small breasts.

"I guess you'd better have something not to tell so I have a better reason not to say anything myself." She continued the stalking motion as she walked across the room to stand in front of me. "I like you better as a woman. Amy. It suits."

She turned her back to me then and pulled the long hair over her shoulder. "Why don't you unzip me?" she said. "We all have our little secrets, don't we?" I leaned forward and unzipped her black dress. I could see the tight material of her bustierre under it. She shrugged the dress off her shoulders but held it to her front as she turned back toward me.

She dropped it and it puddled around her ankles before she kicked it away. She does have small breasts, perhaps B-cup, but she also has the largest dark areolas I've ever seen and the longest nipples as well. There's a small rose tattooed on her left breast at the edge of the areola.

"I like for someone to pull them," she said with a faraway look in her eye as she bent over me and leaned on the chair arms. I reached for them and, as she'd said, pulled them as I held them between thumb and forefinger. Her smile was a kind of grimace. "Do you like someone to pull your nipples, Amy?"

One of her hands came to my breast form and pinched the phoney nipple.

"It feels very lifelike," she said. "Pull them harder. I like it harder." I did.

"Take my panties off, Amy. Just pull the little bows at the sides." I saw now that she wore a kind of g-string with strings that went to her hips. I pulled the end of the strings and watched the g-string fall into my hands. She wore only the bustierre that obviously didn't cover her nipples and had garters to hold up her dark stockings.

"Put your fingers in my pussy, Amy. I like fingers inside me. Lots of fingers. Don never puts enough fingers in me." I bunched three fingers and pressed into her as she spread her legs. "More," she moaned.

She stood upright then, pulling on her own nipples, her legs spread in front of me. I put a forth finger into her and found that I could easily push it to the knuckles.

"The rest, Amy. Give me your hand." I'd never seen this before. I tucked my thumb and pushed until my hand was inside her and her pussy lips were closed around my wrist. "F-f-fuck me with it, Amy. F-fuck me." I did and watched, rapt, as she began spasming slightly on my hand.

That's when I caught sight of her engorged clit. Like her long nipples, it was huge. Fully an inch long and about as big around as my little finger. I sucked it into my mouth and began moving my hand more inside her body, pressing and pushing and spreading my fingers as much as I could.

Her body almost crushed my hand as she came, the come running down the inside of my wrist as I pumped my hand into her. I sucked very hard on her clit and it intensified her climax until she was standing on one foot and screaming as she held onto the top of my head. Finally, I felt her coming down from it and she grabbed my head more roughly.

"Enough. Enough!" she cried. I let go of her clit and watched my hand as I pulled it out of her insides. It was coated with her come.

She dropped to her knees in front of me and began licking my hand, licking her come from it. I watched her in amazement as she pulled off my shoes and continued licking. This was the ballbuster from the office. Amazing. She grabbed the top of my pantyhose and pulled them downward as she licked my hand.

"I'm going to flat fuck you like I do my other girlfriends," she said. "Rub our clits together until we both come. Lay down. Quickly!" she screamed at me. I lay down on the floor in front of the chairs and she followed me, still licking my hand as she lay flat on top of me, our pelvises pressed into each other as her center went wild.

"You can ... you can," she gulped as she spoke fast. "You can put your big clit in me. You've got a big clitty. Put it in me."

I slid my cock into her pussy and she seemed to go crazy with lust. Her entire body writhed on top of me on the floor as she pumped into me. Then her body arched back and her legs lifted at the knees. She almost touched her feet to the back of her head.

"Oh pull my nipples! Hurry! Hurry! Pull them hard!" I did but when I'd pulled her tight to my body, actually rocking the rest of her body away from me, she slapped her hands down at the sides of my shoulders and pulled back as hard as she could as I held on to her nipples. It extended her breasts out unnaturally. Though not loud, she screamed in an unwavering tone before her control finally broke and her entire body began to pull away, thrash, spasm.

She lost control completely, whipping my face with her loose hair as she swung her head from side to side before she collapsed on top of me, all cohesion seeming to seep out of her body -- almost like something totally shapeless. It seemed not only that her muscles had lost all definition but that her bones had as well.

She lay like that on top of me for long enough for me to catch my breath and my hardness to completely retreat from her body. I swear I couldn't even feel her breathing against me. I truly began to wonder if she'd died at the height of her climax.

Then she jerked. And jerked again. And then raised herself on her arms to look down at me through the wildness of her long hair hanging in my face. She had to raise herself quite a long ways before enough light penetrated the mop of hair to see her smile.

If I hadn't been so used up, I might have actually been frightened by that feral smile she fixed me with as she rose. When I thought she was going to climb all the way off me, she dropped her mouth to bite my lip -- hard. It was both a surprise and just plain painful. I heard myself cry out.

"Cunt," she grunted as she pushed herself the rest of the way off my body. Still in her high heels and the bustierre with her long legs encased in black nylon, she was very provocative as she picked up her purse and dress, slinging it over one shoulder. I couldn't believe this was the same woman I knew from the office as she strode across the room to the door, opened it, and struck a pose straight out of Barbarella with her legs spread and the come dripping down the inside of her black nylons.

"I don't usually wear panties in the office," she said with that feral look on her face. "But I expect you to the next time I see you. Wear mine and you can finger me to a climax. If you don't - -" She grinned very nastily and pulled the door closed behind herself.

I pitied anyone she might find in the hallway between my room and hers.

Chapter 6

IT FELT A little strange to be back in men's clothes the next morning but I still had work to do before my flight home that night.

The day went well enough -- some hits and some misses like usual -- and I got back to the hotel for a late checkout right when I'd estimated. I called Jim and told him that I'd be back in two weeks, asking him to pass on the word and my thanks to Philip.

The flight was uneventful and boring. The short drive to the house was normal and familiar.

Patty was glad to have me home even though she said she was glad she didn't have to cook tonight, thanks to my airline dinner. She made a point of telling me that her period had started while I was gone as if to say, "If that's what you expected for a welcome home gift, forget it."

Tired, I went to bed early and wasn't surprised when Patty stayed up for the Tonight show. I didn't hear her come to bed and she didn't make any sounds like she heard me get up the next morning.

After my shower, I remembered that I was going into the office and, bearing what Bea had said in mind, found her g-string like panties and put them on before putting on Jockeys and my normal clothes. I was in the office on time and took my reports in to Bea by 10.

She didn't quite smile though a rather cruel curl of her lips left me no doubt that she remembered everything and wasn't going to let me forget either.

She went through my report in minute detail, as she was well known for doing every time. Most of the guys hated it but I'd always thought that if you did your job, she wouldn't find any problems.

"Okay," she finally announced. "You did what you went for. It's a damn good thing. At least it wasn't all fun and games, right?"

I could only nod and wait. She looked at me in that penetrating and discomfiting way she had. As if she was waiting for you to blurt out that you'd been skimming or that you'd faked your whole report and spent the week fucking off.

"Let's see, sweetie," she said without a change in her demeanor.

"See?" I asked as if I didn't know what she was talking about.

"They're my panties," she stated. "I have a right to see them, don't I?"

I looked at the closed office door behind me nervously.

"Oh, don't worry. Melanie clears everyone, as you should know. She never comes in herself without being called. If I want her, I buzz her." She steepled her fingers and looked at me as I squirmed. "Well?"

I undid my belt and zipper, dropped my pants a ways, and then pushed my shorts down with them. Since none of this was much of a turn-on, the little pocket of silky material was holding up fairly well.

"I didn't tell you to wear nasty old men's underwear with my sweet panties. Did I?" I shook my head. I'm sure I looked disgruntled.

"Now you'll need to take them off." I could only sigh and sit down in the chair in front of her desk to pull off my pants. "Your shoes first. So you don't get your pants dirty."

I did as she bid, taking off my shoes before pulling the pants and undershorts off. I started to put my pants back on but she stopped me.

"No, no. I didn't tell you to do that, did I?" I shook my head and looked back at the door to her office. I was sure I'd seen people come in here before without knocking or going through Melanie.

"Come here, little sweetie." When I rounded the desk, she reached between my legs, her fingers extending all the way up to my anus and her palm grasping me. She slowly drew me to her. Surprisingly, I was still only partially hard.

She stood up in front of me without moving her hand. With heels on, she was slightly taller than eye to eye with me. Without, I knew, she would be a couple of inches shorter.

"I changed my mind," she said, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I don't want you to finger me to orgasm. I liked it when you licked me. I want you to suck me dry and then suck my clit until I come."

She leaned sideways and opened a drawer in the bottom of her desk.

"This will help," she said as I looked down at the biggest dildo I've ever seen. Black, the thing had to be three inches through its perfectly shaped form and at least a foot long with a knurled handle that was smaller on one end. The head of the thing flared out like a mushroom gone bazaar. That was the first time I'd said anything in quite a while.

"My god, Bea."

"Yeah," she said and a grin finally broke the tight smile. She pushed me back in her chair, pulled up the knee length hem of her black skirt, and sat back on the edge of her desk. She stared at me as I stared at her naked center, the triangle of dark hair already glistening with her fluids.

Her hands each went to one nether lip and almost roughly pulled them to the sides, exposing her wet, pink, sensitive spots between.

"Suck on my cunt, bitch," she hissed. I lowered my mouth to it and, just before my tongue found her, she leaned back slightly more and the hole opened to a half inch diameter of blackness that suddenly bubbled with her copious fluids.

I didn't think about it as I passed my tongue into her and put my lips around the opening. Pleased with myself, I heard her groan as I sucked the very first time. Then I could feel her muscles contract and move. A glob of her come rolled down my tongue into my mouth. My gag reflex tightened but I controlled it and found the taste quite good.

"Suck it all out," she groaned and produced another gobbet of come. It was as if she were working these up and then out of her insides with each groan.

"Yes. Now get my big cock in there and suck my clit." Fumbling for just a second, I found it with one hand and, moving my mouth to her clit, began to slide it into her until, amazingly, almost all of it was inside her.

Disbelieving, I saw the head of it making shapes inside the skin of her tummy as I moved it in and out.

She stayed frozen in that strange position, still holding her cuntlips open to me and posing precipitously on the edge of the desk, as I pumped the huge tool in and out of her and sucked as hard as I could on her clit.

Then she was grunting with her climax and I felt my hand doused with still more of her come. I didn't stop as her orgasm passed but it didn't seem to matter. With a grimace on her face, she sat up, let go of her labia, and grabbed my hair to pull me away. She grabbed the huge dildo and pulled it out of herself to drop into the desk drawer.

"Bring me your shorts," she said. I stood back up and rounded the desk to get them, handing them across the desk. "Dress," she said as she stepped into them and pulled them into place.

"I'll want to see my panties after your next trip, too. And, if you're lucky, you can visit your cute little shorts." I picked up my pants, feeling the inadequately supported hard-on I now sported, rub the inside of them as I put them on. I stepped into my shoes.

"The report's fine," she said, looking at the desk. "You'll be going back to the city Friday so if you want to make any arrangements for the weekend, you can."

She grinned evilly when she looked down at the front of my pants.

"If you weren't wearing panties, you could ask Melanie to take care of your problem. But I'm sure she'd be scandalized. Probably be all over the office before lunch."

Uncomfortable to the max, I walked toward the door, my hand in my pocket to give myself some kind of support.

"Oh, yeah. A bonus. Go ahead and take the rest of the day. Sticking around here would be a waste of time." I wondered why she'd done that -- something I considered a kindness -- but just shook my head, left her office, and headed for the elevators.

I pulled into the garage a little over an hour later and without the hard-on that had plagued me through the office. Changing into some decent underwear was absolutely the first item of business at home. I only wondered if I could make it through the house to the bedroom to get some without a problem with Patty.

When I let myself into the house, I didn't make a big entry since I really hoped that I could avoid Patty, wherever she was, until after I'd made it to the bedroom and into the bathroom to change underwear. I could stick Bea's panties in my coat pocket in the bathroom and get them into my travel bag any time.

Even at that, I was surprised when I went through the kitchen and the corner of the living room without seeing her. I wondered if she was in the back yard or -- No, she wasn't shopping. Her car was in the garage beside mine.

I was almost to the bedroom door when I had a terrible thought. What if she's taking a nap? She always naps very lightly and I would be guaranteed to wake her just by going into the room. It brought me to a dead stop with the feeling that I'd just saved myself from disaster making my head spin.

"Oh!" I heard then from further down the hallway. "Oh yes. Mmm. Oh that feels so good."

I knew it was Patty's voice and could identify it coming from the bedroom. For a second, relief at not making the mistake I'd thought of a minute before washed through me. Then the sounds got through to me and my curiosity got to me. "What the hell?" I thought.

"Uhhnn. Oh yes. Yes. That's s-so ... Ahhh!"

The door of the bedroom was open about ten inches where it stopped if it wasn't actively pressed shut. I looked into the crack and almost fell over with surprise.

Though her head was thrown all the way back so her chin stuck straight up, I recognized Patty. If I'd only seen this and the blue cotton shirt she was wearing, I'd have thought she was in pain or having a heart attack or something. But her arms were almost straight over her shoulders but out further, her hands wrapped around her ankles with her white sneakers pointed up toward the headboard of the bed.

The crack was wide enough that when I moved a step closer, I could see that her legs were bare and that she had nothing on below the waist. More startling, a dark haired woman's head was buried between her legs, moving up and down rapidly.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Patty moaned before wildly licking her lips that were glistening with her excitement. "Oh god yes. Oh shit. Oh! I'm going to ... ahhhh ... oHHHHHHHHHHH!"

She went crazy, writhing on the bed with her legs held wide for a minute before she couldn't keep a hold of them any longer. They went down off the bottom edge of the bed at the other woman's sides as her hands went to the woman's hair. Making only gurgling, gasping sounds, she climaxed wildly.

It seemed to last a long time before she was pushing down on the woman's head.

"Oh, stop. Stop. Please," she gasped and the woman lifted her head to look up at Patty's face. Then she stood up between her widespread legs and I saw her trim shaped ass and hips under tiny black shorts. Her waist was visible under the hem of the black teeshirt that was pulled from the shorts. I could see only the back and a little of the side of her face as she lay down between Patty's still spread legs, breast to breast, to put her arms around Patty's head and kiss her solidly.

Patty's arms were around the girl's back, hugging her tightly.

"Oh, baby. That was so nice!" I heard her voice. "You can do that to me anytime you want." My temper flared just a little. That's what she said to me when we'd had a particularly good lovemaking.

But she wouldn't make love with me in the afternoon or in the light, for that matter. She'd also said she was having her period when I came home the night before.

"I missed you while I was gone," the other woman's voice said softly, her fingers running through Patty's hair, untangling it. "I could hardly wait to get back because I knew we'd be doing this this afternoon."

"It was great," Patty said. "Just wait about two seconds and I'm going to chew on your sweet nipples and put my tongue so far into your cunt I'll be able to lick your tonsils."

"Mmm, that sounds so good," the other woman responded, squirming between Patty's legs. "This time we can take a little time and get all the way undressed so I can suck on your tits, too."

"I'm still horny," Patty said with a giggle. "We'll do it together. Mike probably won't be home until after six. We can lay here and --" She froze.

I'd been watching their bodies writhing against each other and, until that second, I hadn't seen Patty's eyes open. Now she was staring right at me, the whites all around the blue irises showing and her mouth gaping.

Not knowing what to do, I just answered with a weak smile, leaning against the door frame.

"Mike!" she gasped and went rigid with fear. Reacting, the other woman lifted her head to look down at Patty's face. Seeing where she was looking, her head spun toward me. Winnie Fisher!

The look on her face mirrored my wife's -- dark hair to light, moist bright red lips to pink, dark brown eyes to blue -- both faces aghast and frozen in fear.

"Oh, my god," she said. Then she seemed to realize the position she was in. She almost leaped off my wife and was instantly standing at the other side of the bed. Patty just lay there on her back with her legs still spread and the mixture of saliva and her come glistening in the almost invisible hair around her pussy.

I have no idea what I intended to do when I pushed off the doorjamb and walked into the room. That's when I thought, what do I say now? The first thing I thought of was, what's going on? Before I said it, I knew that was a stupid thing to say. Then I started to say, thought you were having a period. That could only lead to a fight and I really didn't want to fight. Strangely, I wasn't mad at all.

What took my mind off what I should say was when I felt my considerable hard-on soften just enough to drop to one side in my pants. It was far beyond the control of the stupid panties I was wearing. That gave Patty a chance of coming up with something stupid to say instead.

"You're home early."

"Yeah," I noted unnecessarily. I looked down between her naked thighs and she slowly moved them together and crossed them at the knee.

"Did you enjoy the ... view," she said. I wasn't sure if it was staying friendly.

"Yeah. It's been a while," I said, not having to finish the sentence. I think I may have licked my dry lips as I looked down at her. But I could feel Winnie's eyes boring into me from her position on the other side of the bed.

"M-Mike," she gasped suddenly. It drew my attention and I looked up into her startled looking eyes. As I watched, they went through a metamorphosis. "Am..." she began but her breath didn't allow her to finish the word. But I knew what she'd just realized as I saw her lips shape into a knowing smile.

I frowned to myself. This was a tough enough situation to figure a way out of without this. It was all I needed.

Winnie took a couple of steps around the bed rather tentatively and then, still staring into my eyes, stooped down and picked up a pair of blue shorts. Standing back up, she dropped them on Patty's stomach.

"You need to go to the bathroom," she said to Patty though she was still staring at me. "Mike. Can I talk to you? In the living room?"

I shrugged and looked down at Patty again. She was strangely disassociated from the whole thing -- not mad looking, not frightened, not smiling. I couldn't imagine what she was thinking as her fingers found the shorts.

Winnie grabbed my hand and led me out the door of the bedroom. I heard Patty slowly getting up.

I didn't know what to feel. I thought I should feel betrayed but I couldn't really. I could easily see how she would enjoy making love to another woman. It would have been wildly hypocritical of me to be upset because she was with someone other than me after the last few days.

Maybe all I could feel was surprise. I certainly hadn't expected it.

What I guess I really felt was numb. Just not much feeling at all. I couldn't feel mad at her but I couldn't just pass it off either.

And now there was Winnie, here in the living room with me. It was obvious that she'd made the connection between me and "Amy." I couldn't even feel the shock of discovery of my long term secret.

"I knew you looked familiar," she said as we sat down in the living room. I looked up at her for the first time since we'd gotten here. "It was just too much of a ... what would you call it? It was just too far, too much of a leap, for me to see it right away.

"Actually, I'm still having a hard time connecting you and Amy. You're just so different." Her eyes were sparkling as she looked at me.

"You have to tell Patty, Mike," she said finally. I wondered. Maybe we wouldn't be together for long enough for me to tell her anything. I didn't know what she was feeling right now. Hell, I didn't even know yet what I was feeling.

"You have to tell her because it may be the only thing that can save your marriage." That got my attention. I looked into her eyes and laughed though I really didn't feel any humor.

"That's a great idea," I pointed out. "Oh, it's okay, honey. I had a little fling this weekend myself. And I understand completely what Lesbian love feels like. Is that the approach?"

She was just staring at me. It took her a while to say something.

"Let's just say that you can't be too upset with her, okay?"

"Yeah. Well, that's true." I thought on. "But is this the time to tell her there's another big shift in our relationship?"

"Yes, Mike. It is. And I'll tell you exactly why." She leaned to me confidentially. "You guys got married quite a while ago. Patty was young and hadn't had hardly any experience sexually. You were her first, weren't you?"

I nodded.

"Did she ever go to bed with another guy?"

"Yeah. We broke up once in college and she went out with another guy. She always said he didn't know what he was doing and couldn't make her happy like I could."

"Okay. One other guy. And that was bumbling and she didn't have her heart in it at all. She was just doing it to get back at you."

"Yeah," I said. I'd known that all along. Even telling me about it had been just to get my goat and finally pull the decision to get married out of me. And it worked.

"Mike?" She looked at her hands in her lap. "Patty and I have been making love to each other for a year. Maybe more than a year." I stared open-mouthed at her admission. "We love each other in a way that we'll never be able to love you and Paul."

I sighed. Resigned. Maybe it was all over.

"I compartmentalize, Mike," she continued. "I love Patty and I love Paul. I enjoy making love to Patty and I enjoy making love to Paul." She was flipping her hand back and forth from one alternative to the other.

I could easily believe that. Patty had always been very sexual.

"They're different. Like the opposite sides of a coin. But there's things I can do with Patty that I'll never be able to do with Paul and, of course, the other way around. Dancing and friends with Paul, shopping and talking with Patty.

"We've had long talks, Patty and I. She's been having real problems, Mike." I looked at her.

"She has real problems compartmentalizing like I do and you've made it pretty hard, too," I looked at her to explain.

"You're gone a lot with your job and seem to be ... distracted? -- Is that a good way to put it? -- when you're home. She still loves you, of course, but she's felt for quite a while that your relationship is sort of stagnant. Not exciting. Not going anywhere.

"Mike, a couple of weeks ago she told me that she'd get divorced if she and I could get married. But that I'm the only one she'd want to live with besides you." She looked at me a little sadly, knowing how bad this information made me feel. "She hasn't been happy, Mike. I'm sorry."

"So. What's the answer Winnie? What should I do?"

"Well, of course you guys are going to have to talk. A lot. And work it out. But I think I know something that could help a lot."

I just stared at her, still waiting for what she was going to say.

"Introduce her to Amy," she said. "No. Better. Let me introduce her to Amy."

"What?" I couldn't believe it.

"I'm serious," she said. I shook my head.

"Patty's confused and unhappy now. How could that help?"

"I can't explain it," she said. "Intuition maybe. But I just know this is what she needs. It's the way to bridge the gap for her."

"Let me talk to her, Winnie. I need to find out what she's thinking."

"Okay," she said. "But I know I'm right." She paused and looked thoughtful again. "Do this for me. I'll leave you alone and you try to talk to her. I'll call you later and find out how you're doing. But just keep the option in mind."

I nodded and followed her to the door when she got up and moved that direction. She kissed me on the cheek at the door.

"It'll be okay. You'll see."

Patty wasn't happy when she came out of the bedroom and found that Winnie was gone. Her attitude seemed to be that everything was my fault. Why had I come home early when I wasn't supposed to? Why didn't I come in like I usually do? Make some noise? And, at the bottom of it all, what was I going to do about it anyway? What business was it of mine?

I didn't want to fight and, if it made her happy, I didn't even mind if she wanted to make love to another woman. I told her that I thought it was sexy. Just the thought made it impossible for the little panties I still wore to keep me in place.

Actually, that was what finally sent me to the bedroom for underwear and into the bathroom to change privately.

When I returned, feeling safer, she was on the phone with Winnie. She talked softly with her for a long time before she held it out to me.

"She wants to talk to you," she said, her lips pursed. I took the phone.

"What do you think now, Mike?" she said.

I looked at Patty as she flopped into one of the living room chairs, looking as unhappy as I'd ever seen her.

"Do you really think that would work? Wouldn't it do more damage?"

"You know what I think," she said. "But it's your decision.

"I invited her to go out for drinks tonight at eight. At the Pub." I knew it was sort of the local watering hole in the immediate area. "You make your decision and, if you decide right, I'll see you there when you're ready. I'll introduce you and we can go from there. Okay?"

"I'll think about it," I told her.

We were in the same rooms for the rest of the day but it seemed like we were just like furniture to each other. Or at least it seemed like I was furniture to her. Almost my entire attention was on her and her movements.

She made dinner and picked at hers. I wasn't all that hungry either. Then she got up to go get ready to go out and I stopped her, hugging her to me as I sat at the table. Her hands were around my head and she even bent down and hugged my head but she didn't really take it any further than that. I held on to her.

"I love you, Patty. We can get through this if we want to." I waited for her response.

"I want to think, Mike. Maybe we can talk later."

I nodded and made my decision right then. I read a book while she took a shower and dressed in a fresh looking blue skirt, sleeveless thin sweater, stockings, and white heels. She looked very pretty.

"I'll probably be back before midnight," she said as she found her keys and clutch purse.

"Okay," I said. "Enjoy yourself."

I got up as soon as the door closed behind her and was in the shower before her car was out of sight. Half an hour later, I was in my own car dressed in a white skirt, a frilly, tight-necked yellow blouse, and heels.

It only took ten minutes to drive to the Pub.

It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the darkness of the little bar but quickly found a place at the bar and ordered Scotch and water. While I waited, I spotted Patty and Winnie across the room at a table for four.

It was a pretty small place and, at this time of night, was fairly quiet and half empty. I knew from experience that it would get a little noisier and a little busier by about ten and, if it was going to liven up at all, would be rocking by midnight with couples coming in after movies and dinners and shows.

Now there were only about 20 people in the place and these looked like serious drinkers or people getting ready for the movie or show. They all talked softly since they only had to talk over a relatively mellow jukebox. The television, which was on for the news between five and seven or for a special sports event, was silent and dark.

I watched my wife and her best friend talking across the table. Patty looked at the table or Winnie's face but her responses were restrained -- much more restrained than normal -- and her smiles, that normally were a large part of her persona, were very rare and half-hearted.

Winnie, on the other hand, was animated and frequently punctuated her talk with smiles, flips of her dark hair, and constant movement of her hands. They seemed focused on their discussion -- Patty restrained and Winnie outgoing. I saw Patty wipe a tear from her cheek once and, later, Winnie wipe away another, giving Patty a Kleenex to blow her nose.

I was sure that eventually Winnie would notice me sitting at the bar. I wasn't sure how I should play this.

Actually, while I'd been scared to death the first time Jim had taken me out of my room and into public, that didn't bother me much now. Instead, all my anxiety centered around Patty's reaction to me.

I decided that to be the least threatening to her, I would act as if I didn't know her at all. Just be one of the girls. I wouldn't lie to her but, if she didn't bring it up, I wouldn't either. I wondered if she would take one look at me and stomp out of the bar and, probably, out of my life forever.

That brought a lump to my throat. It was the one result I couldn't conceive of. I couldn't live without her. This had to work. Had to.

You can see why I almost jumped out of my skin when Winnie touched me on the shoulder.

"Patty, I'd like you to meet a very good friend of mine," Winnie said as we got to the table. I'd watched Patty staring across the room in the opposite direction as we'd walked toward her, Winnie's arm wrapped around mine as she bubbled with excitement.

"Nice to meet you," she said, her mouth pursed and not looking at me. It was obvious that my being there was an interruption to what Patty was interested in doing here and that I, or whoever was there, was not particularly welcome.

Winnie insisted that I sit in the chair between the two of them. Still Patty didn't really look at me, taking a sip of the cream drink in front of her instead.

"What brings you to town, Amy?" Winnie asked.

"Oh, I just had a little business to do here," I answered. "I'll be going back to the big city soon."

"How's Jim?" she asked with a twinkle in her eye. I could clobber her for that one. Was she going to tell Patty about everything right off the bat?

"He was fine the last time I saw him," I answered and noticed Patty's eyes wander toward me languidly. At least I knew how Winnie was going to play this out.

"It was pretty cruel of the guys to take him off to the art galleries that late," she said. I nodded with a smile, my long blond hair brushing my shoulders and hovering around my face. "Did you have plans that we broke up?"

"Not really," I answered. We didn't, of course, but we'd probably have figured something out. The thought made me squirm in the chair a little.

"How long have you been going out?"

"Oh, we've just been out a couple of times," I said, concentrating on her but feeling Patty looking at my profile intensely. I knew what she was going to say before she opened her mouth.

"H-haven't I met you somewhere?" she said. I looked at her and smiled. Recognition was playing at the corners of her eyes but she hadn't gotten it yet.

"Not like this," I said, gesturing at the room in general. "I don't think we know each other." All that was completely true. She nodded and looked down at her drink but I could see her mind working at 90 miles an hour. She'd get it very soon. Certainly faster than Winnie had.

"Patty and I were just talking," Winnie said. She leaned closer to me, putting her hand on my arm, and spoke in a stage whisper. "Her husband caught us in bed this afternoon."

"Oooo!" I responded. "What happened? Was he really mad?"

"Huh uh. At least, I don't think so," she said, looking at Patty.

"No. He wasn't mad," she said into her drink.

"Then did you invite him to join you?" I asked.

"Naw. I think Patty was in shock. He came home unexpectedly."

"That can be so nasty," I said. "You're just lucky he wasn't mad. But it would have been a lot better if you could have --" I lowered my voice "-- made it a menage a trois."

"Well, Patty's still a little confused about the whole situation. She likes to be with me," she said with a twinkle and a flip that said "Why not?" as well as if she'd said it out loud. "But she's in love with him, too."

I just waited to see where she was leading us. I felt Patty looking at me again and worked hard to keep my attention on Winnie in spite of it.

"Actually, it's more confusing than just that," she continued. "She loves the feeling of a woman's body and what it can do to her. Oh, she enjoys making love with her husband, too. But it's so different. Soft instead of hard. Gentle instead of rough. Being able to take the lead when she wants to and not feeling like she's doing something wrong. You know." I was never rough with Patty and would have liked nothing more than to have her take the lead whenever she wanted, but I didn't respond to that.

"I can understand that. I feel the same way."

"A woman's body is so nice to explore. To pleasure," Winnie said. "The clothes are so much more colorful and complex and interesting. The things you can talk about are ... well, just different."

"Oh, I agree completely," I said, feeling Patty's eyes on me again. "I'd certainly hate to be permanently tied to wearing nothing but jockey shorts and teeshirts and jeans and suits all the time. The only time they can wear anything even a little colorful is a teeshirt on the weekend."

"And the thought of never having the feeling of silk and lace against your skin. I couldn't stand it," Winnie said, rubbing her legs together as if she were feeling the nylons and her panties rubbing against more sensitive spots.

"I've met some guys who appreciate the feel of silk and lace almost as much as I do," I added, thinking of Jim and Philip, and blushed. Winnie laughed heartily.

"That's different. Feeling it from the outside instead of the inside. It's different to feel it between your legs and holding your tits tight."

"It's great to walk into a room and have people look up at you and know that they'd like to do all sorts of things to you," I said, finding myself squirming a little with that thought. "Pleasant things."

Winnie and I went silent. Probably both thinking about our short conversation. Then I felt Patty's eyes practically boring into the side of my face. Her concentration had never wavered, never approached our subject at all, I don't think.

"M-M-Mike?" she gasped, just barely audible. She'd made the connection and I knew the moment of truth was now at hand. And, like the bull, stomping in front of the matador seconds before the last charge and the matador waiting for the bull to move like a locomotive toward him, adrenaline charged through my veins. I knew I was blushing and wondered if I was going to faint with the sudden, uncontrollable fear I felt.

"It's ... Amy, Patty," I said without looking into her eyes.

What would I see there if I looked up? Would it be loathing? Would it be disgust? Would it be fear? Would it be a readiness to get up and run away as fast as possible and never to look back?

Then I couldn't stand it. I looked up directly into her eyes. What I saw was surprise. Amazement. Her mouth was open with it. Then her eyes jumped to one side and back so quickly I didn't think a person could do that voluntarily. It must have been some kind of a muscle reaction responding directly to a temporary disconnection from her brain or something.

Then she gulped hard. As if she were swallowing a huge pill. She blinked. Then, instead of maintaining that open-mouthed, startled-eyed gaze, her eyes softened and her lips curved up into a slowly spreading smile.

I breathed again and realized that it had been a long time since the last breath. I was actually heady with the lack of oxygen.

"Mike," she said very softly, so softly I thought it might not have been at all but only a thought.

"Amy, Patty," I said, adding my smile to hers.

"Amy!" she almost yelled and put her arms up like a child, ecstatic to see a long lost relative. "This is wonderful!" Her hands came down to my shoulders as she twisted in her chair and hugged me so hard, her head against the side of mine, it hurt my neck.

Immediately, she pushed away and looked at me from about two inches away.

"Let me look at you," she exuded. I knew that from across the room this would look like the reunion of two very good friends who hadn't seen each other in a long time. Her eyes ranged across my face, taking in the mascara, the lipstick, the eyebrows, the hair and the earrings peeking out of it.

Then she moved a little further away, holding me at arm length. She looked at the frilly blouse, at the shapes under the blouse, and then down to my skirt.

"You're cute!" she said with her twinkling eyed smile. "Beautiful, really." I was blushing again. But I was so relieved, I couldn't say anything. "Winnie! Did you see?"

"Yeah," she answered. "You're right."

"Oh," her head swiveled back to me then back to Winnie and back to me. "Don't you see? This is ... this is perfect. It's the answer to my dreams. It's ... Oh, Amy!" She hugged me tight again but with more sincere emotion.

"You did this for me, didn't you?" she said close to my ear.

"Tonight I did it for you. Winnie said it would work."

"Of course. You've done it before. You wouldn't, couldn't look like this if --" She stopped and I felt her stiffen. "I don't care," she said suddenly, hugging me to her again, her fingers tracing shapes on my neck under my long hair.

Finally, she sat back in her chair, tears glistening in her eyes as she looked at me with a smile. Her entire body reflected relief as she sipped again at her drink.

"Oh, guys," she said with a big sigh. "I didn't know what I was going to do. My whole life was a mess. And now, in one second, it's all changed." She bit her lip as if to keep from crying. Winnie had been right.

We sat and talked and drank until the place started getting noisy. When a guy asked Patty to dance, she looked at me and I smiled and shrugged. She was pretty surprised a few minutes later when I tapped her on the shoulder as I passed, dancing with another guy.

When we got back to the table later, she had all sorts of questions about that and was, unaccountably, pleased. A few minutes later, she took me onto the dance floor, insisting I take off my shoes so I was shorter than she was with hers on, and led while we danced. I realized, for the first time, that she was a much better dancer than I. It was fun dancing with her this way and it had always been a trial before.

We ended up dancing several times with dances in between with some of the guys we'd danced with before. It ended up being a lot of fun.

Winnie kissed us both good night in the parking lot before she went home to her husband and we went to our own home.

Patty took me by surprise again when we went into the house after driving our own cars home. She locked the kitchen door behind us and turned to me. For the first time in a very long time, she caught me up in her arms and kissed me so long and so deeply that I wondered if I was going to be able to stay upright. I haven't been that turned on with her since our courtship.

Finally, she led me to our bedroom, insisted I wear one of her negligees to bed, and made love to me for more than two hours.

She kept telling me how long she'd wanted to sleep with a woman like me, even while I was buried deep inside her.

For the rest of the week, she wouldn't speak to me when I came home from work until I'd changed clothes. And then she was more talkative, and more sensual, than any time in our married lives.

Chapter 7

BEA GRINNED RATHER nastily when she handed me my tickets for the Friday trip back to the city.

"This'll put a crimp in your style, sweetie," she said and fanned two sets of tickets. I looked at them and noticed that one was for Patty. "You'll have to keep the sexy lingerie in your hope chest this trip."

I didn't bother to tell her that, though Patty had called Bea directly to make the arrangements for her to go with me, it would probably have exactly the opposite effect. I might not be able to get out of my lingerie this trip.

When Bea had told me I was going, I had called Jim, thinking I would be by myself. I planned to call him when I got to the city with Patty and tell him the situation. But events took their own course.

Unlike most of my trips, I didn't have to hide my packing or do it when Patty was out shopping. Instead, she helped me pack, shrugging off packing my spare shirt, tie, socks, and slacks. She wouldn't let me pack men's underwear, saying I shouldn't plan on wearing them anyway.

Instead of a small carry-on with a dress, shoes, and women's underwear in addition to a checked bag of men's clothes, this time I had two suitcases filled with women's clothing and my men's spares tucked in available spaces. She also had two suitcases. We looked like we were moving in for a month instead of a week.

Patty was enjoyably loving on the trip but insisted on rubbing the front of my pants occasionally to feel the slick movement over the panties she insisted I wear and seemed to need reassurance were still there.

The bellboy led us to our room that ended up being a mini-suite with a living room in addition to the more normal bedroom and bath. The room, it seemed, had been upgraded by a hotel staff member. I thought of Philip immediately.

I hadn't told Patty about my adventures of the week before and gulped when I saw the two massive bouquets of flowers. There was no way I could have intercepted her inquisitive advance on them, pulling out the card from one as I looked at the other.

"We missed you. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Jim," the card I read said.

"Who's Philip?" Patty asked as she handed me the second card. I read it.

"Save me the first dance. And the last. Philip," the card said. She'd read the second card while I looked at the one from Philip.

"And who's Jim? Friends?"

"Yeah. I, ah, didn't tell you," I started.

"Dances?" she continued.

"Yeah. I should have. Last trip I met Jim in the bar downstairs."


"No. A, ah, friend. He was the first person who ever knew about ... well, about my dressing."

"You mean, he found out about you dressing like a woman?" she said, surprise in her voice.


She sat down rather hard.

"Maybe you better tell me everything," she said softly. "No. Before you do that, change. I get mad at you when you're a man."

I changed into a lightweight sundress and heels and told her everything. When we were talking like sisters, it was a lot easier than when we were talking as husband and wife. She wasn't mad this way. She was happy for me and excited by my adventures.

We talked through lunch in the hotel coffee shop and into the afternoon before she couldn't stand her sexual excitement generated by my stories. Laying me down on my back on the bed and throwing my skirt up, she fucked me roughly until she came twice. Then, as my punishment, she refused to let me get mine.

We showered together, she touched up my shaved legs as I did hers, and we dressed for dinner. She told me another of my punishments was to be that she wasn't wearing any underwear at all and I couldn't touch until she told me to. It wasn't obvious but it was plain enough to me to keep me on edge from that moment on.

That was when the knock came at the door. Patty, sitting in one of the living room chairs watching the end of the news, just gestured for me to answer it.

When I opened the door, Jim swept into the room, wrapped his arms around me, and lifted me from the floor with one hand, his kiss filling my mouth.

"I missed you," he said with a huge smile when he broke the kiss and let me slide back to my feet, his arms still around me. I grinned at him.

"I have someone I want you to meet," I said, blushing and knowing Patty had been watching this whole process.

"You must be Jim," Patty said from behind me, still sitting in the chair. He jumped and let me go.

"Oh, hi. I'm sorry. I didn't see you."

"I didn't think you did," she said with a smile.

"Jim," I said, taking a deep breath, "this is Patty. My --" it seemed strange in this situation "-- my wife." Now it was his turn to color and fumble.

"Oh!" he said.

"Oh, it's all right," she said, still not moving. "I owe you a lot. If it wasn't for your discovery, Amy might not ... well, might not be Amy. If you know what I mean."

"You approve?" he asked, not believing it.

"I approve," she said with a smile. "She's very beautiful. Don't you think?"

"Oh yes!" he said. "I agree! Great!" Then he started thinking and I believe the next thing that crossed his mind was that his plans, that I'm sure included taking off the little black dress I was wearing, were shot. "Really great!" His voice showed his disappointment and I was flattered.

"We were just going up to Andre's (the hotel restaurant) for dinner," I said. "Will you join us?"

"Ah, that's what I came for. Let me take you upstairs for a drink. Philip said he could meet us for dinner about eight, if we can wait that long," he said, looking at Patty for agreement.

"I think that'd be great," she said. "I want to meet Philip, too."

"I told her everything, Jim," I said then and he went pale. His eyes shifted from me to Patty and, seeing nothing, back to me.

"She knows everything?"

"Everything," I said.

"And she still approves?"

"She approves," Patty said for herself. "Well, in a way. My 'husband' has been very bad. 'He' needs a spanking. But Amy is wonderful and if that's the tradeoff, then I can't complain."

"Spanking," Jim fixated, looking down at me. "Not a bad idea. A little kinky but --"

"Oh, no. Don't get any ideas."

Patty started to get up and, gallantly, Jim closed the few paces to offer his hand.

"A gentleman. How nice," she said, taking his hand and letting him lift her to her feet. I noticed that his eyes wandered down and back up her entire shape.

"Speaking of beautiful women," he said with that Casanova grin of his. Patty grinned and tossed her hair like she does when she's being coy.

Jim convinced us that we didn't need purses and, after locking the door behind us, pocketed the key and offered each of us an arm to lead the way to the elevators.

"This is the first place you, well, went out?" Patty asked as we sat at a window table in the rooftop bar overlooking the city as the sun went down in the distance.

"I insisted," Jim said as I nodded. "She was just so beautiful. Too beautiful to stay cooped up in a hotel room."

"I'm glad you did," Patty said. "It's made a wonderful change in my life right at a time that I needed it worst. You -- you two --" she said to include me "-- may have saved my life."

Not understanding, we explained to Jim about Patty's recent problems and I even learned several new things about the depth of her depression and her confusion over the last year. In the process, we told Jim about the day I'd caught her and Winnie in bed together and the ensuing events that brought out what I'd been doing as well.

Patty had a lot more questions about my adventures in the city the week before that Jim was only too pleased to embellish with his impressions. Mostly, I just squirmed at the memories that included a great deal concerning new types of sex that he didn't elaborate on but that I remembered vividly.

I noticed Patty look over my shoulder but almost jumped out of the chair when I felt the hair moved away from my neck and a kiss replaced it. I turned quickly to see Philip, a big smile on his face.

"Hi," he said, offering his hand to Patty. "You must be Patty."

"And you must be Philip," she said as he kissed her hand. "You have nice friends," she said to me as I grinned.

Philip took the remaining seat at the table, moving the drink menu out of his way to another table.

"You know about Patty," I said, stating the obvious.

"I'm the house dick, remember," he said. "I know everything important that goes on in this place. And I thought that was fairly important. At least to me." His hand stroked mine.

"I think it's safe to say you didn't expect Patty here today," Jim said.

"Oh, yeah," Philip said. "After you called, I checked the reservation. I hope you like the room," he said to me.

"It's beautiful. Did you upgrade it?" He nodded. "Thanks."

"One of the minor perks of my job," he said. "I can get my friends the best rooms for the same prices the other suckers are paying for the broom closet."

"I've heard a lot about you, Philip," Patty said then.

"All good, I'm sure," he said. "From the stud over there or from Amy?"

"Both," she said with a laugh.

"Well, then you probably at least got a balanced view." He stopped. "Did the stud pass on my invitation to dinner?" We all nodded. "Are we starved or do we want another drink before?" We decided on dinner and he led us into Andre's, whispering to the maitre d'. He led us to a corner table with a great view in two different directions, holding the chair for Patty while Jim held mine.

"Do you mind if I order for us?" Philip said and, when we nodded, he spoke quickly to the waiter in French. In only a minute, we had fresh drinks and 10 minutes later had our salads. We ate until we were all stuffed and had finished drinks, two bottles of wine, and after dinner drinks.

I told Patty that Philip was the best dancer I'd ever seen and she decided to test it out immediately and led us all back into the lounge. Jim and I sat at the table watching as Philip took Patty through the paces like a pro. It was beautiful since Patty was a much better dancer than I was.

I thought the lambada they did could have gotten them arrested anywhere else and seemed to excite the mostly male audience completely.

"Hey, baby. Remember me?" I heard at my elbow, a hand suddenly on my shoulder.

"Oh, hi," I said to the man I remembered Philip saying was Paul.

"Dance with me, okay?" I looked at Jim and, grinning, he shrugged. I followed him onto the dance floor and, as he had the last time, his arms went around my back, forcing mine onto his shoulders around his neck. This time I decided I was going to give as good as I got and molded myself to his shape, feeling his hardness against my stomach in the process.

"Oh, yeah, baby. That's right. Just get as close as you can." He danced slowly for a while, his hands playing, one at a time, across my back as the other held me tight. "You remember what I told you last time we danced, don't you?" he whispered airily into my ear. I nodded.

"Your clit. I suck clit really good. Good enough you'll never forget it for the rest of your life. I promise."

"If you sucked my clit, you'd never forget it for the rest of yours," I answered in kind, letting my lips play with his earlobe and not turning away when I finished the sentence.

"I'll bet you've got the biggest, sweetest clit in the world, eh?"

"Yeah," I hissed. "Big and full of goodness just for you."

"Oh, baby, that turns me on. I love big clits. I can really get my lips around them. And I can lick your come right out of your little pussy."

"You said my ass, last time. That you'd tongue fuck me in the ass until I came."

"Oh, yeah. I remember that. I would, too. Five hundred bucks I'd give you just so I could do you. No shit."

"No shit? Would you do those things so good I'd love it? Never forget it?"

"You bet!" he gasped, now breathless.

"Then I wouldn't take any money. Not for something that wonderful."

"You're kidding!" he said, looking at me then.

"No, I'm not. If you're really that good."

"Well, I'm that good."

"What if I wasn't quite what you expected?"

"Not as big a clit as you said?"

"No. Bigger. Just not what you expected. Would that bother you?"

"Fuck no! Not the way you look." He looked around and I followed his look. It went to the table where Philip and Patty had returned and were talking animatedly with Jim. "Your boyfriend won't mind?"

"He likes it when I get enjoyment," I said with a grin. Both he and Philip would get a kick out of this if it came off.

"Okay. Then come on. Right now. Okay?" I nodded and he nervously took my arm and led me off the side of the dance floor. There was a door at this end of the room that I hadn't noticed before and he led me through it.

"I have friends here. They showed me the employee bathroom. We can do about anything in there." He didn't look to me for agreement but continued to hurry me through a narrow hallway and then through a normal sized doorway marked "Employee Restroom". He turned the light on inside and shut the door and locked it.

It was a nice enough bathroom with only the addition of a bucket and mop in one corner. Of course it only had a toilet and sink and a cabinet a little taller than the toilet seat directly beside it. I assumed it was filled with cleaners or storage of some type.

"How do you want to do this?" I asked.

"Well, you can sit up on the sink, if you want. Or I could sit on the john if you want to do it standing up."

"I think I'd like that. You sit." Immediately, he did as I slipped my fingers into the top of my pantyhose and panties and pushed them down my legs. I took off one shoe, pulled the material off that leg, and put my shoe back on to avoid the floor. It would at least be cold and maybe dirty.

"Oh, baby. You are ready, aren't you?" he said, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer.

"You're going to be surprised," I said, looking down at him staring at the front of my skirt as I began to harden beneath it.

"I gotta see it, baby. I gotta see this big clit."

As he stared hard at the hem, I edged it upward slowly, teasingly. I knew the second he saw what it had concealed. His hands almost spasmed where they held my hips.

"You're a ..." He stopped without finishing the sentence. Then his face split in a silly grin. "The joke's on me, I guess. But you're still the most beautiful guy I ever saw."

"And that's the biggest clit you ever saw," I said, not moving.

"You got me there," he said. "Oh, what the fuck!"

He virtually dove to my front, licking my now fully hardened cock and then turning his head and sucking the side of it almost wildly.

"Shit! I can smell the perfume. You taste sweet, like a real girl. You'll do."

He pulled me forward and lifted one leg. Looking down I saw that I could put my foot on the cabinet and did that as his mouth closed around me and began to suction and move up and down it. He had me gasping and clutching at his hair immediately. He did that for the next five minutes, pausing for a second only when he felt me getting too close.

"I could do this all night," he said then. "But if I did, I'd never get to taste your ass."

He lifted my leg off the cabinet and turned me away from him then and pushed me forward. I caught myself on the edge of the sink as he threw the back of my skirt onto my back and grabbed my ass cheeks roughly, spreading them wide with his thumbs as his fingers dug into the flesh of my globes. I know I moaned with the feel of it.

It was added to when his tongue sunk into me.

"Ahh! Ohh! That feels! Mmm! Ohh! God yes!" I heard myself saying as he rocked me forward and back gently. I don't know how long his tongue was, but it certainly seemed to reach everything important inside me.

I was right on the edge of coming when he almost spun me back around, lifted my leg again, plunged two fingers into my ass, and sucked up my cock again. Pulling me into his mouth with the two fingers and away by pulling them back, I felt my come explode into his throat within a dozen strokes.

My hands, that had simply been holding me up with the help of his hair, pulled him convulsively to me. After a minute, I could see and hear again and let him go.

The first thing I saw was a rather nasty grin and then he twisted me back around and I caught myself on the sink edge again at the last second.

His tongue sank back into me but, this time, I thought I could feel him spitting, too. Then he was on his feet behind me and, in a motion, sank himself into my ass all the way to his zipper.

"I don't have to worry about you getting pregnant or calling a cop, so I get my rocks off, too, baby," he said.

"Oh, yeah," I said. "I was going to suggest that. Ahh!" Oh, it felt good. He pounded into me and, well within a minute, he came. I couldn't believe it when I looked between my legs and saw myself shooting onto the floor between my feet. Then the feeling caught up with the actuality and I almost doubled over with it, my head below the sink's level and my back arched forward.

When I got things together again, I felt him still pumping in and out of me at a slowing rate. Then he pulled free.

"All right, baby. You may not be a real chick, but you sure as hell are a good fuck," he said.

He watched every move I made as I put my panties and pantyhose back on before unlocking the door and leading me back onto the corner of the dance floor as if we'd never been gone.

I noticed that Jim, Philip, and Patty were still talking around the table. I didn't know whether they'd noticed me leave with Paul or not.

When the song ended, he took his hands off my butt, where they'd been for that last dance, and leaned close to my ear.

"I like the thought that your ass is filled with my come," he said with a silly grin.

"I like the thought that your mouth is filled with mine," I told him with a matching grin. "Thanks."

Chapter 8

I'M SURE I was flushed still when I got back to the table. Jim and Patty were deep in a discussion, their heads together as they talked. But Philip looked up at me and started to get up as Paul held the chair for me before leaning over my shoulder and kissing my cheek.

"Until next time, sweets," he said. I caught the way Philip was grinning at me like a Cheshire cat. I smiled up at Paul and watched him move away to another unsuspecting victim at the bar.

"So," Philip said with that grin. "Was he as good as he's always telling everybody?" I leaned closer to him.

"Better." I chuckled.

"You really do deserve a spanking, you know," he said. I squirmed in the chair a little and, strangely, felt the wetness leaking out of me. I should have done something about that before coming back to the table.

I decided then, as I looked across the table at the way Patty's hard nipples showed in the material of her dress, that it was time to get his mind off me for a little while. I leaned close to Philip and whispered.

"Did you notice that Patty's not wearing anything under her dress tonight?" It was almost comical the way his head spun around.

"Nothing?" he whispered back with a spreading grin. I nodded. "I mean, I could tell about the tits but ..."

"Nothing," I added.

He seemed to think for a few seconds and then stood up. "Hey Jim?" Jim turned to him. "I gotta go take a piss. But I need to talk to you a minute." Jim looked a little confused for a second. Guys didn't ask their friends to go to the bathroom with them like girls did all the time.

"Yeah. I do to now that you mention it." Jim stood up and excused himself. I wasn't absolutely sure what Philip was doing but I thought I might have an idea.

After they left, I looked at Patty and she put her hand over mine.

"Oh, honey. This is wonderful," she said with a sparkle in her eyes I hadn't seen there in a long time. I loved it. "Your friends are great. They really know how to treat a woman like a queen."

I chuckled to myself at the reference that I'm sure she hadn't intended. But I nodded and smiled brightly.

"You just haven't seen anything yet, baby."

"Are you enjoying yourself as much as I am?"

"Maybe more," I said.

"I saw that you've been dancing a lot. You really look good. I never realized you were such a good dancer."

"I've found that it's a lot easier to follow than lead," I pointed out.

"You really look beautiful tonight, you know," she said, squeezing my hand again. "I don't know how to thank you for ... well, for everything.

"When I said before that you saved my life, I wasn't kidding. I was so confused. So ... torn up inside."

"Patty, I'm so sorry that I, well, that I was not as good a husband as you deserve." Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears as I put my other hand over hers and rubbed it reassuringly.

The guys returned then and Patty picked up a cocktail napkin and wiped away the wetness in her eyes as they sat down. I wondered how she did that without streaking her mascara as I'm sure I would have. Actually, I could have done the same thing at that moment since I was a little moist too.

"So what have you two ladies been plotting," Philip said with a grin, looking at me. He winked.

"Yeah. Planning things without us?" Jim said from my other side, winking conspiratorially at me too. "You know, Patty," he said turning to her. "Philip tells me that you haven't been quite straight with us."

She looked at him. Confused.

"It is a punishable offense to keep the house detective in the dark the way you have," Philip added. Her confusion got greater. Then she suddenly jumped. I was pretty sure that Jim had just touched her leg. His arm was in that position. She jumped again and released a little exclamation. I was pretty sure, since Philip had taken the same posture, that he'd touched her other leg.

"Now you just lean forward on your elbows and take your punishment like a lady," he added. Blushing, she leaned forward, looking straight into my eyes. I know she was thinking exactly what had happened. That I'd told them her little secret.

"You told ... ah." She jumped again. I grinned at her, knowing she was going to enjoy the next few minutes. "Really," she started. "Maybe we ... ah oh ... maybe we should ..." She stopped with her lips opening sensually. She was staring at me but I would have had to have been about 20 feet further back for her to have focused on me properly. Her mind was a million miles away or, I chuckled to myself, perhaps just a little lower. Her eyes slowly closed and her mouth spread in a pleased smile as, I was sure, their fingers found her naked center.

"Maybe you don't deserve that spanking, Amy," Philip said to me with a grin. "At least you don't lie." I loved the way the flesh of her exposed breast tops vibrated with her internal tension. She bit her lip and I heard a little mewling sound escape her throat.

Her face wrinkled into a frown something like a reaction to pain and I was sure she was getting close now. I couldn't stand it and dropped my napkin on the floor.

Looking under the table, I saw that she had her high heels locked behind the legs of her chair, her skirt tucked in the waistband of her garter belt in front, and the two men's fingers busy between her legs. Philip was rubbing her clit slowly as Jim slid two fingers in and out of her wet pussy. Satisfied, I sat back up and reached across the table to take Patty's hands. As I caressed down them and down her arms, I had a better idea and put my arms on the table and found her nipples poking at the front of her filmy dress.

Her eyes sprung open and her mouth dropped wide. But her eyes were still not focused on me as she grunted with her orgasms.

"Switch," Philip said and I was pretty sure their fingers had just reversed positions. Patty moaned again and her face seemed to change completely. She dropped her head down between her arms, her hands behind her neck, as I started pinching her nipples a little harder. She had always loved it when I did that but, I'm sure, not as much as at that moment.

She gasped loudly and slapped her hand across her mouth as the table vibrated almost wildly.

She just stayed that way as I sat back and both men brought their fingers to their mouths, sucking wet looking fingers. She missed that and, I thought, it was really sexy. It made me squirm in my chair.

"Well," I said. "I don't know about you guys, but I think it's time to go to bed."

The guys both chuckled but Jim was on his feet and ready to hold my chair before I'd pushed it back. Philip was leaned down to Patty's ear, saying something.

Her eyes were sort of crossed when she looked up and she gladly took Philip's arm as he solicitously helped her to unsteady feet like an invalid.

In the elevator, she leaned back against the mirrored wall, her head back and eyes closed. I hoped she would recover quickly because I was sure this evening had only started.

In the suite, I directed the guys to the honor bar and, holding hands with Patty, led her into the bedroom. She dropped to sitting on the bed and looked up at me with a rare sparkle in her eyes.

"God, Amy. You can't believe what that was like." I only grinned. I had an idea, after all.

"You liked it, didn't you sweetheart." A smile spread over her face as she looked up at me. "I think you may have some more surprises in store." I shrugged off her questioning look at me and just pushed on.

"I think they'll like this one the best," I said as I laid her white shortie nightgown on the bed beside her. "Do you want to wear the panties now or was that enough fun you'd like to continue it immediately."

"Ah, I think I better have the panties," she said and giggled like a schoolgirl. "Would you unzip me?" She held up her hair in back though I didn't need it to reach the low zipper. Actually she didn't really need the zipper undone. I think she could have shrugged hard and the dress would have fallen off.

"Leave your stockings on. The guys like them," I suggested as I got out of my own dress. "The black nightgown or the pink one?"

"Oh. The black one I think," she said. "With the frilly panties. The shoes, too?"

"No. I think the white spike heels." She grinning devilishly.

"The fuck-me heels with the ankle straps?" I nodded. I got them and the similar black patent leathers of mine out of the suitcase.

"Need to pee? It might be a while before you can excuse yourself." She blushed and got up. I loved the way her naked pink butt cheeks wagged when she walked to the bathroom and, of course, the way her heavy breasts swayed with the movement. Her nipples still pointed upward just as they had the first time I'd seen them before we were married.

Strangely, I thought I needed to learn how to walk barefoot like she did, balancing on the balls of her feet almost as if she were still wearing high heels.

I put on the black nightie and panties that, strangely, Philip and Jim had picked out for me. The tiny panties were absolutely see-through except for the powder puff of frills between the legs. I sat down and had just gotten the ankle straps fastened when Patty came back and picked up the white gown to thread over her gorgeous body. There was just enough of it that you couldn't see the skin through it where it didn't touch but, across her breasts where it did touch, you could clearly see the color changes from breast to areola to nipple. Her panties were the same way, showing the slightly darker shape of her labia.

She sat on the edge of the bed and stroked my hair as I put her shoes on for her and tightly fastened the straps on her ankles.

"Is this really all right with you, Amy?" I was a little confused. There were a lot of shifts here. Was I okay with my wife getting ready to fuck someone else? Was I okay with having her share my friends? Was I okay with being dressed the way I was now? "Dressed the way we are," she continued, "you know what might happen?"

"Oh. Yes. And it won't just 'might' happen, Patty. When they get a look at you in this, it is absolutely, definitely going to happen."

"I've never really had anyone except you, you know. I just told you about Todd. Nothing really happened between us. I just wanted you to be jealous." All these years, I'd wondered. It had bothered me more than I had ever told her. So why was this different? More confusion.

"Patty," I said as I sat up on my knees between her thighs. "I set this whole thing up for you tonight. I've orchestrated it." I smiled at her look of trepidation. "Things are going to happen to you in the next few hours that most women only have fantasies about. I want it to happen. I want you to see how wonderful it is."

She put her arms around my head and pulled me tight to her thinly clad breasts, hugging me tight.

"I'm scared. I've never ..."

"No you haven't ever."

"What if I don't know what to do?" I laughed.

"I can guarantee you that you won't have to do anything." I thought again. "Just one thing."

She looked questioningly at me.

"You're going to have to have lots of orgasms." She shivered visibly, her mouth allowing a little moan to come out. I smiled at her and kissed her softly.

She looked at me and brushed my lips.

"Hmmm. We need to refresh our makeup." I nodded. "And perfume."

It didn't take us long to touch up our makeup. I watched Patty tip the perfume bottle onto her finger and dab it behind her knees, her ears, and on her exposed chest. She surprised me a little when she did it again and traced the little creases where her legs connected to the trunk of her body. She blushed. I followed her lead and did the same thing.

When we walked into the living room area, both men stood up, their eyes getting as big around as saucers. I noticed that they looked me over thoroughly but seemed to have a special interest in my beautiful wife.

Somehow, Patty walked easily in the heels that made both of us walk as if on tiptoe. And she made it look ladylike, almost as if she were sitting down to tea with the girls, as she sat down on the couch and crossed her legs, insuring the short nightie covered as much as possible.

I sat down in one of the chairs and tried to emulate her to the best of my ability. Jim dropped into the matching chair to mine, staring at Patty's legs and making her blush again. Philip smiled so broadly that I thought his face couldn't contain it as he sat next to her, a foot separating them, and looked at them and then up at me in the same way. It was very flattering.

"Good thing I'm not on duty," he said. "I'd have to arrest both of you for indecent exposure."

Patty surprised me when she said, "You don't think this is decent," as she picked at the front of the nightie over her raised nipples. We all laughed.

The guys had made drinks for us all, the same as those we'd had in the bar and restaurant, so for the first uncomfortable minutes, we sipped at them and tried not to make a wet spot on our nylons as we held them. Holding them was easier than bending over to pick them up, I'd already found when I'd done it and felt the top of my nightie open to view across the room. I'd noticed Patty's as well, though I liked what she showed better than what I had there.

Philip got up and moved to a cabinet that soon produced soft music. Before he sat down, he turned something near the door and the lights dimmed to almost nothing.

"Dance?" he said, holding his hand out to me. I was a little surprised he hadn't asked Patty first but I accepted. He enfolded me in his arms and, in the towering heels, I found I could look over his shoulder to see Patty moving into a similar position with Jim. Her arms both went around his neck were he guided them, his around her waist and lying on her bottom. I could feel Philip's on my ass in almost exactly the same position as I nuzzled his neck.

"Philip," I whispered into his neck. "Make Patty's night very special for me, will you?"

"No problem," he said into my ear. "I think we're all going to have a very special night."

I loved the way his hands stroked my back and bottom through the thin material, sliding over the back of my panties. And I loved the feel of his hardness pressing into my hip just as I did his hard thigh pressing between my legs. He moved so sensuously that I knew he would have me panting with need before long whether he meant to or not.

I peeked over his shoulder and saw Patty's head turned up to Jim, their lips pressed together as his hands stroked her almost naked bottom. His wonderful tongue was visibly moving inside her mouth as she moved her center against his thigh. I wondered if she was already experiencing one of those orgasms I had promised her she would have to endure.

I also wondered how long it would be before they went off to the bedroom.

The guys had a great deal more restraint than I think I could have exercised in the same situation. They continued to dance with us and kiss us for several songs. Then completely surprised me by having us sit down and finish our drinks. I saw that Patty was as flushed and turned on as I was sure I was as we sat there drinking and talking softly.

Philip told them about Paul and his reputation before insisting that I tell them all about my experiences with him earlier in the evening. Since neither Patty nor Jim had noticed my absence, they were both surprised at my tale. Though it was embarrassing for me to tell and I wasn't sure what my wife's reaction might be, they all decided that Paul was a man of his word and that it was a hot story. Amy was even raising and lower her upper leg a little as I'd seen her do when something turned her on. I wondered a little what that would feel like if you had a clit instead of a cock there.

I was sure, as we finished our drinks, that the next venue would be the bedroom for one or both of us. But the guys again showed amazing restraint and insisted that we dance with them again. I told Jim the same thing about making sure Patty enjoyed herself tonight and then watched as she actively pumped against Philip's leg as they clenched in an extended kiss. Jim's tongue was in my mouth seconds later so I didn't get to see the orgasm, though I'm sure it happened.

Before he quit, I almost had one of my own.

I was ready to start begging them to take us to bed then even if I could only watch and rub myself. But they didn't make me. Jim lagged behind to shut off the music and lights as Philip to Patty and I into the bedroom, turning on a low bedside light on either side of the massive bed.

Patty and I were forced to watch as Philip did as slow strip for us until he was down to a tented pair of blue nylon men's shorts. My position before hadn't really let me see what a beautiful man he is, the muscles of his arms, legs, and chest flexing with just normal movements, his thighs pressed tight together by the muscles there.

Jim, who joined him, wasn't as impressive but, with the mat of hair on his chest that trickled down into his white Jockey's, was certainly demonstrably masculine. Patty was fidgeting like a teenager in heat by the time Philip laid down on the big bed and pulled off his underpants.

I'd seen it before, of course, but I couldn't believe how beautiful it looked, standing up that way. Patty actually squeaked like a mouse as she saw its length and circumference. It was purple headed, as if the torture they'd put us through in the last hour had been even worse for him.

Jim climbed onto the other side of the bed and stripped off his own shorts, showing his equally hard but somewhat smaller cock in its mass of pubic hair.

"Patty, come here," he said, holding out his hand toward us. She looked at me with something like fear in her eyes before she took a step forward. "Take your nightgown off now," he said when she reached the side of the bed. She reached down with crossed arms, as she always did, and pulled it over her head, shaking her hair when it was off. She dropped it on the floor. "Now the panties." I could see her blush on her back. But then she put her hands in the sides of her panties and slid them down until she could step out of them.

Philip had rolled over onto his side so he could watch her as well when she'd taken the nightie off. He spoke.

"Move your legs apart so we can see that pretty little clit." The blush raged down her back again, her asscheeks tightening with tension and excitement as she did it. "Hold your lips open so we can see." She did it with another little squeak.

I was salivating with my own excitement and holding both arms around myself with the sexual tension in the room. They were doing what I'd asked and it was great.

"Come up here with us, sweetie," Philip said and she moved up onto the bed slowly. "What gorgeous tits," he sighed as he watched them dangle down from her chest.

"Mine," Jim said simply and Philip chuckled.

They gently but insistently guided Patty up over Philip but, rather than face down as I'd expected, they disoriented both of us by turning her with her back to Philip, hovering over his rampant cock. She looked gorgeous as she looked down at it below her, sitting on her knees with her heavy breathing making her breasts bound.

Slowly, the men guided her down onto it until I saw her wetness glisten on his cock head. Then it was very slowly disappearing into her pussy, fractional inch by fractional inch as Philip's hands on her waist forced her either to move downward over it or prevented her from driving it in more quickly. She was licking her lips with lust as she watched it just as I was.

What seemed like an agonizingly long time later, it was all the way inside her and she was groaning at the full feeling of it there. How I envied her at that moment.

Philip pulled her back until she was laying against his chest. Jim helped her move her legs out from under her and down along Philip's thighs.

"Amy," Jim said and motioned me. I moved to the side of the bed and sat down.

"So Patty. You're a little lezzie, are you?" Jim said a little unkindly, I thought. "Like to have your girlfriends suck your hard little nipples. Like them to lick your pussy juice and that big clit." From where I sat now beside her, I could see it and, as far as true women's clits went, it was very big. She could only moan.

"Well, we just happen to have another lezzie here who wants to suck that big clit." He didn't pause. "Amy. Get your ass over here and take care of her clit. You know you want to get your pretty lipstick all over it. Do it now!"

Patty moaned again. Louder this time. They'd planned even better than I had. I was being involved directly in her new experiences as much as they were.

Happily, I crawled the rest of the way onto the bed, feeling the heavy breast forms dangle from my own chest, and buried my face between her wide spread legs, licking her spasming trench from Philip's entry up to the top. I pressed her legs further apart just as she lifted them high, as she had with Winnie, and grabbed her ankles.

She orgasmed immediately but was hardly finished as I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked it into my mouth to play with with my tongue. I felt Philip finally begin pumping into her pussy beneath my chin and looked up her body to see Jim with one hand on one breast and sucking the other.

"Ahh ahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed as she came again and again. I licked up her nectar as Philip drug it out of her body with long strokes. I covered the entire area between her labia with my mouth and lips and sucked and licked wildly as I came in my panties.

"No no no no no no no more!!!!!" she screamed. "Oh pleeeeeeasseeee! OHHHHHHHH!!!!" Her spiked heels came down dangerously close to me on either side of my chest as her body arched up off Philip. Jim covered her mouth with his, his tongue diving into it deeply as Philip crushed her breasts in his massive hands and pounded into her pussy with those long strokes. I could hear her still screaming into Jim's mouth as we continued.

Then Philip stiffened, tight inside her, and, I knew, began filling her insides with his come. His harsh grunts of pleasure and exertion joined her long, high-pitched moan. She seemed to become as limp as a dishrag as I stopped my licking and kissed her clit and labia. I would have been truly worried about her if she hadn't reacted to the kisses with little tremors.

When I sat back on my calves and could look down at them, I saw that Philip was as limp as she was and she had the biggest smile on her face I've ever seen.

"Hmmm," Jim said, disgruntled beside me. "One lousy little fuck and they look all done in." I laughed but the other two didn't even change expression.

"Guess we don't have much choice," Jim said with a smile as he looked at me. "It doesn't look like they're going to be doing much of anything for the next while." He let out a big sigh.

"Guess that means that you'd better get those cute little wet panties off and get your ass over here."

I didn't waste much time getting them off and crawling over above him.

Since I'd taken the precaution of getting well lubricated and had added my own little load of come to the mix, his cock slid into me sweetly. He kept me from moving on him for a minute, holding my hips still. My elbows at the sides of his head and hands in his hair, I kissed him until he finally let me begin to fuck him.

Distantly, I felt the bed move a little but, after I filled up the space between our bodies with another load of my come and Jim filled the spaces deep inside my body with his, it was still a little bit of a surprise to turn my head and see Philip and Patty staring at us from a vantage point about a foot away.

"God you really are a hot little bitch, aren't you honey," Patty said with a big smile.

Philip broke the moment by saying, "You'll have to excuse me for a minute. I gotta piss like a racehorse." He trotted right in to the bathroom.

I was a little shocked when Patty, looking after him as he disappeared, said, "he sure is hung like a racehorse."

We all laughed.

The four of us took our turns at the bathroom and spent the next half hour laying on the bed making the others laugh and hugging.

Somehow, it wasn't like we were two couples at all, even though Philip had Patty nestled against his body, absently playing with her hard nipples, and Jim had me in a similar position rubbing my stomach.

"So are we going to sleep tonight?" Patty asked. Philip looked at Jim and grinned.

"Nope," Jim said simply. "Just regaining a little strength."

"You think it's time?" Philip said. I felt Jim nod. I hoped I knew what was going to happen next. "Think you can handle one more little orgasm, Patty?"

"One maybe. But not two thousand like the last time," she answered.

"You're just going to have to try to control yourself then," Jim said as he moved off the back side of the bed. He went into the bathroom and I thought I knew what he was after as I watched Philip position Patty over him on her knees and facing him this time.

While Jim was gone, the sound of his peeing clear from the bathroom, Philip moved Patty up so he could lick and suck her dangling breasts. I knew she loved that and did some variety of it when we made love regularly. Her nipples have always been almost as sensitive as her clit so she was wet and ready when Jim came back out and Philip guided her back down toward his hard cock. It wasn't purple headed with need this time, but it was certainly as ready as any I'd seen as I helped guide it into place.

Jim sat on the other side of the bed from me and watched as Philip guided his massive cock into her until their bodies were tight together. She was ready to go and tried hard to pump onto him. But, as he could do so well, he held her hips tight to him.

"Okay, Jim," he said.

I watched Jim open the tube of KY jelly and stick the tip into her ass as I'd hoped he would. He squeezed and then, with a little artist touch, pulled it out and decorated the outside of the little pucker.

"W-what are you doing?" Patty said, looking over her shoulder at him. She gasped as he drew little circles and lines on his hard cock and carefully put the lid back on the tube, letting her anticipate to the fullest.

Patty and I had fucked this way several times. A kind of special treat for me once or twice a year. The first time, she'd hated it because she said it hurt. The next time, she was more relaxed and the experience was more pleasant. Since, she'd seemed to enjoy it more each time but said she still preferred it in her pussy, even though I tried hard to rub her clit and nipples as we did it so she would always orgasm.

Of course, she'd never done this and Jim is bigger than I am to boot.

"We voted," Jim said. "And agreed that the racehorse there is too much for a first time. So I get the honors."

"W-wait," Patty said. "I've never ..."

"Of course you haven't. You've only been with one other guy. It's hard to do this by yourself."

He got on his knees behind her and carefully guided the head to her little pucker. She made faces and anticipated the worst, I'm sure.

"She just needs a little distraction," I suggested and reached between her and Philip. She saw what I intended and lifted enough that her breasts just touched Philip's chest, the nipples tickled by his chest hair. I gently rolled her nipple and she licked her lips as she watched me do it. As she started enjoying it, Jim took the opportunity to press forward a little and she immediately cringed and tensed up all over again. He shook his head no.

"Okay then. On three." I saw the guys understood and maybe Patty didn't. "One. Two. Three." I pinched her nipple hard and she gasped and threw her head back. Philip held her hips down hard and Jim pressed forward into her. She yipped as if she'd just been smacked with a newspaper.

"Ahhh ahhh ahhh," she gasped. "Big. Oh. Oh."

"Not too painful," Jim said considerately as she panted. It took several big breaths before she seemed to relax again.

"No. Not too ... ahhhhhh," she said again as he pressed forward again. I knew exactly what that felt like.

"Act like you're trying to take a shit. Try to get him out of you," I advised. It was the way I'd done it finally.

She crinkled her face with effort and Jim pressed forward into her. It worked and by the time she had to come up for air, he was pressed hard against her little tight ass.

"Oh," she said, collapsing against Philip's chest and trapping my hand on her breast. "It's like this for you every time?" she asked, looking at me. I shook my head.

"Just the first time. Then it was easy and now it's wonderful." I thought about it. "Really, even the first time was great after the first few seconds."

"Did you have one of these horses in each side," she groaned. I laughed. I wished. "S-so what now?"

They showed her as Jim slowly moved back out of her, Philip holding her hips to him still, and then back in again. This time she had her head back and a smile. I wasn't going to break the mood by saying anything more. After he done that half a dozen times, she was licking her lips and trying to hump her hips up to him with the strokes. I didn't think it hurt any more.

Philip started moving her up his long pole then and, as Jim continued to gently pump her ass, pulled her back tight against him.

After a few of those, her hips were vibrating with her excitement. Feeling her readiness, they started a concerted motion with Philip guiding her off him as Jim smoothly glided in. She caught the rhythm quickly and was moving her hips up and down them as if they were attached somewhere inside her.

She groaned when Jim changed the pace by following her down onto Philip so they were both deeply buried in her again, then moved out of her as she moved back off Philip. When they were barely poised at her openings, she squeaked again with the near loss. They tortured her there, almost ready to fall out of her, as her body tried to recapture first one and then the other, threatening disaster with each direction of her pelvis. When she squealed her displeasure wordlessly, they both sank into her all the way and pulled a completely satisfied moan from her.

Chuckling mischievously to each other, they did that again and again to her until she finally begged.

"Oh please. Oh please. Don't ... don't tease me. Please. Fuck me. Fuck me. Oh please fuck me."

That's when they pulled out the stops and dove into her, back out immediately to the tips and back in completely. Again, she was screaming with her orgasms for a very long time before Jim grunted with his discharge and set Philip off almost simultaneously.

She writhed between their spent bodies as her tremendous pleasure slowly subsided. It hadn't been the screamingly wild orgasms of the first time. But, she said, it was still unbelievable.

We rested again then and even had drinks while we talked and smoked cigarettes. We played with icecubes from the drinks in belly buttons and nipples and clits and balls.

The guys decided it was time for us to get out of our nylons and garter belts then and the two of them sucked on Patty's toes while I absently played with her nipples.

Patty watched, close up, as Philip fucked me and Jim fucked my mouth. She could hardly wait for them to get hard again so they could do the same thing to her. We spent an enjoyable and loving half hour in the shower while we waited.

We even watched Patty pee since none of the rest of us could do it quite the same way, and got her to stand and point it like we did with mixed success but a lot of laughter.

Having Philip in her ass was almost as much a trial as the first time with Jim. The only exceptions were that she'd learned my tricks of relaxing to it and she knew that, once she got used to it, she'd love it.

A little later, we watched the sun come up from a magnificent balcony, all in the nude, and I demonstrated my prowess by sucking Philip's massive dick all the way into my throat. Patty could hardly wait to try it too and took over to take the load he provided.

Since the night was already shot, we all dressed casually and went down for breakfast in the hotel coffee shop, eating ravenously like we hadn't eaten in weeks.

Back in the room, we returned to the big bed but were all quickly asleep.

We woke late that afternoon, took two showers -- Jim and I, Patty and Philip.

The rest of the weekend, we spent going to a show, great meals, and multiple orgasms. Monday morning, Philip and I left my wife in Jim's capable hands to go to our jobs but met again for dinner and another pleasant but relatively early night.

Tuesday was a repeat except that the guys took us shopping after dinner and bought both of us a half dozen of the sexiest outfits we've ever owned.

I was having marvelous success with my contacts. I think it was because of my upbeat attitude and confidence. I had a pile of orders and had contacted everyone by Thursday evening. Philip took a vacation day, and drove us all up into the woods where, togged out in new short shorts and half tees, Patty and I got laid. Surprise surprise.

Saturday, we had the full tour of the city from the insider perspective that the guys could provide. Then a fantastic dinner, dancing, and a repeat night of love play that left us exhausted and sleeping on the airplane home. That's the first time I've worn a dress on the airplane and the first time I kissed a guy passionately in the airport waiting area.

Winnie, surprised to see me dressed as I was, met the airplane even though we had our own car. I drove home alone (not a big problem since it was pretty close) and found them in bed when I got there.

Patty looked up at me from between her wide spread legs as I carried the bags into the room.

"Oh. Mike. You're home early," she said with a twinkling smile that scared hell out of Winnie for some reason. "Why don't you take off your dress and fuck my girlfriend, Winnie?"

Winnie was still looking back and forth from one of us to the other as I slid into her pussy and Patty started sucking her clit.

It took a little bit to explain everything to her.

Two full days actually.

It's amazing how many variations three girls can come up with.

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